company magazine deconstruction


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deconstruction of company magazine, Ferne Cotton cover October 2012.


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MASTHEADCompany magazine has a constant theme in regards to their mastheads, they always maintain the same font style but adapt the colours to suit the cover image or theme. We can see here that the use of the purple pink colour links well with the use of the flowers, and dark grey background. The dark purple colouring also links with darker tones of autumn as this is Companies October 2012 cover. The colour is dark which contrasts well with the frequent use of a white font on the cover stories. VOUCHER

It is a convention of fashion magazines to offer a voucher for a popular fashion outlet or a competition that allows them to win something fashion related such as a shopping spree or a free voucher. Using river island is good because they often take the lead for autumn fashion as that’s what they do best and the audience will appreciate the money off.

MAIN COVER IMAGEThe cover image shows popular TV personality and Radio one DJ Ferne Cotton who is also constantly credited for her amazing sense of fashion. Her pose is very fierce and she is making direct eye contact with the readers and drawing them in. Her outfit is also very fitted to the time of the year as she is wearing a big fluffy jacket and heel boots. They are also very fashionable and suit well to the colour theme of the cover as the grey/brown jacket matches the grey background and contrasts from the masthead and flower decorations.

DECORATIONSThe flowers add originality to the magazine and make it stand out from all others of the same genre. They represent the quirky tone of the cover and make it more eye catching and fun. The colours of the flowers also match the masthead.

COVER STORYThe cover story relates well to the target audience and they may also be recent graduates. It also shows how the magazine is keeping up to date with fashion as they are working with the future of fashion.

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IMAGES FROM INSIDE THE MAGAZINE. These two images have inspired me a lot because of their simplicity. In my opinion fashion magazines often over do photos with wild backgrounds etc and I like how company focuses on the model and the outfits they are wearing. This is a re occurring theme for them and they utilise the grey background as their own individual style which sets them apart from competitors. Rather than going all out they have took the less is more approach and I feel that they have achieved their goal very well. The outfits are also fitting for the autumn edition because they look more suited to the season with the use of vintage floral patterns which has been a reoccurring trend over the last few autumn seasons. Ferne cotton also has her own individual style which is portrayed on these images, this shows how company respects peoples individualities and own personal styles. By removing any background competition the clothing stands out more and emphasis is placed on them and the model rather than the surroundings. The poses are also very important because they compliment the clothing, both show clearly the shoes being warn and neither hide the dresses they help to extenuates them. 

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These are examples of 4 inside pages of companies October 2013 edition. One trend you can see throughout is the use of a plain white background which allows them to highlight the clothing/accessories. By removing background images they allow the focus to be on the fashion and the trends they are trying to express. I also like how they haven't tried to over board us with images of models and instead have took simple images of the items, which allows them to space out the images while using more than would have been previously possible. My favourite of the 4 is the 'Candy Coated' page because I think it is very aesthetically pleasing, the theme is very well links with the overall genre of the magazine and they have played around with the colour theme to make the page more interesting without over cluttering it. They have also used a very stead colour theme throughout the page to keep it constantly linked and place emphasis on the fact that browns and peaches are on trend this season. They also use constant colours throughout the pages that compliment each other so that it is easy on the eye.