conduct rules.doc

PPM-PERSONNEL –1 1 THE RAILWAY SERVICES (CONDUCT) RULES, 1966 1. Short Title.- (1) These rules may be called the Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966. (2) They shall come into force at once.(i.e. 21-03-1966) 2. Definitions.- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires- (a) 'Government' means, in relation to- (i) Gazetted officers holding posts in the Railway Board, the President; (ii) other gazetted officers, the Railway Board; (iii) non-gazetted officers, in the Railway Board, the Secretary, Railway Board; (iv) other non-gazetted officers in offices directly the administrative control of the Railway Board, the heads of the offices concerned; and (v) other non-gazetted officers, the General Managers of the Railway Administrations concerned; Provided that for purposes of sub-rules (2) and (3) of rule 5, sub-rule (1) of rule 8, sub-rule (1) of rule 10, rule 12, rule 14, sub-rules (1) and (3) of rule 15, sub-rule (3) of rule 16, sub-rule (1) of rule 19 and rule 21, 'Government' means the Railway Board in the case of all non-gazetted railway servants. (b) "Railway servant" means a railway servant as defined in rule 103 (43) of the Indian Railway Establishment Code. Indian Railway Establishment Code Rule 103(43)- “Railway servant means a person who is member of a service or holds a post under the administrative control of the Railway Board. It also includes a person who is holding the post of Chairman, Financial Commissioner or a Member of the Railway Board. Persons lent from a service or post which is not under 1 1

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PPM-PERSONNEL 11 THE RAILWAY SERVICES (CONDUCT)RULES, 1966 1. Short Title.- (1) These rules may be called the Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966.() They shall come into !orce at once.(i.e. 1-"#-1966). $e!initions.-%n these rules, unless the conte&t otherwise re'uires-(a) ()overnment( means, in relation to-(i) )a*etted o!!icers holdin+ ,osts in the Railway -oard, the .resident/(ii)other +a*etted o!!icers, the Railway -oard/(iii)non-+a*etted o!!icers, in the Railway -oard, the Secretary, Railway -oard/(iv)othernon-+a*ettedo!!icersino!!icesdirectlytheadministrativecontrol o!theRailway -oard, the heads o! the o!!ices concerned/ and(v) other non-+a*etted o!!icers, the )eneral 0ana+ers o! the Railway 1dministrationsconcerned/ .rovided that !or ,ur,oses o! sub-rules () and (#) o! rule 2, sub-rule (1)o! rule 3, sub-rule (1) o! rule 1", rule 1, rule 14, sub-rules (1) and (#) o! rule 12, sub-rule(#) o! rule16, sub-rule(1) o! rule19andrule1, ()overnment( means theRailway -oard in the case o! all non-+a*etted railway servants.(b) 5Railway servant5 means a railway servant as de!ined in rule 1"# (4#) o!the %ndian Railway 6stablishment Code.%ndian Railway 6stablishment CodeRule 1"#(4#)- 7Railway servant means a ,erson who is member o! a service or holdsa ,ost under the administrative control o! the Railway -oard. %t also includes a ,ersonwho is holdin+ the ,ost o! Chairman,8inancial Commissioner or a 0ember o! theRailway -oard. .ersons lent !roma service or ,ost which is not under theadministrative control o! the Railway -oard to a service or ,ost which is under suchadministrativecontrol donot comewithinthesco,eo! this de!inition. Theterme&cludes casual labour.9 6&,lanation- 1 railway servant whose services are ,laced at the dis,osal o! com,any,cor,oration, or+anisation or a local authority shall, !or the ,ur,oses o! these rules, bedeemed to be a railway servant notwithstandin+ that his salary is drawn !rom sourcesother than the Consolidated 8und o! %ndia.(c) 5members o! !amily5 in relation to a railway servant includes-(i)the wi!e or husband, as the case may be, o! the railwayservant, whetherresidin+withtherailwayservant ornotbutdoes not include a wi!e or husband as the case may be,se,arated!romtherailwayservant byadecreeorordero!acom,etent court/ (ii) son or dau+hter or ste,-son or ste,-dau+hter o! the railway servant andwholly de,endent on him, but does not include a child or ste,-child who is no lon+erin any way de,endent onthe railwayservant or o! whose custodytherailway servant has been de,rived by or under any law/1 1PPM-PERSONNEL 1(iii)any other ,erson related whether by blood or marria+e to the railway servant or to the railway servant(s wi!e or husband, and wholly de,endent on the railway servant.Railway 0inistry:s decision.-The son;dau+hter will comewithin the ,urview o! thisrule onlyi!he or she is de,endentu,on theRailwayservant. (6($o. 6($D.6 ($o.6($o. 2;;=-6stt.(1), dt.1".1.=#.Sub? CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964-Rule #()(i)-Clari!ication re+ardin+.The undersi+ned is directed to invite the attention o! the 0inistry o! 8inance etc. totheRule#()(i)o! the CCS(Conduct) Rules,1964 under whichevery)overnmentservant holdin+ a su,ervisory ,ost shall taCe all ,ossible ste,s to ensure the inte+rity 4PPM-PERSONNEL 1and devotion to duty o! all )overnment servants or the time bein+ under his controland authority..The >ational Council set u,under the 0achinery!or Hoint Consultation andCom,ulsory 1rbitration, in its meetin+ held on 3.=.= ado,ted a recommendation o!the Committee set u,bythe Council to consider the item( 1mendment o! theCCS(Conduct) Rules(1964 to the e!!ect that clari!ication may be issued that sub-rule(i) o! Rule #() is intended to be invoCed only in cases where there has been a !ailureon the ,art o! the su,ervisory o!!icer concerned to taCe all reasonable and necessaryste,s to ensure the inte+rity and devotion to duty o! )overnment servants under hiscontrol and authority. #.The0inistryo! 8inance, etc. are re'uestedtobrin+the clari!ication+ivenin,ara+ra,habove about the intention o! Rule #()(i) to the notice o! all concerned !or+uidance. #1. P#"'()*+&& a*$ C"0#)+&/->o Railway servant shall -(a) in the ,er!ormance o! his o!!icial duties, act in a discourteousmanner/(b) in his o!!icial dealin+s with the ,ublic or otherwise ado,t dilatorytactics or will!ully cause delays in dis,osal o! the worC assi+ned tohim.Rule #1 inserted vide Railway -oard(s letter >o. >o.6($o. >o.6($o Railway servant shall indul+e in any act o! se&ual harassment o! anywoman at her worC ,lace.()6very railway servant who is in char+e o! a worC,lace shall taCea,,ro,riateste,s to,revent se&ual harassmentto any womanatsuch worC,lace.6&,lanation?-8or the ,ur,ose o! this rule, 5se&ual harassment5 includes suchunwelcome se&ually determined behaviour, whether directly or otherwise, as?