construction works contract

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Construction Works Contract

Contract de Antrepriza



SC_______________SRL, cu sediul in _________,___________, inregistrata la Oficiul Registrul Comertului din Bucuresti, sub nr. JXX/XXXXX/XXXX, CIF ROXXXXXX, avand Contul IBAN XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, deschis la ______________ _____, tel: ___________, fax: _____________, e-mail: ________________, reprezentata legal ________________ - Administratori, numit in continuare BENEFICIAR.SI

______________________________________________________, ______________________________________________________


numit in continuare SUBCONTRACTOR.INTRUCATProiectul de constructii este:


Art. 1


1.1 Definitiile termenilor de mai jos se aplica in interpretarea tuturor documetelor ce alcatuiesc contractul.

1.2 Contract: Totalitatea documentelor contractuale mentionate in MOM in ordinea de prioritate de la 1 la 9.

Pentru claritate aceste documente reprezinta, formeaza si sunt numite Contractul.

1. Contractul de Lucrari de constructie

2. MOM

3. Anexa 1- Descrierea Prestatiilor cu Lista de Preturi si Cantitati (BOQ)/ Oferta acceptata a subcontractorului nr._______/______________

4. Anexa 2 - Specificatii Tehnice

5. Anexa 3 - Planuri

6. Anexa 4 - Grafic de executie

7. Anexa 5 - Reguli de Sanatate si siguranta in Munca

8. Anexa 6 - Regulament de Santier

9. Anexa 7 - Model al Scrisorilor de garantie

Contractul va intra in vigoare cand toate documentele ce fac parte integranta din acesta au fost semante de catre ambele parti. Documentele contractului se vor semna de catre si in numele ambelor parti de catre reprezentantii legali imputerniciti.

1.3 Scris sau in scris inseamna scris de mana, tiparit, printat sau in format electronic rezultand intr-un inscris permanent.1.4 Lucrari inseamna lucrarile contractate si descrise in anexa 1 precum si lucrarile aditionale.

1.5 Zi inseamna zi calendaristica.

1.6 Perioada de Garantie reprezinta perioada de timp incepand cu data semnarii Procesului Verbal de receptie la terminarea lucrarilor si remedierea ultimului viciu din anexe si care inceteaza odata cu semnarea Procesului Verbal de Receptie finala si remedierea ultimului viciu din anexe. Perioadele de garantie mentionate in contract se prelungesc automat cu perioada de timp necesara remedierii viciilor descoperite.

1.7 Instructiune decizie a Beneficiarului notificata subcontractorului prin care acestuia din urma i se cere sa execute anumite lucrari in legatura cu obiectul contractului, si care nu modifica pretul sau durata contractuala. Instructiunile Beneficiarului sunt obligatorii pentru Subcontractor daca sunt date cu respectarea prevederilor legale in vigoare.Art 2


2.1 Beneficiarul doreste realizarea de lucrari de ___________________________________________ desemnate in cele ce urmeaza Lucrari astfel cum sunt descrise in Anexa 1.Art 3

RESPECTAREA LEGILOR SI REGULAMENTELOR3.1 Lucrarile se vor executa la cea mai inalta calitate respectand toate Legile, Reglementarile, Standardele, Normativele si codurile Practicii din Romania, precum si cele mai recente Coduri ale Practicii si Standarde EU, privind atat materialele cat si metoda de executie.

3.2 Contractul va fi interpretat in lumina prevederilor legale imperative aplicabile.

3.3. Subcontractorul este obligat sa respecte manualul producatorului pentru materiale/lucrari, manualele de instalare (daca exista), cerintele tehnice ale Beneficiarului, specificatii etc. 3.4 Subcontractorul va inmana Beneficiarului toate aprobarile necesare cerute de legislatia sau/si autoritatile din Romania pentru scopul de lucrari ce face obiectul prezentului contract, Agrementele Tehnice, Certificatele de Calitate, Certificatele de Conformitate din UE etc pentru materialele utilizate. Nu se va efectua nici o plata pana cand toate documentele de mai sus ajung in posesia Beneficiarului.

Art 4


4.1 n cazul n care descrieri ale lucrrilor, documente de proiectare sau tehnice sunt diferite ntre ele, (daca sunt inmanate de catre beneficiar) i dac subcontractorul a putut observa aceasta pana la momentul semnarii contractului, atunci se va considera ca preul contractului include eventualele necesiti suplimentare si nici o pretentie a subcontractorului intemeiata pe aceste diferente nu va fi acceptata.4.2 In acest scop, Subcontractorul trebuie s verifice imediat si in intregime documentele ce i-au fost predate. Dimensiunile/masurarorile/datele de santier inmanate trebuie comparate cu situaia de fapt de pe santier. Subcontractorul este obligat s i comunice Beneficiarului nentrziat n scris eventuale aspecte incomplete, necondordane sau ndoieli pana la semnarea contractului, in caz contrar pretentii ulterioare pe aceste considerente nu vor fi luate in considerare.


5.1 Locatia pentru desfasurarea lucrarilor este _____________________________, numita in continuare santierul.

5.2 Subcontractorul cunoaste amplasamentul si conditiile de realizare a proiectului.

5.3 Subcontractorul trebuie s se informeze cu privire la amplasarea i accesibilitatea antierului, a stadiului construciei precum i cu privire la toate datele de santier necesare pentru efectuarea lucrrilor de construcii n special cu privire la existena i amplasamentul utilitilor. Subcontractorul nu poate emite pretentii intemeiate pe necunoastrea datelor de mai sus. Art 6Valoarea contractului6.1 Toate sumele mentionate in Contract sunt exclusiv TVA.

6.2 Subcontractorul a facut cunoscuta suma pe care o cere pentru executarea Lucrarilor fara defecte si de cea mai buna calitate.

6.3 Valoarea totala a contractului avand in vedere mana de lucru si materialele este detaliata in Anexa 1.A. Suma Fixa Pausala

(toate documentele, cantitatile si planurile au fost verificate de catre subcontractor)


B. Contract re-masurabil (in functie de cantitatile folosite)(toate preturile unitare sunt fixe si nu sunt supuse indexarii, indiferent de motive, pana la finalizarea lucrarilor)B.1 Preurile unitare convenite se aplica la toate Lucrrile ce sunt necesare pentru executarea contractului. B.2 Clacularea pretului final contractual se va face dupa re-masurarea cantitatilor finale in baza situatiilor de lucrari si a proceselor verbale de receptie.B.3 Stabilirea cantitii trebuie realizat de ambele pri mpreun i trebuie consemnata intr-un proces verbal. n cazul in care exista dezacorduri, Beneficiarul este ndreptit s realizeze constatrile in baza rezultatului unei expertize independente ale carei costuri vor fi suportate de partea a carei evaluare a fost cel mai putin aproape de realitate. ________________________________________________Art 7Conditiile de Plata

7.1 Plata in Avans: _____%

Procentul este calculat la Pretul Total contractual si va fi garantat prin scrisoare de garantie bancara. Subcontractorul va inmana Beneficiarului scrisoarea de garantie bancara in formatul atasat la contract in termen de 3 zile de la semnarea contractului. Avansul va fi platit in termen de 3 zile de la data inmanarii scrisorii de garantie bancara. Nici o plata nu se va efectua pana cand Beneficiarul nu primeste scrisoarea de garantie pentru avans.7.2 Plata Lucrarilor:

7.2.1 Plata se va face in baza urmatoarei Proceduri:

1. Predarea de catre subcontractor a situatiei de lucru lunare cel mai tarziu pana in ziua de 5 a lunii curente pentru luna anterioara.

2. Verificarea Situatiei de lucrari de catre Beneficiar: 10 zile de la primirea situatiei de lucrari. In urma verificarii Beneficiarul va emite Certificatul de Plata.3. Plata pentru lucrarile executate in luna anterioara se va face in termen de 28 de zile de la data primirii facturii fiscale a subcontractorului intocmita in conformitate cu certificatul de plata semnat de ambele parti.

4. Plata finala va urma aceeasi procedura cu exceptia faptului ca termenele de mai sus vor fi majorate cu 10 zile si va fi conditionata de semnarea Procesului Verbal de Receptie la Terminarea Lucrarilor. Cererea pentru plata finala va fi facuta dupa semnarea Procesului Verbal de receptie la Terminarea Lucrarilor si remedierea tuturor defectelor mentionate in anexele la acest document.

7.2.2 Certificatele de Plata semnate de catre parti sunt obligatorii iar pretentii ulterioare ale Subcontractorului nu vor fi luate in considerare.

