comparing latin american economies

Comparing Latin American Economies Mexico, Brazil, & Cuba Unit 10 Notes

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Page 1: Comparing Latin American Economies

Comparing Latin American Economies

Mexico, Brazil, & Cuba

Unit 10 Notes

Page 2: Comparing Latin American Economies

Foreign Exchange Rates

The price of 1 country’s currency compared to another…– 1 US dollar = 11 Mexican pesos– 1 US dollar = 1.8 Brazilian reals– 1 US dollar = .92 Cuban pesos

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United Mexican States

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3 Economic Questions…What to Produce?– Businesses decide and government approves/denies it

How to produce it?– Businesses decide & government regulates procedures

For whom to produce?– Businesses decide based on supply & demand (price)

Which economic system does Mexico have?…

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Mexico’s Economic System

Mexico has a Mixed economic system, that is closer to market than command.

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Mexico’s Natural Resources

What’s available?– petroleum, silver, copper, gold, lead, zinc,

natural gas, timber

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Mexico’s Land Use

What percentage of the land is arable (capable of being farmed)?– 12.66%

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Mexico’s Industries

What’s being produced in the factories?– food and beverages, tobacco, chemicals, iron and

steel, petroleum, mining, textiles, clothing, motor vehicles, consumer durables,

– Tourism is also a major industry in Mexico.

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Mexico’s Literacy Rate

What percentage of people over the age of 15 can read and write?– 91%

How long are students required to stay in school?– 13 years

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Mexico’s Unemployment Rate

What percentage of people do not have jobs?– 4.1% (however, only 61.1% of people

working age have a job)

What percentage of people live in poverty?– 18.5%

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Mexico’s GDP

$1.578 trillion (2008)

GDP Per Capita--What is the value of goods and services produced per person?– $14,400 (2008)

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Federative Republic of Brazil

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3 Economic Questions…What to Produce?– Businesses decide and government approves/denies


How to produce it?– Businesses decide & government regulates


For whom to produce?– Businesses decide based on supply & demand (price)

Which economic system does Brazil have?…

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Brazil’s Economic System

Brazil has a Mixed economic system

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Brazil’s Natural Resources

What’s available?– bauxite, gold, iron ore, manganese, nickel,

phosphates, platinum, tin, uranium, petroleum, hydropower, timber

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Brazil’s Land Use

What percentage of the land is arable (capable of being farmed)?– 6.9%

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Brazil’s Industries

What’s being produced in the factories?– textiles, shoes, chemicals, cement, lumber,

iron ore, tin, steel, aircraft, motor vehicles and parts, other machinery and equipment

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Brazil’s Literacy Rate

What percentage of people over the age of 15 can read and write?– 88.6%

How long are students required to stay in school?– 14 years

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Brazil’s Unemployment Rate

What percentage of people do not have jobs?– 8%

What percentage of people live in poverty?– 22%

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Brazil’s GDP

$2.03 trillion (2008)

GDP Per Capita--What is the value of goods and services produced per person?– $10,300 (2007)

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Republic of Cuba

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3 Economic Questions…What to Produce?– Government makes all economic decisions

How to produce it?– Government decides how to make goods/services

For whom to produce?– Whoever the government decides to give them to

Which economic system does Cuba have?…

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Cuba’s Economic System

Cuba has a Command economic system

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Cuba’s Natural Resources

What’s available?– cobalt, nickel, iron ore, chromium, copper,

salt, timber, silica, petroleum, arable land

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Cuba’s Land Use

What percentage of the land is arable (capable of being farmed)?– 27.63%

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Cuba’s Industries

What’s being produced in the factories?– sugar, petroleum, tobacco, construction,

nickel, steel, cement, agricultural machinery, pharmaceuticals

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Cuba’s Literacy Rate

What percentage of people over the age of 15 can read and write?– 99.8%

How long are students required to stay in school?– 16 years

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Cuba’s Unemployment Rate

What percentage of people do not have jobs?– 1.8%

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Cuba’s GDP

$144.6 billion (2008)

GDP Per Capita--What is the value of goods and services produced per person?– $12,700 (2008)