competency series values workshop chandramowly

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Page 1: Competency Series   Values Workshop  Chandramowly

Knowledge is Power Develop Knowledge is Power Develop and Shareand Share

Page 2: Competency Series   Values Workshop  Chandramowly

Agenda – Day 1Topic Activity Time in

MinutesIntroduction Presentation 20

Values - Concepts 1 Interaction 40Roots of Revelation - Exercise

that reveals the hidden attributes of individual

Game 40



Are you listening ? Game 5Values - Concepts 2 Presentation 10

Value Auction - Game Exercise 30  Interaction 5

Personal Value Questionnaire Exercise 20What are Values - Definitions Presentation 10

Cause and Effect theory Presentation 5



How do I get your Goat? Game 15Value Types Presentation 3

Crossing the I - Beam Game 10Organizational Values Presentation 3Mission-Vision-Values-

Competencies Presentation 5

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Agenda – Day 2Topic Activity Time in

MinutesValue Practices Group Exercise 30

Research Data on Values Presentation 2  Presentation 3

Values-Competency Exercise 10Building Stories to all Values   15

Resolving Value conflicts Presentation 2Breathing our values Exercise 3

Trust Focus Exercise 20

Break 10Caring Focus Exercise 5Caring Focus Exercise 30

T& R Orientation Exercise 10Enthusiasm Exercise 10

Honesty Game 5The Open License - clarifying value decisions Presentation 3

What is in it for me for practicing values Presentation 2Living Values - 5 Ps Presentation 2

Shaping Values - T E A M approach Presentation 2

Break 10Presentation of Participants Exercise 60

Closing Presentation 5

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Core Competencies – Differentiating Behaviors

Business Excellence Drive for Results

Business Acumen Innovation

Execution ExcellenceManaging Change

Customer CareContinuous Improvement

People ExcellenceLeadership

Managing RelationshipsCommunication

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Core Competencies – Differentiating Behaviors

Proficiency Level Description of Proficiency level

Level 1 Demonstrates the effective application of this competency.

Level 2 Independently uses this competency in routine situations. Solidly performs this competency.

Level 3

Demonstrates advanced mastery of this competency. Successfully applies this competency to new situations. Sought out as a coach or resource by others for development on this competency.

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Displays drive to achieve growth targets by maximizing business opportunities. Has the ability to take calculated risks to enhance results and yet be realistic in setting

targets Proficiency Level 1 Proficiency Level 2 Proficiency Level 3

Brings high energy and enthusiasm to everyday work demands and stretch targets;

Works for the given goals on his own; stretches beyond these goals when pushed and meets results within deadlines

When faced with obstacles, applies a variety of tactics to overcome them

Delivers information and resources to the lowest level of responsibility to enable employees to respond effectively in many different situations

Quickly escalates problems/decisions that require a higher level of management attention and involvement to manage and resolve them

Shares a positive outlook on business challenges and responds resourcefully to setbacks and constraints

Stays focused on the most important factors when planning and executing work. Willingness to go beyond the brief to ensure task completion.

Shows commitment to the bank goals and takes ownership of issues whenever required

Makes timely, well-thought-out decisions to move forward despite incomplete information and/or the absence of clear direction from others

Takes calculated risks to enhance business results and yet sets realistic achievable targets

Actively prioritizes the relative importance of objectives, activities and events in relation to bank’s goals, keeps everyone focused on the most critical things to accomplish

Shows comfort with taking quick, decisive action when circumstances call for this approach

Locates decision-making authority with individuals who are closest to the issues and in possession of the most reliable information

Delegates authority and responsibility to others, allowing them to apply and grow their full talents and abilities; builds others confidence and capability for independent action and greater risk taking

Business Excellence - Drive for Results

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Execution Excellence - Managing Change

Comfortable with the inevitability of change; Translates broad based strategies to realistic & implementable plans and ensures speedy execution keeping in mind

operational efficiencies ; Ensures maximum/efficient use of resources.Proficiency Level 1 Proficiency Level 2 Proficiency Level 3