7.2.3 Preturile exclud TVA7.2.4 In cazul in care Beneficiarul va face plata in termen de _______ zile de la data semnarii certificatului de plata si primirii facturii Subcontractorului, Subcontractorul va acorda un discount de ____% din valoarea facturata.7.2.5 In cazul in care Beneficiarul nu este de acord sau nu poate verifica o parte a situatiei de lucrari, subcontractorul va prezenta informatii suplimentare la cererea Beneficiarului si va face modificarile de rigoare in termenele mentionate in paragraful anterior.

7.2.6 Rata de schimb valutar stabilita de comun acord este Rata de schimb oficiala a BNR din ziua semnarii Certificatelor de Plata.7.2.7 Doar facturile intocmite conform prevederilor legale in vigoare vor fi acceptate la plata. Termenele de plata de mai sus sunt calculate de la data primirii unor facturi valabile, legal intocmite.7.2.8 Subcontractorul este obligat sa mentioneze pe fiecare factura fiscala, numarul Contractului, data Contractului, lucrarile executate, sumele/procentele de garantie, numarul certificatului si data, suma in Euro (daca este cazul) si rata de schimb oficiala a BNR din data semnarii Certificatului de Plata.

7.2.9 Toate facturile trebuie emise si trimise la urmatoarea adresa: ____________________________________7.2.10 Platile se vor face in contul Subcontractorului nr. _______________, deschis la ____________________, Sucursala _______________.7.3 Lucrari suplimentare7.3.1 n cazul n care din modificarea execuiei planificate de catre Beneficiar reies lucrri n plus sau n minus, subcontractorul este obligat s stabileasc n mod nentrziat adaosurile i reducerile aferente acestor lucrari n baza calculaiei preului paual sau a ratelor fixe unitare avand ca data de referinta data semnarii contractului.7.3.2 Dreptul Subcontractorului la plata lucrarilor suplimentare este conditionat de aprobarea scrisa de catre Beneficiar a calculatiei costurilor suplimentare, inaintea executiei.

Pentru inceperea executiei este necesar acordul scris al beneficiarului pe Oferta prezentata de catre Subcontractor pentru lucrarile aditionale. Oferta odata acceptata devine parte din contract fiind supusa conditiilor si clauzelor acestuia, in masura in care prin semnarea ofertei nu s-a agreeat altfel.

Pretul contractual va fi modificat in conformitate cu valoarea lucrarilor aditionale iar calculul garantiilor va avea in vedere noua valoare contractuala astfel obtinuta.

7.3.3 Orice lucrare suplimentara efectuata in afara unei oferte aceptate va fi considerata ca fiind executata in afara dispozitiilor contractuale si nu va atrage nici o obligatie/raspundere pentru Beneficiar si nu vor fi platite de catre Beneficiar chiar daca ele au fost deja realizate.Art 8Garantii

8.1 Sub sanctiunea retinerii platilor curente, toate garantiile acordate de catre subcontractor in baza acestui contract vor fi date in forma unor scrisori de garantie bancara avand continutul prevazut in Modelul Scrisorilor de Garantie atasat la Contract si fiind emise de o banca sau o institutie financiara acreditata agreata de catre Beneficiar.8.2 De asemenea garantiile acordate pentru executia lucrarilor si remedierea viciilor nu vor fi eliberate decat dupa semnarea Proceselor verbale de receptie aferente si remedierea tuturor defectelor.

8.3 In acest sens, sub sanctiunea executarii la termen sau a retinerii procenetlor eferente din valoarea lucrarilor, subcontractorul este obligat sa asigure validitatea scrisorilor de garantie pe toata durata de existenta pana la remedierea ultimului defect.

8.4 In cazul in care beneficiarul va executa sumele acordate cu titlu de garantie ca urmare a executiei necorespunzatoare sau a existentei viciilor, subcontractorul este obligat sa aduca valoarea garantiei la suma initiala stabilita prin contract, in termen de 5 zile de la data executarii garantiei. Pana atunci Beneficiarul este indreptatit sa retina suma respectiva drept garantie din facturile fiscale scadente.8.5 Termenele de garantie sunt prelungite cu perioada aferenta remedierii viciilor.

8.6 Termenele de garantie prevazute in acest contract nu inlatura aplicarea ternenelor de garantie legala privind viciile ascunse si structura de rezistenta a cladirii.

Garantia de Buna Executie

8.7 Subcontractorul trebuie s acorde Beneficiarului n decursul a 15 zile de la ncheierea prezentului contract, o Garantie de Buna Executie privind ndeplinirea exacta, calitativa si eficienta a tuturor obligaiilor contractuale pentru lucrarile contractate, inclusiv pentru prestaii modificate i suplimentare, in valoare de 10% din valoarea contractului. Daca Subcontractorul nu depune Garantia de Buna Executie, Beneficiarul este indreptatit sa retina 10% din valoarea contractului.

8.8 In cazul in care subcontractorul in urma notificarii beneficiarului nu remediaza defectele sau neconformitatile semnalate in derularea contractului sau nu grabeste ritmul lucrarilor intarziate, beneficiarul are dreptul de a executa garantia de buna executie. Termenul indicat de catre Beneficiar in notificarea de remediere sau accelerare a lucrarilor este obligatoriu pentru subcontractor sub sanctiunea executarii garantiei.

8.9 Garantia de Buna Executie va fi eliberata dupa semnarea Procesului verbal de receptie la terminarea Lucrarilor si remedierea tuturor viciilor mentionate in anexa parte integranta din acesta si dupa inmanarea Garantiei pentru defecte, in baza cererii scrise a subcontractorului. Pentru lucrarile aditionale procentul aferent garantiilor va fi retinut din certificatele de plata.Garantia pentru vicii ale Lucarii aferente Perioadei de Garantie8.10 Subcontractorul va prezenta Beneficiarului in termen de 15 zile de la Procesul Verbal de receptie la Terminarea Lucrarilor si remedierea ultimului defect din Anexele la acest document o Garantie pentru vicii in valoare de 5% din Valoarea Lucrarilor pentru o perioada de 5 ani si 3 luni calculati de la semnarea Procesului Verbal de Receptie la terminarea Lucrarilor si remedierea tururor viciilor din anexa la acesta. In cazul in care cand subcontractorul nu va prezenta Beneficiarului o Garantie Bancara pentru perioada de garantie pentru vicii, Beneficiarul are dreptul sa retina 5% din valoarea contractului, fara dobinda, pentru Perioada de Garantie pentru Vicii.Alternativ Garantia pentru vicii poate fi constituita sub forma retinerii unui procent de 5% din valoarea contractului pentru perioada de garantie pentru defecte mentionata mai sus. Astfel, platile vor fi facute pana la 95% din intreaga valoare a Contractului.

8.11 Orice defect, neconformitate cu specificatiile tehnice, sau orice alte neajunsuri care sunt descoperite in termen de 5 ani si 3 luni de la data semnarii Procesului Verbal de receptie la Terminarea Lucrarilor si remedierii ultimului viciu mentionat in anexa la acesta si care se datoreaza materialelelor si/sau mainii de lucru in neconformitate cu Contractul sau neprotejarii/executiei defectuoase pe perioada lucrarilor, vor fi reparate de catre Subcontractor pe cheltuiala sa, fiind notificat de catre Beneficiar, cu referire la aceste defecte sau neajunsuri.

8.12 Termenul indicat de catre Beneficiar in notificare este obligatoriu pentru subcontractor sub sanctiunea executarii garantiei.8.13 Garania pentru vicii se va restitui in baza cererii scrise a Subcontractorului, la mplinirea termenului de garantie convenit dupa semnarea procesului verbal de receptie finala a lucrarilor si remedierea tuturor viciillor.

8.14 Toate costurile legate de garaniile descrise mai sus vor fi suportate de catre Subcontractor.

8.15 Toate garantiile acordate in baza acestui contract pot fi cesionate de catre Beneficiar dupa o informare prealabila a subcontractorului.8.16 Scrisorile de garantie bancara vor fi emise in EUR pentru Garantia pentru avans si Garantie de Buna executie si in EUR/RON pentru garantia pentru defecte.

8.17 Partile pot agrea ca in locul scrisorilor de garantie bancara aferente executiei lucrarilor si perioadei de garantie, Beneficiarul sa retina procentele aferente din valoarea totala a lucrarilor, suma astfel retinuta fiind eliberata dupa regulile si la momentele mentionate pentru scrisorile de garantie pe care le inlocuieste.