(a) .hysical contact and advances/2PPM-PERSONNEL 1 (b) $emand or re'uest !or se&ual !avours/ (c) Se&ually coloured remarCs/(d) Showin+ any ,orno+ra,hy/ or(e) 1ny other unwelcome ,hysical, verbal or non-verbal conduct o! a se&ualnature. Rule #C inserted vide Railway -oard(s letter >o. >o.6 ($o. 6 ($o. 11"1#;1;33-6stt.(1) dated1".2.33, is sent herewith. >ote (%%) below Rule 1#(%) Rule 4(#) o! the Central CivilServices (Conduct) Rules, 1964 corres,ond to Rule 1#() and 4(#) res,ectively o! theRailway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966.. Thea!oresaidinstructionsmaybebrou+ht tothenoticeo!all theo!!icers;sta!!worCin+ under your control !or +uidance and strict com,liance. %nde&-Conduct Rules-contact with -usiness 8irms etc. %! outsiders (Contacts) are used by a Railway servantto +ather in!ormation in ,ublic interest, the railway servant should see that he does notbecome obli+ed;committed to the outsider (Contact). Co,yo! D.0. >o. 11"1#;1;33-6STT(1) dated1"th0ay,1933$e,artment o!.ersonnel and Trainin+, 0in. o! .ersonnel, .ublic +rievances and .ensions.Sub?Central Civil Services(Conduct) Rules, 1964-Contactswithbusiness!irms-%nstructions re+ardin+.The undersi+ned is directed to invite attention to >ote(%%) below Rule 1#(1) o! theCentral, Civil Services (Conduct) Rule, 1964, which lays down that a )ovt. servantshall avoid acce,tin+ lavish hos,itality or !re'uent hos,itality !rom any individualhavin+ o!!icial dealin+s with him or !rom industrial or commercial !irms.or+ani*ations etc. Rule 4(#) o! the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 inter alia envisa+edthat no )overnment servant shall in the dischar+e o! his o!!icial duties deal with anymatter concernin+ any com,any or !irm or any other ,erson i! he or any member o!his !amily is interested in such matter in any manner. These instructions have beenissued to ensure that )overnment servants are e&tremely care!ul and discreet whilecomin+in contactwithbusiness menand business!irms soasto avoidsituations,which mi+ht cause embarrassment to the )overnment or to the )overnment servantsconcerned while dealin+ with matters relatin+ to those business !irms;businessmen intheir o!!icial ca,acity..%t maysometimessoha,,enthat a)overnment servant isre'uiredtomaintaincontact with outsiders to +ain in!ormation, in the ,ublic interest, about the violation o!rules re+ulations etc.%n such cases the )overnment servant concerned has to e&ercise=PPM-PERSONNEL 1ade'uate care and discretion in maCin+ use o! such outside contacts so that neither the+overnment nor the )overnment servant ,ersonally becomes obli+ed or committed tothe said contact in any manner.#. The a!oresaid instructions are brou+ht to the noticeo! all 0inistries;de,artments !or strict com,lianceby)overnment servantso! allcate+ories.:/ Ta7i*- (a#) i* ("li)i.& a*$ +l+.)i"*&/-(1) >o railway servant shall be a member o!, or be otherwise associated with,any ,olitical ,arty or any or+ani*ation, which taCes ,art in ,olitics nor shall he taCe,art in, subscribe in aid o!, or assist in any other manner, any ,olitical movement oractivity.() %t shall be the duty o! every railway servant to endeavour to ,revent anymember o! his !amily !rom taCin+ ,art in, subscribin+ in aid o!, o! or assistin+ in anyother manner any movement or activity which is, or tends directly or indirectly to besubversive o! the )overnment as by law established and where a railway servant isunable to ,revent a member o! his !amily !rom taCin+ ,art in, or subscribin+ in aid o!orassistin+inanyothermanner,anysuchmovement oractivity,heshall maCeare,ort to that e!!ect to the )overnment. (#) %! any 'uestion arises whether a ,arty is a ,olitical ,arty or whether anyor+anisation taCes ,art in ,olitics or whether any movement or activity !alls within thesco,e o! sub-rule(), the decision o! the )overnment thereon shall be !inal. (4) >o railway servant shall canvass, or otherwise inter!ere with, or use hisin!luence in connection with or taCe ,art in, an election to any le+islature or localauthority?.rovided that- (i) a railway servant 'uali!ied to vote at such election may e&ercise his ri+ht tovote, but where he does so, he shall +ive no indication o! the manner in which he,ro,oses to vote or has voted/ (ii) a railway servant shall not be deemed to have contravened the ,rovisionso!this sub-rule by reasononlythathe assistsintheconduct o! anelection inthe,er!ormance o! a duty im,osed on him by or under any law !or the time bein+ in!orce.E6(la*a)i"*-The dis,lay by a railway servant on his ,erson, vehicle orresidence o! any electoral symbol shall amount to usin+ his in!luence in connectionwith an election within the meanin+ o! this sub-rule. Railway 0inistry(s decision?-(1)Railwayservants wishin+toAointhe-harat SevaCSamaA shouldobtain,rior,ermission!romtheFeado! the$e,artment. This,ermissionwill not, however,absolve them !rom the observance, at all times o! all the rules and instructions relatin+to the conduct and behaviour o! the Railway Servant.(6($o.(6($o.6($o Railway servant shall Aoin, or continue to be a member o! an associationor uniontheobAects or activities o! whichare,reAudicial totheinterests o! thesoverei+nty and inte+rity o! %ndia or ,ublic order or morality. >ote.?- %t is not ,ermissible !or a +a*etted railway servant to Aoin anyassociationo! non-+a*ettedrailwayservants, liCeaRailway6m,loyees:@nion.Ehenanon-+a*ettedrailwayservant whoisamember o!aRailway6m,loyees(@nion is ,romoted to +a*etted ranC, either in an o!!iciatin+ or ,ermanent ca,acity heshall resi+n his membershi, o! such @nion. %!, however, the o!!icer concerned satis!iesthe )eneral 0ana+er o! the railway concerned that by such resi+nation he will lose!inancially or otherwise under any bene!icent scheme or+anised by such @nion suchas deathor accident insurance, hemaybe,ermittedtocontinueas anordinarymember, but not as o!!ice bearer or re,resentative, o! that @nion. The res,onsibility!or satis!yin+ the )eneral 0ana+er in this res,ect will rest with the o!!icer concerned.=. D+'"*&)#a)i"*/- >o railway servant shall en+a+e himsel! or ,artici,ate in any demonstrationwhichis ,reAudicial totheinterest o! thesoverei+ntyandinte+rityo! %ndia, thesecurity o! the State, !riendly relations with !orei+n states, ,ublic order, decency ormorality, or which involves contem,t o! court, de!amation or incitement to an o!!ence.Railwa Mi*i&)#o railway servant shall, e&ce,t with the ,revious sanction o! the)overnment, own wholly or in ,art, or conduct or ,artici,ate in the editin+or mana+ement o! any news,a,er or other ,eriodical ,ublication orelectronic media.