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Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

For Bill Harvey on the occasion of his 65th birthday

1.1 Abstract

A complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian group is a discrete, faithful, typepreserving and geometrically finite representation of a surface group as asubgroup of the group of holomorphic isometries of complex hyperbolicspace. Such groups are direct complex hyperbolic generalisations ofquasi-Fuchsian groups in three dimensional (real) hyperbolic geometry.In this article we present the current state of the art of the theory ofcomplex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups.

1.2 Introduction

The purpose of this paper is to outline what is known about the complexhyperbolic analogue of quasi-Fuchsian groups. Discrete groups of com-plex hyperbolic isometries have not been studied as widely as their realhyperbolic counterparts. Nevertheless, they are interesting to study andshould be more widely known. The classical theory of quasi-Fuchsiangroups serves a model for the complex hyperbolic theory, but resultsdo not usually generalise in a straightforward way. This is part of theinterest of the subject.

Complex hyperbolic Kleinian groups were first studied by Picard atabout the same time as Poincare was developing the theory of Fuchsianand Kleinian groups. In spite of work by several other people, includingGiraud and Cartan, the complex hyperbolic theory did not develop asrapidly as the real hyperbolic theory. So, by the time Ahlfors and Berswere laying the foundations for the theory of quasi-Fuchsian groups,


4 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

complex hyperbolic geometry was hardly studied at all. Later, workof Chen and Greenberg and of Mostow on symmetric spaces led to aresurgence of interest in complex hyperbolic discrete groups. The basictheory of complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups was laid out byGoldman and these foundations have been built upon by many otherpeople.

There are several sources of material on complex hyperbolic geometry.The book of Goldman [27] gives an encyclopedic source of many facts,results and proofs about complex hyperbolic geometry. The forthcomingbook of Parker [47] is intended to give a gentler background to the sub-ject, focusing on discrete groups. The book of Schwartz [61] also givesa general introduction, but concentrates on the proof and applicationof a particular theorem. Additionally, most of the papers in the bibli-ography contain some elementary material but they often use differentconventions and notation. Therefore we have tried to make this paperas self contained as possible, and we hope that it will become a use-ful resource for readers who want to begin studying complex hyperbolicquasi-Fuchsian groups.

This paper is organised as follows. We give a wide ranging introduc-tion to complex hyperbolic geometry in Section 1.3. We then go on todiscuss the geometry of complex hyperbolic surface group representa-tions in Section 1.4, including the construction of fundamental domains.One of the most striking aspects of this theory is that, unlike the realhyperbolic case, there is a radical difference between the case where oursurface has punctures or is closed (and without boundary). We discussthese two cases separately in Sections 1.5 and 1.6. Finally, in Section1.7 we give some open problems and conjectures.

It is a great pleasure for us to present this survey as a contribution to avolume in honour of Bill Harvey. Bill’s contributions to the classical the-ory of Teichmuller and quasi-Fuchsian spaces have been an inspirationto us and, more importantly, he is a good friend to both of us.

1.3 Complex Hyperbolic Space

1.3.1 Models of complex hyperbolic space

The material in this section is standard. Further details may be foundin the books [27] or [47]. Let C2,1 be the complex vector space of com-plex dimension 3 equipped with a non-degenerate, indefinite Hermitianform 〈·, ·〉 of signature (2, 1), that is 〈·, ·〉 is given by a non-singular 3×3

1.3 Complex Hyperbolic Space 5

Hermitian matrix H with 2 positive eigenvalues and 1 negative eigen-value. There are two standard matrices H which give different Hermitianforms on C2,1. Following Epstein, see [14], we call these the first andsecond Hermitian forms. Let z and w be the column vectors [z1, z2, z3]t

and [w1, w2, w3]t respectively. The first Hermitian form is defined tobe:

〈z,w〉1 = w∗H1z = z1w1 + z2w2 − z3w3

where H1 is the Hermitian matrix:

H1 =

1 0 00 1 00 0 −1


The second Hermitian form is defined to be:

〈z,w〉2 = w∗H2z = z1w3 + z2w2 + z3w1

where H2 is the Hermitian matrix:

H2 =

0 0 10 1 01 0 0


There are other Hermitian forms which are widely used in the literature.Given any two Hermitian forms of signature (2, 1) we can pass be-

tween them using a Cayley transform. This is not unique for we mayprecompose and postcompose by any unitary matrix preserving the rel-evant Hermitian form. For example, one may check directly that thefollowing Cayley transform interchanges the first and second Hermitianforms:

C =1√2

1 0 10

√2 0

1 0 −1


In what follows we shall use subscripts only if it is necessary to specifywhich Hermitian form to use. When there is no subscript, then thereader can use either of these (or her/his favourite Hermitian form onC3 of signature (2, 1)).

Since 〈z, z〉 is real for all z ∈ C2,1 we may define subsets V−, V0 andV+ of C2,1 by

V− =z ∈ C2,1| 〈z, z〉 < 0


6 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

V0 =z ∈ C2,1 − 0| 〈z, z〉 = 0


V+ =z ∈ C2,1| 〈z, z〉 > 0


We say that z ∈ C2,1 is negative, null or positive if z is in V−, V0 or V+

respectively. Motivated by special relativity, these are sometimes calledtime-like, light-like and space-like. Let P : C2,1 7−→ CP2 be the standardprojection map. On the chart of C2,1 where z3 6= 0 this projection mapis given by

P :





z1/z3 z2/z3

)∈ C2.

Because 〈λz, λz〉 = |λ|2 〈z, z〉 we see that for any non-zero complex scalarλ the point λz is negative, null or positive if and only if z is. It makessense to describe Pz ∈ CP2 as positive, null or negative.

Definition 1.3.1 The projective model of complex hyperbolic space isdefined to be the collection of negative lines in C2,1 and its boundary isdefined to be the collection of null lines. In other words H2

C is PV− and∂H2

C is PV0.

We define the other two standard models of complex hyperbolic spaceby taking the section of C2,1 defined by z3 = 1 and considering PV−for the first and second Hermitian forms. In particular, we define thestandard lift of z = (z1, z2) ∈ C2 to be z = [z1, z2, 1]t ∈ C2,1. It is clearthat Pz = z. Points in complex hyperbolic space will be those z ∈ C2

for which their standard lift satisfies 〈z, z〉 < 0. Taking the first andsecond Hermitian forms, this gives two models of complex hyperbolicspace which naturally generalise, respectively, the Poincare disc and halfplane models of the hyperbolic plane.

For the first Hermitian form we obtain z = (z1, z2) ∈ H2C provided

〈z, z〉1 = z1z1 + z2z2 − 1 < 0

or, in other words |z1|2 + |z2|2 < 1.

Definition 1.3.2 The unit ball model of complex hyperbolic space H2C


B2 =

z = (z1, z2) ∈ C2 : |z1|2 + |z2|2 < 1


1.3 Complex Hyperbolic Space 7

Its boundary ∂H2C is the unit sphere

S3 =

z = (z1, z2) ∈ C2 : |z1|2 + |z2|2 = 1


For the second Hermitian form we obtain z = (z1, z2) ∈ H2C provided

〈z, z〉2 = z1 + z2z2 + z1 < 0.

In other words 2<(z1) + |z2|2 < 0.

Definition 1.3.3 The Siegel domain model of complex hyperbolic spaceH2

C is

S2 =

z = (z1, z2) ∈ C2 : 2<(z1) + |z2|2 < 0


Its boundary is the one point compactification of R3. It turns out thatthis is naturally endowed with the group structure of the Heisenberg groupN. That is ∂H2

C = N ∪ ∞ where

N =

z = (z1, z2) ∈ C2 : 2<(z1) + |z2|2 = 0


The standard lift of ∞ is the column vector [1, 0, 0]t ∈ C2,1.

1.3.2 Bergman metric

The Bergman metric on H2C is defined by

ds2 = − 4〈z, z〉2

det[〈z, z〉 〈dz, z〉〈z, dz〉 〈dz, dz〉


Alternatively, it is given by the distance function ρ given by the formula


(ρ(z, w)


)=〈z,w〉 〈w, z〉〈z, z〉 〈w,w〉



where z and w in V− are the standard lifts of z and w in H2C and

|z| =√−〈z, z〉.

Substituting the first Hermitian form in these formulae gives the fol-lowing expressions for the Bergman metric and distance function for the

8 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

unit ball model

ds2 =−4

(|z1|2 + |z2|2 − 1)2det

(|z1|2 + |z2|2 − 1 z1d z1 + z2d z2

z1d z1 + z2d z2 |d z1|2 + |d z2|2)

=4(|dz1|2 + |dz2|2 − |z1dz2 − z2dz1|2

)(1− |z1|2 − |z2|2




(ρ(z, w)



|1− z1w1 − z2w2|2(1− |z1|2 − |z2|2

)(1− |w1|2 − |w2|2

) .

Likewise, the Bergman metric on the Siegel domain is given by

ds2 =−4

(z1 + |z2|2 + z1)2det

(z1 + |z2|2 + z1 d z1 + z2d z2

d z1 + z2d z2 |d z2|2)

=−4(z1 + |z2|2 + z1)|d z2|2 + 4

∣∣d z1 + z2d z2

∣∣2(z1 + |z2|2 + z1)2


The corresponding distance formula is


(ρ(z, w)



|z1 + w1 + z2w2|2(z1 + z1 + |z2|2

)(w1 + w1 + |w2|2

) .

1.3.3 Isometries

Let U(2, 1) be the group of matrices that are unitary with respect tothe form 〈·, ·〉 corresponding to the Hermitian matrix H. By defini-tion, each such matrix A satisfies the relation A∗HA = H and hence

A−1 = H−1A∗H, where A∗ = AT.

The group of holomorphic isometries of complex hyperbolic space isthe projective unitary group PU(2, 1) = U(2, 1)/U(1), where we makethe natural identification U(1) = eiθI, θ ∈ [0, 2π) and I is the 3 × 3identity matrix. The full group of complex hyperbolic isometries is gen-erated by PU(2, 1) and the conjugation map (z1, z2) 7−→ (z1, z2).

For our purposes we shall consider instead the group SU(2, 1) ofmatrices that are unitary with respect to H and have determinant 1.Therefore PU(2, 1) = SU(2, 1)/I, ωI, ω2I, where ω is a non real cuberoot of unity, and so SU(2, 1) is a 3-fold covering of PU(2, 1). This isanalogous to the well known fact that SL(2, C) is the double cover ofPSL(2, C) = SL(2, C)/±I. Since SU(2, 1) comprises 3 × 3 matrices

1.3 Complex Hyperbolic Space 9

rather than 2× 2 matrices we obtain a triple cover rather than a doublecover.

The usual trichotomy which classifies isometries of real hyperbolicspaces also holds here. Namely:

(i) an isometry is loxodromic if it fixes exactly two points of ∂H2C;

(ii) an isometry is parabolic if it fixes exactly one point of ∂H2C;

(iii) an isometry is elliptic if it fixes at least one point of H2C.

In Section 1.3.5 below we will give another geometrical interpretation ofthis trichotomy.

1.3.4 The Heisenberg group and the boundary of H2C

Each unipotent, upper triangular matrix in SU(2, 1) (with respect to thesecond Hermitian form) has the form

T(ζ,v) =

1 −√

2 ζ −|ζ|2 + iv

0 1√

0 0 1

where ζ ∈ C and v ∈ R. There is a natural map φ : C × R givenby φ(ζ, v) = T(ζ,v). The set of unipotent, upper triangular matrices inSU(2, 1) is group under matrix multiplication. In order to make φ ahomomorphism, we give C× R the following group operation:

(ζ, v) · (ζ ′, v′) = (ζ + ζ ′, v + v′ + 2=(ζζ ′),

that is the group structure of the Heisenberg group N.Given a finite point z of ∂H2

C there is a unique unipotent, upper trian-gular matrix in SU(2, 1) taking o = (0, 0) to z. Therefore we may iden-tify ∂H2

C with the one point compactification of the Heisenberg group.(This generalises the well known fact that the boundary of hyperbolicthree-space is the one point compactification of C.)