8.18 In cazul sumelor retinute ca garantie, eliberarea procentului va fi facuta la rata de schimb valutar din Certificatele de Plata prin care au fost retinute (Certificatele finale pentru ambele garantii)Art 9Asigurari (daca este cazul)9.1 Subcontractorul trebuie s ncheie, pe costul sau, inainte de inceperea lucrarilor, toate asigurrile necesare pentru lucrarile sale. Asigurarile vor cuprinde toate riscurile care ar putea aparea privind lucrarile executate, utilajele, instalatiile de lucru, echipamentele, materialele pe stoc, personalul propriu si subcontractorii, precum si daunele sau prejudiciile aduse catre terte persoane fizice sau juridice.

9.2 Valoarea si intinderea acoperirii lor pe durata ntregii perioade de construcie si a perioadei de garantie trebuie dovedit la cererea Beneficiarului.

9.3 Asigurarile se vor incheia cu o agentie de asigurare agreata de Beneficiar.

9.4 Daca, n urma unei solicitari prealabile a Beneficiarului subcontractorul nu prezinta o dovad in acest sens, Beneficiarul este ndreptit s ncheie el nsui aceste asigurri i s rein costurile pentru acestea din valoarea platilor catre Subcontractor sau din garantii, in mod direct si fara nici o alta formalitate.

Art 10Obligatiile Subcontractorului

10.1 In plus fata de obligatiile mentionate in cuprinsul acestui contract, subcontractorul trebuie:10.2 Sa execute si sa finalizeze lucrarile la cea mai inalta calitate, in timp si fara defecte. Subcontractorul are obligatia de a asigura paza si supravegherea lucrarilor, de a asigura forta de munca, materialele, instalatiile, echipamentele, fie de natura provizorie, fie definitiva, cerute de si pentru contract.10.3 Subcontractorul este responsabil pentru indepartarea rezidurilor rezultate in urma executarii lucrarilor contractate si de costurile aferente. In acest sens subcontractorul trebuie sa asigure curarea antierului conform ntinderii lucrrilor efectuate, inclusiv ndeprtarea molozului i a deeurilor formate.

10.3.1 In cazul in care Subcontractorul nu indeparteaza rezidurile, Beneficiarul il va notifica iar in lipsa unei executari imediate, va avea dreptul sa deduca costurile din valoarea Contractului, direct si fara vreo alta formalitate.10.3.2 Aceasta obligatie include si lucrri de curaenie, paza i ntreinere n cadrul obligaiei de asigurare a traficului rutier. Pentru eliminarea divergentelor cu Primaria si cu Garda de mediu, este obligatorie spalarea rotilor autovehiculelor la intrarea si iesirea din santier. Subcontractorul care va permite iesirea autovehiculelor sale din zona santierului cu anvelopele murdare va suporta consecintele sanctiunilor aplicate de organele mai sus mentionate.10.3.3 Reziduurile toxice (daca exista) aparute n urma activitatii desfasurate n cadrul lucrarilor de ctre Subcontractor vor fi gestionate de acesta conform legislatiei n vigoare referitoare la reziduuri. Acesta va pune la dispozitia beneficiarului i documente justificatoare in acest sens.

10.4 Subcontractorul garanteaza calitatea si acuratetea lucrarilor sale. Daca Beneficiarul va suferi orice prejudiciu ca urmare a neconformitatii sau executarii defectuoase sau intarziate a oricarei parti a lucrarii, Beneficiarul are dreptul de a cere Subcontractorului despagubiri pentru pierderile suferite. Prejudiciul suferit de catre Beneficiar va fi comunicat Subcontractorului insotit de descrierea si calculul valorii prejudiciilor cauzate. Beneficiarul este indreptatit sa deduca valoarea acestor prejudicii din oricare certificat de plata sau garantie, dupa o prealabila notificare trimisa Subcontractorului inainte de a efectua deducerile corespunzatoare prejudiciilor suferite si fara orice alta formalitate.

10.5 Subcontractorul garanteaza ca lucrarile vor fi executate cu respectarea tuturor cerintelor contractuale si legale, autorizatiilor, standardelor si normelor legale, referitoare la lucrarile executate.

10.6 Subcontractorul garanteaza ca este autorizat conform legii sa intreprinda activitatile ce fac obiectul prezentului contract si ca va folosi doar personal specializat si autorizat in indeplinirea sarcinilor contractuale.10.7 In indeplinirea obligatilor contractuale Subcontractorul va respecta prevederile legislatiei in vigoare cu privire la siguranta in munca si de exploatare a obiectului prezentului contract precum si toate normele si reglementarile in vigoare cu incidenta asupra desfasurarii in bune conditii a prezentului contract si a prevederilor Anexei 5 si 6, parte intergranta a contractului.

10.8 In legtur cu lucrrile sale, subcontractorul este obligat s ia toate msurile de siguran necesare pentru a evita daune asupra persoanelor sau a bunurilor, pentru evitarea i prevenirea pagubelor i accidentelor. Aceasta se aplic i n afara antierului, n special pe drumurile de transport. 10.9 Subcontractorul garanteaza si este respunzator de respectarea prevederilor legale de drept al muncii si in special de prevederile referitoare la salariul minim pe economie si plata asigurarilor sociale.

10.10 Subcontractorul va suporta un procent de 1,5% din valoarea contractului reprezentand contribuii pentru curent electric, ap, gaze, grupuri sanitare, canalizare.10.11 Subcontractorul l exonereaz Beneficiar de rspunderea pentru pretentii de despagubiri emise de terti ce s-ar nate n legtur cu lucrrile sale.

10.12 Subcontractorul trebuie s in un jurnal de santier cu privire la toate lucrrile sale i s l predea la inceput de fiecare sptmn Beneficiarului. Jurnalul de santier trebuie sa contina rapoartele zilnice avand in vedere desfurarea construciei, procesele i evenimentele de pe antier precum i toate prestaiile i datele necesare pentru ndeplinirea contractului.

10.13 Subcontractorul trebuie sa aiba in permanenta pe santier un Responsabil Tehnic cu executia, un controlor de calitate si un sef de santier.

10.14 In cazul n care este necesara efectuarea de probe sau teste, cheltuielile pe care acestea le presupun vor fi suportate de Subcontractor pn la un procent de ___ % din valoarea lucrrilor contractate. Daca testele sunt executate ca urmare a executiei defectuoase a lucrrilor sau a calitatii neconforme a materialelor, toate aceste costuri vor fi suportate de ctre Subcontractor iar Beneficiarul este indreptatit sa le deduca din platile curente direct si fara alte formalitati. Daca acestea au loc in timpul perioadei de garantie pentru defecte beneficiarul este indreptatit la executarea garantiei.10.15 Subcontractorul va pune la dispozitia Beneficiarului pentru aprobare mostre din fiecare material in parte inainte de a fi utilizat in executarea lucrarii. Costurile acestor mostre precum si testarea lor vor fi suportate de catre Subcontractor iar fiecare mostra in parte va fi etichetata si se va preciza in ce parte a lucrarii va fi utilizata. Beneficiarul va putea refuza utilizarea unui anumit material in cazul in care acesta nu corespunde specificatiilor tehnice/ cerintelor contractului/ standardelor de calitate impuse de lege.

10.16 Subcontractorul are obligatia de a respecta si de a executa dispozitiile Beneficiarului in orice problema mentionata in contract sau nementionata dar referitoare la lucrare precum si sa consulte si sa notifice in scris Beneficiarul cu privire la orice solutie tehnica privitoare la lucrare, cu respectarea reglementarilor legale in vigoare.10.17 Nerespectarea de catre subcontractor a celor stabilite n oricare din alineatele acestui articol i permite Beneficiarului s opreasc plata oricror facturi scadente, fr a prejudicia posibilitatea de reziliere prevzut la art.17.Art. 11Obligatiile Beneficiarului

11.1 Beneficiarul are obligatia de a plati subcontractoarul pentru valoarea lucrarilor realizate la calitatea si in conformitate cu cerintele contractului, la valoarea si termenele stipulate in contract.