() >othin+ in sub-rule(1) railway servant shall a,,ly in the case a Railwayservant in the bona!ide dischar+e o! his o!!icial duties ,ublish a booC or,artici,ates in a ,ublic media.(#) 1 Railway servant,ublishin+ a booC or ,artici,atin+in a ,ublic mediashall, at all times, maCe it clear that the views e&,ressed by him are hisown and not that o! )overnment.Rule 8 substituted vide Railway Board's letter No. No.E(D&A)95GS!" dt. #!$9!95i.e. A%S!&5'R!(9. C#i)i.i&' ", 3"2+#*'+*)/->o railway servant shall, in any radio broadcast, telecast throu+h any electronic mediaor in any document ,ublished in his own name or anonymously, ,seudonymously orin the name o! any other ,erson or in any communication to ,ress or in any ,ublicutterance, maCe any statement o! !act or o,inion-(i) whichhas the e!!ect o! an adverse criticism o! any current or recent ,olicyor action o! the Central )overnment or State )overnment/(ii) which is ca,able o! embarrassin+ the relations between the Central)overnment and the )overnment o! any State/ orPPM- PERSONNEL 111(iii) which is ca,able o! embarrassin+ the relations between the Central)overnment and the )overnment o! any !orei+n State?.rovidedthat nothin+inthis ruleshall a,,lytoanystatements made or viewse&,ressed by a railway servant in his o!!icial ca,acity or in the due ,er!ormance o! theduties assi+ned to him.Railwa Mi*i&)#%& $+.i&i"*?Servin+ Railway em,loyees, i! they, in their individual ca,acity or in their ca,acity o!o!!icebearerso!associations(includin+!ederation;uniono!railwayem,loyees)oreditor; ,ublisherso!!icebearerso!Aournalsissuedbysuchassociations(includin+!ederation; union),assresolutionsmaCin+statement and;ore&,ressin+o,iniononissues which involve violation by the individual em,loyees o! this Rule become liable!or disci,linary action.(R- >o.6($o. >o.6($o railway servant, shall e&ce,t in accordance with any +eneral or s,ecial order o! the)overnment or inthe ,er!ormance in+ood!aitho! the duties assi+nedtohimcommunicate, directlyor indirectly, anyo!!icial document or any,art thereo! orin!ormation to any )overnment or railway servant or any other to whom he is notauthorised to communicate such document or in!ormation.E6(la*a)i"*-Juotation by a railway servant (in his re,resentations to o!!icialsu,erior authorities o! or !rom any letter, circular or o!!ice memorandum or !rom the notes on any !ile to which he is not authorised tohaveaccessorwhichheisnot authorisedtoCee,inhis,ersonal custodyor!or,ersonal ,ur,oses) shall amount to unauthorised communication o! in!ormationwithin the meanin+ o! this rule.1?/ S01&.#i()i"*/->o railway servant shall, e&ce,t with the ,revious sanction o! the )overnment or o!thecom,etent authority, asC!or or acce,t contributions toor otherwiseassociatehimsel! withtheraisin+o!, any!unds or other collections incashor inCindin,ursuance o! any obAect whatsoever.Railway 0inistry(s decision-PPM- PERSONNEL 1 1(1) The association o! Railway servants with the sellin+ o! ticCets !or charity show or!or any ,ur,ose whatsoever attract the ,rovisions o! this rule and ,rior ,ermission o!the )overnment would be necessary !or this ,ur,ose. Sale o! ticCets by Railway em,loyees to the members o! the +eneral ,ublic is liCely to invite ,ublic criticism andshould not be ,ermitted.(R- >o.6($o.6($otwithstandin+ anythin+ contained in sub-rules () and (#), a railway servant,bein+ a member o! the %ndian dele+ation or otherwise, may receive and retain +i!ts!rom the !orei+n di+nitaries i! the marCet value o! +i!ts received on one occasion doesnot e&ceed ru,ees one thousand. %n all other cases, the acce,tance and retention o!such+i!tsshall bere+ulatedbytheinstructionsissuedbythe)overnment inthisre+ard !rom time to time. (2) 1 railway Servant shall not acce,t any +i!ts !rom any !orei+n !irm which is eithercontractin+ with the )overnment o! %ndia or is one with which the Railway servanthad, has or liCely to have o!!icial dealin+s. 1cce,tance o! +i!ts by a Railway servant!rom any other !irm shall be subAect to the ,rovisions o! sub-rule (#).Railwa Mi*i&)#o.6($o. >o.6 ($o.J;TL;461;9;9" (61%;91;%;#3) dated #rd 1u+., 1991 on the above subAect, alon+ withthe enclosures thereto, is sent herewith !or in!ormation o! all concerned. 1ll cases o!recei,t and acce,tance;retention o! +i!ts by Railway servants !romsources ordi+nitaries!romabroadmay,leasebedealt intheli+ht o!theseinstructions. The,rovisions o! thenoti!icationdated13.9.199"mentionedin,ara1o! theo!!icememorandum under re!erence have been circulated under -oard(s letter>o.6($oti!ication >o. 11"1#;13;3=6stt. (1), dated the 13th, Se,tember, 199" to brin+ these ,rovisions in line with the,rovisions under the 8orei+n Contribution (Re+ulations) 1ct, 19=6.. The relevant e&ce,ts !rom the 8orei+n Contribution (Re+ulation)- 1ct, 19=6, CCS(Conduct)Rules and a co,y o! the 8orei+n Contribution (1cce,tance or Retention o!)i!ts or .resentations) re+ulations, 19=3 re+ardin+ acce,tance o! +i!ts etc. asmembers o! an %ndian dele+ation !rom a !orei+n source, as these e&ist on date, areenclosed !or ready re!erence.#. 1s would be observed !rom Section (1)(C) o! the !orei+n contribution(Re+ulations) 1ct, an article o! +i!t the marCet value o! which in %ndia, on the date o!such +i!t, does not e&ceed one thousand ru,ees, is not treated as 5!orei+n contribution5and is out o! the ,urview o! the 1ct. 1cce,tance o! such +i!ts is to be re+ulated underRule 1# o! the CCS (Conduct) Rules. 1ll other +i!ts, received by any )overnmentservant !rom a !orei+n source, otherwise than as member o! an %ndian dele+ation shallbe dealt with under section 4 o! the said 1ct.PPM- PERSONNEL 1124.1 co,yo!the0inistryo!Fome 1!!airs( Circular>o.%%;1";1"();3-8CR1-%,dated the 6th 0ay, 193#, de!inin+ the term5$ele+ation9 !or the ,ur,oses o! 8orei+nContribution(Re+ulation) 1ct, 19=", is also enclosed.2. The above ,rovisions and instructions may ,lease be brou+ht to the notice o! allconcerned !or in!ormation and +uidance.6. Thisissuesinsu,ersessiono! this 0inistry(s D.0.>o.J;TL;461;9;9" datedthe6th Dctober 199". 6>CIDS@R6 to 0.6.1. D.0.>D.J;TL;461;9;9" dated #."3.1991.1/E6)#a.)& ,#"' )5+ @"#+i-* C"*)#i10)i"* (R+-0la)i"*&)A.), 19=6. Section (1)(C)? %n this 1ct, unless the conte&t otherwise re'uires,-5!orei+ncontribution9 means the donation, delivery or trans!er made by any !orei+n source?-(i) D! any article, not bein+ an article +iven to a ,erson as a +i!t !or his ,ersonal use, i!the marCet value, in %ndia, o! such article on the date o! such +i!t, does not e&ceed onethousand ru,ees.(ii) o! any currency, whether %ndian or !orei+n? (iii) o! any !orei+n security as de!ined in clause(i) o! Section ? ", )5+ @"#+i-* E6.5a*-+ R+-0la)i"* A.), 19=4/Section 4(1) ? >o !orei+n contribution shall be acce,ted by any -?