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Strikepen Defense ........................................................................................................................ 2

A tactical pen may just save your life ........................................................................................ 2

What is a Strikepen?................................................................................................................. 3

Fighting back with the Strikepen ............................................................................................... 4

Holding the Strikepen for maximum power ............................................................................... 4

Use the reverse (or icepick) grip ...................................................................................................... 5

Wielding like a baton ...................................................................................................................... 6

Where to strike your attacker to drop them the quickest ........................................................... 7

Using the Strikepen to knockout an attacker .................................................................................. 8

Targeting the windpipe ................................................................................................................... 8

Targeting the head .......................................................................................................................... 9

Targeting the jaw .......................................................................................................................... 11

Targeting the back of neck ............................................................................................................ 13

Other areas of weakness ............................................................................................................... 14

Carrying your Strikepen in your EDC ........................................................................................ 15

Learn to never be vulnerable again ......................................................................................... 17

Run for the hills ............................................................................................................................. 17

Scream like a banshee ................................................................................................................... 17

Facing an unarmed attacker ......................................................................................................... 18

Facing an attacker armed with a knife ......................................................................................... 18

Facing an attacker armed with a firearm ..................................................................................... 19

Improvising a weapon ................................................................................................................... 19

Target the knees............................................................................................................................ 19

Target the eyes .............................................................................................................................. 20

Target the neck ............................................................................................................................. 21

Target the nose ............................................................................................................................. 21

Target the solar plexus .................................................................................................................. 21

Use a head butt ............................................................................................................................. 22

Use your elbows ............................................................................................................................ 22

Breaking a grab ............................................................................................................................. 23

Breaking a zip-tie .......................................................................................................................... 23


Drop everything and run ............................................................................................................... 23

Defending against a knife attack ............................................................................................ 24

Don't lose your cool ....................................................................................................................... 25

Decide if you'll surrender ............................................................................................................... 25

Only fight if necessary ................................................................................................................... 26

Disable the knife ............................................................................................................................ 26

Stay light on your feet ................................................................................................................... 26

Remember to defend..................................................................................................................... 26

Run when you can ......................................................................................................................... 27

Staying safe out there ............................................................................................................ 27


Strikepen Defense

A tactical pen may just save your life

Being prepared for the unexpected is one of the fundamental rules I live by. The world isn't safe. You

never know what the people around you are planning to do, and bad things can happen at any time.

Perhaps it's just timing. You find yourself trapped in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and the two

guys confronting you are after more than just your purse. Or maybe you're being followed by a stalker

who has been targeting you for a while now.

I never want to be in a position where I'm unable to fight back, and to actually stand a fighting chance

smart fighters use more than just their fists.

That's where self-defense items come into play.

Now don't get me wrong, learning martial arts is great, as you'll get confident in your own abilities and

be prepared to actually fight back. But when you're up against a bigger or more aggressive opponent,

you're going to want to use a weapon.

Because let's face it. Odds are your attacker is armed, and the fact that they're even targeting you

highlights they believe they've got an advantage. Perhaps they're stronger, more confident, or they

have friends to help. Having a weapon could make all the difference, especially if you know how to

use it.


The trouble is, you can't always have a traditional weapon with you. Depending where you are,

carrying your firearm may be illegal, and there's many places where even pepper spray is discouraged.

But that doesn't mean you need to be unarmed. You just need to adapt your approach.

And this is where the Strikepen comes into play. At a quick glance it looks like a simple metal pen.

Which is a true enough assumption. It is a pen. It actually works when you want to write with it. But

that's not all. It's a weighted, self defensive weapon that you can use to fight back.

No matter where you are.

In this guide we cover everything you need to know about using the Strikepen effectively in a fight.

The right ways to hold it. Where to strike. You'll learn everything you need to know in order to

neutralize any attacker, using a simple, everyday object that you can carry at all times. Plus we'll cover

a few novel ways to defend yourself, even if your attacker is wielding a knife.

Because no one ever deserves to feel unsafe.

What is a Strikepen?

The modern tactical pen is an adaption of the

Kubotan, a keychain weapon that was developed in

the late 60s. Of similar size the two serve a similar

purpose, and wielded by someone who knows

what they're doing they are capable of turning

even the scariest opponent into a victim.


The Strikepen is our tactical pen. Constructed out of aircraft-grade aluminum, it's been weighted to

have massive stopping power, and give you a fighting edge against any opponent. It's been designed

with grooves to aid your grip, along with a hardened tip that you can use as a blunt-force weapon.

But that's not even the best part. What I love about the Strikepen is how easy it is to conceal. In your

pocket it appears just like any other pen, and it fits easily in your purse. And because it looks like an

ordinary pen, few people actually recognize the danger potential this weapon offers.

