conference on in nite-dimensional harmonic analysishora/program-sep07-ver2507.pdfconference on in...

Conference on Infinite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 – 14, 2007 held at Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo under Joint Seminar in Japan–Germany Research Cooperative Program, 2007 supported by JSPS and DFG Organizers : H. Arai (Tokyo), J. Hilgert (Paderborn), A. Hora (Nagoya), T. Kawazoe (Keio), K. Nishiyama (Kyoto), M. Voit (Dortmund) 1

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Page 1: Conference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysishora/program-SEP07-ver2507.pdfConference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 { 14, 2007 held at Graduate School

Conference on

Infinite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis

September 10 – 14, 2007

held at

Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences,

The University of Tokyo


Joint Seminar in

Japan–Germany Research Cooperative Program, 2007

supported by JSPS and DFG

Organizers :

H. Arai (Tokyo),J. Hilgert (Paderborn),

A. Hora (Nagoya),T. Kawazoe (Keio),

K. Nishiyama (Kyoto),M. Voit (Dortmund)


Page 2: Conference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysishora/program-SEP07-ver2507.pdfConference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 { 14, 2007 held at Graduate School

ISeptember 10 (Monday)

9:15 – 9:20 Opening9:20 – 10:20 H. Heyer (Tubingen):Where group representations meet Levy processes—10:30 – 11:10 R. Lasser (Munchen):Amenability and weak amenability of Banach algebras on commutative hy-pergroups—11:20 – 12:00 S. Kawakami (Nara):Extensions of hypergroups

—— (Lunch break)

13:30 – 14:10 H. Yamashita (Hokkaido):Isotropy representations and Howe duality correspondence14:10 – 14:50 H. Glockner (Darmstadt):Continuity and differentiability properties of functions on direct limits ofinfinite-dimensional Lie groups

—— (Coffee break)

15:20 – 16:00 B. Kummerer (Darmstadt):Asymptotic behaviour of quantum Markov processes16:00 – 16:40 T. Kondo (Kyoto):Fixed-point property of random groups—16:50 – 17:30 N. Obata (Tohoku):Asymptotic spectral analysis and applications to complex networks


Page 3: Conference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysishora/program-SEP07-ver2507.pdfConference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 { 14, 2007 held at Graduate School

The talk of M. Voit has moved to Wednesday morning.

ISeptember 11 (Tuesday)

9:20 – 10:20 C.F. Dunkl (Virginia):Transforms, polynomials and integrable models associated with reflectiongroups—10:30 – 11:10 M. Rosler (Clausthal):Convolution structures associated with multivariate hypergeometric func-tions—11:20 – 12:00 H.-P. Scheffler (Siegen):On the limit distribution of coupled continuous time random walks

—— (Lunch break)

13:30 – 14:10 P. Eichelsbacher (Bochum):Ordered random walks—14:20 – 15:10 H. Arai (Tokyo):A nonlinear model of visual information processing and visual illusions

—— (Coffee break)

15:40 – 16:30 H. Fujiwara (Kinki):Intertwining integral for exponential Lie groups


Page 4: Conference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysishora/program-SEP07-ver2507.pdfConference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 { 14, 2007 held at Graduate School

The talk of K.-H. Neeb has been canceled.

ISeptember 12 (Wednesday)

9:20 – 10:20 M. Voit (Dortmund):Limit theorems for radial random walks of high dimensions—10:30 – 11:20 T. Hirai (Kyoto):Spin characters of infinite complex reflexion groups

—— (Lunch break)

12:40 – Excursion


Page 5: Conference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysishora/program-SEP07-ver2507.pdfConference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 { 14, 2007 held at Graduate School

ISeptember 13 (Thursday)

9:20 – 10:20 J.-P. Anker (Orleans):The Schrodinger equation on symmetric spaces—10:30 – 11:10 A. Puttmann (Bochum):An infinite-dimensional representation of a Lie supergroup and applicationsto autocorrelations—11:20 – 12:00 H. Shimomura (Kochi):Unitary representations and quasi-invariant measures on infinite-dimensionalgroups

—— (Lunch break)

13:30 – 14:10 S. Naito (Tsukuba):An explicit description of the crystal structure on the set of MV polytopesof type B or C

14:10 – 14:50 P. Becker-Kern (Dortmund):Semi-selfsimilar additive processes on simply connected nilpotent Lie groups

—— (Coffee break)

15:20 – 16:00 P. Ressel (Eichstaett):Exchangeable probability measures and positive definite functions16:00 – 16:40 S. Matsumoto (Kyushu):Moments of characteristic polynomials of a random matrix associated withcompact symmetric spaces—16:50 – 17:30 M. Stolz (Bochum):Limit theorems for random matrix ensembles associated to symmetric spaces


Page 6: Conference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysishora/program-SEP07-ver2507.pdfConference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 { 14, 2007 held at Graduate School

ISeptember 14 (Friday)

9:20 – 10:00 T. Nomura (Kyushu):Tube domains and basic relative invariants—10:10 – 10:50 T. Kawazoe (Keio):Real Hardy spaces for Jacobi analysis and its applications—11:00 – 11:40 U. Franz (Franche-Comte, Tohoku):On idempotents on quantum groups

—— (Lunch break)

13:00 – 13:40 P. Ramacher (Gottingen):Equivariant spectral asymptotics and compact group actions13:40 – 14:20 M. Olbrich (Luxembourg):Limit sets of Kleinian groups and harmonic analysis—14:30 – 15:10 A. Alldridge (Paderborn):Index theory for Wiener–Hopf operators on arbitrary cones

—— (Coffee break)

15:40 – 16:20 K. Nishiyama (Kyoto):Capelli identities for Hermitian symmetric spaces16:20 – 17:00 J. Hilgert (Paderborn):Symbolic dynamics for geodesic flows on locally symmetric spaces——

18:00 – 20:00 Farewell Dinner


Page 7: Conference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysishora/program-SEP07-ver2507.pdfConference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 { 14, 2007 held at Graduate School

Index Theory for Wiener–Hopf Operators on

Arbitrary Cones

Alexander Alldridge

University of Paderborn

We study Wiener–Hopf operators Wf ; these are the bounded operatorson L2(Ω, dx) , where Ω ⊂ R

n is a closed convex cone, given by

Wfξ(x) =


f(x−y)ξ(y) dy for all f ∈ L1(Rn, dx) , ξ ∈ L2(Ω, dx) , x ∈ Ω .

Classically, n = 1 and Ω = R+ ; then the operators Wf correspond toToeplitz operators on the unit circle with continuous symbol vanishing at theidentity. It is then well known exactly when 1 + Wf is a Fredholm operator,and in this case, its index can be easily computed. (In this particular case,this characterises the invertibility of 1 + Wf .)

In general, the Fredholmness of 1+Wf is related to the ideal structure ofthe C∗-algebra A generated by the operators Wf , f ∈ L1(Rn, dx) , and thecomputation of the index is related to the K-theory of certain subquotientsof A .

