computers & internet

1 st of December 2010 COMPUTERS & INTERNET

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Internet and computers are the most important tools in our lives nowaday


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1st o f December 2010



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S C I E N T I F I C T H I N K I N G 1 2 0 – 2 3

D R . S A U S A N E L - G O G G A R Y By

Saad El -Sha t e r Omar Desouk i Aaron Thorn sb e r r y

Ib rah im Me taw i e Ahmed Nas r

The American University in Cairo

1st of December 2010

Dr. Sawsan Elgogary

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We aim to provide our readers with some valuable information about necessary tools in their lives, which are Computers, and Internet that would help them be life long learners and knowledgeable citizens.


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The Device is Called

“Computer” By Ibrahim Metawie

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Computers are into everything in human beings life; they are found everywhere and anywhere. They are taking a very big part of our lives. However, the definition of a computer is “an electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and display the results of these operations”. The computer uses a set of inputs to analyze it and get another set of outputs. It was invented with its many phases to help to find solutions easier and faster than humans can do.

The word computer goes back to the 17th century when it was referred to the person who is calculating or computing. People started evolving the word with inventions related to computers. In spite of this, they were first used as calculators and computing devices to simplify mathematical problems. The Slide Rule used to be called a computer because it also simplified mathematical problems. In 1938 Konrad Zuse invented the first electromechanical computer; it was called the Z1, which used a binary code. It kept evolving through the years and now it is found.


There is also a set of 3 videos made by the BBC talks about the history of computers or as they call it “The Dream Machine”.

Part 1:

Part 2: .

Part 3: .

Those links that lead to a documentary made in 1991 by BBC channel provides much information about “The Dream Machine” in the twentieth century

No matter how small or big they are, no doubt that computer is the most influential invention that ever happened on earth. It is taking place in every daily aspect of our life. If we take a close look at our usual day, we can find that everything is computerized from alarms to cell phones. They used to take too much area to store, but nowadays they can be held in pocket. However, it is developing and booming with a; we just cannot live without computers.


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The world has been completely changed by the advent of personal computers. This is because they have radically transformed the way the world lives, works and conducts business. Computers actually arrived on the scene back in the 1930s and were the brainchild of one Konrad Zuse who produced what was then called the Z1 computer. While this was a giant innovation, this was far from the sophisticated machines that we have today.

The world as we know it today has been completely changed by computers. They now sit in almost every office space in most major cities of the world. It is hard to imagine business, as we know it today without computers. Work would be grossly inefficient and cumbersome. Take for example calculations

Computers are commonly used items in many areas. It is an important thing to people, especially the people who run organizations, industry, etc. Almost anything you know is run or made by computers. Cars and jets were designed on computers, computers, most medical equipment use computers, run traffic signals and space exploration was started with computers. Most of the jobs today require the use of computers. These 'mechanical brains' made a huge impact on our society. It would be hard if we didn't have the computer

The New

Computer World


Omar Desouki

Let's visualize for a minute a world without computers. People in the medical field wouldn't have found a lot of cures to diseases, since most cures were found with the help of computers. Movies like Jurassic Park, Toy Story, A Bug's Life or Godzilla would never have been made without computers because they used computer graphics and animation in them. Pharmacies would have a hard time keeping track with what medications to give to patience. Counting votes would be impossible without computers and most importantly; space exploration wouldn't be possible without the help of computers. It's a pretty tough life without computers. Some may not agree and say, "Well, we don't need computers to live on." They maybe right but mostly, they are wrong. Computers help in curing diseases, make entertainment a lot better, keep rack of important records, etc. Without computers, all this wouldn't be possible.

Check the video and its parts: 7

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Computers & Science


Ahmed Nasr

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As we all know computer is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century. Tries to invent computers started early in the 19th century by Charles Babbage who was the first to conceptualize and design a fully programmable mechanical computer. As we live now in the

21th century computers are used in the different aspects of life. We can feel the great impact of

Computers if we follow the role of computer in the development of science. Basic science has been computerized recently forming new species of science. Scientists expect even a bigger role of computers in science in the future with the new generation of computers. Role of computers in science extended from basic natural science such as mathematics, physics and chemistry through (Computational Physics and Computational chemistry) to the practical science such as medicine and engineering. Computers succeeded to revolutionize medicine, engineering and biology. Computers were used as the tool to store data about different genes in the human genome project. A new approach of mathematics has been introduced as a branch of applied computer science. Human brain is also introduced as a branch of applied computer science.

