conan pc calculator release 1_3

7/21/2019 Conan PC Calculator Release 1_3 1/96 1. Enter Ability Scores Ability STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Base 19 9 13 11 11 13 Lvl Bons !t" Lvl #$ %t" 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lvl Bons &t" Lvl #$ 1't" 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lvl Bons 1(t" Lvl #$ 1!t" 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lvl Bons 1%t" Lvl #$ 1&t" 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lvl Bons ('t" Base Total 19 9 13 11 11 13 (. C"oose race Cimmerian Select Racial S)ill Bonses Select Bac)*ron+ S)ills Climb Move Silently Survival ,. Class an+ Level A+vance-ent C"aracter Level 1 ( Class Barbarian S)ill oints 16 0 Hit oints 11 0 C"aracter Level 11 1( 1 Class S)ill oints 0 0 Hit oints 0 0 Racial /avore+ Classes Racial ro Barbarian Nomad, Nobl !. Level S--ary Barbarian Class Level 1 Ability Available Ban+it Class Level 0 S)ill oints 16 Bor+erer Class Level 0 /eats 0Nor-al 2 Co--oner Class Level 0 /eats 0No-a+ 0 Noble Class Level 0 /eats 0Sc"olar 0 No-a+ Class Level 0 /eats 0Sol+ier 0 irate Class Level 0 S$ells 0 Sc"olar Class Level 0 Hit oints 12 Sol+ier Class Level 0

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Conan d20 character generator


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1. Enter Ability ScoresAbility STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

Base 19 9 13 11 11 13

Lvl Bons !t"

Lvl #$ %t" 0 0 0 0 0 0

Lvl Bons &t"Lvl #$ 1't" 0 0 0 0 0 0

Lvl Bons 1(t"

Lvl #$ 1!t" 0 0 0 0 0 0

Lvl Bons 1%t"

Lvl #$ 1&t" 0 0 0 0 0 0

Lvl Bons ('t"

Base Total 19 9 13 11 11 13

(. C"oose raceCimmerian

Select Racial S)ill Bonses Select Bac)*ron+ S)ills


Move Silently


,. Class an+ Level A+vance-entC"aracter Level 1 (

Class Barbarian

S)ill oints 16 0

Hit oints 11 0

C"aracter Level 11 1( 1


S)ill oints 0 0

Hit oints 0 0

Racial /avore+ Classes Racial ro

Barbarian Nomad, Nobl

!. Level S--aryBarbarian Class Level 1 Ability Available

Ban+it Class Level 0 S)ill oints 16

Bor+erer Class Level 0 /eats 0Nor-al 2

Co--oner Class Level 0 /eats 0No-a+ 0

Noble Class Level 0 /eats 0Sc"olar 0

No-a+ Class Level 0 /eats 0Sol+ier 0

irate Class Level 0 S$ells 0

Sc"olar Class Level 0 Hit oints 12

Sol+ier Class Level 0

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T"ie2 Class Level 0

C"aracter Level 1

3. O$tional Class /eatres an+ Abilities

C"aracter Level Ban+it Bor+erer  



















C"aracter Level irate Sc"olar  




















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%. Ar-or4 Wea$ons an+ E5i$-entAr-or4 Hel- an+ S"iel+

Select #rmour Select 'elm

Select Shield

6elee Wea$ons Ran*e+ W

Select Melee (ea)on Broad$*ord Select +an

Select Melee (ea)on Select +an

Select Melee (ea)on Select +an

Select Melee (ea)on

Select Melee (ea)on

Select Melee (ea)on

(ei%ht S)ent

-ui)ment 2. lb$ 12.2 $)

7. 6iscellaneos DetailsCo+es o2 Honor 

Barbaric Code




 #utomatic Bonu$ /an%ua%e$

Cimmerian Nordheimer, Picti$h, #-uilonian, 'y)er

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#ser Selecte+ Race /eats

, ! 3 % 7

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

, 1! 13 1% 17

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

  ibite+ Classes

  e, Pirate, Scholar 








Stan+ar+ 6et"o++oll 4d6 $i time$, di$cardin% the lo*e$to the our dice each time, and allocatin%the $core$ a$ you $ee it.

Heroic 6et"o++oll "1d10 $i time$, allocatin%the $core$ a$ you $ee it.

Racial /eatres8Mo$t racial eature$ are a$$i%ned automatically. (here o)tion$ cabe $elected by the u$er, the dro)do*n li$t$ *ill be )o)ulated. 5$eblue button to a$$i%n racial eature$.

 #$$i%n +acial Sill$ 7 #bilitie$

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Co--oner Noble No-a+

Sol+ier T"ie2  



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  ed (ea)on

  ed (ea)on

  ed (ea)on

:)tion$ nter #utomatic and Choice$

orean  #vailable3

 #$$i%n Cla$$ &eature$

Lan*a*es8Manually enter your automatic and bonu$ lan%ua%e$ in the tet bo)rovided i you *i$h them to a))ear on the character $heet.

4 4Select choice$ rom the $ub$e-uent *or$heet$ by enterin% a 1 in thea))ro)riate column. he $)ent or u$ed column *ill u)dateautomatically indicatin% any remainin% )oint$.

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& 9 1'

0 0 0

0 0 0

1& 19 ('

0 0 0

0 0 0

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Na-e Class S)ill 2or  

A$$raise INT ' Ban+it4 Noble4 Sc"olar4 T"ie2  '

Balance DEX :1 irate4 T"ie2  '

Bl22 CHA 1 '

Cli-b STR ! 'Concentration CON 1 Sc"olar  '

Cra2t 0Alc"e-y INT ' Sc"olar  '

Cra2t 0Ar-orer INT ' All e;ce$t Noble '

Cra2t 0Bo<yer INT ' All e;ce$t Noble '

Cra2t 0Herbalis- INT ' Barbarian4 Bor+erer4 No-a+4 Sc"olar4 T"ie2  '

Cra2t 0Wea$ons-it" INT ' All e;ce$t Noble '

Cra2t 0any -n+ane INT ' All e;ce$t Noble '

Deci$"er Scri$t INT ' Sc"olar4 T"ie2  '

Di$lo-acy CHA 1 Noble4 T"ie2  '

Disable Device INT ' T"ie2  '

Dis*ise CHA 1 Ban+it4 irate4 T"ie2  '

Esca$e Artist DEX :1 Ban+it4 irate4 T"ie2  '/or*ery INT ' Sc"olar4 T"ie2  '

=at"er In2or-ation CHA 1 '

Han+le Ani-al CHA 1 '

Heal WIS ' No-a+4 Sc"olar  '

Hi+e DEX :1 '

Inti-i+ate CHA 1 '

>-$ STR ! '

?no<le+*e 0Arcana INT ' Sc"olar4 T"ie2  '

?no<le+*e 0Arc"itectre INT ' None '

?no<le+*e 0Dn*eoneerin* INT ' None '

?no<le+*e 0=eo*ra$"y INT ' Ban+it4 Bor+erer4 irate4 Sol+ier4 Sc"olar  '

?no<le+*e 0History INT ' Noble4 Sc"olar  '?no<le+*e 0Local INT ' '

?no<le+*e 0Natre INT ' None '

?no<le+*e 0Nobility INT ' Noble4 Sc"olar4 T"ie2  '

?no<le+*e 0Reli*ion INT ' Noble4 Sc"olar  '

