compositional elements

AS Photo Compositional elements

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Post on 20-Aug-2015



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AS Photo

Compositional elements

Compositional elements

ResearchInspired by shoots

Key points from research so far including artists names :• -• -• -• -• -• -• -• -• -

Other Rules of Composition

Revealing Eye in Digital Photography DE002A

There are other ways besides the rule of thirds to use lines and shapes to strengthen an image. Here's a quick overview of six additional methods of composition that can

strengthen your images.

The Triangle Frame Within a Frame

Leading Lines

The CircleNegative


The Triangle

Revealing Eye in Digital Photography DE002A

When you take a photo basing the composition of a triangle that goes from one corner to the two opposite sides, the image is stronger and more dynamic.

Revealing Eye in Digital Photography DE002A

By placing objects along strong diagonal lines, creating a triangle, you'll add strength to your image, as the eye is led from one corner to the other… Try it and see how dynamic your photo turns out to be…Remember balance…

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Look closely…can you tell where the triangles are?

Revealing Eye in Digital Photography DE002A

Remember composing with diagonals or triangles and balance

Frame Within a Frame

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Use materials in your foreground and include them in your photo around two or more of the edges, creating a "frame within a frame“ effect.

Mostly done with trees or branches, archways, doorways, etc. to frame the views you want tocapturing…

Good for landscape or urban shots…

Revealing Eye in Digital Photography DE002A

The frame should have at least 2 sides. Avoid using only one side of the frame which could create off-balance shots.

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Can you spot the frames?

Leading Lines

Revealing Eye in Digital Photography DE002A

Leading lines are great in composing a photo…

Line created by the path leads the viewer into the photo, as if they were standing on the trail, ready to walk right into the image.

The photo is interesting because it “invites” the viewer into the picture…

Think about how you would like to “invite” the viewer into your picture…

Revealing Eye in Digital Photography DE002A

Combine 2 or more techniques together…

Notice the photo below. The road leads your eye into the image, meets the horizon which is one third from top of photo (rule of thirds combined with leading lines).

Edges of the petals lead the eyes into centre of flower…Row of trees or street lights vanish in the distance, etc…

Revealing Eye in Digital Photography DE002A

The Circle

Revealing Eye in Digital Photography DE002A

The circle can be used very effectively when composing a photograph, if the subject is right.

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Revealing Eye in Digital Photography DE002A

Another way to create dynamic impact in your photograph is with the use of "visual rhythm".

Use repetition of form and shape in an image to create interest.

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Revealing Eye in Digital Photography DE002A

Negative space implies only small portion offrame is taken up by subject matter itself.

Used either to make the subject matter seem very small, or give impression of subject matter in a wide-open space – “less is more” approach.

Balance of negative space and subject is crucial…use rule of diagonals as basis…

Negative Space

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Revealing Eye in Digital Photography DE002A

Revealing Eye in Digital Photography DE002A

Sometimes you can place the subject in the center of the negative space…

Revealing Eye in Digital Photography DE002A

Revealing Eye in Digital Photography DE002A

Learn to see compositionally by taking abstract photographs.

By abstract, subject matter is unrecognizable for most part. Get in close, use colour and lines in your composition. When you're done, look closely at it.

Does the photo feel "balanced"?

If the photo does not seem to resemble anything you’ve ever seen before, chances are that you’ve succeeded in taking an abstract shot…Congrats!!

Putting it all together

Revealing Eye in Digital Photography DE002A

Look at the image on the right…

Combination of rule of thirds and diagonals… Diagonal giving strength to the composition. Petals meet each other at the bottom third of the image.

Sometimes by combining techniquesa different composition arises.

Test it yourself and create your own signature style.

Be your own master.

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The light falling on a red object in the background was captured to make a vivid abstract.

Once again the rule of thirds comes into play with the technique of “getting closer”.

The line of rivets is aligned using rule of thirds and the texture creates an interesting abstract.

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Let your imagination run wild and test out some of the techniques discussed…

Explore your style and have fun discovering your hidden talents!

Revealing Eye in Digital Photography DE002A

Take your own images now bearing in mind our discussion about compositional elements and your initial research so far

Think about this as a pre-inspired by shoot