
CONCLUSIONS How much I have learned from this course is very important for me, so this has helped to grow not only as teacher also as person. We as teachers should reflect about our job if we really love what we are doing in those classrooms; we reflect our willing to teach them since the first moment they see us. Do we show motivation, willingness, passion, love, dedication, confidence, to them? This question should be analyzed in order to realize if our work and attitude as teachers is the appropriate . I made emphasis at this point because I consider that if we really enjoy what we are doing we give the best in our job and also to our students. It is important to mention that many students love our classes if we really transmit our love for them, How come? maybe you ask, well in our techniques, activities, details to teach them we reflect our passion and also motivate our children to be attentive in our classes. What about the relationship of a well teaching and a good assessment? I was wondering myself; they are joined in my opinion. If we transmit our knowledge in an efficient way using the correct techniques, they will perceive that and also get that knowledge and then when we evaluate them, the result will be good.

Upload: susana-vasquez

Post on 29-Mar-2016




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My reflections or last classlog



How much I have learned from this course is very important

for me, so this has helped to grow not only as teacher also as


We as teachers should reflect about our job if we really love

what we are doing in those classrooms; we reflect our willing

to teach them since the first moment they see us.

Do we show motivation, willingness, passion, love, dedication,

confidence, to them? This question should be analyzed in

order to realize if our work and attitude as teachers is the

appropriate .

I made emphasis at this point because I consider that if we

really enjoy what we are doing we give the best in our job and

also to our students. It is important to mention that many

students love our classes if we really transmit our love for

them, How come? maybe you ask, well in our techniques,

activities, details to teach them we reflect our passion and

also motivate our children to be attentive in our classes.

What about the relationship of a well teaching and a good

assessment? I was wondering myself; they are joined in my

opinion. If we transmit our knowledge in an efficient way using

the correct techniques, they will perceive that and also get

that knowledge and then when we evaluate them, the result

will be good.

I have learned a lot with this course but one of the most

important things is that our teacher says “ we should never

evaluate what we have not taught” that means that we must

go step by step according the six domains from Bloom’s

Taxonomy which are: Remembering, Understanding,

Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating.

In conclusion we should evaluate only the taught content, that

means use the skills they are able to manage to solve any

required situation on the test.

This analysis can help us to check how is working out

methods, for example if the majority is Remembering, we

must seriously analyze because maybe our classes are boring

so we should change the teaching method.

We should respect every domain never skip anything.

About design our test, there are many types but we have to

analyze and place as first that one more simple to understand

an gradually increase the level or difficulty and also as I

mentioned before do not forget of the skills they managed or

are able.

Instructions and items should be clear in order to get better


As finally point I recommend after check those tests make a

reflection on the results and test in order to see weaknesses

and improve our teaching.