11.2 Beneficiarul are obligatia de a pune la dispozitia Subcontractorului, santierul (frontul de lucru) in baza uni proces verbal de predare amplasament.Art 12Durata Contractului

12.1 Conform Graficului de executie Anexa 4Sau


(Proces- Verbal Predare Amplasament): _______________


(Semnarea Procesului Verbal de Receptie la finalizarea Lucrarilor):_____________

12.2 In cazul in care se observa faptul ca Lucrarile nu pot fi finalizate pana la Data de Finalizare sau la o data ulterioara, prevazuta conform acestei Clauze, independent de vointa si culpa Subcontractorului, incluzand orice directiva de modificare a lucrarilor data de catre Beneficiar sau in situatia in care Beneficiarul va solicita executarea unor lucrari suplimentare, care nu fac obiectul acestui contract, termenul de finalizare va fi prelungit prin decizie scrisa a Beneficiarului cu perioada necesara acestor lucrari.

12.3 Nu se iau n considerare pentru acordarea unei extensii de timp pentru finalizare, zilele neproductive, conditiile meteorologice i prelungiri de termene ale construciei determinate de faptul c Subcontractorul nu a putut pune la dispoziie la timp materialele, aparatura i fora de munc necesar.12.4 Dac din cauza Subcontractorului intervine o ntrziere n executare mai mare de 5 zile fa de Graficul de executie iar Subcontractorul, la solicitarea Beneficiarului, nu recupereaza intarzierea n termen de 5 zile, Beneficiarul este ndreptit s intervin n progresul lucrarilor i s s angajeze n acest sens alte firme, cheltuielile astfel aprute decontandu-se din sumele datorate subcontractorului sau din garantie, in mod direct si fara vreo alta formalitate. Aceasta nu inlatura dreptul Beneficiarului la perceperea penalitatilor de intarziere si a contravalorii daunelor cauzate (directe sau indirecte) sau a dreptului de reziliere a contractului. Penalitatile de intarziere pot fi cumulate cu daunele interese.12.5 Independent de acest lucru, Beneficiarul poate dispune msuri de accelerare a progresului construciei, msuri pe care Subcontractorull trebuie s le execute pentru a recupera ntrzierile de lucru. Obligaia Subcontractorului de executie, conducere a lucrrii i coordonare precum i ntreaga rspundere pentru msurile de construcie rmne neafectat.12.6 La data semnarii contractului Subcontractorul va preda Beneficiarului un grafic de executie detaliat. In situatia in care, pe parcursul executarii contractului, graficul de executie prezentat la data semnarii contractului nu mai corespunde cu progresul actual al lucrarilor, Subcontractorul va prezenta un nou grafic de executie in termen de 5 zile de la notificarea Beneficiarului, fara ca noul grafic sa afecteze termenul de finalizare a lucrarilor stabilit la art 12 12.7. Fiecare grafic de executie va cuprinde:

a. etapele executarii lucrarii (ordinea tehnologica de executie);

b. perioada de timp in care va fi executata fiecare etapa (ordinea cronologica de executie);

c. o descriere a metodelor pe care Subcontractorul le va folosi in executarea fiecarei etape a lucrarii;

d. echipamentele, tipul materialelor si personalul si calificarea acestuia pe care intentioneaza sa le foloseasca in executarea fiecarei etape a lucrarii.

12.8 Nedepunerea graficelor de executie in termenele mentionate indreptateste Beneficiarul sa opreasca orice plati curente catre subcontractor si sa deduca acestuia costurile intarzierii in mod direct si fara alte formalitati.Art 13Instructiuni

13.1 Beneficiarul poate formula instructiuni scrise in legatura cu obiectul contractului pe care Subcontractorul le va executa imediat. In cazul in care in cinci zile de la primirea notificarii scrise de la Beneficiar prin care acesta din urma cere respectarea unei instructiuni pe care Subontractorul nu a onorat-o, Beneficiarul poate angaja terte persoane pentru executarea lucrarilor instructate iar toate costurile vor fi suportate de catre subcontractor si deduse din sumele datorate acestuia sau din garantii direct si fara alte formalitati.

Art 14Receptia la Terminarea Lucrarilor14.1 Cu 5 zile inainte de finalizarea lucrarilor complet, calitativ si fara defecte, Subcontractorul este obligat sa notifice in scris Beneficiarul pentru ca acesta sa stabileasca data si ora efectuarii receptiei lucrarilor si semnarii Procesului Verbal de Receptie la Terminarea Lucrarilor.14.2 Pe baza situatiilor de lucrari executate confirmate si a constatarilor efectuate pe teren, Beneficiarul va aprecia daca sunt intrunite conditiile de receptie a lucrarilor. 14.3 Conditiile de admitere, amnare sau respingere a receptiei se aplica in conformitate cu prevederile regulamentului nr. 273/1994 privind procedura de receptie.

14.4 In cazul in care se constata ca sunt lipsuri sau deficiente care nu impiedica admiterea receptiei, acestea vor fi consemnate in procesul verbal de receptie la terminarea lucrarilor si vor fi remediate de catre subcontractor in cel mai scurt timp posibil dar nu mai tarziu de termenul stabilit de Benenficiar. 14.5 Termenele prevazute pentru semnarea certificatului final de plata incep sa curga de la data remedierii ultimului viciu mentionat in anexa la Procesul Verbal de Receptie la Terminarea Lucrarilor.Receptia finala

14.6 La expirarea perioadei de garantie pentru defecte va avea loc o receptia finala ocazie cu care se va semna Procesul Verbal de Receptie finala. Regulile prezentate mai sus pentru receptia la terminarea lucrarilor se aplica si Receptiei finale.14.7 In cazul in care subcontractorul nu se prezinta la data si ora stabilite pentru receptie, Beneficiarul va intocmi Procesul Verbal de receptie la terminarea Lucrarilor sau Procesul Verbal de receptie finala (dupa caz) iar defectele si lipsurile constatate in anexele la aceste Procese Verbale vor deveni opozabile si obligatorii pentru subcontractor.14.8 In caz de neexecutare de catre subcontractor a remedierii defectelor si lipsurilor mentionate Beneficiarul este indreptatit sa retina plata finala si sa execute garantiile acordate in baza contractului.

14.9 Prevederile clauzelor 14.7 si 14.8 se aplica si in situatia in care subcontractorul nu notifica terminarea lucrarilor si Beneficiarul trebuie sa organizeze singur receptia.

Art 15Clauza Penala

15.1 In caz de intarziere subcontractorul va plati 1% pe zi de intarziere calculate la valoarea contractului la care se adauga valoarea lucrarilor aditionale.

15.2 Penalitatile de intarziere nu exclud dreptul Beneficiarului de a solicita Subcontractorului plata daunelor directe si indirecte rezultate din inarzierea sau neindeplinirea/indeplinirea defectuoasa a obligatiilor contractuale, angajarea unei terte persoane pentru efectuarea lucarilor sau dreptul de a rezilia contractul.15.3 Penalitatile de intarziere si daunele produse Beneficiarului vor fi reinute din platile catre subcontractor sau din garantii, in mod direct si fara vreo alta formalitate.Art 16Cesiunea si Subcontractarea

16.1 Subcontractorul nu va cesiona sau subcontracta, fara acordul scris al Beneficiarului, totalitatea sau o parte a acestui Contract.Art 17Reziliere

17.1 Orice notificare de reziliere va fi facuta in scris, prin inmanare directa, recomandata, curier sau cu confirmare de primire.17.2 Forta Majora, asa cum este definita de lege, reprezinta motiv de reziliere de drept a contractului in situatia in care dureaza mai mult de 20 de zile si a fost demonstrata ca atare de partea care o invoca prin inmanarea unui Certificat constatator emis de catre Camera de comert si Industrie.

17.3 Rezilierea de catre Beneficiar17.3.1 In afara motivelor de reziliere prevazute pentru Beneficiar in cuprinsul acestui contract si care opereaza intotdeauna de drept, Beneficiarul are dreptul de rezilia acest contract, de drept, fara alte formalitati si fara interventia instantei (pact comisoriu de gradul IV) in cazul in care subcontractorul:A. Fara un motiv intemeiat intarzie lucrarile sau suspenda/opreste partial sau total executarea pe o perioada de cel mult 5 zile. B. S-a deschis procedura reorganizarii si falimentului impotriva subcontractorului.

C. Nu isi respecta oricare dintre obligatiile asumate prin contract desi a fost notificat in acest sens de catre Beneficiar cu indicarea acestora.

