conscious pregnancy teacher training omechaye 2015

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  • 8/10/2019 Conscious Pregnancy Teacher Training Omechaye 2015


    KRI recognized Specialty Training for Yoga Teachers: Conscious PregnancyOmechaye wellness Center allandale !"lorida! #S$ % "e&ruary '( ) *une (! '+,-

    Conscious Pregnancy: The Journey from Woman to Mother

    A Specialty Training for Kundalini Yoga Teachers.ased on the Teachings of Yogi .ha/an

    KRI appro0ed recognition

    4 Weeends!ridays "":#$am%&pm

    Saturday' Sunday (:#$%):#$pm!e*ruary +&th, +(th - March "st

    April +4th, +)thMay ".th, ")th, "&th

    June .th, )th/ &th0mechaye 1ellness Center , 2allandale !lorida ##$$3

    Join us at 0mechaye Wellness Center in 2allandale !lorida/Address and driing directions are listed *elo1/

    Conscious Pregnancy Specialty Training prepares a KRI Certified Kundalini YogaInstructor to teach Conscious Pregnancy and Post)partum yoga classes! withemphasis on ser0ing women and &uilding community1 This comprehensi0ecourse is also an incredi&le preparation for women who are planning to &ecomemothers or are interested to educate girls or women1 The training is also open

    to women who are not Instructors of Kundalini Yoga1

    #sing the wisdom and practical 2nowledge of Kundalini Yoga! as taught &y Yogi.ha/an! participants e3perience personal transformation and awa2ening totheir identity as a woman and their /ourney as a mother1

    CurriculumThe curriculum is &ased on the teachings of Yogi .ha/an! who &egan to teach

    CP "lorida '+,- Information ,'%'%'+,4- Page , of ,+

    5arly 6egistration ends "+'"+'+$"45arly Registration Price 6,74-5arly Registration Price! 8iscounted9 6,(-

    After "+'"+'+$"4"ull Registration Price 6',4-Registration Price! 8iscounted96,;(-

    9 8iscounted price a0aila&le for: payment if full re

  • 8/10/2019 Conscious Pregnancy Teacher Training Omechaye 2015


    KRI recognized Specialty Training for Yoga Teachers: Conscious PregnancyOmechaye wellness Center allandale !"lorida! #S$ % "e&ruary '( ) *une (! '+,-

    the re0ered and ancient teaching of Kundalini Yoga and umanology in the ?estin ,;;1 e emphasized that e0eryone is spiritual@ howe0er! most people doAOT 2now how to &e #B$A e did not want to collect disciples and ne0erinitiated anyone1 e instead trained students to &e teachers who could inspireothers to li0e as conscious humans1

    The training &egins with the yogic 0iew of the identity of a woman! includingher 0ery uni

  • 8/10/2019 Conscious Pregnancy Teacher Training Omechaye 2015


    KRI recognized Specialty Training for Yoga Teachers: Conscious PregnancyOmechaye wellness Center allandale !"lorida! #S$ % "e&ruary '( ) *une (! '+,-

    G Study specific Kundalini Yoga and Beditation for pregnancy and post)partum1

    G Study the physiological de0elopment of pregnancy! &irth and infant care1G Prepare her to teach these su&/ects and support women and their


    Conscious Pregnancy Curriculum 0erie1G Kundalini Yoga and BeditationG RelationshipsG Conscious ConceptionG "irst ,'+ 8ays after conceptionG Pregnancy SupportsG Pregnancy and lactation anatomyG Specific yoga and meditations for the child)&earing yearG Preparation for .irthing

    G .irth ProcessG 4+ days after .irthG .reastfeeding .asicsG andling the #ne3pectedG .a&y Bassage and .a&y YogaG ow to create curriculum for these su&/ectsG ow to inspire others concerning these yogic teachings

    ScheduleThis ,++ classroom hour training! and hour e3amination is presented on the

    following dates:"e&ruary '(th! '7th! Barch ,st$pril '4th! '-th 'thBay ,-th! ,th ! ,(th*une -th ! th1 (th

    8aily Schedule99"ridays schedule ,,:J+am)(pmSaturday %Sunday7:J+ $B ,:++ PB Borning program

    ,:++ PB ,:4- PB Lunch':++ PB :J+ PB $fternoon program

    5lements of the final e3am Fer&al e3aminations on each su&/ect area

    Yoga%meditation class practicum

    Lecture topic practicum

    CP "lorida '+,- Information ,'%'%'+,4- Page J of ,+

  • 8/10/2019 Conscious Pregnancy Teacher Training Omechaye 2015


    KRI recognized Specialty Training for Yoga Teachers: Conscious PregnancyOmechaye wellness Center allandale !"lorida! #S$ % "e&ruary '( ) *une (! '+,-

    ?ritten e3am

    Student 53it Inter0iew

    ?hat to 53pect

    Change! you will e3perience change within your own self ealing! you will release patterns which confine you as a woman

