compuneri my best friend

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Post on 14-Jan-2016




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My best friend.

Friendship is very important, especially for me. During my studying, from elementary school to university, I have lots of friends. Among these, there are a few friends who are my best friends.

Now I would like to describe you one of my best friend whose name is Peter. A main reason for what I consider him my best friend is that he has a warm personality.He is very friendly when he meets me. He smiles politely and asks me what have I done in the days when we didnt see each other.Furthermore, Peter is good manner. He never lies, hes a faithful friend and I can trust in him in any problem. Hes also a very funny person, always tells jokes and makes me laugh.To summarize, Peter is my best friend who has a good personality and ability in making proper things. I really like him.

BySamuel Palmer TRADUCERI :Cel mai bun prieten al meu.

Prietenia este foarte importanta, in special pentru mine. In timpul anilor de studii, de la scoala elementara pana la universitate, am avut o multime de prieteni. Printre acestia sunt cativa pe care-i consider cei mai buni prieteni.As vrea acum sa va descriu pe unul dintre cei mai buni prieteni, care se numeste Peter. Un principal motiv pentru care-l consider prietenul meu cel mai bun este firea sa calduroasa.Este foarte prietenos atunci cand ne intalnim. Imi zambeste politicos si am intreaba ce am mai facut in zilele in care nu ne-am intalnit.

Mai mult decat atat, Peter este foarte manierat. Nu minte niciodata, este un prieten devotat si ma pot increde in el in orice privinta. Deasemenea este o persoana amuzanta, mereu ma face sa rad.Drept concluzie, Peter este cel mai bun prieten al meu si care are o personalitate foarte buna si abilitate in a face lucrurile asa cum trebuie. Il plac cu adevarat.

EXPRIMAREA DATEILa exprimarea datei in engleza se foloseste numeralul ordinal care se poate aseza inainte sau dupa numele lunii calendaristice.Daca numeralul ordinal precede denumirea lunii acesta este urmat de of.Ex.: I was born in the 2 nd of June 1984 = M-am nascut pe 2 iunie 1984.Daca numeralul ordinal este asezat dupa denumirea lunii of este omis.Ex.: I was born on June (the) 2 nd = M-am nascut pe 2 iunie 1984.

In engleza britanica ordinea este: ziua, luna, anul.

In engleza americana ordinea este :luna, ziua, anul.

De retinut:

-pentru numeralele ordinale, la formarea datei, se foloseste prescurtarea astfel:

first (st), second(nd), third(rd), fourth(th), fifth(th), sixth(th), seventh(th),eighth(th),ninth(th), tenth(th).

Ex.: 1 st of January = 1 ianuarie, 2 nd of February = 2 februarie, 3 rd of March = 3 martie, 4 th of April = 4 aprilie, etc.

Ex.: 21 st of May = 21 mai, 22 nd of June = 22 iunie, 23 rd of July = 23 iulie, 24 th of August = 24 august, etc.

Cifra zero se poate citi ; zero, oh, nil sau love.

- zero la matematica

- oh la numere de telefon.

- nil sau nothing pentru exprimarea scorului la fotbal.

- love la tenis.

Anii in engleza se citesc cu ajutorul miilor sau a sutelor(in stil oficial) one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two (1992).

- sau a zecilor (in vorbirea curenta) nineteen ninety-two (1992).

- anul 2000 se citeste two thousand.


El e nascut in 1 saptembrie 1977 = He is born on 1st of September 1977 (nineteen seventy-seven).

Ann este nascuta pe 3 ianuarie 1991 = Ann is born on 3rd of January 1991 (nineteen ninty-one).

William Shakespeare s-a nascut pe 23 aprilie 1564 = William Shakespeare was born on 23rd of April 1564(fifteen sixty-four).

Primul Razboi Mondial a inceput in 28 iulie 1914 = The First World War started on 28th of July 1914

FAMILY I have a big/ small family. I have three sisters older than me/ I only have on younger sister than me. Im the youngest/ the oldest of all. Im an only child. Both my parents are doctors. We usually get together on Sundays. (nineteen fourteen

Compunere n englez despre animalul meu preferat-My favorite pet Compunere n englez cu titlul "Animalul meu preferat"My favorite petSince my early childhood I wanted to have my own pet, sort of my own child to take care of. In the beginning I asked my parents to get me a dog. At that time I was thinking that a dog is the most loyal friend I could get and I was absolutely sure we could have a lot of fun together but they considered for years that I am not responsible enough to have one. They have explained me that an animal requires a lot of free time and attention, which sometimes I don't have, between study, classes, basketball trainings, English lessons and debate club.

