contemporary era guide

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  • 7/31/2019 Contemporary Era Guide


    Contemporary Era Guide

    1. New Deal, social jobs,2. The middle class and elite often at expense of the majority of the population foreign

    merchants, Egyptian bourgeoisie, land lords received largest gains transportation and


    3. Emperor became figure head, sovereignty with the people,4. Segregation and discrimination by race5. Right to vote, work6. They did not want to be ruled by Europeans. Wanted traditions, Government failure,

    use guerilla warfare, western educated middle class formed, protested racism and

    discrimination, access in colonial government held by the French, use of mass media for


    7. Communism and Korea War8. It got stronger because of nationalism and creation of south Israel. Gained more money

    Zion were able to push back Palestinians.

    9. The Marshal Plan- helped European EconomyThe Truman Doctrine- Containment of communism

    The Atlantic Charter- outline for post-war world of the Allies

    The Kyoto Accords- cutting of Industrialization

    The Balfour Declaration- gave Jews their land from Britain

    10.Terrorism11.Mass Industrialization, Authoritarian Rule, Frequent Arrests, Co-ordination and

    compromise, conservatism, Oppression of Critics, Centralized Economy plans, sluggish

    productivity, low standards of living

    12.One Child policy, family planning,13.Investment14.Patriarchy, communism above all, interconnectedness of family15. U.S headed NATO created to stop spread of Communism, defensive alliance against

    possible soviet aggression

    16.Viet Cong- communist guerilla armyViet Minh- nationalist party of Vietnam wanted independence

    VNQDD- nationalist party fell later on17.Led to religious conflict between Hindu and Muslims18.Banana Republic and Corporatism, military invasions,19.Vargas rein in Brazil- president centralized political program, against communism, new

    constitution based off of Mussolinis Italy, authoritarian regime, nationalism, limited

    immigration, elimination of political dissidents

    20.Sandino- Nicaraguan revolutionary and leader of rebellion against U.S

  • 7/31/2019 Contemporary Era Guide


    Friedan- Feminist Lady, American

    De Beauvoir- Feminist person, French philosopher

    Allende- Chilean Marxist president

    F.W. de Klerk- Last State Apartheid President in South Africa

    Yat Sen- Chinese founder of Republic of ChinaShikai- Last Qing Emperor of China

    21.Empire22.Labor, industrialization, jobs,23. asdf24.More production and labor25.Charles De Gaule- nationalist person, democracy26.Treaty of Versailles27. asdf28.Peoples Republic of China29.Iraq wanted oil from Kuwait U.S broke up fight30.Showed industrial might of U.S.31.Slums and ghetto places during apartheid32.Split of Korea north and south communism and democracy33.Egypt and Great Britain unnecessary kills then protests which lead to nationalist


    34. Suez Canal- connection of Indian to MediterraneanAswan Dam- controls annual floods

    35. asdf36.Helped Germany, split up in mandates, establishment of Israel37.Divided into two half social half democratic38.Controls oil,39.5 year plan,40.No promises kept and Lenin died early41.Japan wasn't hit that hard by the depression. Her most important export was silk, which was a

    luxury items that other countries, including America, simply stopped buying. The army leaders

    became more and more powerful and as you have seen, launched the invasion of Manchuria in

    1931. They thought this would help Japan with its problems because it provided raw materials

    for Japan and living space for its ever growing population.42.Nigerian-Biafran War, 6 July 1967 15 January 1970, was a political conflict caused by the

    attemptedsecessionof the southeastern provinces ofNigeriaas the self-proclaimedRepublic of

    Biafra. The conflict was the result of economic, ethnic, cultural and religious tensions among the

    various peoples of Nigeria.

  • 7/31/2019 Contemporary Era Guide


    45.A welfare state is a "concept of government in which the state plays a key role in the protectionand promotion of the economic and social well-being of its citizens. It is based on the principles

    ofequality of opportunity, equitabledistribution of wealth, and public responsibility for those

    unable to avail themselves of the minimal provisions for a good life. The general term may cover

    a variety of forms of economic and social organization."[1] The welfare state involves a transfer

    of funds from the state, to the services provided (i.e. healthcare, education) as well as directly to

    individuals ("benefits"). The welfare state is funded throughredistributionisttaxationand is

    often referred to as a type of"mixed economy".[3]

    46.651465447.Russia pulled out of World War 1 because Lenin and the Bolsheviks had promised that they

    would end Russia's involvement in the war. The Russian army could not match up to the German

    army and defeat was inevitable. Politically, Lenin had to end the war because he had promised it

    to the country and if he did not deliver on that promise he faced his own overthrow. The only

    way he could keep the soldiers and peasants at least neutral in the political fighting was to

    assure them the war would be over. Lenin tried to drag the peace negotiations out hoping

    Germany would surrender, but it didn't. Germany caught on, called off the talks and resumed

    hostilities. Lenin had to make a hasty retreat and sign a quick peace treaty or Germany would

    have conquered Russia militarily and replaced the Bolshevik government.

    Russia's involvement in the war with Germany ended on March 3, 1918 with the signing of the

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. The Tsar was murdered on July 17, 1918, three months after the war

    ended for Russia

    48.Adsf49.Nanjing-mass murder war rape

    Invasion of Poland (1939)- started WW2Battle of Coral Sea and Midway Island- Naval battles between Japan and Allies

    50.China used it as an example51.Cuba52.Held all the power, lower class suffered53.Asdf54.Treaty between the Soviet Union and U.S limit of strategic firearms55.The Muslim League- separate muslim parts, Pakistan

    National Liberation Front- socialist party in Algeria, independence from france

    OAS- regional international organization made to achieve order and justice56. Fundamental Catholicism/Protestantism57.Fall of USSR and Berlin Wall58.Adsf59.Common Sense60.Terrorism Isolationism Nationalism