Listen WIS ' '

6ove Silently DEX :1 '

O$en Loc) DEX :1 T"ie2  '

er2or- CHA 1 '

er2or- 0Rital CHA 1 '

er2or- 0Dance CHA 1 '

er2or- 0Instr-ent CHA 1 '

ro2ession WIS ' All e;ce$t Noble an+ No-a+ 'ro2ession 0Ar-orer WIS ' All e;ce$t Noble an+ No-a+ '

ro2ession 0/ar-er WIS ' All e;ce$t Noble an+ No-a+ '

ro2ession 0Sailor WIS ' All e;ce$t Noble an+ No-a+ '

ro2ession 0Wea$ons-it" WIS ' All e;ce$t Noble an+ No-a+ '

Ri+e DEX :1 '

Searc" INT ' '

Sense 6otive WIS ' Noble4 Sc"olar4 T"ie2  '




Ban+it4 Barbarian4 Noble4 No-a+4 irate4Sc"olar4 T"ie2 Ban+it4 Barbarian4 Bor+erer4 Co--oner4No-a+4 irate4 Sol+ier4 T"ie2 

Ban+it4 Bor+erer4 Noble4 No-a+4 irate4Sc"olar4 T"ie2 Ban+it4 Barbarian4 Bor+erer4 Co--oner4Noble4 No-a+

Ban+it4 Barbarian4 Bor+erer4 Noble4 No-a+4T"ie2 Ban+it4 Barbarian4 Noble4 irate4 Sol+ier4Sc"olar4 T"ie2 Ban+it4 Barbarian4 Bor+erer4 Co--oner4irate4 Sol+ier4 T"ie2 

Ban+it4 Bor+erer4 Noble4 No-a+4 Sol+ier4Sc"olar4 T"ie2 

Ban+it4 Barbarian4 Bor+erer4 Co--oner4No-a+4 Sc"olar4 T"ie2 Ban+it4 Barbarian4 Bor+erer4 No-a+4 irate4Sc"olar4 T"ie2 

Ban+it4 Barbarian4 Noble4 irate4 Sol+ier4Sc"olar4 T"ie2 Ban+it4 Barbarian4 Noble4 irate4 Sol+ier4Sc"olar4 T"ie2 Ban+it4 Barbarian4 Noble4 irate4 Sol+ier4Sc"olar4 T"ie2 Ban+it4 Barbarian4 Noble4 irate4 Sol+ier4Sc"olar4 T"ie2 

Ban+it4 Barbarian4 Bor+erer4 Co--oner4Noble4 No-a+4 Sol+ier4 Sc"olar4 T"ie2 Ban+it4 Bor+erer4 No-a+4 irate4 Sol+ier4Sc"olar4 T"ie2 

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Slei*"t o2 Han+ DEX :1 T"ie2  '

S$ot WIS ' '

Srvival WIS ' '

S<i- STR ! '

T-ble DEX :1 Ban+it4 irate4 T"ie2  '

#se Ro$e DEX :1 Ban+it4 Bor+erer4 Co--oner4 irate4 T"ie2  '

Ban+it4 Barbarian4 Bor+erer4 Co--oner4Noble4 No-a+4 irate4T"ie2 Ban+it4 Barbarian4 Bor+erer4 Noble4 No-a+4irateBan+it4 Barbarian4 Bor+erer4 Co--oner4irate

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! ( ' '

! ( :1 '

2 ! ( , (

2 ! ( % (! ( 1 '

! ( ' '

! ( ' '

! ( ' '

! ( ' '

! ( ' '

! ( ' '

! ( ' '

! ( 1 '

! ( ' '

! ( 1 '

! ( :1 '! ( ' '

! ( 1 '

1 ! ( ( 1

! ( ' '

! ( :1 '

4 ! ( 3 !

1 ! ( 3 1

! ( ' '

! ( ' '

! ( ' '

! ( ' '

! ( ' '! ( ' '

! ( ' '

! ( ' '

! ( ' '

! ( ' '

! ( :1 '

! ( :1 '

! ( 1 '

! ( 1 '

! ( 1 '

! ( 1 '

! ( ' '! ( ' '

! ( ' '

! ( ' '

! ( ' '

! ( :1 '

2 ! ( ( (

! ( ' '

Class S)illRan)s

;:ClassS)ill Ran)s

6a; Class S)illRan)s

6a; ;:ClassS)ill Ran)s

Total S)ill6o+i2ier 

S)ill ointCost

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! ( :1 '

2 ! ( ( (

2 ! ( ( (

2 ! ( % (

! ( :1 '

! ( :1 '

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Na-e S$eci2ic Ite- Ty$e

 #crobatic ;eneral

 #%ile ;eneral

 #bitanan Smith ;eneral No

 #lertne$$ ;eneral

 #nimal #inity ;eneral

 #rcher<$ Bane ;eneral No

 #rmour Proiciency =/i%ht> ;eneral

 #rmour Proiciency =Medium> ;eneral No

 #rmour Proiciency ='eavy> ;eneral No

 #rmoured Stealth ;eneral No

 #thletic ;eneral

Blind&i%ht ;eneral

Bra*l ;eneral

Carou$er ;eneral No

Cleave ;eneral ?e$

Combat )erti$e ;eneral No

Combat +elee$ ;eneral

Cru$hin% ;ri) ;eneral No

@abbler ;eneral No


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@eceitul ;eneral

@een$ive Martial #rt$ ;eneral No

@et 'and$ ;eneral

@emon Ailler ;eneral No

@iehard ;eneral No

@ili%ent ;eneral

@od%e ;eneral No

ndurance ;eneral

otic (ea)on Proiciency Bo*, Sty%ian ;eneral ?e$

otic (ea)on Proiciency ;eneral ?e$

otic (ea)on Proiciency ;eneral ?e$

otic (ea)on Proiciency ;eneral ?e$

otic (ea)on Proiciency ;eneral ?e$

ye$ o the Cat ;eneral ?e$

&ar Shot ;eneral No

&i%htin%Madne$$ ;eneral ?e$

&leet&ooted ;eneral

&lyby #ttac ;eneral

;reat Cleave ;eneral No

;reater Critical ;eneral No

;reater Critical ;eneral No

;reater Critical ;eneral No

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;reat &ortitude ;eneral

;reater Sunder ;eneral No

;reater (ea)on &ocu$ ;eneral No

;reater (ea)on &ocu$ ;eneral No

;reater (ea)on &ocu$ ;eneral No

;reater (ea)on &ocu$ ;eneral No

;reater (ea)on &ocu$ ;eneral No

;reater (ea)on S)eciali$ation ;eneral No

;reater (ea)on S)eciali$ation ;eneral No

;reater (ea)on S)eciali$ation ;eneral No

;reater (ea)on S)eciali$ation ;eneral No

;reater (ea)on S)eciali$ation ;eneral No

;underland Pie and Shield &i%htin% ;eneral No

'orde ;eneral No

m)roved Bull +u$h ;eneral ?e$

m)roved Critical ;eneral No

m)roved Critical ;eneral No

m)roved Critical ;eneral No

m)roved Critical ;eneral No

m)roved Critical ;eneral No

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m)roved @i$arm ;eneral No

m)roved &eint ;eneral No

m)roved ;ra))le ;eneral No

m)roved nitiative ;eneral

m)roved :verrun ;eneral ?e$

m)roved Preci$e Shot ;eneral No

m)roved Sunder ;eneral ?e$

m)roved ri) ;eneral No

m)roved *o(ea)on Combat ;eneral No

m)roved 5narmed Strie ;eneral

ntricate S*ord)lay ;eneral No

nve$ti%ator ;eneral

ron (ill ;eneral

Ano*led%eable ;eneral No

/eader$hi) ;eneral No

/i%ht&ooted ;eneral No

/i%htnin% +elee$ ;eneral

Martial (ea)on Proiciency S*ord, #rmin% ;eneral

Martial (ea)on Proiciency ;eneral

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Martial (ea)on Proiciency ;eneral

