content marketing: are you doing this?

Content Marketing: Attract. Engage. Convert

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Post on 27-Jul-2015




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Content Marketing: Attract. Engage. Convert

What is Content?

Content is anything that adds value to the reader’s life

2013 State of Inbound Marketing Report states that:

For 18% of marketers, quality content was the topmost priority

2013 State of Inbound Marketing Report states that:

10% of the companies have a dedicated content developer

How Google sees a content?

Unsavory links, not-at-par content, and sites with no media signals is not important

What is Content Marketing?

The art of content marketing?Are you doing this?

A strategic planning and unique content will determine your marketing

Everything is not for everyone

Practice less for potential customers than doing a lot for random people

Define your audience

Focus upon a concentrated class. Because, there is always a difference between writing for readers and writing for customers

Have a contextual understanding of your customers

Have a clear understanding of your motivations, requirements, pain areas and the whole target buy process. In case you stumble, how will you stand again??

Apparent conversion goals

Center your marketing strategy on a goal. Turn potential visitors into customers

Strive to keep your audience engaged

Make your content a little interesting and a little witty.And yes, Tell only YOUR story.

Make most of the advantage with Google

Google Loves Guest Posts !!While targeting your content, make sure you deliver Quality.That’s how you impress Google.

Content marketing and the future anticipation

What is Content Marketing expected to offer to the year 2014?? And, to the years after that?

Business will comprehend the need of content marketing

Few years back, it was a part. Today, it is a need.Content marketing has its own discrete identity today.

‘Director of Content’ would be a much coveted profile

Companies that do not assign content creation and dissemination to relevant people or departments, will loose out.

Mobile content marketing will draw the base line

Google Hummingbird and long tail keyword is an assurance to the fact.

Software would track the outcome

SAAS cloud would calculate the ROI, as part of the huge content marketing outcome.

All Hail, Google+, and Slideshare

Social media is no more about just friends, images and videos.It is all about a race, of sharing, and rising on the top.

Evaluate your content

• All the while, were you writing for your audience?• Did you care to care for their interest?• Was you content engaging enough?

If not, do it Now

Anticipate the future, and embark on the change NOW.Do it today, for tomorrow.

On the whole story

Good content is powerful.It would not only welcome visitors, but also provoke sharing between peers.Remember, One Happy Client= Many Potential Clients

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