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  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth




  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


    Consumer Buying BehaviorConsumer Buying Behavior

    Consumer Buying BehaviorConsumer Buying Behavior refers to therefers to thebuying behavior of final consumersbuying behavior of final consumers

    (individuals & households) who buy goods(individuals & households) who buy goodsand services for personal consumption.and services for personal consumption.

    Study consumer behavior to answer:Study consumer behavior to answer:

    How do consumers respond to marketingHow do consumers respond to marketingefforts the company might use?efforts the company might use?

  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


    Model of Consumer BehaviorModel of Consumer BehaviorMarketing and

    Other Stimuli

    Buyers Black BoxBuyers Black Box

    Buyers Response










    Product Choice

    Brand Choice

    Dealer Choice



  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


    Factors influencing consumerFactors influencing consumer




    Personal FactorPersonal Factor

  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth



    CultureCulture--fundamental determinant of personsfundamental determinant of persons

    wants and behaviors. Childwants and behaviors. Child--set valueset value

    ,perceptions ,preferences ,behavior.,perceptions ,preferences ,behavior. SubcultureSubculture--Nationalities,religion,ratial groupsNationalities,religion,ratial groups

    geographic region.geographic region.

    Social ClassSocial Class--dress, speech pattern, recreationaldress, speech pattern, recreationalpreferences.positions.occupations,income,wealthpreferences.positions.occupations,income,wealth

    Upper ClassUpper Class--Magazine and books.Magazine and books.

    Lower classLower class--TV.TV.

  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


    Personal FactorPersonal Factor

    AgeAge people buy different goods and services over lifetime.people buy different goods and services over lifetime.stages in lifecycle.stages in lifecycle.

    Occupation and economic circumstances.Occupation and economic circumstances.

    Personality and self concepts.Personality and self concepts.

    *Sincerity*Sincerity--down to earth,honest,cheerful.down to earth,honest,cheerful.

    *Excitement.*Excitement.--daring,spirited,up to date.e.g.MTVdaring,spirited,up to date.e.g.MTV

    *Competence*Competence reliable ,intilligent,successful.reliable ,intilligent,successful.

    *Sophistication*Sophistication--upper class and charming.upper class and charming.


    Lifestyle and Values:Lifestyle and Values:--*Money constrained*Money constrained--WalWal--Mart and Subhiksha.Mart and Subhiksha.

    *Time constrained*Time constrained--doing two things at a time.doing two things at a time.

  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


    Four psychological process affectFour psychological process affect

    consumer behavior.consumer behavior.1.1.MotivationMotivation

    BiogenicBiogenic--Hunger ,thirst, discomforts.Hunger ,thirst, discomforts.


    Sigmund Freud, Maslow'sSigmund Freud, Maslow's Theory.HerzbergTheoryTheory.HerzbergTheory..

    Maslow TheoryMaslow Theory--1.physiological need,2.safty need,3.social1.physiological need,2.safty need,3.socialneeds,4.Esteem needs.5.self actualization need.needs,4.Esteem needs.5.self actualization need.

    2.Perception2.Perception--is the process by which an individualis the process by which an individualselects,organizes,andselects,organizes,and interprets information inputs to create ainterprets information inputs to create ameaningful picture of the world. selectivemeaningful picture of the world. selective attention, selectiveattention, selective

    distortion, selective retention.distortion, selective retention.3.Learning.3.Learning.--when people act, theywhen people act, they learn.drives,cues,responceslearn.drives,cues,responces andand


    4.Beliefs and attitude4.Beliefs and attitude

  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


    The buying decision process.The buying decision process.

