computing with pathway/genome databases

SRI International Bioinformatics 1 Computing with Pathway/Genome Databases

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Computing with Pathway/Genome Databases. Aprox presentation time: 1.5 hrs. Overview. Summary of Pathway Tools data access mechanisms and formats Pathway Tools APIs Overview of Pathway Tools schema. Motivations to Understanding Schema. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Computing with Pathway/Genome Databases

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Aprox presentation time: 1.5 hrs

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Summary of Pathway Tools data access mechanisms and formats

Pathway Tools APIs

Overview of Pathway Tools schema

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Motivations to Understanding Schema

When writing complex queries to PGDBs, those queries must refer to classes and slots within the schema

Queries using Lisp, Perl, Java APIs Queries using Structured Advanced Query Form Queries using BioVelo

Find all monomers longer than 1,000 amino acids (loop for g in (get-class-all-instances ‘|Genes|) when (< 1000 (abs (- (get-slot-value g ‘left-end-position) (get-slot-value g ‘right-end-position) )) collect (get-slot-value g ‘product) )

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More Information

Pathway Tools Web Site, Tutorial Slides PTools APIs: Web services:

Guide to the Pathway Tools Schema

Curator's Guide

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Ontology Papers section of

"An Evidence Ontology for use in Pathway/Genome Databases"

"An ontology for biological function based on molecular interactions"

"Representations of metabolic knowledge: Pathways"

"Representations of metabolic knowledge"

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Data Exchange APIs: Lisp API, Java API, and Perl API

Read and modify access Web services Cyclone Export to files

BioPAX Export Export PGDB genome to Genbank format Export entire PGDB as column-delimited and attribute-value file formats Export PGDB reactions as SBML -- Import/Export of Pathways: between PGDBs Import/Export of Selected Frames, for Spreadsheets Import/Export of Compounds as Molfile, CML

BioWarehouse : Loader for Flatfiles, SQL access BMC Bioinformatics 7:170 2006

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Pathway Tools Ontology / Schema

Ontology classes: 1621 Datatype classes: Define objects from genomes to pathways Classification systems for pathways, chemical compounds,

enzymatic reactions (EC system) Protein Feature ontology Controlled vocabularies:

Cell Component Ontology Evidence codes

Comprehensive set of 279 attributes and relationships

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High-Level Classes in the PathwayTools Ontology

Chemicals -- All molecules Polymer-Segments -- Regions of polymers Protein-Features -- Features on proteins


Reactions -- Biochemical reactions Enzymatic-Reactions -- Link enzymes to reactions they catalyze Pathways -- Metabolic and signaling pathways Regulation -- Regulatory interactions

CCO -- Cell Component Ontology Evidence -- Evidence ontology Gene-Ontology-Terms -- GO

Growth-Observations -- Observations of growth of organism

Notes -- Timestamped, person-stamped notes Organizations, People Publications

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Navigating the Schema

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Use GKB Editor to Inspect thePathway Tools Ontology

GKB Editor = Generic Knowledge Base EditorType in Navigator window: (GKB) or[Right-Click] Edit->Ontology Editor

View->Browse Class Hierarchy[Middle-Click] to expand hierarchyTo view classes or instances, select them and:

Frame -> List Frame Contents Frame -> Edit Frame

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Use the SAQP to Inspect the Schema

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Pathway Tools Schema

Guide to the Pathway Tools Schema

Schema overview diagram

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Principal Classes

Class names are capitalized, plural, separated by dashes

Genetic-Elements, with subclasses: Chromosomes Plasmids

Genes Transcription-Units RNAs

rRNAs, snRNAs, tRNAs, Charged-tRNAs Proteins, with subclasses:

Polypeptides Protein-Complexes

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Principal Classes

Reactions, with subclasses: Transport-Reactions




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Principal Classes


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Slot Links

Sdh-flavo Sdh-Fe-S Sdh-membrane-1 Sdh-membrane-2

sdhA sdhB sdhC sdhD

Succinate + FAD = fumarate + FADH2


Succinate dehydrogenase

TCA Cycle






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Programmatic Access to BioCyc

Common LISP• Native language of Pathway Tools• Interactive & Mature Environment• Full Access to the Data & Many Utility Functions• Source code is available for academics

PerlCyc• API of Functions, Exposed to Perl• Communication through UNIX Socket

JavaCyc• API of Functions, Exposed to Java• Communication through UNIX Socket

• Cyclone

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Developed by Schachter and colleagues from Genoscope