So far, a complete theory for the index problem of Wiener–Hopf oper-ators was only known for the case of a symmetric cone Ω , from the workof Upmeier. The Fredholmness question was solved for polyhedral and forsymmetric cones by Muhly and Renault, using the technique of groupoidC∗-algebras.

We have extended their approach and thereby completely solved the Fred-holmness question and the computation of the index for a large class of coneswhich contains, in particular, all polyhedral and all homogeneous (not neces-sarily symmetric) cones. We will explain our results and discuss some specialclasses of cones.

Part of this work was conducted jointly with Troels R. Johansen (U Pader-born).

Page 8: Conference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysishora/program-SEP07-ver2507.pdfConference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 { 14, 2007 held at Graduate School

The Schrodinger equation on symmetric spaces

Jean–Philippe Anker, Universite d’Orleans, France


Nonlinear heat, Schrodinger or wave equations have been extensively studied duringthe past 25 years in the Euclidean setting. In this talk, we shall mainly consider theSchrodinger equation

i ∂tu(t, x) + ∆xu(t, x) = ω(u(t, x))

u(0, x) = f(x)

on real hyperbolic spaces and review recent results (dispersive inequalities, Strichartztype estimates, scattering, ... ), including joint work in progress with Vittoria Pierfelice.As expected, small scale results are similar to the Euclidean setting, while large scaleresults are stronger in negative curvature.

Page 9: Conference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysishora/program-SEP07-ver2507.pdfConference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 { 14, 2007 held at Graduate School

A Nonlinear Model of Visual Information

Processing and Visual Illusions

Hitoshi ARAI

The University of Tokyo

Department of Mathematical Sciences

1 How can you see?

Recent development of neurophysiology and

fMRI has been revealing the functional map of

human’s brain. Thanks to this, we have been able

to know considerably correspondence between ar-

eas of the brain and functions of vision; for exam-

ple, if one recognizes motion of an object, then

his MT area is activated; if one perceives color

of an object, then his V4 area is working, and

so on. However, little is known about how the

brain computes there visual information. This

means that we know “where”, but not “how”.

The main purpose of my research is to compre-

hend “how”. For this aim I have studied compu-

tational algorithms and mathematical models of

the visual system. Now a question will come to

the mind; why do we need mathematical study,

although real visual information processing is ex-

ecuted biochemically by neurons in the brain?

2 Visual perception, computer vision and


I think the study of computational models of

the visual system is very closely related to under-

standing how the brain processes visual informa-

tion. A cue to combine these is visual illusions.

Indeed if computational algorithms which we ob-

tain as analogies of functions of subareas of the

brain are appropriate, implementing them into a

computer machine will get it to possess analo-

gous functions of human’s vision. Consequently,

the computer machine must “see” illusions which

are produced in those areas. On the other hand,

by seeking algorithms in order to reproduce vi-

sual illusions whose causes are unknown, we can

presume neural algorithms for vision in the brain.

I think the study of computational models of the

visual system will become a powerful method in

vision science.

3 Plan of this talk

As a preliminary I will give a brief review of

neuroscience and psychophysics related to vision.

Then I will propose a mathematical model of a

part of V1, the visual area 1. This model can

produce good computer simulations of visual il-

lusions such as the Hermann grid illusion, the

Chevreul illusion, the cafe wall illusion and some

illusions related to color vision. After demon-

strating these simulations, I will talk what they

mean, and then discuss a psychological question

related to the color perception by using the math-

ematical model. Furthermore I will propose our

new wavelet frames constructed by taking recent

neuroscientific opinions into account, and explain

their efficiency.

The author is supported partly by the Grant-in-Aid

for Scientific Research (B), Japan Society for the

Promotion of Science.

Page 10: Conference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysishora/program-SEP07-ver2507.pdfConference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 { 14, 2007 held at Graduate School

Semi-selfsimilar additive processes

on simply connected nilpotent Lie groups

Peter Becker-Kern, Universitat Dortmund

Identifying an additive process ξtt≥0 on a simply connected nilpotent Liegroup G with a process on the finite-dimensional Lie algebra G ∼= R

d, un-der a (rather strong) differentiability condition in [Ku] the process is shownto be the solution of a stochastic differential equation driven by an addi-tive process Xtt≥0 on R

d. Assuming selfsimilarity of ξtt≥0 with respectto a contractive one-parameter subgroup of automorphisms, the differentia-bility condition is fulfilled and, equivalently, Xtt≥0 is operator-selfsimilarwith an exponent Q, which is quite well understood. The process incre-ments correspond to a stable hemigroup of measures and it is known thatXtt≥0 has an integral representation driven by a Levy process with fi-nite logarithmic moment. On the other hand, for the distribution µ of X1

we have operator-selfdecomposability µ = e−tQµ ∗ ν(t) for a Mehler semi-group e

−tQν(s) ∗ ν(t) = ν(s + t). Conversely, given a Mehler semigroup we

can reconstruct a selfsimilar additive process, its background driving Levyprocesses, and the corresponding Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type process via Lam-perti’s transformation, a concept which by [Ha] also extends to processes onG.

In case of the weaker scaling property of operator-semi-selfsimilarity, thecorresponding background driving process of Xtt≥0 is known by [MS],[BK] to have only periodically stationary increments. We show that certaindiscrete parameter Mehler semigroups, corresponding to the operator-semi-selfdecomposability, can be embedded into a (differentiable) semistable hemi-group, the increment distributions of an additive operator-semi-selfsimilarprocess. This is the starting point for studying corresponding objects on G

and their interrelation.


[BK] Becker-Kern, P. (2004): Random integral representation of operator-semi-selfsimilar processes

with independent increments. Stoch. Process. Appl. 109 327–344.

[Ha] Hazod, W. (2005) On Mehler semigroups, stable hemigroups and selfdecomposability. In: Heyer,

H. et al. (eds.) Infinite Dimensional Harmonic Analysis III. Proceedings of the 3rd German-

Japanese symposium, Tubingen, Sept. 15–20, 2003. World Scientific, Hackensack NJ, pp. 83–97.

[Ku] Kunita, H. (1997) Stochastic processes with independent increments on a Lie group and their

selfsimilar properties. In: Csiszar, I. et al. (eds.) Stochastic Differential and Difference Equations.

Prog. Syst. Control Theory 23, Birkhauser, Boston, pp. 183–201.

[MS] Maejima, M.; and Sato, K.I. (2003) Semi-Levy processes, semi-selfsimilar additive processes, and

semi-stationary Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type processes. J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 43 609–639.