Ensures speedy execution of planned change initiatives, using resources efficiently

Demonstrates a positive orientation and adapts to change quickly; modifies own behavior to fit in with the situation at hand

Responds to change with a positive attitude, recognizes the merits of different approaches and readily adapts them when suitable to own work

Seen as easy to approach; listens well to what others have to say and makes time for them when asked

Recognizes that different people have different styles; works effectively with a variety of individuals and groups

Translates broad based strategies to implementable work plans , keeping operational efficiencies in mind

Is open to opposing views and seeks to understand other people’s viewpoints; shows willingness to compromise to achieve desired goals

Demonstrates ability to adapt and work within tight resource constraints and fast-changing conditions to meet objectives

Keeps aware of what is going on and detects new dynamics at work or early signs of change that may impact personal or team’s effectiveness

Seeks to understand cultural differences and demonstrates compatibility with many different cultural environments

Obtains buy-in and cooperation so that implementation of new ideas/ processes can be more successful when leading change efforts

Devises broad strategies to initiate and manage change;monitors and implements such changes successfully

Tolerates considerable uncertainty and ambiguity; remains calm and stable during periods of stress and rapid change

Responds positively to changing situations and expectations; appreciates the constraints and advantages involved and adopts workable plans for moving forward

Reads the dynamics of situations accurately and responds in a manner that takes these dynamics into effective consideration

Develops and champions initiatives that build greater flexibility and adaptability into the way the bank operates, consistent with essential controls

Listens for and recognizes underlying issues or concerns from others and uses this understanding to more fully and sincerely address their needs

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People Excellence - Communication

Creates an atmosphere in which accurate, timely and accurate information flows smoothly both externally and internally.Is able to communicate openly and give

negative feedback constructively.Proficiency Level 1 Proficiency Level 2 Proficiency Level 3

Articulates ones thoughts clearly, openly and convincingly to relevant stakeholders

Speaks up when required and uses firm, assertive language to communicate what one believes is important, even when there are divergent opinions

Communicates negative information straightforwardly and in a sensitive manner so that it can be properly understood and addressed constructively

Actively ensures smooth of communication both downwards and upwards

Communicates well up, down, and across the organisation, adapting language and style to connect with all parties and encouraging a lively exchange on ideas, issues and questions being raised

Keeps people informed and up-to-date; shows a preference for transparency in everyday business dealings

When influencing or negotiating, promotes a collaborative approach by actively soliciting relevant inputs from all the parties and striving to create options that generate mutual gains

Uses clear and unambiguous statements when making commitments to avoid misinterpretations or perceived implied promises

Expresses thoughts effectively and convincingly using appropriate verbal and non-verbal behaviors to reinforce logical, concise messages

Creates an climate of openness in the workplace to ensure the free flow of ideas and information between individuals and groups throughout the bank

When promoting a particular initiative or approach, identifies the views and concerns of key stake holders and communicates to them the background and rationale for one’s approach in order to enlist their support

Drives for more transparency and better information flow within the bank by sponsoring new and strengthened communication practices and systems that have clear impact

Reads subtle dynamics of situations and people’s reactions accurately and responds in a manner that take these dynamics into proper consideration

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Receive , PerceiveReceive , PerceiveDispatchDispatch


JUDGEJUDGEReasoning, DecidingReasoning, Deciding





Focus: PresentFocus: Present




Rambling, flowingRambling, flowingPast and FuturePast and Future





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PERSONALITY PROFILESPERSONALITY PROFILESMind and Intellect DominanceMind and Intellect Dominance


100% Discriminative100% Discriminative

AA 0% impulsive0% impulsive


75% Discriminative


25% Impulsive


50% D




p ulsi ve


25% D



75% Im




EE100% impulsive100% impulsive

0% Discriminative0% Discriminative

Reducing impulsive nature and increasing discriminative power strengthens our values

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Value Auction


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amount I bid

Sold for

Value Auction

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The Price of Success Success, like everything else, has a price.