E subcontracteaza/cesioneaza lucrarile fara a avea acordul scris al Beneficiarului;

17.3.2 Rezilerea va avea loc in termen de 5 zile de la data primirii de catre subcontractor a notificarii prin care i se comunica incetarea unilaterala a contractului.17.3.3 La rezilierea Contractului de catre Beneficiar, in baza oricarei clauze din acest contract care ii confera acest drept, subcontractorul va inceta sa mai ocupe amplasamentul Lucrarilor iar Beneficiarul va avea dreptul de a opri orice plata scadenta, pana cand Lucrarile nu sunt finalizate, inclusiv remedierea defectelor si pana cand Beneficiarul nu a stabilit costul finalizarii Lucrarilor de catre altii. Toate aceste costuri la care se vor aduga daunele directe si indirecte provocate prin reziliere vor fi deduse direct si fara alte formalitati din platile catre subcontractor sau din garantii.17.3.4 Prevederile de mai sus nu aduc niciun fel de prejudiciu altor drepturi si remedii pe care le-ar putea avea Beneficiarul.

17.4 Rezilierea contractului de catre Subcontractor.

17.4.1 Subcontractorul poate rezilia Contractul daca Beneficiarul:

A. nu efectueaza platile in timp in mod nemotivat pentru o perioada mai mare de 60 de zile.B. nu pune la dispozitie santierul

C. S-a deschis procedura reorganizarii si falimentului impotriva beneficiarului.Art 18Confidentialitate18.1 Subcontractantul nu are dreptul, fara acordul scris al Beneficiarului:

a) de a face cunoscut contractul sau orice prevedere a acestuia unei terte parti, in afara acelor persoane implicate in indeplinirea contractului;

b) de a utiliza informatiile si documentele obtinute sau la care are acces in perioada de derulare a contractului, in alt scop decat acela de a-si indeplini obligatiile contractuale.

18.2 Raspunderea subcontractantului se va angaja in limita prejudiciului cauzat.

18.3 Subcontractantul va fi exonerat de raspunderea pentru dezvaluirea de informatii referitoare la contract daca:

a) informatia era publica sau cunoscuta de catre subcontractor inainte ca ea sa fi fost primita de la Beneficiar;

b) informatia a fost dezvaluita dupa ce a fost obtinut acordul scris al Beneficiarului pentru asemenea dezvaluire;

c) subcontractantul a fost obligat in mod legal sa dezvaluie informatia.

Art 19Drepturi de proprietate intelectuala

19.1 Subcontractorul are obligatia de a despagubi pe Beneficiar impotriva oricaror reclamatii si actiuni in justitie ce rezulta din incalcarea unor drepturi de proprietate intelectuala (brevete, desene industriale, marci inregistrate etc.), legate de echipamentele, materialele, instalatiile sau utilajele folosite pentru ori in legatura cu executia lucrarilor sau incorporate in acestea.Art 20Dispute

20.1 Orice disputa referitoare la acest Contract sau orice problema de orice natura rezultand din sau in legatura cu derularea acestui contract aparuta intre parti va fi supusa instantelor competente, in conditiile in care ambele parti au facut tot posibilul pentru a rezolva disputa sau neintelegerea pe cale amiabila.20.2 In cazul in care disputa sau neintelegerea nu poate fi rezolvata pe cale amiabila partile se vor adresa instantelor competente din municipiul Bucuresti.Art 21

Notificari21.1. n accepiunea prilor contractante, orice notificare adresat de una dintre acestea celeilalte este valabil ndeplinit dac va fi transmis la sediul prevzut n partea introductiv a prezentului contract.

21.2. n cazul n care notificarea se face pe cale potal, ea va fi transmis, prin scrisoare recomandat, cu confirmare de primire i se consider primit de destinatar la data menionat de oficiul potal primitor pe aceast confirmare.

21.3. Dac notificarea se trimite prin telefax, ea se consider primit n prima zi lucrtoare dup cea n care a fost expediat.

21.4. Notificrile verbale nu se iau n considerare de nici una dintre pri, dac nu sunt confirmate, prin intermediul uneia din modalitile prevzute la alineatele precedente.Art 22Alte Clauze22.1 Legea care guverneaza prezentul contract este cea romana. 22.2 Limba oficiala a contractului si limba in care se va comunica este engleza. In cazul in care exista neintelegeri cu privire la interpretarea textului contractului, varianta in limba engleza prevaleaza. 22.3 Prezentul contract impreuna cu anexele ce fac parte integranta din acesta se va semna atat in limba romana cat si in limba engleza.22.4 Contractul poate fi completat cu acte aditionale dupa dorinta partilor, daca situatia concreta o cere. Completarile vor fi in scris, cu referire clara la acele paragrafe din contract care sunt supuse modificarii/sau completarii si vor fi semnate de ambele parti. Orice intelegere verbala si/sau notificare nu constituie act aditional.

22.5 Daca unele dispozitii din prezentul contract sunt sau devin ineficiente sau nerealizabile, acest lucru nu atinge cu nimic valabilitatea celorlalte dispozitii.

22.6 Prezentul Contract constituie intelegerea integrala si finala dintre Parti si prevaleaza asupra tuturor declaratiilor, comunicarilor, intelegerilor si acordurilor prealabile dintre Parti, anterioare, verbale sau scrise, in ceea ce priveste obiectul acestui Contract.

Incheiat in doua exemplare originale cate unul pentru fiecare parte.________________




Beneficiar Subcontractor__________________

Semnatura si stampila


SC ____________________ SRL, with registered offices in _________, ___________________, registered at the Trade Register from Bucharest under no. JXX/XXXX/XXXX, CIF RO XXXXX, with the bank account IBAN XXXXXXXXXXX, opened at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX, tel: ___________, fax: __________, e-mail: ____________, legally represented by ____________________ - Administrators, hereinafter called the BENEFICIARY,And

_______________________________________________________, ________________________________________________________


hereinafter called the SUBCONTRACTOR WHEREASThe Construction Project is:


Art. 1

DEFINITIONS1.1 The definitions of the words below shall apply in the interpretation of all documents forming the contract.

1.2 Contract: All contractual documents mentioned in the MOM in the priority order from 1 to 9.

For clarity, these documents represent, form and shall be referred as the Contract.1. Construction Works contract

2. MOM

3. Appendix 1- Description of works with the Bill of quantities and Prices / Accepted Subcontractors Offer no._____/__________4. Appendix 2 - Technical Specifications

5. Appendix 3 - Drawings

6. Appendix 4 - Schedule of works

7. Appendix 5 - Health and Safety Regulations

8. Appendix 6 - Site Regulations

9. Appendix 7 - Templates of Letter of guarantees

The contract shall enter into force when all the documents part of it had been signed by both parties. The contract documents shall be signed by and on behalf of both parties by the empowered representatives.

1.3 Written or in writing means hand-written, type-written, printed or in electronic format resulting in a permanent record.

1.4 Works means the contracted works detailed in appendix 1 and the additional works.

1.5 Day means calendar day.1.6 Guarantee Period represents the period of time starting the date of the signature of the Taking Over Certificate at the Completion of the works and the remedy of the last defect mentioned within the annexes and finishes at the signature of the Final Taking Over Certificate and the remedy of the last defect mentioned within the appendices. The guarantee periods mentioned within the contract are prolonged automatically with the time necessary for the remedy of the defects found. 1.7 Instruction a decision of the Beneficiary notified to the subcontractor through which the latter is required to execute certain works in connection with the object of the contract, and which do not modify the contract price to duration. The Beneficiarys instructions are mandatory for the Subcontractor if they are given with the observance of legal provisions in force.Art 2

OBJECT OF THE CONTRACT2.1 The Beneficiary is desirous of the _____________________________________________referred to as The Works as described in Appendix 1Art 3COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS

3.1 The works will executed in the highest quality and shall be of a standard to comply in all respects with applicable Romanian Law, Regulations, Standards, Normative and Codes of Practice and the latest EU Codes of Practice and Standards, both in terms of materials and method of execution.

3.2 The contract shall be interpreted in the light of the imperative legal provisions in force.

3.3 The Subcontractor has to comply with the producer manual for the materials/works, installation manuals (if such), Beneficiarys technical requirements, specifications etc. 3.4 The Subcontractor shall hand-over to the Beneficiary all Product approvals required by the Romanian Laws and / or Authorities for the works subject to this Contract, the Technical Agreements, Quality certificates, EU Conformity Certificate etc for the materials used. No payment shall be done until all documents above are handed-over to the Beneficiary.

