connect the dots to your sales success

Connect the dots... your sales success!

Upload: andre-bello

Post on 11-Nov-2014




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As you probably know, managing dozens or hundreds of sales opportunities, each at different stages in “the pipeline,” is a challenge. Sales agents everywhere have devised their own solutions to this problem. Some solutions involve pen and paper. People have created clever Excel spreadsheets. And others have turned to software applications that can make life difficult by doing more than they need to do. With Goal Smashers, we’ve focused on the essential things you need to be successful: Who should I contact next? Which skills do I need to work on? How am I doing? While there are several screens within Goal Smashers, it is essentially a one-page application. We’ve tried to create a system that brings focus and clarity by representing everything you need to see on one page. One succinct and visual page. While visualizing a sales pipeline is nothing new, using this visual as your primary means of interaction is something new. Our hope is that you will be able to cut through the noise and focus on the essential things that make you successful -- without clicking through a bunch of screens or shuffling through pages. We want to help you simplify the onslaught of information and introduce some measured control over your sales process.


Page 1: Connect the Dots to your Sales Success

Connect the your sales success!

Page 2: Connect the Dots to your Sales Success

How can dotshelp you to sell more?

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goalsmasherslooks like this...

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prospects go in the funnel... and sales come out!

woo hoo!

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dots keep track of whathappens to your prospects


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leads contacted qualified interviewed proposals wins!

they move downthe sales pipeline

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if you go looking for prospects...

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They enter the pipeline asround “outbound leads”



(this means there was some outbound effort from you!)

thanks for calling!

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if prospects initiateContact with you...

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dots will have a “teardrop” shape...



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and will enter the pipeline asteardroped “inbound contacts”



(this means the prospect initiated the contact with you!)

heard good things about you!

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the color represents theprobability of success

high medium low

(it will be “medium” by defaultbut you can change anytime)

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you can mark an important dot with a star!

me too!

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when you completean activity, it’s recorded

as a green dot!

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“ghosts” allow you to see the dots from previous months

(so they show up in the current month, but don’t count until you advance them down the pipeline!)

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if dots are inactive for too long they get “cold” and turn blue!

ghost dots too!

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Blue dots fall out of the pipeline at the end of the month!

(but if you advance them down the pipeline before the end of the month, they revert to their previous state, and stay!

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a good salesperson knows when anopportunity has nowhere else to go!

(it’s good to keep track ofwhy opportunities go dead)

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There’s a free e-book with lots more details!

(You can get it at