company report of partex star group, bangladesh

NORTH SOUTH UNIVERSITY Company Report Partex Star Group Submitted to: Shahedul Alam (Shl) 3/8/2015 Mgt489-su15-sec6-group-4-comp-rep-Partexstargroup Page 1 Course: Mgt 489 Section: 6

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This is a detailed description of company profile for Partex Star group


Page 1: Company report of Partex Star Group, Bangladesh

north south university

Company Report

Partex Star Group

Submitted to: Shahedul Alam (Shl)


Mgt489-su15-sec6-group-4-comp-rep-Partexstargroup Page 1

Course: Mgt 489

Section: 6

Page 2: Company report of Partex Star Group, Bangladesh

Executive SummaryPartex Star Group is a local company which is very diversified and holds many different business

units. The company is considered as one of the largest conglomerates in the local market. Since

its inception in 1962 the company has only seen positive growth and feedback from its

customers. Since it is a local company there is not much activity in the international market

other than its sister concern’s holding international franchises. The company’s headquarter is in

Dhaka and has factories in Narayangonj and Gazipur, Bangladesh. The company faces various

types of strategic issues however, the most impending ones are the political crisis, cost of raw

materials, organizational changes and strategic alliances. All these issues have made making

strategies for the company very hard, however, according to the interview the respondent has

said the company is overcoming these issues and trying to work towards a more cohesive

business mode. Later part of the report discusses how porters five forces is used in the business

to help analyze the company’s strategies and operation. For example, the company does face

fierce competition however, due to its strategic alliance with Star Ship Condensed Milk the level

of competition is currently being controlled. On the other hand the bargaining power of the

supplier and the buyer are both very low when compared to Partex Star Group. There is less

threat to new entrant because the market is highly saturated and the companies dominate the

market completely making it rather hard for new companies to enter. Furthermore, all the

companies in the market are already enjoying economies of scale hence new entrants cannot

compete. Lastly, the threat of substitute is low for Danish condensed milk since the consumers

develop a taste for it which cannot be changed easily,

on the other hand there is threat of substitute for the

consumer durable goods such as doors and furniture.

Lastly we discussed about the business model of

Danish Condensed Milk using the business canvas


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Done By: Group 4Fahima Ayesha Choudhury 1210030030Zareen Tasnim Lazima 1210828030Ashik Mahmood Andalib 1110448030Mohammad Atikul Haque 1110244030Saiful Alam Sunny 1110507030Hamida Kaus Prianka 1110517030

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Table of ContentIntroduction 4

Overview of the Global Operations and Structure of the Firm 5

Strategic Issues Facing the Firm 6

Analysis 8

Business Model for One Product 11

Conclusions 16

References 18

Research Method 19

Formal Thank You Letter 20

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IntroductionPartex Star Group is one of the largest Bangladeshi diversified private sector enterprises. The

Group, the then Partex Group, started its journey in 1962, with the torchbearer, Mr. M.A.

Hashem, the founder Chairman of the then Partex Group, an eminent industrialist of the


Although the company initially held all the business units however, in the recent times the

company has broken in separate companies such as Partex Star Group, Partex Beverage and

Partex Plastic, there are other smaller sisters concerns of the company as well which are all

family owned by the founding chairman’s children

Partex Star Group owns and successfully operates twenty manufacturing, service and trading

concerns delivering best values to customers through its products and services. The business

primarily exists in two different areas – consumer durables like different types of

boards(particle board, veneer board, melamine faced chip board, plywood, PVC sheet) doors

and door frames & furniture to FMCG like dairy products, cookies, spices, etc.

The human resource team is very hard working and tries to enriched customer experience

through a top-to-bottom focus on excellence in execution. The company maintains quality at

every step of the way starting from the production system to the hiring of new employees,

selecting distribution channel and showrooms the company tries to make their product as

easily and readily available to the consumer as possible..

A motivated work force, management and committed board members led by the Partex Star

Group Chairperson and backed by a market oriented corporate strategy has been the

cornerstone of the group’s success.

1, (2014). Partex Star Group Corporate. [online] Available at:

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Overview of Global Operation and Structure

Relative SizeThe company is considered one of the largest local conglomerates In Bangladesh2 holding over 17

different types of product line under the name and two different division which are consumer durable

goods and FMCG products. The company’s net worth is considered to be BDT 7,500 which is very large

by itself.