Martial (ea)on Proiciency ;eneral

Martial (ea)on Proiciency ;eneral

Martial (ea)on Proiciency =#ll> S)ecial

Menacin% #ura ;eneral No

Mobility ;eneral No

Mon$ter Slayer ;eneral No

Mounted #rchery ;eneral No

Mounted Combat ;eneral No

Multiattac ;eneral

Navi%ation ;eneral No

Ne%otiator ;eneral

Nimble &in%er$ ;eneral

No 'onour ;eneral

Parry ;eneral No

Perormer ;eneral ?e$

Per$ua$ive ;eneral

Pirate Code )ert ;eneral No

Point Blan Shot ;eneral

Poi$on 5$e ;eneral No

Po*er #ttac ;eneral ?e$

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Preci$e Shot ;eneral No

Prie$t ;eneral No

uic @ra* ;eneral ?e$

+a)id Shot ;eneral No

+an%ed &ine$$e ;eneral No

+eleive Parry ;eneral No

+ideBy #ttac ;eneral No

+un ;eneral

SelSuiciency ;eneral

Shield Proiciency ;eneral

Shot on the +un ;eneral No

Sim)le (ea)on Proiciency ;eneral

Sill &ocu$ ;eneral

Sill &ocu$ ;eneral

Sill &ocu$ ;eneral

Sill &ocu$ ;eneral

Sill &ocu$ ;eneral

Sill &ocu$ Barbarian

Sill &ocu$ Borderer  

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Sill &ocu$ Noble

Sill &ocu$ Nomad

Sill &ocu$ Pirate

Slee) Ma$tery ;eneral No

Snea Subdual ;eneral No

S)a*n o @a%oth 'ill ;eneral No

S)irited Char%e ;eneral No

Stealthy ;eneral

Steely ;aDe ;eneral No

Striin% Cobra ;eneral No

Stunnin% #ttac ;eneral No

Su)erior #rmourer ;eneral No

ou%hne$$ ;eneral

rac ;eneral

ram)le ;eneral No

*o(ea)on Combat Proiciency ;eneral No

*o(ea)on @een$e ;eneral No

(ea)on &ocu$ ;eneral ?e$

(ea)on &ocu$ ;eneral ?e$

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(ea)on &ocu$ ;eneral ?e$

(ea)on &ocu$ ;eneral ?e$

(ea)on &ocu$ ;eneral ?e$

(ea)on S)eciali$ation ;eneral No

(ea)on S)eciali$ation ;eneral No

(ea)on S)eciali$ation ;eneral No

(ea)on S)eciali$ation ;eneral No

(ea)on S)eciali$ation ;eneral No

(eb o @eath ;eneral No

(hirl*ind #ttac ;eneral No

Ein%aran Sur)ri$e ;eneral No

 #de)t Sorcery No

 #de)t Sorcery No

 #de)t Sorcery No

 #de)t Sorcery No

 #de)t Sorcery No

 #u%ment Summonin% Sorcery No

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&ocu$ Ma%ical /in Sorcery No

'eer Sorcery No

:))ortuni$tic Sacriice Sorcery No

Permanent Sorcery Sorcery No

+itual Sacriice Sorcery No

Sorcerer<$ Boon Sorcery No

Sorcerer<$ Boon Sorcery No

Sorcerer<$ Boon Sorcery No

Sorcerer<$ Boon Sorcery No

Sorcerer<$ Boon Sorcery No

Summoner Sorcery No

ortured Sacriice Sorcery No

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Bonu$ to all Fum) and umble chec$

Bonu$ to all Balance and $ca)e #rti$t chec$

See tet

Bonu$ to all /i$ten and S)ot chec$

Bonu$ on all 'andle #nimal and +ide chec$

Circum$tance dod%e bonu$ to @od%e @eence

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

Bonu$ to all Climb and S*im chec$.

See tet

Circum$tance $ill bonu$ to Blu and ;ather normation chec$

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet



?ou are an e)ert bra*ler or martial arti$t, oten nocin% out or even illin% an o))onent *ith a $in%le )unch. ?oudeal 1d6 S+ mod )oint$ o dama%e *ith an unarmed $trie. ?ou may elect to deal lethal or nonlethal dama%e*ith no )enalty.

hou%h you mi%ht not be a ormally trained $orcerer, you have learned little ma%ic here and there, enou%h to)erha)$ %et you out o a ti%ht $)ot or t*o i it *or$. See tet.

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Bonu$ to all @i$%ui$e and &or%ery chec$.

Circum$tance bonu$ to @eence and to tri), overrun, and %ra))le chec$

Bonu$ to all Slei%ht o 'and and 5$e +o)e chec$

Circum$tance bonu$ to (ill $avin% thro*

See tet

Bonu$ to all #))rai$e and @eci)her Scri)t chec$.

Bonu$ to all @od%e @eence chec$

Circum$tance bonu$ to $ill and $avin% thro* chec$

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

nhancement bonu$ o 10 eet to your $)eed *hen *earin% li%ht or no armour =and not carryin% a heavy load> oran enhancement bonu$ o eet to your $)eed *hen *earin% medium or heavy armour 

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Bonu$ on all &ortitude $avin% thro*$.

See tet

Bonu$ on all attac roll$ u$in% $elected *ea)on

Bonu$ on all attac roll$ u$in% $elected *ea)on

Bonu$ on all attac roll$ u$in% $elected *ea)on

Bonu$ on all attac roll$ u$in% $elected *ea)on

Bonu$ on all attac roll$ u$in% $elected *ea)on

Bonu$ on all dama%e roll$ u$in% $elected *ea)on

Bonu$ on all dama%e roll$ u$in% $elected *ea)on

Bonu$ on all dama%e roll$ u$in% $elected *ea)on

Bonu$ on all dama%e roll$ u$in% $elected *ea)on

Bonu$ on all dama%e roll$ u$in% $elected *ea)on

Circum$tance bonu$ to @eence

See tet

 #ttac Bonu$ to Bull +u$h

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

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 #ttac Bonu$ to @i$arm

See tet

 #ttac Bonu$ to ;ra))le

Bonu$ to nitiative chec$

 #ttac Bonu$ to Anoc@o*n

See tet

 #ttac Bonu$ to #ttac$ #%ain$t 'and'eld :bGect$

 #ttac Bonu$ to ri)$

See tet

See tet

 #dd your C'# modiier a$ a )arry bonu$ to Parry @een$e

Bonu$ on all ;ather normation and Search chec$

Bonu$ on all (ill $avin% thro*$

Bonu$ to all Ano*led%e chec$.

See tet

Bonu$ to $nea attac dama%e, @od%e @eence and all 'ide and Move Silently chec$

Bonu$ on all +ele $avin% thro*$.