Cyclone is a Java-based system that: Extracts data from a Pathway Tools PGDB Converts it to an XML schema Maps the data to Java objects and to a relational database Changes made to the data on the Java side can be

committed back to a Pathway Tools PGDB

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Lisp API

Accessible whenever you start Pathway Tools with the –lisp argument

Lisp queries evaluate against the running Pathway Tools binary and execute very fast

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Ocelot Object Database

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Pathway Tools Implementation Details Platforms:

Macintosh, PC/Linux, and PC/Windows platforms

Same binary can run as desktop app or Web server

Production-quality software Version control Two regular releases per year Extensive quality assurance Extensive documentation Auto-patch Automatic DB-upgrade

600,000 lines of Lisp code

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Pathway Tools Architecture

Ocelot DBMS


PathwayGenome Navigator



Protein EditorPathway EditorReaction Editor




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Ocelot Object Database

Frame data model Classes, instances, inheritance Frames have slots that define their properties, attributes,

relationships A slot has one or more values

Datatypes include numbers, strings, etc.

Slotunit frames define metadata about slots: Domain, range, inverse Collection type, number of values, value constraints

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Storage System Architecture

File KBs

Read-only applications can be distributed without a relational DBMS

Load all objects and code into Lisp memory Dump virtual memory to binary executable file

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Ocelot Storage System Architecture

Persistent storage via disk files, MySQL or Oracle DBMS Concurrent development: MySQL or Oracle Single-user development: disk files

Relational DBMS storage RDBMS is submerged within Ocelot, invisible to users Frames transferred from RDBMS to Ocelot

On demand By background prefetcher Memory cache Persistent disk cache to speed performance via Internet

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Transaction Logging

Relational DBMS stores The latest version of each Ocelot frame A log of all GFP operations applied to KB

Transaction log enables: Reconstruction of earlier versions of KB View history of changes to an object Update replicates of a KB Detection of update conflicts during concurrency control Undo of updates

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Optimistic Concurrency Control

Locking approach: edits to one object can require locking all connected objects

No locking

User performs updates in local workspace

When user commits changes, storage system compares user changes against all other committed changes

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Ocelot Knowledge Server Schema Evolution

FRSs store and process class and instance information similarly

Application can query schema information as easily as it can query instances

Schema is stored within the DBSchema is self documentingSchema evolution facilitated by

Easy addition/removal of slots, or alteration of slot datatypes Flexible data formats that do not require dumping/reloading of


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Generic Frame Protocol (GFP)

A library of procedures for accessing Ocelot DBs

GFP specification:

A small number of GFP functions are sufficient for most complex queries

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Example of a Single GFP Call

The General Pattern:gfp-function(frame slot value ...)(gfp-function frame slot value …)


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Frame References

At the GFP level, every Ocelot frame can be referred to using either symbol frame name or frame object

Most GFP functions return frame objects

Importance of using fequal for comparisons

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Generic Frame Protocol

get-class-all-instances (Class) Returns direct and indirect instances of Class

coercible-to-frame-p (Thing) Is Thing a frame? Returns True if Thing is the name of a frame, or a frame object;

else False

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Generic Frame Protocol Notation Frame.Slot means a specified slot of a specified

frame. Note: Slot must be a symbol!

get-slot-value(Frame Slot) Returns first value of Frame.Slot

get-slot-values(Frame Slot) Returns all values of Frame.Slot as a list

slot-has-value-p(Frame Slot) Returns True if Frame.Slot has at least one value; else False

member-slot-value-p(Frame Slot Value) Returns True if Value is one of the values of Frame.Slot; else False

Instance-all-instance-of-p(Instance Class) Returns True if Instance is an all-instance of Class

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Generic Frame Protocol

print-frame(Frame) Prints the contents of Frame

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Generic Frame Protocol – Update Operations

put-slot-value(Frame Slot Value) Replace the current value(s) of Frame.Slot with Value

put-slot-values(Frame Slot Value-List) Replace the current value(s) of Frame.Slot with Value-List, which must be a list of values

add-slot-value(Frame Slot Value) Add Value to the current value(s) of Frame.Slot, if any

remove-slot-value(Frame Slot Value) Remove Value from the current value(s) of Frame.slot

replace-slot-value(Frame Slot Old-Value New-Value) In Frame.Slot, replace Old-Value with New-Value

remove-local-slot-values(Frame Slot) Remove all of the values of Frame.Slot

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Generic Frame Protocol –Update Operations

save-kb Saves the current KB

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Additional Pathway Tools Functions –Semantic Inference LayerSemantic inference layer defines built-in

functions to compute commonly required relationships in a PGDB

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PerlCyc and JavaCyc

Work on Unix (Solaris or Linux) onlyStart up Pathway Tools with the –api argPathway Tools listens on a Unix socket – perl

program communicates through this socketSupports both querying and editing PGDBsMust run perl or java program on the same

machine that runs Pathway Tools This is a security measure, as the API server has no built-in

securityCan only handle one connection at a time

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Obtaining PerlCyc and JavaCyc

Download from

PerlCyc written and maintained by Lukas Mueller at Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research.