The identification is done as follows. If z is a finite point of theboundary (that is any point besides ∞), then its standard lift is

z =




, 2<(z1) + |z2|2 = 0.

We write ζ = z2/√

2 ∈ C and this condition becomes 2<(z1) = −2|ζ|2.

10 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

Hence we may write z1 = −|ζ|2 + iv for v ∈ R. That is for (ζ, v) ∈ N:

z =

−|ζ|2 + iv√2ζ


The Heisenberg group is not abelian but is 2-step nilpotent. Therefore

any point in N of the form (0, t) is central and the commutator of anytwo elements lies in the centre.

Geometrically, we think of the C factor of N as being horizontal andthe R factor as being vertical. We refer to T (ζ, v) as Heisenberg trans-

lation by (ζ, v). A Heisenberg translation by (0, t) is called vertical

translation by t. It is easy to see the Heisenberg translations are ordi-nary translations in the horizontal direction and shears in the verticaldirection. The fact that N is nilpotent means that translating arounda horizontal square gives a vertical translation, rather like going up aspiral staircase. We define vertical projection Π : N → C to be the mapΠ(ζ, v) = ζ.

The Heisenberg norm is given by

∣∣(ζ, v)∣∣ =

∣∣∣|ζ|2 − iv∣∣∣1/2


This gives rise to a metric, the Cygan metric, on N by


((ζ1, v1), (ζ2, v2)


∣∣(ζ1, v1)−1 · (ζ2, v2)∣∣.

1.3.5 Geodesic submanifolds

There are no totally geodesic, real hypersurfaces of H2C, but there are

are two kinds of totally geodesic 2-dimensional subspaces of complexhyperbolic space, (see Section 3.1.11 of [27]). Namely:

(i) complex lines L, which have constant curvature −1, and(ii) totally real Lagrangian planes R, which have constant curvature


Every complex line L is the image under some element of SU(2, 1) ofthe complex line L1 where the first coordinate is zero:

L1 =

(z1, z2)t ∈ H2C : z1 = 0


1.3 Complex Hyperbolic Space 11

The subgroup of SU(2, 1) stabilising L1 is thus the group of block di-agonal matrices S

(U(1) × U(1, 1)

)< SU(2, 1). The stabiliser of every

other complex line is conjugate to this subgroup. The restriction of theBergman metric to L1 is just the Poincare metric on the unit disc withcurvature −1.

Every Lagrangian plane is the image under some element of SU(2, 1)of the standard real Lagrangian plane RR where both coordinates arereal:

RR =

(z1, z2)t ∈ H2C : =(z1) = =(z2) = 0


The subgroup of SU(2, 1) stabilising RR comprises matrices with real en-tries, that is SO(2, 1) < SU(2, 1). The stabiliser of every other Lagrangianplane is conjugate to this subgroup. The restriction of the Bergman met-ric to RR is the Klein-Beltrami metric on the unit disc with curvature−1/4.

We finally define two classes of topological circles, which form theboundaries of complex lines and Lagrangian planes respectively:

(i) the boundary of a complex line is called a C-circle and(ii) the boundary of a Lagrangian plane is called an R-circle.

The complex conjugation map ιR : (z1, z2) 7−→ (z1, z2) is an involu-tion of H2

C fixing the standard real Lagrangian plane RR. It too is anisometry. Indeed any anti-holomorphic isometry of H2

C may be writtenas ιR followed by some element of PU(2, 1). Any Lagrangian plane maybe written as R = B(RR) for some B ∈ SU(2, 1) and so ι = BιRB−1 isan anti-holomorphic isometry of H2

C fixing R.Falbel and Zocca [20] have used involutions fixing Lagrangian planes

to give the following characterisation of elements of SU(2, 1):

Theorem 1.3.4 (Falbel and Zocca [20]) Any element A of SU(2, 1)may be written as A = ι1 ι0 where ι0 and ι1 are involutions fixingLagrangian planes R0 and R1 respectively. Moreover

(i) A = ι1 ι0 is loxodromic if and only if R0 and R1 are disjoint;(ii) A = ι1 ι0 is parabolic if and only if R0 and R1 intersect in

exactly one point of ∂H2C;

(iii) A = ι1 ι0 is elliptic if and only if R0 and R1 intersect in at leastone point of H2


12 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

1.3.6 Cartan’s angular invariant

Let z1, z2, z3 be three distinct points of ∂H2C with lifts z1, z2 and z3.

Cartan’s angular invariant [9] is defined as follows:

A (z1, z2, z3) = arg(−〈z1, z2〉〈z2, z3〉〈z3, z1〉


The angular invariant is independent of the chosen lifts zj of the pointszj . It is clear that applying an element of SU(2, 1) to our triple of pointsdoes not change the Cartan invariant. The converse is also true.

Proposition 1.3.5 (Goldman, Theorem 7.1.1 of [27]) Let z1, z2, z3

and z′1, z′2, z′3 be triples of distinct points of ∂H2C. Then A(z1, z2, z3) = A(z′1, z

′2, z


if and only if there exists an A ∈ SU(2, 1) so that A(zj) = z′j forj = 1, 2, 3. Moreover, A is unique unless the three points lie on acomplex line.

The properties of A may be found in Section 7.1 of [27]. In the nextproposition we highlight some of them, see Corollary 7.1.3 and Theorem7.1.4 on pages 213-4 of [27].

Proposition 1.3.6 (Cartan [9]) Let z1, z2, z3 be three distinct pointsof ∂H2

C and let A = A(z1, z2, z3) be their angular invariant. Then,

(i) A ∈ [−π/2, π/2];(ii) A± π/2 if and only if z1, z2 and z3 all lie on a complex line;(iii) A = 0 if and only if z1, z2 and z3 all lie on a Lagrangian plane.

Geometrically, the angular invariant A has the following interpreta-tion; see Section 7.1.2 of [27]. Let L12 be the complex line contain-ing z1 and z2 and let Π12 denote orthogonal projection onto L12. TheBergman metric restricted to L12 is just the Poincare metric with curva-ture −1. Consider the hyperbolic triangle ∆ in L12 with vertices z1, z2

and Π12(z3). Then the angular invariant A(z1, z2, z3) is half the signedPoincare area of ∆. That is, the area of ∆ is |2A|. The sign of A isdetermined by the order one meets the vertices of ∆ when going around∂∆ in a positive sense with respect to the natural orientation of L12. Ifone meets the vertices in a cyclic permutation of z1, z2, Π12(z3) thenA > 0; if one meets them in a cyclic permutation of z2, z1, Π12(z3) thenA < 0. In the case where Π12(z3) lies on the geodesic joining z1 and z2

then the triangle is degenerate and has area zero. In the case where z3

lies on ∂L12 then ∆ is an ideal triangle and has area π.

1.3 Complex Hyperbolic Space 13

1.3.7 The Koranyi-Reimann cross-ratio

Cross-ratios were generalised to complex hyperbolic space by Koranyiand Reimann [35]. Following their notation, we suppose that z1, z2, z3,z4 are four distinct points of ∂H2

C. Let z1, z2, z3 and z4 be correspondinglifts in V0 ⊂ C2,1. The complex cross-ratio of our four points is definedto be

X = [z1, z2, z3, z4] =〈z3, z1〉〈z4, z2〉〈z4, z1〉〈z3, z2〉


We note that X is invariant under SU(2, 1) and independent of the chosenlifts. More properties of the complex cross-ratio may be found in Section7.2 of [27].

By choosing different orderings of our four points we may define othercross-ratios. There are some symmetries associated to certain permu-tations, see Property 5 on page 225 of [27]. After taking these intoaccount, there are three cross ratios that remain. Given four distinctpoints z1, . . . , z4 ∈ ∂H2

C, we define

X1 = [z1, z2, z3, z4], X2 = [z1, z3, z2, z4], X3 = [z2, z3, z1, z4]. (1.1)

These three cross-ratios determine the quadruple of points up to SU(2, 1)equivalence; see Falbel [16] or Parker and Platis [49].

Proposition 1.3.7 (Falbel [16]) Let z1, . . . , z4 be distinct points of∂H2

C with cross ratios X1, X2, X3 given by (1.1). If z′1, . . . , z′4 is anotherset be distinct points of ∂H2

C so that

X1 = [z1, z2, z3, z4] = [z′1, z′2, z

′3, z


X2 = [z1, z3, z2, z4] = [z′1, z′3, z

′2, z


X3 = [z2, z3, z1, z4] = [z′2, z′3, z

′1, z


Then there exists A ∈ SU(2, 1) so that A(zj) = z′j for j = 1, 2, 3, 4.

In [16] Falbel has given a general setting for cross-ratios that includesboth Koranyi-Reimann cross ratios and the standard real hyperboliccross-ratio. The normalisation (1.1) is somewhat different than his. Thethree cross-ratios satisfy two real equations; in Falbel’s normalisation,the analogous relations are given in Proposition 2.3 of [16]. In his generalsetting there are six cross-ratios that lie on a complex algebraic variety inC6. Our cross-ratios correspond to the fixed locus of an antiholomorphicinvolution on this variety.

14 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

Proposition 1.3.8 (Parker and Platis [49]) Let z1, z2, z3, z4 beany four distinct points in ∂H2

C. Let X1, X2 and X3 be defined by (1.1).Then

|X2| = |X1| |X3|, (1.2)

2|X1|2<(X3) = |X1|2 + |X2|2 + 1− 2<(X1 + X2). (1.3)

The set of points X consisting of triples (X1, X2, X3) is thus an alge-braic variety which we call cross-ratio variety.

The cross-ratio variety X defined in Proposition 1.3.8 appears natu-rally in the study of the space of configurations of four points in theunit sphere S3. In the classical case, it is well known that a configura-tion of four points on the Riemann sphere is determined up to Mobiusequivalence by their cross-ratio and the set F of equivalence classes ofconfigurations is biholomorphic to C−0, 1 which may be identified tothe set of cross-ratios of four pairwise distinct points on CP1 (see section4.4 of [5]). In the complex hyperbolic setting, things are more compli-cated. Denote by C the set of configurations of four points in S3. Thegroup of holomorphic isometries of H2

C acts naturally on C. Denote byF the quotient of C by this action. In [16], Falbel proved the following.

Proposition 1.3.9 (Falbel [16]) There exists a CR map π : F → C3

such that its image is X.

Now, there are plenty of analytical and geometrical structures onlarge subsets of F , all inherited from the natural CR structure of theHeisenberg group. Namely, (see [19]) there exists a complex structureand a (singular) CR structure of codimension 2. To transfer these re-sults to X, Falbel and Platis strengthened Proposition 1.3.9 by provingthat the map π is a CR-embedding. Thus they prove the following.

Theorem 1.3.10 (Falbel and Platis [19]) Let X be the cross-ratiovariety. Then, except some subsets of measure zero, X is

(i) a 2-complex manifold and

(ii) admits a singular CR structure of codimension 2.

In [50] Parker and Platis explored the topology of the cross-ratio va-riety by defining global coordinates on X using only geometrical tools.