?ou mae attac roll$ *ith the $elected *ea)on normally

?ou mae attac roll$ *ith the $elected *ea)on normally

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?ou mae attac roll$ *ith the $elected *ea)on normally

?ou mae attac roll$ *ith the $elected *ea)on normally

?ou mae attac roll$ *ith the $elected *ea)on normally

?ou mae attac roll$ *ith all martial *ea)on$ normally

See tet

Bonu$ to @od%e @eence

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

Bonu$ on all @i)lomacy and Sen$e Motive chec$

Bonu$ on all @i$able @evice and :)en /oc$ chec$.

Bonu$ on (ill $avin% thro*$

Bonu$ to all Parry @eence chec$

Bonu$ to all Perorm chec$.

Bonu$ to all Blu and ntimidate chec$.

Bonu$ to C'# ba$ed $ill chec$

Bonu$ on attac and dama%e roll$ *ith ran%ed *ea)on$ u) to 30t.

Bonu$ to &ortitude $ave$ ver$u$ )oi$on

See tet ?

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See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

Bonu$ to run movement and on your Fum) chec

Bonu$ on all 'eal and Survival chec$.

See tet

See tet

See tet

Bonu$ to all chec$ *ith $)eciied $ill

Bonu$ to all chec$ *ith $)eciied $ill

Bonu$ to all chec$ *ith $)eciied $ill

Bonu$ to all chec$ *ith $)eciied $ill

Bonu$ to all chec$ *ith $)eciied $ill

Bonu$ to all chec$ *ith $)eciied $ill

Bonu$ to all chec$ *ith $)eciied $ill

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Bonu$ to all chec$ *ith $)eciied $ill

Bonu$ to all chec$ *ith $)eciied $ill

Bonu$ to all chec$ *ith $)eciied $ill

Bonu$ to $avin% thro*$ ver$u$ $lee) eect$

See tet

See tet

See tet

Bonu$ on all 'ide and Move Silently chec$.

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

Bonu$ to hit )oint$ ?

See tet

See tet

See tet

Bonu$ to Parry @eence

Bonu$ to all #ttac +oll$ *ith $)eciied *ea)on

Bonu$ to all #ttac +oll$ *ith $)eciied *ea)on

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Bonu$ to all #ttac +oll$ *ith $)eciied *ea)on

Bonu$ to all #ttac +oll$ *ith $)eciied *ea)on

Bonu$ to all #ttac +oll$ *ith $)eciied *ea)on

Bonu$ to all @ama%e +oll$ *ith $)eciied *ea)on

Bonu$ to all @ama%e +oll$ *ith $)eciied *ea)on

Bonu$ to all @ama%e +oll$ *ith $)eciied *ea)on

Bonu$ to all @ama%e +oll$ *ith $)eciied *ea)on

Bonu$ to all @ama%e +oll$ *ith $)eciied *ea)on

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

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Bonu$ to M#B *hen ca$tin% Cur$e $)ell$

Bonu$ to M#B *hen ca$tin% Cur$e $)ell$

See tet

See tet

See tet

Bonu$ S)ell

Bonu$ S)ell

Bonu$ S)ell

Bonu$ S)ell

Bonu$ S)ell

Bonu$ to M#B *hen ca$tin% Summonin% $)ell$

See tet

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Sc"olar4 Sol+ier an+ N&eat$ that -ualiy a$ $chound in their re$)ective&ocu$ a))lie$ only to $city)e o bo*.

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 Po*er #ttac,

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  -a+ /eatsolar, $oldier and nomad eat$ arecolumn$. &or Nomad$ (ea)onimitar, tul*ar, li%ht lance or any

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Na-e Sb:Ty$e Bons Class an+ Level

Bite S*ord Barbarian 2

 #b$olute Po*er  Noble 20

 #lly Noble 4, 9, 14, 19

Born to the Saddle Nomad 1

Comeline$$ Noble 4, 9, 14, 19Crim$on Mi$t Barbarian 2, 11

Cri))lin% Strie hie 6, 10, 14, 1"

@ama%e +eduction Barbarian 10, 13, 16, 19

@o ?ou Ano* (ho #m Noble 11

nhanced /eader$hi) Noble 6

ntertainer  Noble 4, 9, 14, 19

ti-uette Noble 4, 9, 14, 19

va$ion hie 6, 10, 14, 1"

&amily ie$ Noble 4, 9, 14, 19

&avoured errain Borderer 1, 4, ", 12, 16, 20

&avoured errain Borderer !, 12, 1!

&avoured errain Borderer 13, 19&avoured errain Borderer 19

&avoured errain Nomad 1

&avoured errain Nomad 9

&avoured errain Bandit 1, 4, ", 12, 16, 20

&avoured errain Bandit !, 12, 1!

&avoured errain Bandit 13, 19

&avoured errain Bandit 19

&earle$$ Barbarian 1

&erociou$ #ttac Bandit or Pirate 1, !, 13, 19

&ormation Combat Soldier 3

&ormation Combat Soldier !

&ormation Combat Soldier 11

&ormation Combat Soldier 1

;uide Borderer !, 13, 20

'eroic Sacriice Borderer 1

'uman Com)a$$ Bandit 10

lliterate Commoner 1

Fac:#llrade$ hie 6, 10, 14, 1"

Ano*led%e $ Po*er  Scholar 1

/ead By am)le Noble , 10, 1, 20


Noble +e%ional &eature Noble 2, !, 12, 1!

Nomad Char%e Nomad 4, 11, 1"

:))ortuni$t hie 6, 10, 14, 1"

Pirate Code Pirate 2

Poi$on +e$i$tance Pirate ", 14, 20


+an 'ath t$ Privile%e$ Noble 1

+eu%e Noble 4, 9, 14, 19

+e)utation Noble 4, 9, 14, 19

Barbarian or Pirate , 10, 1HNomad , 10, 1, 20

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+oad o Blood and Slau%hter  Bandit or Pirate 2

Savoir&aire Noble 4, 9, 14, 19

Seaman$hi) Pirate 1, 6, 11, 16

Sill Ma$tery hie 6, 10, 14, 1"

Sill Ma$tery hie 6, 10, 14, 1"

Sill Ma$tery hie 6, 10, 14, 1"

Smear :ther$ Noble 4, 9, 14, 19

Snea #ttac

Snea #ttac Style hie 1

Snea #ttac Style hie 4

Snea #ttac Style hie "

Snea #ttac Style hie 12

Snea #ttac Style hie 16

Snea #ttac Style hie 20

Sorcerou$ Protection hie 6, 10, 14, 1"

S*it racer  Borderer 9, 1"

itle Noble 1

ra) @i$armin% hie 1

ra) Sen$e

5ncanny @od%e Barbarian or Pirate 4, "

5ncon-uerable Barbarian 1!