Page 11: Conference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysishora/program-SEP07-ver2507.pdfConference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 { 14, 2007 held at Graduate School

Transforms, Polynomials and Integrable Models

Associated with Reflection Groups

Charles F. Dunkl

Department of Mathematics, University of Virginia


The parametrized commutative algebra of differential-difference (”Dunkl”)operators associated with a finite reflection group can be studied both alge-braically and analytically. On the side of analysis one usually imposes therequirement that the parameters be positive. There is a generalization ofthe Fourier transform which provides a spectral decomposition of the opera-tors, and there is also an intertwining operator, which has been shown to bepositive in general by Rosler, but for which only the (Z2)

N version has beenexhibited by an explicitly positive formula. We discuss recent work regardingan integral for the B2 case which is positive when restricted to B2-invariantfunctions. Positivity is always an important property; for example there areMarkov processes associated to the operators, which have been studied byRosler, Voit, Gallardo and Yor. The algebra of operators also allows ex-act solution of Calgero-Sutherland quantum mechanical systems of identicalparticles with inverse-square interactions, on a circle, or on a line subject toharmonic confinement. The Macdonald-Mehta-Selberg integral associated tothe algebra of operators involves an expression in gamma functions whosepoles have algebraic interpretations. In particular for the symmetric andhyperoctahedral groups (types A and B, respectively) the singularities canbe explained in terms of certain nonsymmetric Jack polynomials and therepresentation theory of the groups.

Page 12: Conference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysishora/program-SEP07-ver2507.pdfConference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 { 14, 2007 held at Graduate School

Ordered random walks

Peter Eichelsbacher

Fakultat fur Mathematik, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum


We construct the conditional version of k independent and identicallydistributed random walks on R given that they stay in strict order at alltimes. This is a generalisation of so-called non-colliding or non-intersectingrandom walks, the discrete variant of Dyson’s Brownian motions, which havebeen considered yet only for nearest-neighbor walks on the lattice. Ouronly assumptions are moment conditions on the steps and the validity ofthe local central limit theorem. The conditional process is constructed asa Doob h-transform with some positive regular function V that is stronglyrelated with the Vandermonde determinant and reduces to that function forsimple random walk. Furthermore, we prove an invariance principle, i.e., afunctional limit theorem towards Dyson’s Brownian motions, the continuousanalogue.

Page 13: Conference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysishora/program-SEP07-ver2507.pdfConference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 { 14, 2007 held at Graduate School

On idempotents on quantum groups

Uwe Franz

Universite de Franche-Comte, Tohoku University

The idempotent measures on a locally compact group G are exactly theHaar measures on compact subgroups of G. This fact has many applications,e.g., in ergodic theory and probability. Pal showed in 1996 that the anal-ogous statement for quantum groups is false. In my talk I will show thatidempotents states on finite quantum groups can be characterized by quan-tum hypergroups. I will then discuss the extension of this result to compactquantum groups and algebraic quantum groups (in the sense of van Daele).This talk is based on joint work with Adam Skalski.

Page 14: Conference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysishora/program-SEP07-ver2507.pdfConference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 { 14, 2007 held at Graduate School

Intertwining integral for exponential Lie groups

Hidenori Fujiwara (Kinki University)

Let G = exp g be an exponential solvable Lie group with Lie algebra g.Let’s introduce some notions used in the orbit method. We note g∗ the dualvector space of g and S(f, g) for f ∈ g∗ the set of subalgebras h of g satisfyingf([h, h]) = 0. In this situation we consider the unitary character χf ofthe analytic subgroup H = exp h defined by χf(exp X) = eif(X) (X ∈ h),and construct the induced representation ρ(f, h, G) = indG

Hχf of G. Wenote I(f, g) the set of h ∈ S(f, g) such that the representation ρ(f, h, G) isirreducible. It is well known that I(f, g) 6= ∅ and that

ρ1 = ρ(f, h1, G) ' ρ2 = ρ(f, h2, G)

for any h1, h2 in I(f, g). We are interested how to construct an explicitintertwining operator between these two realizations.

Put Hj = exp hj (j = 1, 2) and note ∆j the modular function of Hj.Let K(H2, H1∩H2) the space of C-valued continuous functions F on H2 withcompact support modulo H1 ∩ H2 and satisfying

F (hk) = ∆H1∩H2,H2(k)F (h) (h ∈ H2, k ∈ H1 ∩ H2)

with ∆H1∩H2,H2(k) =



. Then, H2 acts on this space K(H2, H1∩H2)

by left translation and there exists a unique, up to scalar multiplication,H2-invariant positive linear form ν = νH2,H1∩H2

. We write this form as

ν(F ) =


F (h)dν(h), F ∈ K(H2, H1∩H2).

We now have a formal candidate T21 of intertwining operator from ρ1 toρ2:

T21(ϕ)(g) =



H2,G(h)χf(h)dν(h) (g ∈ G).

This intertwining integral also appears in some studies of monomial repre-sentations for nilpotent Lie groups as Penney’s distributions or eigen distri-butions of invariant differential operators.

Page 15: Conference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysishora/program-SEP07-ver2507.pdfConference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 { 14, 2007 held at Graduate School

Continuity and differentiability properties of functions

on direct limits of infinite-dimensional Lie groups

Helge Glockner

Technische Universitat Darmstadt

Summary:It frequently happens that an infinite-dimensional Lie group G of interestcan be expressed as the union of an ascending sequence of Lie groups Gn.Given a mapping f on G, it is then natural to ask whether continuity (orsmoothness) of f |Gn

for each n entails continuity (or smoothness) of f . Forgeneral f , the answer is, usually, negative. But the situation improves if f

is a homomorphism to a Lie group, a unitary representation, or a positive-definite function.

In the talk, I’ll describe the exact answers for the main examples of directlimits groups (notably, for test function groups and groups of compactlysupported diffeomorphisms of non-compact manifolds).

Reference:Glockner, H., Direct limits of infinite-dimensional Lie groups compared todirect limits in related categories, J. Funct. Anal. 245 (2007), 19–61.

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by Herbert Heyer, Tuebingen

A significant point of contact between representations of locally compactgroups and stochastic processes with independent increments in such groupsis the concept of Fourier transform.

Since the appearance of the speaker’s monograph of 1977 in which theFourier transform has been efficiently applied to establishing Levy-Khintchinedecompositions and central limit results, interesting new developments leadto potential-theoretic and asymptotic properties of random walks and diffu-sions on groups, to progress in random matrix theory, and to the solution ofa martingale problem for Levy processes.

In his expository lecture the speaker intends to describe the method ofFourier transform within the framework of groups and hypergroups and to re-port on martingale representations for nonstationary Levy processes in thesestructures.

The main tool in dealing with the problem is the notion of an integratingfunction attached to an evolution family of continuous finite variation.

Page 17: Conference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysishora/program-SEP07-ver2507.pdfConference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 { 14, 2007 held at Graduate School

Symbolic Dynamics for Geodesic Flows on

Locally Symmetrc Spaces

Joachim Hilgert

Universitat Paderborn

Geodesic flows on locally symmetric spaces are model systems for thestudy of chaos in quantum systems. More precisely, one tries to relate prop-erties like ergodicity of the geodesic flows to properties of its quantizations.Typically this would be statistical properties of the spectrum of the Hamiltonoperator. For the case of hyperbolic surfaces a classical object that turns outto carry a lot of information related to the quantum system is the transferoperator. Transfer operators come from statistical mechanics and so far itis not possible to construct them directly from the geodesic flow. It is nec-essary to replace it by a symbolic dynamics which is then a special type ofshift. In order to construct such a symbolic dynamics, one needs to haveprecise information on the geometry of the locally symmetric space and itsfundamental group. We will talk about a unified way to construct symbolicdynamics for rank one spaces.

