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Revised Summer 2016 / 5777 תשע''ז


Springfield, VA 22152




Revised Summer 2016 / 5777 תשע''ז

Formatting, Typsetting, and Layout: Russell Nadel, Robin Gross

Poetry and English Reading Selection: Amelia Cohen-Levy, Eileen Kugler

Cover Art: Fran L. Nadel (2012)

Pronunciation Guide for the transliterated Hebrew:

a or ah: as in “father” i: as in “she”

ai: as in “by” o or oh: as in “boat”

aw: as in “call” oi or oy: as in “boy”

e or eh: as in “pet” u: as in “true”

ey: as in “hey” tz: as in “lots”

ch: guttural, as in German “Bach” or Scottish “loch”

’: glottal separation, as in “uh-oh” or “shebang”

– separates discrete syllables

“Yisrael” is always pronounced “yees-rah-eyl”

This publication is intended for non-commercial, congregational, worship service use,

and should not be distributed or sold.

No claim of original intellectual property or ownership is made for any materials herein.

This publication contains the Name of GOD. Please treat it with appropriate respect.


Table of Contents

THE EREV SHABBAT SERVICE ................................................................................................ 1

Shabbat Candle-Lighting ............................................................................................................. 1

Reading: “A Family Prayer”.................................................................................................. 1

Shalom Aleychem ....................................................................................................................... 2

Reading: “The Spirit of Shabbat”.......................................................................................... 3

Reading: from “Wellfleet Sabbath” ....................................................................................... 3

Reading: “Prayer” ............................................................................................................... 4

Reading: “Release Us, Renew Us” ........................................................................................ 4

Blessings Over Children .............................................................................................................. 5

Mah Tovu .................................................................................................................................. 6

Y’did Nefesh .............................................................................................................................. 7

Excerpt from Psalm 95: “L’chu N’ran’nah” ..................................................................................... 8

Excerpt from Psalm 96: “Yism’chu Ha-Shamayim” ......................................................................... 9

Excerpt from Psalm 97: “Or Zaru-a” ............................................................................................. 9

Reading: “GOD Is In the Hope” ............................................................................................ 9

Reading: “Social Action” .................................................................................................... 10

L’chah Dodi (selected verses) .................................................................................................... 11

Excerpt from Psalm 92: “Tov L’Hodot” ....................................................................................... 12

Bar’chu — Ma-ariv Aravim ......................................................................................................... 13

Reading: “An Appendix to the Vision of Peace” ................................................................... 14

Reading: “Where We Can Find GOD” .................................................................................. 15

Ahavat Olam ............................................................................................................................ 16

Reading: “Listen!” ............................................................................................................ 17

Sh’ma – V’ahavta ..................................................................................................................... 19

Reading: “Draws in, fills, heaves” ....................................................................................... 24

Reading: “My Life By Water” ............................................................................................. 24

Mi Chamochah ......................................................................................................................... 25

Miriam’s Song .................................................................................................................. 26

Hashkiveynu – Haporeys Sukat Shalom ...................................................................................... 27

Reading: “Your Tabernacle of Peace” ................................................................................. 28

V’sham’ru ................................................................................................................................ 29

Reading: “The Pause Between the Notes” ........................................................................... 29

Reading: “A Short Amidah”................................................................................................ 30

Chatzi Kaddish ......................................................................................................................... 31

Silent Amidah (including “Shalom Rav” on page 39) .................................................................... 32

May the Words ................................................................................................................. 41

Teyn Lo Mishelo ............................................................................................................... 41

Reading: “We Reach for You” ............................................................................................ 41


Reading: “Prayer” ............................................................................................................. 42

Reading: “To Know Healing” .............................................................................................. 43

Mi Shebeyrach (A Prayer for Healing) ......................................................................................... 43

Mageyn Avot............................................................................................................................ 44

Reading: “Where is Holiness?” ........................................................................................... 45

Reading: “Where Everything is Music” ................................................................................ 46

Kaddish Shaleym ...................................................................................................................... 47

Reading: “Connections are Made Slowly” ............................................................................ 49

Kiddush ................................................................................................................................... 50

Aleynu..................................................................................................................................... 51

Reading: “Merger” ............................................................................................................ 53

Readings: Meditations before the Mourner’s Kaddish ........................................................... 54

Mourner’s Kaddish .................................................................................................................... 57

Adon Olam .............................................................................................................................. 59

ADDITIONAL PRAYERS AND SONGS ................................................................................... 61

Psalm 150: “Hal’luyah” ............................................................................................................. 61

Excerpt from Psalm 150: “Hal’lu, Hal’lu, Hal’lu” ........................................................................... 62

Eretz Zavat Chalav ................................................................................................................... 62

EYLI, EYLI ................................................................................................................................. 62

Erev Shel Shoshanim ................................................................................................................ 63

T’filat Haderech ........................................................................................................................ 64

Amar Rabi Y’hudah ................................................................................................................... 64

Lo Ira ...................................................................................................................................... 65

Esa Eynai ................................................................................................................................ 65

Hiney Mah Tov ......................................................................................................................... 65

Shehecheyanu ......................................................................................................................... 66

Yih’yu L’ratzon ......................................................................................................................... 66

Mah Yafeh Hayom .................................................................................................................... 66

Ma Navu .................................................................................................................................. 67

Sim Shalom ............................................................................................................................. 67

Od Yavo Shalom Aleynu (Salaam, Shalom) ................................................................................. 67

Havdalah: Ha-Mavdil Beyn Kodesh – Eliyahu Ha-Navi .................................................................. 68

Y’rushalayim Shel Zahav ........................................................................................................... 69

Eyes on the Prize ..................................................................................................................... 71

Havah Nagilah ......................................................................................................................... 72

Tzenah, Tzenah ....................................................................................................................... 72

David Melech Yisrael ................................................................................................................. 72

Heyveynu Shalom Aleychem ..................................................................................................... 73

Yism’chu Ha-Shamayim ............................................................................................................ 73

Artza Alinu ............................................................................................................................... 73


Am Yisrael Chai ........................................................................................................................ 74

Mayim Mayim (Ush’avtem Mayim).............................................................................................. 74

Eyleh Chamdah Libi .................................................................................................................. 74

Dodi Li .................................................................................................................................... 75

V’nomar L’fanav ....................................................................................................................... 76

Lo Yisa Goy ............................................................................................................................. 76

Gesher Tzar M’od ..................................................................................................................... 76

Bashanah Haba-ah ................................................................................................................... 77

V’ha-eyr Eyneynu ..................................................................................................................... 78

Yism’chu V’mal’chut’cha ............................................................................................................ 78

SPECIAL PRAYERS AND SONGS BY DEBBIE FRIEDMAN ...................................................... 79

And the Youth Shall See Visions ................................................................................................ 79

Im Tirtzu ................................................................................................................................. 80

L’chi Lach ................................................................................................................................ 80

Not By Might, Nor By Power ...................................................................................................... 81

Sing Unto GOD ......................................................................................................................... 81

FURTHER READINGS, POEMS, AND MEDITATIONS ............................................................. 82

“The Summer Day” (abridged) (Mary Oliver) .............................................................................. 82

Excerpt from “A State of Siege” (Mahmoud Darwish) ................................................................... 82

“Wild Geese” (Mary Oliver) ........................................................................................................ 83

“I Begin with a Prayer of Gratitude” (Ruth Brin) .......................................................................... 83

Excerpts from “Ben Tehillim: On Fleeing His City” (Shmuel HaNagid) ............................................ 84

“I Know Not Your Ways” (Malka Heifetz Tussman) ...................................................................... 84

Excerpts from “The Book of Yukel” (Edmond Jabès) .................................................................... 85

Excerpt from “The Book of Resemblances” (Edmond Jabès) ......................................................... 85

“The Absentee Landlord” (Charles Simic).................................................................................... 87

From “Gods Change, Prayers are Here to Stay” (Yehuda Amichai) ................................................ 87

From “Saladin’s Begging Bowl” (Maulana Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī) ......................................................... 88

“A Great Wagon” (Maulana Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī) ............................................................................. 88

“A Long Time Ago” (Paulina V. Adelman) ................................................................................... 89

From “Jewish Travel” (Yehuda Amichai) ..................................................................................... 89

SPECIAL THANKS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS to: ................................................................ 90



Shabbat Candle-Lighting

Baruch Atah ADONAI, , היי רוךאת ב

ELOHEYNU melech ha-olam, ,ם עול לךה ינומ אלה

asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav, ,יו נובמצות אשרקדש

vitzivanu l’hadlik neyr shel Shabbat. .ת רשלשב נולהדליקנ וצו

Blessed are You, O LORD our GOD, King of the Universe,

who commands us to light the Sabbath candles.

Reading: “A Family Prayer”

We thank You, O LORD, for Your gift of

Shabbat, for the home in which we

observe it, and for the dear ones with

whom we share it.

May the joys of Shabbat gladden our

hearts, and may its peace quiet our


Bring us closer to one another in love,

with laughter and soft words, with shared

concerns and mutual respect.

Help us to make our home a

sanctuary, warmed by reverence,

adorned by tradition, with family

bonds that are strong and enduring,

based on truth, trust, and


Keep us far from strife and anger; may

we be spared shame and reproach.

Help us so to live in the week ahead

that You may look upon all we have

done and find it good and worthy of

Your blessing.



Shalom Aleychem

Shalom aleychem, malachey ha-shareyt, ,ת ר יכם,מלאכיהש לוםעל ש

malachey elyon, ,יעליון מלאכ

mimelech mal’chey ham’lachim כים יהמל ממלךמלכ

hakadosh baruch hu. .רוךהוא דושב הק

Bo-achem l’shalom, malachey ha-shalom, ,לום יהש לום,מלאכ בואכםלש

malachey elyon, ,יעליון מלאכ

mimelech mal’chey ham’lachim כים יהמל ממלךמלכ

hakadosh baruch hu. .רוךהוא דושב הק

Bar’chuni l’shalom, malachey ha-shalom, ,לום יהש לום,מלאכ רכונילש ב

malachey elyon, ,יעליון מלאכ

mimelech mal’chey ham’lachim כים יהמל ממלךמלכ

hakadosh baruch hu. .רוךהוא דושב הק

Tzteyt’chem l’shalom, malachey ha-shalom, ,לום יהש לום,מלכ אתכםלש צ

malachey elyon, ,יעליון מלאכ

mimelech mal’chey ham’lachim כים יהמל ממלךמלכ

hakadosh baruch hu. .רוךהוא דושב הק

Peace be with you, O ministering angels,

messengers of the Most High, majesty of

majesties, Holy One of Blessing.

Enter in peace, O messengers of

the Most High, majesty of majesties,

Holy One of Blessing.

Bless me with peace, O messengers of

the Most High, majesty of majesties,

Holy One of Blessing.

Depart in peace, O messengers of the

Most High, majesty of majesties,

Holy One of Blessing.


Reading: “The Spirit of Shabbat”

Shabbat has come with its embrace of

peace, with “Angels of Peace,” with

healing and hope.

Bless us, O LORD, as we worship

together; help us to share this

Shabbat in love.

We thank You, O GOD, for the strength to

work; we thank You also for the gift of

rest. We thank You for Your gift of

Shabbat, a reminder of our liberation

from Egyptian bondage.

May this Shabbat bring us liberation,

from care and worry, from anxiety

and fear; may it break the chains

which enslave us, keeping us in

bondage to unworthy habits.

May this Shabbat help us to free

ourselves from petty thoughts, harsh

words, and mean acts;

May it inspire us to work for the

liberation of all—from poverty and

ignorance, violence and hatred.

May this Shabbat lead us to enlist in Your

service, to study Your Torah, to walk in its


So that every day may be blessed

with Your peace, and the spirit of

Shabbat may govern our lives.

Reading: from “Wellfleet Sabbath”

The great doors of the Sabbath are


open over the ocean, loosing the moon

floating up slow—distorted—vast, a copper

balloon just sailing free.

The sweet beeswax candles flicker

and sigh, standing between the phlox

and the roast chicken. The wine shines

its red lantern of joy.

Here on this piney sandspit, the Shechinah

comes on the short strong wings of the


sparrow raising her song and bringing

down the fresh clean night.

– Marge Piercy

from Kol Haneshamah: Shabbat Vehagim, 3rd ed., ©1994/2006,

The Reconstructionist Press, Elkins Park, PA.


Reading: “Prayer”

Teach me, my GOD, a blessing, a prayer On the mystery of a withered leaf On ripened fruit so fair On the freedom to see, to sense, To breathe, to know, to hope, to despair. Teach my lips a blessing, a hymn of praise As each morning and night You renew Your days, Lest my days be as the one before, Lest routine set my ways.

– Leah Goldberg translated from the Hebrew by Pnina Peli

From Kol Haneshamah: Shabbat Vehagim, 3rd ed., ©1994/2006, The Reconstructionist Press, Elkins Park, PA.

Reading: “Release Us, Renew Us”

ADONAI, GOD of the outstretched hand, Who brought our ancestors out of confinement in Egypt, Release all those whose bodies are confined in their pursuit of justice.

Release us from the prisons and the calluses We have constructed around our hearts. Release our hands from the shackles we have placed on them, And guide them to their work.

Release our minds from the deceptions in which they are imprisoned. Remove exhaustion from our eyelids and our bodies. Release our spirits from terror and fear.

Renew us that we may be renewed; Set us on our journey to the land we are to enter. – Ellen Dannin

From Kesher: The Berkeley Hillel Siddur for Shabbat, ed. David Singer, ©2003,


Blessings Over Children

For boys:

Y’simcha ELOHIM k’Efra-im v’chi-M’nasheh. .יםוכמנשה ישימךאלהיםכאפר

May GOD grant you the blessings of Ephraim and Menasheh,

who understood that wherever they lived

their Jewishness was the essence of their lives;

who loved and honored their elders and teachers,

and who cherished one another without pettiness or envy,

humbly accepting the blessings that were theirs.*

For girls:

Y’simeych ELOHIM k’Sarah, Rivkah, Racheyl, v’Ley-ah.

ה, ה,רבק ר ךאלהיםכש ישימ

ה. א ל,ול ח ר May GOD bless you:

with the strength and vision of Sarah,

with the wisdom and foresight of Rebecca,

with the courage and compassion of Rachel,

with the gentleness and graciousness of Leah—

and with their faith in the promise of our people’s heritage.*

For all:

Y’varech’cha ADONAI v’yish-m’recha. .ך וישמר כךיי ר יב

May GOD bless you and guard you.

Ya-eyr ADONAI panav eylecha vichuneka. . ך נ יךויח ל יוא נ פ אריי י

May GOD show you favor and be gracious to you.

Yisa ADONAI panav eylecha v’yaseym l’cha shalom.

יך ל יוא נ פ איי יש

לום. םלךש ש וי May GOD show you kindness and grant you peace.

* From Siddur Sim Shalom: For Shabbat and Festivals, ©1998, The Rabbinical Assembly, U.S.C.J., New York, NY.


