completeness in structural ·...

articles The success of genome sequencing projects and advances in pro- tein structure determination have led the structural biology community to propose a comprehensive effort, often referred to as structural genomics 1–6 , to map protein structure space. Structural genomics may develop into a major international col- laboration similar to the human genome sequencing project. Several pilot projects are currently under way in the United States (, Europe (http:// and Asia. What are the specific goals of structural genomics? A variety of objectives have been proposed 7 ranging from obtaining represen- tative structures for all protein folds (estimated at 2,000–4,000 structures 8 ) to solving the structures of all human proteins (35,000 protein genes) 9,10 . Here we explore the goal of obtaining a set such that accurate atomic models can be built for almost all functional domains, including those resulting from alternative splicing and post-translational modifications. The goals of struc- tural genomics are qualitatively different from those of genome sequencing projects. Sequencing genomics has a well-defined scope — the experimental determination of the complete (con- sensus) nucleotide sequence of a particular organism — for exam- ple, the approximately three billion base pairs for the human genome. For structural genomics, the overall scope is less well defined because it depends on the ratio of structures determined experimentally and structural models built computationally. Additionally, although the sequences of each additional organism have to be determined experimentally, most structures of related organisms can be determined with little additional experimental effort using homology modeling methods. This paper explores a number of alternative approaches to yield completeness in structural coverage of protein sequence space and to estimate the total effort required under different scenarios. First, we consider the accuracy of current modeling methods in order to quantify the ratio of experimental and com- putational effort. Second, we investigate the extent to which the known fraction of protein space is covered by experimental or computational structures. Third, we quantify the relationship between the scope of structural genomics and the quality of structural models obtained. We then calculate the number of experimental structure determinations required to cover a well- nature structural biology • volume 8 number 6 • june 2001 559 defined set of currently known protein families. Several possible scenarios of protein space coverage are explored. Finally, we esti- mate the number of experimental structure determinations required to provide structural models for the vast majority of proteins from all organisms. Accuracy of structural modeling The number of experimental structure determinations required to cover protein space depends critically on the reliability of homolo- gy modeling methods. We aim at a careful choice of requirements for minimal sequence similarity using data on modeling accuracy from the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Predictions (CASP) 11 . CASP collects and analyzes bona fide struc- ture predictions from a large number of participating research groups, spanning a wide range of relationships between the model and template structures. To quantify modeling quality we use the reported spatial deviations and alignment errors between model and structural template as a function of the sequence identity (Fig. 1a,b). We drew the conclusion, as had others 12,13 , that models based on <30% sequence identity have significant alignment errors, resulting in large errors in main chain positions. Structural models based on >30–35% sequence identity tend to have reason- ably low alignment and structural errors. For this and higher sequence identity, it is often possible to correlate differences in function within protein families with structural variations. In this paper, we call models based on at least 30% sequence identity ‘rea- sonably accurate’ or, for brevity, ‘accurate’. Structural coverage of currently known proteins Before estimating how many experimental structures will be needed to build models of all proteins, computing the structural coverage of the currently known ones is instructive. Structural coverage for 300,000 sequences in the databases SWISS-PROT (SP, release 37) plus TrEMBL (release 11) 14 was calculated using the profile method PSI-BLAST 15 and reported as a function of sequence identity and the fraction of the sequence aligned between the sequence of the modeling target and that of a pro- tein of known structure (Fig. 2). Often, these alignments corre- spond to distinct structural domains 16–18 and do not cover the full length of the modeling target sequence. 1 MIT Center for Genome Research, One Kendall Square, Building 300, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA. 2 Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA. 3 Center for Advanced Research in Biotechnology, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, 9600 Gudelsky Drive, Rockville, Maryland 20850, USA. 4 Millennium Pharmaceuticals, 640 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA. Correspondence should be addressed C.S. email: [email protected] Completeness in structural genomics Dennis Vitkup 1,2 , Eugene Melamud 3 , John Moult 3 and Chris Sander 1,4 Structural genomics has the goal of obtaining useful, three-dimensional models of all proteins by a combination of experimental structure determination and comparative model building. We evaluate different strategies for optimizing information return on effort. The strategy that maximizes structural coverage requires about seven times fewer structure determinations compared with the strategy in which targets are selected at random. With a choice of reasonable model quality and the goal of 90% coverage, we extrapolate the estimate of the total effort of structural genomics. It would take ~16,000 carefully selected structure determinations to construct useful atomic models for the vast majority of all proteins. In practice, unless there is global coordination of target selection, the total effort will likely increase by a factor of three. The task can be accomplished within a decade provided that selection of targets is highly coordinated and significant funding is available. © 2001 Nature Publishing Group © 2001 Nature Publishing Group

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Page 1: Completeness in structural · 2013-09-09 · Structural genomics has the goal of obtaining useful, three-dimensional models


The success of genome sequencing projects and advances in pro-tein structure determination have led the structural biologycommunity to propose a comprehensive effort, often referred toas structural genomics1–6, to map protein structure space.Structural genomics may develop into a major international col-laboration similar to the human genome sequencing project.Several pilot projects are currently under way in the UnitedStates (, Europe ( and Asia.