(a) Candidate !or election.(b) Corres,ondent, columnist, cartoonist, editor, owner, ,rinter, or ,ublishero! a re+istered news,a,er,(c) )overnment servant or em,loyee o! any cor,oration.(d) member o! any le+islature,(e) .olitical ,arty or o!!ice-bearer thereo!,6&,lanation? %n clause (c) and in Section 9, 5cor,oration5 means a cor,oration ownedorcontrolledby)overnment andinclausea)overnment com,anyasde!inedinSection 61= o! the Com,anies 1ct, 1926.Section3?->othin+containedinSection4shall a,,lytotheacce,tance, byany,erson s,eci!ied in that section, o! any !orei+n contribution, where such contributionis acce,ted by him, subAect to the ,rovision o! section 1"?-(d) bywayo! a+i!t or ,resentationmade tohimas amember o! any%ndiandele+ation, ,rovided thatsuch+i!tor,resent wasacce,ted inaccordance with there+ulations made by the Central )overnment with re+ard to the acce,tance orretention o! such +i!t or ,resentation/4 E6)#a.)& ,#"' )5+ CCS(C"*$0.))R0l+&, 1969Rule 1#(2)?- >otwithstandin+ anythin+ contained in sub-rules(),(#) and (4),a )overnment servant, bein+ a member o! %ndian dele+ation or otherwise, mayPPM- PERSONNEL 116 receive and retain +i!ts !rom !orei+n di+nitaries i! the marCet value o! +i!ts receivedon one occasion does not e&ceed Rs. 1""";-. %n all other cases, the acce,tance andretention o! such +i!ts shall be re+ulated by the instructions issued by the )overnmentin this re+ard !rom time to time. Rule 1#(6)?- 1 )overnment servant shall not acce,t any +i!t !rom any!orei+n !irm which is either contractin+ with the )overnment o! %ndia or is one withwhich the )overnment servant had, has or is liCely to have o!!icial dealin+.1cce,tance o! +i!ts by a )overnment servant !rom any other !irm shall be subAect tothe ,rovisions o! sub-rule (4).4C"( ", )5+ @"#+i-* C"*)#i10)i"* (A..+()a*.+ "# R+)+*)i"* ", -i,)& "#P#+&+*)a)i"*&) R+-0la)i"*&, 19=A/9/ C"( ", MHA Ci#.0la# N"/ IIB?1>??B1>(?);3-8CR1-%.dated 6th 0ay,193#. 1>>6M@R6-%TF6 8DR6%)> CD>TR%-@T%D> (1CC6.T1>C6 DR R6T6>T%D> D8)%8TS DR.R6S6>T1T%D>S) R6)@I1T%D>S, 19=3 1S 106>[email protected]%n,ursuance o! clause(d)o!Section3o!the 8orei+nContribution(Re+ulation)1ct, 19=6(49o! 19=6), the Central )overnment herebymaCes the!ollowin+ re+ulations with re+ard to the acce,tance or retention o! !orei+ncontribution by way o! a +i!t or ,resentation made to any ,erson s,eci!ied in section 4as a member o! any %ndian dele+ation, namely?-1. Short title and commencement?- (a) These re+ulations may be called the8orei+n Contribution (1cce,tance or Retention o! )i!ts or .resentation) Re+ulations,19=3. () They shall come into !orce on the date o! their ,ublication in the o!!icial)a*ette.. $e!initions? %n these re+ulations, unless the conte&t otherwise re'uires, (a) 51ct5 means the 8orei+n Contribution (Re+ulations) 1ct,19=6(49 o!19=6). (b) Eords and e&,ressions used in these re+ulations and not de!ined butde!ined in the 1ct shall have the meanin+s res,ectively assi+ned to them in the 1ct.#. Re+ulation o! acce,tance or retention o! !orei+n contribution by way o!+i!t or ,resentation, -(1) 1ny ,erson s,eci!ied in section 4 o! the 1ct who is a member o! any%ndian dele+ation may acce,t any !orei+n contribution by way o! a +i!tor ,resentation made to him as a member o! such dele+ation (hereina!terre!erred to as such ,erson), subAect to the ,rovisions o! this re+ulation.PPM- PERSONNEL 11=(#) Eheresuch,ersonreceivesany!orei+ncontributionbywayo!+i!t or,resentation, he shall within thirty days o! the recei,t thereo!, intimate tothe o! the %ndian dele+ation, the secretary to the +overnment o! %ndia in the 0inistry o! Fome1!!airs, 0inistryo! 6&ternal 1!!airs andthe0inistryor the$e,artment o! the)overnment o! %ndia s,onsorin+ the dele+ation o! which he is a member, in writin+,(a) the !act o! his havin+ received such +i!t or ,resentation.(b) the !orei+n source !rom which it is received, (c) its a,,ro&imate marCet value in the country o! ori+in,(d) the ,lace in which, and the date on which, it is received, and (e) such other details relatin+ thereto as he may, in the circumstances,consider a,,ro,riate/ .rovided that in a case where such ,erson received such +i!t or ,resentation while heis visitin+ any !orei+n country or territory outside %ndia, such intimation may be madeby him within thirty days !rom the date o!his return to %ndia/.rovided !urther that the re'uirements contained in these re+ulations shall becom,lied with by such ,erson i! the leader o! the %ndian dele+ation is o! the o,inionthat the marCet value, in %ndia, o! such +i!t(s) or ,resentations(s) e&ceeds Rs. 1""";-and the said leader directs in writin+ to such ,erson to com,ly such o! there'uirements o! these re+ulations as may be a,,licable, in his case.(#) 6very +i!t or ,resentation received by such ,erson !rom any !orei+n source shallbe de,osited by him with the secretary to the )overnment o! %ndia in the 0inistry orthe $e,artment,which had s,onsored the dele+ation o! which he was the member,withinthirtydays !romthedateo!intimationbyhimo!suchrecei,t undersub-re+ulation (). (4)The Secretary to the )overnment o! %ndia, re!erred to in sub-re+ulation (#), shall!orward every such +i!t or ,resentation de,osited with him to the ToshaChana in the0inistryo! 6&ternal1!!airs!orassessment o!itsmarCet valueinthecountryo!ori+in.(2) Such assessment shall be made within thirty days !rom the date o! recei,t o! the+i!t or ,resentation in the ToshaChana, in accordance with the rules a,,licable, !or thetime bein+ in !orce, to the valuation o! articles in the ToshaChana, and such ,ersonshall be intimated in writin+ o! such assessment !orthwith. (6) %! any 'uestion arises relatin+ to the assessment to made under sub-re+ulation(2)it shall be re!erred to the Central )overnment who shall decide the same.(=) 6very such +i!t or ,resentation, the marCet value in the country o! ori+in o! which,as assessed under sub-re+ulation (2), does not e&ceed three thousand ru,ees, shall bereturned to such ,erson !or retention by him..rovidedthat wheremorethanonesuch+i!t orsuch,ersonreceives,resentationwhile he is in one dele+ation, such ,erson be entitled to retain only one such +i!t or,resentation..rovided !urther that where more than one +i!t or ,resentation has been received bysuch ,erson, while he is in one dele+ation, and the a++re+ate marCet value, in %ndia, o!all such +i!ts or ,resentations, does not e&ceed Rs.1""";- as determined by the leadero! the %ndian dele+ation, such ,erson may retain all such +i!ts;,resentations.PPM- PERSONNEL 113(3)6verysuch+i!t or,resentation, themarCet valueinthecountryo!ori+ino!which, as assessed under sub-re+ulation (2), e&ceeds three thousand ru,ees shall beretainedinthe ToshaChana/ .rovidedsuch,ersonshall have the o,tion, thate&ercised by him within thirty days !rom the date o! recei,t by him o! the intimationunder sub-re+ulation(2), to,urchasesuch+i!t or ,resentationon,ayment o! thedi!!erence between the marCet value in the country o! ori+in o! such +i!t or,resentation, assessed under sub-re+ulation(2) and three thousand ru,ees..rovided !urther that o,tion once e&ercised under this sub-re+ulation shallbe !inal.>ew $elhi. the 3th >ovember, 199"NN