This gives you a number of advantages in a


First, you've got it easily accessible, so you're

able to arm yourself at a moment's notice

because you've always got your Strikepen with

you. It also gives you the element of surprise.

Your attacker will definitely not be expecting

you to defend yourself with a pen, and while

they are still chuckling about the way you're

planning to fight back, you can launch into your

attack and get the upper hand.

At the other end of the pen is a novel striking

tip. It's called a DNA collector head, and it does

exactly what you expect it would. Cut's a chunk

out of your attacker so the police have

evidence they can use to process and identify

your attacker at a later date.

Fighting back with the Strikepen

In the right hands, a Strikepen can become an effective weapon, to take down any attacker you face.

Just remember, that when it comes to self defense your main goal is to remove the threat.

Using a Strikepen against an attacker you can cause pain and do enough damage to end a potentially

dangerous situation, but it is powerful enough to be deadly too. Before carrying any weapon with you,

it's smart to consider this aspect. I know for me, I will use whatever force is necessary to protect my

family, and I've already accepted that this may end badly for an attacker who intends to harm my


Holding the Strikepen for maximum power

The techniques to use a Strikpen are relatively simple, but that doesn't mean you don't need to

practice. If you want to get proficient with any form of self defense, you've got to do more than just


read this guide. You need to get real-world practice. That way, when the day comes and you have to

use your Strikepen to fight back, you're ready to perform effectively.

But before we get started I want to clear up one issue. The Strikepen is not a knife. Because of its size

many of my students seem to want to grab it like one. But it's just not that effective like that, for two


1. The Strikepen is best used as an impact weapon, not a slashing weapon

2. Without reinforcing your grip you risk dropping the Strikepen when you attack

Of course, the Strikepen is definitely a close quarters weapon, but if you hold it right you can get a

massive edge in a fight you're in.

Use the reverse (or icepick) grip

I've tried a number of different techniques with the Strikepen, but the easiest for anyone to learn is

the reverse grip. Using a reverse grip, the Strikepen protrudes from your fist by your pinky, essentially

turning your hand and arm into an improvised ice pick.

To achieve this grip, open your hand and lay the Strikepen across the base of your fingers, so the end

you're wanting to attack with extends down past your pinky. Close your fingers and wrap them around

the grip of the Strikepen to keep it secure in your hand, and place your thumb to cap the Strikepen so

it doesn't slide out of position when you attack.


I like to leave about a half inch of the Strikepen extending up to where my thumb is pressing down, as

this gives me plenty of grip to stay in control during the fight, especially once things get sweaty and

bloody. From here, you're in the perfect position to perform a number of attacks

Cycling is perhaps the easiest, as it follows the natural momentum of your body. Stab out in a

downward motion with the knife in a circular motion, performing strike after strike, much like you're

hammering a nail. It's best done as a combination against your attacker, perhaps you block a quick

punch then step in close to react with a couple of quick downward strikes.

The next motion to practice is the "X" defense. It starts much like a single cycle, but cross your body

instead, using the first strike to block, and the second to reverse your strike and attack. It's one of my

favorites because most attackers won't see it coming, the trick is to keep your movements tight and

quick, otherwise you risk opening yourself up to be hit after your first strike.

Wielding like a baton

Just because you don't have a baton at hand, it doesn't mean you can't improvise one. The second

way you can hold the Strikepen is like a baton.

Grip the Strikepen firmly in your fist so the striking end sticks out past your thumb, and use it like a

bat to swing and hit your attacker. The weight makes it an ideal weapon, and can cause a large amount

of pain if you strike sensitive areas like the temple or the bridge of the nose.


I find it works best when you're swinging in a downward motion, as you can get a little bit more force

behind each swing so it does real damage when it connects. This grip is a little less secure than the

reverse grip, so make sure you're holding tight as you attack.

The key to mastering your Strikepen is first understanding the moves, then putting the time in to

practice these movements in real life. There's nothing better than practice if you're relying on our

advice to keep you safe in a fight, so put in the time and learn the strikes. It'll make a big difference

when you're facing an attacker, trust me.

Where to strike your attacker to drop them the quickest

Much like any weapon, the Strikepen is going to be most effective if you're using it to target the most

vulnerable areas of an attackers body. Because let's face it. The Strikepen is just a heavy piece of metal.

It's up to you to transform it into a self-defensive item to keep an attacker at bay.

For this to work, you need to develop your accuracy. Pressure points need to be hit precisely, and I

can't stress this enough. You need to practice. The good news though, is when you hit it right, you

don't need a huge amount of force in order to take down your opponent.

The trick though is to be accurate. You may only get one shot so you've got to come in hard and fast

before your opponent gains control of the fight. Against a bigger or more aggressive opponent this is

critical. Forget good sportsmanship or what's fair in a fight.