Location of Head Quarter

The head quarter is located in Dhaka and the detailed address of the head office is mentioned

below along with the phone number

Address: Shanta Western Tower (13th Floor), 186 Bir Uttam Mir Shawkat Sarak, Dhaka 1208


Geographic Area of Operations

The company operates in 34 different districts3 through its various distributors. The factories

are located in different regions such as Narayangonj, Bangladesh and Gazipur, Bangladesh.

Through its extensive distribution network the company is able to serve maximum number of

customers when compared to its fellow competitors. On the other hand since the factories for

the company is located near Dhaka city its makes it very easy for the management team to

control and monitors the production process.

Global strategy

The company is not currently thinking of expanding into the international market as it believes that

there is still scope of expansion in the local market. Furthermore, the company lacks expertise in global 2 Wikipedia, (2015). Partex Group. [online] Available at: CRAB, (2013). Credit Rating Report: Danish Condensed Milk. Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh.

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strategy which has stopped the company from going into the global market. Although its products are

not sold in the international market, however the company’s sister concern does hold franchise of

international brands such as R.C Cola. The product is very popular in the rural areas of Bangladesh which

has helped its sister concern to continue its production process.

Role of Bangladeshi Unit

The company only produces and sells in the local market hence, the Bangladeshi unit is very important

for the firm, without it the company would not be existing. Since there is no international unit for the

firm there is not much to differentiate rather we can discuss about the role of the company in


The company holds an important role in the economy since it employs a large number of people and is

considered as one of the largest conglomerates of Bangladesh. The two main divisions are FMCG goods

and consumer durable goods which both have very established products such as Partex Boards and

furniture and Danish Condensed Milk. Danish Condensed Milk was the pioneer in the condensed milk

production in Bangladesh, hence making it an important part of the economy in Bangladesh. Also

according to consumer preference Danish is considered to be the most preferred condensed milk in


Strategic Issues facing the FirmThere are sever strategic issues the firm faces among them some of the prominent ones are discussed, they are: Political crisis, cost of raw materials, strategic alliance, organizational change

Political crisisBangladesh has been going through a very unstable political condition due to the regular strikes which are often very violent. According to BSS data from the year 1996-2000 the average loss of GDP is 4.5% in recent times the situation was worsened since our economy losses around $2.2 billion in just 3 month in the year 20155. The overall loss in the economy is so large, so we can assume that all the businesses especially the ones that are highly involved have had great losses as well. During the interview the general manager of the company mentioned that the company did face a lot of loss due to delayed

4 Mila, F. and Raha, S. (2013). Consumers’ preferences for processed milk – A study in Mymensingh town. Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University, 10(2).5, (2015). Political turmoil cost BD $2.2 billion in 3 months. [online] Available at: :

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delivery of goods and fall in sales since there were fewer customers. All these together meant that the company has problems creating its strategies thus creating strategic issues.

Cost of raw materials

Overall there is a rise in general commodity in Bangladesh, this is also due to the fact that the cost of raw materials for the firms are increasing hence they are charging higher prices for the same goods. The companies are facing trouble maintaining the cost of raw materials because not only local producers are increasing the cost of the inputs but also the foreign sellers are increasing their prices thus the overall input price is increasing. Furthermore, due to the political crisis in Bangladesh many of the raw materials are not being delivered on time hence, the perishable items are rotting on the streets before reaching the factories6. This has overall increased the cost of raw materials because the wastage has increased. The same issue had been discussed by the manager of the company when we were conducting the interview with him.

Strategic AllianceStrategic alliance is an agreement between two firms to pursue and agreed set of objectives. In case of Partex Star Group, the company has a division which is the FMCG products. Under FMCG products the company sells Danish Condensed Milk, this is the product that is facing problems with strategic alliance. The company had a strategic alliance with Star Ship Condensed Milk were they agreed not to create unfair competition on each other. Although this was the case however, the other company is facing trouble keeping up with the agreement since several times Star Ship Condensed Milk has broken the strategic alliance and charged lower wholesale price to take away the market share of Danish Condensed Milk. Although there is tension created due to this unfair practice, however the two companies still have the strategic alliance and trying to work through the agreement to help benefit both the companies.