Page 18: Conference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysishora/program-SEP07-ver2507.pdfConference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 { 14, 2007 held at Graduate School

Tokyo, 日独 abstract, 2007/09

Spin characters of infinite complex reflexion groups

Takeshi HIRAI (Kyoto)

Abstract:Let T be a finite abelian group, and put Dn =

∏1≤i≤n Ti, Ti = T (∀i). Then the

symmetric group Sn acts on Dn naturally as

Dn 3 d = (ti)1≤i≤nσ

−→ σ(d) = (tσ−1(i))1≤i≤n ∈ Dn (ti ∈ T, σ ∈ Sn).

The semidirect product Dn o Sn is called the wreath product of T with the symmetricgroup Sn and is denoted by Sn(T ). For a subgroup S of T , we define a canonical normalsubgroup of Sn(T ) as

Sn(T )S :=g=(d,σ)∈Sn(T ); P (d) := t1t2 · · · tn ∈ S


d = (ti) ∈ Dn, σ ∈ Sn.

When n → ∞, we get S∞(T )S as their inductive limits. We have given a unifiedcharacter formula for factor representations of finite type of S∞(T )S .

This time, we take T = Zm, and take a representation group R(G) of G = S∞(T )S

(we may call it as universal covering group of G) and study similar problems, that is, todetermine all the characters of factor representations of finite type and so on.

For the case T = Zm, any subgroup S of T is of the form, for a positive integer p|m,

S = S(p) :=tp ; t ∈ T

∼= Zm/p,

and the following groups are called generalized symmetric groups by M. Oshima(1954), J.W. Davies -A.O. Morris (1974):

G(m, p, n) := Sn(Zm)S(p),

and consists of three infinite families of complex reflexion groups. When n → ∞, we getG(m, p,∞) as thier inductive limits, which are main objects of our study.

In the case where m = 2, G(2, 1, n) = WBnare Weyl groups of type B and their

normal subgroups G(2, 2, n) = WDnare Weyl groups of type D.

Every projective representation of G = G(m, p, n), 1 ≤ n ≤ ∞, can be linealizedby going up to the level of representation group R(G) (universal covering group of G)resolving its obstruction as in the case of compact Lie groups.

In this talk, we discuss spin (= projective) representations and spin characters ofthese groups, in particular for the case n = ∞. Our final goal is to obtain generalcharacter formulas for spin factor representations of finite type.

(jointly with A. Hora and E. Hirai)

Page 19: Conference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysishora/program-SEP07-ver2507.pdfConference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 { 14, 2007 held at Graduate School

Extensions of Hypergroups

Satoshi Kawakami (Nara University of Education)

This is a joint work with Professor Heyer and with my colleagues listed in thereferences as coauthors. We will report some results for the extension problem inthe category of commutative hypergroups, which is to determine all extensions K

of L by H when two hypergroups H and L are given. We think that the extensionproblem is important in order to understand full structures of hypergroups. Thehypergroup K is called an extension of L by H if the hypergroup H is imbeddedin K as a closed subhypergroup and there exists a continuous homomorphism ϕ

from K onto L such that Kerϕ = H.

We will introduce some models of extensions K of L by H.

[i] Fundamental models.(1) hypergroup product H × L, (2) hypergroup join H ∨ L,(3) hypergroup substitutions ([7]).

[ii] Hypergroups constructed from group actions ([1], [5]).[iii] Splitting extensions constructed by applying a notion of a field of compact

subhypergroups of H based on L ([2], [4])[iv] Non-splitting models of extensions of hypergroups L by locally compact

abelian groups H ([6], [8]).[v] Extensions and cohomology of hypergroups ([3]).


[1] Heyer, H., Jimbo, T., Kawakami, S., and Kawasaki, K., : Finite commutativehypergroups associated with actions of finite abelian groups, Bull. Nara Univ.Educ., Vol. 54 (2005), No.2., pp.23-29.[2] Heyer, H. and Kawakami, S. : Extensions of Pontryagin hypergroups,Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Vol. 26, Fasc. 2, 2006, pp.246-260.[3] Heyer, H. and Kawakami, S. : Cohomology and extensions of commutativehypergroups, in preparation.[4] Heyer, H., Katayama, Y., Kawakami, S., and Kawasaki, K. : Extensions offinite commutative hypergroups, Sci. Math. Jap., 65(2007), pp.373-385.[5] Kawakami, S. and Ito, W. : Crossed products of commutative finitehypergroups, Bull. Nara Univ. Educ., Vol.48 (1999), No.2., pp.1-6.[6] Kawakami, S., Sakao, M., and Takeuchi, T. : Non-splitting extensions ofhypergroups of order two, to appear in Bull. Nara Univ. Educ., Vol. 56 (2007).[7] Voit, M : Substitution of open subhypergroups, Hokkaido Math. J. Vol.23(1994), pp.143-183.[8] Voit, M. : Hypergroups on two tori, preprint 2006.

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Real Hardy spaces for Jacobi analysis and its applications


Keio University

Let α, β, λ ∈ C and x ∈ R+ = [0,∞). Let φα,βλ (x) denote the Jacobi

function of order (α, β) and f(λ) the Jacobi transform of f ∈ C∞c,e(R). Then

the map f → f extends to an isometry between L2(∆) = L2(R+, ∆(x)dx)and L

2(R+, |C(λ)|−2dλ), where ∆(x) = (2shx)2α+1(2chx)2β+1 and C(λ) is the

Harish-Chandra C-function. We define a dilation φt, t > 0, of φ ∈ C∞c,e(R) as

preserving the L1(∆)-norm of φ and put Mφ = supt>0 f ∗φt. We introduce areal Hardy space H1(∆) as

H1(∆) = f ∈ L1

loc(∆) ; Mφ(f) ∈ L1(∆).

This space can be characterized by using weighted H1 Hardy spaces on R.Let F (x) = eρxFf(x), where ρ = α + β + 1 and Ff the Abel transform of f ,and put wγ(x) = |thx|γ . Then

‖f‖H1(∆) = ‖Mφ(f)‖L1(∆) ∼



−γ(F )‖H1wγ


where Γ is a finite set in [0, α + 1/2] and W R

−γ is a Weyl type fractionalderivative.

Let ht and pt denote the heat and the Poisson kernels for the Jacobianalysis, that is, even functions on R whose Jacobi transforms ht and pt

are respectively given by ht(λ) = e−t(λ2+ρ2) and pt(λ) = e



. Then,as in the case of the Euclidean space, we can introduce the heat maximaloperator Mh, the Poisson maximal operator MP , the Littelwood-Paley g-function g(f), and the Lusin area function S(f) on R+. These operators arebounded on Lp(∆), p > 1, and satisfies the weak type L1(∆) estimate. Asan application of the real Hardy space H1(∆), we can prove that MP andg-operator are bounded from H1(∆) to L1(∆). As for Mh and S, we needsome modifications to obtain strong boundedness on H1(∆). In the talk weshall consider an interpolation between H

1(∆) and L2(∆).