1.4 Representations of surface groups 15

1.4 Representations of surface groups

In what follows we fix an oriented topological surface Σ of genus g with p

punctures; its Euler characteristic is thus χ = χ(Σ) = 2−2g−p. We sup-pose that χ < 0. We denote by π1 = π1(Σ) the fundamental group of Σ.A specific choice of generators for π1 is called a marking. The collectionof marked representations of π1 into a Lie group G up to conjugationwill be denoted by Hom(π1, G)/G. We shall consider Hom(π1, G)/G

endowed with the compact-open topology; this will enable us to makesense of what it means for two representations to be close. We remarkthat in the cases we consider, the compact-open topology is equivalentto the l2-topology on the relevant matrix group.

Our main interest is in the case where G = SU(2, 1), that is repre-sentation variety consisting of marked representations up to conjugationinto the group of holomorphic isometries of complex hyperbolic spaceH2

C. In the following section we review in brief the classical cases ofspaces of marked representations of π1 into G when G is SL(2, R) orSL(2, C). These spaces are the predecessors of the space we study here.

1.4.1 The motivation from real hyperbolic geometry

It is well known that if ρ : π1 −→ SL(2, R) is a discrete and faithfulrepresentation of π1, then ρ(π1) is called Fuchsian. In this case ρ isnecessarily geometrically finite. Moreover, ρ(π1) is necessarily totallyloxodromic when p = 0. If p > 0 then this condition would be re-placed with type-preserving, which requires that an element of ρ(π1)is parabolic if and only if it represents a peripheral curve. The groupSL(2, R) is a double cover of the group of orientation preserving isome-tries of the hyperbolic plane. The quotient of the hyperbolic plane byρ(π1) naturally corresponds to a hyperbolic (as well as to a complex)structure on Σ.

Definition 1.4.1 The collection of distinct, marked Fuchsian represen-tations, up to conjugacy within SL(2, R), is the Teichmuller space of Σ,denoted T = T (Σ) ⊂ Hom

(π1, SL(2, R)

)/SL(2, R).

Among its many of properties, Teichmuller space is:

• topologically a ball of real dimension 6g − 6− 2p,• a complex Banach manifold, equipped with a Kahler metric (the Weil-

Petersson metric) of negative holomorphic sectional curvature.

16 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

We now consider representations of π1 to SL(2, C). We again requiresuch a representation ρ to be discrete, faithful, geometrically finite and,if p = 0 (respectively p > 0) totally loxodromic (respectively type pre-serving). We call these representations quasi-Fuchsian.

Definition 1.4.2 The collection of distinct, marked quasi-Fuchsian rep-resentations, up to conjugation in SL(2, C) is called (real hyperbolic)

quasi-Fuchsian space and is denoted by QR = QR(Σ) ⊂ Hom(π1, SL(2, C)

)/SL(2, C).

If ρ is a quasi-Fuchsian representation, then it corresponds to a threedimensional hyperbolic structure on an interval bundle over Σ. Realhyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian space QR(Σ):

• may be identified with the product of two copies of Teichmuller spaceaccording to the Simultaneous Uniformization Theorem of Bers [6],

• it is a complex manifold of dimension 6g − 6 − 2p and it is endowedwith a hyper-Kahler metric whose induced complex symplectic form isthe complexification of the Weil-Petersson symplectic form on T (Σ);see [52].

1.4.2 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian space

Motivated by these two examples, one may consider representations ofπ1 into SU(2, 1) up to conjugation, that is Hom

(π1,SU(2, 1)

)/SU(2, 1).

A definition consistent with the ones in the classical cases would thenbe the following.

Definition 1.4.3 A representation in Hom(π1,SU(2, 1)

)/SU(2, 1) is

said to be complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian if it is

• discrete,• faithful,• geometrically finite and• type-preserving.

We remark that in the case where p = 0 we may replace “geometricallyfinite” with “convex-cocompact” and we may replace “type-preserving”with “totally loxodromic”.

Since the group SU(2, 1) is a triple cover of the holomorphic isometrygroup of complex hyperbolic space H2

C it turns out that such a represen-tation corresponds to a complex hyperbolic structure on a disc bundleover Σ.

1.4 Representations of surface groups 17

There are two matters to clarify in Definition 1.4.3. The first has todo with the geometrical finiteness of a representation. The notion ofgeometrical finiteness in spaces with variable negative curvature gener-alises the one in spaces with constant negative curvature and has beenstudied by Bowditch in [8]. (We keep Bowditch’s labels, in particularthere is no condition F3.) These definitions require the extensions tocomplex hyperbolic space of several familiar notion’s from the theory ofKleinian groups. We refer to [8] for details of how this extension takesplace. In particular, core(M) is the quotient by Γ of the convex hull ofthe limit set Λ, that is the convex core; thinε(M) is the part of M wherethe injectivity radius is less than ε, that is the ε-thin part and thickε(M)is its complement. In [8] Bowditch explains that there is no conditionF3 because that would involve finite sided fundamental polyhedra.

Theorem 1.4.4 (Bowditch [8]) Let Γ be a discrete subgroup of SU(2, 1).Let Λ ⊂ ∂H2

C be the limit set of Γ and let Ω = ∂H2C − Λ be the domain

of discontinuity of Γ. Let MC(Γ) denote the orbifold(H2

C∪Ω)/Γ. Then

the following conditions are equivalent and any group satisfying one ofthem will be called geometrically finite:

F1. MC(Γ) has only finitely many topological ends, each of which isa parabolic end.

F2. Λ consists only of conical limit points and bounded parabolic fixedpoints.

F4. There exists ε > 0 so that core(M)∩ thickε(M) is compact. Hereε is chosen small enough so that thinε(M) is the union of cuspsand Margulis tubes.

F5. There is a bound on the orders of every finite subgroup of Γ andthere exists η > 0 so that the η neighbourhood of core(M) hasfinite volume.

The second issue to clarify in Definition 1.4.3 concerns type-preservingrepresentations. As for Fuchsian groups, a type-preserving representa-tion is automatically discrete. This follows from the following theoremof Chen and Greenberg. In spite of this, we include the hypothesis ofdiscreteness first because it reinforces the connection with the classicaldefinition and, secondly, because our usual method of showing that arepresentation is quasi-Fuchsian is to show that it is discrete. In partic-ular we usually construct a fundamental polyhedron and use Poincare’spolyhedron theorem to verify the other criteria.

18 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

Theorem 1.4.5 (Chen and Greenberg [10]) Let Γ be a discrete, non-elementary subgroup of SU(2, 1). If the identity is not an accumulationpoint of elliptic elements of Γ then Γ is discrete.

Note that in Chen and Greenberg’s statement, Corollary 4.5.3 of [10],they suppose that Γ has more than one limit point and the lowest dimen-sional, Γ-invariant, totally-geodesic subspace of H2

C has even dimensions.Since the only odd dimensional, totally geodesic submanifolds of H2

C are

geodesics, in our case this means that Γ does not fix a point of H2C and

does not leave a geodesic invariant. Hence Γ is non-elementary. (Ourstatement does not hold for SU(3, 1), although Chen and Greenberg’sdoes. This is because there are totally loxodromic, non-elementary, non-discrete subgroups of SO(3, 1) < SU(3, 1) preserving a copy of hyperbolic3-space.)

This contrasts with the case of representations to SL(2, C). In ourdefinition of complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian we have included theconditions that such a representation should be both discrete and totallyloxodromic.

Definition 1.4.6 The space of all marked complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian representations, up to conjugacy, will be called complex hyper-

bolic quasi-Fuchsian space

QC = QC(Σ) ⊂ Hom(π1, SU(2, 1)

)/SU(2, 1).

1.4.3 Fuchsian representations

It is reasonable to start our study of complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsianspace by considering the Fuchsian representations inside this space. Thereare two ways to make a Fuchsian representation act on H2

C. These cor-respond to the two types of totally geodesic, isometric embeddings ofthe hyperbolic plane into H2

C as we have seen in section 1.3.5, namely,totally real Lagrangian planes and complex lines.

(i) If a discrete, faithful representation ρ is conjugate to a representa-tion of π1 into SO(2, 1) < SU(2, 1) then it preserves a Lagrangianplane and is called R-Fuchsian.

(ii) If a discrete, faithful representation ρ is conjugate to a represen-tation of π1 into S

(U(1)×U(1, 1)

)< SU(2, 1) then it preserves a

complex line and is called C-Fuchsian.

1.4 Representations of surface groups 19

We shall see later that C-Fuchsian representations are distinguishedin the space QC(Σ).

1.4.4 Toledo invariant

Let G be PU(2, 1) or SU(2, 1) and ρ : π1 −→ G be a representation.There is an important invariant associated to ρ called the Toledo invari-

ant [65], which is defined as follows. Let f : Σ → H2C be a ρ-equivariant

smooth mapping of the universal cover Σ of Σ. Then the Toledo invari-ant τ(ρ, f) is defined as the (normalised) integral of the pull-back of theKahler form ω on H2

C. Namely,

τ(ρ, f) =12π



where Ω is a fundamental domain for the action of π1 on Σ. The mainproperties of the Toledo invariant are the following.

Proposition 1.4.7

(i) τ is independent of f and varies continuously with ρ,(ii) χ ≤ τ(ρ) ≤ −χ, see [12, 33].

Geometrically, one may think of the Toledo invariant as follows; seeSection 7.1.4 of [27]. Take a triangulation of Σ and consider the lift of this

triangulation to the equivariant embedding f(Σ) of the universal coverof Σ constructed above. The result is a triangle ∆ in H2

C with verticesz1, z2, z3. Suppose that the edges of ∆ are the oriented geodesic arcsfrom zj to zj+1 (with indices taken mod 3). Since ω is an exact formon H2

C its integral over ∆ only depends on the boundary, therefore thevalue of the integral is independent of the choice of triangle filling theedges. Let L12 be the complex line containing z1 and z2 and let Π12

denote the orthogonal projection to L12. Then the integral of ω over ∆is the signed area (with the Poincare metric) of the triangle in L12 withvertices z1, z2 and Π12(z3). This is called Toledo’s cocycle [65]. It iseasy to see that this is an extension of Cartan’s angular invariant to thecase of triangles whose vertices do not necessarily lie on ∂H2

C; compareSection 1.3.6. In order to find the Toledo invariant, one repeats thisconstruction over all triangles in the triangulation of Σ and takes thesum. The result is 2πτ(ρ). For each triangle, the maximum value of the

20 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

Toledo cocycle is the hyperbolic area and this occurs if the boundarylies in a complex line. The only way for the Toledo invariant to takeits maximal value is if all the triangles lie in the same complex line andare consistently oriented, that is ρ is C-Fuchsian. In which case (whenthe triangles are all positively oriented) we have τ(ρ) = A/2π = −χ(Σ),where A is the area of Σ with a Poincare metric. Likewise, applying anantiholomorphic isometry of H2

C changes the orientation of the triangle∆ and so changes the sign of the Toledo cocycle. Thus, if all trianglesare negatively oriented we get τ(ρ) = −A/2π = χ(Σ).

If ρ is R-Fuchsian, then it is invariant under ιR and so τ(ρ) = −τ(ρ).Hence τ(ρ) = 0. This gives a sketch proof of the following result. Notethat it may be the case that τ(ρ) = 0 and for ρ to not be R-Fuchsian.

Proposition 1.4.8 Suppose that ρ ∈ QC(Σ). Then,

(i) ρ is C-Fuchsian if and only if |τ(ρ)| = −χ, see [65],

(ii) if ρ is R-Fuchsian then τ(ρ) = 0, see [28].