Mah Tovu

Ma tovu ohalecha Ya-akov, ,ליךיעקב מהטובואה

mishk’notecha Yisrael. .ל א משכנתיךישר

Va-ani b’rov chasd’cha avo veytecha, ,יתך בואב ואניברבחסדךא

Eshtachaveh el heychal kawdsh’cha דשך יכלק אשתחוהאלה

b’yiratecha. .תך בירא

ADONAI, ahavti m’on beytecha, ,יתך הבתימעוןב ,א יי

Um’kom mishkan k’vodecha. .ומקוםמשכןכבודך

Va-ani eshtachaveh v’echra-a, ,ה ע ואניאשתחוהואכר

Evr’chah lifney ADONAI osi. .עשי ייי הלפנ אברכ

Va-ani t’filati l’cha ADONAI, eyt ratzon. .צון תר ,ע תילךיי ואניתפל

ELOHIM, b’rawv chasdecha, ,בחסדך אלהים,בר

Aneyni be-emet yishecha. .ניבאמתישעך ענ

How good are your tents, O Jacob,

Your dwellings, O Israel!

It is through your abundant love that I enter Your home.

I will bow in awe in the direction of Your holy temple.

ADONAI, I love the temple, Your home

And the place where Your glory dwells.

I will bow down low and prostrate myself before ADONAI, my Creator.

May my prayer find favor in Your sight, ADONAI.

In the abundance of Your loving-kindness,

Answer me in the truth of your salvation.


Y’did Nefesh

Y’did nefesh, av harachaman, ,ן רחמ בה ידידנפש, א

m’shoch av-d’cha el r’tzonecha, ,משךעבדךאלרצונך

yarutz av-d’cha k’mo ayal, ,ל רוץעבדךכמואי י

yishtachaveh el mul hadarecha; ;רך ישתחוהאלמולהד

ye-erav lo y’didutecha יערבלוידידותך

minofet tzuf v’chawl ta-am. .עם לט מנפתצוףוכ

Hadur, na-eh, ziv ha-olam, ,ם עול אה, זיוה דור, נ ה

nafshi cholat ahavatecha; ;תך נפשיחולתאהב

ana, EYL na, r’fa na lah, ,ה אל אנ א, רפ לנ א,א נ א

b’harot lah no-am zivecha; ;הנעםזיוך בהראותל

az titchazeyk v’titrapey, ,א קותתרפ זתתחז א

v’ha-y’tah lah simchat olam. .ם השמחתעול הל ית וה

Vatik, yehemu na rachamecha, ,ארחמיך תיק, יהמונ ו

v’chusah na al beyn ahuvecha; ;ןאהובך אעלב וחוס הנ

ki zeh kamah nichsof nichsafti, ,כיזהכמ הנכסףנכספתי

lirot b’tiferet uzecha; ;זך לראותבתפארתע

ana, EYLI, machmad libi, ,דלבי לי, מחמ א,א נ א

chusah na, v’al titalam. .ם א, ואלתתעל חוס הנ

Higaleh na ufros, chavivi, alai לי אופרש, חביבי,ע הנ ל הג

et sukat sh’lomecha; ;אתס כתשלומך

Ta-ir eretz mik’vodecha, ,אירארץמכבודך ת

nagilah v’nism’chah bach; ;ך הב הונשמח גיל נ

maheyr, ehov, ki va mo-eyd, ,ד אמוע ר,אהב, כיב מה

v’chawneynu kimey olam. .ם יעול נוכימ נ וח


Lover of my soul, merciful GOD,

bring Your servant close to Your will.

Your servant will run like a gazelle, to prostrate before Your glory,

for Your companionship is purer than any fine taste or flavor.

Perfect, pleasing radiance of the world, my soul desires Your love.

Please, GOD, heal my soul now, as You show it the pleasantness of Your light.

Now, strengthen and heal it, and my soul will serve you forever.

Ancient one, many your mercies be made manifest,

And have compassion on me, Your own child; fill my love for You.

For it is so long that I have faithfully waited, to see the glory of Your strength.

Please, my GOD, the desire of my heart, hurry and do not hide!

Please, my Beloved, reveal Yourself, and spread over me the shelter of Your peace.

Fill the world with the light of Your glory, so that we may rejoice and be happy in You.

Be quick, my Love, for the time has come.

Have mercy on me as in days of old.

Excerpt from Psalm 95: “L’chu N’ran’nah”

L’chu n’ran’na ladonai . הליי לכונרננ

Nariah l’tzur yisheynu, .נו הלצורישע ריע נ

N’kad’ma fanav b’todah, ,ה יובתוד נ הפ נקדמ

Biz’mirot nariah lo. .ריעלו בזמרותנ

O come, let us sing unto the LORD;

let us shout for joy to the rock of our salvation.

Let us come before GOD’S presence with thanksgiving,

let us shout for joy unto GOD with psalms.


Excerpt from Psalm 96: “Yism’chu Ha-Shamayim”

Yis’m’chu ha-shamayim v’tageyl ha-aretz. .רץ א לה ג מיםות ישמחוהש

Yiram hayam um’lo-o. .ו םומלא רעםהי י

Let the heavens rejoice; let the earth be glad.

Let the sea and all it contains exult.

Excerpt from Psalm 97: “Or Zaru-a”

Or zaru-a latzadik ul’yishrey leyv simcha. .ה בשמח י-ל עלצדיקולישר ר אורז

Light is sown for the righteous and joy for the upright in heart.

Reading: “GOD Is In the Hope”

GOD is in the hope

Which, like a shaft of light,

Cleaves the dark abysms

Of sin, of suffering, and of despair.

GOD is in the love

Which creates, protects, forgives.

It is GOD’S spirit

That broods upon the chaos we have wrought,

Disturbing its static wrongs,

And stirring into life the formless beginnings

Of the new and better world.

– Mordechai M. Kaplan (adapted)

from Kol Haneshamah: Shabbat Vehagim, 3rd ed., ©1994/2006, The Reconstructionist Press, Elkins Park, PA.


Reading: “Social Action”

We cannot merely pray to GOD to end war;

For the world was made in such a way

That we must find our own path of peace

Within ourselves and with our neighbor.

We cannot merely pray to GOD to root out prejudice;

For we already have eyes

With which to see the good in all people

If we would only use them rightly.

We cannot merely pray to GOD to end starvation;

For we already have the resources

With which to feed the entire world

If we would only use them wisely.

We cannot merely pray to GOD to end despair;

For we already have the power

To clear away slums and to give hope

If we would only use our power justly.

We cannot merely pray to GOD to end disease:

For we already have great minds

With which to search our cures and healings

If we would only use them constructively.

Therefore we pray instead

For strength, determination, and will power,

To do instead of merely to pray

To become instead of merely to wish;

That our world may be safe,

And that our lives may be blessed.

– Jack Reimer (adapted)

from Kol Haneshamah: Shabbat Vehagim, 3rd ed., ©1994/2006, The Reconstructionist Press, Elkins Park, PA.


L’chah Dodi (selected verses)


L’chah dodi likrat kalah, ,ה הדודילקראתכל לכ

p’ney Shabbat n’kab’lah! !ה תנקבל ישב פנ

Shamor v’zachor b’dibur echad ד כורבדבוראח מורוז ש

Hishmi-anu el ham’yuchad. .ד ח להמי נוא השמיע

ADONAI echad ush’mo echad; ד דושמואח אח יי

L’sheym ul’tiferet v’lit’hilah. .ה רתולתהל םולתפא לש

Likrat Shabbat l’chu v’nelchah, ה לכ תלכוונ לקראתשב

Ki hi m’kor hab’rachah. .ה כ כיהיאמקורהבר

Meyrosh mikedem n’suchah; ה דםנסוכ ראשמק מ

Sof ma-aseh b’macha-shavah t’chilah. .ה התחל ב סוףמעשהבמחש

Hitor’ri! Hitor’ri! !התעוררי!התעוררי

Ki va oreych kumi ori! !ורי ומיא ךק אאור כיב

Uri, uri, shir dabeyri! !רי ורישירדב וריע ע

K’vod ADONAI alayich niglah. .ה יךנגל ל ע כבודיי

Bo-i v’shalom ateret balah, ,ה לוםעטרתבעל ואיבש ב

Gam b’simchah uv’tzaw-hawlah, ,ה הל הובצ גםבשמח

Toch emuney am s’gulah, ,ה ל יעםסג תוךאמונ

Bo-i chalah! Bo-i chalah! !ה ואיכל ה!ב ואיכל ב


Refrain: Come, my Beloved, to greet the bride; The Sabbath presence let us welcome!

“Safeguard” and “Remember” both uttered as one,

The One and Only GOD made us hear:

The LORD is One, and GOD’S Name is One, for renown, for splendor, and for praise.

To welcome the Sabbath, come, let us go, for it is the source of blessing;

From the beginning, from antiquity she was honored: last in deed but first in thought.

Wake up! Wake up! For your light has come!

Rise up and shine, awaken, awaken, utter a song! The glory of the LORD is revealed on you.

Enter in peace, O crown of your husband, in joyous song and good cheer,

Among the faithful of the treasured nation:

Enter, O bride! Enter, O bride!

Excerpt from Psalm 92: “Tov L’Hodot”

Tov l’hodot ladonai, ul’zameyr l’shimcha elyon. .רלשמךעליון ,ולזמ טובלהדותליי

L’hagid baboker chasdecha, ,דך להגידבבקרחס

ve-emunat’cha baleylot. .ילות תךבל ואמונ

Aley asor va-aley navel, aley higayon b’chinor. .יוןבכנור יהג בל,על יענ שורועל יעע ל ע

Ki simachtani ADONAI b’faw-awlecha, ,עלך בפ כישמחתנייי

b’ma-asey yadecha araneyn. .ן דיךארנ י מעש ב

It is good to thank ADONAI, and to sing Your praise, O Most High;

To tell of Your love each morning, and Your faithfulness each night,

To the music of the lute and the melody of the harp.

Your works, ADONAI, have made me glad; I exult in the works of Your hands.


Bar’chu — Ma-ariv Aravim

Bar’chu et ADONAI ham’vorach! .ך המבר רכואת יי ב

Baruch ADONAI ham’vorach l’olam va-ed. .עד םו ךלעול המבר רוךיי ב

Praised be the LORD, to whom our praise is due!

Praised be the LORD, to whom our praise is due, now and forever!

Baruch Ata ADONAI, ELOHEYNU melech ha-olam, ,ם עול לךה ינומ ,אלה היי רוךאת ב

Asher bid’varo ma-ariv aravim, ,בים רומעריבער אשרבדב

b’chochma potey-ach sh’arim, ,רים חשע הפות כמ בח

uvit’vunah m’shaneh itim, המשנהעתים ובתבונ

umachalif et haz’manim, ,ומחליףאתהזמנים

um’sadeyr et hakochavim בים ראתהכוכ ומסד

b’mishm’roteyhem barakia kirtzono. .יעכרצונו ק ר יהםב במשמרות

Borey yom valaila, goleyl or mipney chochesh שך יח לאורמפנ ה,גול יל ל ייוםו בור

v’chochesh mipney or. .יאור שךמפנ וח

Uma-avir yom umeyvi lailah, ,ה יל ביאל ומעביריוםומ

umavdil beyn yom uveyn lailah, ,ה יל יןל יןיוםוב ומבדילב

ADONAI tz’vaot sh’mo. .אותשמו צב יי

• EYL chai v’kayam, ,ם לחיוקי •א

tamid yimloch aleynu l’olam va-ed. .עד םו ינולעול ל מידימלוךע ת

Baruch Ata ADONAI, hama-ariv aravim. .בים ,המעריבער ה יי רוךאת ב


Blessed are You, ADONAI our GOD, Ruler of the universe,

who speaks the evening into being,

skillfully opens the gates,

thoughtfully alters the time and changes the seasons,

and arranges the stars in their heavenly courses according to plan.

You are Creator of day and night,

rolling light away from darkness

and darkness from light,

transforming day into night and distinguishing one from the other.

ADONAI Tz’vaot is Your Name.

Ever-living GOD, may You reign continually over us into eternity.

Blessed are You, ADONAI, who brings on evening.

Reading: “An Appendix to the Vision of Peace”

Don’t stop after beating the swords

into ploughshares, don’t stop! Go on beating

and make musical instruments out of them.

Whoever wants to make war again

will have to turn them into ploughshares first.

– Yehuda Amichai translated from the Hebrew by Glenda Abramson and Tudor Parfitt

from Kol Haneshamah: Shabbat Vehagim, 3rd ed., ©1994/2006, The Reconstructionist Press, Elkins Park, PA.


Reading: “Where We Can Find GOD”

Where will I find GOD

Whose glory fills the universe?

I find GOD

Wherever the farmer ploughs a furrow through the hard soil,

Wherever the quarryman pounds the stone to gravel,

Wherever one earns her bread by the sweat of her brow,

In the company of the friendless, the afflicted, the lowly, the lost,

There GOD abides in sun and shower.

I find GOD

Wherever the mind is free to follow its own bent,

Wherever words come out from the depth of truth,

Wherever tireless striving stretches its arms toward perfection,

Wherever people struggle for freedom and right,

Wherever the scientist toils to unbare the secrets of nature,

Wherever the poet strings pearls of beauty in lyric lines,

Wherever glorious deeds are done.

I find GOD

In the merry shouts of children at play,

In the lullaby the mother sings, rocking her baby to sleep,

In the slumber that falls on the infant’s eyelids,

And in the smile that plays on his sleeping lips.

I find GOD

When the dawn comes with her golden cornucopia,

Or when evening falls, bringing peace and rest from the Western ocean of rest.

GOD is in the joy that streams from heaven with the morning light,

In the current of life that courses day and night through my sinews and all nature,

In the life that throbs exultant

in the dust of the earth and through the blades of grass innumerable,

And that flows, in a multitude of tempestuous waves, through the leaves and flowers.

– Rabindranath Tagore (translated and adapted) The final verse of the poem can be found on page 59

from Kol Haneshamah: Shabbat Vehagim, 3rd ed., ©1994/2006, The Reconstructionist Press, Elkins Park, PA.


Ahavat Olam

Ahavat olam beyt Yisrael am’cha ahavta, . הבת לעמךא א יתישר םב אהבתעול

Torah umitzvot chukim umishpatim תים קיםומשפ הומצות,ח תור

otanu limad’ta. . נולמדת אות

Al keyn ADONAI ELOHEYNU b’shawchbeynu נו כב ינובש אלה ןיי עלכ

uv’kumeynu nasiach b’chukecha, ,קך שיחבח נונ ובקומ

V’nismach b’divrey Toratecha תך יתור ונשמחבדבר

uv’mitzvotechah l’olam vaed. .עד םו ובמצותיךלעול

Ki heym chayeynu v’orech yameynu ינו מ ינוואורךי םחי כיה

uvahem nehgeh yomam valailah. .ה יל ל םו הםנהגהיומ וב

• V’ahavat’cha al tasir mimenu l’olamim. .מים סורממנולעול תךאלת •ואהב

Baruch Atah ADONAI, oheyv amo Yisrael. .ל א בעמוישר ,אוה היי רוךאת ב

With everlasting love You have loved Your people Israel.