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Fixed-pooint property of random groups

Takefumi Kondo (Kyoto University)

This talk is due to a joint work with Izeki and Nayatani [1].Zuk showed in [3] that random groups of triangular model with density greater

than 1/3 have Property(T). To prove this theorem, Zuk defined a certain finitegraph L for a presentation of a group and showed that Property(T) can be deducedfrom some spectral condition of L. Property(T) is known to be equivalent to thefixed-point property for Hilbert spaces.

On the other hand, Izeki and Nayatani formulated in [2] a sufficient conditionfor a given discrete group to have the fixed-point property for CAT(0) spaces.

Comnining their result with the result of Zuk, we conclude that random groupswith density greater than 1/3 have a strong fixed-point property.


[1] H. Izeki, T. Kondo, S. Nayatani, Fixed-Point Property of Random Groups,preprint.

[2] H. Izeki and S. Nayatani, Combinatorial Harmonic Maps and Discrete-groupActions on Hadamard Spaces Geometriae Dedicata 114 (2005), 147-188.

[3] A. Zuk, Property (T) and Kazhdan constants for discrete groups, Geom. Funct.Anal. 13 (2003), 643-670.

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Asymptotic Behaviour of Quantum Markov Processes

Burkhard Kummerer

Technische Universitat Darmstadt

The diagram

* *

1 2 313






represents a classical Markov process on the three states 1, 2, 3. When considered as alabelled graph this diagram can be viewed as a road-coloured graph which, in addition,allows a synchronizing word. In this talk we discuss quantum versions of these notions.

The notion of a road-coloured graph generalizes to the non-commutative or quantumcontext, where it becomes an injective *-homomorphism j : A → A⊗ C, where A andC are C*-algebras. Again, we can construct a quantum Markov process from such a*-homomorphism. In the case of a classical Markov process the existence of a synchro-nizing word turns out to be equivalent to the asymptotic completeness of this Markovprocess. As a first step this allows to extend the discussion of synchronizing words toclassical Markov processes with a countable state space. In the non-commutative contextasymptotic completeness can be shown to be equivalent to the possibility of preparingquantum states on A in a such way that we can recognize the idea of a synchronizingword also in this context.

B. Kummerer, M. Maassen: Scattering Theory for Generalized Markov Chains.Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics, Vol. 3(2000), 161 - 176.

T. Wellens, A. Buchleitner; B. Kummerer, H. Maassen: Quantum state prepara-tion via asymptotic completeness. Phys. Rev. Letters 85 (2000), 3361 - 3364.

R. Gohm, B. Kummerer, T. Lang: Noncommutative Symbolic Coding. ErgodicTheory and Dynamical Systems 26 (2006), 1521-1548.

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Amenability and weak amenability of Banach algebras oncommutative hypergroups

Rupert Lasser, Munchen


The L1-algebras of hypergroups have properties which are very differentfrom the L1-algebras of groups. We present new results on the amenabil-ity and weak amenability of the L1-algebras of polynomial hypergroups, see[2]. Among other results we show that l1(h) is not amenable if h(n) → ∞.Moreover we investigate the existence of nonzero bounded point derivations(which is a very weak form of amenability). We derive sufficient and neces-sary conditions for the existence of such derivations, and study examples inthe class of polynomial hypergroups. Finally we present new characteriza-tions of the α-amenability of the L1-algebras extending results of [1].

[1] F. Filbir, R. Lasser and R. Szwarc: Reiter’s condition

P1 and approximate identities for polynomial hypergroups. Mh.Math.143 (2004), 189-203.

[2] R. Lasser. Amenability and weak amenability of l1-algebras of poly-nomial hypergroups. To appear in Studia Mathematica.

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Moments of characteristic polynomials of arandom matrix associated with compact

symmetric spaces

Sho Matsumoto (Kyushu University)

We deal with the compact symmetric spaces G/K classified by Cartan,where G is a compact subgroup in GL(N, C) for some positive integer N , andK is a closed subgroup of G. Assume G/K is realized as a subspace S in G,i.e., S ' G/K, and the probability measure dM on S is then induced fromG/K. We call the probability space (S,dM) the random matrix ensembleassociated with G/K.

For example, U(n)/O(n) is the symmetric space with a restricted rootsystem of type A, and is realized by S = M ∈ U(n) | M = M T

. HereMT stands for the transposed matrix of M . The induced measure dM on S

satisfies the invariance d(HMHT) = dM for any H ∈ U(n). This randommatrix ensemble (S,dM) is well known as the circular orthogonal ensemble(COE for short).

Given the random matrix ensembles (S,dM), we consider the averagesof the products of characteristic polynomials:

〈det(I + x1M) det(I + x2M) · · · det(I + xkM)〉S .

Here the symbol 〈 · 〉S stands for the average with respect to the measuredM . In particular, we are interested in the moment

⟨det(I + M)k


(or⟨|det(I + M)|2k

⟩S) and the asymptotic behavior of this in the limit as the

matrix size goes to infinity.We will express the characteristic polynomial averages in terms of Jack

polynomials or Heckman and Opdam’s Jacobi polynomials depending on theroot system of the space.

Reference: arXiv:math/0608751 (version 3).

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An explicit description of the crystal structureon the set of MV polytopes of type B or C

Satoshi Naito

Institute of Mathematics, University of Tsukuba


I. Mirkovic and K. Vilonen introduced Mirkovic-Vilonen (MV for short)cycles, which are certain (irreducible) algebraic subvarieties of the affine Grass-mannian G = G(K)/G(O) associated to the loop group G(C[t, t−1]), where G isa simply-connected simple algebraic group over C, and K = C((t)), O = C[[t]].They proved that these MV cycles give a (geometric) realization of the ba-sis elements of the (finite-dimansional) irreducible highest weight modules ofG(C). Soon afterward, in order to study MV cycles explicitly by combinatorialmethods, J. E. Anderson introduced MV polytopes, as the images under themoment map of MV cycles in the affine Grassmannian. Furthermore, J. E. An-derson and I. Mirkovic proposed a conjecture (the AM conjecture) describinga crystal structure on MV polytopes, which gives a method for generating MVpolytopes inductively without making use of the “tropical” Plucker relations.This conjecture was verified in type A case by J. Kamnitzer, who also gave acounterexample for type C case.

In this talk, we give and prove a kind of generalization of the original AMconjecture to the cases of B, C types. To be more precise, we first realize MVpolytopes of type B or C as MV polytopes of type A fixed by the natural actionof a Dynkin diagram automorphism. The main point is that, in our realization,Kashiwara operators on MV polytopes of type B or C are certain composites ofKashiwara operators on MV polytopes of type A. Therefore, from the originalAM conjecture (verified by J. Kamnitzer) applied to MV polytopes of type A

fixed by a diagram automorphism, we obtain a polytopal description of thecrystal structure on MV polytopes of type B or C, which is analogous to theoriginal one, but indeed holds.

This is a joint work with Professor D. Sagaki of the University of Tsukuba.