    Kundalini Yoga and Beditation for women! pregnancy! and post)partum

    Student yoga and lecture practicums

    Lectures and discussion

    Personal growth acti0ities and small group discussions

    Regular small group chec2)ins

    .a&y massage and &a&y yoga

    4+ 8ay coo2ing class

    Yogi .ha/an 8F8 lectures

    Re&irthing meditations

    Huest lecturers

    Celestial Communications

    8ance: $di Sha2ti Bo0ement! 8ance with your &a&y

    Connection! you will meet a wonderful circle of women who will inspireyou to your own e3cellence

    Staff Tarn Taran Kaur Khalsa! International 8irector for the Conscious

    Pregnancy Training! and author of Conscious Pregnancy: The Hift of

    Hi0ing Life! and The 4+ 8ay .lessing1 She is an international KRI)LeadTrainer for Le0el , and '1 5mail: tt2M2undaliniwomen1org

    Tarn Taran Kaur created this Conscious Pregnancy training as a mediumto share Yogi .ha/ans teachings for pregnancy and motherhood in ,;(in am&urg! Hermany1 Today there are thousands of Kundalini Yogaclasses for pregnancy around the glo&e1 She is married now for 4, yearsand is &lessed with one daughter and two grandsons1

    Log onto www12undaliniwomen1orgfor listing of the listing of all Trainersfor this course1

    Banuals?e strongly recommend that all participants read the two training manuals&efore the training1 Please purchase and &ring with you to the training1

    The two Conscious Pregnancy training manuals! carry the KRI Seal of $ppro0al!and are a0aila&le at www1lulu1com:CP "lorida '+,- Information ,'%'%'+,4- Page 4 of ,+

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/10/2019 Conscious Pregnancy Teacher Training Omechaye 2015


    KRI recognized Specialty Training for Yoga Teachers: Conscious PregnancyOmechaye wellness Center allandale !"lorida! #S$ % "e&ruary '( ) *une (! '+,-

    o Conscious Pregnancy: The Gift of Giving Life,

    o Conscious Pregnancy Yoga Manual!

    ?e also recommend all participants to read: I am a Woman: Creative, Sacred Invinci!le&y KRI =www12riteachings1org>1

    Banuals are AOT included in Training "ee1


  • 8/10/2019 Conscious Pregnancy Teacher Training Omechaye 2015


    KRI recognized Specialty Training for Yoga Teachers: Conscious PregnancyOmechaye wellness Center allandale !"lorida! #S$ % "e&ruary '( ) *une (! '+,-

    "ull)time Students! Seniors =o0er +>! IKYT$ mem&ers orInternational Tra0elers1

    T#o #or& e'change (ositions are availa!le for financial assistance) If you areinterested and need financial assistance, (lease email *i#an %aur to re+uest:


    Payment BethodRegister directly with Omechaye please go to www1Omechaye1com or contact*iwan Kaur for Bailing address if necessary1

    Payment is made in #S dollars only1

    Payment is accepted &y

    Omechaye 1com for credit cardso #S chec2o International Boney Order

    Kindly ma2e all payments in the name of: Omechaye

    Cancellation Policy for Conscious PregnancyThere is a Cancellation "ee of 64++1 Your cancellation re

  • 8/10/2019 Conscious Pregnancy Teacher Training Omechaye 2015


    KRI recognized Specialty Training for Yoga Teachers: Conscious PregnancyOmechaye wellness Center allandale !"lorida! #S$ % "e&ruary '( ) *une (! '+,-

    Saturday and Sundays 7:J+am):J+pm

    8ri0ing Instructions To Omechaye:;- to allendale &each &l0d e3it tra0el east towards #S, continue east past

    #S, 1 Omechaye will &e on your right /ust past the Hulf steam 5ntrance loo2 fora white &uilding with orange lettersOB5C$Y5 ?5LLA5SS C5AT5R,,++ allandale .each "lorida !JJ++;

    Aearest $irports

    "t Lauderdale%ollywood International $irport is located a&out '-minutes from allandale "lorida1

    Biami Intnl $irport is located a&out ,hr from allandale "lorida1

    Transportation to and from the $irportsPlease &oo2 your flight into "ort Lauderdale airport =closest to allandale> or

    Biami International airport1 $t each airport there are shuttle ser0ices and ta3ia0aila&le1 You may also arrange for a rental car1.

    "lorida weather and climate"e&ruary weather is (+)7+ cooler at night Barch ) *une warmer with occasionalrain storms

    ?hat to .ring"or the yoga practiceG Yoga mat or sheep s2inG Beditation &lan2et or shawl

    G Your personal yoga props

    "or the training

    G Baterials for ta2ing notesG ?ater &ottleG Pillow for sittingG Snac2s: will &e a0aila&le to purchase at the Omechaye Cafe

    Personal itemsG Lip &alm! s2in lotion! insect repellent! sunscreen! sunglasses or 0isorCP "lorida '+,- Information ,'%'%'+,4- Page ( of ,+

  • 8/10/2019 Conscious Pregnancy Teacher Training Omechaye 2015


    KRI recognized Specialty Training for Yoga Teachers: Conscious PregnancyOmechaye wellness Center allandale !"lorida! #S$ % "e&ruary '( ) *une (! '+,-

