connections, february 2013

Connections A publication of Jewish Voice Ministries International February 2013 Special Report

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2012 was a fantastic year of ministry for Jewish Voice! Discover what God did to bring humanitarian aid and the Gospel message to Africa and India.


Page 1: Connections, February 2013

ConnectionsA publication of Jewish Voice Ministries International

February 2013

Special Report

Page 2: Connections, February 2013

Woliso/Addis Ababa, EthiopiaMedical Outreach

WolIso outreAch

8,160 PAtIents treAted

2,402 sAlVAtIons

AddIs AbAbA outreAch

8,448 PAtIents treAted

2,765 sAlVAtIons

Our first back-to-back outreach to both the Beta Avraham of Addis Ababa and the Gefat of Woliso, Ethiopia, in late February/early March 2012 was a wonderful success. We treated nearly 1,000 more patients at our 2012 Woliso outreach than we did in 2011. And Rabbi Jack Zimmerman, who headed up our prayer team for both outreaches, shared the Good News of Yeshua and prayed for more than 30 percent of all patients, an outreach record.

We treated nearly 1,000 more patients at our 2012 Woliso outreach than we did in 2011.

Page 3: Connections, February 2013

Mexico City, MexicoFestival Outreach

MexIco cIty outreAch

22,700 AttendAnce

773 sAlVAtIons

Mexico City has one of the largest Jewish populations in Latin America, and there is very little outreach to the Jewish community in Mexico. Knowing that, we decided to host our Hear O’ Israel! Festival of Jewish Music & Dance at the largest concert hall in Mexico City, the Auditorio Nacional, a venue that seats some 10,000 people. The need for further ministry is great. That’s why we are in the midst of helping local Believers to establish a new Messianic congregation.

Even before the Festival began, we hit the streets with the Good News, handing out invitations to the Festival and engaging the local people in evangelistic conversations. Over the course of three days, 260,000 invitations were distributed and 302 people accepted Yeshua as Messiah.

—Jonathan Gannon, JVMI Director of Global Outreach

Page 4: Connections, February 2013

Mposi, ZimbabweMedical Outreach

ZIMbAbWe outreAch

7,117 PAtIents treAted

5,791 sAlVAtIons

Through a dramatic series of events, the chief of the Mposi Lemba in Zimbabwe had a personal revelation of Yeshua as his Messiah, and because of that, doors for us to proclaim the Gospel and disciple the Lemba opened wide.

We took our first trip to Zimbabwe in June 2012, and nearly 200 staff and volunteers from seven different countries provided free medical care to this confirmed Jewish community. DNA tests have proven that the Lemba are, indeed, Jewish; in fact, they belong to the tribe of Levi.

Imagine what could happen if this entire tribe responded to the Gospel!

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After our outreach, Jewish Voice established a Messianic congregation to fulfill the need for continued spiritual discipleship. We have partnered with Messianic Jewish Bible Institute (MJBI) to provide rotating teams that will disciple these new Believers and conduct weekly Shabbat services there.

What a privilege we have to stand in the gap between the arduous present realities of this scattered,impoverished community and the glorious prophetic promises set before them.—Benjamin Levitt, JVMI Lead International Logistics Manager

Considering that there may be as many as 400,000 Lemba scattered throughout Zimbabwe and into South Africa, imagine what could happen if this entire tribe responded to the Gospel. It would result in the largest movement of Abraham’s descendants coming to faith in the last two thousand years. They would become the largest group of Messianic Jews on the planet!

Page 6: Connections, February 2013

Gondar, EthiopiaMedical Outreach

Manipur, IndiaMedical Outreach

GondAr outreAch

9,635 PAtIents treAted

3,685 sAlVAtIons

MAnIPur outreAch

7,673 PAtIents treAted

378 sAlVAtIons

We were privileged to serve the Beta Israel of Gondar, Ethiopia, during Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). During this special appointed time, we provided free medical, dental, and eye care to 9,635 of our Ethiopian brothers and sisters during the five-day clinic. That figure represents the most patients treated in a Jewish Voice Gondar medical outreach since we began working among the Beta Israel in 1999.

Little did we realize the full timeliness of our medical outreach—many of the people to whom we ministered would be making aliyah to Israel in that same month of November 2012 and some would follow in February of 2013. We give thanks to the Lord for His providential timing by allowing us to share the Good News of Yeshua with His people immediately prior to their return home to the Land of Israel!