Art 4

SUFFICENCY OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS4.1 In case that the work description, the drawings, planning documents or the technical ones (If provided by the Beneficiary), differ and the Subcontractor observed this upon signature of the contract, the contract price is deemed to contain the subsequent requirements and no subcontractors claims grounded on these differences shall be accepted.4.2 For the purpose of the above, the Subcontractor shall immediately verify the handed over documents in their entirety. The mentioned dimensions/measurements/site data will be compared to the situation on site. The Subcontractor has to notify immediately, in writing, to the Beneficiary all omissions, discrepancies or concerns upon the signature of the contract otherwise later claims on this basis shall not be considered.


5.1 The location for the works is _________________________________, hereinafter called the site.5.2 The subcontractor is aware of the site and the conditions of the execution of the project.

5.3 The Subcontractor must obtain information regarding the location and accessibility of the site, regarding the construction status and all site data necessary for the performance of the works, particularly concerning the existence and the location of the utilities. The subcontractor cannot issue any claims grounded on the lack of information on the above.Art 6Contract Value6.1 All amounts mentioned within the contract are exclusive VAT.

6.2 The Subcontractor has stated the cost required by him to execute the Works free of any defects and in the highest quality.

6.3 The total value of the contract considering the manpower and the materials is detailed in Appendix 1

A. Fixed Lump sum Price

(all documents, quantities and drawings have been checked by the subcontractor)


B. Re-measurable Contract (depending on the quantities)(all unit prices are fixed and not subject to indexation, irrespective of reasons until the completion of the works)B.1 The agreed unit prices shall apply to all Works necessary for the execution of the contract.B.2 The calculation of the final contract price is made after the re-measurement of the final quantities as per the works situations and taking over certificates.B.3 The measurements will be performed by both parties and mentioned within a Process-verbal. In case of disagreement, the Beneficiary is authorized to perform the necessary evaluations based on an independent expertise which costs shall be borne by the party whose evaluation was less close to the reality.

________________________________________________Art 7Payment conditions

7.1 Advance Payment: ______%

The percentage is calculated on the total contractual Price and shall be secured through a Letter of Guarantee. The Subcontractor shall submit the Letter of Guarantee to the Beneficiary in the format attached to the Contract, within 3 days after signing the contract. The Advance payment shall be paid within 3 days from the submittal of the Letter of guarantee. No payments shall be made until the Beneficiary receives the letter of guarantee for the advance payment.

7.2 Payment of the works:

7.2.1 The payment will be done based on the following Procedure:1. Subcontractors submittal of the work situation latest on the 5th day of the current month for the previous month.2. Checking of the work situation by the Beneficiary: 10 days after the receipt of the work situation. Based on the checking the Beneficiary will issue the Payment Certificate.3. The payment for the executed works for the previous month will be done within 28 days after the receipt of the subcontractors fiscal invoice drafted in accordance with the Payment Certificate signed by both parties.

4. The final payment shall follow the same procedure with the exception that the terms above shall be increased with 10 days and shall be conditioned by the issuance of the Taking over Certificate at the completion of the works. The request for the final Payment shall be made after the signature of the Taking over Certificate at the Completion of the works and shall be conditioned by the remedy of all defects mentioned within the Annexes to this document.

7.2.2 The signed Payment certificates are binding and further claims of the subcontractor shall be disregarded.

7.2.3 The prices are excluding VAT.7.2.4 In case the Beneficiary will make the payment within ____ days after signature of the payment certificate and receipt of the Subcontractors invoice the Subcontractor shall grant a ____% discount to the invoiced value.7.2.5 If the Beneficiary disagrees with or cannot verify any part of the work situation, the Subcontractor shall submit such further information as the Beneficiary may require and shall make the required changes in the periods mentioned in the above paragraphs.

7.2.6 The agreed exchange rate is the official exchange rate issued by the Romanian National Bank at the day of the signature of the Payment Certificates.

7.2.7 Only the invoices drafted in accordance with the legal provisions in force shall be accepted for payment. The payment terms mentioned above are calculated from the date of receipt of valid invoices, legally drafted.7.2.8 The subcontractor has to mention on every fiscal invoice, the contract number, the Contract date, the executed works, the amounts/percentages of the guarantees, the certificate number and date, the Euro amount (if the case) and NBR exchange rate from the date of the signature of the Payment Certificate.

7.2.9 All invoices have to be issued and submitted at the following address: ________________________________.

7.2.10 Payments will be done in subcontractors bank account no. _______________, opened at ________________, ____________ Branch.

7.3 Supplementary works7.3.1 In case, as a consequence of Beneficiarys changes in the planned execution there are additional or omission of the works to be performed, the Subcontractor shall immediately establish the additional or reduced cost of these works based on a calculation of the lump sum price or fixed unit rates with reference date as being the date of the signature of the contract.

7.3.2 The Subcontractors entitlement for payment related to the additional works is conditioned by beneficiarys written approval of the estimation of the additional costs of these works, before execution.

For the beginning of the execution is necessary the written approval of the Beneficiary over the Offer submitted by the Subcontractor for the additional works. The accepted offer shall become part of the contract and shall be subject to the contract conditions and clauses, unless otherwise agreed through the offer. The Contract price shall be modified based on the value of the additional works and the calculation of the guarantees shall consider the new contractual value obtained thereof.

7.3.3 Any supplementary works performed outside an accepted offer shall be considered as executed outside the contract provisions and shall not entail any obligation/liability for the Beneficiary and they shall not be paid by the Beneficiary even if they were already executed.

Art 8Guarantees

8.1 Under the sanction of retention of the current payment, all guarantees submitted by the subcontractor based on this contract shall be given in the format of a bank letter of guarantee with the content provided within the Templates of Letter of guarantees attached to the Contract and being issued by a bank or an authorized financial institution approved by the Beneficiary.

8.2 Moreover, the performance and defects liability guarantees shall not be released until the signature of the related Taking Over certificates and remedy of all defects.

8.3 In this regard, under the sanction of execution or the retention of the related percentage from the value of the works at expiry date, the subcontractor has to ensure the validity of the letters of guarantees during their entire existence until the last date of remedy of the defects.8.4 In case the Beneficiary shall execute the amounts granted as guarantee as a result of improper execution or the existence of the defects, the subcontractor has to bring the guarantee amount to the initial value established through the contract, within 5 days from the date of the execution of the guarantee. Until then, the Beneficiary is entitled to retain the corresponding amount as guarantee from the outstanding fiscal invoices.8.5 The guarantee terms are prolonged with the period required for remedy of the defects.

8.6 The guarantee terms provided within this contract do not remove the applicability of the legal guarantee terms regarding hidden vices and building resistance structure.

Performance Guarantee8.7 The Subcontractor shall submit to the Beneficiary within 15 days after the conclusion of the contract, a Performance Guarantee regarding the execution in a proper, qualitative and efficient manner of all contractual obligations for the contracted works including additional or modified works, in value of 10% from the value of the Contract. If the subcontractor fails to submit the Performance Guarantee, the Beneficiary is entitled to withhold 10% from the Contract value.

8.8 In case the Subcontractor, after being notified by the beneficiary, does not remedy the defects or non-conformities notified during the execution of the contract or he does not accelerate the progress of the delayed works, the beneficiary has the right to execute the Performance Guarantee. The term indicated by the Beneficiary within the notice of remedy or acceleration of the works is mandatory for the subcontractor under the sanction of the execution of the guarantee.

8.9 The Performance Guarantee shall be released after signing of the Taking Over Certificate at the Completion of the works and the remedy of all defects mentioned in the annex part of the same document and after the submission of the Retention Guarantee, after the written request of the Subcontractor.

For additional works the percentage related to the guarantees shall be retained from the payment certificates.Defects Liability Period Guarantee

8.10 Within 15 days from Taking Over at the Completion of the works or the remedy of the last defect mentioned in the annex to this document, the Subcontractor shall submit to the Beneficiary a Defects Liability Guarantee in value of 5% from the Value of the Works for a period of 5 years and 3 months calculated from the signature of the Taking Over certificate at the completion of the works and the remedy of all defects from its annex. In case in which the subcontractor does not submit to the Beneficiary a bank guarantee for the defects liability period, the Beneficiary has the right to retain 5% from the value of the contract, without interest, for the defects Liability Period.

Alternatively, the Defects Liability Guarantee can be given as retention of 5% from the Contract value for the guarantee period mentioned above. Thus, the payments will be done up to 95% from the total contract value.8.11 Any defects, lack of compliance with the technical specification, or any other faults which are identified within 5 years and 3 months after the date of the signature of the Taking Over certificate at the completion of the works and the remedy of the last defect mentioned within the annex to this document, and which are due to materials and/or workmanship not in accordance with the Contract or due to incorrect protection/execution during the construction period, shall be remedied by the subcontractor at his own cost, with alacrity on being notified by the Beneficiary of such defect or non-compliance.8.12 The term indicated by the Beneficiary in the notification is mandatory for the subcontractor under the sanction of the execution of the guarantee.