What are the specific goals of structural genomics? A variety ofobjectives have been proposed7 ranging from obtaining represen-tative structures for all protein folds (estimated at 2,000–4,000structures8) to solving the structures of all human proteins(∼ 35,000 protein genes)9,10. Here we explore the goal of obtaining aset such that accurate atomic models can be built for almost allfunctional domains, including those resulting from alternativesplicing and post-translational modifications. The goals of struc-tural genomics are qualitatively different from those of genomesequencing projects. Sequencing genomics has a well-definedscope — the experimental determination of the complete (con-sensus) nucleotide sequence of a particular organism — for exam-ple, the approximately three billion base pairs for the humangenome. For structural genomics, the overall scope is less welldefined because it depends on the ratio of structures determinedexperimentally and structural models built computationally.Additionally, although the sequences of each additional organismhave to be determined experimentally, most structures of relatedorganisms can be determined with little additional experimentaleffort using homology modeling methods.

This paper explores a number of alternative approaches toyield completeness in structural coverage of protein sequencespace and to estimate the total effort required under differentscenarios. First, we consider the accuracy of current modelingmethods in order to quantify the ratio of experimental and com-putational effort. Second, we investigate the extent to which theknown fraction of protein space is covered by experimental orcomputational structures. Third, we quantify the relationshipbetween the scope of structural genomics and the quality ofstructural models obtained. We then calculate the number ofexperimental structure determinations required to cover a well-

nature structural biology • volume 8 number 6 • june 2001 559

defined set of currently known protein families. Several possiblescenarios of protein space coverage are explored. Finally, we esti-mate the number of experimental structure determinationsrequired to provide structural models for the vast majority ofproteins from all organisms.

Accuracy of structural modelingThe number of experimental structure determinations required tocover protein space depends critically on the reliability of homolo-gy modeling methods. We aim at a careful choice of requirementsfor minimal sequence similarity using data on modeling accuracyfrom the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein StructurePredictions (CASP)11. CASP collects and analyzes bona fide struc-ture predictions from a large number of participating researchgroups, spanning a wide range of relationships between the modeland template structures. To quantify modeling quality we use thereported spatial deviations and alignment errors between modeland structural template as a function of the sequence identity(Fig. 1a,b). We drew the conclusion, as had others12,13, that modelsbased on <30% sequence identity have significant alignmenterrors, resulting in large errors in main chain positions. Structuralmodels based on >30–35% sequence identity tend to have reason-ably low alignment and structural errors. For this and highersequence identity, it is often possible to correlate differences infunction within protein families with structural variations. In thispaper, we call models based on at least 30% sequence identity ‘rea-sonably accurate’ or, for brevity, ‘accurate’.

Structural coverage of currently known proteinsBefore estimating how many experimental structures will beneeded to build models of all proteins, computing the structuralcoverage of the currently known ones is instructive. Structuralcoverage for ∼ 300,000 sequences in the databases SWISS-PROT(SP, release 37) plus TrEMBL (release 11)14 was calculated usingthe profile method PSI-BLAST15 and reported as a function ofsequence identity and the fraction of the sequence alignedbetween the sequence of the modeling target and that of a pro-tein of known structure (Fig. 2). Often, these alignments corre-spond to distinct structural domains16–18 and do not cover thefull length of the modeling target sequence.

1MIT Center for Genome Research, One Kendall Square, Building 300, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA. 2Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology,Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA. 3Center for Advanced Research in Biotechnology, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, 9600Gudelsky Drive, Rockville, Maryland 20850, USA. 4Millennium Pharmaceuticals, 640 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA.

Correspondence should be addressed C.S. email: [email protected]

Completeness in structural genomicsDennis Vitkup1,2, Eugene Melamud3, John Moult3 and Chris Sander1,4

Structural genomics has the goal of obtaining useful, three-dimensional models of all proteins by a combinationof experimental structure determination and comparative model building. We evaluate different strategies foroptimizing information return on effort. The strategy that maximizes structural coverage requires about seventimes fewer structure determinations compared with the strategy in which targets are selected at random. With achoice of reasonable model quality and the goal of 90% coverage, we extrapolate the estimate of the total effortof structural genomics. It would take ~16,000 carefully selected structure determinations to construct usefulatomic models for the vast majority of all proteins. In practice, unless there is global coordination of targetselection, the total effort will likely increase by a factor of three. The task can be accomplished within a decadeprovided that selection of targets is highly coordinated and significant funding is available.