1.4.5 Fundamental domains

We have already mentioned that unlike the case of constant curva-ture there exist no totally geodesic hypersurfaces in complex hyper-bolic space. Before attempting to construct a fundamental domain inH2

C we must choose the class of real hypersurfaces containing its faces.Moreover, since these faces are not totally geodesic they may intersectin complicated ways. Therefore, constructing fundamental domains inH2

C is quite a challenge. In sections 1.4.6 and 1.4.7 below we discuss twoclasses of hypersurfaces, namely bisectors and packs. Fundamental do-mains whose faces are contained in bisectors have been widely studied,in particular, this is the case for the construction of Dirichlet domains.The idea goes back to Giraud and was developed further by Mostowand Goldman (see [27] and the references therein). In section 1.5 weshall see how such domains were constructed by Goldman and Parker in[29] and Gusevskii and Parker in [33]. On the other hand, in order tobuild fundamental domains, Falbel and Zocca used C-spheres [20] andSchwartz used R-spheres in [58] (for the relationship between C-spheresand R-spheres see [18]). Packs have been used by Will [66] and by Parkerand Platis [48].

1.4 Representations of surface groups 21

1.4.6 Bisectors

A bisector B is the locus of points equidistant from a given pair of pointsz1 and z2 in H2

C. In other words:

B = B(z1, z2) =

z ∈ H2C : ρ(z, z1) = ρ(z, z2)


The corresponding construction in real hyperbolic geometry gives a hy-perbolic hyperplane, which is totally geodesic. We have already seenthat there are no totally geodesic real hypersurfaces in complex hyper-bolic space. Therefore B is not totally geodesic. However, it is as closeas it can be to being totally geodesic, in that it is foliated by totallygeodesic subspaces in two distinct ways. For an extensive treatment ofbisectors readers should see [27].

Let z1 and z2 be any two points of H2C. Then z1 and z2 lie in a unique

complex line L, which we call the the complex spine of B. (Note thatthe complex spine is often denoted Σ, but this conflicts with our use ofΣ to denote a surface.) The restriction of the Bergman metric to L isthe Poincare metric. Thus the points in L equidistant from z1 and z2

lie on a Poincare geodesic in L, which we call the spine of B and denoteby σ. The endpoints of the spine are called the vertices of B. Goldmanshows (page 154 of [27]) that a bisector is completely determined by itsvertices and so SU(2, 1) acts transitively on the set of all bisectors.

Following earlier work of Giraud, Mostow describes a foliation of bi-sectors by complex lines as follows (see also Section 5.1.2 of [27]):

Theorem 1.4.9 (Mostow [46]) Let B be a bisector and let σ and L

denote its spine and complex spine respectively. Let ΠL denote orthog-onal projection onto L and for each s ∈ σ let Ls be the complex line sothat ΠL(Ls) = s. Then

B =⋃s∈σ

Ls =⋃s∈σ

Π−1L (s).

Goldman describes a second foliation of bisectors, this time by Lagrangianplanes.

Theorem 1.4.10 (Goldman [27]) Let B be a bisector with spine σ.Then B is the union of all Lagrangian planes containing σ.

The complex lines Ls defined in Theorem 1.4.9 are called the slices

of B. The Lagrangian planes defined in Theorem 1.4.10 are called the

22 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

meridians of B. Together the slices and the meridians of a bisector givegeographical coordinates. The reason for this name is that the boundaryof a bisector in ∂H2

C is topologically a sphere, called by Mostow a spinal

sphere. The boundaries of the slices and meridians are C-circles andR-circles that foliate the spinal sphere in a manner analogous to lines oflatitude and lines of longitude, respectively, on the earth.

1.4.7 Packs

Bisectors are rather badly adapted to R-Fuchsian representations. Whenconsidering representations close to an R-Fuchsian representation it ismore convenient to use a different class of hypersurfaces, called packs.There is a natural partial duality, resembling mirror symmetry, in com-plex hyperbolic space between complex objects (such as complex lines)and totally real objects (such as Lagrangian planes), see the discussionin the introduction to [18]. From this point of view, packs are the dualobjects to bisectors. Packs were introduced by Will in [66] and in theirgeneral form by Parker and Platis in [48].

Let A be a loxodromic map in SU(2, 1). Then, it has two fixed pointsin ∂H2

C. Moreover, there exists a complex number λ = l+iθ ∈ R+×(−π, π]

(the complex length of A) such that the eigenvalues of A are eλ, eλ−λ, e−λ.For any x ∈ R define Ax to be the element of SU(2, 1) which has thesame eigenvectors as A, but its eigenvalues are the eigenvalues of A

raised to the xth power. Hence we immediately see that Ax is a loxo-dromic element of SU(2, 1) for all x ∈ R−0 and A0 = I. The followingProposition, see [48] holds.

Proposition 1.4.11 Let R0 and R1 be disjoint Lagrangian planes inH2

C and let ι0 and ι1 be the respective inversions. Consider A = ι1ι0(which is loxodromic map by Theorem 1.3.4) and its powers Ax for eachx ∈ R. Then:

(i) ιx defined by Ax = ιxι0 is inversion in a Lagrangian plane Rx = Ax/2(R0).(ii) Rx intersects the complex axis LA of A orthogonally in a geodesic

γx.(iii) The geodesics γx are the leaves of a foliation of LA.(iv) For each x 6= y ∈ R, Rx and Ry are disjoint.

Definition 1.4.12 Given disjoint Lagrangian planes R0 and R1, then

1.4 Representations of surface groups 23

for each x ∈ R let Rx be the Lagrangian plane constructed in Proposition1.4.11. Define

P = P(R0, R1) =⋃x∈R

Rx =⋃x∈R


Then P is a real analytic 3-submanifold which we call the pack deter-mined by R0 and R1. We call the axis of C = ι1ι0 the spine of P andthe Lagrangian planes Rx for x ∈ R the slices of P.

Observe that P contains L, the complex line containing γ, the spineof P. The following Proposition is obvious from the construction andemphasises the similarity between bisectors and packs (compare it withSection 5.1.2 of [27]).

Proposition 1.4.13 Let P be a pack. Then P is homeomorphic to a3-ball whose boundary lies in ∂H2

C. Moreover, H2C −P, the complement

of P, has two components, each homeomorphic to a 4-ball.

We remark that the boundary of P contains the boundary of thecomplex line L and is foliated by the boundaries of the Lagrangian planesRx. Since it is also homeomorphic to a sphere, it is an example of anR-sphere (hybrid sphere), see [18, 58].

The definition of packs associated to loxodromic maps A that preservea Lagrangian plane (that is with θ = =(λ) = 0) was given by Will. Wecall the resulting pack flat.

Proposition 1.4.14 (Will, Section 6.1.1 of [66]) Suppose that thegeodesic γ lies on a totally real plane R. Then the set

P(γ) = Π−1R (γ) =


Π−1R (z).

is the flat pack determined by the Lagrangian planes R0 = Π−1R (z0) and

R1 = Π−1R (z1) for any distinct points z0, z1 ∈ γ. Moreover, for each

z ∈ γ, the Lagrangian plane Π−1R (z) is a slice of P(γ).

Let A ∈ SU(2, 1) be a loxodromic map with eigenvalues eλ, eλ−λ, e−λ

where λ = l + iθ ∈ R+ × (−π, π]. Suppose that P is a pack determinedby A, as in Definition 1.4.12. We define the curl factor of P to beκ(P) = θ/λ = tan


). Note that flat packs have curl factor 0.

Platis [56] proves that two packs P1 and P2 are isometric if and only if

24 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

κ(P1) = κ(P2). In particular, SU(2, 1) acts transitively on the set of flatpacks.

1.5 Punctured surfaces

In the study of complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian representations of asurface group, there are qualitatively different conclusions, dependingwhether p = 0 or p > 0. Thus we examine each case separately. Wewill suppose in this section that Σ is a surface with genus g and p > 0punctures having Euler characteristic χ = 2− 2g − p < 0.

1.5.1 Ideal triangle groups and the three times punctured


The first complex hyperbolic deformation space to be completely de-scribed is that of the group generated by reflections in the sides of anideal triangle [29, 57]. This group has an index two subgroup corre-sponding to the thrice punctured sphere. In the case of constant negativecurvature these groups are rigid. However, variable negative curvatureallows us to deform the group.

Let Σ be a three times punctured sphere and π1 = π1(Σ) its fun-damental group. Abstractly π1 is a free group on two generators andwe may choose the generators α and β so that loops around the threepunctures are represented by α, β and αβ. If ρ : π1 −→ SU(2, 1) is atype-preserving representation of π1 then ρ(α), ρ(β) and ρ(αβ) are allparabolic. We consider the special case where each of these three classesis represented by a unipotent parabolic map (that is a map conjugateto a Heisenberg translation). Let u1, u2 and u0 be the fixed points ofthe unipotent parabolic maps A = ρ(α), B = ρ(β) and AB = ρ(αβ).Let Lj be the complex line spanned by uj−1 and uj+1 where the indicesare taken mod 3. Let Ij ∈ SU(2, 1) be the complex reflection of order2 fixing Lj . A consequence of our hypothesis that A, B and AB areunipotent is that A = I1I0 and B = I0I1. Thus ρ(π1) = 〈A, B〉 hasindex 2 in 〈I0, I1, I2〉. There is a one (real) dimensional space of rep-resentations ρ of π1 with the above properties, the parameter being theangular invariant of the three fixed points A(u0, u1, u2) ∈ [−π/2, π/2].

It remains to decide which of these groups are quasi-Fuchsian. Thisquestion was considered by Goldman and Parker in [29]. They partially

1.5 Punctured surfaces 25

solved the problem and gave a conjectural picture of the complete solu-tion. This conjecture was proved by Schwartz in [57], who also gave amore conceptual proof in [60]. We restate the main result in terms ofthe three times punctured sphere:

Theorem 1.5.1 (Goldman and Parker [29], Schwartz [57]) LetΣ be a three times punctured sphere with fundamental group π1. Letρ : π1 −→ SU(2, 1) be a representation of π1 so that the three boundarycomponents are represented by unipotent parabolic maps with fixed pointsu0, u1 and u2. Let A = A(u0, u1, u2) be the angular invariant of thesefixed points.

(i) If −√

125/3 < tan(A) <√

125/3 then ρ is complex hyperbolicquasi-Fuchsian.

(ii) If tan(A) = ±√

125/3 then ρ is discrete, faithful and geometri-cally finite and has accidental parabolics.

(iii) If√

125/3 < | tan(A)| < ∞ then ρ is not discrete.(iv) If A = ±π/2 then ρ is the trivial representation.

Outline of proof. The proof of (i) and (ii) involves constructing afundamental domain for Γ = ρ(π1). The proof of (iii) follows by showingthat I0I1I2 (or equivalently A−1BAB−1 = (I0I1I2)2) is elliptic of infiniteorder. The proof of (iv) is trivial since in this case all three lines coincide.

Proposition 1.5.2 (Gusevskii and Parker [32]) Let ρ be as inTheorem 1.5.1 then the Toledo invariant τ(ρ) is zero.

1.5.2 The modular group and punctured surface groups

Let Γ = PSL(2, Z) be the classical modular group. It is well knownthat Γ is generated by an element of order two and an element of orderthree whose product is parabolic. There are six possibilities for therepresentation depending on the types of the generators of orders 2 and3.

If A is a complex reflection in a point p then A preserves all complexlines through p; if A is a complex reflection in a complex line L thenA preserves all complex lines orthogonal to L. Given two complex re-flections there is a unique complex line through their fixed point(s) ororthogonal to their fixed line(s) respectively. This line is preserved by

26 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

both reflections and hence by the group they generate. For any repre-sentation of the modular group in PU(2, 1), the order 2 generator of themodular group must be a complex reflection. Therefore, if the order 3generator is also a complex reflection then this representation necessar-ily preserves a complex line and so is C-Fuchsian. The condition thatthe product of the two generators is parabolic completely determines therepresentation up to conjugacy.