You have taught us the Torah and its Mitzvot;

You have instructed us in its laws and judgments.

Therefore, O LORD our GOD, when we lie down and when we rise up

We shall speak of Your commandments and rejoice in your Torah and Mitzvot.

For they are our life and the length of our days;

On them we will meditate day and night.

May You never take away Your love from us.

Praised are You, O LORD, who loves Your people Israel.


Reading: “Listen!”

Judaism begins with the commandment:


But what does it really mean to “hear”?

The person who attends a concert

While thinking of other matters

Hears—but does not really hear.

The person who walks amid the songs of birds

Thinking only of what will be served for dinner

Hears—but does not really hear.

The person who listens to the words of a friend, mate, or child,

And does not catch the note of urgency:

“Notice me, help me, care about me,”

Hears—but does not really hear.

The person who stifles the sound of conscience,

Saying, “I have done enough already,”

Hears—but does not really hear.

The person who listens to a leader’s advice

And thinks that someone else is being addressed,

Hears—but does not really hear.

The person who listens to the news

And thinks only, “How will it affect me?”

Hears—but does not really hear.


On this day, O LORD,

Strengthen our ability to hear.

May we hear the music of the world,

And the infant’s cry, and the lover’s sigh.

May we hear the call for help of the lonely soul,

And the sound of the breaking heart.

May we hear the words of our friends,

And also their unspoken pleas and dreams.

May we hear within ourselves the yearnings

That are struggling for expression.

May we hear You, O GOD.

For only if we hear You

Do we have the right to hope that You will hear us.

Hear the prayers we offer to You today,

And help us to hear them too.

– Harold Kushner and Jack Reimer (adapted)

from Siddur Ḥadash: Worship, Study, and Song for all Sabbath and Festival Services,

©2005, The Prayer Book Press of Media Judaica, Inc., Bridgeport, CT.


Sh’ma – V’ahavta

ל:עשמ א ינויי ישר יי ,אלה !דאח



רוך םב םמלכותוכבודש עדלעול !ו

Baruch sheym k’vod mal’chuto l’olam va-ed!

Praised be GOD’S glorious majesty forever and ever!

The Knesset Menorah, Jerusalem


V’ahavta eyt ADONAI ELOHECHA b’chawl l’vav’cha בך ל-לב אלהיךבכ תיי הבת א וא

uv’chawl nafsh’cha uv’chawl m’odecha. .ך ל-מאד ל-נפשךובכ ובכ

V’hayu had’varim ha-eyleh לה א ריםה יוהדב וה

asher anochi m’tzav’cha hayom al l’vavecha. .ך ב נכימצוךהיוםעל-לב אשרא

V’shinantam l’vanecha v’dibarta bam ם ב ניךודברת םלב ושננת

b’shivt’cha b’veytecha uv’lech’t’cha vaderech יתךובלכתךבדרך בשבתךבב

uv’shoch-b’cha uv’kumecha. .ך כבךובקומ בש ו

Uk’shartam l’ot al yadecha דך םלאותעל-י וקשרת

v’hayu l’totafot beyn eynecha. .יניך יןע פתב יולטט וה

Uch’tavtam al m’zuzot beytecha uvisharecha. .יך ר יתךובשע זתב םעלמז וכתבת

And thou shalt love the LORD thy GOD with all thy heart,

With all thy soul, and with all of thy might.

And all these words which I command you on this day

Shall be in thy heart, shall be in thy heart.

And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children,

And thou shalt speak of them when thou sittest in thy house,

When thou walkest by the way, and when thou risest up,

And when thou liest down, and when thou liest down.

And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand,

And they shall be for frontlets between thine eyes.

And thou shalt write them on the doorposts of thy house,

And upon thy gates, and upon thy gates.

(That ye may remember, and do all of My commandments,

And be holy unto your GOD.)

the Sh’ma continues


V’hayah im shamo-a tishm’u el mitzvotai מעתשמעואלמצותי האםש י וה

asher anochi m’tzaveh et’chem hayom נכימצוהאתכםהיום אשרא

l’ahavah et ADONAI ELOHEYCHEM יכם אלה האתיי לאהב

ul’avdo b’chawl l’vav’chem uv’chawl nafsh’chem. בדו לנפשכםולע ללבבכםובכ .בכ

V’natati m’tar artz’chem b’ito yoreh umalkosh תתימטרארצכםבעתויורהומלקוש ונ

v’asafta d’ganecha v’tirsh’cha v’yitzharecha. .רך נךותירשךויצה דג ספת וא

V’natati eysev b’sad’cha דך שבבש תתיע ונ

livhemtecha v’achalta v’savata. . עת ב וש כלת לבהמתךוא

Hisham’ru lachem pen yifteh כםפןיפתה מרול הש

l’vav’chem v’sartem va-avad’tem ELOHIM אלהיםוסרתםועבדתםלבבכם

acheyrim v’hishtachavitem lahem. .הם ריםוהשתחויתםל אח

V’charah af ADONAI bachem v’atzar et ha-shamayim מים צראתהש כםוע ב האףיי ר וח

v’lo yihyeh matar v’ha-adamah lo titeyn ן הלאתת מ אד רוה ט איהיהמ ול

et y’vulah v’avad’tem m’heyrah mey-al על המ ר הואבדתםמה אתיבול

ha-aretz hatovah asher ADONAI noteyn lachem. .כם ןל נת האשריי רץהטב א ה

V’samtem et d’varai eyleh al l’vav’chem להעללבבכם ריא ושמתםאתדב

v’al nafsh’chem uk’shartem otam l’ot םלאות ועלנפשכםוקשרתםאת

al yed’chem v’hayu l’totafot beyn eyneychem. .יכם ינ יןע פתב יולטוט עלידכםוה

V’limad’tem otam et b’neychem l’dabeyr bam ם רב יכםלדב םאתבנ ולמדתםאת

b’shivt’cha b’veytecha uv’lech-t’cha vaderech יתךובלכתךבדרך בשבתךבב

uv’shawch-b’cha uv’kumecha. .כבךובקומך ובש

Uch’tavtam al m’zuzot beytecha uvish’arecha. .ריך יתךובשע םעלמזוזותב וכתבת

L’ma-an yirbu y’meychem vimey v’neychem יכם יבנ יכםוימ למעןירבוימ

al ha-adamah asher nishba ADONAI la-avoteychem יכם לאבת האשרנשבעיי מ אד עלה

lateyt lahem kimey ha-shamayim al ha-aretz. .רץ א מיםעלה יהש הםכימ תל ת ל


If you will earnestly heed the commandments I give you this day,

to love ADONAI your GOD and to serve GOD with all your heart and all your soul,

then I will favor your land with rain at the proper season, in autumn and in spring,

and you will have an ample harvest of grain, wine, and oil.

I will assure abundance in the fields for your cattle.

You will eat your fill.

Take care lest you be tempted to stray, and to worship false gods.

For then ADONAI’s wrath will be directed against you.

GOD will close the heavens and hold back the rain;

the earth will not yield its produce.

You will soon disappear from the good land which ADONAI is giving you.

Therefore, impress these words of Mine upon your heart.

Bind them as a sign upon your hand; let them be a reminder above your eyes.

Teach them to your children. Repeat them at home and away, night and day.

Inscribe them upon the doorposts of your homes and upon your gates.

Then your days and the days of your children,

On the land that ADONAI swore to give to your ancestors,

will endure as the days of the heavens over the earth.



Vayomer ADONAI el Mosheh leymor: אמרמשהאליי ויאמר :ל

Dabeyr el b’ney Yisrael v’amarta aleyhem הם מרת אל לוא א יישר ראלבנ דב

v’asu lahem tzitzit הםציצת שול וע

al kan’fey vigdeyhem l’dorotam ם יהםלדרת יבגד עלכנפ

v’natnu al tzitzit hakanaf p’til t’cheylet. לת ףפתילתכ נ תנועלציצתהכ .ונ

V’hayah lachem l’tzitzit ur’item oto כםלציצתוראיתםאתו הל י וה

uz’chartem et kawl mitzvot ADONAI למצותיי וזכרתםאתכ

va-asitem otam v’lo taturu תורו םולאת ועשיתםאת

acharey l’vavchem v’acharey eyneychem יכם ינ יע ילבבכםואחר אחר

asher atem zonim achareyhem. יהםאשראתםז .ניםאחר

L’ma-an tiz-k’ru va-asitem et kawl mitzvotai י ל-מצות למעןתזכרוועשיתםאת-כ

vih’yitem k’doshim leyloheychem. .ם יכ ה אל והייתםקדשיםל

Ani ADONAI ELOHEYCHEM יכם ה אל אנייי

asher hotzeyti et’chem mey-eretz Mitzrayim רץמצרים א אתיאתכםמ אשרהוצ

lih’yot lachem leylohim אלהים כםל להיותל

• Ani ADONAI ELOHEYCHEM. Emet. .יכם.אמת ה אל •אנייי

ADONAI said to Moses:

Instruct the people Israel that in every generation

they shall put tzitzit on the corners of their garments,

and bind a thread of blue to the tzitzit, the fringe on each corner.

Look upon these tzitzit and you will be reminded

of all the commandments of ADONAI, and fulfill them,

and not be seduced by your heart nor led astray by your eyes.

Then you will remember and observe all My commandments,

And be holy before your GOD.

I am ADONAI, your GOD, who brought you out of the land of Egypt to be your GOD.

• I, ADONAI, am your GOD, who is Truth.


Reading: “Draws in, fills, heaves”

And now it’s clear as can be. The moon is bending low over the dark of the sea,

drawing itself up toward itself expanses of many waters and the mighty waves of

the deep, covering them as if with lead. All over the sea the moon spreads a

quicksilver web which it draws in and heaves up to itself. That is what I am

talking about. – Amos Oz

from the Same Sea: a novel, ©1999, Keter Publishing House Ltd. c/o Harcourt, Inc., Orlando, FL.

Translated from the Hebrew by Nicholas de Lange.

Reading: “My Life By Water”

My life

by water—



first frog

or board

out on the cold






to wild green

arts and letters



my lettuce

One boat


pointed toward

my shore

thru birdstart



of the soft

and serious—


– Lorine Neidecker

from the Same Sea: a novel, ©1999, Keter Publishing House Ltd. c/o Harcourt, Inc., Orlando, FL.


Mi Chamochah

Mi chamocha ba-eylim ADONAI, , לםיי א הב כ מ מיכ

Mi kamocha nedar bakodesh, ,דש רבק הנאד כ מ מיכ

nora t’hilot osey fehleh? ?לא הפ ש אתהלתע נור

Mal’chut’cha ra-u vanecha, ,ניך אוב מלכותךר

bokey-a yam lif’ney Moshe. .ימשה םלפנ עי בוק

Zeh EYLI anu v’am’ru: :רו מ נווא ליע זהא

ADONAI yimloch l’olam va-ed. .עד םו ימלך לעל יי

• V’ne-emar: Ki fadah ADONAI et Ya-akov, ,אתיעקב היי ד •ונאמר:כיפ

ug’alo mi-yad chazak mimenu. .קממנו ז לומידח וגא

Baruch Atah ADONAI, ga-al Yisrael. .ל א אלישר ג היי רוךאת ב

Who is like unto Thee, O LORD, among the mighty?

Who is like unto Thee, glorious in holiness,

Fearful in praises, doing wonders?

As You divided the sea before Moses,

Your children saw Your sovereign might displayed.

"This is my GOD!" they cried.

"The Eternal will reign for ever and ever!"

And thus it is written: “ADONAI has rescued Jacob;

GOD redeemed him from the more powerful.”

Blessed are You, LORD, who redeemed Israel.


Miriam’s Song


And the women, dancing with their timbrels,

Followed Miriam as she sang her song:

“Sing a song to the One whom we’ve exalted!”

Miriam and the women danced, and danced the whole night long.

Miriam was a prophet of unique variety,

The tapestry she wove was one which sang our history.

With every strand and every thread she crafted her delight,

A woman touched with spirit, she dances toward the light! [Refrain]

When Miriam stood upon the shores and gazed across the sea,

The wonder of this miracle she soon came to believe.

Who ever thought the sea would part, with an outstretched hand,

So we could pass to freedom, and march to the Promised Land? [Refrain]

Miriam the Prophet took the timbrel in her hand,

And all the women followed her, just as she had planned.

Miriam raised her voice in song, she sang with praise and might:

“We just lived through a miracle—we’re going to dance tonight!” [Refrain]

— Debbie Friedman


Hashkiveynu – Haporeys Sukat Shalom

Hashkiveynu ADONAI ELOHEYNU l’shalom, ,לום ינולש אלה נו יי השכיב

v’ha-amideynu malkeynu l’chayim, ,נולחיים נומלכ והעמיד

Ufros aleynu sukat shlomecha, ,כתשלומך ינוס ל ופרושע

v’tak’neynu b’eytzah tovah mil’fanecha, ,ניך המלפ הטוב צ נובע ותקנ

v’hoshieynu l’ma-an sh’mecha. .נולמעןשמך והושיע

V’hageyn ba-adeynu, v’haseyr mey-aleynu ינו ל ע רמ ס נו,וה ןבעד ג וה

oyeyv, dever, v’cherev, v’ra-av, v’yagon, ,גון בוי ע בדברוחרבור אוי

v’haseyr satan mil’faneynu umey-achareynu. .ינו אחר ינוומ נ ןמלפ ט רש ס וה

Uv’tzeyl k’nafecha tastireynu, ,נו פיךתסתיר לכנ ובצ

ki el shom’reynu umatzileynu Atah, ,ה ת נוא נוומציל לשומר כיא

ki el melech chanun v’rachum Atah. .ה ת לךחנוןורחוםא למ כא

• Ush’mor tzeyteynu uvo-eynu נו נוובוא את •ושמורצ

l’chayim ul’shalom meyatah v’ad olam. .ם הועדעול עת לוםמ לחייםולש

Ufros aleynu sukat sh’lomecha. .ך כתשלומ ינוס ל ופרושע

Baruch Atah ADONAI, haporeys sukat shalom לום כתש שס הפור היי רוךאת ב

aleynu v’al kawl amo Yisrael ל א לעמוישר ינוועלכ ל ע

v’al Y’rushalayim. .ים ל ועלירוש


Grant that we may lie down in peace, Eternal GOD, and awaken us to life.

Shelter us with Your tent of peace and guide us with Your good counsel.

Shield us from hatred, plague, and destruction.

Keep us from war, famine, and anguish.

Help us to deny our inclination to evil.

GOD of peace, may we always feel protected

because You are our Guardian and Helper.

Give us refuge in the shadow of Your wings.

