configuration básica mikrotik hotspot

Mikrotik RouterOS includes an excellent hotspot solution. Read on for details on getting a basic hotspot going using RouterOS on any standard x86 PC hardware or a RouterBOARD. The RouterOS hotspot solution is very powerful and only the very basics of the solution are covered here; just enough to get you started. Getting the Hotspot to Work  First of all you will need to have a copy of RouterOS. You can purchase a license or download a 24- hour trial from Mikrotik. RouterBOARDs also usually come with RouterOS pre-licensed and installed. You will also need a computer with at least a 100MHz CPU, 32MB RAM and an IDEhard disk, or a RouterBOARD. Either method you choose will need a compatible wireless cardand Ethernet adapter, or two Ethernet adapters with one connected to a standard wirelessaccess point. You should check your hardware against the R outerOS compatibility list. If you are installing RouterOS for the first time, download the ISO image from Mikrotik and burn it to CD. Note that installation of RouterOS will completely wipe the contents of the hard disk! Boot the PC off this CD and install the following packages:  System  DHCP  Wireless  Hotspot  Proxy  User Manager (optional)  Security (optional - recommended)  Advanced tools (optional) Now to get started. Log onto the PC as admin with no password. If this box intended for deployment, change set a password by typing in password at the prompt. Change the hostname by typing in name. Assign an IP address to each interface. As this is going to be set up as a router, they will need to be on a different subnet. Substitute wlan1 with ether2 if you have a separate access point. [admin@Mikrotik] > ip address add address= interface=ether1 [admin@Mikrotik] > ip address add address= interface=wlan1 Now we need to add a default route to the IP of the internet router. [admin@MikroTik] > ip route add gateway Enable the wireless interface and set it to run as an access point as below. If you have an access point instead, ignore the command below, make sure it is running with no security enabled, use a suitable SSID and channel and change its admin password.

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7/31/2019 Configuration Básica MikroTik hotspot 1/5

Mikrotik RouterOS includes an excellent hotspot solution. Read on for details on getting a basichotspot going using RouterOS on any standard x86 PC hardware or a RouterBOARD. TheRouterOS hotspot solution is very powerful and only the very basics of the solution are covered

here; just enough to get you started.

Getting the Hotspot to Work

First of all you will need to have a copy of RouterOS. You can purchase a license or download a 24-hour trial from Mikrotik. RouterBOARDs also usually come with RouterOS pre-licensed andinstalled. You will also need a computer with at least a 100MHz CPU, 32MB RAM and an IDEharddisk, or a RouterBOARD. Either method you choose will need a compatible wireless cardandEthernet adapter, or two Ethernet adapters with one connected to a standard wirelessaccess point.You should check your hardware against the RouterOS compatibility list. If you are installingRouterOS for the first time, download the ISO image from Mikrotik and burn it to CD. Note thatinstallation of RouterOS will completely wipe the contents of the hard disk! Boot the PC off this CDand install the following packages:

System DHCP Wireless Hotspot Proxy User Manager (optional) Security (optional - recommended) Advanced tools (optional)

Now to get started. Log onto the PC as admin with no password. If this box intended fordeployment, change set a password by typing in password at the prompt. Change the hostname bytyping in name. Assign an IP address to each interface. As this is going to be set up as a router,they will need to be on a different subnet. Substitute wlan1 with ether2 if you havea separate access point.

[admin@Mikrotik] > ip address add address=[admin@Mikrotik] > ip address add address= interface=wlan1

Now we need to add a default route to the IP of the internet router.

[admin@MikroTik] > ip route add gateway

Enable the wireless interface and set it to run as an access point as below. If you have an accesspoint instead, ignore the command below, make sure it is running with no security enabled, use asuitable SSID and channel and change its admin password.

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[admin@Mikrotik]> interface wireless set wlan1 ssid="My HotSpot"band=2.4ghz-b mode=ap-bridge

Run the hotspot setup as below. Substitute the values in italics to suit your network. The useraccount bears no relation to the admin account and is used for the hotspot service only. You mayalso need to add a host record to your DNS server for the hostname of the hotspot box. Make surethe address pool does not conflict with any devices using static IPs, such as access points.

