comp541 more on verilog; debouncing switches

1 COMP541 COMP541 More on Verilog; More on Verilog; Debouncing switches Debouncing switches Montek Singh Montek Singh Feb 15, 2012 Feb 15, 2012

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COMP541 More on Verilog; Debouncing switches. Montek Singh Feb 15, 2012. First Topic. More Verilog…. Hierarchy. Always make your design modular easier to read and debug easier to reuse before you write even one line of Verilog… …draw a picture black boxes boxes within boxes. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: COMP541 More on Verilog; Debouncing switches



More on Verilog;More on Verilog;Debouncing switchesDebouncing switches

Montek SinghMontek Singh

Feb 15, 2012Feb 15, 2012

Page 2: COMP541 More on Verilog; Debouncing switches

First TopicFirst Topic More Verilog…More Verilog…


Page 3: COMP541 More on Verilog; Debouncing switches

HierarchyHierarchy AlwaysAlways make your make your

design modulardesign modular easier to read and debugeasier to read and debug easier to reuseeasier to reuse

before you write even one before you write even one line of Verilog…line of Verilog…

……draw a picturedraw a picture– black boxesblack boxes– boxes within boxesboxes within boxes


module inv(input a,module inv(input a, output y);output y); assign y = ~a;assign y = ~a;endmoduleendmodule

module and3(input a, b, module and3(input a, b, c, output y);c, output y);

assign y = a & b & c;assign y = a & b & c;endmoduleendmodule

module nand3(input a, b, c output y); wire n1; // internal signal

and3 andgate(a, b, c, n1); // instance of and3 inv inverter(n1, y); // instance of inverterendmodule

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Internal VariablesInternal Variables Internals = those that are not inputs/outputsInternals = those that are not inputs/outputs

declare them as declare them as wirewire or or regregdepending on whether they are combinational or state depending on whether they are combinational or state



g s

un1_cout cout





module fulladder(input a, b, cin, output s, cout); wire p, g; // internal

assign p = a ^ b; assign g = a & b; assign s = p ^ cin; assign cout = g | (p & cin);endmodule

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Bitwise Operators (we have used)Bitwise Operators (we have used)module gates(input [3:0] a, b, output [3:0] y1, y2, y3, y4, y5);

assign y1 = a & b; // AND assign y2 = a | b; // OR assign y3 = a ^ b; // XOR assign y4 = ~(a & b); // NAND assign y5 = ~(a | b); // NORendmodule

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// single line comment/*…*/ multiline comment

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Reduction Operators (&)Reduction Operators (&)module and8(input [7:0] a, module and8(input [7:0] a, output y);output y);

assign y = &a;assign y = &a;

// &a is much easier to write than// &a is much easier to write than // assign y = a[7] & a[6] & a[5] & a[4] &// assign y = a[7] & a[6] & a[5] & a[4] & // a[3] & a[2] & a[1] & a[0];// a[3] & a[2] & a[1] & a[0];endmoduleendmodule

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Reduction Operators (|, ~|, ~&, ^, ~^, Reduction Operators (|, ~|, ~&, ^, ~^, ^~)^~) Several others (see online reference)Several others (see online reference)

| = OR all the bits together| = OR all the bits together ~| = NOR all the bits together~| = NOR all the bits together ~& = NAND all the bits together~& = NAND all the bits together ^ = XOR all the bits together^ = XOR all the bits together ~^, ^~ = XNOR all the bits together~^, ^~ = XNOR all the bits together

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Operator PrecedenceOperator Precedence


*, /, % mult, div, mod+, - add,sub<<, >> shift<<<, >>> arithmetic shift<, <=, >, >= comparison==, != equal, not equal&, ~& AND, NAND^, ~^ XOR, XNOR|, ~| OR, XOR?: ternary operator



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NumbersNumbers Format: Format: N’BvalueN’Bvalue

N = number of bits, B = baseN = number of bits, B = base N’B is optional but recommended (default is decimal)N’B is optional but recommended (default is decimal) whenever in doubt, specify the # of bitswhenever in doubt, specify the # of bits

Number # Bits Base Decimal Equivalent

Value Stored

3’b101 3 binary 5 101

’b11 unsized binary 3 00…00118’b11 8 binary 3 000000118’b1010_1011 8 binary 171 101010113’d6 3 decimal 6 1106’o42 6 octal 34 1000108’hAB 8 hexadecimal 171 1010101142 Unsized decimal 42 00…0101010

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Bit Manipulations: splitting bits Bit Manipulations: splitting bits offoff

module mux2_8(input [7:0] d0, d1,module mux2_8(input [7:0] d0, d1, input s,input s, output [7:0] y);output [7:0] y);

mux2 lsbmux(d0[3:0], d1[3:0], s, y[3:0]);mux2 lsbmux(d0[3:0], d1[3:0], s, y[3:0]); mux2 msbmux(d0[7:4], d1[7:4], s, y[7:4]);mux2 msbmux(d0[7:4], d1[7:4], s, y[7:4]);endmoduleendmodule







d1[7:0] [7:0]

d0[7:0] [7:0]

s[3:0] d0[3:0][3:0] d1[3:0]


s[7:4] d0[3:0][7:4] d1[3:0]




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Bit Manipulations: packing bitsBit Manipulations: packing bitsassign y = {a[2:1], {3{b[0]}}, a[0], 6’b100_010};

// if y is a 12-bit signal, the above statement produces:y = a[2] a[1] b[0] b[0] b[0] a[0] 1 0 0 0 1 0

// underscores (_) are used for formatting only to make it easier to read. Verilog ignores them.

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Debouncing switchesDebouncing switches

What is switch bounce?What is switch bounce?Let’s solve it in class!Let’s solve it in class!


Page 14: COMP541 More on Verilog; Debouncing switches

Switch bounceSwitch bounce Switches bounce or “chatter”Switches bounce or “chatter”

each press/release can bounce hundreds of times!each press/release can bounce hundreds of times! Let’s design a chatter-free switch for Friday’s Let’s design a chatter-free switch for Friday’s



Page 15: COMP541 More on Verilog; Debouncing switches

Lab Preview: Buttons and Lab Preview: Buttons and DebouncingDebouncing Mechanical switches Mechanical switches

“bounce”“bounce” vibrations cause them to go to vibrations cause them to go to

1 and 0 a number of times1 and 0 a number of timescalled “chatter”called “chatter”

hundredshundreds of times! of times!

We want to do 2 things:We want to do 2 things: ““DebounceDebounce””: : Any ideas?Any ideas? Synchronize with clockSynchronize with clock

i.e., only need to look at it at the i.e., only need to look at it at the next +ve edge of clocknext +ve edge of clock
