conjugating italian verbs:

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Conjugating Italian Verbs:. What is a verb conjugation? Why do we conjugate? Common –ARE Verbs Come facciamo ? How do we do it? Pratichiamo ! Let’s Practice!. With the help of: . What is a conjugation?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Come facciamo?Procedures to conjugating an ARE VerbStep 1: Cross off the ARE (click)ParlareStep 2: Add the ending you need that tells us who did the actionParl

Io parlNoi parl

Tu parlVoi parl

Lui/Lei parlLoro parloiateanoiamoaClick the question number you were working on to try again!

13456782Why do we need to conjugate?We need to know WHO is completing the actionIn English, we add pronouns:I jumpWe jumpYou jumpYou (all) jumpHe or She jumpsThey jump

In Italian, we add special endings to verbs:Io oNoi iamoTu iVoi ateLui or Lei aLoro anoSei sicuri?Are you sure?Click Professor Toto to go back the question

Pratichiamo!Lets Practice!Io _______________ (travel) allItalia ogni estate.

Doyouneed help?Click the correct conjugation for the given sentence:viaggiateviaggiviaggioClick for sound!BRAVISSIMO! Sei laureati dei congiugazioni ARE Great job! Youve graduated from ARE verb conjugations

Pratichiamo!Lets Practice!7. Tu ______________ (eat) spaghetti e polpetti stasera.

Doyouneed help?Click the correct conjugation for the given sentence:mangiamomangimangiaSei sicuri?Are you sure?Click Professor Toto to go back the question

Teacher PageNYS Standards for a Modern Foreign LanguageListening & SpeakingStandard 1: Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication.Key Idea: LISTENING & SPEAKING are primary communicative goals in modern language learning. These skills are used for the purposes of socializing, providing and acquiring information, expressing personal feelings and opinions, and getting others to adopt a course of action.Performance Indicators--Students will:Checkpoint A comprehend language consisting of simple vocabulary and structures in face-to-face conversation with peers and familiar adultscomprehend the main idea of more extended conversations with some unfamiliar vocabulary and structures as well as cognates of English wordscall upon repetition, rephrasing, and nonverbal cues to derive or convey meaning from a language other than Englishuse appropriate strategies to initiate and engage in simple conversations with more fluent or native speakers of the same age group, familiar adults, and providers of common public servicesReading & WritingStandard 1: Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication.Key Idea: READING & WRITING are used in languages other than English for the purposes of socializing, providing and acquiring information, expressing personal feelings and opinions, and getting others to adopt a course of action.Performance Indicators--Students will:Checkpoint A understand the main idea and some details of simple informative materials written for native speakerscompose short, informal notes and messages to exchange information with members of the target culture

This is an introductory Italian grammar lesson presents basic information on how to conjugate common, regular ARE verbs. Students have just begun more advanced conversation and are learning to alter verbs in order to express who is completing the action. With this information, students will be able to write complete, Italian sentences with a recognizable subject and correctly conjugated verb.

Resources:Google ImagesProfessore TotoLanguages Other Than English (LOTE) NYS Standards