We often don’t succeed simply because we are not willing to pay that price.

It is therefore essential that we are clear about what the price of success in our lives is and if we are willing to pay it.

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Value Auction Discussion Questions Why did you not get what you


What were you prepared to pay for what you wanted?

What implications does this have in real life?

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What is the price for What is the price for mymy success? success? What is the investment that I need to make in

order to succeed: to be a ‘master’ and not a ‘victim’?

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What are Values ? What says the wisest man? An internal compass of human

conscience, which discriminates The bottom of personality iceberg

which govern our life They are behind our choices and

decisions, drive the quality and character of means to achieve results

Earlier Times : ‘ How can we tell a lie’? – we have family to look after’ Today : ‘How can we speak the truth? – we have family to support.

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What are Values?

Values are the attitudes about Values are the attitudes about the worth or importance of the worth or importance of people, concepts, or thingspeople, concepts, or things.

Values are the emotions or feelings which underpin human choice or decisions, and alsodetermine the quality and character of the means employed to accomplish those choices

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Values Cause and Effect Types Organisational Values Values – Overview of a research

data Disvalues - some reasons Leadership Values

Values, if articulated well, displayed by leaders and lived by all, gets protected and that protects organisation and one and all.

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Cause and Effect Cause at present produces future effect Present effect has the past cause Effect return to the source of the cause Each cause produces its own effect – no

mutual cancellation Action and Results are like sowing and


Sow before you reap means- give before you get. Get before you give ? doesn’t work well. Effect of reaping is not immediate, it needs gestation period

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What Do You Value?

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Organisational Special Values of Winning Organisations Internally derived Values are articulated, lived and

assessed Connected to Mission, Vision and


Winning Leaders articulates values to entire organisation. Embody with their own behaviour, encourage others to apply, confront and deal with pocket of ignorance and resistance.

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Image of desired future

Criteria of actions/decisions

Mile stones we set

Activities to reach Goals






The Purpose and Reason

for Existence

COMPETENCIESSKAs of superior performance

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Responsible for Decisions m


Delivers on com


ent to people

Delivers best in given situation

Displays can do approachDem

onstrates Perpetual Enthusiasm


things happen

Inspires others to go

the extra m


Makes work

exiting and interesting

Walks the


Transparent in what one


Always m

aintains integrity

Places Organisatio

n first

Listens and responds

with em


Has a genuine

concern for others

Is humble,

courteous and


Always m

indful of com


Trustworthy Enthusiastic Caring HonestDrive for Results

Business Acumen


Customer Care

Managing Relationships

Continuous Improvement



Managing Change

Value – Competency Matrix



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Ethical Values on the Job

HonestyFairnessObedience to the LawCompassionRespect for othersLoyaltyDependabilityCourageHelpfulnessSelf-controlTruthfulness

What importance each has in your job



Some whatImportant

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Floating on the MoonA Group member stands at

the center of a circle made by 7 others and falls back-front-

sideways, closing his eyes while group holds him

avoiding a fall. We will have 3 groups doing it at a time

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Caring – Concern for others

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Caring – T and R Orientation

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Game : Strength of Values

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Values of StrengthParticipants in pair of s

stand face to face, join their palm using the force of their

‘Values'. Equals display stability and stillness. Weak

is pushed down.

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Exercise: The Incident

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You are riding in a car being driven by a close friend when your friend hits a pedestrian.You know your friend was driving at least 60 km/hr in an area of the city where the maximum speed is 35 km/hr.There are no witnesses

Your friend’s lawyer says that if you testify under oath that the driver’s speed was only 35 km/hr, it may save your friend from serious consequences


Would you do it?

The IncidentThe Incident

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"What’s in it for me for practicing Values?,"

""Quite a bit--Quite a bit---A more accurate perception of the -A more accurate perception of the

world around you, world around you, -Greater control over your behavior,-Greater control over your behavior, -A stronger personality, and greater -A stronger personality, and greater

likelihood of being happy in life." likelihood of being happy in life."