Guard our going forth and our coming in,

and bless us with life and peace.

Blessed are You, Eternal GOD, whose shelter of peace

is spread over us, over all Your people Israel, and over Jerusalem.

Reading: “Your Tabernacle of Peace”

Spread Your Tent of Peace, O LORD, over us and our people, we pray;

Bless those who now are in our hearts,

And all who belong in our prayers.

To the sick and suffering, send Your hope;

To the forgotten and the lonely, send Your love.

To the confused and the distressed, send Your light;

To the weary and the wronged, send renewed strength.

To the pursuers of justice, send wisdom and courage;

To the seekers of peace, send vision and resolve.

To Israel and its people, send tranquility and joy;

To our world, tonight, send true Shabbat peace.



V’sham’ru v’ney Yisrael et ha-Shabbat ת לאתהשב א יישר מרובנ וש

la-asot et ha-Shabbat ת לעשותאתהשב

l’dorotam b’rit olam. .ם םבריתעול לדרת

Beyni u’veyn b’ney Yisrael ל א יישר ןבנ יניוב ב

ot hi l’olam, ם אותהיאלעל

ki sheyshet yamim מים שתי כיש

asah ADONAI et ha-shamayim v’et ha-aretz ארץ מיםואתה אתהש היי ש ע

Uvayom ha-sh’vi-i shavat vayinafash. .פש בתוינ וביוםהשביעיש

The children of Israel shall observe the Sabbath,

observing the Sabbath

throughout their generations, as a covenant for all time.

It is a sign forever between Me and the people of Israel.

For in six days the Eternal One made heaven and earth;

and on the seventh day GOD ceased from work and rested.

Reading: “The Pause Between the Notes”

A great pianist was once asked by an ardent admirer:

“How do you handle the notes as well as you do?”

The artist answered: “The notes I handle no better than many pianists,

but the pauses between the notes—ah! That is where the art resides.”

In great living, as in great music, the art may be in the pauses. Surely one of

the enduring contributions that Judaism made to the art of living was the

Shabbat, “the pause between the notes.” And it is to the Shabbat that we must

look if we are to restore to our lives the sense of serenity and sanctity that

Shabbat offers in such joyous abundance.

– Abraham Joshua Heschel


Reading: “A Short Amidah”

They say we’re supposed to be in a palace.

So we bow and take certain steps

as the prescribed supplication

drops from our lips.

But what do we know of castles and kings?

My kitchen faucet constantly leaks

and the kids’ faces

usually need cleaning.

If a door opened to a real palace,

I’d probably forget

and carry in a load of groceries.

No, the door we stand in front of

when the Amidah begins is silence.

And when we open it

and step through,

we arrive in our hearts.

Mine’s not a fancy place,

no jewels, no throne,

certainly not fit for a king.

But in that small chamber,

for just a few moments on Shabbat,

GOD and I can roll up our sleeves,

put some schnapps out on the table,

sit down together, and finally talk.

That’s palace enough for me.

– Syd Lieberman

from Kol Haneshamah: Shabbat Vehagim, 3rd ed., ©1994/2006, The Reconstructionist Press, Elkins Park, PA.


Chatzi Kaddish

Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’mey raba, ,א הרב יתגדלויתקדששמ

b’al’ma di v’ra, chirutey, ,ה א,כרעות אדיבר למ בע

v’yamlich mal’chutey, ה וימליךמלכות

b’chayeychon uv’yomeychon יכון יכוןוביומ בחי

uv’chayey d’chawl beyt Yisrael, ,ל א יתישר לב ידכ ובחי

ba-agala uviz’man kariv. V’im’ru ameyn. .ן מ ריב.ואמרוא אובזמןק ל בעג

Y’hey sh’mey rabah m’vawrach רך אמב הרב אשמ יה

l’awlam ul’awl’mey al’mayah. .א למי יע למ לםולע לע

Yitbarach v’yishtabach רךוישתבח יתב

v’yitpa-ar v’yitromam v’yitnasey, א רויתרומםויתנש א ויתפ

v’yit-hadar v’yit-aleh v’yit-halal ל רויתעלהויתהל ויתהד

sh’mey d’kud’sha, b’rich hu. .א,בריךהוא דש הדק שמ

L’eyla min kawl birchata v’shirata, א ת אושיר ת לברכ אמןכ ל לע

tush-b’chatah v’nechematah א ת אונחמ ת שבח ת

da-amiran b’alma; v’im’ru ameyn. .ן מ א,ואמרוא למ ןבע דאמיר

Exalted and hallowed be GOD’S great name, in the world which GOD created,

according to plan. May GOD’S majesty be revealed in the days of your lifetime and

the life of all Israel: speedily, imminently. And let us say: Amen.

Blessed be GOD’S great name to all eternity.

Blessed, praised, honored, exalted, extolled, glorified, adored, and lauded be the

name of the Holy One, Blessed be GOD, beyond all earthly words and songs of

blessing, praise, and comfort. And let us say: Amen.


Silent Amidah

ADONAI, s’fatai tiftach ufi yagid t’hilatecha. תך׃ חופייגידתהל תיתפת י,שפ אדנ

Baruch Atah ADONAI, , היי רוךאת ב

ELOHEYNU VEYLOHEY avoteynu v’imoteynu, ,ינו ינוואמות יאבות אלה ינוו אלה

ELOHEY Avraham, ELOHEY Yitzchak, VEYLOHEY Ya-akov, ייעקב אלה קו ייצח םאלה ה יאבר אלה

ELOHEY Sarah, ELOHEY Rivkah, ה ירבק האלה ר יש אלה

ELOHEY Racheyl, VEYLOHEY Ley-ah, ,ה א יל אלה לו ח יר אלה

ha-EYL hagadol hagibor v’hanorah, EYL Elyon, ,לעליון א,א דולהגבורוהנור להג א ה

gomeyl chasadim tovim v’koney hakol, ,ההכל דיםטוביםוקונ לחס גומ

v’zocheyr chasdey avot (v’imahot) )הות בות)ואמ יא רחסד וזוכ

umeyvi go-EYL liv’ney v’neyhem ם יה יבנ ללבנ ביאגוא ומ

l’ma-an sh’mo b’ahavah. .ה עןשמובאהב למ

Melech ozeyr umoshia umageyn. .ן ג יעומ רומוש לךעוז מ

Baruch Atah ADONAI, , היי רוךאת ב

mageyn Avraham v’ezrat Sarah. .ה ר םועזרתש ה ןאבר ג מ

LORD, open my lips that my mouth may declare Your glory.

Blessed are You, O LORD our GOD and GOD of our ancestors,

The GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,

The GOD of Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah,

The great, mighty, and revered GOD, the most high GOD

Who bestows loving-kindnesses, the creator of all things,

Who remembers the good deeds of the ancestors

And in love will bring a redeemer to their children’s children for the sake of GOD’S name.

O Ruler, Helper, Savior and Shield!

Blessed are You, O LORD, Shield of Abraham and Help of Sarah.


Atah gibor l’olam, ADONAI, ,י ם,אדנ הגבורלעול את

m’chayey meytim Atah, rav l’hoshia. .יע ה,רבלהוש תיםאת המ מחי

Shemini Atzeret–Pesach (Fall–Early Spring):

Mashiv haru-ach umorid hagashem. /

Pesach–Shemini Atzeret (Early Spring–Fall):

Morid hatal.

Shemini Atzeret–Pesach (Fall–Early Spring):

שם./ וחומורידהג ר משיבה

Pesach–Shemini Atzeret (Early Spring–Fall):

ל. מורידהט

M’chal-keyl chayim b’chesed, ,לחייםבחסד מכלכ

m’chayey meytim b’rachamim rabim, ,תיםברחמיםרבים המ מחי

someych nof’lim v’rofey cholim אחולים ךנופליםורופ סומ

umatir asurim, ,ומתיראסורים

um’kayeym emunato lisheyney afar. .ר פ יע נ תוליש םאמונ ומקי

Mi chamocha ba-al g’vurot umi domeh lach, ,ך ומהל עלגבורותומיד מוךב מיכ

melech meymit um’chayeh umatzmiach y’shu-ah. .ה יחישוע מיתומחיהומצמ לךמ מ

V’ne-eman Atah l’hachayot meytim. .תים הלהחיותמ ןאת ונאמ

Baruch Atah ADONAI, m’chayey hameytim. .תים ההמ מחי היי רוךאת ב

You, O LORD, are mighty forever;

You revive the dead, You have the power to save.

(Fall–Early Spring: You cause the wind to blow and the rain to fall. /

Early Spring–Fall: You cause the dew to fall.) You sustain the living with loving-kindness;

You revive the dead with great mercy;

You support the falling, heal the sick,

Set free the bound,

And keep faith with those who sleep in the dust.

Who is like You, O doer of mighty acts?

You are master of life, death, and deliverance.

And You are certain to revive the dead.

Blessed are You, O LORD, who revives the dead.


Atah kadosh v’shimcha kadosh, ,דוש דושושמךק הק את

uk’doshim b’chawl yom y’hal’lucha selah. .ה ל וךס ל ליוםיהל וקדושיםבכ

Baruch Atah ADONAI, ha-EYL hakadosh. .דוש להק א ה היי רוךאת ב

You are holy and Your name is holy;

Holy are those who praise You daily.

Praised are You, the holy GOD.

Atah kidashta et yom hash’vi-i lish’mecha, ,ך ביעילשמ שת אתיוםהש הקד את

tachlit ma-asey shamayim va-aretz, ,רץ א יםו מ הש תכליתמעש

uveyrachto mikawl hayamim, ,מים להי רכתומכ וב

v’kidashto mikawl haz’manim, ,מנים להז וקדשתומכ

v’cheyn katuv b’Toratecha: :ך ת תובבתור ןכ וכ

You sanctified the seventh day for Your name’s sake.

It is the pinnacle of the creation of heaven and earth,

And you praised it from all the days

And sanctified it from all the seasons;

And thus it is written in Your Torah:



Vay’chulu ha-shamayim v’ha-aretz רץ א יםוה מ ש לוה ויכ

v’chawl tz’va-am. .ם א לצב וכ

va-y’chal ELOHIM bayom hash’vi-i ביעי ויכלאלהיםביוםהש

m’lachto asher asah, ,ה ש מלאכתואשרע

vayishbot bayom hash’vi-i ביעי וישבתביוםהש

mikawl m’lachto asher asah. .ה ש למלאכתואשרע מכ

Va-y’varech ELOHIM et yom hash’vi-i, ביעי רךאלהיםאתיוםהש ויב

va-y’kadeysh oto, ,שאתו ויקד

ki vo shavat mikawl m’lachto למלאכתו בתמכ כיבוש

asher bara ELOHIM la-asot. .אאלהיםלעשות ר אשרב

“The heavens and the earth, and all they contain, were completed.

On the seventh day GOD finished the work He had been doing,

And ceased on the seventh day from all the work that He had done.

Then GOD blessed the seventh day,

And called it holy,

Because on it GOD ceased from all the work of creation.”



ELOHEYNU VEYLOHEY avoteynu v’imoteynu, ,ינוואמות ינו יאבות אלה ינוו אלה

r’tzey vim’nuchateynu. .נו ת הבמנוח רצ

Kad’sheynu b’mitzvotecha, ,יך נובמצות ש קד

v’teyn chelkeynu b’Toratecha, ,ך ת נובתור ןחלק ות

sab’eynu mituvecha v’sam’cheynu bishu-atecha, ,יך ת נובישוע ח ךושמ נומטוב ע שב

V’taheyr libeynu l’awv-d’cha be-emet. .ךבאמת בד נולע רלב וטה

V’han-chileynu ADONAI ELOHEYNU ינו אלה נויי והנחיל

b’ahavah uv’ratzon Shabbat kawd-shecha, ,ך דש צוןשבתק הובר באהב

va-yanuchu vah Yisrael m’kad’shey sh’mecha. .ך ישמ ש למקד א הישר וחוב נ וי

Baruch Atah ADONAI, m’kadeysh ha-Shabbat. .ת שהשב ,מקד היי רוךאת ב

Our GOD and GOD of our ancestors,

Be pleased with our rest;

Sanctify us with Your commandments,

Give us a share in Your Torah,

Fill us with Your bounty, and gladden us in Your salvation.

Cleanse our hearts to serve You in truth.

Let us inherit, O LORD our GOD,

Your holy Sabbath in love and favor,

And may Israel, who loves Your name, rest thereon.

Praised are You, O LORD, who sanctifies the Sabbath.



R’tzey ADONAI ELOHEYNU ינו אלה היי רצ

b’am’cha Yisrael uvit’filatam, ,ם ת לובתפל א ךישר בעמ

v’ha-sheyv et ha-avodah lid’vir beytecha; ,ך ית הלדבירב עבוד באתה ש וה

V’ishey Yisrael ut’filatam ם ת לותפל א יישר ואש

b’ahavah t’kabeyl b’ratzon; ,צון לבר התקב באהב

ut’hi l’ratzon tamid מיד צוןת ותהילר

avodat Yisrael amecha. .לעמך א עבודתישר

V’techezenah eyneynu b’shuv’cha ינובשובך ינ הע ינ ותחז

l’tziyon b’rachamim. .לציוןברחמים

Baruch Atah ADONAI, , היי רוךאת ב

hamachazir sh’chinato l’tziyon. .תולציון המחזירשכינ

Be pleased, O LORD our GOD,

With Your people Israel and their prayers,

And restore worship to the inner sanctuary of Your Temple;

And receive in love and with favor

Both the offerings and the prayers of Israel;

May the worship of Your people Israel

Always be acceptable to You.

Let our eyes behold Your return

To Zion in mercy.

Blessed are You, O LORD, who restores the Divine Presence to Zion.



Modim anachnu lach ך חנול מודיםאנ

sha-Atah hu ADONAI ELOHEYNU ינו אלה ההואיי את ש

VEYLOHEY avoteynu v’imoteynu l’olam va-ed; ,עד םו נולעול ינוואמות יאבות אלה ו

tzur chayeynu, mageyn yisheynu, נו ןישע ג ינו,מ צורחי

Atah hu l’dor vador. .דור ההואלדורו את

Nodeh l’cha un’sapeyr t’hilatecha, ך ת רתהל נודהלךונספ

al chayeynu ham’surim b’yadecha ך ד סוריםבי ינוהמ עלחי

v’al nishmoteynu hap’kudot lach, ,ך קודותל ינוהפ ועלנשמות

v’al nisecha sheb’chawl yom imanu, נו ליוםעמ כ יךשב ועלנס

v’al nif’l’otecha v’tovotecha sheb’chawl eyt, ,ת לע כ יךשב יךוטובות אות ועלנפל

erev vavoker v’tzoharayim. .ים הר קרוצ ב רבו ע

Hatov ki lo chalu rachamecha, ,יך לורחמ הטובכילאכ

v’ham’racheym ki lo tamu chasadecha, ,יך ד מוחס םכילאת רח והמ

mey-olam kivinu lach. .ך ינול םקו עול מ

V’al kulam yitbarach v’yitromam shim’cha רךויתרומםשמך םיתב ל ועלכ

malkeynu tamid l’olam va-ed. .עד םו מידלעול נות מלכ

We give thanks to You,

That You are the LORD our GOD and the GOD of our ancestors forever and ever.

