competency based application form (2)

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Post on 11-Oct-2015




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Competency Based Application Form (2)


Application Form

1. Personal details


First name:Surname:




Mobile phone:


2. Secondary/Higher educationPlease give details of your educational qualification:

Name(s) of school(s)/college(s)/ Country of studyFromToSubject/courses studiedLevelGrade

3. Tertiary education

DEGREEUniversity/Title of degree

FromToSubject/courses studiedLevelClass expected/ obtained


FromToDegreeTitle of research topic or course

Details of any scholarships, awards or prizes won at school and university/college

4. Other skills, qualifications and interests

Detail any other qualifications/skills e.g. knowledge of foreign languages (indicate proficiency), keyboard skills, computer literacy

5. Describe any work experience you may have had

Name of employer

FromToType of work - placement, part-time work

6. Other essential information

Date available for employment

7. Competency profile

We are looking for evidence of how effective you demonstrate the following competencies required for this job:

1. Being CreativeThe ability to generate new ideas, think innovatively and use creative tools and lateral thinking to secure business advantage.

2. Results Driven Driven and committed to achieve results and get things done effectively and efficiently.

3. AdaptableBeing receptive and adaptable to change and positively promotes the value and benefits to be derived from change.

4. Influencing OthersAbility to motivate others to take the most appropriate course of action through effective persuasion and presentation.

5. Commitment to Growth Continuous commitment to self-development and growth. As a leader, takes responsibility for the development of others.

6. Puts First Things FirstFocuses on what is important and is disciplined in planning, addressing priorities, and delivers to the highest standards.

7. Customer FocusStrives to consistently exceed the expectations of clients and colleagues alike.

8. Team PlayerIs supportive, respectful and demonstrates a positive regard for others. Works effectively as part of a team and leverages off others strengths.

Please give one or two examples from your recent (last five years) experience when responding to each question. Examples may be from work, education, leisure or voluntary activities.

When answering the questions, remember: Give one or two examples to demonstrate evidence of the competency. Please be specific in your response. Give specific examples of things you did and outcomes you achieved. Be concise. Its important that you are able to express your thoughts in a brief and impactful way.

The information you provide will be used as a basis for deciding whom to shortlist for the next stage of the selection process. If you are shortlisted, come prepared to discuss the examples you provided.

Being Creative

Describe a situation where you came up with a creative/innovative solution to a challenging situation. Please cover: a short description of the situation or problem to be solved; the methods you used to generate your list of options; how you chose your solution; what was the final outcome.

Situation: Decline in the sales of some varieties of mangoes during internship in metro cash and carrySolution: Methodology used: Fish bone(ishikawa) analysis to know the causes of the problem and pareto analysis to know the major cause of the problemSolution to the major cause of the problem( i.e the unawareness of the different varities of mangoes among common buyers): Mango awareness programs in Metro cash and carry store . Main activities in the awareness programs:1. Hoardings displaying information about the mango variety(Origin of the mango variety, medicinal value, etc)2. Different recipes of the mango variety(Pickles, desserts) prepared on the shop floor3. Samples of mango varieties made available to taste for the buyers.

Results Driven

Please give an example of something you achieved which you feel most proud about. Please cover: what your objective was; any obstacles you encountered; how you overcame them; what was the final outcome.

First things first

In this job, you will need to be able to manage differing priorities. Please describe a situation where you had goals to achieve, with the input of others. Please cover what the situation was; how you organised your time; how you prioritised; how you planned and resourced; how you got the cooperation of others; what was the final outcome.

Situation: Attracting more companies to the college for placements to achieve the target set by the placement office for the year 2014Goals:1. Preparing placement brochures2. Initiating a contact with the companies 3. Maintaining contact with them4. Making them available for the placements

Approach to achieve the goals(Planning and Execution):1. Time management: During free time in the college and after the college time in hostel2. Prioritising: a. Searching for company contacts through students(Internship &-(Alumini) teachersb. Contacting themc. Distributing placement brochures to the companiesd. Maintain contact with theme. Placement Procedure is explained to the companies

3. Planning: a. Designing placement brochures for the college: showing numerous activities that help to build a positive image for the co9lle9

Commitment to growth

Please describe how you have contributed to the development of another specific person or group of people; what is it that you did that enabled them to grow and develop; how did you measure your success.

Customer focus

Please describe a time when you have had to meet internal or external customer expectations; please cover how you identified the customer needs and concerns; how you took personal responsibility for resolving the customers concern; what was the outcome.


Describe a situation when you had to demonstrate your ability to adapt to change. What was the situation and how did you approach it? Please cover the particular circumstances and how you went about it.

Influencing others

Please give us an example of when you persuaded someone to do something they initially did not want to do. Please cover, what was at stake or the consequences of not having influenced them. What exactly you did; what the outcome was.

Team player

Please describe a time you worked together with a team. Explain the objective the team faced, your role in the team, how you influenced the direction the team took and what exactly you did; what was the final result.

8. Referees(Please provide two referees. One of whom should either be an academic or past employer)














When completed, please email this form to the contact person listed in the advertisement.

Receipt of your application will not be acknowledged unless you specifically request.