In the remaining two cases, we consider representations where theorder 3 generator is not a complex reflection, that is it has distincteigenvalues. There are two cases, namely when the order 2 generator is acomplex reflection in a point or in a line. The former case was consideredby Parker and Gusevskii [33] and Falbel and Koseleff [17] independently.The latter case was considered by Falbel and Parker [18]. In both casesthe representation may be parametrised as follows. Let u0 be the fixedpoint of the product of the generators, which is parabolic by hypothesis.Let u1 and u2 be the images of this parabolic fixed point under powers ofthe order 3 generator. We then define A = A(u0, u1, u2) to be the angularinvariant of these three fixed points. It turns out that this angularinvariant completely parametrises the representation. In particular, ineach case the parabolic map is not unipotent, but corresponds to ascrew-parabolic map with rotational part of angle A.

The complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian space of the modular groupwas entirely described by Falbel and Parker in [18].

Theorem 1.5.3 (Falbel and Parker [18]) Let ρ : PSL(2, Z) −→ PU(2, 1)be a complex hyperbolic representation of the modular group. Let A bethe angular invariant described above. Then:

(i) There are four rigid C-Fuchsian representations for which theelliptic element of order 2 and 3 are complex reflections.

(ii) If the order 3 generator is not a complex reflection and the order2 generator is a complex reflection in a point then ρ is complexhyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian for all A ∈ [−π/2, π/2].

(iii) If the order 3 generator is not a complex reflection and the order2 generator is a complex reflection in a line then:

(a) If√

15 < | tan(A)| ≤ ∞ then ρ is complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian.

(b) If tan(A) = ±√

15 then ρ is discrete, faithful and geomet-rically finite and has accidental parabolics.

1.5 Punctured surfaces 27

(c) If −√

15 < tan(A) <√

15 then ρ is either not faithful ornot discrete.

In (ii) and (iii) the representation ρ may be lifted to an isomorphicrepresentation to SU(2, 1). In (i) this cannot be done.

Outline of proof. In (i) the four cases correspond to the differentpossibilities of reflection in a point or line for each of the generators.

In cases (ii) and (iii)(a) the authors construct a parametrised family offundamental domains. In case (iii)(c) the commutator of the order twoand order 3 generators is elliptic. In PSL(2, Z) this element correspondsto(

0 −11 0

) (−1 −11 0

) (0 1−1 0

) (0 1−1 −1


(1 11 2


Proposition 1.5.4 (Gusevskii and Parker [33]) Let ρ and A be asin Theorem 1.5.3 (ii). Then τ(ρ) = A/3π.

One remarkable fact is that the groups in Theorem 1.5.1 (ii) andTheorem 1.5.3 (iii)(b) are commensurable, and they are each commensu-rable with an SU(2, 1) representation of the Whitehead link complement,as proved by Schwartz [58].

Let π1 be the fundamental group of an orbifold Σ and suppose thatρ : π1 −→ SU(2, 1) is a representation with Toledo invariant τ = τ(ρ).Let π1 be an index d subgroup of π1 (π1 is the fundamental group of an

orbifold Σ which is a d-fold cover of Σ). The restriction of ρ from π1 toπ1 gives a representation ρ : π1 −→ SU(2, 1). In each case the universal

cover Σ is the same and so the integral defining τ(ρ) is the same as theintegral defining τ(ρ) but taken over d copies of a fundamental domain.Hence τ(ρ) = dτ(ρ). Millington showed that any punctured surfacegroup arises as a finite index subgroup of the modular group:

Proposition 1.5.5 (Millington [43]) Let p > 0, g ≥ 0, e2 ≥ 0 ande3 ≥ 0 be integers and write d = 12(g−1)+6p+3e2 +4e3. If d > 0 thenthere is a subgroup of the modular group PSL(2, Z) of index d which is thefundamental group of an orbifold of genus g with p punctures removed,e2 cone points of angle π and e3 cone points of angle 2π/3.

28 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

We may combine the above observations to prove that for any punc-tured surface there exists a representation taking any value of the Toledoinvariant in the interval [χ,−χ].

Theorem 1.5.6 (Gusevskii and Parker [33]) Let Σ be a surface ofgenus g with p punctures and Euler characteristic χ = 2 − 2g − p < 0.There exists a continuous family of complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsianrepresentations ρt of π1(Σ) into SU(2, 1) whose Toledo invariant τ(ρt)varies between χ and −χ.

Sketch of proof. Let Σ be a surface of genus g with p punctures.Using Proposition 1.5.5, there is a type preserving representation ofπ1(Σ) as a subgroup of PSL(2, Z) of index d = 12g − 12 + 6p. By re-stricting the representations constructed in Theorem 1.5.3 (ii) to thissubgroup, we can construct a one parameter family complex hyperbolicquasi-Fuchsian representations of π1 to SU(2, 1). It remains to com-pute the Toledo invariants of these representations. Using the discussionabove and Proposition 1.5.4 the Toledo invariant of the representationcorresponding to the parameter A is τ = Ad/3π = (4g−4+2p)A/π whereA varies between −π/2 and π/2. Hence τ varies between −2g+2−p = χ

and 2g − 2 + p = −χ.

We remark that similar arguments show that the representations con-structed in Theorem 1.5.3 (iii) also have Toledo invariant τ = A/3π.Therefore a similar argument may be used to construct representationsof punctured surface groups that interpolate between C-Fuchsian groupsand groups with accidental parabolics. Moreover, if τ1 is the Toledo in-variant of these limit groups then tan(πτ1/2χ) = ∓


1.5.3 A special case: the once punctured torus

In his thesis [67], Will considered the case where g = p = 1, that is theonce punctured torus. In this section Σ will denote the once puncturedtorus and π1 its fundamental group. Consider an R-Fuchsian representa-tion ρ0 of π1. This is generated by two loxodromic maps A and B whoseaxes intersect and whose commutator is parabolic. Suppose ρ0(π1) fixesthe Lagrangian plane R. Let R0 be the Lagrangian plane orthogonalto R through the intersection of the axes of A and B. Let I0 denotethe (anti-holomorphic) involution fixing R0. Then I0 conjugates A toA−1 and B to B−1. I1 = I0A and I2 = BI0 are also antiholomorphicinvolutions. We see that ρ0(π1) = 〈A,B〉 is an index 2 subgroup of the

1.5 Punctured surfaces 29

group 〈I0, I1, I2〉. If a representation ρ of π1 is an index 2 subgroup of agroup generated by three anti-holomorphic involutions, then we say ρ isLagrangian decomposable. Will is able to construct a three dimensionalfamily of Lagrangian decomposable punctured torus groups:

Theorem 1.5.7 (Will [67]) Let Σ be the once punctured torus andlet T (Σ) denote its Teichmuller space. Then for all x ∈ T (Σ) and allα ∈ [−π/2, π/2] there is a representation ρx,α : π1 −→ SU(2, 1) with thefollowing properties:

(i) ρx,α and ρy,β are conjugate if and only if x = y and α = β.(ii) For all x ∈ T (Σ) and all α ∈ [−π/4, π/4] then ρx,α is complex

hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian.(iii) ρx,α is R-Fuchsian if and only if α = 0.(iv) If α ∈ [−π/2,−π/4) or (π/4, π/2] then there exists an x ∈ T (Σ)

so that ρ(x, α) is either not faithful or not discrete.

It is easy to deduce from the details of Will’s construction, thatτ(ρx,α) = 0 for all x ∈ T (Σ) and all α ∈ [−π/2, π/2].

Sketch of proof. Will’s basic idea is to take an ideal triangle in thehyperbolic plane and to consider points moving along each of the threeboundary arcs. These points are parametrised by the signed distancet0, t1 and t2 respectively from point that is the orthogonal projection ofthe opposite vertex onto this edge. These three points will be the fixedpoints of involutions I0, I1 and I2. He shows that the product (I0I1I2)2

will be parabolic (fixing one of the vertices of the triangle) if and only ift1 + t2 + t3 = 0. If this condition is satisfied then the group generated byA = I0I1 and B = I2I0 is a representation of a punctured torus groupto and any two of the lengths parametrise T (Σ).

We embed the picture above in a Lagrangian plane R in H2C. We

construct Lagrangian planes R0, R1 and R2 through the three points onthe sides of the triangle and which each make an angle π/2 + α with R,in a sense which he makes precise. The (anti-holomorphic) involutionIj fixes Rj for j = 0, 1, 2. This then gives a representation of π1 toSU(2, 1) generated by A = I0I1 and B = I2I0. The restriction of theaction of this group to R is just the action constructed in the previousparagraph and only depends on t0, t1 and α. This is the representationρx,α.

When α ∈ [−π/4, π/4] Will constructs a fundamental domain for theaction of 〈I0, I1, I2〉 on H2

C. This domain is bounded by three packs each

30 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

of whose slices makes an angle π/2 + α with R. The intersection of thisdomain with R is just the triangle with which we began.

When α ∈ [−π/2,−π/4) or α ∈ (π/4, π/2] Will considers groups witht0 = t1 and he shows that for large t0 = t1 then A = I0I1 is elliptic.Indeed, writing t = t0 = t1 he shows that tr(A) = 3+e−4t+4e−2t cos(2α).For these values of α we have cos(2α) < 0 and so A is parabolic whene−2t = − cos(2α) and elliptic when e−2t < − cos(2α).

1.5.4 Disconnectedness of complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian


Dutenhefner and Gusevskii proved in [13] that in the non compactcase, there exist complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian representations of athe fundamental group of a surface Σ which cannot be connected to aFuchsian representation by a path lying entirely in QC(Σ). Therefore,the complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian space QC(Σ) is not connected.

Theorem 1.5.8 (Dutenhefner and Gusevskii [13]) There exist com-plex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian representations of π whose limit set is awild knot.

Outline of proof. In the first place, the authors construct a complexhyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian group whose limit set is a wild knot. To doso, they consider a non trivial knot K (in fact a granny knot) inside theHeisenberg group N and a finite collection Sk, . . . , S′

k, k = 1, . . . , n ofHeisenberg spheres placed along K such that there exists an enumera-tion T1, . . . , T2n of the spheres of this family such that each Tk is tangentto Tk−1 and Tk+1 and is disjoint from all the rest (we take the indicescyclically). and T2n and T1 which are tangent. They call such a col-lection a Heisenberg string of beads. They prove then that there existAk ∈ SU(2, 1) such that

• Ak(Sk) = S′k, k = 1, . . . , n,

• Ak map the exterior of Sk into the interior of S′k, k = 1, . . . , n and

• Ak maps the points of tangency of Sk to the points of tangency of S′k,

k = 1, . . . , n

Consider the group Γ = 〈A1, . . . , An〉. By Poincare’s polyhedron theo-rem, Γ is complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian and its limit set is a wildknot.

1.6 Closed surfaces 31

1.6 Closed surfaces

We now turn our attention to the case of closed surfaces Σ withoutboundary, that is the case p = 0 and g ≥ 2.

1.6.1 The representation variety

We begin by discussing the representation variety of π1, the fundamentalgroup of Σ. In particular, for the moment we do not consider discrete-ness. There are some differences between the case of representations toSU(2, 1) and to PU(2, 1). That is to say, between the representationvarieties Hom

(π1,SU(2, 1)

)/SU(2, 1) and Hom

(π1,PU(2, 1)

)/PU(2, 1).