JavaCyc written by Thomas Yan at Carnegie Institute, maintained by Lukas Mueller.

Easy to extend…

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Examples of PerlCyc, JavaCyc Functions

GFP functions (require knowledge of Pathway Tools schema):

get_slot_values get_class_all_instances put_slot_values

Pathway Tools functions (described at

genes_of_reaction find_indexed_frame pathways_of_gene transport_p

getSlotValues getClassAllInstances putSlotValues

genesOfReaction findIndexedFrame pathwaysOfGene transportP

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Writing a PerlCyc or JavaCyc program Create a PerlCyc, JavaCyc object:

perlcyc -> new (“ORGID”)new Javacyc (“ORGID”)

Call PerlCyc, JavaCyc functions on this object:my $cyc = perlcyc -> new (“ECOLI”);my @pathways = $cyc -> all_pathways ();

Javacyc cyc = new Javacyc(“ECOLI”);ArrayList pathways = cyc.allPathways ();

Functions return object IDs, not objects. Must connect to server again to retrieve attributes of an object.foreach my $p (@pathways) {

print $cyc -> get_slot_value ($p, “COMMON-NAME”);}

for (int i=0; I < pathways.size(); i++) { String pwy = (String) pathways.get(i); System.out.println (cyc.getSlotValue (pwy, “COMMON-NAME”); }

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Sample PerlCyc Query

Number of proteins in E. coliuse perlcyc;my $cyc = perlcyc -> new (“ECOLI”);

my @proteins = $cyc-> get_class_all_instances("|Proteins|");

my $protein_count = scalar(@proteins);print "Protein count: $protein_count.\n";

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Sample PerlCyc Query

Print IDs of all proteins with molecular weight between 10 and 20 kD and pI between 4 and 5.

use perlcyc;my $cyc = perlcyc -> new (“ECOLI”);

foreach my $p ($cyc->get_class_all_instances("|Proteins|")) { my $mw = $cyc->get_slot_value($p, "molecular-weight-kd"); my $pI = $cyc->get_slot_value($p, "pi"); if ($mw <= 20 && $mw >= 10 && $pI <= 5 && $pI >= 4) { print "$p\n"; }}

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Sample PerlCyc Query

List all the transcription factors in E. coli, and the list of genes that each regulates:

use perlcyc;my $cyc = perlcyc -> new (“ECOLI”);

foreach my $p ($cyc->get_class_all_instances("|Proteins|")) { if ($cyc->transcription_factor_p($p)) { my $name = $cyc->get_slot_value($p, "common-name"); my %genes = (); foreach my $tu ($cyc->regulon_of_protein($p)) { foreach my $g ($cyc->transcription_unit_genes($tu)) { $genes{$g} = $cyc->get_slot_value($g, "common-name"); } } print "\n\n$name: "; print join " ", values %genes; }}

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Sample Editing Using PerlCyc

Add a link from each gene to the corresponding object in MY-DB (assume ID is same in both cases)

use perlcyc;my $cyc = perlcyc -> new (“HPY”);

my @genes = $cyc->get_class_all_instances (“|Genes|”);foreach my $g (@genes) {$cyc->add_slot_value ($g, “DBLINKS”, “(MY-DB \”$g\”)”);



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Sample JavaCyc Query:Enzymes for which ATP is a regulatorimport java.util.*; public class JavacycSample { public static void main(String[] args) { Javacyc cyc = new Javacyc("ECOLI"); ArrayList regframes = cyc.getClassAllInstances("|Regulation-of-Enzyme-Activity|"); for (int i = 0; i < regframes.size(); i++) { String reg = (String)regframes.get(i); boolean bool = cyc.memberSlotValueP(reg, “Regulator", "ATP"); if (bool) { String enzrxn = cyc.getSlotValue (reg, “Regulated-Entity”); String enzyme = cyc.getSlotValue (enzrxn, “Enzyme”); System.out.println(enz); } } } }

