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Connected Learners; Creating a global classroom

Upload: ann-michaelsen

Post on 09-Dec-2014




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In this session, we will be looking at how you can use social media like Twitter, Skype and blogging to help students communicate and learn from peers around the world. Technology in the classroom offers endless opportunities to collaborate and engage your students in innovative authentic projects. Last year we wrote the book Connected Learners in class, using SkyDrive and OneNote. Our goal is to show teachers how easy it is to adopt this method and how much the students enjoy working like this. As a classroom teacher, you cannot create your own educational system. However, you can change what is going on in your classroom. This session will show you how to help your students become connected leaners. Our goal is for teachers and students to model a true learner centered environment. Ann will be speaking alongside two of her students: Hanne Wiger and Haakon Bakke


  • 1. Connected Learners; Creating a global classroom

2. Ann S. Michaelsen Haakon Hoel Bakker Hanne Wiger Sandvika high school, Norway 3. Skjermutklipp tatt: 19.09.2012 19:18Skjermutklipp ta tt: 19.09.2012 19:16 4. Our school our class 900 students 1:1 school Block scheduling all day subjects from 8:30 13:15 Teaching without textbooks PLN building with social media: Twitter, Blogging, Skype, Facebook, YouTube, Internet during exams 5. January to April 6. The creators 7. Motivation 8. There is nothing like a great question to send you on a rich and meaningful quest for learning. Michael Wesch, Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 9. Recording Why? Record the presentation in class How Use your own device What 10. Seven steps to connect 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.Twitter Blog RSS feed Skype Quad-blogging Facebook group Ning 11. New Zealand Cape Town South Africa Usa 12. Leading the waySharingConnect to createDigital learnersLearn from others