computronium buckminsterfullerene angle ratio prion with images

The ratio of angles at buckminsterfulleren code data, then the harmless prion version reproduces the database

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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Computronium buckminsterfullerene angle ratio prion with images

The ratio of angles at buckminsterfullerene code data, then the harmless prion version reproduces the database

Page 2: Computronium buckminsterfullerene angle ratio prion with images

ComputroniumThe ratio of angles at buckminsterfullerene code data, then the harmless prion

version reproduces the database

Here is a way to create a vast multidigit number that represents actual data from a ratio of two things.

Making this a part of computronium goes with finding things at the observable universe that are actually analog, or, composites of discretes (quantizations)

First think of a tome of knowledge, or everything at the Yahoo search engine as a list of digits. Then if you use ASCII such that the part that says “aardvarks” is like the digits 9797114100... (97=a 97=a 114=r 100=d) then just place a decimal so it is .65657668

then of course I you would like to describe a multitrillion letter online database you just have a multitrillion digit number between 0.00... and 1

Page 3: Computronium buckminsterfullerene angle ratio prion with images

Now fortunately the ratio between two things, notably a trigonometric sweep angle goes between 0 to 1 automatically. Thus there is an actual physical angle, which if

measured precisely will actually give you that multitrillion digit number from a physical measurement.

Now think of buckminsterfullerene. Pretty eentsy, with regular angles. Attaching chemicals to the surface of buckminsterfullerene causes the angles to shift slightly. Is it possible to build a computer program that will cause buckminsterfullerene to reangle

slightly such that it represents a data object. Each C60 molecule actually has about 300 different ratioable angles. So even if you go with a mere billion digits per modified angle thats 3.6 trillion digits of data from one regular shaped actual measurable

molecule made from atoms.

Page 4: Computronium buckminsterfullerene angle ratio prion with images

Thinking of computronium, it is possible that ratios of angles that are externally readable could represent the entire 21st century AD internetfull of data.

Lets say a computer scientist notes that if they place the phrase “Read the Hedonistic imperative at” every million digits then a process or program

that gently sways the angles to verify the data could note that much beyond probability the phrase occurs once each million digits while swaying the angles during a read.

To read the data put an electromagnetic field adjustable atom (such as diamagnetic bismuth) outside or interior at the buckminsterfullerene then apply

the electromagnetic field, Then when the lasers note the data verification phrase the computer notes that it is the right EM field to read accurate data.

Page 5: Computronium buckminsterfullerene angle ratio prion with images

Now how to get this data to reproduce; computer scientists use things like move or copy at assembly language. Now at a different kind of thing known as a prion, a

protein that just makes other similar proteins form to to make the prion shape there is a known physical molecule that copies its shape with angles.

So rather than buckminsterfullerene it is possible that a custom angled harmless prion could, if placed with a bunch of other identical protein sequences create billions of data


So that is a way to create billions of data duplicates of the entire 21st century internet data. Then of course you verify they all have the accuracy phrase “read the hedonistic imperative at” once every million digits. So that is an angle

ratio based autoreplicating computer database. A computronium kind of thing.

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The original notes

another new to me kind of computronium is trigonometric bukminsterfullerene first think of a tome of knowledge, or everything at the yahoo search engine Then if you like use ascii such that the part that says aardvarks is like the digits 65657668 then

just place a decimal so it is .65657668 Now noting trigonometry the sweep of an angle as a relation travels from 0 to 1 meetig every rational number thus

the .65657668… number is representable with the physical actuality of two sides of an angle at relation to each other Thus viewing buckminsterfullerene as full of angles you just expand or compress the buckminsterfullerene slightly to create

a .65657668… ratio between two of the sides or even two angles of one polygon that is a way one molecule could have everything that the yahoo search engine has

at just a ratio of two angles, so of course you then put an electromagnetic field adjustable atom outside or nterior at the buckminsterfullerene apply the EM field

then when the lasers notice that the angle sequence digits start with .65657668… that’s where it is likely that molecule ha the actual data you could start the data with

a checksum.(after 1 billion digits the ckecksum should be 737073797379 then another billin

digits along there could be another checksum)65657668…. That wa the expansion em field as well as the data lasers could be aware of data ntegrity. If t were a

nonorganismal prion protein with data angles then it could reproduce the entire datastore just from reshaping effects like prions have so that’s a em field laser

output data memory that autoreproduces at one molecule

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