After a while, I asked them for a parrot which, in my opinion, does not require so much free time since all you need is to buy a cage, keep it clean and feed the parrot daily. It shouldn't take long. They didn't like this idea also so they have refused me, again. So I was pretty sad and all I could think of was that one day, I'll have my own house and I will get me a dog and a parrot also. Yet, at that time, I was very disappointed that they don't trust me enough.But things changed out of the blue when my crazy aunt, visited us, a month ago. I have received a present from her, a "pet", a young chameleon, 6 weeks old. She also brought me a reptarium, sort of a larger aquarium, but with a ventilation system and a drip system; already decorated with branches, fake and natural plants. My new reparium had a special system of lights because my aunt explained me that chameleons need a special sort of light, full spectrum UVA/UVB light. Bottom line, my reptarium is a top product and it provides modern comfort to its inhabitant.Initially I named my chameleon Jake but after just one day it was clear to me that he should be called Sunbeam because he loves to stay under the sun. Sometimes he climbs on the branches or stays hidden. But what amaze me is how Sunbeam changes his color by mood, light or temperature.Since I have Sunbeam, I go twice a week to a pet store to buy fresh insects for him. He loves fatty wax worms, caterpillars and small crickets. In weekends I buy flies and I spend time watching Sunbeam how he catches them with his extremely long and sticky tongue.

He is lovely, quite and he doesn't require my attention all the time. This way I have time to study. Sunbeam enriched my life and made me more responsible. Yet, My father is not very happy about this and still considers that the animal my aunt brought me it isn't really a pet, it's just a ferocious wild animal which should live in the wilderness...

Compunere n englez despre hobbyul meu-My hobby Compunere n englez cu titlul "Hobbyul meu"My hobby: reading booksOne of the things that I really love to do is to read. Through reading I have found out so many things about life in all of its aspects. Reading page after page, book by book, I have discovered the world around me, facts about past, present and versions of the future and i have learned so many amazing things.I've started reading at the age of five when The stories from 1001 nights fascinated and captured me completely. It helped me to open my mind to new situations and I understood that the power of creation can change lives. Later, at the age of 10, I was amused by Pcal and Tndal adventures and I've started to smile more often than before because if you look carefully, there is something to laugh of no matter the circumstances.Reading Winnetou, I was deeply impressed by his courage in front of unpredicted events, his honesty, his strength and his loyalty towards his dear ones, his compassion for other human beings and his communion with surrounding nature. At the same time, I've learned to respect different cultures and to appreciate others' values.After a while I read The Prince and the Pauper. That story made me understand that clothes and social position offer different chances in life, that perception affects our entire worldview and the ways we react socially to others are influenced by our ability to evolve . Balzac, with his keen observations to details, manged so beautifully to offer me precious information about humans motivations and our reactions to society's values. Yet, one of my favorites, Dostoyevsky's allowed me to explore human psychology and understand that "life is within ourselves and not in the external" world.Reading science fiction books I have found out that my universe depends also on the power of my imagination. Childhood's End is one of my favorite novels. The story speaks about our planet invaded by aliens, the Overlords, which in time prove to be some sort of guardian angels for our race. Under their strict guidance, we humans manage to reach a golden age, we live in peace, we have a a world government, we live in abundance until we evolve in something diverse, a transcendent form of life where we are all connected.

Later, I started reading love stories. I cried while I was reading The Lady of the Camellias and I was astonished by how Marguerite sacrifice her riches and her lifestyle for the man she loved. Yet, self sacrifice or giving up at peoples you really love isn't always a smart thing. Romeo and Julieta love didn't served any of them. Reading Manon Lescaut I've learned that true love implies devotion but also that running away from the problems dose not solve them.Reading has become an important part of my life and helped me to find out more about me, information about human nature, human art and history, human achievements, anatomy and human mental faculties. I love reading because it helps me to learn. to be creative and offers me new perspectives. As Isaac Asimov said "If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them."

Compunere n englez despre vacan-Why I enjoy vacations O compunere n limba englez cu titlul "De ce mi plac vacanele".Why I enjoy vacationsThere are so many things I enjoy doing while in vacation.The best part of my vacations is that I get no homework. Vacation is like a big recreation, an opportunity for pure fun, a lot of excitement and quality time. Allow me to share some of the reasons for which I love my vacations.First of all, what I like most in a vacation is that I don't have to go to school. For this reason, I have a lot of free time and my schedule is open for great adventures each day. Another thing, is that I can sleep as late as I want and I can stay up as late as I can. I can read any book I choose or I can watch some tv, I can play on my play station, I can ride my new bike or invite my friends over, etc.Relaxation and togetherness with my family, my relatives and family friends are other pluses for which is good to be in vacation. My parents organize in each vacation short trips to historical places or relaxation holidays in spectacular places where we have the opportunity to see the nature's beauty and spectacular places. Once a year, usually during summer vacation, we leave our country and visit other cities within European Union borders. In each vacation I visit my grandma who lives outside the city, in a rural area. I only have one grandma alive, the other one died before I was born, so I never meet her. My parents told me she would have loved me if she knew me. Going back to my grandmother, she loves me and she is very happy to have me around. She bakes cookies and brownies and gives me great presents.The worst part of vacation is that I cant meet with my colleagues daily. Anyway, we keep in touch over the phone or using internet: emails, Google+ and Facebook social networks or different types of messengers. Some of us have personal blogs where we are sharing our experiences.Considering the opportunity to use free time as I please I recommend that we all should take a long vacation. I love being in vacation.