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Using these alignments as structural templates, accurate struc-tural models covering the full length of the protein (upper rightquadrant, Fig. 2) can be constructed for 19% of the proteins in SP + TrEMBL. For an additional 10% of the proteins, such model-ing is possible for part of the sequence (lower right quadrant). Inall, some structural information, whether full length or not, isavailable for 43% (19%+10%+10%+4%) of the proteins in SP +TrEMBL. How many reasonably accurate models can be built foreach experimental structure? As the PDB (Protein Data Bank,January 2000) has 3,100 nonredundant structures filtered at 95%sequence identity19, the modeling ratio of full length structuralmodels to the number of experimental protein structures is cur-rently (0.19 × 300,000) / 3,100, or ∼ 20. That is, for every uniqueprotein in the PDB, on average 20 reasonably accurate full lengthmodels may be built from SP + TrEMBL sequences. We expect thisratio to increase as more and more sequences become available. Atthe same time, the growing database of experimental structureswill in general put more and more sequences within reach ofmodel building based on several alternative structural templates,with an attendant potential gain of modeling accuracy20,21.

Structural coverage of fully sequenced genomes Reliable extrapolation from the different current sequence datasets to all natural protein sequences is difficult because of unevenrepresentation of types of proteins and species. Therefore, wecomputed the structural coverage of a representative set of com-pletely sequenced genomes (not including the recently complet-ed human genome) as a basis for more reliable extrapolation.

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The coverage differs significantly depending on whether onefocuses on the fraction of protein sequences with a link to aknown structure (using a more permissive threshold in resultsfrom PSI-BLAST similarity searches — that is, optimistic view;Table 1) or the fraction of the total number of amino acidresidues that can be accurately modeled (using the less permis-sive threshold of 30% minimal sequence identity over alignedregions in results from FASTA searches — that is, realistic view;Table 1). In the optimistic view, some structural information isavailable for 30–35% of sequences of genomes. In contrast, in therealistic view, only ∼ 5–10% of residues from complete genomescan be placed in accurate structural models. Note that by usingmore sensitive methods and data from more recent structures, itis possible to increase the fraction of genomic sequences with alink to a fold to ~50% and the fraction of all residues with such alink to ~40% (J. Gough and C. Chothia, pers. comm., see also

Compared with structural coverage of complete genomes, theSP + TrEMBL sequence database (Fig. 2) is clearly biased in that itcontains a larger fraction than found in complete genomes ofaccurately modelable residues (23% versus 5–10%). To estimatethe overall effort in structural genomics, we use genome-basednumbers. These numbers are similar in spirit, but different indetail, from those of other studies of structural assignment acrosscompletely sequenced genomes22–25.

Scope as a function of desired model qualityWe now take a detailed look at the way in which the number ofexperimental structure determinations required to cover proteinspace depends on the reliability of homology modeling methods.Anticipating complete organization of protein sequences intodomain families across all species, we use the current Pfam col-lection of protein alignments26 and perform data simulationswith models built using template structures at differing levels ofmodel quality. More precisely, in each simulation run, we set theminimal model quality in terms of a maximal modeling distanceor minimal model-template sequence identity.

As an illustration of coverage at different levels of minimalmodel quality, consider the example of the ras-like protein fami-ly (G-domain) in yeast. This is best visualized in a two-dimen-sional projection (Fig. 3) of a higher-dimensional proteinsequence space in which distances between points (each point isa family member) represent the modeling distance between pro-teins, quantified as percent residue differences between aminoacid sequences. At a given minimal modeling quality, a certainnumber of structural templates (centers of circles) are needed toprovide modeling coverage to sequence neighbors (contained ina circle). A decrease in maximal modeling distance (smaller cir-cles) leads to higher accuracy structural models; however, moreexperimental structure determinations (more circles) must bemade to cover family members.

Fig. 1 Accuracy of CASP protein structure models as a function of target-template sequence identity. Data are from all models from CASP2 andCASP3 (Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein StructurePredictions11) for which >80% of the protein residues are modeled. Eachdata point represents an average over the six best predictions for a singletarget. The range bars delineate the most and the least accurate modelsout of each set of six best predictions. a, As sequence identity falls below30%, errors in Cα coordinates rapidly increase. RMSD is root mean square(r.m.s.) positional deviation. b, The primary cause of this effect is align-ment errors between target and template sequences. The alignmenterror is quantified as the percentage of misaligned residues in 3D. Modeldata were obtained from the CASP Web site (




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To simulate structural coverage as a function of minimalmodel quality, we use release 4.4 of PfamA, which contains 2,000domain families (including, by our definition, 1,626 nonmem-brane families) constructed from ∼ 260,000 domain sequences.Most Pfam families represent structural domains27 and areassembled using sequence profiles in the form of hidden Markovmodels (HMMs)28. Manual curators aim at ensuring high qualityalignments and accurate definition of domain boundaries. Ofthe proteins in SP + TrEMBL, ∼ 63% have at least one domain inPfam26.

