contele dracula

Dracula - between legend and truth Dracula - as perceived today - is the result of interference of the real historical facts, entered into legend, about the reign of Vlad Tepes - Dracula, the records of the chroniclers of the time, with the intention of the great prince put in a bad light, amplified in the next century by association with the character of the fiction novel "Dracula", published in England

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Dracula - between legend and truth

Dracula - as perceived today - is the result of interference of the real historical facts, entered into legend, about the reign of Vlad Tepes - Dracula, the records of the chroniclers of the time, with the intention of the great prince put in a bad light, amplified in the next century by association with the character of the fiction novel "Dracula", published in England in 1897, starring written by Irish writer Bram Stoker.

Truth Romanian ruler Vlad the Impaler (1456-1462, 1476) is known from many works are Romanian and foreign historians. Convinced that only a strong rule could ensure order inside the country and to organize successfully defend her external dangers Vlad recourse to authoritarian rule, honesty and diligence

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required of its subjects as virtues, dishonesty (theft) and fraud were punished laziness harshly by impaling a cruel punishment, but can be understood only in relation to the times in which he lived, an era of great cruelty, which has seen other punishments as harsh, such as the burning , gallows, etc. ..

Due to its drastic measures, Vlad managed to establish order in the country: "Foreign mercy and mercy - say ADXenopol history - he made a terrible job of yarn in his country and after a clean inner relay, he made chest demean the country had fallen. "

His works have attracted many of his contemporaries but hatred. They vilified and accused him of understanding with the Turks

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against the interests of the country, was imprisoned by King Matthias Corvinus and later his face cruel man, but put "a terrible job of yarn in his country" was associated with vampire Dracula, the famous character in fiction novel "Dracula" the Irish writer Bram Stoker published in London in 1897 and considered by Oscar Wilde "perhaps the most beautiful novel of all time".

The connection is made between the character of Bram Stoker and Vlad Tepes-Dracula is even suggested by the author, who mentions: "... it was really that prince Dracula who has acquired the name of opposing the Turks over the great river right from the border with Turkey. " Bram Stoker believes this was no ordinary man "for

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the centuries to speak of him as the most skilful, the most cunning and the most valiant of the sons of the country beyond the forest, his keen spirit and will of Iron came with him to the grave and fight and now ". Here the author makes about faith related to ghosts, whose existence, imagined the popular belief, does not end with the generation of origin: "We the dead (ie ghosts, vampires) suffer from the curse of immortality, says Bram Stoker, pass out an age-and multiply other victims, increasing the evils of the world ... ".

Characters in the novel "Dracula" is the result of fantasy author, but the facts of Count Dracula and his end are based on popular beliefs about the existence of evil forces:

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vampires or ghosts. In many peoples beliefs vampires are dead people who by virtue of a sentence or a curse during life, leaving his grave at night and wander among the living people who sleep and suck their blood - their only food. Everything is considered and vampire bat, an animal that lives in the cave at night to suck the blood out and the people. * In Central America and South America vampire bats are a large species that feed on blood of birds and mammals found in sleep . In his famous Odisseea poet Homer, identify bat souls of the dead.

The popular beliefs of the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic correspondent vampire in acceptance of people who leave their dead at

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night and wander among the living tomb that I capture in sleep and do a lot of inconvenience and damage, suck their blood and milk taken cattle, the strigoi. May be ghosts living, one that - as recorded folklorist I. Aurel Candrea - "all day sees things that other people, but at night I fell asleep as soon as the soul goes out to meet with other ghosts, and the body remains as dead on the bed. The souls of these ghosts ... kill children and suck their blood, take the hand of the cows and the crops ". The same author says that "then you die one of these beings that are believed to have been ghost is summer in the heart of redness in a spit fire or even that her soul can not escape from the grave and not torture people night ".

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In Romanian mythology and ghosts are dead, those spirits of dead people from the former ghost alive or where they went wrong some of the ordinances of the funeral, have lost the way to the afterlife or what had to pay customs. Besides the damage that they are people in life - say Sat. Marian Fl - dead ghosts "eat one by one each member of their family or they eat only heart and suck their blood."

As seen today, Dracula appears in Romanian Country prince, Vlad Tepes, whose face (depicted in a woodcut of the "German stories about Dracula Prince" appeared in Nuremberg in 1488) is represented in numerous commercials. In this depiction is not viewed as a real historical figure, but as a vampire as is

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known by Western tourists, from Bram Stoker and the numerous films that were made in the West since 1922.