Ier$atility Barbarian 1, !, 14, 20

(ealth Noble 1

(heel o @eath Barbarian 1"

Ein%aran, Bandit or Pirate 3, 6,9, 12, 1, 1", hie 1, 3, , !, 9,11, 13, 1, 1!, 19

Barbarian 3, 6, 9, 12, 1, 1"Hhie 3, 6, 9, 12, 1, 1"

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Bene2its Dis$lay

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tetSee tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

Bonu$ to $avin% thro*

See tet

See tet

See tetSee tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

Bonu$ on all Crat and Proe$$ion $ill chec$

See tet

See tet

Bonu$ to @od%e @eence

See tet

Bonu$ to #ttac and @ama%e +oll$

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

Bonu$ to 'ide, /i$ten, Move Silently, Search, S)ot andSurvival chec$ and bonu$ to @od%e deenceBonu$ to 'ide, /i$ten, Move Silently, Search, S)ot andSurvival chec$ and bonu$ to @od%e deence

Bonu$ to 'ide, /i$ten, Move Silently, Search, S)ot andSurvival chec$ and bonu$ to @od%e deenceBonu$ to 'ide, /i$ten, Move Silently, Search, S)ot andSurvival chec$ and bonu$ to @od%e deenceBonu$ to 'ide, /i$ten, Move Silently, Search, S)ot andSurvival chec$ and bonu$ to @od%e deenceBonu$ to 'ide, /i$ten, Move Silently, Search, S)ot andSurvival chec$ and bonu$ to @od%e deenceBonu$ to 'ide, /i$ten, Move Silently, Search, S)ot andSurvival chec$ and bonu$ to @od%e deenceBonu$ to 'ide, /i$ten, Move Silently, Search, S)ot andSurvival chec$ and bonu$ to @od%e deenceBonu$ to 'ide, /i$ten, Move Silently, Search, S)ot andSurvival chec$ and bonu$ to @od%e deenceBonu$ to 'ide, /i$ten, Move Silently, Search, S)ot andSurvival chec$ and bonu$ to @od%e deence

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See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

Bonu$ to $avin% thro*

See tet

See tetSee tet

Bonu$ to $avin% thro*

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

See tet

(hen main% a $ill chec *ith one o the$e $ill$, the thiecan tae 10 even i $tre$$ and di$traction$ *ould normally(hen main% a $ill chec *ith one o the$e $ill$, the thie

can tae 10 even i $tre$$ and di$traction$ *ould normally(hen main% a $ill chec *ith one o the$e $ill$, the thiecan tae 10 even i $tre$$ and di$traction$ *ould normally

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Wea$on ality Cost 0s$

Strie, unarmed 0

;auntlet Normal

@a%%er Normal 3

'atchet Normal 2

Anie Normal 1Anie, ?uet$hi Normal 1

Stiletto Normal 2

Club Normal 0

Mace, 'eavy Normal 3

Mace, /i%ht Normal 2

S)ear, 'untin% Normal 2

S)ear, (ar Normal 3

Sta Normal 0

Bo*, 'untin% 0 Normal 3

Favelin Normal 3

Slin% Normal 1

 #e Normal 3Anie, ;hanata Normal 2

Pommel Normal 0

Poniard Normal 10

S*ord, Short Normal 0

Battleae Normal

Broad$*ord Normal 12

Cutla$$ Normal 0

Anie, Ehaibar Normal 2

/ance, 'eavy Normal !

/ance, /i%ht Normal

Scimitar Normal !

S*ord, #rmin% Normal 100(arhammer Normal !

Bardiche Normal "

Bill Normal !

Club, (ar Normal 3

Pie Normal

Pollae Normal "

S*ord, (ar =2'> Normal 10

 #rbale$t Normal 1

Cro$$bo* Normal 12

Sabre Normal 12

S*ord, (ar =1'> Normal 10

(hi) 2;reat$*ord Normal 200

ul*ar Normal 10

Bo*, 'yranian 0 2

Bo*, Shemite 3 2

Bo*, Sty%ian 0 30

/on%bo*, Bo$$onian 0 20

Bo<s STRRatin*

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Ar-or ality Cost 0s$

/eather Ferin Normal 10

Mail Shirt Normal 400

uilted Ferin 4

Bri%andine Coat 300

Scale Cor$elet Normal 100Mail 'auber Normal "00

Brea$t)late Normal 2000

Mail 'auber and Brea$t)late Normal 2"00

Mail 'auber and Bri%andine Coat 1100

Mail 'auber and Scale Cor$elet Normal 900

Mail 'auber and Scale 'auber Normal 1000

Mail Shirt and Brea$t)late Normal 2400

Mail Shirt and Bri%andine Coat !00

Mail Shirt and Scale Cor$elet Normal 00

Mail Shirt and Scale 'auber Normal 600

Plate #rmour Normal 600

Scale 'auber Normal 200Steel Ca) Normal 40

;reat 'elm 30

Ii$ored 'elm Normal 40


Shield, /ar%e !

ar%e 3


Belt 1

Belt, Ani%ht<$ or /ady<$

Boot$, +idin% 6

Boot$, (or 1

Bree$, Sil Cloa 1

Cloa, (inter 2

@oublet 2

&eathered 'ead@re$$ 1

'at, 'ood or Bonnet 1

'o$e or Stocin%$ 0.

Facet or Coat 2

Facet or Coat, (inter 4

Airtle or @re$$ 2

Airtle or @re$$, (inter 4

/oincloth 0.2

Patten$ 0.+obe 4

+obe, (inter "

Sandal$ 0.

Shirt$ and Brae$, or Shit 0.

Shoe$ 2

unic 0.

unic, (inter 1

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A+ventrin* =ear 

 #rro*$, Bo$$onian =20> 3

 #rro*$, 'untin% =20> 1

 #rro*$, 'yranian =20> 3

 #rro*$, Shemite =20> 3

 #rro*$, Sty%ian =20> 4

Bedroll 0.Bolt$, #rbale$t =10> 3

Bolt$, Cro$$bo* =10> 2

Bullet$, Slin% =10> 1

Candle$, ten 1

Ca$e or )archment 2

Chain =10t> 1

Chal, 10 )iece$ 1

Cro*bar 2

&ire*ood =)er *ee> 2

&i$hhoo 0.2

&i$hin% net, 2 $-uare eet 1

&lint and $teel 0.2;ra))lin% hoo 1

'ammer 1

n =1 oD vial> 1

n -uill 0.

/adder, 10 oot 1

/antern, candle 0.

/oc, very $im)le

/oc, avera%e 2

/oc, %ood 100

/oc, amaDin% 00


Manacle$, ma$ter*or 10Mirror, $mall $teel 10

Parchment =$heet> 0.

+o)e, hem) =0 t> 1

Se*in% needle 0.

Slave collar 1

Soa) =)er lb> 1

S)ade or $hovel 1

ent 2

orch 0.2

(het$tone 0.2

Containers an+ Carriers

Barrel 2Ba$et 0.2

Bucet, canva$ 0.2

Che$t 3

Ait ba%, canva$ 1

Pouch, belt 0.

Sac 0.

S)ell com)onent )ouch 1

Bo*l, *ooden 0.2

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Co$trel, leather 0.

@rinin%Gac, leather 0.2

Fu%, clay 1

Mu% J tanard, clay 0.

Mu% J tanard, )e*ter 2

Pot, iron 0.