You have been the Rock of our lives, the Shield of our salvation,

Through every generation.

We will give You thanks and declare Your praise for our lives that are in Your hand,

For our souls that are in Your charge, for Your miracles that are daily with us,

And for your wonders and gifts that accompany us evening, morning, and noon.

You are good, and Your mercies never fail;

O Merciful One, Your loving-kindnesses never cease.

We have always put our hope in You.

For all these acts may Your name be blessed and exalted continually,

O our Sovereign, forever and ever.


V’chol hachayim yoducha selah, ,ה ל וךס וכלהחייםיוד

vihal’lu et shim’cha be-emet, ,לואתשמךבאמת ויהל

ha-EYL y’shu-ateynu v’ezrateynu selah. .ה ל נוס ת נוועזר ת לישוע א ה

Baruch Atah ADONAI, , היי רוךאת ב

hatov shim’cha ul’cha na-eh l’hodot. .אהלהודות הטובשמךולךנ

Let every living thing give thanks to You,

And praise Your name in truth,

O GOD, our salvation and our help.

Blessed are You, O LORD,

Whose Name is the essence of goodness, and to whom it is fitting to give thanks.

Shalom rav al Yisrael am’cha tasim l’olam, לום בש לעלר שיםישרא ךת םעמ ,לעול

ki Atah hu melech adon l’chawl ha-shalom. הכי לךהואאת דוןמ לא לוםלכ .הש

V’tov b’eynecha l’vareych et am’cha Yisrael יניךוטוב ךבע ר ךאתלב לעמ א ישר

b’chawl eyt uv’chawl sha-ah bish’lomecha. ל תבכ לע הובכ ע ךש .בשלומ

Baruch Atah ADONAI, , היי רוךאת ב

ham’vareych et amo Yisrael bashalom. .לום לבש א ךאתעמוישר ר ב המ

Grant peace to Your people Israel forever,

For You are Ruler, Master of all Peace.

May it be good in Your eyes to bless Your people Israel

At every time and every hour with Your peace.

Blessed are You, Eternal GOD, who blesses Your people Israel with peace.



Elohai, n’tzor l’shoni meyra ע ר אלהי,נצורלשונימ

us’fatai midabeyr mirmah, ,ה רמרמ תימדב ושפ

v’limkal’lai nafshi tidom, ,לינפשיתדום ולמקל

v’nafshi ke-afar lakol tih’yeh. .רלכלתהיה פ ונפשיכע

P’tach libi b’Toratecha ך ת פתחלביבתור

uv’mitzvotecha tirdof nafshi. .יךתרדוףנפשי ובמצות

V’chol hachosh’vim alai ra-ah, ,ה ע ליר ביםע וכלהחוש

m’heyrah hafeyr atzatam v’kalkeyl machashavtam. .ם למחשבת םוקלק ת רעצ פ הה ר מה

Asey l’ma-an sh’mecha, asey l’ma-an y’minecha, ,עןימינך הלמ עןשמך,עש הלמ עש

Asey l’ma-an Toratecha, ,ך ת עןתור הלמ עש

Asey l’ma-an k’dushatecha, ,תך ש עןקד הלמ עש

L’ma-an yeychal’tzun y’didecha, ,יך צוןידיד ל ח עןי למ

hoshi-ah y’min’cha v’aneyni. .ני ךוענ הימינ יע הוש

Yihyu l’ratzon imrey fi v’hegyon libi l’fanecha, ,ניך יפיוהגיוןלבילפ צוןאמר יהיולר

ADONAI tzuri v’go-ali. .צוריוגאלי יי

Oseh shalom bim’romav, ,יו לוםבמרומ עשהש

hu ya-aseh shalom aleynu ינו ל לוםע הואיעשהש

v’al kawl Yisrael. V’im’ru: Ameyn. ן מ ל.ואמרו׃א א לישר ועלכ

My GOD, keep my tongue from evil, my lips from speaking lies,

And help me ignore those who would slander me.

Open my heart to Your Torah, that I may pursue Your commandments.

As for those that plot evil against me, speedily destroy their plots.

Do this for Your Name’s sake, do this for Your Right Hand’s sake,

Do this for the sake of Your Torah, do this for the sake of Your holiness;

Answer my prayer for the deliverance of Your people.

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to You,

O Eternal, my Rock and my Redeemer.

May the one who brings peace to the universe bring peace to us and all Israel.

And let us say: Amen.


May the Words

May the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart,

Be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Teyn Lo Mishelo

Teyn lo mishelo she-Atah v’shelach shelo. המשלולוןת ךשאת .שלוושל

V’nomar l’fanav shirah chadashah. יוונאמר נ הלפ השיר ש .חד

Render unto GOD that which is GOD’S, for all that you have is GOD’S.

Sing before GOD a new song.

Reading: “We Reach for You”

We reach for You, our GOD, from our quiet places.

May we stand still, for a brief moment, and listen to the rain—

Stand still, for a brief moment,

and watch the play of sunlight and shadow on the leaves.

For a brief moment—listen to the world.

Let us stop the wheels of everyday to be aware of Shabbat.

Find the stillness of the sanctuary which the soul cherished.

Renew the Covenant of an ancient people.

We need a quiet space to test the balance of our days.

The weight of our deeds against the heaviness of the world’s demands.

The balance is precarious—steady us with faith:

Quiet places and stillness—where we will hear our own best impulses speak.

Quiet places and stillness—from which we will reach out to each other.

We will find strength in silence,

and with this strength we will turn again to Your service.

from Mishkan T’filah: A Reform Siddur—Shabbat, ©2007, Central Conference of American Rabbis, New York, NY.


Reading: “Prayer”

As a child, prayer was words or phrases

rote repetitions said alone

or in congregations.

Sometimes prayer was wishes

for events or things desired

or thanks for things

I believed were truly mine to keep.

Now older,

prayer has become a silent plea

to keep what I have

a yearning to be able

to keep those I love safe

to be able to give comfort where


to hold close all that I cherish.

Sometimes prayer is fear

soothed by hope

starting with silent phrases

that always begin:

“Please GOD…”

Keep my children safe

make my parent well

help my friend feel better

help me to be stronger.

Prayer is a need

to believe in something

larger than myself.

Please GOD…

Hear my prayers.

Help me reach for you.

Let my prayers reach you.

– © Sherri Waas Shunfenthal

Used by permission of the author.


Reading: “To Know Healing”

To know healing

is to know that

all life is one

and there is no beginning

and no end

and the intention is loving

– Margaret Torrie

from Kol Haneshamah: Shabbat Vehagim, 3rd ed., ©1994/2006, The Reconstructionist Press, Elkins Park, PA.

Mi Shebeyrach (A Prayer for Healing)

Mi shebeyrach avoteynu רךמי ינושב אבות

M’kor ha-brachah l’imoteynu: המקור כ ינוהבר :לאמות

May the source of strength who blessed the ones before us

Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing,

And let us say, Amen.

Mi shebeyrach imoteynu רךמי ינושב אמות

M’kor ha-brachah l’avoteynu: המקור כ ינוהבר :לאבות

Bless those in need of healing with r’fu-a shleyma,

The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit,

And let us say, Amen.

– Debbie Friedman


Mageyn Avot

Mageyn avot bid’varo, ,רו בותבדב ןא ג מ

m’chai-yey meytim b’ma-amaro; ;רו תיםבמאמ המ מחי

ha-EYL hakadosh she-eyn kamohu. .והו מ יןכ דוששא להק א ה

Hameyniach l’amo b’yom Shabbat kawdsho, ,דשו יחלעמוביוםשבתק נ המ

ki vam ratzah l’hani-ach la-hem. .הם יחל נ הלה צ םר כיב

L’fanav na-avod b’yira vafachad, ,חד פ הו יונעבדבירא נ לפ

v’nodeh lishmo b’chawl yom tamid, ,מיד ליוםת ונודהלשמובכ

Mey-eyn hab’rachot. .כות יןהבר ע מ

EYL hahoda-ot, Adon ha-shalom, ,לום אות,אדוןהש לההוד א

M’kadeysh ha-Shabbat um’vareych shvi-i, ,ךשביעי ר תומב שהשב מקד

Umeyniach bik’dushah l’am m’dush’ney oneg נג יע שנ שהלעםמד יחבקד נ ומ

Zeycher l’ma-asey v’reyshit. .אשית הבר כרלמעש ז

A shield to our ancestors has been GOD’S word,

at GOD’S bidding the dead shall be revived;

the LORD is the Holy GOD, incomparable.

GOD gives rest to the Jews on the holy Shabbat day,

and is pleased to grant them rest.

We will serve GOD with awe and reverence,

and praise GOD’S Name constantly each day

with appropriate blessings.

The LORD is the GOD worthy of thanks, the Master of peace,

who hallows Shabbat and blesses the Seventh Day,

granting sacred rest to a delighted people

in memory of Creation.


Reading: “Where is Holiness?”

There is holiness when we strive to be true to the best we know.

There is holiness when we are kind to someone

who cannot possibly be of service to us.

There is holiness when we promote family harmony.

There is holiness when we forget what divides us

and remember what unites us.

There is holiness when we are willing to be laughed at for what we believe in.

There is holiness when we love—

truly, honestly, and unselfishly.

There is holiness when we remember the lonely

and bring cheer into a dark corner.

There is holiness when we share—

our bread, our ideas, our enthusiasms.

There is holiness when we pray to the One who gave us the power to pray.

Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of Hosts;

all of life can be filled with GOD’S glory.

from Siddur Sim Shalom: For Shabbat and Festivals, ©1998, The Rabbinical Assembly, U.S.C.J., New York, NY.


Reading: “Where Everything is Music”

Don’t worry about saving these songs!

And if one of our instruments breaks,

it doesn’t matter.

We have fallen into the place

where everything is music.

The strumming and the flute notes

rise into the atmosphere,

and even if the whole world’s harp

should burn up, there will still be

hidden instruments playing.

So the candle flickers and goes out.

We have a piece of flint, and a spark.

This singing art is sea foam.

The graceful movements come from a pearl

somewhere on the ocean floor.

Poems reach up like spindrift and the edge

of driftwood along the beach, wanting!

They derive

from a slow and powerful root

that we can’t see.

Stop the words now.

Open the window in the center of your chest,

and let the spirits fly in and out.

– Maulana Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī

from The Essential Rumi, New Expanded Edition, ©2004, HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., New York, NY.


Kaddish Shaleym

Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’mey raba, ,א הרב יתגדלויתקדששמ

B’al’ma di v’ra, chirutey, ,ה א,כרעות אדיבר למ בע

v’yamlich malchutey, ה וימליךמלכות

b’chayeychon uv’yomeychon יכון יכוןוביומ בחי

uv’chayey d’chawl beyt Yisrael ,ל א יתישר לב ידכ ובחי

ba-agalah uviz’man kariv. V’im’ru ameyn. .ן מ ריב.ואמרוא אובזמןק ל בעג

Y’hey shmey rabah m’vawrach רך אמב הרב אשמ יה

l’awlam ul’awl’mey al’mayah. .א למי יע למ לםולע לע

Yitbarach v’yishtabach רךוישתבח יתב

v’yitpa-ar v’yitromam v’yitnasey, א רויתרומםויתנש א ויתפ

v’yit-hadar v’yit-aleh v’yit-halal ל רויתעלהויתהל ויתהד

sh’mey d’kud’sha, b’rich hu. .א,בריךהוא דש הדק שמ

L’eyla min kawl birchata v’shirata, א ת אושיר ת לברכ אמןכ ל לע

tush-b’chatah v’nechematah א ת אונחמ ת שבח ת

da-amiran b’alma. V’im’ru ameyn. .ן מ א.ואמרוא למ ןבע דאמיר

Titkabal tz’lot’hon uva-ut’hon עותהון תתקבלצלותהוןוב

d’chawl Yisrael kawdam avuhon םאבוהון לקד א לישר דכ

di vish’maya. V’im’ru ameyn. .ן מ א,ואמרוא דיבשמי

Y’hey shlamah raba min sh’maya, א אמןשמי הרב מ אשל יה

v’chayim aleynu v’al kawl Yisrael. .ל א ר ליש ינוועלכ ל ייםע וח

V’im’ru ameyn. .ן מ ואמרוא

• Oseh shalom bim’romav, ,יו לוםבמרומ •עשהש

hu ya-aseh shalom, ,לום הואיעשהש

aleynu v’al kawl Yisrael. V’im’ru ameyn. .ן מ ל,ואמרוא א לישר נוועלכ י ל ע


Exalted and hallowed be GOD’S great name,

in the world which GOD created,

according to plan.

May GOD’S majesty be revealed in the days of your lifetime

and the life of all Israel —

speedily, imminently. And let us say: Amen.

Blessed be GOD’S great name to all eternity.

Blessed, praised,

honored, exalted, extolled,

glorified, adored, and lauded

be the name of the Holy One, Blessed be GOD,

beyond all earthly words and songs of blessing,

praise, and comfort. And let us say: Amen.

May the prayers and pleas

of all the people Israel be accepted

by our Guardian in heaven.

And let us say: Amen.

Let there be abundant peace from heaven,

with life’s goodness for us and for all Israel.

And let us say: Amen.

• May the One who causes peace to reign in the high heavens

cause peace to reign among us, all Israel, and all the world.

And let us say: Amen.


Reading: “Connections are Made Slowly”

Connections are made slowly, sometimes they grow underground.

You cannot tell always by looking at what is happening. More than

half a tree is spread out in the soil under your feet. Penetrate

quietly as the earthworm that blows no trumpet. Fight persistently

as the creeper that brings down the tree. Spread like the squash

plant that overgrows the garden. Gnaw in the dark and use the sun

to make sugar.

Weave real connections, create real nodes, build real houses. Live a

life you can endure: make love that is loving. Keep tangling and

interweaving and taking more in, a thicket and bramble wilderness

to the outside but to us interconnected with rabbit runs and burrows

and lairs.

Live as if you liked yourself, and it may happen: reach out, keep

reaching out, keep bringing in. This is how we are going to live for a

long time: not always, for every gardener knows that after the

digging, after the planting, after the long season of tending and

growth, the harvest comes.

– Marge Piercy

from Kol Haneshamah: Shabbat Vehagim, 3rd ed., ©1994/2006, The Reconstructionist Press, Elkins Park, PA.