Organizational ChangesThe company was created 1962 and since then the company was considered one whole company regardless of how many different division it help. Due to recent conflict between the directors of the company, the overall company is now being broken in several different companies. Due to the breaking of the company there is a massive organizational change that is coming through which is also creating trouble and thus being a strategic issue for the company. Furthermore, the organizational culture is also changing due to the changes in hierarchy which

6 Hasnat, A. and Karmokar, S. (2015). Business losing to unrest. Prothom Alo. [online] Available at:

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is also a problem for the employees since, it is rather different as compared to what it previously used to be. The person we had interviewed had said the office does not feel the same as it used to be since it is rather difficult to predict as to what the next strategy of the company will be as it no longer operate in the same manner it used to.

AnalysisWe will be analyzing the strategies and operations of Partex Star Group using the porter’s five forces model. We will be focusing on the FMCG division specially Danish Condensed Milk

Rivalry Among existing competitorsThere is severe competition between the existing competitors when it comes to condensed milk

market. The existing competitors of Danish condensed milk is Star Ship condensed milk, Fresh

condensed Milk, Goalini condensed milk and No.1 condensed milk7 and etc. Since all these

companies produce in bulk there is always a price war going on between the companies so that

they can gather as much market share as possible. Some of the companies have created

strategic alliance so help with the rigorous competition, however, many companies fall short

when it comes to obliging to the agreements. Danish condensed milk has significant portion of

the market share, since according to the general manager Danish condensed milk is currently

the market leader followed by Star Ship condensed milk. The competition is so fierce that the

companies even sometime stoop down to unethical measures to be more competitive

compared to their competitors. For example some companies use raw materials that are cheap

to use however very harmful to the consumers’ health to reduce the cost of production.

Danish condensed milk does to export their products abroad hence there is not much

competition they face when it comes to international market. Furthermore, most of the

condensed milk producers are also local companies hence, the companies are at least

safeguarded against foreign competition. Even if there were new foreign entrants into the

market, Danish believes that the foreign companies would not be able to take much of their

7 Chowdhury, K. (2014). Saga of so-called condensed milk. Dhaka Tribune. [online] Available at:

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market share since they also hold a loyal customer base who will not switch. Therefore, overall

it can be concluded that although there is high rivalry in the market however, each company

does have its designated loyal customers who do not switch hence allowing the companies to

survive the competition.

Bargaining power of the buyerCondensed milk is bought both by wholesaler and retailers. The wholesaler usually supply to

tea stalls who use condensed milk for making milk tea. Retailers on the other hand sell in single

units to general customers. The main buyers of Danish condensed milk are the tea stall owners

since they are the one who buy regularly. In terms of bargaining power of the buyer, there is a

lack in bargaining power due to the sheer size of company holding Danish condensed milk being

so big that small tea stall vendor cannot have high bargaining power. An example of how strong

the bargaining power of Danish condensed milk is that there is zero credit policy and the tea

stall vendor oblige by the policy even if they have cash crisis. There is no exceptions made by

the company regardless of the situation. The buyers of the product are quite price sensitive

however, they are also very loyal since they have a distinct taste requirement. Due to these

reasons together, the bargaining power of the buyer is low of Danish Condensed Milk.

Bargaining power of the supplierSimilar to the bargaining power of the buyer the bargaining power of the supplier is low when it

comes to the company. Partex Star Group is a large company who tend to buy is bulk and have

substantial influence on their suppliers therefore reducing the bargaining power of the supplier.

The company has its own dairy farm for production of milk for the condensed milk hence there

is no question of having bargaining power of the supplier for the unit. The other materials

required for production of condensed milk are either imported from India New Zealand and


8 CRAB, (2013). Credit Rating Report: Danish Condensed Milk. Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh.

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Threat of new entrantCondensed milk production has a highly capital intensive production process9 . The case is

similar in Bangladesh, due to this reason there is less threat of new entrant in the industry. In

the last 5 years there has been no new entrant in the market showing that the number of

competitors entering the market is very low. There is reduction in threat of new entrant due to

the economies of scale all the existing companies have. The new entrants need to extremely

large in order to compete at the same scale as Danish Condensed Milk. Danish produces 220

metric ton of condensed milk every day and is running at a capacity of 77.3%10. Due to the

massive size of the production process new entrants are either blocked from entering or they

are too scared to enter the market since they believe they cannot survive with the large

companies, not just Danish itself. Another reason the threat of new entrant is reduced is due to

the first mover advantage the existing companies hold. As discussed before the companies have

a loyal customer base who do not enjoy switching their condensed milk. Due to this reason new

entrants know they cannot operate in such a saturated market hence, do not enter the market

all together.