    1.1. Problem Recognition.Problem Recognition.

    2.2. Information Search.Information Search.

    3.3. Evaluation of alternatives.Evaluation of alternatives.

    4.4. Purchase Decision.Purchase Decision.

    5.5. Post Purchase behavior.Post Purchase behavior.

  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


    Involvement and Types Of decision MakingInvolvement and Types Of decision Making

    L o w P u r c h a s e I n v o l v e m e n t H i g h P u r c h a s e I n v o l v e m e n t

    N o m in a l D e c i s i o n M a k i n g L i m i t e d E x t e n d e d d e c i s i o n M a k i n g

    P r o b le m R e c o g n it i o n P r o b l e m R e c o g n it i o n P r o b le m R e c o g n i t i o n

    I n f o m r a t io n S e a r c h I n f o m r a t io n S e a r c h I n f o r m a t io n s e a r c h( I n t e r n a l ) ( I n t e r n a l a n d l i m i t e d e x t e r n a l ) ( I n t e r n a l a n d e x t e r n a l )

    A l t e r n a t i v e E v a l u a t i o n A l t e r n a t i v e e v a lu a t io n(f e w a t t r i b u t e s ) ( m a n y a t t r i b u t e s )

    (f e w a l t e r n a t i v e s ) ( m a n y a l t e r n a t i v e s )

    P u r c h a s e P u r c h a s e P u r c h a s e

    P o s t p u r c h a s e P o s t P u r c h a s e P o s t P u r c h a s e

    N o d is s o n a n c e N o D i s s o n a n c e D i s s o n a n c e

    L i m i t e d e v a l u a t io n C o m p l e x E v a l u a t i o n

  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


    Problem RecognitionProblem Recognition

    Buying Process starts when buyer recognizeBuying Process starts when buyer recognize

    problem or need.problem or need.

    Internal StimuliInternal Stimuli--Hunger ,Thirsts,sex.Hunger ,Thirsts,sex. External StimuliExternal Stimuli-- e.g.neighbours car,e.g.neighbours car, TVTV

    advertising, Magazine ad, Radio slogan, Stimuli inadvertising, Magazine ad, Radio slogan, Stimuli in

    the environmentthe environment

  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


    Process ofProblem RecognitionProcess ofProblem Recognition

    Desired onsumer ifestyle urrent ituation

    Desired tate ctual tate

    TU OF DI Y

    o difference Desired state exceeds ctual state

    ctual state exceeds desired state


    o action problem recognized(Information search initiated)

  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


    Information searchInformation search

    What is nature of information search.What is nature of information search.

    What types of information are soughtWhat types of information are sought

    What sources of information are usedWhat sources of information are used

    What marketing strategies can be developed based on patterns ofWhat marketing strategies can be developed based on patterns ofsearch behavior.

    A) Nature of Information SearchA) Nature of Information Search

    1) Internal Search : If Trishun had given relief against cold last1) Internal Search : If Trishun had given relief against cold last

    time , he would go to nearest store and buy Trishun without furthertime , he would go to nearest store and buy Trishun without further

    information search or evaluationinformation search or evaluation2)External Search :2)External Search :

    a)Opinion of friends , neighbors , relativesa)Opinion of friends , neighbors , relatives

    b) Professional information that is provided in internet ,b) Professional information that is provided in internet ,

    newspapers ,magazines etc.newspapers ,magazines etc.

    C) Ads, In store displaysC) Ads, In store displays

  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


    Information searchInformation search

    B) Types of Information Search:B) Types of Information Search:

    1) Appropriate evaluation criteria for the1) Appropriate evaluation criteria for the

    solution of a problemsolution of a problem

    2) Existence of various alternative solution.2) Existence of various alternative solution.

    3) performance level or characteristics of3) performance level or characteristics of

    each alternative solution on each alternativeeach alternative solution on each alternative


  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


    Information SearchInformation Search

    1.1. PersonalPersonal--


    2.2. CommercialCommercial--advertising,websites,sales person,advertising,websites,sales person,packaging ,displays.packaging ,displays.