1>>6M@R6-%%>o. %%;1";1"();3-8CR1-%.)overnment o! %ndia0inistry o! Fome 1!!airs>ew $elhi, the 6th 0ay, 193#Sub? @"#+i-* C"*)#i10)i"* (R+-0la)i"*) A.), 19=6-$+,i*i)i"* ", )5+ )+#'o Railway servant shall- (i) +ive or taCe or abet the +ivin+ or taCin+ o! dowry/ or(ii) demand, directlyor indirectly, !romthe ,arents or +uardiano! a bride orbride+room, as the case may be, any dowry.E6(la*a)i"*- 8or the ,ur,oses o! this rule (dowry(has the same meanin+ as in the$owry .rohibition 1ct, 1961(3 o! 1961).%n this 1ct, 7dowry9 means any ,ro,erty or valuable security +iven or a+reed to be+iven either directly or indirectly- (a) -y one ,arty to a marria+e to the other ,arty to the marria+e/ or (b) -y the ,arents o! either ,arty to a marria+e or by any other ,erson, to either ,artyto the marria+e or to any other ,erson/ at or be!ore or a!ter the marria+e asconsideration !or the marria+e o! the said ,arties, but does not include dower or mahrin the case o! ,ersons to whom the 0uslim .ersonal Iaw (Shariat) a,,lies.E6(la*a)i"* %. -8or removal o! doubts, it is hereby declared that any ,resents made atthe time o! a marria+e to either ,arty to the marria+e in the !orm o! cash, ornaments,clothes or other articles shall not be deemed to be dowry within the meanin+ o! thissection, unless they are made as consideration !or the marria+e o! the said ,arties.E6(la*a)i"*%%.-The e&,ression 7Baluable security9 has the same meanin+ as in thesection #" o! %ndian .enal Code.O 7Baluable security9. -The words 7valuable security 7 denote a document, which is,,ur,orts to be, a document whereby any le+al ri+ht is created, e&tended, trans!erred,PPM- PERSONNEL 1"restricted, e&tin+uished or released, or whereby any ,erson acCnowled+es that he liesunder le+al liability, or has not a certain le+al ri+ht.14. P01li. D+'"*&)#a)i"*& i* H"*"0# ", Railwa S+#2a*)&/->oRailwayservant shall, e&ce,t withthe,revious sanctiono! the)overnment receive any com,limentary or valedictory address or acce,t anytestimonial orattendanymeetin+s o!entertainment heldinhishonour, or inthehonour o! any other )overnment servant?.rovided that nothin+ in this rule shall a,,ly to-(i) a !arewell entertainment o! a substantially ,rivate and in!ormal character held inhonour o! a railway servant or any other )overnment servant on the occasion o! hisretirement or trans!er or any ,erson who has recently 'uit the service o! any)overnment / or(ii) the acce,tance o! sim,le andine&,ensive entertainments arran+edby,ublicbodies or institutions.N")+. - 6&ercise o! ,ressure or in!luence o! any sort on any railway servant to inducehim to subscribe towards any !arewell entertainment even i! it is o! a substantially,rivate or in!ormal character, and the collection o! subscri,tions !rom )rou,(C( and)rou, ($( em,loyees under any circumstances !or the entertainment o! any railway orother )overnment servant not belon+in+ to )rou, (C( or )rou, ($( is !orbidden.Railwa Mi*i&)#o.6 ($o.6($o.6 ($o railway servant should ne+otiate !or commercial em,loyment durin+ servicewithout obtainin+the,rior ,ermissiono! theFeado! the$e,artment andsuch,ermission should not be +iven unless there are any s,ecial reasons !or doin+ so. (R->o.6()) 66 60 1- dt. 6-"#-66)-Rule 12 substituted vide Railway -oard(s letter >o. >o.6 ($o)overnment servant shouldbeallowedtoholdelectiveo!!iceinanys,ortsassociation;!ederation !or a term o! more than 4 years, or !or one term whichever isless.ii) Ehile seeCin+ o!!ice (!or which ,rior ,ermission o! )overnment should beobtained) or su,,ortin+ the candidature o! any ,erson !or election to s,orts bodies, a)overnment servant shouldnot indul+einconduct unbecomin+o! a+overnmentservant. iii) 1 )overnment servant must re!rain !rom raisin+ o! !unds or other collections !romo!!icial as well as non-o!!icial sources !or the ,romotion o! s,orts at any level.iv) .rior clearance !rom the )overnment o! %ndia must be obtained !or any travelsabroad in connection with the worC or other activities o! any s,orts!ederations;associations. Ehile seeCin+ such clearance the o!!icer must indicate thesource o! !undin+ !or the !orei+n tri, includin+ travel, hos,itality and other e&,ensesand when ,ermitted to +o, he must do so by availin+ o! leave due and admissible tohim. . 0inistries;$e,artments are re'uested to ensure that these instructions are conveyedto all concerned and en!orced strictly.PPM- PERSONNEL 14#. %nso!ar as,ersonsservin+inthe%ndian 1udit and 1ccounts$e,artment areconcerned these instructions are bein+ issued a!ter consultation with the Com,trollerand 1uditor )eneral o! %ndia. R- >o. 6 ($o.#2"14;6;9-6stt(1)dated1".6.9#ontheabovesubAectisenclosed!orin!ormationand acCnowled+e recei,t.Co,yo!0inistry o! .ersonnel,..).o. #2"14;6;9-6stt (1) dated 1"th Hune 199#.Sub? Rule 12 o! the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964-Clari!ication re+ardin+.The undersi+ned is directed to say that the sta!! side in the >ational;Council(HC0) has ,ointed out that o!!icials in some o! the $e,artment are bein+ ,rohibited!rom holdin+ elective o!!ices in )overnment coo,erative societies and in that conte&thas ur+ed !or suitable amendment to Rule 12 o! the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964. Theo!!icial side, while holdin+ that no amendment o! the rule is necessary, has however,a+reed to issue clari!icatory instructions in the matter.. Rule 12(1)(c) o! the CCS (Conduct) Rules ,rovides !or ,revious sanctiono! the )overnment bein+ taCen by a )overnment servant !or holdin+ an elective o!!icein any body, whether incor,orated or not Rule 12()(d) ,rovides that a )overnmentservant may, without ,revious sanction o! the )overnment taCe ,art in there+istration, ,romotion or mana+ement (not involvin+ the holdin+ o! elective o!!ice)o! a literary, scienti!ic or charitable society or o! a club or similar or+anisation, theaims or obAects o! which relate to ,romotion o! s,orts, cultural or recreation activities,re+istered under the Societies