construction and development contents page

Construction and development Contents page

Upload: enamulmiah95

Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Construction and developmentContents page

For my contents page I decided to start off by experimenting on where I should locate the “contents” page, I had tried it in all parts of the page, by doing this it gave me a better idea on where it will look appropriate and eye catching, I decided to situate it at the top of the page as this way the viewer can straightaway identify that it is a contents page, as well that it was far more attractive when placing it at the top, following this I wanted to layout all the information before I placed my picture, I wanted to create different design and see which fitted my genre.

In my first attempt I decided to use Trajan pro for the “contents page”, this is the font which I used for my magazine cover, I kept it aligned along the top of the page as it looked far more attractive, I used a black border which I put behind text and added a blur by duplicating the layer, this ensured that “contents” will stand out, I also added a different colour which will stand against the black, after experimenting with different colours, it was apparent that not all colours worked well with black, this includes blue and grey, I chose the colour red as it stands outs and combines well with black, for the featuring articles I used the font Felix titling which again stands out and looks very effective, again I used the colour black and red which works against the natural background. My idea for “whats new” from the vibe magazine as I wanted include a main information focal point, this I found common through the research phase which shows that I had complied to the standard conventions. I then used a border around the page numbers which made the numbers stand out from the page, this also added consistency and made my magazine content look attractive

After looking back through the research and planning, I decided that I could include another element which will ensure that my page has no blank spaces and improve the look of the page, I had taken further inspiration from the “Q” magazine which made use of all the contents page, this ensured that the viewer knows where to find the specific pages and also it adds interest, so I had added a black box along the bottom and added “lomattic special” with the red text and the same font which made the page look consistent, as this was used for the title of the page , I had put this at the bottom because they need to know what information the magazine contains before reading what they will find special within the magazine, I experimented with the special effects with the text by using Gaussian blur, however this did not enhance the look of the page, because it was used against a dark colour, so it did not have any real affects, so I decided against it.I used the same font colour for all the featuring articles because I wanted my contents page to look consistent which I discovered from the ” Vibe” magazine, I also decided to take of the blur behind the contents, because it had no real effect to, this is due to being used against

Following that the next step included, incorporating the main image, this fitted well with the layout, I located it to the right of the page next to the featuring articles, however when looking back at the research and planning the “Q” magazine used special effects to enhance the look of the image, I liked this element because it made the main subject more outstanding and eye- catching, I used a higher opacity which made the image look as though it had an extra background layer, the text which I used for the featuring articles where all the same size, this ensures that all the components fit on the page and look well presented , prior to this I had experimented with font sizes to see if it looked well with different sizes or one size and I preferred with one size. I also added a black box to give my magazine a consistent look, as this was one of the main colours within my magazine .

After receiving feedback from peers, it was evident that my contents page did not require any particular changes as it looked very effective as it is, it required minor adjustments such as moving the “contents” slightly to the left, this was the only element which required changing.

After receiving feedback from peers, it was evident that my contents page did not require any particular changes as it looked very effective as it is, it required minor adjustments such as moving the “contents” slightly to the left, this was the only element which required changing.