Thus, while the Roman ruler's portrait, which appears on the cover stories German edition, published in Bamberg in 1491, suggests a sense of justice that the transformed life, by means of a special cruelty, judged by standards of our time, but typical time in which he lived, image transposed on the screen we play a Dracula figure of cruelty that no longer has to do with the spirit of justice. This image, fanciful and chilling, is the taste of tourists went in search of sensational and once in Romania, the Bran Castle and associated (which by appearance and location to emit an air of mystery) the locations where the haunting imagery Dracula.

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Bran Castle, one of the most valuable monuments of medieval architecture in Romania, officials historical, military and economic, is known by tourists from around the world as Dracula's Castle.

Most tourists, after visiting Bran Castle, leaving disappointed that they have not met Dracula - The vampire who sucks the blood of men, known from movies and figure associated with Romanian Prince Vlad Tepes - Dracula. And meet him because visitors do not distinguish between a historical reality and the origin story are both character in Bram Stoker's novel entitled Dracula, in which action is based on popular beliefs about ghosts and vampires and legends about Vlad Tepes, especially those which show him as a cruel prince. Interference

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character in the novel Dracula legends real Prince Vlad Tepes - Dracula, a reference figure of Roman history, spawned an imaginary vampire known as Dracula, the embodiment of an evil spirit that troubled people peace, he struggle and go under the reign of converts into the forces of evil. This character exists in the imagination and can not be shown in a museum exhibition, as is that of Bran Castle.

Bran Castle of Dracula's castle was baptized three decades ago, by tourists, especially Americans, who came in search of Dracula horror movies made after Bram Stoker's novel. Tourists are surprised to enter a castle in Transylvania that the appearance resembled the castle described by Irish author. So they

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named Dracula's Castle. What is the connection between Dracula may be the imagination of tourists came in search of vampire Castle Bran? It's simple. If it's Romanian ruler, history recorded many campaigns undertaken by Vlad - Impaler - Dracula Brasov Saxon punish merchants who disobeyed the commandments prince of the trade fairs of the Romanian Country. And it makes sense that the transition to be made on the Bran pass closest to Brasov, which links to Targoviste, the capital Mr Highlander. Relations castellans Bran will not be too friendly, because they were representatives of the city center, hostile Vlad Tepes.

If Vlad Tepes ruled Bran Castle is hard to answer because it recorded no written documents. But existing in the archives of the Castle - Bran, as many are still preserved, are

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primarily administrative in nature, is related to income and expenses on the Bran fortress and very little in the political-military events. Arguably, however, that in autumn 1462 after the army of the Hungarian king Matthias Corvinus, caught near the city of Dambovita Bridge, near Rucar, situated about 25 km from Bran, Prince Vlad Tepes was taken to Castle Bran and off here for about two months, as the recent volume recorded Vlad Tepes Dracula, House Mirador, Arad, 2002, author George Lazea Postelnicu. From there he was taken and imprisoned at Visegrad Citadel.

In terms of vampire, known in Romanian folklore as the undead (the vampire name is common in Serbian) is to mention that in the

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villages of Bran is kept faith on the existence of evil spirits called strigoi (variant strigoi) . Village elders remember that until half a century ago it was believed that there were some people in life - ghosts - who led a normal life day and night during sleep, leaving their souls and haunting the village and tortured people in sleep. These evil spirits roamed from midnight until the roosters sang first, when no longer had the power to inflict evil people.

Belief in ghosts and other evil spirits is a part of popular mythology. It can be told, imagined by every individual. But beyond this imaginary universe populated with vampires and ghosts, tourists can meet in a reality that Bran will enjoy and relax the soul.

The fierce image of Dracula in mind, came to Bran, the tourist will meet in beautiful places in

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this mountain shepherds with herds to grazing or mowing the grass, whose women to war woven textiles that adorn the interiors of homes or preparing traditional dishes (bulz Shepherd, pastrami, buttermilk, etc..) both in their own houses and in pensions prepared for those who want to spend Bran from sunrise to sunset and even overnight you can dream, come and Dracula vampire whose strength will wither on the clove housewife placed above the entrance door for the elderly so she knows that they come home from evil spirits.