8.13 The Defects Liability guarantee will be released based on the written request of the subcontractor, at the completion of the agreed guarantee period after the signature of the final Taking Over Certificate and the remedy of all defects.

8.14 All costs related to the guarantees above shall be on behalf of the subcontractor.

8.15 All guarantees granted based under this contract can be assigned by the Beneficiary after a prior notification of the subcontractor.

8.16 The bank letters of guarantees shall be issued in EUR for advance Payment Guarantee and Performance Guarantee and EUR/RON for the Defects Liability Bank Guarantee.8.17 The Parties might agree that, instead of the bank guarantee letters related to the execution of the works and the guarantee period, the Beneficiary to retain the related percentages from the total value of the works, the retained amount being released after the rules and at the moments mentioned for the guarantee letters that they replace.8.18 In case of retained amounts of the guarantees, the release of the percentage shall be done at the exchange rate from the date of the Payment Certificates where they were retained. (Final certificates for both guarantees).Art 9Insurances (if the case)9.1 The subcontractor shall conclude, on his cost, before the beginning of the execution of the works, all necessary insurances for his works. The insurances shall cover all risks which might occur regarding the executed works, plant, installations, equipment, materials on stock, own personnel and subcontractors, as well as damages or prejudices to third natural or juridical persons.

9.2 Their value and extent on the entire construction period and guarantee period must be proven at the request of the Beneficiary.

9.3 The insurances shall be concluded with an insurance company approved by the Beneficiary.

9.4 If, further the prior request of the Beneficiary, the subcontractor does not submit evidence in this regard, the Beneficiary is entitled to conclude by himself the insurances and to retain the costs from the payments to the Subcontractor or from the guarantees, directly and without any formality.Art 10Subcontractors Obligations

10.1 In addition to the obligations mentioned within this contract, the Subcontractor has to:

10.2 To execute and to complete the works in the highest quality, in time and free of defects. The subcontractor has to organize the security and surveillance of the works, to provide the workmanship, materials, installations, equipments, temporary or permanent required by and for the contract.10.3 The Subcontractor shall be responsible for the removal of the waste resulted from the contracted works and the related costs. In this regard, the subcontractor has to ensure the cleaning of the construction site on the entire surface of the subcontractors executed works, including the removal of the resulted mud and waste.10.3.1 In the event that the subcontractor fails to remove the waste, the Beneficiary will notify him and in the absence of an immediate execution has the right to deduct the costs from the value of the Contract, directly and without any formality.10.3.2 This obligation includes the Cleaning, site security and maintenance works included in the obligation of road traffic securing. In order to avoid disputes with the City Hall and environment Inspectors, there is mandatory the cleaning of the vehicle wheels in and out of the site. The Subcontractor which shall allow the exit of their vehicles from the site with unclean wheels shall bear the consequences of the sanctions applied by the above-mentioned authorities.10.3.3 Toxic Waste (if such) resulted from the performed activity within the works of the subcontractor shall be dealt by him in accordance with the legal provisions in force related to toxic waste. He shall submit to the Beneficiary evidence in this regard.10.4 The Subcontractor guarantees for the quality and accuracy of his work. If the Beneficiary will suffer any prejudices as a result of nonconformity, defect or delayed execution of any part of the works, the Beneficiary will be entitled to hold the Subcontractor liable for the loss incurred. The prejudice incurred by the Beneficiary shall be communicated to the Subcontractor together with the description and value calculation of the occurred prejudices. The Beneficiary is entitled to deduct the value of those prejudices from any payment certificate or guarantee, after a prior notification sent to the subcontractor, before performing the deductions for the incurred prejudices and without any other formality.

10.5 The subcontractor guarantees that its works shall be performed with the observance of all contract and legal provisions, of the authorizations, standards and legal norms, related to the performed works.

10.6 The Subcontractor guarantees that it is authorized according to the law to carry out the activities that are the object of this contract and that it shall use only specialized and authorized personnel to execute the contracting duties.

10.7 When fulfilling its contracting obligations, the subcontractor shall comply with the existing legal provisions concerning labor safety and the execution of the object of this contract as well as with all the existing norms and regulations with implications in the performance under best conditions of this contract and of the provisions of Appendices 5 and 6, part of the contract.

10.8 In the performance of his works the Subcontractor must take all necessary safety measures, in order to avoid the person injury or material damage, to avoid and prevent damages or accidents. This shall apply as well outside the construction site, in particular on the transport roads. 10.9 The subcontractor guarantees and is liable for complying with the legal provisions of Labor Law and, in particular, with the provisions regarding minimal wage on economy and the payment of the social securities.10.10 The subcontractor shall pay a percentage of 1,5% from the value of the contract as contribution for electricity, water, gas, sanitary groups, sewage.10.11 The Subcontractor shall hold harmless the Beneficiary from any claims for damage issued by third parties in connection with the Subcontractors works. 10.12 The Subcontractor shall keep a Site log for all the executed works and shall submit it at the beginning of each week to the Beneficiary. The site log must contain the daily records considering the progress of the works, activities and events on the site as well as all works and data required for the completion of the contract

10.13 The subcontractor has to appoint on a continuous basis a Technical Supervisor on the site, a Quality Controller and a Site Manager.

10.14 In case there is necessary the performance of testing, the related costs shall be on behalf of the subcontractor up to ___% of the value of the contracted works. If the tests are executed as a result of the defective execution or poor quality of the materials, all these costs shall be on behalf of the subcontractor and the Beneficiary is entitled to deduct them from the current payments directly and without formalities. If they take place on the defects liability period, the beneficiary is entitled to execute the guarantee.10.15 The Subcontractor shall submit to the Beneficiary for approval samples of each material before use within the works. The costs of the samples as well as their testing shall be on behalf of the subcontractor and each sample shall be marked and specified in which part of the works shall be used. The beneficiary can reject the use of a material in case this is not in accordance with the technical specifications/ contract requirements/ quality standards required by the law.

10.16 The Subcontractor has to comply and to execute the instructions of the Beneficiary in any matter mentioned within the contract or not mentioned but in connection with the works and to advise and notify in written the Beneficiary in respect of any technical solutions regarding the works, with the observance of the legal provisions in force.10.17 The Subcontractors non-compliance with any of the paragraphs of this article allows the Beneficiary to stop payment of any due invoice, without removing the possibility of termination provided in art 17.Art 11Beneficiarys Obligations

11.1 The Beneficiary has to pay the Subcontractor for the value of the executed works at the quality and according to the contract requirements, at the value and terms stated within the contract

11.2 The Beneficiary has to hand over the site (working area) to the subcontractor based on a site handing over protocol.

Art 12Contract Period

12.1 According to the Schedule of works Annex 4Or


(Process- Verbal of Site Handing Over):___________________


(Signature of the Taking Over Certificate at the completion of the Works): _________________

12.2 If it becomes apparent that the Works will not be completed by the Date for Completion, or any later date so determined within the provisions of this Clause, for reasons beyond the control and default Subcontractor, including any instruction to vary the Works issued by the Beneficiary or in case that the Beneficiary requires additional work, not subject to this contract, the completion date shall be extended through a written decision of the Beneficiary with the period necessary for these works to be executed.12.3 There will not be taken into consideration for an extension of time for completion, the unproductive days, weather conditions and time extensions for the construction determined by the fact that the Subcontractor couldnt provide in time the necessary materials, plant and workmanship.