Baruch Ata ADONAI, ELOHEYNU melech ha-olam, ,ם עול לךה ינומ ,אלה היי רוךאת ב

borey p’ri hagafen. א פןפריבור .הג

Baruch Ata ADONAI, ELOHEYNU melech ha-olam, רוך הב ינויי את לךאלה םמ עול ,ה

asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’ratzah vanu; נואשר יוקדש הבמצות צ נוור ;ב

v’Shabbat kawdsho דשוושבת ק

b’ahavah uv’ratzon hin-chilanu, ה צוןבאהב נוובר ,הנחיל

zikaron l’ma-asey v’reyshit. רון הזכ אשיתלמעש .בר

Ki hu yom t’chilah l’mikra-ey kodesh, היוםהואכי יתחל א דשלמקר ,ק

zeycher l’tziat mitzrayim. כר יםליציאתז .מצר

Ki vanu vacharta נוכי ב רת ח ב

v’yotanu kidashta mi-kawl ha-amim. ל עמיםמכ .ה , נו שת ואות קד

V’Shabbat kawd-sh’cha דשךושבת ק

b’ahavah uv’ratzon hin-chaltanu. ה צוןבאהב נוובר .הנחלת

Baruch Atah ADONAI, m’kadeysh ha-Shabbat. רוך הב ש,יי את תמקד .השב

Praised are You, O LORD our GOD, King of the Universe,

Creator of the fruit of the vine.

Praised are You, O LORD our GOD, King of the Universe,

who, finding favor with us, sanctified us with mitzvot;

and who, in love and favor, sanctified Shabbat

to be our heritage as a reminder of the work of Creation.

As first among our sacred days,

it recalls the Exodus from Egypt;

you chose us and set us apart from the other nations.

In love and favor You have given us Your holy Shabbat as an inheritance.

Praised are You, O LORD our GOD, King of the Universe, who has sanctified Shabbat.



Aleynu l’shabeyach la-adon hakol, ינו ל חע ,הכללאדוןלשב

lateyt g’dulah l’yotzeyr breyshit, ת ת הל ל רגד אשיתליוצ ,בר

shelo asanu k’goyey haratzot נושלא ש יע צותכגוי אר ה

v’lo samanu k’mish-p’chot ha-adamah, נוולא מ הכמשפחותש מ אד ,ה

shelo sam chel-keynu kahem, םשלא נוש הםחלק ,כ

v’goraleynu k’chawl hamonam. נו ל לוגר םככ .המונ

Va-anachnu korim חנו כורעיםואנ

umishtachavim umodim, ומודיםומשתחוים,

lifney melech mal’chey ham’lachim, י לךלפנ ימ כיםמלכ ,המל

hakadosh baruch hu; דוש רוךהק ,הואב

Shehu noteh shamayim v’yoseyd aretz, מיםנוטהשהוא דש רץויס ,א

umoshav y’karo ba-shamayim mima-al, רוומושב מיםיק ,ממעלבש

ush’chinat uzo b’gawvhey m’romim. זוושכינת יע בה .מרומיםבג

Hu ELOHEYNU eyn od! ינוהוא יןאלה .עודא

Emet malkeynu, efes zulato. נואמת תואפס,מלכ ,זול

Kakatuv b’Torato: תוב תוככ :בתור

V’yadata hayom vaha-sheyvota el l’vavecha, דעת היוםוי בת בךאלוהש ,לב

Ki ADONAI hu ha-ELOHIM אלהיםהואיי כי ה

bashamayim mima-al, מים ממעלבש

v’al ha-aretz mitachat, eyn od. רץועל א חתה ין,מת .עודא


Let us now praise the Sovereign of the universe,

and proclaim the greatness of the Creator,

who has set us apart from the families of the earth,

giving us a destiny unique among the nations.

We bend the knee and bow,

acknowledging the supreme Sovereign, the Holy One of Blessing;

who spread out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth,

whose glorious abode is in the highest heaven,

whose mighty dominion is in the loftiest heights.

This is our GOD! There is no other.

In truth, GOD alone is our Ruler,

as it is written in GOD’S Torah:

“Know this day, and take it to heart,

that ADONAI is the GOD in heaven above,

and on earth below; there is no other.”

[page 53:]

Thus is it written in Your Torah:

“ADONAI reigns for ever and ever.”

Such is the prophetic assurance:

“ADONAI shall be acknowledged Ruler of all the earth.

On that day ADONAI shall be One,

and GOD’S name One.”



Reading: “Merger”

And then all that has divided us will merge

And then compassion will be wedded to power

And then softness will come to a world that is harsh and unkind

And then both men and women will be gentle

And then both women and men will be strong

And then no person will be subject to another’s will

And then all will be rich and free and varied

And then the greed of some will give way to the needs of many

And then all will share equally in the Earth’s abundance

And then all will care for the sick and the weak and the old

And then all will nourish the young

And then all will cherish life’s creatures

And then all will live in harmony with each other and the Earth

And then everywhere will be called Eden once again

— Judy Chicago, ©1979

• Kakatuv b’Toratecha: •תוב ךככ ת :בתור

ADONAI yimloch l’olam va-ed. םימלךיי עדלעול .ו

V’ne-emar: V’hayah ADONAI ה:ונאמר י יי וה

l’melech al kawl ha-aretz, לך לעללמ רץכ א ,ה

Bayom hahu yihyeh ADONAI echad דיי יהיהההואביום אח

ush’mo echad. דושמו .אח


Readings: Meditations before the Mourner’s Kaddish

“Who Are Holy Beings?”

Who are holy beings?

They are beloved, clear of mind and courageous.

Their will and GOD’S are one.

Raising their voices in constant gratitude

they marvel at every detail of life,

Granting each other loving permission to be exactly who they are.

When we listen for their sweet voices, we can hear the echo within our own souls.*▪

“Strange Is Our Situation”

Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not

knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose. From the standpoint of

daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: that we are here for the sake of

each other, above all, for those upon whose smile and well-being our own

happiness depends, and also for the countless unknown souls with whose fates we

are connected by a bond of sympathy. Many times a day I realize how much my

own inner and outer lives are built upon the labors of others, both living and dead,

and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have

received and am still receiving.

– Albert Einstein (adapted)*

“Where We Can Find GOD”

I find GOD

In the wealth of those passing delights that live but for a moment,

In the pulsebeat of a life that comes from eternity and dances in my own blood,

In birth that keeps renewing the generations,

And in death that keeps knocking on the doors of life.

– Rabindranath Tagore (translated and adapted)*

*from Kol Haneshamah: Shabbat Vehagim, 3rd ed., ©1994/2006, The Reconstructionist Press, Elkins Park, PA. ▪ By S.P.W.


“Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep”

Do not stand at my grave and weep.

I am not there; I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow.

I am the diamond glints on snow,

I am the sunlight on ripened grain,

I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you awaken in the morning’s hush

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circling flight.

I am the soft star-shine at night.

Do not stand at my grave and cry;

I am not there; I did not die.

– Mary Elizabeth Frye

from “Poem After the Seven Last Words”

Back down these stairs to the same scene,

to the moon, the stars, the night wind. Hours pass

and only the harp off in the distance and the wind

moving through it. And soon the sun’s gray disk,

darkened by clouds, sailing above. And beyond,

as always, the sea of endless transparence, of utmost

calm, a place of constant beginning that has within it

what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, what no hand

has touched, what has not arisen in the human heart.

To that place, to the keeper of that place, I commit myself.

– Mark Strand*

*from New Selected Poems, ©2007, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY.


“The Light of Life”

The light of life is a finite flame.

Like the Shabbat candles,

life is kindled, it burns, it glows,

it is radiant with warmth and beauty.

But soon it fades, its substance is consumed,

and it is no more.

In light we see; in light we are seen.

The flames dance, and our life burns down and gutters.

There is an end to the flames.

We see no more and are no more seen,

yet we do not despair,

for we are more than a memory

slowly fading into the darkness.

With our lives we give life.

Something of us can never die:

we move in the eternal cycle

of darkness and death,

of light and life. – Chaim Stern (adapted)

from Mishkan T’filah: A Reform Siddur—Shabbat, ©2007, Central Conference of American Rabbis, New York, NY.


Mourner’s Kaddish

Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’mey raba, ,א הרב יתגדלויתקדששמ

B’alma divrah chirutey ,ה א,כרעות אדיבר למ בע

v’yamlich mal’chutey, ה וימליךמלכות

b’chayeychon uv’yomeychon יכון יכוןוביומ בחי

uv-chayey d’chawl beyt Yisrael ,ל א יתישר לב ידכ ובחי

ba-agalah uviz’man kariv. V’im’ru ameyn. .ן מ ריב.ואמרוא אובזמןק ל בעג

Y’hey shmey rabah m’vawrach רך אמב הרב אשמ יה

l’awlam ul’awl’mey al’mayah. .א למי יע למ לםולע לע

Yitbarach v’yishtabach רךוישתבח יתב

v’yitpa-ar v’yitromam v’yitnasey, א רויתרומםויתנש א ויתפ

v’yithadar v’yitaleh v’yithalal ל רויתעלהויתהל ויתהד

sh’mey d’kud’sha, b’rich hu. .א,בריךהוא דש הדק שמ

L’eyla min kawl birchata v’shirata, א ת אושיר ת לברכ אמןכ ל לע

tushb’chatah v’nechematah א ת אונחמ ת שבח ת

da-amiran b’alma. V’im’ru ameyn. .ן מ א.ואמרוא למ ןבע דאמיר

Y’hey shlamah raba min sh’maya, א אמןשמי הרב מ אשל יה

v’chayim aleynu v’al kawl Yisrael. .ל א ר ליש ינוועלכ ל וח ייםע

V’im’ru ameyn. .ן מ ואמרוא

Oseh shalom bimromav, לוםעשה יוש ,במרומ

hu ya-aseh shalom לוםיעשההוא ש

aleynu v’al kawl Yisrael, v’im’ru: Ameyn. נו י ל לועלע לכ א ןואמרו,ישר מ .א


Exalted and hallowed be GOD’S great name,

in the world which GOD created,

according to plan.

May GOD’S majesty be revealed in the days of your lifetime

and the life of all Israel —

speedily, imminently. And let us say: Amen.

Blessed be GOD’S great name to all eternity.

Blessed, praised,

honored, exalted, extolled,

glorified, adored, and lauded

be the name of the Holy One, Blessed be GOD,

beyond all earthly words and songs of blessing,

praise, and comfort. And let us say: Amen.

Let there be abundant peace from heaven,

with life’s goodness for us and for all Israel.

And let us say: Amen.

May the One who causes peace to reign in the high heavens

cause peace to reign among us, all Israel, and all the world.

And let us say: Amen.


Adon Olam

Adon olam, asher malach ם לך,אדוןעול אשרמ

b’terem kawl y’tzir nivra; א ליצירנבר ;בטרםכ

L’eyt na-asah v’cheftzo kol, הבחפצו תנעש ,כללע

azai melech sh’mo nikra. א .אזימלךשמונקר

V’acharey kichlot hakol, יככלותהכל ,ואחר

l’vado yimloch nora, א ,לבדוימלוךנור

v’hu hayah, v’hu hoveh, ה י ,והואהוה,והואה

v’hu yih’yeh b’tifarah. הוהוא ר .יהיהבתפא

V’hu echad, v’eyn sheyni, ד ני,והואאח יןש ,וא

l’hamshil lo l’hachbirah; ה ;להמשיללולהחביר

B’li reyshit, b’li tachlit, אשית ,בליתכלית,בליר

v’lo ha-oz v’hamis-rah. ה עזוהמשר .ולוה

V’hu EYLI, v’chai go-ali, לי ,וחיגואלי,והואא

v’tzur chevli b’eyt tzarah; ה ר תצ ;וצורחבליבע

v’hu nisi umanos li, נוסלי ,והואנסיומ

m’nat kosi b’yom ekra. א תכוסיביוםאקר .מנ



B’yado afkid ruchi דואפקידרוחי בי

b’eyt ishan v’a-irah; ה עיר ןוא תאיש ;בע

V’im ruchi g’vi-yati, תי ,ועםרוחיגוי

ADONAI li: v’lo ira. ילי א:אדנ .ולאאיר

Eternal Master, who reigned supreme

Before all of creation was drawn;

When it was finished according to GOD’S will,

Then “King” GOD’S name was proclaimed to be.

When this our world shall be no more,

In majesty GOD still shall reign,

And GOD was, and GOD is,

And GOD will be in glory.

Alone is GOD, there is no second,

Without division or ally;

Without beginning, without end,

To GOD is the power and sovereignty.

The LORD is my GOD, my living Redeemer,

Rock of my affliction in time of trouble;

GOD is my banner and refuge,

Filling my cup the day I call.

I place my spirit in GOD’S care;

My body too can feel GOD near.

When I sleep, as when I wake,

GOD is with me: I have no fear.



Psalm 150: “Hal’luyah”

Hal’luyah! ה הללוי

Hal’lu el b’kawdsho, hal’luhu birki-a uzo. ל-הללו דשוא זוברקיעהללוהו,בק .ע

Hal’luhu big’vurotav, hal’luhu k’rov gudlo. יוהללוהו דלוכרבהללוהו,בגבורת .ג

Hal’luhu b’teyka shofar, קעהללוהו רבת ,שופ

hal’luhu b’neyvel v’chinor. בלהללוהו .וכנורבנ

Hal’luhu b’tof u’machol, חולבתףהללוהו ,ומ

hal’luhu b’minim v’ugav. בבמניםהללוהו ג .וע

Hal’luhu b’tzil-tz’ley shama, יהללוהו מע-בצלצל ,ש

hal’luhu b’tzil-tz’ley t’ru-ah. י,הללוהו הבצלצל .תרוע

Kol han’shama t’halel yah, הכל מ להנש התהל ,י

Hal’luyah! ה .הללוי


Praise GOD in GOD’S sanctuary; praise GOD in the firmament of GOD’S power.

Praise GOD for GOD’S mighty acts; praise GOD according to GOD’S abundant greatness.

Praise GOD with the blast of the horn; praise GOD with the psaltery and harp.

Praise GOD with the timbrel and dance;

praise GOD with stringed instruments and the pipe.

Praise GOD with the loud-sounding cymbals;

praise GOD with the clanging cymbals.

Let every being that hath breath praise the LORD.



Excerpt from Psalm 150: “Hal’lu, Hal’lu, Hal’lu”

Hal’lu hal’lu hal’lu, hal’lu hal’lu hal’lu. הללוהללוהללו,הללוהללוהללו.

Kol hanshama, t’haleyl yah, hal’lu haleluyah. הכל מ ל,הנש התהל ההללו,י .הללוי

Praise! Let every being that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD.

Eretz Zavat Chalav

Eretz zavat chalav, chalav ud’vash! !בודבש ל ב,ח ל בתח ארץז

A land flowing with milk, milk and honey!


EYLI, EYLI, shelo yigamer l’olam: לי ליא רשלא,א מ םיג :לעול

Hachol v’hayam, rish-rush shel hamayim, םהחול ,המיםשלרשרוש,והי

b’rak ha-shamayim, t’filat ha-adam. מיםברק םתפלת,הש ד א .ה

[singable translation:]

O LORD, my GOD, I pray that these things never end:

The sand and the sea, the rush of the waters,

The crash of the heavens, the prayer of the heart.