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Group algebras for infinite dimensional Lie groups

Karl-Hermann NeebFachbereich Mathematik, TU Darmstadt

Schloßgartenstr. 7, 64289 Darmstadt

Since an infinite-dimensional Lie group G is not locally compact, it does notpossess an invariant measure, so that there is no canonical group C∗-algebrawhose representations correspond to the unitary representations of G. Howe-ver, there is the notion of a host algebra of a topological group G (due toH. Grundling), which is a natural (weaker) replacement of the concept of thegroup C∗-algebra in the sense that the representations of a host algebra A are inone-to-one correspondence with certain subclass of continuous unitary represen-tations of G. On the level of states, it means that the states of A can be viewedas a subset of the states (= normalized continuous positive definite functions)on G.

In this talk we present an approach to host algebras for infinite dimensio-nal Lie groups which is based on complex involutive semigroups. Any locallybounded absolute value α on such a semigroup S leads in a natural way to aC∗-algebra C∗(S, α), and we describe a setting which permits us to concludethat such a C∗-algebra is a host algebra for a Lie group G.

We further explain how to attach to any such host algebra an invariantweak-∗-closed convex set in the dual of the Lie algebra of G, enjoying certainnice convex geometric properties. If G is the additive group of a locally convexspace, one may thus describe all host algebras arising this way in terms of weak-∗-locally compact subsets of the dual space. This approach further leads to ahost algebra whose representations correspond to the regular representations ofthe canonical commutation relations in infinitely many generators.

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Capelli identities for Hermitian symmetric spaces

Kyo Nishiyama

Kyoto University

This is a joint work with Soo Teck Lee (NUS, Singapore) and AkihitoWachi (Hokkaido Institute of Technology).

We consider dual pair (G, G′) inside a real symplectic group, where G isan automotphism group of Hermitian symmetric domain X. In this case,we present a formula for harmonic polynomials, which lives in the tangentspace of X. We also discuss three different types of dual pairs, and relatedjoint harmonics. These harmonics are killed by certain differential operators.We present a determinantal formula of these differential operators and giveanalogues of Capelli identity.

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Tube domains and basic relative invariants

Takaaki Nomura

Kyushu University

This is a joint work with Hideyuki Ishi. Let w be a complex symmetric matrixof order r, and ∆1(w), . . . , ∆r(w) the principal minors of w. If w belongs tothe Siegel right half space, then it is known that Re


)> 0

for k = 1, . . . , r. In this talk we study this property in three directions. Firstwe show that this holds for general symmetric right half spaces. Second wepresent a non-symmetric right half space with this property of arbitary rank≥ 3. We note that case-by-case verifications up to dimension 10 tell us thatthere is only one such irreducible non-symmetric tube domain among 133irreducibles in which 11 are symmetric. The proof of the property reduces totwo lemmas. One is entirely generalized to non-symmetric cases as we presentin the last part of tha talk. This is the third direction. As a byproduct of ourstudy, we show that the basic relative invariants associated to a homogeneousregular open convex cone Ω studied earlier by Hideyuki Ishi are characterizedas the irreducible factors of the determinant of right multiplication operatorsin the complexification of the clan associated to Ω.

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Asymptotic spectral analysis and applications to

complex networks

Nobuaki ObataGraduate School of Information Sciences

Tohoku UniversitySendai 980-8579 Japan˜obata

Since the epoch-making papers by Watts–Strogatz (1998) and by Barabasi–Albert(1999) the network science has become one of the most fashionable interdisciplinary re-search areas in current years. We are interested in spectral analysis of various networkmodels to investigate further statistical properties, in particular, along with the quantumprobabilistic techniques [1].

In asymptotic spectral analysis of large graphs (or growing graphs) some ideas ofquantum probability are useful, for example (i) the method of quantum decomposition;(ii) various concepts of independence and related central limit theorems; (iii) partitionstatistics and moment-cumulant formulas. I will review these ideas quickly with examples[2] and show an application to a quantum walk [3]. Moreover, I discuss the Erdos–Renyirandom graph and its generalization towards more realistic network models [4].

References[1] A. Hora and N. Obata: “Quantum Probability and Spectral Analysis of Graphs,”

Springer, 2007.[2] A. Hora and N. Obata: Asymptotic spectral analysis of growing regular graphs, to

appear in Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.[3] N. Obata: A note on Konno’s paper on quantum walk, Infin. Dimen. Anal.

Quantum Probab. Rel. Top. 9 (2006), 299–304.[4] S. Liang, N. Obata and S. Takahashi: Asymptotic spectral analysis of generalized

Erdos–Renyi random graphs, to appear in Banach Center Publ.

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Limit sets of Kleinian groups and Harmonic analysis

Martin Olbrich

Let X be the quotient of a real semisimple Lie group by a discrete sub-group. Harmonic analysis on function spaces on X is a fascinating subject,which has strong implications for our understanding of various aspects oflocally symmetric spaces: spectral theory, topology, arithmetic, dynamics.Classically, one assumes that X has finite volume. We explain what canbe done in certain infinite volume cases and highlight the role played by aninteresting fractal set: the limit set of the discrete group.

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An infinite-dimensional representation of a Lie supergroup andapplications to autocorrelations (A. Puttmann, Bochum)

We derive explicit formula for the average I(t) :=∫K Z(t, k)dk, where K is

one of the classical compact Lie groups ON , SON ,UspN ⊂ UN equipped withHaar measure dk normalized by

∫Kdk = 1 and

Z(t, k) :=


Det(ei2ψj IdN −e−


Det(e12φj IdN −e−


= eλN


Det(IdN −e−iψjk)

Det(IdN −e−φjk)

depends on the complex parameter t = (ψ1, . . . , ψn, φ1, . . . , φn) which satifiesReφj > 0 for all j and λN = N



(iψj − φj).The integral average I(t) can be regarded as the numerical part of a character

of an irreducible representation of a Lie supergroup (g, G) restricted to a suitablesubset of a maximal torus of G. The Lie superalgebra g is the Howe dual partnerof the compact group K in the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra osp(W ). It isnaturally represented on a certain infinite dimensional spinor-oscillator moduleAV and the irreducible representation is that on the completion A

KV of of the

space of K–invariant elements of AV .This representation is irreducible and highest weight λN , and its character

is uniquely determined by analyticity, Weyl group invariance, certain weightconstraints and a system of differential equations coming from the Laplace-Casimir invariants of g.

The exact formula for I(t), which looks very much like a classical Weylformula, is derived in terms of the roots of the Lie superalgebra g and the Weylgroup W . Let us state this formula for K = ON ,UspN without going into thedetails of the λ–positive even and odd roots ∆+

λ,0 and ∆+

λ,1 and the Weyl groupW . If Wλ is the isotropy subgroup of W fixing the highest weight λ = λN , then

I(t) =∑


ew(λN )(t)



λ,1(1 − ew(β)(t))∏


λ,0(1 − ew(α)(t))


To prove this formula, that holds even for small N , we check that the propertiesthat uniquely characterize I(t) are satisfied by the righthand side.