The number of structure determinations required was estimat-ed using a greedy coverage algorithm19. The greedy algorithm firstselects the structural target (template structure) that would gen-erate the maximum number of models for sequences within themaximal modeling distance, then the target that returns the max-imum number of models for the remaining sequences in the fam-ily is selected, and so on, until there are no sequences left thatcannot be modeled. The algorithm is run repeatedly on a givencollection of family alignments for different values of maximalmodeling distance. The results are as follows.

Assuming that 30% or better sequence identity is required foraccurate modeling, ∼ 13,000 experimental structures are requiredto cover models for all nonmembrane domains (in 1,626 fami-lies) in Pfam. Many of these have already been done (we estimate~35% of all residues using the criteria of Table 1, second col-umn), but the point here is to derive numbers for modeling den-sity in a known family collection and use these for extrapolationto less well-known regions of protein sequence space. Inclusionof membrane associated families in Pfam increases the numberof structure determinations required for accurate modeling of all260,000 sequences in Pfam to 17,000.

How does the number of structure determinations required tocover the Pfam collection depend on desired model quality? Firstof all, there is a clear trade-off between model quality and exper-imental effort (Fig. 4): as minimal modeling quality (horizontalaxis) increases, more template structures (vertical axis) arerequired. Above 30% sequence identity, the number of experi-mental structure determinations increases approximately linear-ly with the minimal sequence identity between model andtemplate. The slope change at ∼ 20% sequence identity representsthe current limit of sensitivity for reliably grouping proteindomains into families. For modeling distances in the twilight

zone of sequence identity (~10–20%), modeling density is high-est, so that a single structure determination of any protein fromthe family is often sufficient to cover all family members but witha high penalty in model quality. The shape of the curve (Fig. 4) issuch that a minimal modeling distance at 30% sequence identitycaptures most of the savings in effort (decrease in the number ofstructure determinations), confirming our choice of minimalmodel quality for the purposes of estimating the scope of struc-tural genomics.

Practical considerations in covering protein spaceA number of factors may modify our simple estimates. Here, weconsider (i) substantial savings from a slight relaxation of com-pleteness requirements; (ii) realistic success rates of structuredetermination; (iii) special types of protein sequences; and (iv) variation in target selection strategy.

(i) Quasi-completeness: in computing the minimal number ofstructure determinations for complete model coverage of all pro-

Fig. 2 Current structural coverage of proteins inSP + TrEMBL. Color contours show the densityof models that can be currently built as a func-tion of the fraction of the sequence included ina model (vertical axis), and the sequence identi-ty between the modeled protein and the clos-est known experimental structure (horizontalaxis). The distribution was constructed for SP +TrEMBL (release 7 and 11, respectively; SP =SWISS-PROT) using sequence profile searcheswith PSI-BLAST (see Methods) against proteinswith known structures in the PDB (Protein DataBank). Models to the right of the vertical redline are based on >30% sequence identity overthe length of the aligned subsequences and areof relatively high quality; these are called ‘accu-rate’ or ‘reasonably accurate’ models in the textand form the basis of the estimates of modelingdensity. Models above the horizontal red linecover 80% or more of the sequence. The mostuseful models (upper right, 19% of the total)are at high levels of sequence identity andcover most of the length of the protein.

Table 1 Two views of current structural coverage of complete genomes1

Organism Optimistic view2 Realistic view3

M. genitalium 36% 10.5%M. pnemonie 32% 7.7%H. pylori 29% 7.8%M. jannashii 32% 6.0%H. influenza 39% 10.3%B. subtilis 31% 10.1%E. coli 31% 9.9%S. cerevisiae 36% 6.8%C. elegans 35% 6.5%

1Full genus names: Mycoplasma genitalium, Mycoplasma pnemonie,Helicobacter pylori, Methanoccoccus jannashii, Haemophilus influenza,Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae,Caenhorabditis elegans2Percentage of genomic sequences with a link to a known structure. 3Percentage of genome residues in accurate homology models (based on30% or higher sequence identity). The fraction of genome sequences forwhich a partial structural model, including those at low accuracy, can beconstructed. The coverage of genome sequences and residues wasobtained using sequence searches with PSI-BLAST and FASTA (seeMethods).