•Individual appreciationIndividual appreciation

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Living the Values If you don’t live it, you don’t believe it Leaders are nailed to wall if they fail to live the values Values are like finger prints.No body’s are the same, but

you leave them all over everything you do. (Elvis Presley) If … ‘TECH’ is important, then the compensation system

should reward its application An organization's culture is the sum of its shared values,

beliefs and norms of behavior People change their beliefs only when new evidence shows

them persuasively that they are false. Behaviors are beliefs turned into action. Behvaiours deliver

the results. They are where the rubber meets the road.

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We can make our Values and Behaviours as a HABIT by consciously practising over time. With repeated practice they become internalised. An internalised behaviour occurs automatically in a given situation, which will move up organisation’s reputation to greater heights.

PURPOSE I feel myself as being an ethically sound person. I let my conscience be my guide. No matter what happens. I am always to face the mirror and look myself straight in the eye.

PRIDE I feel good about myself. I don’t need the acceptance of others to feel important. A balanced self-esteem keeps my ego and my desire to be accepted from influencing my decision.

PATIENCE I believe that things will eventually work out well.I am at peace with what comes my way!

PERSISTENCE I stick to my purpose, especially when it seems inconvenient to do so. My behaviour is consistent with my intentions.

PERSPECTIVE I take time to enter a day quietly in a mood of reflection. This helps me to get myself focussed and allows me to listen to my inner self and to see things

more clearly.

The 5 Point paradigm of Kenneth Blanchard and Normal Vincent Peale on Ethical power of Managers

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Shaping Values Using the T-E-A-M approach

Teach the Values Enforce the Values Affirm the Values Model the Values

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What Is Your Organizational Culture?

StatedStated PerceivedPerceived

List of values, ideals, goals, company says it endorses

Values, beliefs, and norms that are rewarded

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What Is Your Organizational Culture?

If you were asked to describe your company to an outsider, how would you answer the following questions?

1. What 10 words would you use to describe your company?

2. What is really important?

3. Who gets promoted?

4. What behaviors get rewarded?

5. Who fits in and who doesn’t? Why?

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Walk through my Gallery

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Walk through my Gallery – Assimilation of all values Individual participants or groups

will capture their values in PICTURES, SKETCHES or SYMBOLS.

While the top management walks through the gallery, the group takes them through and explain the meaning of their symbolic work.

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Caring االهتFمامListening األستFماعConcern for others    االهتFمامبFاآلخريFن Mindful of community وادراكامنالFمجتFمع

Honest صFادقWalks the talk منFاحيالFحديFث Integrity الFنFزاههEnthusiastic متFحمسvisible in action مرئFيFةفFيالFعمل inspires others يFلFهماآلخريFن Trustworthy جديFربFالFثFقة Responsible مسؤولDelivers commitment يFسلFمااللFتFزام Does the best in given situation هلاألفFضFلفFيحالFةمعيFنFة

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Al Ih’ti-maam  Caring االهتFمامAl I s’ti-maa’ Listening األستFماعAl Ih’ti-maam bil aakhi reen Concern for others    االهتFمامبFاآلخريFن Wa Idraaka min Al muj tame Mindful of community وادراكامنالFمجتFمع Saadiq Honest صFادقManaa-hi al ha deeth Walks the talk منFاحيالFحديFث Al nazaaha Integrity الFنFزاههMu tah mas Enthusiastic متFحمسMar niyaata fil Amal visible in action مرئFيFةفFيالFعمل Yal ham Al Aakha reen inspires others يFلFهماآلخريFن J adeer bil Saqa Trustworthy جديFربFالFثFقة Mas ool Responsible مسؤولYaslim Al I ltizaam Delivers commitment يFسلFمااللFتFزام Hal Al Afzal fee alta Maeena Does the best in given situation هلاألفFضFلفFيحالFةمعيFنFة