This completes earlier work of Conrey, Framer, and Zirnbauer for the caseof UN and others that obtained the above formula by different methods for Nin the stable range.

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Equivariant spectral asymptotics and compact

group actions

(Pablo Ramacher, Gottingen University)

The asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues of elliptic operators has been thesubject of mathematical research for many years. The first results wereobtained by Weyl employing variational techniques. Later, Hormander ex-tended these results to elliptic pseudodifferential operators on a closed man-ifold M using the theory of Fourier integral operators. If Q0 is an ellipticpseudodifferential operator of order m on L2(M), which is positive and sym-metric, its unique self-adjoint extension Q will have pure point spectrum.Denoting by Eλ the eigenspace of Q belonging to the eigenvalue λ, it canthen be shown that the spectral counting function

N(λ) =∑t≤λ

dim Et,

which measures the asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues, satisfies Weyl’slaw

N(λ) =vol B∗M


n/m + O(λ(n−1)/m), λ → ∞,

where vol B∗M denotes the volume of a certain subset of the cotangent bundleT

∗(M) of M . Let now G be a compact Lie group acting on M by isometries,and assume that Q commutes with the regular representation of G in L2(M).It is then natural to ask for an asymptotic formula for

Nκ(λ) = dκ



where µκ(t) denotes the multiplicity of the irreducible representation of G

belonging to the character κ ∈ G of dimension dκ in the eigenspace Et.While first order asymptotics for Nκ(λ) can be obtained in the general caseof effective group actions by using heat kernel methods, the derivation ofremainder estimates within the framework of Fourier integral operators meetswith serious difficulties when singular orbits are present. The reason for thisis that the critical set of the considered phase function is no longer a smoothmanifold, so that, a priori, the principle of the stationary phase can not beapplied. In this talk, we show how to circumvent this obstacle by partiallyresolving the singularities of the critical set to obtain remainder estimatesfor Nκ(λ) in the case of singular group actions.

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Paul Ressel

Exchangeable probability measures and positive definite functions

Exchangeability of a "random object" is a strong symmetry condition, leading in general to a convex set of distributions not too far from a "simplex" - a set easily described by its extreme points, in this case distributions with very special properties as for example iid coin tossing sequences in de Finetti's original result. Although in most cases of interest the symmetry is defined via a non-commutative group acting on the underlying space, it very often can be described by a suitable factorization involving an abelian semigroup. The factorizing function typically turns out to be positive definite, and results from Harmonic Analysis on semigroups become applicable. In this way many known theorems on exchangeability can be given another proof, more analytic/algebraic in a sense, but also new results become available. It should be remarked that the results in question are genuinely infinite dimensional, their finite dimensional analogues are not true.

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Convolution structures associated with

multivariate hypergeometric functions

M. Rosler

Technische Universitat Clausthal

Spherical functions on Riemannian symmetric spaces are known to occuras particular cases of hypergeometric functions associated with root systemswithin the theories of Dunkl, Heckman and Opdam. In this talk, we startfrom discrete series of geometric cases associated with Grassmann mani-folds and their tangent spaces. We interpolate the product formulas of theassociated spherical functions which yields commutative hypergroup struc-tures with multivariate hypergeometric functions as characters, beyond thegeometric cases. This generalizes well-known one-dimensional convolutionstructures of Bessel and Jacobi type to higher rank.

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On the limit distribution of coupled

continuous time random walks

H.P. Scheffler

Fachbereich Mathematik, Universitat Siegen

The continuous time random walk (CTRW) model incorporates waiting timesJi between jumps Yi of a particle. Classical assumptions are that J1, J2, . . .

are iid belonging to some domain of attraction of a stable subordinator D(t);Y1, Y2, . . . are iid belonging to the domain of attraction of an (operator) stableLevy motion A(t) and that (Ji) and (Yi) are independent.

We present a two-fold generalization of this model by considering generaltriangular arrays ∆ = (J

(c)i , Y

(c)i ) : i ≥ 1, c ≥ 1 of waiting times and jumps

with iid rows and allowing arbitrary dependence between the waiting timeJ

(c)i before the jump Y

(c)i . We assume that the row sums of ∆ converge in

distribution to some space-time Levy process (A(t), D(t)). In this generalsetting the limiting distribution of the generalized CTRW modelled by ∆ isof the form M(t) = A(E(t)) where E(t) is the hitting time process of thesubordinator D(t), as in the classical case. However, since A(t) and D(t) aredependent, A(t) and E(t) are dependent. It turns out the the distribution ofM(t) can be represented in terms of (A(t), D(t)) even in this general coupledcase. Moreover the Fourier-Laplace transform of the distribution of M(t) isthe solution to the so-called master equation in statistical physics. Finallythe distribution of M(t) is also the mild-solution of a coupled in space andtime pseudo-differential equation generalizing fractional PDEs.

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Hiroaki Shimomura

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Kochi University

This talk concerns two subjects on representations of topological groups G.First, we assume that G has a σ-finite measure µ on the Borel field B(G) whose right admis-

sible shifts form a dense subgroup G0. Then, we claim that(1) every continuous unitary representation of G has an irreducible decomposition (cf. [4]) andthat(2) every positive-definite continuous function on G correspondes to a unique (up to equiva-lence) continuous unitary representation with a cyclic vector through a method similar to thatused for the G-N-S construction (cf. [5]).

The resuts remain true, if we go to the inductive limits of such groups.Finally, we proceed to an important example of infinite-dimensional groups, the group of

diffeomorphisms Diff∗

0(M) on smooth manifolds M , and see that these results are valid under afairy mild condition.

In the second part of this talk, we assume that G is locally compact with the neutral elemente. Let φ be a continuous positive-definite function such that φ(e) = 1. The cyclic unitaryrepresentation corresponding to φ has an irreducible decomposition through Mautner’s method,and as a result, we have an extreme decomposition of φ to extreme positive-definite continuousfunctions φλ with a probability measure space (Λ, µ). Conversely, suppose that we are given adisintegration of φ

φ(g) =


φλ(g)dµ(λ) for all g ∈ G,

with extreme continuous positive-definite functions φλ and a probability measure space (Λ, µ).Then we ask whether this decomposition is obtained through that of the Mautner method ornot, and find a necessary and sufficient condition (NS) for the positive answer.

Integral expressions of indecomposable characters given by Obata (cf. [1]) which was con-cerend with the work of indecomposable character of Thoma (cf.[6]) has to do with this question.We will show that (NS) does not hold in general, since some of the integral expressions in [1]are the counter-examples.


[1] N.Obata, Integral expression of some indecomposable charscters of the infinite symmetric group interm of irreducible representations, Math.Ann., 287 (1989) 369-375.

[2] E. Shavgulidze, Mesures quasi-invariantes sur les groupes de diffeomorphismes des varietes riemani-ennes, C. R. Acad. Sci., 321 (1995) 229-232.

[3] H. Shimomura, Quasi-invariant measures on the group of diffeomorphisms and smooth vectors ofunitary representations, J. Funct. Anal., 187 (2001) 406-441.

