compiler optimizationviren/courses/2014/compiler/lecture2.pdf · general structure of a modern...

CADSL Compiler Optimization Intermediate Representation Virendra Singh Associate Professor Computer Architecture and Dependable Systems Lab Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay E-mail: [email protected] A Short Course on Compiler Consucon & Opmizaon Lecture 2 (23 May 2014)

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Compiler Optimization Intermediate Representation

Virendra Singh

Associate Professor Computer Architecture and Dependable Systems Lab

Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay E-mail: [email protected]

A Short Course on Compiler Construction & Optimization Lecture 2 (23 May 2014)

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From Source to Executable

Compiler  main()  sub1()  data  

source    program  foo.c  

main  sub1  data  

object  modules  foo.o  

prin9  scanf  gets  fopen  exit  data  ...  

sta;c    library  libc.a  

Linkage  Editor  

main  sub1  data  prin9  exit  data  

load  module  a.out  


programs  ...    

main  sub1  data  prin9  exit  data    

other  ...  ...      


Machine  memory  


(system  calls)  


(Run  Time)  

Dynamic  library  case  not  shown  

“Load  ;me”  

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General Structure of a Modern Compiler

Lexical Analysis

Syntax Analysis

Semantic Analysis



Code Generation

Source Program

Assembly Code



High-level IR to low-level IR conversion

Build high-level IR Context

Symbol Table


Machine independent asm to machine dependent

Front end

Back end

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Intermediate Representation (aka IR)

•  The  compilers  internal  representa1on  –  Is  language-­‐independent  and  machine-­‐independent  



Java bytecode


TI C5x



Enables machine independent and machine dependent optis

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What Makes a Good IR? •  Captures  high-­‐level  language  constructs  

–  Easy  to  translate  from  AST  –  Supports  high-­‐level  op1miza1ons  

•  Captures  low-­‐level  machine  features  –  Easy  to  translate  to  assembly  –  Supports  machine-­‐dependent  op1miza1ons  

•  Narrow  interface:  small  number  of  node  types  (instruc1ons)  –  Easy  to  op1mize  –  Easy  to  retarget  

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Kinds of IR •  Abstract  syntax  trees  (AST)  •  Linear  operator  form  of  tree  (e.g.,  posJix  nota1on)  

•  Directed  acyclic  graphs  (DAG)  •  Control  flow  graphs  (CFG)  •  Program  dependence  graphs  (PDG)  •  Sta1c  single  assignment  form  (SSA)  •  3-­‐address  code  •  Hybrid  combina1ons  

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Categories of IR •  Structural  

–  graphically  oriented  (trees,  DAGs)  –  nodes  and  edges  tend  to  be  large  –  heavily  used  on  source-­‐to-­‐source  translators  

•  Linear  –  pseudo-­‐code  for  abstract  machine  –  large  varia1on  in  level  of  abstrac1on  –  simple,  compact  data  structures  –  easier  to  rearrange  

•  Hybrid  –  combina1on  of  graphs  and  linear  code  (e.g.  CFGs)  –  aRempt    to  achieve  best  of  both  worlds  

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Important IR properties •  Ease  of  genera1on  •  Ease  of  manipula1on  •  Cost  of  manipula1on  •  Level  of  abstrac1on  •  Freedom  of  expression  (!)  •  Size  of  typical  procedure  •  Original  or  deriva1ve  

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Subtle design decisions in the IR can have far-reaching effects on the speed and effectiveness of the compiler! è Degree of exposed detail can be crucial

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Abstract Syntax Tree

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An AST is a parse tree

A linear operator form of this tree (postfix) would be:

x 2 y * -!

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Directed Acyclic Graph

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A DAG is an AST with unique, shared nodes for each value.

x := 2 * y + sin(2*x)!z := x / 2!

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Control Flow Graph •  A  CFG  models  transfer  of  control  in  a  program  

–  nodes  are  basic  blocks  (straight-­‐line  blocks  of  code)  –  edges  represent  control  flow  (loops,  if/else,  goto  …)  

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if x = y then!!S1!else!!S2!end!S3!

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3-address code

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•  Statements  take  the  form:  x = y op z!–  single  operator  and  at  most  three  names  

x – 2 * y! t1 = 2 * y!t2 = x – t1!

Advantages:  —   Compact  form  —   Names  for  intermediate  values  

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Typical 3-address codes


x = y op z!

x = op y!

x = y[i]!

x = y!

branches! goto L!

conditional branches! if x relop y goto L!

procedure calls!param x!param y!call p!

address and pointer assignments!

x = &y!*y = z!

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IR choices •  Other  hybrids  exist  

–  combina1ons  of  graphs  and  linear  codes  –  CFG  with  3-­‐address  code  for  basic  blocks  

• Many  variants  used  in  prac1ce  –  no  widespread  agreement  –  compilers  may  need  several  different  IRs!  