Iial, in or )otion 1(ater$in 1

Class Tools an+ S)ill ?its

Crater<$ tool$ 20

Crater<$ tool$, ma$ter*or 120

'ealer<$ it 0

'erbali$t<$ it 2

Mu$ical in$trument, any bra$$ 1"

Mu$ical in$trument, any bra$$, ma$ter*or 11"

Mu$ical in$trument, drum 3

Mu$ical in$trument, drum, ma$ter*or 103

Mu$ical in$trument, any )i)e$ or *ood*ind "

Mu$ical in$trument, any )i)e$ or *ood*ind, ma$ter*or 10"Mu$ical in$trument, any $trin%ed 20

Mu$ical in$trument, any $trin%ed, ma$ter*or 120

Mu$ical in$trument, horn

Mu$ical in$trument, horn, ma$ter*or 10

hieve$ tool$ 30

hieve$ tool$, ma$ter*or 130

Scale, merchant<$ 2

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0 0 0

1 0 0

1 0 0

2 0 0

1 0 01 0 0

0. 0 0

2 0 0

4 0 0

2. 0 0

2 0 0

0 0

3 0 0

1 0 0

2 0 0

0 0 0

2 0 02 0 0

0 0 0

1 0 0

1. 0 0

3 0 0

2. 1 1 2. 12

2 0 0

3 0 0

! 0 0

4 0 0

2. 0 0

2 0 04 0 0

! 0 0

6 0 0

6 0 0

10 0 0

! 0 0

4 0 0

20 0 0

1 0 0

4 0 0

4 0 0

1 0 06 0 0

6 0 0

2 0 0

2 0 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

Wei*"tEac" 0lb



Wei*"t Carrie+0lb

rice ai+0s$

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0 0

20 0 0

2 0 0

30 0 0

2 0 03 0 0

20 0 0

0 0

6 0 0

60 0 0

! 0 0

40 0 0

0 0 0

4 0 0

60 0 0

0 0

40 0 03 0 0

! 0 0

0 0

2 0 0

" 0 0

4 0 0

0. 0 0

0. 0 0

1 0 0

1 0 0

0 0 01 0 0

2. 0 0

0. 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0. 0 0

0. 0 0

0.! 0 0

1 0 0

1. 0 0

0 1 0 0.2

0. 0 02 0 0

3 0 0

0. 0 0

0 0 0

0. 0 0

0. 0 0

0.! 0 0




Wei*"t Carrie+0lb

rice ai+0s$

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3 0 0

3 0 0

3 0 0

3 0 0

4 0 0

0 02 0 0

1 0 0

0 0

1 0 0

0. 0 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

0 0

100 0 0

0 0 0

0 0

0 0 04 0 0

2 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

20 0 0

3 0 0

1 0 0

1 0 0

1 0 0

1 0 0

2 0 0

2 0 00. 0 0

0 0 0

10 0 0

0 0 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

6 0 0

20 0 0

1 0 0

1 0 0

20 0 01 0 0

0 0 0

1 0 0

0. 0 0

0. 0 0

0. 0 0

0.2 0 0

0 0 0

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0 0 0

0 0 0

1 0 0

0. 0 0

1 0 0

2 0 0

0 0 00 0 0

0 0

! 0 0

1 0 0

4 0 0

3 0 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

2 0 0

3 0 0

3 0 0 0 0

0 0

3 0 0

3 0 0

1 0 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

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S$ell Style re:re5isites

 #%oni$in% @oom Necromancy M#B 6, S)ell +ai$e Cor)$e, S)ell @eath ouch

 #nimal #lly Nature Ma%ic Ano*led%e =Nature> 6 ran$, S)ell Summon Bea$t

 #nimate Statue Pre$tidi%itation

 #nimate S*ord$ Pre$tidi%itation #$trolo%ical Prediction @ivination Ano*led%e =#rcana> 4 ran$

 #*ul +ite o the (ereBea$t Cur$e$ M#B 6, S)ell /e$$er ll &ortune

Bani$h :ut$ider Summonin%$

Bind @emon Summonin%$

Blac Pla%ue Necromancy M#B !, S)ell +ai$e Cor)$e

Bone$ o /ie Nature Ma%ic

Boundary 'y)noti$m M#B !, S)ell ntrance, S)ell 'y)notic Su%%e$tion

Bur$t Barrier Pre$tidi%itation Cla$$ Scholar 3, S)ell ConGurin%

Calm o the #de)t :riental Ma%ic (S 13

Children o the Ni%ht Nature Ma%ic Ano*led%e =Nature> " ran$, S)ell Summon Bea$t

ConGurin% Pre$tidi%itation Cla$$ Scholar 1, Slei%ht o 'and 4 ran$

Control Ma%ical Bea$t Nature Ma%icControl Mon$trou$ 'umanoid Nature Ma%ic

Cur$e o ?iDil Cur$e$ M#B 4, S)ell /e$$er ll &ortune, S)ell (ardin%

@ance o #tali 'y)noti$m

@ance o the Chan%in% Ser)ent Cur$e$ M#B 4, S)ell /e$$er ll &ortune, +ace Pict

@ance o the Cobra 'y)noti$m

@artin% Ser)ent :riental Ma%ic Cla$$ Scholar 3, S)ell Calm o the #de)t

@eath ouch Necromancy M#B , S)ell +ai$e Cor)$e

@emonic Pact Summonin%$ Cla$$ Scholar 1, Ano*led%e =#rcana> 4 ran$

@omination 'y)noti$m M#B 3, S)ell ntrance

@oom o the @oll Cur$e$

@ra* &orth the 'eart Necromancy

@ra* &orth the Soul Cur$e$@read Ser)ent 'y)noti$m M#B 4, S)ell ntrance

@ream o (i$dom @ivination

n$lave 'y)noti$m

ntrance 'y)noti$m

ternal ?outh mmortality

&orm @emon Summonin%$

&ruit o #ir Nature Ma%ic

;elid Bone$ Cur$e$

;reater Blac Pla%ue Necromancy M#B ", S)ell Blac Pla%ue, S)ell +ai$e Cor)$e

;reater @emonic Pact Summonin%$

;reater ll &ortune Cur$e$ M#B 3, S)ell /e$$er ll &ortune

;reater Sorcerou$ Ne*$ @ivination;reater Summon Bea$t Nature Ma%ic Ano*led%e =Nature> ran$, S)ell Summon Bea$t

;reater eleine$i$ Pre$tidi%itation

;reater Ioice o Po*er 'y)noti$m

;reater (ardin% Counter$)ell Ano*led%e =#rcana> 10 ran$, S)ell (ardin%

'y)notic Su%%e$tion 'y)noti$m M#B 2, S)ell ntrance

ll &ortune Cur$e$ M#B 1, S)ell /e$$er ll &ortune

llu$ion 'y)noti$m

ncantation o #malric<$ (itchman Counter$)ell Ano*led%e =#rcana> 4 ran$, S)ell (ardin%

Cla$$ Scholar 6, M#B 4, S)ell ConGurin%, S)elleleine$i$, S)ell ;reater eleine$i$, S)ell #nimate

S*ord$Cla$$ Scholar 4, M#B 3, S)ell ConGurin%, S)elleleine$i$, S)ell ;reater eleine$i$

M#B , Ano*led%e =#rcana> 1 ran$ S)ell Summon@emon, S)ell Ma$ter (ord$ and Si%n$ :+ S)ell@emonic PactM#B 6, Ano*led%e =#rcana> 1" ran$, S)ell Summon@emon, S)ell Bani$h @emon, S)ell Ma$ter (ord$ andSi%n$ :+ S)ell @emonic Pact'eal 1 ran$, Ano*led%e =Nature> 1 ran$, &eatPermanent Sorcery, S)ell Summon Bea$t, S)ell +ai$eCor)$e