— Poem by Hannah Senesh


Erev Shel Shoshanim

Erev shel shoshanim: ולשבשרע :יםנש

Neytzey na el habus-tan. ןת סב להאאאנ צ נ.

Mor b’samim ul’vonah רבמו הנ בוליםומש

L’rag-leych miftan. . ןת פמךל גרל

Lailah yoreyd l’at היול יל טאדלר

V’ru-ach shoshan noshvah. ושחרוו .הב שןנוש

Havah elchash lach shir balat, אטל ירבשךל שחלהאב ה,

Zemer shel ahavah. . הב הלארשמז

Shachar homah yonah. . הנ היומ רהוחש

Rosheych maley t’lalim. ר .יםלל אטל מ ךאש

Pich el haboker shoshanah. הנ ש וש רקובלהאיךפ.

Ek’t’fenu li. . ילנופטקא

1. Evening of Roses:

Let us go out to the grove.

Myrrh, Spices, and Frankincense

Is the carpet under your feet.

2. Night falls slowly

And a wind of rose blows.

Let me whisper a ballad,

A song of love.

3. Dawn, and the dove coos.

Your hair is full of dewdrops.

Your lips are like a rose

to the morning.

I will pick it for myself.


T’filat Haderech

May we be blessed as we go on our way,

May we be guided in peace.

May we be blessed with health and joy;

May this be our blessing, amen.

Amen, amen, may this be our blessing, amen.

Amen, amen, may this be our blessing, amen.

May we be sheltered by the wings of peace,

May we be kept in safety and in love.

May grace and compassion find their way to every soul;

May this be our blessing, amen.

Amen, amen, may this be our blessing, amen.

Amen, amen, may this be our blessing, amen.

— Debbie Friedman

Amar Rabi Y’hudah

Amar Rabi Y’hudah: מר הרביא :יהוד

Al tistakeyl b’kankan לאל כ בקנקןתסת

eylah b’mah she-yeysh bo. הבמה ל שא .בושי

Rabbi Y’hudah said: “Do not look at the bottle, but rather what is inside.”


Lo Ira

Lo-ira meyriv’vot am ם רבבותע אמ לאעאיר

asher saviv shatu alai. י׃ ל תוע יבש ב אשרס

I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.

Esa Eynai

Esa eynai el-heharim mey-ayin yavo ezri. .באעזרי איןי ריםמ יניאלעהה אע אש

Ezri me-im ADONAI, oseh shamayim va-aretz. .רץ א מיםו הש עש עםיי עזרימ

I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?

My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth!

Hiney Mah Tov

Hiney mah tov umah na-im עים המהעטובומהענ הנ

Shevet achim gam yachad. .חד שבתאחיםגםעי

How good and pleasant it is when GOD’S people live together in unity!



Baruch Atah, ADONAI ELOHEYNU, melech ha-olam, ,ם ינו,מלךהעול אלה ה,יי רוךאת ב

Shehecheyanu v’ki-y’manu נו נווקימ שהחי

v’higianu laz’man hazeh. .נולזמןהזה והגיע

Blessed are You, LORD our GOD, King of the Universe,

Who has granted us life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this occasion.

Yih’yu L’ratzon

Yihyu l’ratzon imrey-fi יעפי צוןאמר יהיולר

V’hegyon libi l’fanecha, ,ניך והגיוןלבילפ

May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart Be acceptable to You, to You; (x2)

ADONAI tzuri v’goali. .צוריוגאלי יי

May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be acceptable to You,

LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Mah Yafeh Hayom

Mah yafeh ha-yom, Shabbat shalom. .לום תש פההיום,שב מהי

How beautiful this day is, a peaceful Shabbat!


Ma Navu

Ma navu al-heharim ragley ham’vaseyr, ,ר יהמבש ריםרגל אוועלעהה מהענ

Mashmia y’shu-ah, mashmia shalom. .לום המשמיעש משמיעישוע

How pleasant on the mountains are the feet of the messenger of good tidings,

Proclaiming salvation, proclaiming peace.

Sim Shalom

Sim shalom tovah uv’rachah, sim shalom. .לום ה,שיםש כ הובר לוםטוב שיםש

Grant [us] peace, goodness and blessing.

Od Yavo Shalom Aleynu (Salaam, Shalom)

Od yavo shalom aleynu, (x2) בודיעו (2),ינול םעלואש

Od yavo shalom aleynu v’al kulam. בודיעו .םלוכלעוינול םעלואש

Salaam, aleynu v’al kawl ha-olam, םל עולה כ לעוינול ע, םאאלס,

Salaam, salaam. אםלאס, םאאלס.

Verse 2 is mostly in Arabic:

Sayakum assalam ukariban, (x2)

Sayakum assalam ukariban, a-la-kul el alam.

Shalom, aleyna wa a-la-kul a-la-lom.

Shalom, shalom.

Peace will yet come upon us, and upon everyone.

Peace, upon us and upon the whole world, peace, peace.


Havdalah: Ha-Mavdil Beyn Kodesh – Eliyahu Ha-Navi

Ha-mavdil beyn kodesh l’chol יןקדשלחול המבדילב

Chatoteynu hu yimchol, ,ינוהואימחול את חט

Zareynu v’chas-peynu yarbeh kachol נוירבהכחול נווכספ זרע

V’cha-kochavim ba-lailah. .ה יל ביםבל וככוכ

Shavu-a tov, shavu-a tov… ...בועטוב בועטוב,ש ש

Eliyahu Ha-Navi, Eliyahu Ha-Tishbi, ,הוהתשבי לי ביא,א הוהנ לי א

Eliyahu, Eliyahu, Eliyahu Ha-Giladi! !די הוהגלע לי הו,א לי הו,א לי א

Bim’heyrah v’yameynu yavo eyleynu ינו ל באא ינוי מ הבי ר במה

Im mashi-ach ben David, Im mashi-ach ben David.

וד. יחבןד ש וד,עםמ יחבןד ש עםמ

May the One who separates the sacred from the profane

Pardon our sins,

Increasing our descendants and prosperity

As the sand and the stars at night.

Have a good week!...

Elijah the Prophet, Elijah the Tishbite,

Elijah, Elijah, Elijah of Gilead!

Soon, in our days, Elijah will come with the Messiah,

The son of David.


Y’rushalayim Shel Zahav

Avir harim tzalul ka-yayin ןיילכלויםצ רירה וא

V’rey-ach oranim ו אויחר יםנר

Nisa b’ru-ach ha-arbayim נ םיברעה חרואביש

Im kol pa-amonim. יםנמועולפםקע.

Uv’tardeymat ilan va-even רתבו ןבאןו יל תאמד

Sh’vu-yah ba-chalomah המ לוחהבי בוש

Ha-ir asher badad yoshevet רב שיראעה תבשדיוד

Uv’libah chomah. המ חוהיב לבו.


Y’rushalayim shel zahav בה לז םשילש רוי

V’shel n’choshet v’shel or רלאושתושחולנשו

Halo l’chawl shirayich ani kinor. ה .רוניכנאךייירלשכ אלל

Chazarnu el borot hamayim םימתהרוולבאנורזח

Lashuk v’lakikar רכ כלקוושל

Shofar korey b’har habayit רקופ וש תיברההאבר

ba-ir ha-atikah. תעירה עב .היק

Uvam’arot asher baselah עלסרבשתארוע מבו

Alfey shma-shot zor’chot תחורתזוושמ ישפ לא

Nashuv neyreyd el Yam Hamelach בנ ושנ חלמםהליאדר

B’derech Y’richo. [Refrain] יחוריךרדב.


Ach b’vo-i hayom lashir lach ךירל שםל וייהאבובךא

V’lach lik-shor k’tarim רכושקלךל ו יםרת

Katonti mi-tz’ir banayich יךינירב עצימתונטק

Umey-acharon ham’shor’rim. יםררושמןהרוחאמ ו.

Ki shmeych tsoreyv et has’fatayim צוךמ ישכ יםיתפ שתהבאר

K’neshikat saraf יקשנכ תש ףר

Im eshkacheych Y’rushalayim רויךח כ שםאא םילש

Asher kulah zahav. [Refrain] בה ז הל ורכשא.

[singable translation:]

The mountain air is clear as water

The scent of pines around

Is carried on the breeze of twilight,

And tinkling bells resound.

The trees and stones there softly slumber,

A dream enfolds them all.

So solitary lies the city,

And at its heart, a wall.


Oh, Jerusalem of gold,

and of bronze and of light,

I am the lute for all your songs.

The wells are filled again with water,

The square with joyous crowd,

On the Temple Mount within the City,

The shofar rings out loud.

Within the caverns in the mountains

A thousand suns will glow,

We’ll take the Dead Sea road together,

That runs through Jericho.


But as I sing to you, my city,

And you with crowns adorn,

I am the least of all your children,

Of all the poets born.

Your name will scorch my lips forever,

Like a seraph’s kiss, I’m told,

If I forget thee, golden city,

Jerusalem of gold.



Eyes on the Prize

Paul and Silas bound in jail

Had no money for to go their bail

Keep your eyes on the prize

Hold on

Paul and Silas thought they was lost

Dungeon shook and

the chains come off

Keep your eyes on the prize

Hold on

Freedom’s name is mighty sweet

And soon we’re gonna meet

Keep your eyes on the prize

Hold on

I got my hand on the gospel plow

Won’t take nothing for

my journey now

Keep your eyes on the prize

Hold on


Hold on, Hold on

Keep your eyes on the prize

Hold on

Only chain that a man can stand

Is that chain o’ hand on hand

Keep your eyes on the prize

Hold on

I’m gonna board that big Greyhound

Carry the love from town to town

Keep your eyes on the prize

Hold on


The only thing we did was wrong

Was do nothing for far too long

Keep your eyes on the prize

Hold on

The only thing we did was right

Was with our spirit and not our might

Keep your eyes on the prize

Hold on


The only thing we did was wrong

Was do nothing for far too long…

The only thing we did was right

Was with our spirit and not our might…

Refrain 2x

So it’s up to us to try—

We all share same earth, same sky


Havah Nagilah

Havah nagilah (3x), v’nism’chah! .ה ה)3(,ונשמח גיל הנ ב ה

Havah n’ran’nah (3x), v’nism’chah! .ה ה)3(,ונשמח ננ הנר ב ה

Uru achim b’leyv samey-ach! !ח מ בש עורואחיםבל

Come, let us be glad and rejoice!

Let us sing!

Awake, friends, with a joyful heart!

Tzenah, Tzenah

Tzenah, tzenah, tzenah, tzenah, ,ה ה,צאנ ה,צאנ ה,צאנ צאנ

Habanot ur’enah ה נותוראינ הב

chayalim bamoshava! !ה ב יליםבמוש חי

Go out, go out, go out, go out, girls,

And see the soldiers in the moshava!

David Melech Yisrael

David Melech Yisrael, ,א ל ודמלךישר ד

Chai, chai v’kayam! !ם חי,חיוקי

David, the King of Israel,

Lives and endures!


Heyveynu Shalom Aleychem

Heyveynu shalom aleychem (3x), )3(,יכם לוםעל אנוש ה ב

Heyveynu shalom, shalom, ,לום לום,ש אנוש ה ב

Shalom aleychem! !יכם לוםעל ש

We bring peace upon you! [We wish you have success and peace!]

Yism’chu Ha-Shamayim

Yism’chu ha-shamayim (3x), ,)3(מים ישמחוהש

v’tageyl ha-aretz; ;רץ א לה ג ות

Yiram hayam (3x) um’lo-o! !ו ם)3(ומלא רעםהי י

Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice;

Let the sea roar, and all it contains!

Artza Alinu

Artzah alinu! (3x) )3(!לינו הע ארצ

Kvar charashnu v’gam zaranu, (2x) )2(,רענו רשנווגםז רח כב

Aval od lo katzarnu. (2x) )2(.צרנו לעודלאק אב

We have ascended to the Land [of Israel]!

We’ve already ploughed and sown too,

But we have not yet reaped.


Am Yisrael Chai

Am Yisrael (3x) chai! !א ל)3(חי עםישר

Od Avinu chai! (2x) )2(!עודא בינוחי

Od Avinu (3x) chai! !עודא בינו)3(חי

The Jewish People Lives!

Our Father in Heaven Lives!

Mayim Mayim (Ush’avtem Mayim)

Ush’avtem mayim b’sason שון ושאבתםעמיםבש

Mima-ay’ney ha-y’shu-ah, (2x) )2(,ה יהישוע ממעינ

Hey mayim b’sason! !שון ימיםבש ה

Hey, hey, hey, hey, ,י י,ה י,ה י,ה ה

Mayim (6x) b’sason! !שון מים)6(בש

And therefore you shall draw water

From the springs of salvation with joy!

Eyleh Chamdah Libi

Eyleh chamdah libi, ,הלבי מד להח א

Chusah na v’al na tit-aleym. .ם אתתעל אואלנ הנ חוס

Oh desire of my heart,

Have pity and do not hide from me.


Dodi Li


Dodi li va-ani lo ha-ro-eh, רעה ,דודיליואנילוה

Ha-ro-eh ba-shoshanim. ים רעהבשושנ .ה

Mi zot olah min hamidbar המןעהמדב מ ,ריזאתעל

M’kuteret mor ul’vonah? טרתמורולבונ ?המק

Ani l’dodi v’dodi li, dodi li. לידודי,ליודודילדודיאני.

Libavtini achoti chalah. האחתילבבתני (2),כל

Ani l’dodi v’dodi li, dodi li. לידודי,ליודודילדודיאני.

Uri tzafon uvo-i teyman! ימ פוןובואית (2)!ןעוריצ

Ani l’dodi v’dodi li, dodi li. לידודי,ליודודילדודיאני.

My beloved is mine and I am his,

The shepherd [grazing his flock] among the lilies.

Who is this, rising up from the desert

Perfumed with myrrh and frankincense?

I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.

You have captured my heart, my sister, my bride.

I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.

Awake, oh North Wind! Come, oh South Wind!

I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.


V’nomar L’fanav

V’nomar l’fanav shirah chadashah. .ה ש החד יושיר נ ונאמרלפ

Hal’luyah! )8(!ה הללוי

We will sing unto the LORD a new song.

Hallelujah! (8x)

Lo Yisa Goy

Lo yisa goy el goy cherev, ,אגויאלעגויחרב אעיש ל

v’lo yil-m’du od mil-chamah. .ה מ ולאעילמדועודמלח

Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,

Neither shall they learn war anymore.

Gesher Tzar M’od

Kol ha-olam kulo gesher tzar m’od; ;רמאד לוגשרצ םכ כלהעול

v’ha-ikar lo l’facheyd klal. .ל דכל רלאלפח והעק

The whole world is a very narrow bridge;

the important thing is not to be afraid.

— Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav


Bashanah Haba-ah

Bashanah haba-ah neysheyv al mirpeset ב נ הא ב ההנ ש תספרמהלעבש

V’nispor tziporim nod’dot תדודנויםרויפצרופסנו

Y’ladim b’chufshah y’sachaku tofeset פחוביםדל י תספתוקוחשיהש

Beyn habayit l’veyn hasadot. היןב לתיבהיןב .תדוש


Od tireh, od tireh הארתדעו,הארתדעו

kamah tov yihyeh היהיבטוהמ כ

ba-shanah, ba-shanah haba-ah. הא ב ההנ ש ב,הנ ש ב.

Soon the day will arrive when we will be together, And no longer will people live in fear. And the children will smile, without wond’ring whether On that day dark new clouds will appear.

You will see, you will see, oh, how good it will be, In the year, in the year just ahead. People dreamed, people died to make a bright tomorrow And their vision remains in our hearts. Now the torch must be passed, with hope and not with sorrow And a promise to make a new start.

Od tireh, od tireh…

Next year, we will sit on our porch

And we will count migrating birds.

Children will play catch

Between the house and the fields.

Once again, you will see

How good it will be

Next year.


V’ha-eyr Eyneynu

V’ha-eyr eyneynu b’Toratecha, ,תך ינובתור ינ רע א וה

v’dabeyk libeynu b’mitzvotecha, ,נובמצותיך קלב ודב

v’yacheyd l’vaveynu נו ב דלב ויח

l’ahavah ul’yirah et sh’mecha, ,האתשמך הולירא לאהב

v’lo neyvosh v’lo nikaleym ם ל בושולאנכ ולאנ

v’lo nikasheyl l’olam va-ed. .עד םו ללעול ש ולאנכ

Light up our eyes with Your Torah,

And let our hearts cling to Your mitzvot,

And unite our hearts to love and revere Your name,

That we shall never depart from it.

Yism’chu V’mal’chut’cha

Yism’chu v’mal’chut’cha ישמחובמלכותך

shomrey Shabbat v’korey oneg. .נג יע תוקורא ישב שומר

Am m’kad’shey shvi-i ישביעי עםמקדש

kulam yisb’u v’yitangu mituvecha. .ך םישבעוויתענגומטוב ל כ

Uvash’vi-i ratzita bo v’kidashto, ,ית בווקדשתו צ שביעיר וב

chemdat yamim oto karata, , את ר מיםאותוק תי חמד

zeycher l’ma-aseh v’reyshit. .אשית הבר כרלמעש ז

Those who keep Shabbat by calling it a delight

Will rejoice in Your realm.

The people that hallow Shabbat will delight in Your goodness.

For, being pleased with the Seventh Day, You hallowed it

As the most precious of days,

Drawing our attention to the work of Creation.



And the Youth Shall See Visions

Childhood was for fantasies, for nursery rhymes and toys.

The world was much too busy to understand small girls and boys.

As I grew up I came to learn that life was not a game,

That heroes were just people that we called another name.


And the old shall dream dreams, and the youth shall see visions,

And our hopes shall rise up to the sky.

We must live for today, we must build for tomorrow;

Give us time, give us strength, give us life.

Now I’m grown, the years have passed, I’ve come to understand

There are choices to be made, and my life’s at my command.

I cannot have a future ‘til I embrace my past;

I promise to pursue the challenge, time is going fast.


Today’s the day I take my stand, the future’s mine to hold.

Commitments that I make today are dreams from days of old.

I have to make the way for generations come and go;

I’ll have to teach them what I’ve learned so they will come to know.


— Debbie Friedman


Im Tirtzu

Im tirtzu eyn zo agadah יןתרצואם הזוא ד אג

lihyot am chofshi b’artzeynu פשיעםלהיות נוח בארצ

b’eretz Tzion vi-rushalayim. ליםציוןבארץ .וירוש

If you will it, it is no dream,

To be a free nation in our land,

the land of Zion and Jerusalem.

L’chi Lach

L’chi lach, to a land that I will show you,

Lech l’cha, to a place you do not know.

L’chi lach, on your journey I will bless you,

And you shall be a blessing, you shall be a blessing,

You shall be a blessing, l’chi lach.

L’chi lach, and I shall make yoiur name great,

Lech l’cha, and all shall praise your name!

L’chi lach, to the place that I will show you,

L’simchat chayim, l’simchat chayim,

L’simchat chayim, l’chi lach.

Ending: You shall be a blessing, you shall be a blessing,

You shall be a blessing, l’chi lach.


Not By Might, Nor By Power

Not by might, and not by power,

But by spirit alone [clap clap] shall we all live in peace! (2x)

The children sing, the children dream,

And their tears may fall, but we’ll hear them call,

And another song will rise, another song will rise,

Another song will rise!

Ending: Not by might, not by power, shalom!

Sing Unto GOD

Sing unto GOD, sing a new song!

Oh, sing praises to GOD, give thanks to GOD with a song.

Oh, sing praises unto the One above.

Let us rejoice all ye righteous and cry out to our GOD with joy!

Sing out from your hearts, oh, sing praises to GOD.

Bless GOD’S name, oh, sing unto our GOD a song of prayer,

Sing praises to the One, sing unto GOD! (2x)

Ending: Sing a new song, sing a new song unto (3x) GOD!

Sing a new song to GOD! (3x)



“The Summer Day” (abridged) (Mary Oliver)

Who made the world?

Who made the swan, and the black bear?

Who made the grasshopper?

I don't know exactly what a prayer is.

I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down

into the grass, how to kneel in the grass,

how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields

which is what I have been doing all day.

Tell me, what else should I have done?

Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?

Tell me, what is it you plan to do

With your one wild and precious life?

from New and Selected Poems, ©1992, Beacon Press, Boston, MA.

Excerpt from “A State of Siege” (Mahmoud Darwish)

Our coffee cups. And birds. And the green trees

with blue shadows. And the sun leaping from

one wall to another like a gazelle …

and the water in clouds with endless shapes

in what is left to us of sky,

and other things of postponed memory

indicate this morning is strong and beautiful,

and that we are eternity’s guests

from The Butterfly’s Garden, trans. from Arabic by Fady Joudah, ©2007, Copper Canyon Press, Port Townsend, WA.


“Wild Geese” (Mary Oliver)

You do not have to be good.

You do not have to walk on your knees

For a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.

You only have to let the soft animal of your body

love what it loves.

Tell me about your despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.

Meanwhile the world goes on.

Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain

are moving across the landscapes,

over the prairies and the deep trees,

the mountains and the rivers.

Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,

are heading home again.

Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,

the world offers itself to your imagination,

calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting --

over and over announcing your place

in the family of things.

from Wild Geese, ©2004, Bloodaxe Books Ltd.

“I Begin with a Prayer of Gratitude” (Ruth Brin)

I begin with a prayer of gratitude for all that is holy in my life.

GOD needs no words, no English or Hebrew, no semantics and no services.

But I need them.

Through prayer, I can sense my inner strength, my inner purpose,

my inner joy, my capacity to love.

As I reach upward in prayer, I sense these qualities in my Creator.

To love GOD is to love each other, to work to make our lives better.

To love GOD is to love the world GOD created and to work to perfect it.

To love GOD is to love dreams of peace and joy that illumine all of us,

and to bring that vision to life.

from Mishkan T’filah: A Reform Siddur—Shabbat, ©2007, Central Conference of American Rabbis, New York, NY.


Excerpts from “Ben Tehillim: On Fleeing His City” (Shmuel HaNagid)

By GOD and GOD’S faithful—

and I keep my oaths—

I’ll climb cliffs

and descend to the innermost pit,

and sew the edge of desert to desert,

and split the sea

and every gorge,

and sail in mountainous ascent,

until the word “forever” makes sense to me…

May YAH be with you as you love,

and your soul which He loves be delivered,

and the GOD of sentence

send aegis,

beyond both the sun and the moon.

from Selected Poems of Shmuel HaNagid, ©1996, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. Translated from the Hebrew by Peter Cole.

“I Know Not Your Ways” (Malka Heifetz Tussman)

I know not your ways—

A sunset is for me

a godset.

Where are you going, GOD?

Take me along,

if, in the “along,”

it is light, GOD.

I am afraid of the dark.

from Kol Haneshamah: Shabbat Vehagim, 3rd ed., ©1994/2006, The Reconstructionist Press, Elkins Park, PA.


Excerpts from “The Book of Yukel” (Edmond Jabès)

“Silence is the kernel of noise. Therefore, GOD, who is hard silence, cannot be

heard, only accepted as the fruit colors are accepted by the hours of the tree.”

– Reb Guesin

“The soul’s vocabulary is that of wing and dewdrop.

It is flight and heavenly brew.” – Reb Naam

“My soul, you move in words as day moves in gestures of gold.

I speak. Is this not proof that you exist?” – Reb Sayod

“GOD is after life, where life changes its name.” – Reb Feder

“GOD is the incandescent point facing the dark point of the written page.

For to man’s book of nights corresponds GOD’S blinding book of light.” – Reb Sari

“I heard with Your ears and since have not stopped hearing You.

“I saw with Your eyes and since have not stopped seeing You.

“I spoke with Your mouth and since have not stopped naming You.

“O LORD, for every minute

“You are the minute doubled.” – Reb Garam

Excerpt from “The Book of Resemblances” (Edmond Jabès)

What is to be read will always remain to be read.

You read. You tie yourself to what comes untied—to

what unties you within your ties.

You are a knot of correspondences.

… a knot of innocence, craftiness, of things likely and

unlikely, of infinite faithfulness.

Both poems are from From the Book to the Book: An Edmond Jabès Reader, ©1991, Wesleyan University Press.

Translated from the French by Rosemarie Waldrop.


“Psalm 8”




GOD, our Upholder, how vast is your signature

over all the earth.

It reflects your glory in the heavens.

From the mouth of infants and nurslings

you have made a foundation of strength—

to oppose those who oppose you,

to bring the enemy and person of vengeance to a halt.

When I behold your name in the heavens,

the craft of your fingers,

the moon and the stars that you fixed immutable,

I think: What is a mortal that you should be mindful of him,

offspring of flesh that you should pay her attention?

Yet you have made us only slightly less than GOD.

You have encompassed us with glory and splendor.

You allow us dominion over the words of your hands;

you placed everything under our feet,

flocks of sheep and herds of cattle, all of them,

every beast of the field.

The bird of the sky and fish of the ocean,

all that traverses the sea.

GOD, our Upholder,

how vast is your signature

over all the earth.

from The Complete Psalms: The Book of Prayer Songs in a New Translation,

©2010 Pamela Greenberg, Bloomsbury USA, NY.


“The Absentee Landlord” (Charles Simic)

Surely, he could make it easier

When it comes to inquiries

As to his whereabouts.

Rein in our foolish speculations,

Silence our voices raised in anger,

And not leave us alone

With that curious feeling

We sometimes have

Of there being a higher purpose

To our residing here

Where nothing works

And everything needs fixing.

The least he could do is put up a sign:


So we could see it,

In the graveyard where he collects the rent

Or in the night sky

Where we address our complaints to him.

from My Noiseless Entourage, ©2005, Harcourt Books, Orlando, FL.

From “Gods Change, Prayers are Here to Stay” (Yehuda Amichai)

Bird tracks in the sand on the seashore

like the handwriting of someone who jotted down

words, names, numbers and places, so he would remember.

Bird tracks in the sand at night

are still there in the daytime, though I’ve never seen

the bird that left them. That’s the way it is

with GOD.

from Open Closed Open, ©2000, Harcourt, Orlando, FL. Trans. from the Hebrew by Chana Bloch and Chana Kronfield.


From “Saladin’s Begging Bowl” (Maulana Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī)

Late, by myself, in the boat of myself,

no light and no land anywhere,

cloudcover thick. I try to stay

just above the surface, yet I’m already under

and living within the ocean.

Does sunset sometimes look like the sun’s coming up?

Do you know what a faithful love is like?

You’re crying. You say you’ve burned yourself.

But can you think of anyone who’s not

hazy with smoke?

“A Great Wagon” (Maulana Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī)

When I see your face, the stones start spinning!

You appear; all studying wanders.

I lose my place.

Water turns pearly.

Fire dies down and doesn’t destroy.

In your presence I don’t want what I thought

I wanted, those three little hanging lamps.

Inside your face the ancient manuscripts

seem like rusty mirrors.

Both poems are from The Essential Rumi, New Expanded Edition, ©2004, HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., New York, NY.

Translated from the Persian by Coleman Barks.


“A Long Time Ago” (Paulina V. Adelman)

A long time ago, before anything had a name, we didn’t know that we were man

or woman, human or animal, male or female. When the wild reeds bowed their

heads in the wind, we bowed our heads too, for it was the same spirit—breath

that breathed through us every second, every hour, every day of our lives. At

dawn when the brilliant orange squash blossoms opened gently, gently at the first

warm kiss of sun, we too opened our eyes and uncurled from sleep, stretching

wide, stretching far, rejoicing as every part of our bodies came to life again. And

when the rains came forth, loving Earth so much that she grew fruits and berries

and nuts to feed us with, we were full of her joy and we loved each other and we

grew our own children to eat Earth’s joys, her fruits, so that the rains would come

again and visit her.

It was before we were called man or woman, even before we could speak one

word. In those days we prayed with our entire beings, in the wind, in the sun, in

the rain; every second, every day, every hour of our lives; at the rising of the sun

and the dark of the moon, at the birth of the son and the death of the

grandmother, at the wedding of two lovers, at the buzzing of the Spring. We

breathed, we bowed, we laughed, we wept. This was before we called it prayer.

from Kol Haneshamah: Shabbat Vehagim, 3rd ed., ©1994/2006, The Reconstructionist Press, Elkins Park, PA.

From “Jewish Travel” (Yehuda Amichai)

I declare with perfect faith

that prayer preceded GOD.

Prayer created GOD,

GOD created human beings,

human beings create prayers

that create the GOD that creates human beings.

from Open Closed Open, ©2000, Harcourt, Orlando, FL. Trans. from the Hebrew by Chana Bloch and Chana Kronfield.



• Rabbi Bruce D. Aft

• President Dr. Russell Rayman

• Executive Director Elizabeth Bayer

• Program Coordinator Shantel Davis

• Building Custodian Andres L. Vigil

• Members of Shir Reyim (The Adat Reyim Folk Group) as of August 2016:

Larry Kugler, Founder and Co-Director

Russell Nadel, Co-Director

Laura Baker

Linda Braverman

Andrea Cate

Amelia Cohen-Levy

Kate Fox

Robin Gross

Tara Nadel

Wendy Reiter

Chip Rome

Sunny Rome

Mark Sawasky

Mike Sobel

and all their families!

• Chazzan Sidney Rabinowitz, Sue Aft, and the many other Adat Reyim staff members and congregants

who helped proofread and contribute to this Siddur!

• The congregants who so generously sponsored the printing of this Siddur!

• All the congregants, family members, and friends who come or have come to Folk Services!