•  Advice:  –  choose  IR  with  right  level  of  detail  –  keep  manipula1on  costs  in  mind  

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Static Single Assignment Form •  Goal:  simplify  procedure-­‐global  op1miza1ons    

•  Defini3on:      


Program  is  in  SSA  form  if  every  variable    is  only  assigned  once  

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Static Single Assignment (SSA) •  Each  assignment  to  a  temporary  is  given  a  unique  name  – All  uses  reached  by  that  assignment  are  renamed  –  Compact  representa1on  – Useful  for  many  kinds  of  compiler  op1miza1on  …  

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Ron  Cytron,  et  al.,  “Efficiently  compu3ng  sta3c  single  assignment  form  and  the  control  dependence  graph,”  ACM    TOPLAS.,  1991.    

x := 3;!x := x + 1;!x := 7;!x := x*2;!

x1 := 3;!x2 := x1 + 1;!x3 := 7;!x4 := x3*2;!


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Why Static? • Why  Sta1c?  

– We  only  look  at  the  sta3c  program  – One  assignment  per  variable  in  the  program  

•  At  run1me  variables  are  assigned  mul1ple  1mes!  

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Example: Sequence

a := b + c!b := c + 1!d := b + c!a := a + 1!e := a + b!

a1 := b1 + c1!b2 := c1 + 1!d1 := b2 + c1!a2 := a1 + 1!e1 := a2 + b2!

Original SSA

Easy to do for sequential programs:

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Example: Condition

if B then!!a := b!else!!a := c!end!!… a …!

if B then!!a1 := b!else!!a2 := c!End!!!… a? …!

Original SSA

Conditions: what to do on control-flow merge?

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Solution: Φ-Function

if B then!!a := b!else!!a := c!end!!… a …!

if B then!!a1 := b!else!!a2 := c!End!a3 := Φ(a1,a2)!!… a3 …!

Original SSA

Conditions: what to do on control-flow merge?

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The Φ-Function •  Φ-­‐func1ons  are  always  at  the  beginning  of  a  basic  block  

•  Select  between  values  depending  on  control-­‐flow  

•  ak+1  :=  Φ  (a1…ak):  the  block  has  k  preceding  blocks    PHI-­‐func3ons  are  evaluated  simultaneously  within  a  basic  block.  

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SSA and CFG •  SSA  is  normally  used  for  control-­‐flow  graphs  (CFG)  

•  Basic  blocks  are  in  3-­‐address  form  

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Recall: Control flow graph •  A  CFG  models  transfer  of  control  in  a  program  

–  nodes  are  basic  blocks  (straight-­‐line  blocks  of  code)  –  edges  represent  control  flow  (loops,  if/else,  goto  …)  

if x = y then!!S1!



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SSA: a Simple Example

if B then!!a1 := 1!

else!!a2 := 2!

End!a3 := PHI(a1,a2)!!… a3 …!

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Recall: IR

•  front end produces IR •  optimizer transforms IR to more efficient program •  back end transform IR to target code

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Transforming to SSA •  Problem:  Performance  /  Memory  

– Minimize  number  of  inserted  Φ-­‐func1ons  – Do  not  spend  too  much  1me  

• Many  rela1vely  complex  algorithms  

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Minimal SSA •  Two  steps:    

–  Place  Φ-­‐func1ons  –  Rename  Variables  

• Where  to  place  Φ-­‐func1ons?  

• We  want  minimal  amount  of  needed  Φ  –  Save  memory  – Algorithms  will  work  faster  

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Optimization: The Idea

•  Transform  the  program  to  improve  efficiency  

•  Performance:  faster  execu1on  •  Size:  smaller  executable,  smaller  memory  footprint  

Tradeoffs:              1)  Performance  vs.  Size                                                  2)  Compila;on  speed  and  memory  

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Optimization on many levels

•  Op1miza1ons  both  in  the  op1mizer  and  back-­‐end  

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Examples for Optimizations •  Constant  Folding  /  Propaga1on  •  Copy  Propaga1on  •  Algebraic  Simplifica1ons  •  Strength  Reduc1on  •  Dead  Code  Elimina1on  

–  Structure  Simplifica1ons  

•  Loop  Op1miza1ons  •  Par1al  Redundancy  Elimina1on  •  Code  Inlining  

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Constant Folding •  Evaluate  constant  expressions  at  compile  1me  •  Only  possible  when  side-­‐effect  freeness  guaranteed  

c:=  1  +  3   c:=  4  

true  not   false  

Caveat: Floats — implementation could be different between machines!

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Constant Propagation

•  Variables  that  have  constant  value,  e.g.  b  :=  3  –  Later  uses  of  b  can  be  replaced  by  the  constant  –  If  no  change  of  b  between!  

b := 3!c := 1 + b!d := b + c!

b := 3!c := 1 + 3!d := 3 + c!