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Addis Ababa, EthiopiaMEDICAL OUTREACHFebruary 22 - March 3, 2013

Hosanna, Ethiopia MEDICAL OUTREACHApril 26 - May 5, 2013

Manipur, IndiaMEDICAL OUTREACHMay 23 - June 3, 2013

Hear O’ Israel! Festival of Jewish Music & DanceFESTIVAL OUTREACH2013 (dates & location TBD)

Mberengwa, ZimbabweMEDICAL OUTREACHAugust 29 - September 9, 2013

Gondar, Ethiopia MEDICAL OUTREACHOctober 4 - 13, 2013

Gutu, ZimbabweMEDICAL OUTREACHOctober 24 - November 4, 2013

For more information or to register, visit,

email [email protected], or call 800-299-YESHUA.



treAtedAt Medical Outreaches

sAlVAtIonsAll Outreaches

Will you be a part of history?

Be God’s Love Letter to the World!2013 Outreach Dates

Page 8: Connections, February 2013

From the heart of

Jonathan Bernis“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”

—Acts 4:12

Shalom, Dear Friends!

Thank you for your faithful prayer and giving in 2012 that enabled us to answer God’s call to take healing, hope, and salvation in Yeshua to the world. It confirms to me that the Lord is blessing our efforts!

As a key partner in this very effective global outreach ministry, you may already know why we do what we do, but I want to remind you of the three things that drive us every day:

1. A compulsion to share the truth of God’s Word that there is only one way to eternal life—and that is the person of Yeshua (Jesus). My Jewish brothers and sisters must be exposed to their Messiah, while there is still time.

2. Our mandate is to bring help and salvation to the Jew first, according to Romans 1:16. We are “not ashamed of the Gospel…for everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” I believe the missing truth in the body of Messiah today is the failure to bring the Gospel to the Jewish People.

3. I have studied Romans 11:15 at great length, and I believe that when Paul wrote that Israel’s restoration would bring “life from the dead,” he was connecting the salvation of Israel with God’s ultimate plan for the redemption of all mankind. Israel, the Church, and the nations are all linked together.

Scattered Jewish communities desperately need our help to find the hope to keep going and remain strong. Thousands of dear Jewish People and friends of God are waiting. Will you help? Bless you!

Your partner to the Jew first and also to the Nations,

Jonathan Bernis, President & CEO Jewish Voice Ministries


Jewish Voice Ministries uKAdmail 4224 | London W2 4UN | 1-855-9-YESHUA

Jewish Voice Ministries canadaP.O. Box 476 | Maple Ridge, BC V2X | 1-855-7-YESHUA

Jewish Voice Ministries InternationalP.O. Box 31998 | Phoenix, AZ | 800-299-YESHUA

Page 9: Connections, February 2013

I have enclosed $50 or more. Please send me the Jewish History and Traditions Set. 1404

I want to help with my gift, but don’t want to receive the offered items. DS

There are 3 convenient ways to give: Print and mail this page with your gift, call 602-971-8501, or click anywhere on this page to give online!

Name ______________________________Address _______________________________________________________________Phone _____________________________Email ______________________________


Yes! Jonathan, I want to share in the Genesis 12:3 blessing and reach the world with Yeshua’s love in 2013!

Enclosed is my gift of: $___________________


Order Number(s)________________________________________________

I want to help with my gift, but don’t want to receive the offered items. DS

Ethiopian Pillow Cover (#3010) Through the production of these handwoven Pillow Covers, you are not only helping local Ethiopian artisans share their Jewish heritage through beautiful workmanship, but you are also increasing their standard of living. Each pillow cover is hand embroidered by the Ethiopian Jewish community with a unique biblical scene.

LifeStraw (#2050) Imagine drastically reducing the chances of waterborne illnesses for twelve months . . . Imagine having the miracle of clean drinking water for an entire year within your reach. Both are possible with the LifeStraw. Each gift of $60 or more will allow us to provide four LifeStraws for JVMI Outreaches in 2013, and we will also send you one as well.

Tallit (Prayer Shawl) (#1010) Support the local Beta Avraham community! Handwoven in Ethiopia, this tallit will remind you to pray for the Lost Tribes throughout the world.

“Grafted In” Keychain (#2807) Use this keychain to spark conversations with your Jewish friends of how Yeshua is the Light of the world!

$100 $60

$100 $10

Page 10: Connections, February 2013

Fill out this portion only if using a credit/debit card to make your gift. Thank you!

In the event this project becomes fully funded, theBoard of Directors reserves the right to use all excess funds toward other ministry purposes.

US: The Internal Revenue Code permits you to deduct the amount of your gift that exceeds the value of materials received.

PLEASE CHARGE ________ TO MY: VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER (U.S. only) AMEXCARD NO. ____________________________ EXP. DATE ___/___SIGNATURE___________________________________________PRINT NAME__________________________________________PHONE ( _______)________-_______________________

Jewish Voice Ministries InternationalP.O. Box 31998 | Phoenix, AZ | 800-299-YESHUAJewish Voice Ministries CanadaP.O. Box 476 | Maple Ridge, BC V2X | 1-855-7-YESHUAJewish Voice Ministries UKAdmail 4224 | London W2 | 1-855-9-YESHUA