    G Yoga mat or sheeps2inG Loose! light clothes for daytime yoga! light sweater or sweatshirtG J white outfits and comforta&le yoga clothingG Comforta&le wal2ing shoesG Light rain gear and for sunny days a &athing suit

    Child care during training?e do not offer child care during training1

    Contact Information :*iwan Kaurwww1/iwanyoga1comPhone: ;-4)44-)((-

    5)mail: /iwan2aurMgmail1com

    .oo2 Keeping uestions: Please contact *iwan Kaur ;-4)44-)((-

    "re with your re

  • 8/10/2019 Conscious Pregnancy Teacher Training Omechaye 2015


    KRI recognized Specialty Training for Yoga Teachers: Conscious PregnancyOmechaye wellness Center allandale !"lorida! #S$ % "e&ruary '( ) *une (! '+,-

    $ll scores of the e3amination elements are tallied for the final grade1 Hrading:Pass! "ail! or Pending1

    What is a Student 5=it 9nterie15ach student has a personal inter0iew following the "inal 53amination with one

    of the course trainers1 8uring the inter0iew the student will recei0e their e3amresults and suggestions for specific Dyogic homewor2!E to enhance theirpersonal de0elopment! or teaching presentation1

    2o1 can 9 maret my pregnancy yoga classes after completing the ConsciousPregnancy trainingYou can present yourself as DConscious Pregnancy teacher! &ased on theteachings of Yogi .ha/anE! and you will ha0e the right to use the standardizedConscious Pregnancy poster and flyer template! which you can re&:$$ am at 8aie Yoga Source and is optional, ho1 do 9 get through such along dayBorning Sadhana is offered e0ery Saturday at the studio1 This is a 0ery specialopportunity to practice a group Sadhana1 Sadhana is a spiritual discipline whichaccelerates transformation and awareness1 Hroup Sadhana at the studio isoptional howe0er you may want to gi0e yourself the e3perience during the timeyou are here1 You can participate as &est you can: /ust getting there gi0es you(+ of the &enefits You can sleep and rest during sadhana1 .edtime isrecommended at ; pm1

    What does the 1ord Ashram mean$shram means the house of the teacher1 "or o0er J+ years Yogi .ha/an inspiredmany of his students to esta&lish ashrams around the glo&e1 owe0er he spentthe last years of his life here in Aew Be3ico and re0ered acienda Huru Ram8as! as DThe Bother $shram1E e said! DHod is e0erywhere! howe0er is homeis in Aew Be3icoE1 Yogi .ha/an lo0ed the ancient land here! the wide &lue s2iesand the fresh clean air1 The $shram facility is the center of many communityacti0ities throughout the wee21

    9s there an emergency phone num*er 1here 9 can *e reached during thetraining8uring course Q e0enings: *iwan K ;-4)44-)((- U Sur/an K ;-4)4;);(77

    Conscious Pregnancy TestimonialsThere are no #ords to than& you enough) So a sim(le than& you is mye'(ression, !ac&ed u( !y a million !lessings)Sat Aam! 8e0 $mrit Kaur

    CP "lorida '+,- Information ,'%'%'+,4- Page ; of ,+

  • 8/10/2019 Conscious Pregnancy Teacher Training Omechaye 2015


    KRI recognized Specialty Training for Yoga Teachers: Conscious PregnancyOmechaye wellness Center allandale !"lorida! #S$ % "e&ruary '( ) *une (! '+,-

    Than& you for the ins(iration and good e'(eriences you shared #ith all of us)If .God lives in co/y homes,0 you !rought him #ith you) Lo0e! ar&ha/an Kaur

    I learned that I had forgotten many of the things my o#n mother had taught

    me 12 years ago) It hel(ed me to get in touch #ith myself) It also hel(ed meto !e more comforta!le #ith my o#n aging (rocess) 3cce(ting that no# it ismy time to share #ith younger #omen the need for em(o#erment, disci(lineand connection #ith the divine).lessings! Huru Rai Kaur! Aew *ersey

    4on5udgmental atmos(here) $'tremely com(rehensive) Than2 you! S1!Sweden

    I (assionately felt ins(ired to em(o#er #omen to have trust and faith in theiro#n a!ility to give !irth)L1 S2elton! #K

    This training has clarified in me, that #hich I &ne# in my heart !ut did not&no# consciously) It has hel(ed me to have the confidence to share thisinformation in a clear (recise #ay) I feel that I am more connected (ersonallyno# to the #omen of 167 and #ill !e more comforta!le in reaching out forhel( from them) This course #as ama/ing in its sco(e and (o#erful in its

    (resentation) The #omen trainers are e'(erts in their fields)Huru Rai Kaur!Aew *ersey

    I understand that this #as (art of a healing that I needed in my life)Than2s!Huru Hanesha! "lorida

    This training is ama/ingly much more than ust information a!out (regnancy)It is a transformation for me as a teacher and a conscious #oman)In gratitude!P1K! Spain

    CP "lorida '+,- Information ,'%'%'+,4- Page ,+ of ,+