    3.3. PublicPublic--mass media, consumer ratingmass media, consumer rating


    4.4. ExperientialExperiential--handing,examining,usinghanding,examining,using


  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


    The Buyer Decision ProcessStep 3. Evaluation of Alternatives

    The Buyer Decision ProcessStep 3. Evaluation of Alternatives

    Product AttributesEvaluation of Quality, Price, & Features

    Product AttributesEvaluation of Quality, Price, & Features

    Degree of ImportanceWhich attributes matter most to me?

    Degree of ImportanceWhich attributes matter most to me?

    Brand BeliefsWhat do I believe about each available brand?

    Brand BeliefsWhat do I believe about each available brand?

    Total Product SatisfactionBased on what Im looking for, how satisfiedwould I be with each product?

    Total Product SatisfactionBased on what Im looking for, how satisfiedwould I be with each product?

    Evaluation ProceduresChoosing a product (and brand) based on one

    or more attributes.

    Evaluation ProceduresChoosing a product (and brand) based on one

    or more attributes.

  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


    Evaluation of AlternativesEvaluation of Alternatives1.Try to satisfy need.2.looking for certain benefits.3.See as bundle1.Try to satisfy need.2.looking for certain benefits.3.See as bundleof attributes.of attributes.

    CamerasCameras--picturepicture sharpness,speed,size,pricesharpness,speed,size,price..


    MouthwashMouthwash--color,effectiveness,germcolor,effectiveness,germ killing capacity price, tastekilling capacity price, taste

    ,flavor,,flavor, TiresTires--safety, tread life, ride quality,, tread life, ride quality, price.

    BeliefBelief--a descriptive thought that person holdsa descriptive thought that person holds

    about something.about something.

    AttitudeAttitude--enduringenduring faverablefaverable oror unfaverableunfaverable evaluation,evaluation,

    emotional feeling and action tendencies towards some object oremotional feeling and action tendencies towards some object oridea.idea.

  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


    Expectancy Value ModelExpectancy Value Model

    computercomputer AttributeAttribute





    Size andSize and



    AA 1010 88 66 44

    BB 88 99 88 33

    CC 66 88 1010 55

    DD 44 33 77 88

  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


    Purchase DecisionPurchase Decision

    1.brand 2 dealer 3 quality 4 timing 5 payment method.1.brand 2 dealer 3 quality 4 timing 5 payment method.

    Noncompensatory models of consumer choice.Noncompensatory models of consumer choice.--

    *conjunctive heuristic*conjunctive heuristic--eg.1bhk flat.

    *lexicographic heuristic*lexicographic heuristic--e.g. Hero Honda bikes.e.g. Hero Honda bikes.

    *elimination by aspects heuristics.e.g.Hundai cars.*elimination by aspects heuristics.e.g.Hundai cars.

    Intervening FactorsIntervening Factors--

    1.Negative thought of other1.Negative thought of other

    2.Positive thought2.Positive thought

    3unanticipated situational factor3unanticipated situational factor--sales person may turn hersales person may turn

    Consumer decision to modify, postpone , or avoid depends onConsumer decision to modify, postpone , or avoid depends on

    perceived risk. E.g. functional risk,physical risk,financial risk,socialperceived risk. E.g. functional risk,physical risk,financial risk,social

    risk,psychological risk,time risk.risk,psychological risk,time risk.

  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


    The Buyer Decision ProcessThe Buyer Decision ProcessStep 4. Purchase DecisionStep 4. Purchase Decision

    Purchase IntentionDesire to buy the most preferred brand

    Purchase Decision


    of others




  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


    Post purchase BehaviorPost purchase Behavior

    Post purchase satisfactionPost purchase satisfaction--dissonance ,satisfied,dissonance ,satisfied,


    Post purchase actionsPost purchase actions--75% Toyota buyers are75% Toyota buyers arehighly satisfied.highly satisfied.

    dissatisfied customer may abandon or return thedissatisfied customer may abandon or return the

    product.product.Post purchase use and disposalPost purchase use and disposal--productproduct

    consumption rate.consumption rate.

  • 8/8/2019 Consumer Behavior Hemanth


    Post purchase behaviourPost purchase behaviour