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tein domains in Pfam, we relaxed the completeness requirementfrom 100% to 90% and found a substantial decrease in effortfrom 13,000 to ∼ 3,300 structure determinations (4,000 struc-tures if membrane proteins are included). This large drop is aconsequence of the uneven distribution of proteins in sequencespace. Coverage of relatively dense regions of protein space — forexample, Ras, Rab, Rho, Arf-Sar (Fig. 3) — requires few struc-ture determinations to obtain many models. In contrast, cover-age of sparse regions of protein space — for example, Ransubfamily (Fig. 3) — returns much fewer models per structuredetermination. In light of these data, it is impractical to aim forachieving 100% structural coverage of protein space. Instead, areasonable objective for structural genomics is to focus on thedenser parts of protein space (except as dictated by particularbiological interest), aiming in general to obtain accurate modelsfor 90% of all sequences.

(ii) Realistic success rates: in practice, structure determina-tion for certain proteins, whether by crystallography or bynuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, can be difficult orimpossible because of a variety of problems — for example, incloning, expression, purification, concentration, labelingand/or crystal growth. In an attempt to estimate how experi-mental difficulties affect structural coverage, we simulated cov-erage of Pfam families by assuming different success rates ofstructure determination. A less than perfect success rate wasrepresented in a modified version of the greedy algorithm as fol-lows: whenever a possible target is selected for structure deter-mination, a random number generator is used to simulate if a

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structure determination would be successful. For a success, thealgorithm proceeded as usual. Otherwise, structure determina-tion was assumed to be impossible and was never attemptedagain for that protein.

Simulation of the impact of different success rates on thestructural coverage of Pfam families (Fig. 5a) shows that cover-age is not seriously affected by a decrease of success rate down tovalues of ∼ 0.2 (one success in five attempts). Even a success rateas low as 0.1 does not decrease coverage by >10 percentagepoints. The reason is that large families usually provide severalalternative targets, often from different organisms, that may beequally suitable as templates for structural modeling. As genomesequencing continues, families will grow larger, and structuralgenomics will be able to accommodate even smaller success rateswithout compromising overall coverage. Early returns from pilotstructural genomics projects suggest success rates considerablybetter than 0.1. For example, in one project6 a first set of 62 targetproteins from a single organism has already yielded 15 structures(success rate of 0.2).

(iii) Nonstandard sequence regions: in addition to globularand transmembrane domains, a currently undetermined frac-

Fig. 3 Structural coverage of a protein family, illustratedusing the Ras family in yeast as an example. Members ofthe family (labeled dots) are projected onto a plane (seeMethods). The distance between points is approximatelyproportional to the modeling distance (modeling distance= 100% – sequence identity). The circles represents structur-al coverage based on different levels of model-templatesequence identity: 20% (green), 30% (red) or 50% (blue).Increasing the number of structure determinations resultsin more accurate models; for example, structure determina-tion of a single protein (YPT6 in the center of the green cir-cle) allows modeling of all family members based on >20%sequence identity to the structural template. Solving thestructure of five proteins (red circles) allows modelingbased on >30% sequence identity; solving the structure of15 proteins (blue circles), modeling based on >50% identity.For clarity, experimental structural information alreadyavailable for the Ras family is not taken into account.

Fig. 4 Scope of structural coverage as a function of model quality. Thenumber of experimental structure determinations required to model allsequences in nonmembrane associated Pfam families as a function ofsequence identity between the modeling target and the experimentallydetermined template structure. A greedy coverage algorithm was usedto approximate the minimal number of structure determinationsrequired to cover 100% (red) or 90% (black) of nonmembrane proteinsequences in Pfam. Above 30% sequence identity, the number of struc-ture determinations is approximately proportional to model quality(measured by sequence identity). Note that for sequence identity in the25–35% range there is a significant reduction (by a factor of 3–4) in thenumber of structures required to cover 90% rather than 100% of allsequences. Pfam release 4.4 containing 2,000 families was used for allcalculations.


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tion of proteins are not suitable for mainstream structuralgenomics. These are filamentous proteins, such as simple coiledcoils, which can easily be modeled computationally, as well asregions having unusual amino acid composition, sometimescalled low-complexity regions29, for which structure solutionpresents an unsolved problem. Finally, an unknown fraction ofdomains are likely to attain a well-defined structure only as partof a large complex with attendant experimental difficulties. Wehave not included these effects here.