12.4 If due to Subcontractors default there is a delay in execution over 5 days considering the Schedule of works and the Subcontractor, at the request of the Beneficiary, does not recover the delay within 5 days, the Beneficiary is entitled to interfere in the progress of the works and to employ therefore other companies and the cost shall be deducted from the amounts due to the subcontractor or from the guarantees, directly and without any formality. This does not remove the Beneficiarys rights to delay penalties and to the value of the damages incurred (direct or indirect) or the right to terminate the contract. The delay penalties can be cumulated with the damages.12.5 Independently from the above, the Beneficiary might instruct acceleration measures of the progress of the construction, measures that the subcontractor has to execute in order to recover the works delays. Subcontractors obligation to execute, manage the works and coordination as well as the entire liability for the construction measures remain unaffected.12.6 At the date of the signature of the contract, the subcontractor shall submit to the Beneficiary a Detailed schedule of works. In the situation that, during the execution of the contract, the schedule of works submitted at the date of the signature of the contract does not correspond anymore with the actual progress of the works, the subcontractor shall submit a new Schedule of works within 5 days from the beneficiarys notice, providing that the new Schedule of works would not affect the completion date of the works established under art 1212.7 Each Schedule of works shall contain:

a. stages of the works execution (technological order of execution)

b. the period of time in which each stage shall be executed (chronological order of execution)

c. a description of the methods that the Subcontractor shall employ in the execution of each stage of the works

d. equipments, type of materials and personnel and its specialization, which he intends to use for the execution of each stage of the works.12.8 Failure to submit the schedules of Works in the mentioned deadlines entitles the Beneficiary to stop any current payments to the subcontractor and to deduct the costs of the delays directly and without any formalities.Art 13Instructions

13.1 The Beneficiary may issue written instructions in connection with the object of the contract, which the Subcontractor shall immediately execute. In case that within five days, after receipt of Beneficiarys written notice requiring compliance with a written instruction which the Subcontractor didnt complied with, the Beneficiary may employ third parties to carry out the instructed works and all costs shall be on behalf of the subcontractor and deducted from the due amounts or from the guarantees directly and without any formalities.

Art 14Taking Over at the completion of the works14.1 5 days prior to the completion of the works, complete, qualitative and free of defects, the subcontractor has to notify in written the beneficiary in order for the latter to establish the date and time for the performance of the taking over of the works and the signature of the Taking Over Certificate at the Completion of the Works.14.2 Based on the situations of the executed works confirmed and based on the site checking, the beneficiary will appreciate if the taking-over conditions for the works are met.

14.3 the conditions for the acceptance, postponement and rejection of the taking-over apply in accordance with the provisions of the regulation no. 273/1994 regarding taking over procedure.

14.4 In case there are noticed omissions or defects which do not interfere with the acceptance of the taking-over, they will be mentioned in the Taking Over Certificate at the Completion of the works and shall be remedied by the subcontractor in the shortest time but not later than the deadline established by the Beneficiary.

14.5 The terms provided for the signature of the final Payment Certificate starts from the date of the remedy of the last defect mentioned in the Taking Over Certificate at the Completion of the works.

Final Taking Over

14.6 At the expiry date of the defects liability period there shall be organized the final Taking Over when the final Taking Over Certificate shall be signed. The rules established above for the Taking Over at the completion of the works apply also to the Final Taking Over.

14.7 In case the subcontractor is absent at the date and hour established for the taking over, the Beneficiary shall conclude the Taking Over Certificate at the Completion of the works or the final Taking Over Certificate (as the case might be) and the defects and omissions mentioned within the annexes of these Certificates shall be mandatory and binding for the subcontractor.

14.8 Subcontractors failure to remedy the defects and omissions mentioned, the beneficiary is entitled to retain the final payment and to execute the guarantees granted under the contract.

14.9 The provisions of clauses 14.7 and 14.8 apply also in the situation in which the subcontractor does not notify the completion of the works and the Beneficiary has to organize the taking-over by himself.

Art 15Penalties

15.1 In case of delay, the subcontractor shall pay 1% per day of delay applied to the value of the Contract to which there shall be added the value of the additional works.

15.2 The delay penalties do not remove Beneficiarys right to ask the Subcontractor for the payment of direct and indirect damages resulting from the delay or non-fulfillment/defective execution of the contractual obligations, the employment of a third party for the execution of the works or the right to terminate the contract.15.3 The delay penalties and the damages incurred to the Beneficiary shall be deducted from the payments to the subcontractor or from the guarantees, directly and without any formalities.

Art 16Assignment and subcontracting

16.1 The Subcontractor shall not without the written consent of the Employer, assign or subcontract the whole or any part of this Contract.

Art 17Termination17.1 Any notice of termination shall be given in writing by hand delivery, registered mail, courier or recorded delivery.

17.2 Force Majeure, as defined by the law, is a reason for the lawfully termination of the contract in case it lasts more than 20 days and it was proven by the party that invokes it by submitting a certificate of Force Majeure issued by the Chamber of commerce and Industry.17.3 Termination by the Beneficiary17.3.1 Aside the termination reasons provided for the Beneficiary within this contract and which operate always lawfully, the Beneficiary is entitled to terminate this contract, lawfully, without any other formalities and without the intervention of the court (comissorium pact of IV degree) in case the subcontractor:A. Without reasonable cause delays the works or suspends/stops the execution partially or totally for a period of maximum 5 days

B. The bankruptcy or reorganization procedure was opened against the subcontractor.

C. Does not fulfill any the obligations under the contract even after being notified in this respect by the Beneficiary with reference to them.E. subcontracts/Assigns the works without the Beneficiarys written approval

17.3.2 The termination shall take effect within 5 days from the date of the receipt by the subcontractor of the notification regarding the unilaterally termination of the contract.

17.3.3 Upon the termination of the contract by the Beneficiary, based on any clause of this contract which gives him this right, the subcontractor shall immediately cease to occupy the site of the works and the Beneficiary shall have the right to stop any due payment, until the Works are completed including the remedy of any defects and the Beneficiary has established the cost of so completing the Works by a third party. All these costs to which there shall be added the direct and indirect damages caused by the termination shall be directly and without formalities deducted from the payments to the subcontractor or from the guarantees.

17.3.4 The provisions above are without prejudice to any other rights and remedies which the Beneficiary might possess.

17.4 Termination of the contract by the subcontractor.

17.4.1 The Subcontractor may terminate the contract in the event the Beneficiary:

A. does not pay the works without a reason for a period more than 60 days

B. does not hand over the site

C. The bankruptcy or reorganization procedure was opened against the beneficiary.

Art 18Confidentiality

18.1 The subcontractor is not allowed, without the written approval of the Beneficiary to:

a) disclose the contract or any provision therein to a third party, except for the persons involved in the execution of the contract

b) to use the received information and documents or the ones to which he has access during the execution of the contract, for other purpose than the one to fulfill his contractual obligations

18.2 The liability of the subcontractor shall be determined in the limits of the prejudice caused.18.3 the subcontractor will not be held liable for disclosure of the information regarding the contract if:

a) the information was public or known by the subcontractor before it was received from the Beneficiary

b) the information was disclosed after the written approval of the beneficiary in this regard

c) the subcontractor had to disclose the information by reasons of law

Art 19Intellectual Property rights

19.1 The subcontractor has to hold harmless the beneficiary against any claims and court actions resulting from the infringement of intellectual property rights (patents, industrial models, trademarks etc.), in connection with the equipments, materials, installations or plant used for or in connection with the execution of the works or incorporated within.

Art 20Litigation

20.1 Should any dispute related to this contract or any matter of whatsoever nature arising there from or in connection therewith, occur between the parties it shall be referred to the competent courts, providing that both parties have made their best endeavors to resolve and settle the dispute or difference amiably.20.2 In case the dispute or difference cannot be solved amiable, the parties shall refer to the competent courts from Bucharest.

Art 21


21. 1 Based on the agreement of the parties any notification from one party to the other is valid if it shall be transmitted at the registered office hereby mentioned in the preamble of the Contract.

21.2. In case the notice is made through mail, it will be transmitted, through recommended mail, with receipt confirmation and it shall be considered as received at the date mentioned by the receiving post office on the receipt confirmation.

21.3. If the notice is transmitted by fax, it shall be considered as received in the first working day after the one in which it has been sent.21.4. The verbal notifications are not valid unless confirmed through any of the modalities provided in the above paragraphs.

Art 22Miscellaneous22.1 The Law of the Contract is Romanian Law. 22.2 The language of the contract and the language for communication will be English. In case that there will be misunderstandings in respect of the wording interpretation of the Contract the English version prevails.22.3 This contract, together with its appendices that are part of the Contract shall be signed both in Romanian and in English language.22.4 Subject to the will of the parties the contract is subject to further addenda as the case might be. The addenda will be in written, signed by both parties, and with clear reference to the items of the contract that are subject to modifications and/or extension. Verbal agreements and/or notification are not considered addenda.

22.5 If some of the provisions of the present contract are or become inefficient or not possible to accomplish this will not affect the validity of the other provisions.

22.6 This contract represents the complete and final agreement between the Parties and supersedes over all prior declarations, communications, agreements and approvals, made in written or verbally with reference to this contract.Concluded in two original copies one for each party.

____________ ______________Place


Beneficiary Subcontractor_________________

Signature and Stamp