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Simple Lisp Query Example: Enzymes for which ATP is a regulator(defun atp-inhibits () (loop for x in (get-class-all-instances '|Regulation-of-Enzyme-Activity|) ;; Does the Regulator slot contain the compound ATP, and the mode ;; of regulation is negative (inhibition)? when (and (member-slot-value-p x ‘Regulator 'ATP) (member-slot-value-p x ‘Mode “-”) ) ;; Whenever the test is positive, we collect the value of the slot Enzyme ;; of the Regulated-Entity of the regulatory interaction frame. ;; The collected values are returned as a list, once the loop terminates. collect (get-slot-value (get-slot-value x ‘Regulated-Entity) ‘Enzyme) ) );;; invoking the query:(select-organism :org-id 'ECOLI)(atp-inhibits)(get-slot-values 'TRYPSYN-RXN 'LEFT)==> (INDOLE-3-GLYCEROL-P SER)

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Simple Perl Query Example: Enzymes for which ATP is a regulatoruse perlcyc;my $cyc = perlcyc -> new("ECOLI");my @regs = $cyc -> get_class_all_instances("|Regulation-of-Enzyme-

Activity|");## We check every instance of the classforeach my $reg (@regs) { ## We test for whether the INHIBITORS-ALL ## slot contains the compound frame ATP my $bool1 = $cyc -> member_slot_value_p($reg, “Regulator", "Atp"); my $bool2 = $cyc -> member_slot_value_p($reg, “Mode", “-");if ($bool1 && $bool2) { ## Whenever the test is positive, we collect the value of the slot

ENZYME . ## The results are printed in the terminal. my $enzrxn = $cyc -> get_slot_value($reg, “Regulated-Entity"); my $enz = $cyc -> get_slot_value($enzrxn, "Enzyme");print STDOUT "$enz\n"; }}

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Getting started with Lisp

pathway-tools –lisp (load “file”) (compile-file “file.lisp”)

Emacs is a useful editor Pathway Tools source code is available: ask Overview of Lisp information resources: Documented Pathway Tools Lisp functions:

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Viewing Results via the Answer List

(loop for r in (get-class-all-instances '|Reactions|) when (< 3 (length (get-slot-values r 'left))) collect r)

(setq answer *)(object-table answer)(replace-answer-list answer)

(pt)Next Answer

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Query Gotchas

Study schema carefully:test #’fequalCascade of slot-values: check for NIL

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Semantic Inference Layerrelationships.lisp Library of functions that encapsulate common query

building blocks and intricacies of navigating the schema

enzymes-of-gene reactions-of-gene pathways-of-gene genes-of-pathway pathway-hole-p reactions-of-compound top-containers(protein) all-rxns(type) (:metab-smm :metab-all :metab-pathways :enzyme :transport

etc.) (all-rxns :metab-pathways)

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Pathway Tools Schema and Semantic Inference Layer

Genes, Operons, and Replicons

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Representing a Genome

Classes: ORG is of class Organisms CHROM1 is of class Chromosomes PLASMID1 is of class Plasmids Gene1 is of class Genes Product1 is of class Polypeptides or RNA









components Product1product

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Review slots of COLI and of COLI-K12

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Sequence is stored in a separate file or database table

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Review slots of Genes

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Complexities of Gene / Gene-ProductRelationships The Product of a gene can be an instance of Polypeptides

or RNAs An instance of Polypeptides can have more than one gene

encoding it Sequence position:

Nucleotide positions of starting and ending codons specified in Left-End-Position and Right-End-Position (usually greater, except at origin)

Transcription-Direction + / - Alternative splicing:

Nucleotide positions of starting and ending codons specified in Left-End-Position and Right-End-Position

Intron positions specified in Splice-Form-Introns of gene product (200 300) (350 400)

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Gene Reaction Schematic

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Find all genes on a given chromosome

Find all ribosomal RNAs

Find the DNA sequence of a given gene

Find all proteins longer than 1,000 amino acids

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Find all genes on a given chromosome(defun genes-of-chrom (chrom) (loop for x in (get-slot-values chrom ‘components) when (instance-all-instance-of-p x ‘|Genes|) collect x) )

Find all ribosomal RNAs (get-class-all-instances ‘|rRNAs|)

Find the DNA sequence of a given gene (get-gene-sequence gene)

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Find all monomers longer than 1,000 nucleotides (loop for g in (get-class-all-instances ‘|Genes|) for p = (get-slot-value g ‘product) when (and (< 1000 (abs (- (get-slot-value g ‘left-end-position) (get-slot-value g ‘right-end-position) ))) (instance-all-instance-of-p p ‘|Polypeptides|) ) collect p )

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Proteins and Protein Complexes

Polypeptide: the monomer protein product of a gene (may have multiple isoforms, as indicated at gene level)