Analysis needed, as b can be assigned more than once!

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CADSL © Marcus Denker

Copy Propagation

•  for  a  statement  x  :=  y  •  replace  later  uses  of  x  with  y,  if  x  and  y  have  not  been  changed.  

x := y!c := 1 + x!d := x + c!

x := y!c := 1 + y!d := y + c!

Analysis needed, as y and x can be assigned more than once!

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CADSL © Marcus Denker

Algebraic Simplifications

•  Use  algebraic  proper1es  to  simplify  expressions  

-(-i)! i!

b or: true! true!

Important to simplify code for later optimizations

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Strength Reduction

•  Replace  expensive  opera1ons  with  simpler  ones  

•  Example:  Mul1plica1ons  replaced  by  addi1ons  

y := x * 2! y := x + x!

Peephole optimizations are often strength reductions

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Dead Code •  Remove  unnecessary  code  

–  e.g.  variables  assigned  but  never  read  

b := 3!c := 1 + 3!d := 3 + c!

c := 1 + 3!d := 3 + c!

>  Remove code never reached

if (false) {a := 5}!

if (false) {}!

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Simplify Structure

•  Similar  to  dead  code:  Simplify  CFG  Structure  

•  Op1miza1ons  will  degenerate  CFG  

•  Needs  to  be  cleaned  to  simplify  further  op1miza1on!  

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Delete Empty Basic Blocks

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Fuse Basic Blocks

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Common Subexpression Elimination (CSE)

Common  Subexpression:  •  There  is  another  occurrence  of  the  expression  whose  evalua1on  always  precedes  this  one  

• operands  remain  unchanged  

Local  (inside  one  basic  block):  When  building  IR    Global  (complete  flow-­‐graph)  

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Example CSE

b := a + 2!c := 4 * b! b < c?!

b := 1!

d := a + 2!

t1 := a + 2!b := t1!c := 4 * b! b < c?!

b := 1!

d := t1!

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Loop Optimizations •  Op1mizing  code  in  loops  is  important  

–  ojen  executed,  large  payoff  

•  All  op1miza1ons  help  when  applied  to  loop-­‐bodies  

•  Some  op1miza1ons  are  loop  specific  

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Loop Invariant Code Motion • Move  expressions  that  are  constant  over  all  itera1ons  out  of  the  loop  

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Induction Variable Optimizations

•  Values  of  variables  form  an  arithme1c  progression  

integer a(100)!do i = 1, 100! a(i) = 202 - 2 * i!endo!

integer a(100)!t1 := 202!do i = 1, 100! t1 := t1 - 2! a(i) = t1!endo!

value assigned to a decreases by 2

uses Strength Reduction

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Partial Redundancy Elimination (PRE)

•  Combines  mul1ple  op1miza1ons:  –  global  common-­‐subexpression  elimina1on  –  loop-­‐invariant  code  mo1on  

•  Par;al  Redundancy:  computa1on  done  more  than  once  on  some  path  in  the  flow-­‐graph  

•  PRE:  insert  and  delete  code  to  minimize  redundancy.  

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Code Inlining •  All  op1miza1ons  up  to  now  were  local  to  one  procedure  

•  Problem:  procedures  or  func1ons  are  very  short    –  Especially  in  good  OO  code!  

•  Solu1on:  Copy  code  of  small  procedures  into  the  caller  – OO:  Polymorphic  calls.  Which  method  is  called?  

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Example: Inlining

a := power2(b)! power2(x) {! return x*x!}!

a := b * b!

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Optimizations in the Backend

•  Register  Alloca1on  •  Instruc1on  Selec1on  •  Peep-­‐hole  Op1miza1on  

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Register Allocation •  Processor  has  only  finite  amount  of  registers  

–  Can  be  very  small  (x86)  

•  Temporary  variables  –  non-­‐overlapping  temporaries  can  share  one  register  

•  Passing  arguments  via  registers  •  Op1mizing  register  alloca1on  very  important  for  good  performance  –  Especially  on  x86  

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CADSL © Marcus Denker

Instruction Selection

•  For  every  expression,  there  are  many  ways  to  realize  them  for  a  processor  

•  Example:  Mul1plica1on*2  can  be  done  by  bit-­‐shij  

Instruc3on  selec3on  is  a  form  of  op3miza3on  

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Peephole Optimization

•  Simple  local  op1miza1on  •  Look  at  code  “through  a  hole”  

–  replace  sequences  by  known  shorter  ones  –  table  pre-­‐computed  

store R,a; !load a,R!

store R,a; !

imul  2,R;   ashl  1,R;  

Important  when  using  simple  instruc3on  selec3on!  

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Thank You

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