It is obvious that that the future prospects of mathematics, physics, biology, and human brain research will greatly depend on understanding them as branches of applied computer science.

For a detai l ed ro le o f computers in some f i e lds o f s c i ence , c l i ck on the l ink af ter the f i e ld ’s name:

- Medicine: - - Physics - - Chemistry - - Engineering -


Articles and books

Computational Chemistry: Reviews of Current Trends, Volume 10

By Jerzy Leszczynski


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Shaping the Internet age by Bill Gates

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Internet the great network By Saad El-Shater What is The Internet?

The Internet is a massive network of networks, a networking infrastructure. It connects millions of computers together globally, forming a network in which any computer can communicate with any other computer as long as they are both connected to the Internet. Information that travels over the Internet does so via a variety of languages known as protocols.

If you need to know what are some of the great inventions and innovations, you can search over the Internet to find what particularly made people lives easier and judge by yourself. This is why Internet itself is one of the greatest inventions over history. By a single click, you can access thousands of information everywhere. Many years ago, no one could have ever imagined that such an invention would ever exist. Nowadays, no one can ever imagine living without the Internet. It is one of the most important inventions of today’s time. Internet is a giant world wide web that connects millions of computers worldwide. Mostly everybody uses it nowadays. Thousands of countries are linked together now with the Internet.

We surly see how major effect computers had on our way of living; Internet is far away beyond computers in the way it made life easier and more productive. We have to put into consideration that we could not have Internet without computers, so computers can be considered as part of the greatness of the Internet. On the other hand, if we consider computers as a great change in human lives, Internet would be as equally great as computers.

People should know that the Internet is a scientific product that is mainly scientists’ contribution to our life. If we ignore all other scientists’’ contribution to our welfare, Internet is enough to see how science and scientists play a major role in our life. They are very helpful and essential to the continuity of our life. I believe that they are one of the God’s gifts to people.

Internet is involved in every single element of our life. It is considered as a giant global library for data and information. It is also seen as a tool for communications between people and parties everywhere. In addition it is available all day and night. Simply it is everything you need.

Scientists nowadays use Internet as part of their work. Scientific researches are posted online by scientists to benefit all people. Any scientist can easily access big amounts of data using Internet unlike before inventing the Internet. They can ask other scientists any question they want and get the answers instantly regardless of the thousands of miles that separate them. They also benefited from Internet by making their inventions popular everywhere. Before the Internet, new ideas and inventions used to spread between countries in ages. Now if a scientist invents something here, after seconds, his/her invention can be arrived in the other part of the world.

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The almost seven billion patients in the world makes it impossible for physicians to remember at the drop of a hat everything about a particular individual. Being able to store a patient’s information makes it easier to pull up at a moment’s notice to compare heart rate, blood pressure, or cholesterol with previous visits. The internet can also be used to check to see if a patient has a unique allergy or medical condition to ensure the proper course of treatment. Storing data online also aids in its transfer: when an individual moves to a new city, state, or country that information can quickly and easily be sent wherever the person needs it. The internet also allows for quick communication between physicians whether it’s between a patient’s former doctor or between colleagues seeking advice.

The internet also benefits medicine in that it allows fast communication between doctors regarding the discipline of medicine. Doctors can share what trends they might see aiding in the prevention and treatment of seasonal illnesses or global viruses. If a trend is found in one small region, or even a country, doctors from around the world can assess the situation and offer input on how to best prevent and treat that illness or disease. In addition new treatments and procedures can be shared and studied at more rapid pace. If a new discovery was made fifty years ago it could take weeks or even months for that news to become widespread and common practice. Any news today can be published online and then immediately put to practice. The availability of credible new medical practices helps doctors become more proficient which allows them to better treat patient and save more lives.

So long as we can make sure those in the medical field spend less time on Facebook, YouTube, and Google than the rest of the world the internet will continue to be a great aid to the field of medicine. If time with journals and scholarly publications is replaced with YouTube our trips to the doctor will become more.


Reference :

Internet & Medicine By Aaron Thornsberry