[admin@MikroTik] > ip hotspot setuphotspot interface: wlan1local address of network: network: yes

address pool of network: certificate: noneip address of smtp server: servers: name: hotspot.mydomain.netname of local hotspot user: user

password for the user: password

That’s the guts of it there. Fire up your laptop, associate to the network and try to access a webpage. You should be redirected to the hotspot login page instead where you can enter the user

credentials you set up earlier. Click the thumbnails for a full view of the default page.

You should now be able to access the web normally and a pop-up window will display yourconnection time and data usage as you go.

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Bear in mind I have left out the certificate so usernames and passwords will be sent as plain text. Ifyou intend on deploying the hotspot, you should install a certificate on it and set up SSL to protectaccount data from being sniffed. Setting up User Manager The User Manager is a nice and simpleweb administration for setting up user account for the MikroTik hotspot and other services. It can behosted on either the same box as the hotspot or located in a separate box on the same local

network. One User Manager package can control multiple hotspots. Before getting the UserManager set up, check for any existing hotspot account and remove them. To do this, run thefollowing command:

[admin@MikroTik] > ip hotspot user printFlags: X - disabled, D - dynamic# SERVER NAME ADDRESS PROFILE UPTIME 0 fred default 0s

If any items are listed (in this case bob), run the following command to remove them:

[admin@MikroTik] > ip hotspot user remove 0

You can delete multiple items at the same time, simply separate each item number with a comma.To get the User Manager working we first need to add a customer login. This is used to access theUM web administration. Make sure you substitute the values in italics to suit.

[admin@MikroTik] > tool user-manager customer add login=hs_admin


Now we need to add the hotspot as a RADIUS client to the user manager. This is done under theuser manager router section. The shared secret can be any string of text and should be reasonablylong and complex. If you are setting the user manager up on the same box as the hotspot, use127.0.0.1 for the IP address.

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[admin@MikroTik] > tool user-manager router add ip-address=hotspot-ipshared-secret=12345 subscriber=hs_admin

In return, we need to set up the hotspot to use RADIUS for user authentication. First this involvescreating a RADIUS client to communicate with the UM. Remember that if you have both services onthe same box, the IP address should be set to The secret should be the same as you setup above.

[admin@MikroTik] > radius add service=hotspot address=ip-address


Now we tell the hotspot itself to use a RADIUS client. First bring up a list of hotspot profiles:

[admin@MikroTik] > ip hotspot profile print

Locate the profile in use and type the following command where 1 is the number of the profile toconfigure:

[admin@MikroTik] > ip hotspot profile set 1 use-radius=yes

Now we are done with configuration. Browse to http://router-ip/userman where router-ip is the IPaddress of the box you are configuring User Manager on. Login using the customer username andpassword created earlier. Click on the User menu and select Add. Enter in a username, passwordand any other details you wish. You can limit the speed the client can access the internet byselecting the Rate limits checkbox and typing in a suitable speed (e.g. for a flat128kBps download/64kBps upload speed limit simply type in 128k in the RX field and 64k in the TXfield). Click Add and you should be able to now access the hotspot using the username andpassword you specified. If you want to generate a printable ticket for the users you set up, click onthe Users link, select the users to make a ticket for, click Generate and select the number of ticketsper page.

Other Tips

You can also go a step further and play with some other available options, as this only skims thesurface of the hotspot capabilities. I’ll post more notes as I play with additional options. 1. To disable communication between wireless clients (recommended), disable the default forward

option on the wirelessinterface.

interface wireless set wlan1 default-forward=disabled

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2. To set up a walled garden (pages people can access without authenticating), use the followingcommand:

ip hotspot walled-garden add


To limit client bandwidth type the following, replacing profilename with the current hotspot profilein use and speed with the rate limit in bits per second:

ip hotspot profile set profilename rate-limit =”speed“

4. You can customise the login and status pages by editing the files in the hotspot directory of theMikrotik box. You can access these via FTP.

Taken From : Marlborough Wireless Project