Protein complex: proteins consisting of multiple polypeptides or protein complexes

Example: DNA pol III DnaE is a polypeptide pol III core is DnaE and two other polypeptides pol III holoenzymes is several protein complexes combined

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Protein Complex Relationships

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Slots of a protein (DnaE)

catalyzesIs it an activator/reactant/etc?commentscomponent-ofdblinksfeatures (edited in feature editor)

Many other features possible

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A complex at the frame level (pol III)

Same features as polypeptide frame, different use

commentcomponent-of and components

note coefficients

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Protein Complex Relationships

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Relationships are Defined in Many Places

component-of comes from creating a complex

appears-in-left-side-of comes from defining a reaction (as do modified forms)

inhibitor-of comes from an enzymatic reaction

can only edit dna-footprint if protein has been associated with a TU

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Semantic Inference Layer

Reactions-of-protein (prot) Returns a list of rxns this protein catalyzes

Transcription-units-of-proteins(prot) Returns a list of TU’s activated/inhibited by the given protein

Transporter? (prot) Is this protein a transporter?

Polypeptide-or-homomultimer?(prot)Transcription-factor? (prot)Obtain-protein-stats

Returns 5 values Length of : all-polypeptides, complexes, transporters, enzymes, etc…

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ExampleFind all enzymes that use pyridoxal phosphate as

a cofactor or prosthetic group (loop for protein in (get-class-all-instances ‘|Proteins|)

for enzrxn = (get-slot-value protein ‘enzymatic-reaction)when (and enzrxn

(or (member-slot-value-p enzrxn ‘cofactors ‘pyridoxal_phosphate)

(member-slot-value-p enzrxn ‘prosthetic-groups ‘pyridoxal_phosphate))

collect protein)

(member-slot-value-p frame slot value) : T if Value is one of the values of Slot of Frame.

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Example Queries

Find all homomultimers

Find proteins whose pI > 10, and that reside on the negative strand of the first chromosome

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SampleFind all proteins without a comment anywhere

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Compounds / Reactions / Pathways

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Compounds / Reactions / Pathways

Think of a three tiered structure: Reactions built on top of compounds Pathways built on top of reactions

Metabolic network defined by reactions alone; pathways are an additional “optional” structure

Some reactions not part of a pathwaySome reactions have no attached enzymeSome enzymes have no attached gene

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Relatively few aspects of a compound defined within the compound editor

MW, formula calculated from edited structure

Most aspects defined in other editors “Pathway reactions” comes from reaction editing followed by

pathway editing Activator, etc come from the enzymatic reaction editor

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-- Instance TRP --- Types: |Amino-Acid|, |Aromatic-Amino-Acids|, |Non-polar-amino-acids|



CHEMICAL-FORMULA: (C 11), (H 12), (N 2), (O 2)

COMMON-NAME: "L-tryptophan"

DBLINKS: (LIGAND-CPD "C00078" NIL |kaipa| 3311532640 NIL NIL), (CAS "6912-86-3"), (CAS "73-22-3")

NAMES: "L-tryptophan", "W", "tryptacin", "trofan", "trp", "tryptophan", "2-amino-3-indolylpropanic acid"

SMILES: "c1(c(CC(N)C(=O)O)c2(c([nH]1)cccc2))"

SYNONYMS: "W", "tryptacin", "trofan", "trp", "tryptophan", "2-amino-3-indolylpropanic acid"


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Where is diphosphate in the ontology?

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Semantic Inference LayerReactions-of-compound (cpd)Pathways-of-compound (cpd)Is-substrate-an-autocatalytic-enzyme-p (cpd) Activated/inhibited-by? (cpds slots)

Returns a list of enzrxns for which a cpd in cpds is a modulator (example slots: activators-all, activators-allosteric)All-substrates (rxns)

All unique substrates specified in the given rxnsHas-structure-p (cpd)Obtain-cpd-stats

Returns two values: Length of :all-cpds, cpds with structures

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Miscellaneous things….

History ListBack/Forward and History buttonsDefault list is 50 items

Show frame(print-frame ‘frame)

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Queries with Multiple Answers Navigator queries:

Example: Substring search for “pyruvate” Selected list is placed on the Answer list Use “Next Answer” button to view each one of them

Lisp queries:

Example : Find reactions involving pyruvate as a substrate

(get-class-all-instances ‘|Compounds|)

(loop for rxn in (get-class-all-instances ‘|Reactions|) when (member ‘pyruvate (get-slot-values rxn ‘substrates)

collect rxn)(replace-answer-list * )