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Comprehensive transport evaluation (2000-2011) National Development Agency Beatrix Horváth Evaluation Network Meeting, Brussels, 21 June, 2012

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Page 1: Comprehensive transport evaluation (2000-2011) National Development Agency Beatrix Horváth Evaluation Network Meeting, Brussels, 21 June, 2012

Comprehensive transport evaluation(2000-2011)

National Development AgencyBeatrix Horváth

Evaluation Network Meeting, Brussels, 21 June, 2012

Page 2: Comprehensive transport evaluation (2000-2011) National Development Agency Beatrix Horváth Evaluation Network Meeting, Brussels, 21 June, 2012

The aim of the evaluation is to show comprehensively the contribution of EU

support between 2000-2011 to the Hungarian transport development and to

the overall and specific objectives laid down in transport development strategies

and in the EU support programmes.

According to the comprehensive approach the projects supported by EU funds have

been examined in the context of the Hungarian transport development.

Main objective of the evaluation:

• To formulate proposals for policy planning in 2014-2020, for the

programming and the programme management connected to the


Evaluation objective

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Groups of tasks:

(1) Strategic context analysis

(2) Financial analysis of the 2000-2011 period

(3) Direct effectiveness assessment

(4) Programme management evaluation

(5) Financial and environmental sustainability assessment

Content of the evaluation

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Comprehensive evaluation of EU supports for transport developments in the period of 2000-2011:

(Covering projects contracted till 1 July 2011):

• ISPA, CF (2004-2006), EIOP, ROP• TOP, ROPs• PHARE and cross-border cooperation programmes

In some parts with an overview on developments financed from national sources:

• National resources, EIB loan, PPP

Content of the evaluation

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Transport development projects in the period of 2000-2011:

• 1,308 transport development projects co-financed by the EU (pre-accession funds, Cohesion and Structural Funds)

• 954 projects financed from other resources (national + EIB loan + PPP)

The total cost of investments: HUF 5,024 billion.

47.5 % (HUF 2,385 billion) of the projects was co-financed by the EU, with HUF 2,068 billion awarded (EUR 6.8 billion).

Analyzed projects

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Results – Public road developments

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Results – Railway and urban railway developments

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Results – Accessibility of Budapest

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Results – Public road accessibility

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Corridor Border crossing at departureBorder crossing at

arrivalAccess time,

2000 (minute)Access time,

2011 (minute)Improvement

(minute)Improve-ment (%)

IV Hegyeshalom (A) Nagylak (RO) 264.5 230.7 33.8 12.8

IV-V Hegyeshalom (A) Beregsurány (UKR) 372.9 307.2 65.7 17.6

IV-X/B Hegyeshalom (A) Röszke (SRB) 222.6 190.7 31.9 14.3

V Tornyiszentmiklós (SLO) Beregsurány (UKR) 483.0 350.8 132.1 27.4

V Letenye (CRO) Beregsurány (UKR) 465.1 339.6 125.5 27.0

Results – Public road accessibility

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Results – railway accessibility

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Recommendations for the content requirements of the strategy:

•Not all types of infrastructure have to be built out everywhere, and not

the most expensive and state-of-the-art infrastructure should by all means

developed on every level. development directions should be determined on the

basis of social demands

•Integrated developments in focus emphasizing urban (intermodal centres,

community transport) and rural development (areas left out from public road

developments) aspects in transport projects

• Strengthening the role of the feasibility studies,

• Establishment of a transport development monitoring system.

Strategic context

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Aspects to be considered in the strategy planning

• Principles of planning: need for a change in approach, to enhance the role of professional considerations in the decision making process

• Definition of the goal, the function and the role of the strategy

• Relation with other strategies

• Needs and limiting factors

• Minimum expectations and requirements

• Definition of types of task for preparation and implementation

• Definitions of tools for preparation and implementation

• Structural conditions of the planning process

• Establishment of a criteria system for project selection and prioritization (application, institutional conditions, monitoring system)

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• Every fifth project serves the construction of new infrastructural element,

• Exaggerated social expectations decision-makers want to fulfil, not considering its

significant costs,

• During the selection of projects for EU financing the short, medium and long term

burdens on the budget should be considered.

• Importance of the operation and the maintanence of the existing infrastructure

beside developments.

• The maintanance and operation should be handled not after the

implementation, but during the planning, project preparation phase.

•„Polluter pays principle” into the practice introduction of the eletronic distance

related road toll system


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Thank you for your attention

National Development Agency,Coordination Managing Authority, Evaluation Unit

Beatrix Horváth, senior [email protected]