Re+istration 1ct, 196" or any law !or the time bein+ in!orce.Thus, there is no bar, as such, on a )ovt. servant holdin+ an elective o!!ice andthe rules only ,rovide !or ,revious sanction o! the )overnment bein+ taCen !or this,ur,ose.Foldin+ an elective o!!ice in a body or society covered under Rule 12(1)(c)and 12()(d) would +enerally involve e&ercise o! some administrative res,onsibilitiesin that or+anisation. SubAect to the administrative authority satis!yin+ itsel! that thiswillnotinter!ereinanymannerwiththedischar+eo!o!!icial dutiesbythe)ovt.servant concerned, the 'uestion o! ,ermittin+ )ovt. servants to hold elective o!!icecan be considered. #. The ,osition under the rules, as clari!ied in the ,recedin+ ,ara, may beCe,t in view by the 0inistries;$e,artments while considerin+ the re'uests o! )ovt.servants !or ,ermission to seeC;hold elective o!!ice in a body or society covered underRule 12(1)(c) and 12()(d) o! the CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964.Railway -oard:s letter >o.6 ($ew$elhi(s D!!ice 0emorandum>o. 11"1#;1;39-6ttb(1) dated1=th0arch, 1939. Sub?CCS(CD>$@CT)Rules, 1964-Canvassin+insu,,ort o!businessownedormana+ed by members o! !amily.The undersi+ned is directed to say that under Rule 12(1)(d) o! theCCS(Conduct)Rules, 1964, no)overnment servant shall, e&ce,t withthe,revioussanction o! the )overnment, canvass in su,,ort o! any business o! insurance a+ency,Commission etc. owned or mana+ed by any member o! his !amily. Sub-Rule (#), ibid!urther ,rovides that every )overnment servant shall re,ort to the )overnment i! anymember o! his!amilyisen+a+edinatradeor businessor ownsor mana+es aninsurance a+ency or commission a+ency. .Thebusinesso!advertisin+a+enciescarriedonbyamembero!the!amilyo!a)overnment servant, besides other similar services, is thus covered under thea!oresaid rules. 1 )overnment servant shall not, e&ce,t with the ,revious sanction o!the )overnment, canvass in su,,ort o! any such business.#. %t is re'uested that the a!oresaid !acts and ,rovisions o! the Conduct Rules may,lease be brou+ht to the notice o! all )overnment servants worCin+ under theadministrativecontrol o! various 0inistries and$e,artments !or in!ormationandstrict com,liance. Railway -oard letter >o. 6($ew $elhi(s D!!ice 0emorandum >o. 11"1#;;39-6stt.(1)dated 3.#.1939. Sub?CCS (C"*$0.)) R0l+&, 1969-Pa#)i.i(a)i"* ", 3"2+#*'+*) &+#2a*)& i*."'(+)i)i"*&B+2+*)& "#-a*i&+$ 1 P#i2a)+ ."'(a*i+& +)./ wi)5 )5+ "18+.)i2+ ", (#"'")i*- )5+i#(#"$0.)&/PPM- PERSONNEL 16The undersi+ned is directed to say that instances have come to notice where)overnment servants ,artici,ated in com,etitions and other social events or+anisedby some ,rivate com,anies and or+anisations with the obAective o! ,romotin+ theirbusiness interests. 1ttention in this re+ard is invited to the ,rovisions o! Rule 12 o! theCCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964which,rovides inter alia, that whilea)overnmentservant may undertaCe honorary worC o! a social or charitable nature or taCe ,art ins,orts activities as an amateur, he should not, e&ce,t with the ,revious sanction o! the)overnment, en+a+e directly or indirectly in any trade or business or taCe ,art in there+istration, ,romotion or mana+ement o! any com,any or co-o,erative, society etc.!or commercial ,ur,oses..The social events and com,etitions ,romoted by various ,rivate com,anies can be,ut into di!!erent cate+ories?(i) Ehere the social events are or+anised ,urely with an intention to ,romotethebusinessinterestso!thecom,anyandthecom,etitivenessamon+st the,artici,ants is not relevant.(ii) Eherethecom,etitionbywayo! +ames ands,ortsares,onsoredby,rivate com,anies and the s,irit o! the com,etitiveness amon+st the,artici,ants is very much evident.The nature o! events re!erred to in item (i) above are 'uite distinct !rom those re!erredto in item (ii) as in the latter case, it is the com,etitions or the event which remains inthe !ore!ront and not the s,onsors and as such the involvement o! the ,rivatecom,anies as s,onsors can not be taCen as solely !or the ,ur,ose o! ,romotion o! theirbusiness interests. #. The )overnment servants are advised not to taCe ,art in any com,etition or socialevent re!erred to in item (i) o! ,araor+anised by ,rivate com,anies or or+anisations,the,rimary obAectiveo! whichis only to ,romote theirbusinessactivitiesor their,roducts, without the ,rior sanction o! the )overnment. Such ,artici,ation without the,revious sanction is liable to be construed as a violation o! the ,rovisions o! Rule 12o! the Conduct Rules.Fowever, the ,artici,ation in the events re!erred to in item (ii)o! the ,recedin+ ,ara does not re'uire any ,revious sanction o! the )overnment. 4. 0inistry o! 1+riculture etc. may ,lease brin+ these instructions to the notice o! all)overnment servants worCin+ under their control. 15A.- Sub-letting and vacation of Government accommodation.-(1) Save as otherwise ,rovided in any other law !or the time bein+ in !orce, noRailway servant shall sub-let, lease or otherwise allow occu,ation by any other ,ersono! )overnment accommodation which has been allotted to him.() 1 Railwayservant shall, a!terthecancellationo!hisallotment o!)overnment accommodation vacate the same within the time-limit ,rescribed by theallottin+ authority.Rule 121 inserted vide Railway -oard(s letter >o. >o.6($o. 6($o railway servant shall maCe, or ,ermit any member o! his !amily or any,erson actin+ on his behal! to maCe, any investment which is liCely to embarrass orin!luence him in the dischar+e o! his o!!icial duties. 8or this ,ur,ose, any ,urchase o!shares out o! the 'uotas reserved !or the directors o! com,anies or their !riends andassociatesshall bedeemedtobeaninvestment, whichisliCelytoembarrasstheRailway servant.Rule 16(1) < 16() substituted vide Railway -oard(s letter >o. >o.6($o.6($o. 11"1#;6;9-6sts.(1)dated 3.4.199 relatin+ to intimations o! transactions in sale and ,urchase o! shares,debentures, etc. is enclosed.Sub-Rules (#) < (4) o! Rule 13 and Sub-Rule (1) o! Rule16 o! the CCS(Conduct) Rules 1964 mentioned in the enclosed D.0. corres,ond toSub-Rule(#) o. 6($o. S.;CR;-);#21" dated 11."1.9"(anne&ed)addressed to Secretary, Railway -oard on the above subAect.. Ee have had occasion to recently consider the issue raised in your $D.Ietter in consultation with the $D., who are havin+ identical rules. 1 railway servantis not re'uired to obtain any ,rior sanction !or acce,tin+ loan even i! it e&ceeds 5smallamount5 on interest e&ce,t in cases where the ,rohibition laid down in rule(16(4)(i) isattracted. This ,rohibition comes into ,lay i! the railway servant concerned lends orborrows etc. !rom a ,erson, !irm or com,any with whom he is liCely to have o!!icialdealin+s or ,laces himsel! under ,ecuniary obli+ation to such ,erson, !irmorcom,any.