It's hurt or be hurt, and you have no

idea what the person attacking you

actually intends to do.

Personally, I'm a big fan of targeting

pressure points in a fight. There's no

easier way to end a fight quickly,

short of pulling a firearm, which is

why I'm particularly fond of my

Strikepen. It allows me to focus a

huge amount of force on some of

the weakest spots on my attacker,

giving me an incredible advantage

against every opponent I've come across.

So pay attention to this next section.

If you're in a life or death situation, knowing how to target and strike a pressure point on your

opponent may just save your life. Once you knock them out or take them down, you have the perfect

opportunity to escape.


But you need to be careful. Hitting a pressure point can inflict a lethal amount of damage to your

opponent, so these techniques should only be used as a last resort. And if you're practicing with a

sparring partner, be cautious. Practice is needed to perfect the moves, but you don't want to injure a

friend either.

Using the Strikepen to knockout an attacker

The easiest way to win a fight is to knock out your opponent. This renders them unable to chase,

follow, or do you any additional harm, so you can effectively flee the scene of the danger.

There's a few ways you can do this, but you need to understand this is a very dangerous tactic. Each

time you knock a person unconscious they lose brain cells, and there's always the risk that the person

you attack does not wake up again. Nevertheless, when you're fighting for your life you need to use

every advantage possible, and a knock out is generally one of the cleanest and easiest ways to end a

fight, without causing any long-term damage.

To knock someone out you can deprive their brain of oxygen, cause their blood pressure to drop, or

simply provide enough blunt force trauma to their brain that it becomes overloaded with signals. A

powerful strike to the temple will kill, as well as a crushing blow to the windpipe will stop their ability

to breathe. Both of these you can achieve with the Strikepen.

Targeting the windpipe

The fastest and most effective way to cut off your attackers supply of oxygen is to stop their ability to

breathe. First, you're going to need to do a little experimentation to find the right spot to target. Using

your fingers, feel around the center of your throat until you feel the solid lump of your Adam's apple.

Girls, try this out on your brother or your

boyfriend if you have trouble locating the

spot on your own neck. When you have it,

slide your fingers up about a half inch, and

you'll notice the hard lump drops off into a

narrow trench.


Referring to the diagram (source: we're

actually looking for the small depression that sits between the Hyoid bone and your Thyroid cartilage.

Got it? Good. Now slowly start applying pressure into this depression. When you're in the right spot

it's going to hurt (immediately) and pushing a little bit harder actually closes your windpipe. Now, you

shouldn't be able to breathe. As you're trying this, push with the same pressure on different areas of

your throat. None are quite as good at stopping your breathing right? It's because the hollow is the

area where your windpipe is most exposed, and a forceful blow to this precise location can have a

devastating effect, no matter how small you are.

Remember this sweet spot. For this to work effectively you will need to be relatively accurate, but a

solid hit with your Strikpen to any part of your opponents neck will cause anyone a significant amount

of distress. Just be careful, this can be a lethal attack if done with enough force, and should only ever

be used when you have no other option.

Personally, I would use the following steps to execute this strike:

1. Plant my feet shoulder-width apart in a fighting stance, with my weight on my back leg

2. If close enough, grab my attackers shirt (around the neckline) to stabilize my strike

3. Grip the Strikepen in the reverse grip, and bring it up from below to strike their neck

4. You will need to come at this at an angle, much like an uppercut to target their neck

5. Strike the precise spot in the front of their neck with the tip of the Strikepen

Targeting the head

Another good tactic when you're fighting for your life is to target the head. When you rattle your

opponents brain it can overload it with pain signals, giving you the upper hand in a fight. Think of your

brain like a computer, if there's too much happening at once it freezes up and cannot perform.

When this happens, it just takes one more strike to

knock your opponent unconscious.

There's a few key spots you can aim for on your

opponents head, personally I'd stick to the temple as

it's one of the most vulnerable areas (source:


Because the head is a rather solid object, the primary way you can generate a knock out is through

blunt force trauma. Hit anyone in the head hard enough, and they will go down, as their conscious

brain shuts down from the impact, the person passes out. "Bonking" your attacker on the top of the

head with a hard, heavy object is a great way to achieve a knockout, as is using the Strikepen to attack

any particularly vulnerable areas with targeted force.

The temple is essentially the bulls eye when it comes to fighting off an attacker. It's the most

vulnerable point on your attackers skull. You'll find the temple on the side of your attackers face,

between their hairline and their eyebrows, it's the flat spot that is at eye level. To find the exact

position of this pressure point on your own body, place your fingertips on different spots on your

temple until you can feel your pulse. This is the temporal artery, and it's carrying blood to your brain,

just below the skull. Applying light pressure on the temples on both sides can provide a relief from

headaches, a strike here will knock you out.