Threat of substituteThere are several substitute of condensed milk for example milk and cream of coconut11.

Although cream of coconut is not as popular in Bangladesh compared to abroad, however, milk

is a very close substitute in Bangladeshi context. Since condensed milk is mostly used for

making tea in Bangladesh many tea stall vendors usually opt for using milk instead of

condensed milk since it is less harmful for the health of the consumers. Although it is a close

substitute however, there is distinct difference in taste since, condensed milk has a stronger

taste than milk and some consumer do not prefer anything other than condensed milk when it

comes to their milk tea. Furthermore, condensed milk is actually cheaper than using milk hence

9, (2015). How evaporated and condensed milk is made - manufacture, making, history, used, processing, composition, steps, product, industry, History. [online] Available at: ibid11 Fleming, A. (2012). How to Substitute Condensed Milk (Buttermilk, Evaporated, Sweetened). [online] Go Dairy Free. Available at:

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to reduce the cost of production for the tea stalls the shop owners prefer using condensed milk.

Therefore, overall although there is evident threat of substitute of condensed milk such as milk

however, due to the distinct taste condense milk provides and the cost of it the threat is rather

reduced significantly.

For consumer durable goods there is threat of substitute since many new types of doors are

available such as plastic doors and furniture, which has become a concerning matter for the


Business Model for one productFor the purpose of this report we will be focusing on the product Danish Condensed Milk, which

is currently the cash cow for Partex Star Group. The product was first launched in the year 1991

which was the first condensed milk production process in Bangladesh12. Since its inception the

product has been growing in popularity and is considered to be the market leader. In order to

analyze the business model of Danish Condensed Milk we will be following the ‘Business Canvas

Model’. The details have been discussed below.

Key Partner

The key partners are those members that heavily influence the business process for a particular

product. In case of Danish Condensed Milk the key partners as per the general manager are the

following: supplier of raw materials such as milk and additives that are required for production

process. The milk that they receive is mostly from our own farm, however due to the high

volume of production the company needs to source from outside suppliers as well. The next

most important component for production is the additives that help increase the self-life of the

product and make the product, these products come from various countries. Hence the

suppliers of those additives are considered their key partners as well. Then comes the

12, (2014). Partex Star Group Corporate. [online] Available at:

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distributors of the product, the company boosts on having the largest distribution network

when it comes to condensed milk, therefore making the distributors a key partner

Other than the supplier and distributors, another key player for Danish Condensed Milk is the

Star Ship Condensed Milk. Since they hold a strategic alliance with each other they are a key

partner when it comes to making any decision and influences the business model.

Key Activities

There are several key activities of Danish Condensed Milk, however the ones worthy of

mentioning is the production process of the company. The company produces 220 metric ton of

condensed milk a day13 which means production is a very important activity for the company. In

the production system they company mainly focuses of the production planning and control.

Since they produce is such large amounts it is very important to maintain the two components

for smooth daily production. Another important part of the production process is selecting the

right production capacity in case of Danish Condensed Milk they chose it to be 77.3%14 which is

pretty high in terms of utilization of resources. Production in this capacity allows the company

to not only make large profit but also avoid diseconomies of scale.

Another key activity for Danish is the marketing and sales activities, the company sells in bulk

throughout the year due to the high demand hence maintaining the marketing and sales

activities are also considered to be very important for the survival of the company. Building

strategies as to how to market their products has been the most challenging component as per

the general manager. Since the market is very saturated, it is hard to bring out a different

marketing promotion that will attract people towards the product, however, through a recent

TVC the company has been able attract the consumers considerably.

Value PropositionDanish strives to provide as much value to their customers as possible through various activities

the company gets involved in. The most prominent value proposition the company believes it

13 ibid14 ibid

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provides to their customer is the brand value. Danish has established a good brand value

among its customer. Many think the product is of superior quality hence feel like the product

holds more value when compared to the fellow competitors.