Mostly, we concentrate on the case of representations to SU(2, 1). Manyof our results go through in both cases. For our first result, we distin-guish between the two cases:

Proposition 1.6.1 (Goldman, Kapovich, Leeb [28]) Let π1 be thefundamental group of a closed surface of genus g ≥ 2.

(i) Let ρ : π1 −→ PU(2, 1) be a representation of π1 to PU(2, 1).Then τ ∈ 2

3Z.(i) Let ρ : π1 −→ SU(2, 1) be a representation of π1 to SU(2, 1).

Then τ ∈ 2Z.

Because τ is locally constant and varies continuously (with respect tothe compact-open topology) with ρ then we immediately have:

Corollary 1.6.2 The Toledo invariant is constant on components ofHom

(π1,PU(2, 1)

)/PU(2, 1) or Hom

(π1,SU(2, 1)

)/SU(2, 1). That is, if

ρ1 and ρ2 are representations with τ(ρ1) 6= τ(ρ2) then ρ1 and ρ2 are indifferent components of the representation variety.

Now, there is a converse to Corollary 1.6.2 due to Xia, see [71].Namely, that the Toledo invariant τ distinguishes the components ofthe whole representation variety.

Theorem 1.6.3 (Xia [71]) If τ(ρ1) = τ(ρ2) then ρ1 and ρ2 lie in thesame component of the representation variety Hom

(π1,SU(2, 1)

)/SU(2, 1).

We know that τ(ρ) ∈ [χ,−χ] = [2 − 2g, 2g − 2] and (for the SU(2, 1)representation variety) τ(ρ) ∈ 2Z. Therefore τ(ρ) takes one of the 2g−1values 2− 2g, 4− 2g, . . . , 2g− 4, 2g− 2. For each one of these values ofτ(ρ) there is a component of Hom

(π1,SU(2, 1)

)/SU(2, 1).

32 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

1.6.2 C-Fuchsian representations

Let us consider the components for which τ(ρ) = ∓χ = ±(2g − 2).Suppose that ρ0 is a C-Fuchsian representation. Then, using Proposition1.4.8 we know that τ(ρ0) = ∓χ. Because τ is constant on the compo-nents of Hom

(π1,SU(2, 1)

)/SU(2, 1), we see that any deformation ρt

of ρ0 also has τ(ρt) = τ(ρ0) = ∓χ. Therefore, ρt is also C-Fuchsian,again using Proposition 1.4.8. Thus we have proved the following result,known as the Toledo-Goldman rigidity theorem:

Theorem 1.6.4 (Goldman [25], Toledo [64, 65]) Given a C-Fuchsianrepresentation ρ0 ∈ QC(Σ) then any nearby representation ρt is also C-Fuchsian.

In fact, we can give a complete description of this component. Letρ : π1 −→ SU(2, 1) be a C-Fuchsian representation of π1. This meansthat ρ(π1) preserves a complex line L. We may suppose that L is0 × C ⊂ C2, that is the z2 axis, in the unit ball model of H2

C. Thismeans that ρ is a reducible representation

ρ : π1 −→ S(U(1)×U(1, 1)

)< SU(2, 1).

That is, each element A ∈ ρ(π1) is a block diagonal matrix. The up-per left block A1 is a 1 × 1 block in U(1), in other words A1 = eiθ

for some θ ∈ [0, 2π). The lower right hand block is a 2 × 2 block A2

in U(1, 1) with determinant e−iθ. This means that eiθ/2A2 ∈ SU(1, 1).Hence we can write ρ = ρ1 ⊕ ρ2 where ρ1 : π1 −→ U(1) is given byρ(γ) = A1 and ρ2 : π1 −→ U(1, 1) is given by ρ(γ) = A2. This isequivalent to ρ′2 : π1 −→ SU(1, 1) is given by ρ(γ) = eiθ/2A2. Thus ρ1

is an abelian representation and ρ2 is (a lift of) a Fuchsian representa-tion. Note that after applying the canonical projection from U(1, 1) toPU(1, 1) the resulting Mobius transformation is independent of det(A2).Thus as Fuchsian representations ρ2 and ρ′2 are the same. The represen-tations ρ1 and ρ′2 are independent. The space of (irreducible) Abelianrepresentations is 2g copies of S1, that is a 2g-dimensional torus T 2g

(note that since the only relation is a product of commutators, we havea free choice of points in S1 for each of the 2g generators of π1). Thespace of Fuchsian representations up to conjugacy is Teichmuller spaceT (Σ), which is homeomorphic to R6g−6. Thus we have

Proposition 1.6.5 (Goldman [26]) Let Σ be a closed surface of genusg ≥ 2. The two components of Hom

(π1,SU(2, 1)

)/SU(2, 1) where τ = ∓χ = ±(2g−2)

1.6 Closed surfaces 33

are made up of discrete faithful Fuchsian representations in T 2g×T (Σ).In particular, these two components have dimension 8g − 6.

Every representation with τ 6= ∓χ is irreducible. One may computethe dimension using Weyl’s formula to obtain:

Proposition 1.6.6 (Goldman [26]) Let Σ be a closed surface of genusg ≥ 2. Each of the 2g−3 components of Hom

(π1,SU(2, 1)

)/SU(2, 1) for

which τ 6= ∓χ = ±(2g − 2) has dimension 16g − 16.

In contrast to the two components of Hom(π1,SU(2, 1)

)/SU(2, 1) with

τ = ∓χ, the other components of the representation variety are not easyto describe. In particular, they contain representations that are notquasi-Fuchsian. We expect the picture is that each of these other com-ponents contains (probably infinitely many) islands of quasi-Fuchsianrepresentations; see Problem 1.7.1. As yet very little is known. In thefollowing sections we will summarise the current state of knowledge.

1.6.3 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian space is open

We use the following theorem of Guichard.

Theorem 1.6.7 (Guichard [31]) Let G be a semi-simple group withfinite centre and let G∗ be a subgroup of G of rank 1. If Γ is a convex-cocompact subgroup of G∗ then there exists an open neighbourhood U ofan injection of Γ in G into the space of representations Hom(Γ, G)/G

consisting of discrete, faithful, convex-cocompact representations.

Guichard proves this result using the theory of Gromov hyperbolicmetric spaces. In particular, he shows that there is a neighbourhood ofΓ comprising quasi-isometric embeddings of Γ into G. Using a theoremof Bourdon and Gromov [7] he then deduces that the groups in thisneighbourhood are discrete, faithful and convex-cocompact.

Corollary 1.6.8 (Guichard [31]) Let Σ be a closed surface of genus g

and let ρ0 : π1 −→ SU(2, 1) be a complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian rep-resentation of π1. Then there exists an open neighbourhood U = U(ρ0)so that any representation ρ ∈ U is complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian.

Combining this Corollary 1.6.8 and Proposition 1.6.6 we obtain

34 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

Corollary 1.6.9 There are open sets of dimension 16g − 16 in QC(Σ).

In [48] Parker and Platis proved a version of Corollary 1.6.8 in the casewhere ρ0 is R-Fuchsian. They started with a fundamental domain forthe group ρ0(π1) whose faces are contained in packs. This domain is thepreimage under orthogonal projection of a fundamental polygon for theaction of ρ0(π1) on its invariant Lagrangian plane. They then showeddirectly that this fundamental domain may be continuously deformedinto a fundamental domain for ρ(π1). Such a domain has faces containedin packs and has the same combinatorial type as the original domain.

1.6.4 The Euler number

Let ρ : π1 −→ SU(2, 1) be a complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian repre-

sentation of π1. Let M = f(Σ) be an equivariant surface defined by

f : Σ −→ M ⊂ H2C. The quotient of M by Γ = ρ(π1) is a surface

homeomorphic to Σ and H2C/Γ is a disc bundle over this surface. The

relation in π1 corresponds to moving around the boundary of a funda-mental domain for the action of Γ on M . In doing so it is easy to checkthat a tangent vector rotates by a total angle of 2πχ = (4−4g)π, that isχ = 2−2g whole turns. As this happens the discs in the normal directionalso rotate by a certain number of whole turns. This number is called theEuler number e = e(ρ) of ρ. The Euler number measures how far H2

C/Γis from being a product of Σ with a disc. We now demonstrate how tofind the Euler number for C-Fuchsian and R-Fuchsian representations.

An elliptic map in SU(1, 1) fixing the origin in the ball model lifts toS(U×U(1, 1)


Aθ =

1 0 00 eiθ/2 00 0 e−iθ/2


This acts on (z1, z2) ∈ H2C via its standard lift as Aθ : (z1, z2) 7−→ (eiθ/2z1, e

iθz2).In this case M is the (complex) z2 axis. We may identify tangent vec-tors to M at the origin with vectors (0, z2) and normal vectors to M

at the origin with vectors (z1, 0). Hence Aθ acts as rotation by θ onvectors tangent to M and by rotation through θ/2 on vectors normalto M . Suppose ρ(π1) < S

(U(1) × U(1, 1)

)< SU(2, 1) is a C-Fuchsian

representation. The relation in π1 corresponds to a rotation of a tan-gent vector to M by χ = 2 − 2g whole turns (that is by an angle of

1.6 Closed surfaces 35

(4 − 4g)π). Hence the normal vector makes half this number of turns.Thus the Euler number is e(ρ) = 1− g = χ/2.

An elliptic map in SO(2, 1) fixing the origin in the ball model embedsin SO(2, 1) as

Bθ =

cos θ − sin θ 0sin θ cos θ 0

0 0 1


This acts on (z1, z2) ∈ H2C via its standard lift as Bθ : (z1, z2) 7−→ (cos θz1−sin θz2, sin θz1+cos θz2).

In this case M is the set where z1 and z2 are both real. We may iden-tify tangent vectors to M at the origin with vectors (x1, x2) and normalvectors to M at the origin with vectors (iy1, iy2) where x1, x2, y1, y2

are all real. It is clear that tangent vectors and normal vectors are allrotated through angle θ. Suppose ρ(π1) < SO(2, 1) < SU(2, 1) is anR-Fuchsian representation. Since the relation in π1 corresponds to a ro-tation of of a tangent vector to M of χ = 2− 2g whole turns. Hence thenormal vector makes the same number of turns. Thus the Euler numberis e(ρ) = 2− 2g = χ.

1.6.5 Construction of examples

Besides rigidity Theorem 1.6.4 and Proposition 1.6.5 which describecompletely the components of QC(Σ) comprising of C-Fuchsian repre-sentations, none of the above results imply anything about discreteness.The first result towards this direction is due to Goldman, Kapovich andLeeb, see Theorem 1.2 of [28]:

Theorem 1.6.10 (Goldman, Kapovich and Leeb [28]) Let Σ be aclosed surface of genus g and let π1 be its fundamental group. For eacheven integer t with 2− 2g ≤ t ≤ 2g − 2 there exists a convex-cocompactdiscrete and faithful representation ρ of π1 with τ(ρ) = t. Furthermore,the complex hyperbolic manifold M = H2

C/ρ(π1) is diffeomorphic to thetotal space of an oriented R2 bundle ξ over Σ with the Euler number

e(ξ) = χ(Σ) + |τ(ρ)/2|.

Outline of proof. We have already seen that R-Fuchsian or C-Fuchsianrepresentations give examples of representations with τ = 0 or τ = ±(2g−2)and the correct Euler numbers.