(iv)Alternative strategies: A major practical consideration isthe choice of targets for structure determination, with differentcriteria applied by different laboratories — for example, medicalor functional significance, or species representation. We simulat-ed how different strategies will affect coverage of protein spaceby varying the target selection process (Fig. 5b). A maximalmodeling distance of 30% was used in all cases. The first strategyfocused exclusively on the maximal return of accurate structuralmodels (simulated using the simple greedy algorithm, seeabove). The payoff is measured by the fraction of the proteinspace covered (the blue curve in Fig. 5b). As noted earlier, thisstrategy results in ∼ 3,300 structure determinations in order tocover 90% of protein space. The second possible strategy is com-pletely random selection of the targets (red curve in Fig. 5b).

Assuming that, to a first approximation, functionally importantproteins are randomly distributed in protein sequence space, thisstrategy approximates space coverage with selection of structuraltargets based exclusively on functional importance. To achieve90% coverage, about seven times as many structure determina-tions are needed compared with the first strategy. In practice it islikely that an intermediate strategy will be adopted by the struc-tural genomics community. For example, in the third strategyconsidered, targets are selected at random but only if they have<30% sequence identity to an already determined structure(green curve in Fig. 5b). The third strategy requires about two tothree times as many structure determination to achieve 90% cov-erage compared with the optimal first strategy.

Fig. 5 Two factors affecting the scale of structural genomics. a, Proteinspace coverage at different success rates of structure determination. Thecoverage algorithm assumes that any desired structure can be obtainedexperimentally. In practice, many choices will restrict that choice. Weestimate the reduction in the coverage of protein sequence space bymodels based on >30% sequence identity as a function of the successrate in getting the desired experimental structures. All nonmembraneproteins from Pfam4.4 were used in the calculation. Success ratesbetween 1:1 (100% successful) and 1:10 are considered. As many familiesprovide a number of alternative structural targets, it is possible toachieve nearly the same final coverage of protein space, within 10 per-centage points, down to a success rate of about 1:10. b, Different scenar-ios of protein space coverage. The coverage algorithm assumes that theexperimental community will focus on proteins that maximize the num-ber of models that can be built. In practice, such a universal coordinationin target selection is unlikely. Here we compare three scenarios and howthey affect the number of models that can be built for a given number ofstructure determinations. In the first (blue), the greedy strategy thatmaximizes the number of built models is used. In the second (green), pro-teins are selected at random for structure determination; this strategyrequires seven times more structure determinations to achieve 90% cov-erage of protein space compared to the first. In the third (red), interme-diate strategy, it is assumed that proteins are chosen for structural studyrandomly, but only if they are <30% in sequence identity to a knownstructure The third strategy requires 2.5× more structure determinationsfor 90% coverage compared with the first. All nonmembrane associatedproteins in Pfam4.4 were used in the calculation.



Table 2 Coverage of complete genomes/chromosomes by current Pfam domain families1

Organism name2 Fraction of sequences Fraction of residues Number of with at least one covered by unique Pfam

Pfam domain Pfam domains domains foundE. coli (4,257) 52% 38% 753M. jannashii (1,715) 50% 36% 499S. cerevisiae (6,406) 46% 23% 752C. elegans (16,332) 48% 22% 819A. thaliana, chromosome 2 (4,038) 49% 23% 510D. melanogaster (13,710) 53% 22% 939Human, chromosome 22 (482) 60% 30% 174SWISS-PROT + TrEMBL (∼ 300,000) 63% 45% 2,000

1Coverage was calculated using HMM profiles searches with HMMer37. Typically, about half of the proteins in a genome contain at least one Pfamdomain, representing approximately one quarter of the residues.2Number of proteins in a genome or chromosome is indicated in parenthesis.

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Towards comprehensive clustering of protein spaceCan the structural genomics approach be efficiently applied tocover all protein space? The answer depends on the feasibility ofclustering the vast majority of protein space into a set of domainfamilies of nontrivial size, such that models can be built of manyfamily members based on one or a few structural representatives.This depends on the diversity and number of genomessequenced. With many genome sequencing projects underway,time favors the aggregation of proteins into families in our data-bases. For example, domain families of size one, sometimes calledsingletons, have been declining as a fraction of the total numberof families. Even if singletons as a fraction of families withingenomes remained at 10%, aggregation of homologs betweengenomes will lead to their rapid disappearance30.

Eukaryotic genomes in particular appear to have a significantdegree of sequence similarity within and between organisms,indicative of paralogy or homology. For example, a study of acontinuous stretch of genomic sequence from the Adh region inDrosophila melanogaster31 reported that ∼ 72% of genes havehomology to sequences in other eukaryotic organisms. Such ahigh level of sequence homology is impressive if one considersthat only a small fraction of eukaryotic genomes is currentlyavailable. In addition, recent analysis of the complete genomesequence of D. melanogaster showed that 60% of human ‘diseasegenes’ have full-length homologs in the fly genome32. A highlevel of sequence similarity was also found in the genome analy-sis of Caenhorabditis elegans33, Arabidopsis thaliana34,35 andhuman chromosome 22 (ref. 36) genomes.