Another value the company tries to provide to their customer is performance, since large

number of their buyers are tea stall vendors it is very important for the vendors to get the most

out of a can of condensed milk. Danish believes it can provide performance by making the

highest number of cups of tea just from one can. This is because the product is of superior

quality and little is required to make a good quality tea.

Lastly, the company believes it also provides high level of convenience to its customers through

its vast distribution network. The product is highly available hence the customers do not have

to look rigorously to find the product. It is very convenient for both the single buyer such as

regular customers to find a can of Danish condensed milk in their nearby shop as bulk buyers

due to the well managed distribution network.

Key resourcesThe key resources for the company are the physical resources which are the equipment and

machinery that is used for the production process. Since production of condensed milk is highly

capitalized these machineries are considered to be highly valued resources by the company.

Due to holding these resources the company is able to operate in the market as the

machineries are very expensive.

Financial resources are also a key resource for Danish condensed milk. The holding company of

Danish condensed milk has great financial backup which allows Danish to at times even operate

in losses without having to go out of the market. The holding company’s net worth in year 2000

Tk. 7,500 million15 and it has grown exponentially since then. Due to the financial resources

available to the company the product can go for expansion at ease without being constrained

by lack of financial back up. Lastly, due to the back up the company is also able to maintain its

human resources very well which is another key resource for the survival of the product. 15, (2000). Partex Group - A prominent company in Bangladesh. [online] Available at:

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Human resources are key resources for any company since it is the foundation which helps

company to survive. According to the general manager of the company has highly dedicated

and motivated employees who help make the company as successful as it is. Without the help

of the employee the company would not be able to operate at all, hence it is considered as a

valued resource for the company.

Customer RelationshipCustomer relationship is very important for Danish condensed milk because currently the

market is highly saturated hence losing any customer can be very harmful for the future of the

company. In order to acquire new customers the company constantly markets its product to

potential customers through television and social media. Another component of customer

relationship is to retain the existing customers in order to do that the company tries to

differentiate its users from other condensed milk user thus making branding their customer

base. By doing so the company makes its customers feel like they are doing something right by

purchasing their product. Furthermore, for large buyer the company often gives discounts to

help motivate and reward for being with the company.

ChannelsThe company is very particular about its channel of distribution because the company believes

it is one of the value propositions for the company. The company is able to earn better revenue

because of its extensive channel of distribution. The company has 395 distributors cover 34

districts16 which is very high compared to their fellow competitors. Because the company has

such an extensive channel of distribution it is able to meet the customer demands and maintain

the customer relationship, thus making this a very important part of their business canvas


Customer SegmentThe company currently serves in the mass market segment because it tries to appeal the needs

of the mass consumers. The product is to some extent a generic FMCG product which means 16 ibid

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little or no differentiation can be made among the customers. Since that is the case the

customer segment is mass market. The company focuses on producing at bulk so that it can

reduce its cost as much as possible therefore, in order to sell the large amount of production

the company has to target the mass market. It is more profitable for the company to target the

mass market because of the reasons discussed above.

Cost StructureThe cost structure of the company is more cost driven, meaning that the company focuses on

reducing its cost as much as possible. Since the business is cost driven it tries to reduce its cost

and provide the product as the lowest price possible. Another indication that shows the

company is cost driven is because the production process of the company highly automated

which helps reduce the cost further because there is less wastage done. The company believes

through its various efficient production process it is able to reduce cost to such as extent that it

benefits both the company as well as the customers, thus helping make the product very


The company believes it is operating in economies of scale thus it is able to achieve a low

average cost which further strengthens the cost structure of the company. Due to economies of

scale the company is able to enjoy low costs and be able to protect itself from competitors as

well as new entrants.

Revenue StreamThere are two types of revenue streams they are: transaction revenue and recurring revenue17.

From the research we have done on the company we believe that Danish Condensed Milk has

the recurring revenue, since its revenue is earned by selling the same product to the same

customers over a period of time. The sales of the company was rising at 39% in 201318 which

means we can see a positive growth in the revenue stream of the company.

