congressman honda letter to president obama regarding kidnapped nigerian girls

MICHAEL M. HONDA COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS 17TH DISTRICT, CALIFORNIA SUBCOMMITTEES: COMMERCE, JUSTICE, SCIENCE WASHINGTON OFFICE: LABOR, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, 1713 LONGWORTH HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING EDUCATION WASHINGTON, DC 20515 _______ PHONE: 1202) 225—2631 SENIOR WHIP FAX: (202) 225—2699 CONGRESSIONAL ASIAN PACIFIC D~TRiCTOFRCE: ~ of ttje ~IIiuttb ~tate~ AMERICAN CAUCUS, CHAIR EMERITUS SUITE 670W SUSTAINABLE ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT (408) 436-2720 ~ou~e of ~4tptt~tntatibt~ COALITION, VIcE CHAIR 18551 680—3759 LGBT EQUALITY CAUCUS, FAX: 1408) 436—2721 VICE CHAIR May 9, 2104 The President The White House Washington, DC Dear President Obama: Mr. President, knowing of your longstanding interest in promoting fundamental human rights and freedoms, we write to express concern over the recent abduction of over 200 girls in Nigeria last month, and the at least eight kidnapped earlier this week. This brazen attack is only the latest of Boko Haram’s repeated and well-publicized attacks throughout the north of the country. We urge your administration to use every avenue possible to assist in the immediate recovery of the missing girls and in bringing the perpetrators to justice. The group Boko Haram, which the State Department has designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, has claimed responsibility for the kidnapping and threatens to sell the girls into the human trafficking market. Boko Haram has continually condemned education for young women—their name loosely translates as “Western education is forbidden.” In Nigeria, 40% of the population is under the age of 15. Boko Haram seeks to prevent access to education for these young people, which is vital to keeping communities productively employed, and in preventing and resolving conflict. The mass kidnapping and threat of human trafficking are human right violations that cannot be tolerated. Human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery, which America must proactively seek to end. We call on you to lead in seeking action at the United Nations to unite the global community behind this cause. We believe there is much more the United States government should do to address the growing threat Boko Haram poses to international peace and security. We urge you to work towards adding Boko Haram, and the splinter faction, Ansaru to the United Nations Security Council’s PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER

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Post on 02-May-2017




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Page 1: Congressman Honda Letter to President Obama regarding Kidnapped Nigerian Girls





PHONE: 1202) 225—2631 SENIOR WHIPFAX: (202) 225—2699 ASIAN PACIFIC



(408) 436-2720 ~ou~e of ~4tptt~tntatibt~ COALITION, VIcE CHAIR

18551 680—3759 LGBT EQUALITY CAUCUS,FAX: 1408) 436—2721 VICE CHAIR

May 9, 2104The PresidentThe White HouseWashington, DC

Dear President Obama:

Mr. President, knowing of your longstanding interest in promoting fundamental human rightsand freedoms, we write to express concern over the recent abduction of over 200 girls in Nigerialast month, and the at least eight kidnapped earlier this week. This brazen attack is only the latestof Boko Haram’s repeated and well-publicized attacks throughout the north of the country. Weurge your administration to use every avenue possible to assist in the immediate recovery of themissing girls and in bringing the perpetrators to justice.

The group Boko Haram, which the State Department has designated as a Foreign TerroristOrganization, has claimed responsibility for the kidnapping and threatens to sell the girls into thehuman trafficking market. Boko Haram has continually condemned education for youngwomen—their name loosely translates as “Western education is forbidden.” In Nigeria, 40% ofthe population is under the age of 15. Boko Haram seeks to prevent access to education for theseyoung people, which is vital to keeping communities productively employed, and in preventingand resolving conflict.

The mass kidnapping and threat of human trafficking are human right violations that cannot betolerated. Human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery, which America must proactivelyseek to end. We call on you to lead in seeking action at the United Nations to unite the globalcommunity behind this cause.

We believe there is much more the United States government should do to address the growingthreat Boko Haram poses to international peace and security. We urge you to work towardsadding Boko Haram, and the splinter faction, Ansaru to the United Nations Security Council’s


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Al Qaida Sanctions List, the mechanism by which international sanctions are imposed on AlQaida and Al-Qaida linked organizations. While the Department of State officially designatedthe group as a Foreign Terrorist Organization in November of 2013, Boko Haram’s addition tothe Security Council’s Sanctions List would further curtail its terrorist activities. In addition toefforts with the United Nations, creating a strong working relationship with the African Union isalso important to bringing about a sustainable peace in the region.

The Administration’s efforts this week to form an interdisciplinary team to assist Nigerianauthorities in rescuing these young girls is a positive step forward that we applaud. We standcommitted to supporting the Administration as it provides assistance in the recovery of thekidnapped victims, and we thank you for your timely response to the incident and call for justicefor the victims.