Let t be an even integer with 0 < t < 2g − 2. Let Σ1 be a (possiblydisconnected) subsurface of Σ with the following properties:

36 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

(i) χ(Σ1) = −t,(ii) each boundary component is an essential simple closed curve in

Σ and distinct boundary components are not homotopic,(iii) each component of Σ1 has an even number of boundary compo-


It is easy to see that for each even integer t with 0 < t < 2g − 2 we cancan find such a Σ1. Let Σ2 be the interior of Σ−Σ1. Then Σ2 is also a(possibly disconnected) subsurface of Σ.

The authors start with a piecewise hyperbolic structure on Σ withthe following properties. First, Σ1 has constant curvature −1 and Σ2

has constant curvature −1/4. Secondly, each boundary component ofΣ1 and Σ2 is a geodesic with the same length l which is sufficientlyshort, they take sinh(l) < 6/35. Next, the main step for the proof isthe construction of a complete complex hyperbolic manifold M togetherwith a piecewise totally geodesic isometric embedding f : Σ → M suchthat

(i) f is a homotopy equivalence,(ii) the Toledo invariant of M equals −χ(Σ1) = t and(iii) M is diffeomorphic to the total space of an oriented disc bundle

which has the Euler number χ(Σ1)/2 + χ(Σ2).

The method they use to construct M is obtained by taking a C-Fuchsianrepresentation of the fundamental group of (each component of) Σ1 andan R-Fuchsian representation of the fundamental group of (each compo-nent of) Σ2. They then use a version of the Klein-Maskit combinationtheorem to sew these representations together. The hypothesis that allthe boundary components are short guarantees that the resulting repre-sentation is discrete.

Finally, for even integers t with 2 − 2g < t < 0, the required repre-sentation is obtained by applying an antiholomorphic isometry to therepresentation constructed above with τ = −t.

The reason that Σ1 is required to have an even number of components(and hence χ(Σ1) is even) is rather subtle. In order to be able to usethe Klein-Maskit combination theorem, each curve γ in the commonboundary component of Σ1 and Σ2 must be represented by an elementA of SU(2, 1) that is (up to conjugation) simultaneously a loxodromicelement of S

(U(1) × U(1, 1)

)and of SO(2, 1). In particular it has real

trace greater than +3. Hence, the U(1) part of its representation in

1.6 Closed surfaces 37

S(U(1)× U(1, 1)

)must be +1 and hence it lies in +1 × SU(1, 1) and

corresponds to an element of SU(1, 1) with trace greater than +2.Suppose that Σ0 is a three-holed sphere with boundary components γ1,

γ2 and γ3. For any choice of hyperbolic metric on Σ0 we may associatea geometrical representation ρ0 : π1(Σ0) −→ PU(1, 1). Consider anylift of ρ0 to SU(1, 1). Let A1, A2 and A3 be the three elements ofSU(1, 1) representing the boundary loops. Then either all three tracesare negative or else one is negative and the other two positive (see page9 of Gilman [23] for example). This means that for at least one of theboundary components the corresponding element of SU(2, 1) has traceless than −1, and hence it corresponds to a glide reflection in SO(2, 1).By studying the decomposition of Σ1 into three holed spheres, we cansee that each boundary component may be represented by an element ofSU(1, 1) positive trace if and only if the number of boundary componentsis even.

Further examples have been constructed by Anan’in, Grossi and Gusevskii[2, 3]. In their construction, they consider a group generated by com-plex involutions R1, . . . , Rn fixing complex lines L1, . . . , Ln respectivelywith two properties. First, the complex lines are pairwise ultra-paralleland, secondly, the product R1 . . . Rn is the identity. They give condi-tions that determine whether such a group is discrete and they do soby constructing a fundamental polyhedron whose faces are contained inbisectors. These groups contain a complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsiansubgroup of index 2 or 4. In particular they give a series of exampleswhere the Euler number takes different values. Subsequently, a relatedconstruction was given by Gaye [22]. He considers groups of the sametype as those considered in [2] but he constructs fundamental polyhedrawhose faces are contained in C-spheres.

1.6.6 Complex hyperbolic Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates

It is useful to find ways of putting coordinates in complex hyperbolicquasi-Fuchsian space. One way to do it is to mimic the construction ofFenchel-Nielsen coordinates for Teichmuller space and the related com-plex Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates for quasi-Fuchsian space.

For clarity, we shall recall in brief how Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates aredefined; see [21] or Wolpert [68], [69]. Let γj for j = 1, . . . , 3g − 3 bea curve system (some authors call this a partition) that is, a maximalcollection of disjoint, simple, closed curves on Σ that are neither homo-topic to each other nor homotopically trivial. The complement of such

38 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

a curve system is a collection of 2g − 2 three-holed spheres. If Σ has ahyperbolic metric then, without loss of generality, we may choose eachγj in our curve system to be the geodesic in its homotopy class. The hy-perbolic metric on each three-holed sphere is completely determined bythe hyperbolic length lj > 0 of each of its boundary geodesics. There isa real twist parameter kj that determines how these three-holed spheresare attached to one another. From an initial configuration, the twothree holed spheres with common boundary component may be rotatedrelative to one another. The absolute value of the twist |kj | measuresthe distance they are twisted and the sign denotes the direction of theirrelative twist. The theorem of Fenchel and Nielsen states that each(6g − 6)-tuple

(l1, . . . , l3g−3, k1, . . . , k3g−3) ∈ R3g−3+ × R3g−3

determines a unique hyperbolic metric on Σ and each hyperbolic metricarises in this way.

Kourouniotis [39] and Tan [63] extended the theorem of Fenchel andNielsen to the case of real hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian space of Σ. Inthis extension both the length parameters and the twist parametersbecome complex. The elements of ρ(π1) ∈ SL(2, C) corresponding toγj in the curve system are now loxodromic with, in general, non-realtrace. Thus the imaginary part of the length parameter represents theholonomy angle when moving around γj . Likewise, the imaginary partof the twist parameter becomes the parameter of a bending deforma-tion about γj ; see also [51] for more details of this correspondence andhow to relate these parameters to traces of matrices. The main dif-ference from the situation with real Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates is that,while distinct quasi-Fuchsian representations determine distinct complexFenchel-Nielsen coordinates, it is not at all clear which set of coordinatesgive rise to discrete representations, and hence to a quasi-Fuchsian struc-ture. In fact the boundary of the set of realisable coordinates is fractal.

In [49], Parker and Platis define Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates for rep-resentations π1(Σ) to SU(2, 1) for which the 3g − 3 curves in a curvesystem are represented by loxodromic maps. It is clear that this is aproper subset of the representation variety and contains complex hyper-bolic quasi-Fuchsian space. The coordinates are 16g−16 real parametersthat distinguish non-conjugate irreducible representations and 8g−6 realparameters that distinguish non-conjugate representations that preservea complex line (compare to Propositions 1.6.5 and 1.6.6). As with thecomplex Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates described by Kourouniotis and Tan

1.6 Closed surfaces 39

it is not clear which coordinates correspond to discrete representations.However, the coordinates in [49] determine the group up to conjugacyand distinguish between non-conjugate representations. The major in-novation of Parker and Platis in this paper is the use of cross-ratios(recall section 1.3.7) in addition to complex length and twist-bend pa-rameters. First, for representations that do not preserve a complex line,and so are irreducible, the following holds.

Theorem 1.6.11 (Parker and Platis [49]) Let Σ be a surface of genusg with a simple curve system γ1, . . . , γ3g−3. Let ρ : π1(Σ) −→ Γ < SU(2, 1)be an irreducible representation of the fundamental group π1(Σ) to SU(2, 1)with the property that ρ(γj) = Aj is loxodromic for each j = 1, . . . , 3g−3.Then there exist 4g − 4 complex parameters and 2g − 2 points on thecross-ratio variety X that completely determine ρ up to conjugation.

For representations that preserve a complex line several of the previousparameters are real the following holds.

Theorem 1.6.12 (Parker and Platis [49]) Let Σ be a surface of genusg with a simple curve system γ1, . . . , γ3g−3. Let ρ : π1(Σ) −→ Γ < S

(U(1)×U(1, 1)

)be a reducible representation of the fundamental group π1(Σ) to SU(2, 1)that preserves a complex line and which has the property that ρ(γj) = Aj

is loxodromic for each j = 1, . . . , 3g − 3. Then there exist 8g − 6 realparameters that completely determine ρ up to conjugation.

1.6.7 The boundary of complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian


We now investigate what happens as we approach the boundary of quasi-Fuchsian space. Cooper, Long and Thistlethwaite [11] have proved acomplex hyperbolic version of Chuckrow’s theorem. They prove it forsequences of representations of groups that are not virtually nilpotent.We state it for the special case we are interested in here, namely thecase of surface groups.

Theorem 1.6.13 (Theorem 2.7 of [11]) Let π1 be the fundamentalgroup of a hyperbolic surface of finite type. Suppose that ρk : π1 −→ SU(2, 1)is an algebraically convergent sequence of discrete, faithful representa-tions of π1. Then the limit representation is discrete and faithful.

40 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

In Section 2.7 of [30] Greenberg used the classical version of Chuckrow’stheorem to construct some of the first examples of geometrically fi-nite Kleinian groups. Roughly speaking, his argument is the follow-ing: Consider a space X of discrete, faithful, geometrically finite, type-preserving SL(2, C)-representations of a given abstract group so that X

is open and the boundary of X in the space of all representations con-tains a continuum. The example Greenberg considers is Riley’s exampleof groups generated by two parabolic maps, now known as the Rileyslice of Schottky space. Then Greenberg considers a sequence of rep-resentations ρk converging to the boundary of X. Because X is openthe limit representation ρ0 is not in X. By Chuckrow’s theorem ρ0 isboth discrete and faithful. Therefore ρ0 must either contain additionalparabolics or be geometrically infinite. This reasoning applies in ourcase. Greenberg goes on to argue that, since for a matrix to be parabolicin SL(2, C) involves a codimension 2 condition (trace equals ±2), thereare only countably many boundary points with additional parabolic el-ements. Therefore there must be geometrically infinite examples on theboundary. In the case of SU(2, 1) the condition to be parabolic has codi-mension 1 (f(τ) = 0 where f(τ) is Goldman’s function Theorem 6.2.4of [27]).

Therefore it could be the case that the boundary of complex hyperbolicquasi-Fuchsian space is made up of geometrically finite representationswhere (at least) one conjugacy class in π1 is represented by parabolicelements of SU(2, 1). The locus where a particular conjugacy class isparabolic is a real analytic codimension 1 subvariety (with respect tosuitable coordinates, such as the complex hyperbolic Fenchel-Nielsencoordinates described in Section 1.6.6). Therefore a conjectural pictureis that complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian space has a polyhedral orcellular structure. The (real) codimension 1 cells correspond to a singleextra class of parabolic maps. These intersect in lower dimensional cells.The cells of codimension k correspond to k classes becoming parabolic.

1.6.8 Complex hyperbolic quakebending

Let ρ0 be a representation of the fundamental group π1 of Σ into some Liegroup G. A deformation of ρ0 is a curve ρt = ρ(t) such that ρ(0) = ρ0.Deformations in Teichmuller and real quasi-Fuchsian spaces are verywell known and have been studied extensively, at least throughout thelast thirty years. Below we state some basic facts about them.