#. Fowever, with the amendment made to Rule 13(#) relatin+ to transactionin immovable ,ro,erty vide -oards letter >o.6($. ShuCla, Secretary(6),Railway -oard.Sub? Railway Services Conduct Rules, 1966 .ermission to acce,t interest!ree, loan, +i!ts, etc.-clari!ication thereo!.Re!? -oards letter >o.6($o.6($o.6($o. 6($o. 6($o. 6 ($ote. - The burden o! ,rovin+ that the insolvency or indebtedness was theresulto!circumstanceswhich, withthee&erciseo!ordinarydili+ence, therailwayservant couldnot have!oreseen, or over whichhehadnocontrol, andhadnot,roceeded !rom e&trava+ant or dissi,ated habits, shall be u,on the railway servant. () The !ollowin+ ,rocedure shall be !ollowed in the case o! non-+a*ettedrailway servants?-(i) The re,ort re'uired under sub-rule (1) above shall besubmitted by the railway servant to his immediate su,eriorwhoshould!orwardit throu+hthenormal channelstotheauthority com,etent to remove or dismiss the em,loyee !romservice. 6&ce,t wheresuchauthorityre'uires+uidanceorclari!ication!romahi+her authority, it shall consider and,ass a,,ro,riate orders thereon. 1 railway servant desirin+ toseeC the bene!it o! the %nsolvency 1ct shall a,,ly to the Feado! his $e,artment,or to such authority as the )overnmentmay s,eci!y in this behal!, !or ,ermission to !ile a Schedulein a Court o! Iaw. 1t the same time, he shall e&,lain in such!orm as the )overnment may ,rescribe in this behal! all thecircumstances, which led to his !inancial embarrassment. Thesaid authority will then consider his case in the li+ht o! thosecircumstances. PPM- PERSONNEL 1 #2 %! the railway servant can ,rove that the indebtedness was the result o! circumstances,which,with the e&ercise o! ordinary dili+ence,he could not have !oreseen or overwhich he had no control, and did not ,roceed !rom e&trava+ant or dissi,ated habitsandi! as the result o! investi+ation, the saidauthorityconsiders that su!!icientAusti!ication e&ists !or the retention o! the em,loyee in service, he may ,ermit him tohave recourse to the court. Dtherwise he should taCe ste,s either to dismiss or removethe em,loyee !rom service as the circumstances o! the casemay warrant. %! a railwayservant asCs !or ,ermission to seeC the bene!it o! the %nsolvency 1ct !or a second timesuch ,ermission may not be +ranted by an authority lower than the )eneral 0ana+eror Fead o! D!!ice, who, i! he decides to retain the em,loyee in service, shall re,ort thecircumstancestotheRailway-oard!orin!ormation.1stheRailwayCo-o,erativeCredit Society is o!ten a creditor in such a case and other railway servants are sureties!or the debtor, the said authority will, in decidin+ whether or not the debtor should beretainedinrailwayservice, considerthee!!ect o!hisdismissal orremoval ontherailway and on his !ellow em,loyees.(ii) 1 railway servant who seeCs the assistance o! the %nsolvency Court without the,revious ,ermission o! the com,etent authority shall render himsel! liable to removal!rom service.(iii) 1 railway servant who is arrested !or debt is liable !or dismissal. (iv) Ste,s will be taCen !rom time to time by the head o! an o!!ice to ascertain !rom,ay-sheets, etc., whether anyrailwayservant under himare inhabitual state o!indebtedness. %! a moiety o! the ,ay o! a railway servant is bein+ !re'uently attached!or debt, has been continuously so attached !or a ,eriod e&ceedin+ two years or isattached !or a sum, which under ordinary circumstances he could not re,ay within twoyears, such railway servant shall be considered liable !or dismissal.(v) 6verycase!allin+under (iii) or (iv) shall beconsideredintheli+ht o! theinstructions contained in clause (i) above be!ore it is !inally decided whether or nottherailwayservant concernedshouldbedismissedorremovedbut ine&ce,tionalcircumstances such railway servant should not be retained in service.(#) 1 railway servant shall also re,ort to the )overnment or to such authorities asmay be s,eci!ied in this behal! the !acts when a ,ortion o! his salary is constantlybein+ attached, has been continuously attached !or a ,eriod e&ceedin+ two years or isattached !or a sum which, in ordinary circumstances, cannot be ,aid within a ,eriod o!two years.(4) Ehen a moiety o! a railway servant(s salary is attached, the re,ort by hissu,erior o!!icer to the )overnment com,etent authority should show whatis the ,ro,ortion o! the debts to the salary how !ar they detract !rom thedebtor(se!!iciencyasarailwayservant/whetherthedebtor(s,ositionisirretrievable/ and whether in thePPM- PERSONNEL 1 #6 circumstances o! the case, it is desirable to retain in the ,ost occu,ied by himwhen the matter was brou+ht to notice, or in any ,ost under the )overnment.1A/ M"2a1l+ , I''"2a1l+ a*$ Val0a1l+ P#"(+#) .- (1)(i) 6very railway shall on his !irst a,,ointment to the railway servicesubmit a return o! his assets and liabilities, in such !orm as may be ,rescribed by the+overnment, +ivin+ !ull ,articulars re+ardin+-(a) The immovable ,ro,erty inherited by him, or owned or ac'uired by him or held byhim on lease or mort+a+e, either in his own name or in the name o! any member o! his!amily or in the name o! any other ,erson. /(b) Theshares, debentures andcashincludin+banCde,ositsinheritedbyhimorsimilarly owned, ac'uired or held by him/(c) Dther movable ,ro,erty inherited by him or similarly owned, ac'uired or held byhim/(d) debts and other liabilities incurred by him directly or indirectly.N")+1- Sub-rule(1) shall not ordinarilya,,lyto)rou,($:railwayservants, but the)overnment may, in a,,ro,riate cases, direct that it shall a,,ly to any o! such railwayservants or any class o! such railway servants.- %n every return, the values o! items o! movable ,ro,erty worth less Rs.1", """.""may be added and shown as a lum,-sum. The values o! articles o! daily use such asclothes, utensils, crocCery, booCs and the liCe, need not be included in such return.#(i). - Ehere a railway servant already belon+in+ to a service or holdin+ a ,ost isa,,ointedtoanyother )overnment or Railwayserviceor ,ost, heshall not bere'uired to submit a !resh return under this clause.#(ii) every railway servant belon+in+ to any service or holdin+ any ,ost included in)rou, 1 or )rou, - shall submit an annual return in such !orm as may be ,rescribedbythe)overnment inthisre+ard+ivin+!ull ,articularsre+ardin+theimmovable,ro,erty inherited by him or owned or ac'uired by him or held by him on lease ormort+a+e either in his own name or in the name o! any member o! his !amily or in thename o! any other ,erson.