content optimizations for_all+about+daily+horo_06_12_2016


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Page 1: Content optimizations for_all+about+daily+horo_06_12_2016

# Content optimizations for []By Aamir iqbal

# 06/12/2016 UTC

# Page title: All About Daily Horoscope & Astrology in URDU -


# Page URL:

# Target keyword: horoscope in urdu

# ---------------------------------------------

Section Optimizations Already optimized

Relevance Repeat keyword 2-4 times per 500 words of main content.


Relevance Put the exact target keyword in your H1 headline. -

Relevance Put your target keyword in the URL, keeping it under 128

characters and using hyphens for spaces. -

Relevance Put your keyword in image filenames when the image is

relevant to the keyword. -

Relevance Use related terms to support your keyword (look for ideas

in our keyword search tool). -

Relevance - All images have alt attributes

Relevance - Meta robots tag allows crawlers

SERP Appearance Shorten your title to 65 characters or less. -

SERP Appearance Put the exact target keyword in your title tag. -

SERP Appearance Put your keyword near the front of the H1 headline.


SERP Appearance Put the exact target keyword in your meta description,

keeping it at 156 characters or less. -

SERP Appearance - Title tag found

SERP Appearance - Just one title tag

SERP Appearance - Meta description found

SERP Appearance - Meta description is under 157 characters

SERP Appearance - URL is under 129 characters

Visitor Experience Speed up page response time to under .5 seconds.


Visitor Experience Reduce outbound links to under 100 (but have at

least 2). -

Visitor Experience - Headline is under 66 characters

Visitor Experience - One H1 tag found

Visitor Experience - Viewport tag suggests mobile-friendly

responsive design

Visitor Experience - Content is between 300 and 10,000 words

The target keyword is out of your site's competitive range, so it will

be difficult to rank for.

Page 2: Content optimizations for_all+about+daily+horo_06_12_2016