'andle #nimal 10 ran$, Ano*led%e =Nature> 10 ran$,S)ell Summon Bea$t, S)ell #nimal #lly'andle #nimal 12 ran$, Ano*led%e =Nature> 12 ran$,S)ell Summon Bea$t, S)ell #nimal #lly, S)ell ControlMa%ical Bea$tM#B !, S)ell ntrance, S)ell 'y)notic Su%%e$tion,C'# 13, +eli%ion &emale *or$hi))er o Nordheimir)antheon

Perorm =n$trument> " ran$, &eat +itual Sacriice,S)ell ntrance, S)ell eleine$i$, +eli%ion 'anuman

M#B !, &eat +itual Sacriice, &eat 'eer, &eat &ocu$Ma%ical /in, S)ell /e$$er ll &ortuneSacriice, &eat ortured Sacriice, S)ell +ai$e Cor)$e,S)ell @eath ouch, S)ell #%oni$in% @oom, S)ell

M#B !, S)ell /e$$er ll &ortune, &eat +itual Sacriice,&eat ortured Sacriice

Ano*led%e =#rcana> 10 ran$, &eature Ano*led%e $Po*er, S)ell #$trolo%ical Prediction, S)ell Ii$ion$M#B 4, S)ell @omination, S)ell ntrance, S)ell'y)notic Su%%e$tion, S)ell +an%ed 'y)noti$m, C'#13

M#B , &eat +itual Sacriice, &eat ortured Sacriice,S)ell (itch<$ Ii%our M#B 4, &eat Permanent Sorcery, S)ell Summon@emon, S)ell Ma$ter (ord$ and Si%n$ :+ S)ell@emonic PactAno*led%e =Nature> 20 ran$, Crat ='erbali$m> 20ran$, S)ell Summon Bea$t, S)ell Sorcerou$ ;ardenM#B 2, S)ell /e$$er ll &ortune, S)ell Calm o the


M#B 6, Ano*led%e =#rcana> 1 ran$, Ma%ical Style$4, &eat +itual Sacriice, &eat ortured Sacriice, Mu$thave ca$t S)ell @emonic Pact

Ano*led%e =#rcana> 16 ran$, S)ell #$trolo%icalPrediction, S)ell Sorcerou$ Ne*$

Cla$$ Scholar 3, Slei%ht o 'and 6 ran$, Blu 6 ran$,S)ell ConGurin%, S)ell eleine$i$M#B !, &eat Menacin% #ura, S)ell ntrance, S)ellIoice o Po*er, S)ell Ma$ter (ord$ and Si%n$ :+S)ell @emonic Pact

M#B , S)ell ntrance, S)ell @read Ser)ent, S)ellConGurin%

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nvocation o Kuthalla Cur$e$

/e$$er ll&ortune Cur$e$

/ie @rain mmortality

Ma%ic Builder Pre$tidi%itation

Ma$$ 'y)notic Su%%e$tion 'y)noti$m M#B , S)ell ntrance, S)ell 'y)notic Su%%e$tion

Ma$ter (ord$ and Si%n$ Summonin%$

Ma$ter (ardin% Counter$)ellMind +eadin% @ivination

ProGection @ivination

P$ychometry @ivination

+ai$e Cor)$e Necromancy Cla$$ Scholar 4

+an%ed 'y)noti$m 'y)noti$m M#B , S)ell ntrance, S)ell 'y)notic Su%%e$tion

+une o Fhebbal Sa% Counter$)ell

Sava%e Bea$t 'y)noti$m M#B 3, S)ell ntrance, S)ell 'y)notic Su%%e$tion

Sha)eShiter :riental Ma%ic Cla$$ Scholar 12, S)ell Calm o the #de)t

Shrinin% @oom Cur$e$

Sorcerou$ ;arden Nature Ma%ic

Sorcerou$ Ne*$ @ivination

Summon Bea$t Nature Ma%ic Ano*led%e =Nature> 4 ran$

Summon @emon Summonin%$

Summon lemental Summonin%$

S*ell 'y)noti$m

eleine$i$ Pre$tidi%itation

he ime $ +i%ht Co$mic Sorcery

he Star$ #re +i%ht Co$mic Sorcery

orment 'y)noti$m M#B 1, S)ell ntrance

5nnatural Stren%th mmortality

Iam)ire ran$ormation mmortality

Ii$ion$ @ivination

Ii$ion$ o orment and nli%htenment @ivination

Ioice o Po*er 'y)noti$m(ardin% Counter$)ell

(arrior rance :riental Ma%ic Cla$$ Scholar 3, S)ell Calm o the #de)t

(itch<$ Ii%our mmortality

?im$ha<$ Car)et :riental Ma%ic

M#B 6, S)ell /e$$er ll &ortune, S)ell #nimateStatue, S)ell #*ul +ite o the (ereBea$t

Sacriice, &eat ortured Sacriice, S)ell (itch<$ Ii%our,S)ell ternal ?outh, S)ell +ai$e Cor)$e, S)ell @eathCla$$ Scholar 10, S)ell ConGurin%, S)ell eleine$i$,S)ell ;reater eleine$i$

M#B 6, Ano*led%e =#rcana> 1 ran$, Ma%ical Style$4, mu$t never have ca$t S)ell @emonic Pact

Ano*led%e =#rcana> 1 ran$, S)ell (ardin%, S)ell;reater (ardin%Ano*led%e =#rcana> " ran$, S)ell #$trolo%icalPredictionAno*led%e =#rcana> 1 ran$, S)ell #$trolo%icalPrediction, S)ell Ii$ion$, S)ell llu$ionAno*led%e =#rcana> ran$, S)ell #$trolo%icalPrediction

Ano*led%e =#rcana> 4 ran$, Ano*led%e =+eli%ion> 6ran$, (S 13, S)ell (ardin%

M#B , S)ell /e$$er ll &ortune, +eli%ion (or$hi))ero EathAno*led%e =Nature> 10 ran$, Crat ='erbali$m> 12ran$, S)ell Summon Bea$tAno*led%e =#rcana> 12 ran$, S)ell #$trolo%icalPrediction

M#B 4, S)ell Ma$ter (ord$ and Si%n$ :+ S)ell@emonic PactM#B !, Perorm =n$trument> 1 ran$, S)ell Ma$ter(ord$ and Si%n$ :+ S)ell @emonic PactM#B 4, S)ell ntrance, S)ell llu$ion, S)ell @readSer)ent, S)ell ConGurin%Cla$$ Scholar 3, Slei%ht o 'and ran$, S)ellConGurin%Ano*led%e =#rcana> 1 ran$, N 1, S)ell Ma$ter(ord$ and Si%n$ :+ S)ell ;reater @emonic PactAno*led%e =#rcana> 20 ran$, N 19, S)ell Ma$ter(ord$ and Si%n$ :+ S)ell ;reater @emonic Pact,S)ell he ime $ +i%htM#B 6, &eat Permanent Sorcery, &eat +itualSacriice, &eat ortured Sacriice, S)ell (itch<$ Ii%our,S)ell ternal ?outhM#B !, &eat Permanent Sorcery, &eat +itualSacriice, &eat ortured Sacriice, S)ell (itch<$ Ii%our,S)ell @emonic PactAno*led%e =#rcana> " ran$, S)ell #$trolo%icalPredictionAno*led%e =#rcana> 12 ran$, M#B , S)ell

 #$trolo%ical Prediction, S)ell Ii$ion$, S)ell ntrance

M#B !, &eat Menacin% #ura, S)ell ntrance, S)ellMa$ter (ord$ and Si%n$ :+ S)ell @emonic Pact