1.6 Closed surfaces 41

In the case of Teichmuller space T (Σ), the basic deformation is theFenchel-Nielsen deformation; a thorough study of this has been carriedout by Wolpert in [69]. We cut Σ0 along a simple closed geodesic α, ro-tate one side of the cut relative to the other and attach the sides in theirnew position. This deformation involves continuously changing the cor-responding Fenchel-Nielsen twist parameter while holding all the othersfixed. The hyperbolic metric in the complement of the cut extends to ahyperbolic metric in the new surface. In this way a deformation ρt (de-pending on the free homotopy class of α) is defined and its infinitesimalgenerator tα is the Fenchel-Nielsen vector field. Such vector fields arevery important: at each point of T (Σ), 6g − 6 of such fields form a ba-sis of the tangent space of T (Σ). Moreover, the Weil-Petersson Kahlerform of T (Σ) may be described completely in terms of the variationsof geodesic length of simple closed geodesics under the action of thesefields. The basic formula for this is Wolpert’s first derivative formula:If α, β are simple closed geodesics in Σ0, lα is the geodesic length of α

and tβ is the Fenchel-Nielsen vector field associated to β then then atthe point ρ0 we have

tβlα =∑



where φp is the oriented angle of intersection of α and β at p. Anotherbasic formula concerns the mixed variations tβtγ lα; the reader shouldsee for instance [70] or [69] for details.

In [41] Kourouniotis, using ideas of Thurston and working in the spiritof Wolpert’s construction of the Fenchel-Nielsen deformation, constructsa quasiconformal homeomorphism of the complex plane which he callsthe bending homeomorphism. Given a hyperbolic structure on Σ, fromthis homeomorphism he obtains a quasi-Fuchsian structure on Σ.

Epstein and Marden took a different and much more general pointof view in [15]. Given a hyperbolic structure ρ0 on a closed surface Σ,then for every finite geodesic lamination Λ in Σ with complex transversemeasure µ and a simple closed geodesic α in Σ0, there exists an isometricmap h, depending on α, of Σ0 into a hyperbolic 3-manifold Mh (thequakebend map). The image of this map is a pleated surface Σh, thatis a complete hyperbolic surface which may be viewed as the originalsurface bent along the leaves of the lamination in angles depending on theimaginary part of µ, with its flat pieces translated relative to the leaves indistances depending on the real part of µ. The pleated surface Σh is thenthe boundary of the convex hull of Mh. For small t ∈ C, quakebending

42 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

along Λ with transverse measure tµ produces injective homomorphismsof π1(Σ) into PSL(2, C) with quasi-Fuchsian image and in this way weobtain a deformation ρtµ (the quakebend curve) of quasi-Fuchsian spaceQR(Σ) with initial point our given hyperbolic structure, that is a point inthe Teichmuller space T (Σ) of Σ. It is evident that the Fenchel-Nielsendeformation as well as Kourouniotis’ bending deformation are specialcases of the above construction; the first is induced from the case whereµ is real (pure earthquake) and the second from the case where µ isimaginary (pure bending). Infinitesimal generators of quakebend curvesare the holomorphic vector fields Tµ. If α is a simple closed geodesic inΣ0 and in the case where λ is finite with leaves γ1, . . . , γn, then at thepoint ρ0 we have

Tµlα =dl(ρtµ)

dt(0) =


<(ζk) · cos(φk)

where ζk = µ(α ∩ γk) and φk are the oriented angles of intersection ofα and γk. This formula is a generalisation of Kerckhoff’s formula when

µ ∈ R, see [38]. Epstein and Marden also give formulae for the secondderivative as well as generalisation of these in the case where Λ is infinite.

In [40] Kourouniotis revisits the idea of bending. Based on [15] andusing his bending homeomorphism as in [41], he constructs quakebend-ing curves in Q(Σ) but there, the initially point ρ0 is a quasi-Fuchsianstructure on Σ. Moreover in [42] he goes on to define the variationsof the complex length λα of a simple closed curve under bending along(Λ, µ). Platis used Kourouniotis’ results to describe completely the com-plex symplectic form of QR(Σ) in [52, 53]. This form may be thoughtas the complexification of the Weil-Petersson symplectic form of T (Σ).We remark finally that generalisations of the derivative formulae weregiven for instance by Series in [62].

In [4], Apanasov took the point view of Kourouniotis in [41] to con-struct bending curves in QC(Σ). In fact he proved the following

Theorem 1.6.14 (Apanasov [4]) Let ρ0 be an R−Fuchsian represen-tation of π1 and write Γ0 = ρ0(π1). Then for any simple closed geodesicα ∈ H2

R/Γ0 and for sufficiently small t ∈ R there exists a (continuous)bending deformation ρt of ρ0 induced by Γ0−equivariant quasiconformalhomeomorphisms Ft of H2


Platis in [54] followed the strategy suggested by Epstein and Marden

1.7 Open problems and conjectures 43

in [15]. Let ρ0 be an R−Fuchsian representation of π1 with Γ0 = ρ0(π1).Then, M0 = H2

C/Γ0 is a complex hyperbolic manifold and embedded inM0 there is a hyperbolic surface Σ0 = H2

R/Γ0. For every finite geodesiclamination Λ in Σ with complex transverse measure µ and a simpleclosed geodesic α in Σ0, there is an isometric map BC, depending on α,of M0 into a complex hyperbolic manifold Mh. (the complex hyperbolic

quakebend map). Restricted to Σ0 the image of this map is a pleatedsurface Σh, something which is entirely analogous to the classical case.The pleated surface Σh is naturally embedded in Mh. By Corollary 1.6.8,for small t ∈ R, complex hyperbolic quakebending along Λ with trans-verse measure tµ produces complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups.That is,

Theorem 1.6.15 (Platis [54]) There is an ε > 0 such that for all t

with |t| < ε the complex hyperbolic quakebend curve ρtµ lies entirely inQC(Σ).

Platis also discusses the variations of the complex hyperbolic lengthλ = l + iθ of ρtµ. The induced formulae are natural generalisations ofEpstein-Marden’s formulae. For instance, for the first derivative of λ atρ0 we have the following.


dt(0) =


<(ζk) · cos(φk),

dt(0) =


=(ζk) · 3 cos2(φk)− 12


Remark 1.6.16 We remark that in view of Corollary 1.6.8 and Theorem1.6.10, the condition ρ0 is R−Fuchsian is now quite restrictive. Complexhyperbolic quakebending curves may be constructed in exactly the sameway at least when the starting point ρ0 is an arbitrary point of QC(Σ)with even Toledo invariant τ(ρ0). This construction is carried out in[55].

1.7 Open problems and conjectures

Below we list a number of open problems concerning both compact andnon compact cases. We also state a number of conjectures.

44 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

Problem 1.7.1 Describe the topology of QC(Σ). For example:

(i) In the case when p = 0 describe the components of QC(Σ) withthe same Toledo invariant.

(ii) For |τ(ρ)| < 2g − 2, is each of these components homeomorphicto a ball of dimension 16g − 16?

(iii) In the case when p > 0 describe the components of QC(Σ).(iv) For p > 0 is QC(Σ) an open subset of Hom

(π1,SU(2, 1)

)/SU(2, 1)?

(v) Is each component homeomorphic to a ball?

We have seen that QC(Σ) is disconnected. In the compact case theToledo invariant distinguishes components of the representation varietyHom

(π1,SU(2, 1)

)/SU(2, 1) [71] and each component is non-empty [28].

The Euler number gives a finer classification of QC(Σ). As yet it s notknown which values of the Euler number can arise; compare [2]. Whenp > 0 there are quasi-Fuchsian representations whose limit set is a wildknot [13]. It is natural to ask which wild knots arise in this way andwhether this construction extends to the case of p = 0.

Problem 1.7.2 Describe representations in ∂QC(Σ). For example:

(i) Does ∂QC(Σ) admit a cell structure where each cell of codimen-sion k corresponds to k elements of π1 being represented by parabolicmaps?

(ii) If the answer to (i) is positive then characterise which elementsof π1 correspond to codimension 1 cells and which combinationscorrespond to cells of higher codimension?

(iii) Is every representation in QC(Σ) geometrically finite?(iv) Does every quasi-Fuchsian representation of a punctured surface

arise in the boundary of the quasi-Fuchsian space of a closed sur-face?

It is tempting to suggest that the codimension 1 cells correspond ex-actly to the simple closed curves on Σ. However, the case of the threetimes punctured sphere, Theorem 1.5.1, suggests that there are othercurves that may be pinched in this way.

A starting point could be to consider surface subgroups of complexhyperbolic triangle groups. Let q1, qj , q3 integers at least 2 (possiblyincluding ∞) and consider three involutions Ij each fixing a complex lineso that Ij+1Ij−1 is elliptic of order qj when qj is finite and parabolic whenqj is ∞ (all indices are taken mod 3). Then 〈I1, I2, I3〉 is a representationof a (q1, q2, q3) triangle reflection group.

1.7 Open problems and conjectures 45

Conjecture 1.7.3 (Schwartz [59]) Let q1, q2 and q3 be integers atleast 2 and let 〈I1, I2, I3〉 < SU(2, 1) be the corresponding representationof the (q1, q2, q3) triangle reflection group. Then 〈I1, I2, I3〉 is a discrete,faithful, type-preserving, geometrically finite representation if and onlyif I1I2I3 and IjIj+1IjIj−1 for j = 1, 2, 3 are all loxodromic.

Moreover, the values of the qj determine which of these four wordsbecomes parabolic first.

The Coxeter group generated by reflections in the sides of a hyperbolictriangle contains a surface group as a torsion-free, finite index subgroup(indeed it contains infinitely many such surface groups). Therefore ev-ery discrete, faithful, type-preserving, geometrically finite representa-tion 〈I1, I2, I2〉 contains quasi-Fuchsian subgroups of finite index. IfSchwartz’s conjecture is true then the subgroups of the correspondingrepresentations where one of I1I2I3, IjIj+1IjIj−1 is parabolic will lie in∂QC(Σ).

There are also natural questions about the geometric and analyticalstructures of QC(Σ). Goldman [24] and Hitchin [34] have shown thatthe representation variety Hom

(π1,SU(2, 1)

)/SU(2, 1) admits natural

symplectic and complex structures. Our next problem concerns thesestructures.

Problem 1.7.4 Let Σ be a closed surface. Examine geometrical andanalytical structures of QC(Σ).

(i) Do the natural symplectic and complex structures on Hom(π1,SU(2, 1)

)/SU(2, 1)

given by Goldman and Hitchin naturally pass to QC(Σ)?(ii) Take a complex hyperbolic quakebending deformation with start-

ing point any irreducible representation. From this, define thengeometrically a symplectic structure in the whole QC(Σ) such thatit agrees with the Weil-Petersson symplectic form of Teichmullerspace at R-Fuchsian representations.

(iii) What can you say about the complex structure? For instancedo complex hyperbolic Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates induce such acomplex structure on QC(Σ)?

The answer to Problem 1.7.4 (i) is affirmative in the classical cases ofHom

(π1,SL(2, R)

)/SL(2, R) and Hom

(π1,SL(2, C)

)/SL(2, C). That is,

complex and symplectic structures pass naturally to T (Σ) and QR(Σ)respectively. We conjecture that the answer is also affirmative in the

46 Complex hyperbolic quasi-Fuchsian groups

complex hyperbolic case. We also conjecture that the answer to Problem1.7.4 (iii) is negative.

Conjecture 1.7.5 For p = 0 there is a hyperkahler structure in QC(Σ).

Quasi-conformal maps are the major tool used to define Teichmullerspace. These have been generalised to complex hyperbolic space byMostow, Chapter 21 of [45]. Also, Koranyi and Reimann [36] have devel-oped an extensive theory of quasiconformal mappings on the Heisenberggroup. These may be extended to H2

C [37]. However, it is not knownwhether these quasiconformal mappings are strong enough to describethe whole of QC(Σ).

Conjecture 1.7.6 For p = 0 any two representations in the same com-ponent of QC(Σ) are quasiconformally conjugate.

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