Once representative organisms in major branches of the tree oflife have been sequenced, we expect that additional sequencingwill turn up increasingly less sequence diversity, but the likeli-hood that new coding sequences will join existing families willsteadily increase. Therefore, most of protein space can be clus-tered into large families of homologous/paralogous proteindomains. Possible exceptions are proteins or segments withunusual composition, sometimes called low complexity regions,as well as some filamentous regions. We could, therefore, reason-ably and cautiously extrapolate the results of data simulationsusing the Pfam domain family database to estimate the numberof structure determinations required to structurally cover mostsequences from all organisms.

Structure determinations to cover most protein space We estimate the total number of experimental structure determi-nations required to cover all of protein space in two steps: (i) weestimate the total number of domain families by assessing whichfraction of all coding regions in key genomes can be assigned toknown Pfam domain families (Table 2), and (ii) we then assume,to a first approximation, that the modeling density within thePfam domain database applies to all protein space, includingcurrently unknown families. This estimation based on Pfam is agood starting point, but may be biased by the tendency of knownPfam families to be large and well characterized and may likelyunderrepresent both filamentous proteins and proteins withamino acid composition atypical of globular proteins. TheHMMer package37 was used to calculate the fraction of genomeresidues that can be assigned to known Pfam families (Table 2).The results of our calculations are consistent with earlier studiesby Bateman et al.26 and do not depend on the particular value ofmaximal modeling distance chosen. For a wide variety ofgenomes available to us (and for all sequences in SP + TrEMBL),about one-half of the sequences and one-quarter of the residuescan be assigned to known Pfam families. Given 2,000 families in

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Pfam, this puts the estimate for the total number of proteindomain families at 2,000 / 0.25, or 8,000. This number is com-patible with other recent estimates38.

Given this estimate of the total number of families, how manystructures will it take to cover these? To cover 90% of all proteindomain sequences, ∼ 4,000 structure determinations are neededin 2,000 Pfam families using an optimal strategy. Extrapolating2,000–8,000 families and assuming the Pfam modeling densitycan be applied to all of protein space, the total number of struc-ture determinations required to produce models for 90% of pro-tein space is 4,000 / 0.25 = 16,000, using the optimal strategy fortarget selection (see above). Nonredundant domains structuresalready solved (∼ 10%, Table 1) are included in this total.

In practice, departures from a strategy that maximizes thenumber of models per experimental structure are likely. Forexample, simulation of (uncoordinated) target selection, fol-lowed by deselection of potential targets already covered by anaccurate model, leads to about three times that number —∼ 50,000 structure determinations (see (iv) in the section onpractical considerations and Fig. 5b).

ConclusionsThe principal goal of structural genomics is to construct a com-plete and accurate map of protein structure space. The map canbe constructed by experimental structures of representativesfrom protein families in combination with computationalhomology modeling. Here, we have explored comprehensivestructural coverage based on a curated collection of protein fam-ilies26. Qualitatively similar results were obtained using otherdatabases of domain families39–44. We draw several conclusionsbased on simulations in a limited data set of sequence familiesand structures, with cautious extrapolation to a much largerfraction of all natural proteins:

(i) The fraction of protein space for which reasonably accuratestructural modeling is currently possible is relatively small.Although some structural information is available for domainsin about one-third of sequences from complete genomes, thefraction of residues in a given genome that can be included in anaccurate model is generally below 10%.

(ii) The number of experimental structure determinationsrequired to cover protein space increases monotonically with thedesired quality of homology models, where model quality is quan-tified by the minimal sequence identity used in modeling. Theincrease is approximately linear above 40% sequence identity.

(iii) The number of structure determinations required tocover 90% of protein domains is about four times smaller thanthe number required to cover 100%. Coverage of the remaining10% would come at a disproportionately high cost. Assumingthat at least 30% sequence identity to a structural template isrequired for structural modeling, on average eight structuredeterminations would be needed to cover 100% of a proteinfamily versus two structure determinations to cover 90% of aprotein family.

(iv) Large protein families provide a number of alternativestructural targets useful as structural templates. Consequently,broad structural coverage can be achieved economically with arelatively small success rate of experimental structure determina-tion (as low as one in five).

(v) The number of structure determinations required for com-plete coverage of protein space crucially depends on the strategyused for the selection of structural targets. For a goal of 90% cov-erage, a strategy of completely random selection of targetsrequires almost seven times more structure determinations than


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a strategy that optimizes the average number of computationalmodels per experimental structure.

(vi) Improvements in computational modeling methodswould lead to a significant reduction in experimental effort. Forexample, a 10% decrease in the threshold needed for accuratemodeling, from 30% to 20% sequence identity, would reduce thenumber of experimental structures required by more than a fac-tor of two.

