company profile mn comunicação

Company Profile Brand. Marketing. Social Media.

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Post on 02-Jul-2015




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Company profile MN Comunicação, a communication and marketing company with real experience.


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Company ProfileBrand. Marketing. Social Media.

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Welcome to MN, a communication and marketing company with real experience. Branding is not just about a pretty logo or a nice business card... is much more than that. We create a memorable brand experience in the eyes of the consumer.

MN Comunicação is the ideal partner to ensure the safety of your brand.

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Enable several teamsEnable several teams of people to create integrated communications vehicles.

Help your messagesHelp your messages rise above the din of the marketplace and consistently resonate with their audiences.

Give your better resultsGive your better results for your expenditures of time and money.

Keep your companyKeep your company speaking with one voice across a large number of products, regions and customer interactions.


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BRAND Four crucial questions

1. Be Authentic - In a few words, answer the question “what do I stand for?”.2. Be Difficult to Copy - Your identity needs to be differentiated in some way from others. 3. Be Present - This can be extremely time consuming. Be as visible as you could be on social networks (Linked In, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram).4. Be Consistent - it means that your brand needs to be the same across social media, print media and all of your communication. A goal is to build trust across audi-ences and the key to this is consistency of message.

MARKETING Marketing Trends

Content Marketing Will Be Bigger Than Ever When deciding which plat-forms to invest in, it’s im-portant to determine where your target market is active and also which ones of your competitors are using suc-cessfully. Less Will be More. Mobile-Friendly Content. Ad Retargeting Will Grow in terms of Effectiveness.

SOCIAL MEDIA Social Media Trends

Investment in Social Media will become a real need, not a Luxury. Image-centric social networks like Pinterest, Instagram and Snapchat may not be serious competition for Facebook, but they continue to draw in a loyal user-base and that may ultimately be the key to their success | LinkedIn Will Become a Major Player for B2B Business Growth.

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I started my career at the journalism. At that time I was a dreamer and thought that I could save the world. My first job was the launch of a national magazine and there I concluded that what I really wanted was communication and marketing, not journalism.

I was introduced to their graphic design and to digi-tal tools they used to create the magazine. After that experience I could not wait any longer and I decided to take a degree in digital arts. It was the best decision I ever made...

Now I do what I want, I drive my own destiny and my dear team. At MN Comunicação managing brands is our core.


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Mi pasión por el marketing fue como un amor a primera vista, algo totalmente inesperado.

Entré en el mundo del marketing por casualidad y poco a poco me di cuenta de que ese era mi camino.

A lo largo de los años, he pasado por varias experiencias profesionales que me han brindado la oportunidad de mejorar mis capacidades, principalmente en el ámbito de la comunicación y la negociación.

Sin embargo, ninguna de ellas me aportaba lo que realmente quería: un contacto directo con el marketing. Por ello decidí luchar por hacer realidad mi verdadero sueño y lo conseguí... una empresa que supera mis expectativas todos los días.


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O design para mim não é uma mera ocupação, é uma paixão que alimento com o sucesso conseguido com inúmeros projetos de marcas e empresas que superaram os seus desafios.

Cada trabalho é diferente e único! Por isso, a atenção aos pormenores e a criação de uma imagem são os fatores que me diferenciam.

Sou muitas coisas a tempo inteiro: dona de uma considerável coleção de mochos, apreciadora de um bom Gin, pessoa que não diz que não a um chocolate, devoradora de livros... Pequenos prazeres que me inspiram a levar sempre uma vida criativa.

Eu sou a Cláudia e acredito que nada surge por acaso!


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Our process is simple: We listen. We clarify. We plan. We create. We cultivate. You got an idea? Contact us. We translate it to reality.

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Rua do IDIT - Espargo 4520-102 Sta. Maria da Feira tel 256 338 059 / fax 256 370 110

Centro de Negocios Ursaria C/ Rep. Argentina, 25 2.º izqda (Vigo-36201) España

mn comunicação - Portugal mn comunicação - Spain