M#B 4, &eat +itual Sacriice, three or more SorceryStyle$Cla$$ Scholar 14, S)ell Calm o the #de)t, S)ellSummon lemental

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6et Dis$lay














































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Barbarian 1 /


STR 19 +4 /ORT +3 2DEX 9 -1 RE/ +1 2

CON 13 +1 WILL +3 0INT 11 0WIS 11 0CHA 13 +1

1230 116 350

20 233INITIATIE +1 -1 2 L 20 350

AR6O#R ARR@ 14 10Ar-or  None 0 10 0 0 DOD=E 9 10

Hel- N# 0 NA 0 0

S"iel+ N# NA NA 0 0


ATTAC? BON#SES BAB +1/+0/+0/+0

6elee +5 1 4 0

/inesse 0 1 -1 0Ran*e 0 1 -1 06a*ic

+1 0 1 0

6elee Wea$ons Proiciency y)e #ttac Mod 'anded @ama%e Critical #P &ine$$e

Broadsword Martia 1-! Meee -4 1d10 + 0 19-20/"2 3 No

Ran*e+ Wea$ons S+ +atin% Proiciency +an%e Ma +an%e #ttac Bonu$ @ama%e Critical #P


C"aracter Race layer 

Class an+ Level E;$erience

Score 6o+




TOTAL Base Save Abi

Savin* T"ro< 6o+i2iers

Li2t over "ea+

1 ; 6a; Loa+ (

Li2t o


SEED 6a; Loa+S$ee+





De2ence 6o+i2iers

De; 6o+ 6isc 6o+

Total BAB



Attac) an+ Da-a*e Roll 6o+i2iers

ea$on ro2iciencies

Ty$e DR 6a; De; C"ec) en S$ell /ail

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 #))rai$e 0 0 0 0 Ano*led%e ='i$tory> 0 0 0

Balance -1 0 -1 0 Ano*led%e =/ocal> 0 0 0

Blu  +3 2 1 0 Ano*led%e =Nature> 0 0 0

Climb +6 2 4 0 Ano*led%e =Nobility> 0 0 0

Concentration +1 0 1 0 Ano*led%e =+eli%ion> 0 0 0

Crat =#lchemy> 0 0 0 0 /i$ten 0 0 0

Crat =#rmourer> 0 0 0 0 Move Silently -1 0 -1

Crat =Bo*yer>0 0 0 0

:)en /oc-1 0 -1Crat ='erbali$m> 0 0 0 0 Perorm +1 0 1

Crat =(ea)on$mith> 0 0 0 0 Perorm =+itual> +1 0 1

Crat = > 0 0 0 0 Perorm =@ance> +1 0 1

@eci)her Scri)t 0 0 0 0 Perorm =n$trument> +1 0 1

@i)lomacy +1 0 1 0 Proe$$ion = > 0 0 0

@i$able @evice 0 0 0 0 Proe$$ion =#rmourer> 0 0 0

@i$%ui$e +1 0 1 0 Proe$$ion =&armer> 0 0 0

$ca)e #rti$t -1 0 -1 0 Proe$$ion =Sailor> 0 0 0

&or%ery 0 0 0 0 Proe$$ion =()n$mith> 0 0 0

;ather normation +1 0 1 0 +ide -1 0 -1

'andle #nimal +2 1 1 0 Search +2 2 0

'eal 0 0 0 0 Sen$e Motive 0 0 0

'ide -1 0 -1 0 Slei%ht o 'and -1 0 -1

ntimidate +5 4 1 0 S)ot +2 2 0

Fum) +5 1 4 0 Survival +2 2 0

Ano*led%e =#rcana> 0 0 0 0 S*im +6 2 4

Ano*led%e =#rchitecture> 0 0 0 0 umble -1 0 -1

Ano*led%e =@un%eon> 0 0 0 0 5$e +o)e -1 0 -1

Ano*led%e =;eo%ra)hy> 0 0 0 0

 +2 #ir#$mstan#e bon$s to a !ide% Listen% Mo&e 'ient(% '$r&i&a and ')ot #*e#s made in tem)erate or #od *is and mo$ntains, -2 #ir#$mstan#e )enat( on a &erba B


 .ower Atta#% o$*ness%



 0 0 0






Barbari# Code

S)ill 6o+ Ran)s Ability 6o+ 6isc 6o+ S)ill 6o+ Ran)s Ability 6o+

Circ-stance S)ill 6o+i2iers

Class /eat A-ont

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tem ty Co$t =$)> (ei%ht =lb> tem ty Co$t =$)> (ei%h


tem ty Co$t =$)> (ei%ht =lb> tem ty Co$t =$)> (ei%h

Broad$*ord 1 125 2,5


tem ty Co$t =$)> (ei%ht =lb> tem ty Co$t =$)> (ei%h

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Unknown (Cimmerian) Barbarian 1 /

MediumH h) 12H nit 1H S)d 30tH @od%e @I 9H Parry @I14H @+ 0 =armour 0, natural 0>

 #rmourNone 'elmNone ShieldNone

Circum$tance bonu$e$

B#B 1J0J0J0H melee H ran%ed 0H ine$$e 0

6elee attac)s8 Broad$*ord melee1 =1d10 0H1920J2H #P 3>

Ran*e+ attac)s8  

Circum$tance bonu$e$

Class Abilities8

/eats8  Po*er #ttac, ou%hne$$,

Saves8 &ort 3, +e 1, (ill 3

Circum$tance bonu$e$


Abilities8 Str 19 @e 9 Con 13 nt 11 (i$ 11 Cha 13 &ate Point$ 3 +e)utation 4

Sorcery8 Po*er Point$ 0 =ma 0>

Style$ S)ell$ Ano*n

 #))rai$e =0>, Balance =1>, Blu =3>, Climb =6>, Concentration =1>, Crat =#lchemy, 0>, Crat =#rmou0>, Crat ='erbali$m, 0>, Crat =(ea)on$mith, 0>, Crat =any mundane, 0>

@eci)her Scri)t =0>, @i)lomacy =1>, @i$able @evice =0>, @i$%ui$e =1>, $ca)e #rti$t =1>, &or%ery =0'andle #nimal =2>, 'eal =0>, 'ide =1>, ntimidate =>, Fum) =>

Ano*led%e =#rcana, 0>, Ano*led%e =#rchitecture, 0>, Ano*led%e =@un%eoneerin%, 0>, Ano*led%e =;Ano*led%e ='i$tory, 0>, Ano*led%e =/ocal, 0>, Ano*led%e =Nature, 0>, Ano*led%e =Nobility, 0>,

/i$ten =0>, Move Silently =1>, :)en /oc =1>, Perorm =1>, Perorm =+itual, 1>, Perorm =@ance, 1>, 1>, Proe$$ion =0>, Proe$$ion =#rmourer, 0>, Proe$$ion =&armer, 0>,

Proe$$ion =Sailor, 0>, Proe$$ion =(ea)on$mith, 0>, +ide =1>, Search =2>, Sen$e Motive =0>, Slei%h=2>, Survival =2>, S*im =6>, umble =1>, 5$e +o)e =1>,

Circum$tance bonu$e$ 2 circum$tance bonu$ to all 'ide, /i$ten, Move Silently, Survival and S)ot chec$ made in tem)erate or co2 circum$tance )enalty on all verbal Blu chec$.

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