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Page 16: Congressman Honda Letter to President Obama regarding Kidnapped Nigerian Girls

Cosigners  for  Rep.  Honda  Letter  to  President  Obama  Re:  Support  for  Assistance  of  05-­‐12-­‐2014    Robert  B.  Aderholt  Spencer  Bachus  Andy  Barr  Karen  Bass  Joyce  Beatty  Dan  Benishek,  M.D.  Kerry  Bentivolio  Ami  Bera  Sanford  D.  Bishop,  Jr.  Marsha  Blackburn  Bob  Brady  Bruce  Braley  Corrine  Brown  Julia  Brownley  Michael  C.  Burgess  G.K  Butterfield  Michael  Capuano  André  Carson  Matt  Cartwright  Kathy  Castor  Joaquin  Castro  Donna  Christensen  Judy  Chu  Yvette  D.  Clarke  Howard  Coble  Steve  Cohen  John  Conyers,  Jr.  Joe  Courtney  Kevin  Cramer  Henry  Cuellar  Elijah  Cummings  Steve  Daines  Susan  Davis  Danny  K.  Davis  Peter  DeFazio  John  Delaney  Rosa  DeLauro  Suzan  DelBene  Ted  Deutch  Lloyd  Doggett  Tammy  Duckworth  Jeff  Duncan  Donna  Edwards  Keith  Ellison  Eliot  Engel  

Anna  G.  Eshoo  Sam  Farr  Chuck  Fleischmann  Bill  Flores  Jeff  Fortenberry  Lois  Frankel  Marcia  Fudge  Pete  Gallego  Joe  Garcia  Louie  Gohmert  Gene  Green  Al  Green  Tim  Griffin  Raul  M.  Grijalva  Luis  Guitierrez  Janice  Hahn  Colleen  Hanabusa  Alcee  L.  Hastings  Denny  Heck  Ruben  Hinojosa  George  Holding  Rush  Holt  Steven  Horsford  Richard  Hudson  Jared  Huffman  Bill  Huizenga  Steve  Israel  Sheila  Jackson  Lee  Hakeem  Jeffries  Eddie  Bernice  Johnson  Hank  Johnson  Marcy  Kaptur  William  R.  Keating  Robin  Kelly  Dan  Kildee  Derek  Kilmer  Ann  McLane  Kuster  John  B.  Larson  Tom  Latham  Robert  C.  Latta  Barbara  Lee  John  Lewis  Zoe  Lofgren  Alan  Lowenthal  Nita  M.  Lowey  

Page 17: Congressman Honda Letter to President Obama regarding Kidnapped Nigerian Girls

Cosigners  for  Rep.  Honda  Letter  to  President  Obama  Re:  Support  for  Assistance  of  05-­‐12-­‐2014    Michelle  Lujan  Grisham  Stephen  F.  Lynch  Dan  Maffei  Carolyn  Maloney  Jim  Matheson  Doris  Matsui  Carolyn  McCarthy  Betty  McCollum  James  P.  McGovern  Patrick  McHenry  Jerry  McNerney  Gregory  W.  Meeks  Grace  Meng  Mike  Michaud  Gwen  Moore  James  P.  Moran  Patrick  E.  Murphy  Jerold  Nadler  Grace  Napolitano  Gloria  Negrete  McLeod  Rick  Nolan  Eleanor  Holmes  Norton  Alan  Nunnelee  Alan  Nunnelle  Beto  O'Rourke  Frank  Pallone,  Jr.  Erik  Paulsen  Donald  Payne  Jr  Ed  Perlmutter  Scott  Perry  Scott  Peters  Thomas  Petri  Chellie  Pingree  Robert  Pittenger  Joseph  R.  Pitts  Mark  Pocan  Ted  Poe  Charles  B.  Rangel  Reid  Ribble  Cedric  L.  Richmond  Scott  Rigell  Dana  Rohrabacher  Dennis  A.  Ross  Lucille  Roybal-­‐Allard  Bobby  Rush  

Tim  Ryan  Linda  T.  Sánchez  John  P.  Sarbanes  Jan  Schakowsky  Robert  C.  Scott  David  Scott  Jim  Sensenbrenner  José  E.  Serrano  Terri  Sewell  Kyrsten  Sinema  Albio  Sires  Louise  Slaughter  Adam  Smith  Jackie  Speier  Steve  Stivers  Steve  Stockman  Eric  Swalwell  Mark  Takano  John  F.  Tierney  Scott  Tipton  Paul  Tonko  Niki  Tsongas  David  Valadeo  Chris  Van  Hollen  Juan  Vargas  Marc  Veasey  Filemon  Vela  Jackie  Walorski  Tim  Walz  Debbie  Wasserman  Schultz  Maxine  Waters  Henry  A.  Waxman  Randy  Weber  Frederica  Wilson  Joe  Wilson  John  Yarmuth  Ted  Yoho  Don  Young