() >o railway servant shall, e&ce,t with the ,revious Cnowled+e o! the )overnmentac'uire or dis,ose o! any immovable ,ro,erty by lease, mort+a+e, ,urchase, sale, +i!tor otherwise either in his own name or in the name o! any member o! his !amily..rovidedthat the,revioussanctiono! the)overnment, shall beobtainedbytherailway servant i! any such transaction is with a ,erson havin+ o!!icial dealin+s with the railway servant. (#) Ehere a railway servant enters into a transaction in res,ect o! movable ,ro,ertyeither in his own name or in the name o! member o! his !amily, he shall, within onemonth !rom the date o! transaction re,ort the same to the )overnment, i! the value o!such,ro,ertye&ceedsRs.12, """.""inthecaseo!arailwayservant holdin+any)rou, 1 or - ,ost or a Tem,orary )a*etted D!!icer or Rs.1", """."" in the case o! arailway servant holdin+ any )rou, (C( or )rou, ($( ,ost..rovided that the ,revious sanction o! the )overnment shall be obtained i! any suchtransaction is with a ,erson havin+ o!!icial dealin+ with the railway servant.#=..0- PERSONNEL 1 N")+G-1- .urchases o! items o! movable ,ro,erty !or +ivin+ ,resents at thetime o! marria+ewill be re+ulated by rule 13(#) above liCe any other transaction in movable ,ro,erty(Railway -oard(s letter no. 6($o. 11"1#;9;39-6sts. (1)$ated =.11.9" on the above subAect is enclosed herewith or in!ormation and+uidance. The ,rovision mentioned in ,ara- thereo! has been incor,orated as item(c)to $ecision >o. 4 under Rule 13 o! the Railway Services (Conduct) Rules (1,,endi&% to 6stt. Code Bolume %-1932 6dition. 1ttention in this connection is also invited toitem (ii) o! -oards letter no. 6 ($o. % to B ,enclosedwithletter dated1=-"6-1936shouldbe utilised. The other sin+le ,a+e,er!orma containin+ 2 columns enclosed with -oard:s letter dated 1=-"6-1936 is !or!urnishin+ statistical in!ormation re+ardin+ )rou, K1: and )rou, K-: o!!icers who didnot submit their annual returns under Clause (ii) o! sub-rule (1) o! Rule 13 within the,rescribed date, number o! o!!icers who submitted incorrect in!ormation in the annualreturn and action taCen a+ainst the de!aulters in this res, acCnowled+e recei,t.>o. 6($o. 6($ame and $esi+nation.. Scale o! .ay and ,resent ,ay.#. .ur,ose o! a,,lication-sanction !or transaction;,rior intimation o! transaction.4. Ehether ,ro,erty is bein+ ac'uired or dis,osed o!. 2. .robable date o! ac'uisition;dis,osal o! ,ro,erty.6. 0ode o! ac'uisition;dis,osal.=. (a) 8ull details about location, vi*. 0unici,al >o., Street;villa+e, TaluC, $istrict and State in which situated.(b) $escri,tion o! the ,ro,erty, in the case o! cultivable land, dry or irri+ated land.(c) Ehether !reehold or leasehold.(d) Ehether the a,,licant(s interest in the ,ro,erty is in !ull or ,art.(%n case o! ,artial interest, the e&tent o! such interest must be indicated).(e) %n case the transaction is not e&clusively in the name o! the )overnment servant,,articulars o! ownershi, and share o! each member.3.Sale;,urchase ,rice o! the ,ro,erty. (0arCet value inthe case o! +i!ts.)9. %ncaseso!ac'uisition, sourceorsources!romwhich!inancial;,ro,osedtobe!inanced.(a) .ersonal savin+s.(b) Dther sources +ivin+ details.44PPM- PERSONNEL 11". %n case o! dis,osal o! ,ro,erty, was re'uisite sanction ; intimationobtained;+iven!oritsac'uisition(1 co,yo!thesanction;acCnowled+ement shouldbeattached).11. (a)>ameandaddresso!the,artywithwhomtransactionis,ro,osedtobemade. (b) %s the ,arty related to the a,,licantQ %! so, state the relationshi,Q (c) $id the a,,licant have any dealin+s with the ,arty in his o!!icial ca,acity 1t any time, or is the a,,licant liCely to have any dealin+s with him in thenear !uture.(d) Fow was the transaction arran+edQ (Ehether throu+h any statutory body or a,rivatea+encythrou+hadvertisement o!throu+h!riends(8ull ,articularstobe+iven).11. %n case o! ac'uisition by +i!t, whether sanction is also re'uired under Rule 1# o! the CCS(Conduct) Rules,1964.1#.1ny other relevant !act, which the a,,licant may liCe to mention.$6CI1R1T%D>%, .............................. hereby dclare that the,articulars +iven above are true.% re'uestthat %maybe+iven ,ermission to ac'uire;dis,oseo! ,ro,erty asdescribed above!rom;to the ,arty whose name is re'uired in item 11 above. DR% ............................... hereby intimate the ,ro,osed ac'uisition;dis,osal o! ,ro,erty byme as detailed above.% declare that the ,articulars +iven above are true. Station? Si+nature ?$ate ? $esi+nation?>ote? 1. %n the above !orm, di!!erent ,ortions may be used accordin+ to re'uirement.. Ehere ,revious sanction is asCed !or, the a,,licationshould be submitted at least#" days be!orethe ,ro,osed date o! the transaction. 8DR0 - %%8orm!or +ivin+intimationorseeCin+,revioussanctionunder Rule13(#) o!theCCS(Conduct) Rules,1964 !or transactionin res,ect o! movable ,ro,erty?- 1. >ame o! the )overnment Servant.. Scale o! ,ay and ,resent ,ay.#. .ur,ose o! a,,lication-sanction !or transaction;intimation o! transaction.4. Ehether ,ro,erty is bein+ ac'uired or dis,osed o!. 2. (a) .robable date o! ac'uisition or dis,osal o!,ro,erty.(b) %! the ,ro,erty is already ac'uired;dis,osed o!- 1ctual date o! transaction.6. (a) $escri,tion o! the ,ro,erty (e.+.Car;Scooter;0otor cycle; Re!ri+erator; radio; radio+ram; Aewellery; loans;insurance ,olicies etc.)(b) 0aCe, model (and also re+istration >o. %n case o! vehicles), where necessary.=. 0ode o! ac'uisition;dis,osal(.urchase;sale, +i!t, mort+a+e, lease or otherwise). 42PPM- PERSONNEL 13. Sale;.urchase ,rice o! the ,ro,erty(0arCet value in the case o! +i!ts).9. %ncaseo! ac'uisition, sourceor sources !romwhich!inanced;,ro,osedtobe!inanced ?(a) .ersonal savin+s.(b) Dther sources +ivin+ details.1". %n the case o! dis,osal o! ,ro,erty, was re'uisite sanction;intimation obtained +iven !or its ac'uisition (1 co,y o! the sanction;acCnowled+ement should beattached). 11. (a)>ameandaddresso!the,artywithwhomtransactionis,ro,osedtobemade;has been made.(b) %s the ,arty related to the a,,licantQ %! so, statethe relationshi,.(b) $id the a,,licant have any dealin+s with the ,artyin his o!!icial ca,acity at any time, or is the a,,licant liCely to have any dealin+s with him in the near!utureQStation? Si+nature ?$ate ?$esi+nation?>o. 6($.S.C, @.T.%.s etc.1ttention is invited to -oard(s letter >o. 6($o. >o.6($o. 11"1#;6;9"-6stt (1) dated#"-"#-199"which ,rohibits )overnment Servants !rom brin+in+ ,olitical or outside in!luence inthemattero!allotment o!residential1ccommodation.1ttentionisalsoinvitedto-oard(s letter >o. 6($