17 Entrepreneurial Insights, (2015). Revenue Streams in Business Model Canvas. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Aug. 2015].18 ibid

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Sales is not the only component of revenue stream the pricing mechanism also affects the

revenue stream of the company. For Danish Condensed Milk the company has a fixed prices

mechanism which ensures the company has predictable revenue stream over the year. Lastly a

fixed price mechanism also helps the company to make its future plans as to how to build its

strategies because it can easily predict its revenue stream

ConclusionIn conclusion we believe the company is performing rather well and it will continue to perform

likewise. Since it has been there for such a long period of time it helps strengthen the chances

of it surviving different obstacles that might come along. There is a saying in economics that

some companies are so big its bound not to fail. A book has been written with this context with

the tittle ‘Too Big to Fail’, believe Partex Star Group falls under the category of being too big to

fail. Since it has a large production base and is considered to be one of the largest local

conglomerates in Bangladesh the company does live with that persona

Although the company has been successful however, it has not failed its customers or

employees, the company has successfully managed both the parties in a beautiful way which

allows it to prosper further. Since it is an old company the company has learned many things

that allows it to be more efficient than other companies who have less experience compared to

Partex Star Group. Due steep experience curve of Partex Star Group the company is able to

remain at the top of the market.

Lastly, the cash cow products for Partex Star Group such as Danish Condensed Milk and Partex

furniture has allowed it to have strong financial backup which in turn helps in expansion of its

star products such as powdered spices and PVC products. This is an important move by Partex

because it is diversifying into different sectors which will allow it to reduce its risk factor in the

market. Although the diversification is unrelated however, it might help the company actually

increase its profitability through the use of general competencies. Through unrelated

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diversification Partex has been able to strength its business model for separate business units

such as Danish Condensed Milk.

Reference, (2000). Partex Group - A prominent company in Bangladesh. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Aug. 2015]., (2015). Political turmoil cost BD $2.2 billion in 3 months. [online] Available at: : [Accessed 2 Aug. 2015].

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Chowdhury, K. (2014). Saga of so-called condensed milk. Dhaka Tribune. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Aug. 2015].

CRAB, (2013). Credit Rating Report: Danish Condensed Milk. Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh.

Entrepreneurial Insights, (2015). Revenue Streams in Business Model Canvas. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Aug. 2015].

Fleming, A. (2012). How to Substitute Condensed Milk (Buttermilk, Evaporated, Sweetened). [online] Go Dairy Free. Available at: [Accessed 1 Aug. 2015].

Hasnat, A. and Karmokar, S. (2015). Business losing to unrest. Prothom Alo. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Aug. 2015]., (2015). How evaporated and condensed milk is made - manufacture, making, history, used, processing, composition, steps, product, industry, History. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Aug. 2015].

Mila, F. and Raha, S. (2013). Consumers’ preferences for processed milk – A study in Mymensingh town. Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University, 10(2)., (2014). Partex Star Group Corporate. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Aug. 2015].

Wikipedia, (2015). Partex Group. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Aug. 2015].

Research Method

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The report ‘Company Overview’ is based on both secondary research and primary research. The

information was collected from various online resources in different journals and articles. The

primary data was collected through an interview session with an employee from Partex Star

Group. He helped us give more insight about the local market and help give us suggestion. The

referencing format for the whole document was Harvard referencing style.

Limitation of this research is that there was a lack of data in the local market and most data was

outdated. Therefore, most of the information connecting to the recent years is based on the

estimations provided in the secondary sources.

Formal Thank You letter03-08-15


Mr. Kazi Abul Hassan

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Thank you for meeting with us last Thrusday morning for discussing the topic regarding food

and beverage industry. It was both enjoyable and informative. Your insightful presentation

contained several innovative ideas that we are now considering for our report writing.

To make a dynamic report it was very important for us to gather the latest and specific

information regarding the food and beverage industry. We got some information from the

secondary sources, but it was not the most fruitful one. Finally, it was our pleasure to meet you.

We have learned a lot regarding the food and beverage industry such as the present market

scenario, how they adapt themselves to the customer’s need, want and demand, their limitations

and most importantly their impact on global and domestic economic trend. Apart from this, we

have also learned some practical knowledge which will be very much useful in our near future.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to meet with us. We hope that you feel as good about

our interview as we do. We look forward to hearing from you, and We hope to be working with

you and your co-operation soon.


On behalf of managers group

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