How soon can the goals of structural genomics be achieved?We estimate at least 16,000 experimental structure determina-tions would be required to accurately model almost all proteinswhen using an optimal strategy for target selection. However,unless there is tight coordination of target selection, as many as50,000 structure determinations may be necessary. A more accu-rate estimate will be possible once the genome sequences of moreeukaryotes are complete and reliable protein sequences havebeen deduced.

The current rate of experimental structure determination is~50 structures per week45 (or 25,000 per decade). However, onlyabout one in five solved structures is nonredundant in that itrepresents a new protein family, as defined by a family radius of25–30% sequence identity46,47. Consequently, only ~10 nonre-dundant structures are solved per week (or 5,000 per decade).Over the next few years, the rate of traditional (low-throughput)structure determination is likely to further increase (since 1990the rate has increased 10-fold). In addition, emerging structuralgenomics projects (both in industry and academia) are aimingfor a total high-throughput production level of thousands ofnonredundant structures per year. Based on these projections, itis possible that a combination of low-throughput and high-throughput approaches will yield a near-complete map of pro-tein structure space in about a decade.

MethodsFamily plane projection. The projection of the yeast Ras familyonto a plane (Fig. 3) was obtained using the package SOM_PAK48

with slight manual adjustments. The sequence YPT6 was chosen asthe center of projection. Note that the projection of a multidimen-sional space (such as protein sequence space) onto a plane cannotaccurately represent all distances.

Structural coverage of SP+TrEMBL. Structural coverage distribu-tion of proteins in SP + TrEMBL (Fig. 2) was calculated by PSI-BLASTsequence profile searches against the PDB49. For each nonredundantprotein in PDB95 (PDB proteins filtered at 95% sequence identity),three rounds of iterative PSI-BLAST searches were conductedagainst SP + TrEMBL. Sequences with an expectation score (E-value)<0.001 were collected in each iteration. These sequences were usedas potential structural templates for proteins in SP + TrEMBL.

The rate of false positives was estimated using the SCOP databas-es of structural domains release 1.37 (ref. 16). For all nonredundant

sequences representing SCOP structural domains (SCOP filtered at95% sequence identity), three iterations of PSI-BLAST were runagainst the SP + TrEMBL. All SP + TrEMBL sequences hits with E-scores above 0.001 were collected for each SCOP domain. Two ormore hits to the same region (defined by a 90% overlap) of a SP +TrEMBL sequence from SCOP domains with different folds are clear-ly spurious (false positives)24. The percentage of such hits relative tothe total number of hits to SP + TrEMBL sequences was ~3%.

Structural coverage of complete genomes/chromosomes.Structural coverage of complete genomes was estimated using PSI-BLAST and FASTA searches. The fraction of genome sequences witha link to a known fold was calculated by running three rounds ofPSI-BLAST using the PDB95 dataset19. Only sequences with an E-value <0.001 and >50 amino acids in length were considered as alink. The fraction of residues in genomes that could be included inhomology models was estimated by FASTA searches using PDB95.Only FASTA hits with an E-value <0.001 and sequence identity >30%to a PDB protein were considered. The BLAST and FASTA searcheswere performed using a parallel Beowulf cluster (

Detection of membrane families in Pfam. The programTopPred50 was used to detect transmembrane families in Pfam.Families in which >30% of the sequences had a confident predictionof at least one transmembrane domain were considered as trans-membrane families. This criterion is similar to the one used recentlyby Elofsson et al.51.

Coverage of genomes by current Pfam families. Coverage ofdifferent genomes by the Pfam families was calculated using profilesearches with the HMMer package37. The PVM (parallel virtualmachine) version of HMMer was run on a Beowulf cluster. The fami-ly specific gathering cutoffs (GA) used in the compilation of Pfamfamilies were applied.

Greedy coverage algorithm. The following greedy algorithm wasused to estimate the number of experimental structure determina-tions required to cover each family: (i) For a given maximal model-ing distance, the number of models that can be built based on each(remaining) protein in the family (model yield) is calculated. (ii) Theprotein with the highest model yield is selected. This protein andthe proteins structurally covered by it are removed from further cal-culations. (iii) The number of structure determinations required tocover this family is increased by one. Step (i) is repeated until thereare no proteins left in the family.

AcknowledgmentsWe thank L. Holm, D. Marks and J. Norvell for discussions and C. Venclosas forproviding CASP template/target sequence identity data. This work was supportedin part by research grants from the US National Institute of Health (NIGMS) andthe Department of Energy to J.M. and C.S.

Received 6 March, 2001; accepted 23 March, 2001

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