[4] , Irreducible decompositions of unitary representations of infinini-dimensional groups,Math.Z., 251 (2005) 575-587.

[5] , Positive-definite functions on infinite-dimensional groups, Math.Z. (in press).[6] E.Thoma, Die unzerlegbaren positiv-definiten Klassenfunktionen der abzahlbar unendlichen, sym-

metrischen Gruppen, Math.Z., 85 (1964) 40-61.

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This talk surveys recent work which develops aspects of classical random matrix theory inthe broader framework of matrix ensembles associated to classical symmetric spaces. Itis a classical result of Wigner that for an hermitian matrix with independent entries onand above the diagonal, the mean empirical eigenvalue distribution converges weakly to thesemicircle law as matrix size tends to infinity. In joint work [6] with Katrin Hofmann-Credner(Bochum), this has been generalized to random matrices taken from all infinitesimal versionsof classical symmetric spaces. Like Wigner’s, this result is universal in that it only dependson certain assumptions about the moments of the matrix entries, but not on the specificsof their distributions. In the special case of Gaussian matrix entries, it can be sharpenedto a Large Deviations Principle for the empirical eigenvalue distribution ([5], joint workwith Peter Eichelsbacher, Bochum), thus generalizing a well-known result of Ben Arous andGuionnet [2].Joint work [4] with Benoıt Collins (Lyon/Ottawa) is devoted to random vectors of the form(Tr(A(1)V ), . . . , Tr(A(r)V )), where V is a uniformly distributed element of a matrix version ofa classical compact symmetric space, and the A(ν) are deterministic parameter matrices. Itis proven that for increasing matrix sizes these random vectors converge to a joint Gaussianlimit. This generalizes work of Diaconis et al. (e.g. [1]) on the compact classical groups.

The proof uses integration formulae of Collins and Sniady [3], which are firmly rooted inclassical invariant theory. This motivates a final remark on another aspect of the interplaybetween matrix integrals and invariant theory, based on joint work [7] with Tatsuya Tate(Nagoya).


[1] A. D’Aristotile, P. Diaconis and C. Newman, Brownian motion and the classical groups, in: Probability,statistics and their applications: papers in honor of Rabi Bhattacharya, IMS, Beachwood, OH, 2003,97–116.

[2] G. Ben Arous and A. Guionnet, Large deviations for Wigner’s law and Voiculescu’s non-commutative

entropy, Probab. Theory Related Fields 108 (1997), no. 4, 517–542.

[3] B. Collins and P. Sniady, Integration with respect to the Haar measure on unitary, orthogonal and

symplectic group, Comm. Math. Phys. 264 (2006) 773–795.[4] B. Collins and M. Stolz, Borel theorems for random elements of the classical compact symmetric spaces,

arXiv:math/0611708, Ann. of Probab., in press.[5] P. Eichelsbacher and M. Stolz, Large deviations for random matrix ensembles in mesoscopic physics,

arXiv:math/0610811[6] K. Hofmann-Credner and M. Stolz, Wigner theorems for random matrices with dependent entries: en-

sembles associated to symmetric spaces and sample covariance matrices, arXiv:0707.2333[7] M. Stolz and T. Tate, Asymptotics of matrix integrals and tensor invariants of compact Lie groups,

arXiv:math/0610720, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., in press

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Michael Voit:

Limit theorems for radial random walks of high dimensions

Universitat Dortmund

Consider a problem of the following kind: Let ν be a fixed probability measure on [0,∞[

satisfying suitable moment conditions; for each dimension p ∈ N consider the radial, time homo-

geneous random walk (Spk)k≥0 on Rp starting at 0 ∈ Rp , such that at each step of time the jumps

are independent with uniformly distributed directions and jump sizes with distribution ν . The

task is now to find limit theorems for the [0,∞[-valued random variables ‖Spk

k ‖2 for k → ∞ for

suitable sequences (pk)k∈N ⊂ N of dimensions with pk → ∞ .

In this talk we present laws of large numbers and a large deviation principle in this setting.

The proofs are based on considering the distributions of the [0,∞[-valued random variables ‖Spk‖

as Bessel-type convolution powers of ν which can be analyzed by using Hankel transforms. Using

an uniform asymptotic approximation of Bessel functions of high indices in terms of a suitable

exponential, one obtains limit relations for Laplace transforms for the distributions of the ‖Spk‖2

which then leads to limit theorems.

We shall also present an extension of these results to a higher rank case where Rp is replaced

by the space of p×q matrices over F = R, C or the quaternions, and [0,∞[ by the cone of positive

semidefinite matrices. In this setting, similar results hold, where now Bessel functions Jµ of matrix

argument and asymptotic results for the Jµ as µ → ∞ appear. We finally mention that these

results admit also interpretations for Dunkl-type Bessel functions of type Bq .

The talk is based on joint work with M. Rosler.


Page 39: Conference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysishora/program-SEP07-ver2507.pdfConference on In nite-Dimensional Harmonic Analysis September 10 { 14, 2007 held at Graduate School

Isotropy representations

and Howe duality correspondence

Hiroshi Yamashita (Hokkaido University)

This is a continuation of my talks “Two dual pair methods in the study ofgeneralized Whittaker models for irreducible highest weight modules” (1999,Kyoto) and “Isotropy representations for unitary highest weight modules andharmonic analysis on certain compact symmetric spaces” (2003, Tubingen)delivered at the previous German-Japanese symposia on infinite dimensionalharmonic analysis.

The notion of isotropy representation, attributed to David Vogan, givesa refinement of the multiplicity in the associated cycle attached to Harish-Chandra modules for real reductive groups G. It plays an essential role tounderstand infinite dimensional irreducible representations of G in connec-tion with nilpotent orbits in the Lie algebras.

In this talk, I will survey some recent progress on the study of isotropyrepresentations for Harish-Chandra modules with irreducible associated va-riety. More precisely, we first discuss the isotropy representations for thediscrete series by means of the principal symbol of differential operators ofgradient-type on Riemannian symmetric spaces. Together with a recent re-sult by Barchini and Zierau, a precise relationship will be clarified betweenthe above principal symbol and the fiber of the moment map defined on cer-tain conormal bundle on generalized flag variety. Secondly, we look at theHowe duality correspondence for the reductive dual pairs where one of themembers is compact. This duality theorem, or a classical result of Kashi-wara and Vergne can be reproduced to large extent, by using the isotropyrepresentation for the tensor products of the Weil representation.


[1] H. Yamashita, Two dual pair methods in the study of generalizedWhittaker models for unitary highest weight modules, in: “Infinite Dimen-sional Harmonic Analysis (H. Heyer, T. Hirai and N. Obata Eds.)”, Trans-actions of Japanese-German Symposium held from September 20th to 24th,1999 at Kyoto University, pp. 373–387, Grabner, Altendorf, 2000.

[2] H. Yamashita, Isotropy representation for Harish-Chandra modules,“Infinite Dimensional Harmonic Analysis III (H. Heyer, T. Hirai, T. Kawazoeand K. Saito Eds.)”, World Scientific, pp. 325–351, 2005.