componenkit and react native

ComponentKit and React Native Paul Taykalo, ComponentKit and React Native, Stanfy, 2015 1

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React NativePaul Taykalo, ComponentKit and React Native, Stanfy, 2015 1

What is it about?» React.js, ComponentKit, React native

» Native vs Javascript

» UI, do you speak it?

Paul Taykalo, ComponentKit and React Native, Stanfy, 2015 2

Paul Taykalo, ComponentKit and React Native, Stanfy, 2015 3

React.jsPaul Taykalo, ComponentKit and React Native, Stanfy, 2015 4

React.jsSimple“Simply express how your app should look at any given point in time, and React will automatically manage all UI updates when your underlying data changes.”

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React.jsDeclarative“When the data changes, React conceptually hits the "refresh" button, and knows to only update the changed parts.”

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React.jsImplementation» Just the UI

» Virtual DOM*

» Data Flow

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Few months later...

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Awesome! It works!Let's do it Native

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PhoneGap + React.js

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Native vs Javascript

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(HTML + JS) vs (UIKit + ObjC)

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Screw IT!Paul Taykalo, ComponentKit and React Native, Stanfy, 2015 15

Let's do it native!

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ComponentKit» UIKit

» Components

» One-Way DataFlow

» ObjectiveC++

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Write once, run everywhereJava, Sun Microsystems

Learn once, use everywhereReact, Facebook

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React.jsvar HelloMessage = React.createClass({ render: function() { return <div>Hello {}</div>; }});

React.render( <HelloMessage name="John" />, document.getElementById('container'));

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ComponentKit@implementation HelloMessageComponent

+ (instancetype)newWithName:(NSString*)name { return [super newWithComponent: [CKLabelComponent newWithLabelAttributes:{ .string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Hello %@", @name], } viewAttributes:{} ];}


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Declarative vs Imperative

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DeclarativeWrite what result do you want

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ImperativeWrite how to get the result

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A bit complex example declarative+ (instancetype)newWithStory:(FBStory *)story{ return [super newWithComponent: [FBStackLayoutComponent newWithView:{} size:{} style:{.alignItems = FBStackLayoutAlignItemsStretch} children:{ {[FBHeaderComponent newWithStory:story]}, {[FBMessageComponent newWithStory:story]}, {[FBAttachmentComponent newWithStory:story]}, {[FBLikeBarComponent newWithStory:story]}, }]];}

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A bit complex example imperative@implementation FBStoryView{ FBHeaderView *_headerView; FBMessageView *_messageView; FBAttachmentView *_attachmentView; FBLikeBarView *_likeBarView;}

- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame{ if (self = [super initWithFrame:frame]) { _headerView = [[FBHeaderView alloc] init]; _messageView = [[FBMessageView alloc] init]; _attachmentView = [[FBAttachmentView alloc] init]; _likeBarView = [[FBLikeBarView alloc] init];

[self addSubview:_headerView]; [self addSubview:_messageView]; [self addSubview:_attachmentView]; [self addSubview:_likeBarView]; } return self;}

- (CGSize)sizeThatFits:(CGSize)size{ return CGSizeMake(size.width, [_headerView sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(size.width, CGFLOAT_MAX)].height + [_messageView sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(size.width, CGFLOAT_MAX)].height + [_attachmentView sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(size.width, CGFLOAT_MAX)].height + [_likeBarView sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(size.width, CGFLOAT_MAX)].height);}

- (void)layoutSubviews{ CGFloat width = [self bounds].size.width; CGFloat y = 0; CGFloat headerHeight = [_headerView sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(width, CGFLOAT_MAX)].height; [_headerView setFrame:CGRectMake(0, y, width, headerHeight)]; y += headerHeight; CGFloat messageHeight = [_messageView sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(width, CGFLOAT_MAX)].height; [_messageView setFrame:CGRectMake(0, y, width, messageHeight)]; y += messageHeight; CGFloat attachmentHeight = [_attachmentView sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(width, CGFLOAT_MAX)].height; [_attachmentView setFrame:CGRectMake(0, y, width, attachmentHeight)]; y += attachmentHeight; CGFloat likeBarHeight = [_likeBarView sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(width, CGFLOAT_MAX)].height; [_likeBarView setFrame:CGRectMake(0, y, width, likeBarHeight)]; y += likeBarHeight;}

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A bit complex example imperative

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ImmutabilityOne does not simply mutate component

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StateLess*Components tend to be stateless

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Virtual "DOM"in ComponentKitHow to render all stuff that user written

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Component tree-> (Magic)-> UIKit tree

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Component is not an UIViewNot Every Component backed up with UIView

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ComponentKit Layout

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Autolayout ? Manual Layout?

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Autolayout ? Manual Layout?

FlexBox*Paul Taykalo, ComponentKit and React Native, Stanfy, 2015 36

ComponentKitis awesomePaul Taykalo, ComponentKit and React Native, Stanfy, 2015 37

ComponentKit downsides

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ComponentKit downsides» Native (I cannot write for Android)

» I need to compile it each time I change something

» I cannot share the code

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Let's back to Javascript

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React Native

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Oh, I know!Javascript + HTML again?

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React NativeNative CodeBridgeJavascriptPaul Taykalo, ComponentKit and React Native, Stanfy, 2015 44

React NativeNative CodeBridgeJavascriptPaul Taykalo, ComponentKit and React Native, Stanfy, 2015 45

React NativeNative CodeBridgeJavascriptPaul Taykalo, ComponentKit and React Native, Stanfy, 2015 46

React NativeNative CodeBridgeJavascriptPaul Taykalo, ComponentKit and React Native, Stanfy, 2015 47

Nah, It cannot be fast!

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Nah, It cannot be fast!It cannot run faster that native

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Nah, It renders in UIWebView

It's slow!Paul Taykalo, ComponentKit and React Native, Stanfy, 2015 50

Nah, It renders in UIWebView

It's slow!It uses UIKit for renderingPaul Taykalo, ComponentKit and React Native, Stanfy, 2015 51

Nah, I know Native -> JS communicationis one-threaded and synchronous

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Nah, I know Native -> JS communicationis one-threaded and synchronousReact Native uses calls batchingReact Native is fully asynchronous

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Nah, I know that...

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Stop it!Decide for yourselfReact Native Playground iOS AppPaul Taykalo, ComponentKit and React Native, Stanfy, 2015 55

React Native Playground iOS App

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React Native Template

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React Native Development

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React Native Development» Live Reload

» Debugging Javascript in Browers

» FPS Monitor (Javscrip and UI)

» Inspect UI Elements (UIView deubgging)

» Profiling

» Modules

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Ok, I get itWhat is there any cons?

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React Native» Animations

» Native Components

» Complex gesture recognizers

» Extensive computations

» new Paradigm

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Where to start from?

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Where to start from?» M(V)VM

» React.js

» ComponentKit

» React Native

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So can Javascript be fast?

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So can Javascript be fast?It can be fast enough :)

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Component Kit and React Native

by Paul Taykalo, Stanfy

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