The particular vulnerability of the temple is twofold. It's one of the thinner areas of your skull, but it

protects one of the most vital arteries to your brain. In addition, the flat shape helps to amplify any

shocks to this area, resulting in more severe trauma after blunt force trauma. With sufficient force,

almost any strike to the head is fatal, as the blow will cause the blood cells in the brain to hemorrhage,

but far less force is needed for a knockout punch to the temple. Accurately hitting your opponent in

the temple will cause their brain to swing wildly into the side of their skull, and result in an instant

knock out as the blood flow to their brain is cut off.

Be careful though, striking here too hard can result in death.

Here's how to do it:


1. Take a fighting stance, with your feet shoulder width apart and one leg forward

2. Stay loose and bend your knees slightly

3. Hold the Strikepen in the reverse grip, with the tip sticking out past your pinky

4. Now either strike from the side aiming the spike into their temple OR

5. Bring your hand down, hammering the spike into their temple

6. I'd also recommend stepping into the strike, to give more weight to your strike

Again, I need to say this. Attacking the temple like this is considered a lethal strike, and should you

connect with enough force there's a good chance the effects will be deadly. You should only ever aim

for the temple with your Strikepen if you're in genuine peril and fear for your life.

Targeting the jaw

You'll also find a number of pressure points in the jaw. The two main ones are concentrated in the

chin, and in the area where the jaw connects to your skull (by your ears). Striking these shocks the

nerves, and can result in a knock out with just a single blow. Plus, it only needs to be done firmly (not

hard) to produce a knock out. Exactly what we're after, right?

First, you want to aim for the section of the jaw that's in the middle of your attackers face, right where

their chin is. Hitting the chin hard enough will knock your attacker out, and armed with a Strikepen

you'll be able to put a significant amount of force behind your strike. What I like most about this move

is it's quick, and coming from below you can often catch your attacker unawares.


As you connect, your attackers head will snap straight up, get this to happen fast enough and they will

blackout, and even if they don't they will be unbalanced and disoriented for your follow up strike.

Here's how to do it:

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart in a fighting stance, with one leg forward

2. Keep your stance loose, with your knees slightly bent

3. Hold the Strikepen in the reverse grip, with the tip sticking out past your pinky

4. Bring your fist up, twisting as you do so to execute the uppercut strike

5. Keep your body loose until the final moment, to give you additional force in the strike

6. Just before your strike lands, tighten your body, which gives you more power

7. Remember to breathe and stay calm

The second area you can target with a head strike is the connecting point for the jaw to the skull. This

pressure point is right above a spot known as the Vagus nerve, and is one of the most vulnerable areas

on the entire body, because so many different nerves intersect here. The Vagus nerve is the main

connection between the heart and the brain, and the good news is that it's not a little spot you're

looking for. It runs right down either side of their neck. A direct strike to either side will knock your

opponent unconscious.

To find the pressure point, place your fingers about an inch below your ear on your neck and press

down. You'll feel immediate pain and some lightheadedness when you get the right spot. A powerful

strike to this spot will drop your opponent, and when they come to they will still be lightheaded and

nauseous, disoriented, and will probably be more concerned about vomiting than fighting you. The

majority of the effects will last for about 10 to 20 minutes, and will take about a day to be back feeling



Here's how I'd do it:

1. Go back to your fighting stance with your feet shoulder-width apart and one leg forward

2. Bend your knees slightly and be ready to move

3. Hold the Strikepen in the reverse grip, with the tip sticking out past your pinky

4. Bring your fist down, so you're essentially hammering the spike into their neck

5. If it helps your momentum you can also step forward as you strike for more power

Targeting the back of neck

Another area with a large concentration of nerves is the back of the neck, and again, you can use this

area to do some serious damage to your attacker with your Strikepen.

Remember all those old kung fu movies where the here "karate chops" the villains neck from behind

and they immediately drop to floor? Well this next move is based on that concept, and while it's

effective it's not completely like the movies. The kicker with this technique is it becomes less effective

the larger your attacker is when compared to you. A small person using this technique against a large

attacker is unlikely to do a great deal of harm, but against a smaller attacker or someone of equal

stature you can do some serious damage.

Generally, a firm blow to the back of the neck will cause lightheadedness and disorientation, while a

harder blow will knock your attacker unconscious. If you're larger than your attacker and strike this

area there's a chance you will also critically damage their aortic arch, one of the major pathways that


delivers blood through the body. An injury here almost always results in internal bleeding and death

soon to follow.

To locate the target area on yourself, drop your head forward and feel around the back of your neck

until you can find the most prominent bone. The upper section, where your neck connects to your

skull is highly sensitive, and a strike here using your Strikepen in the reverse grip will knock your

opponent out. A harder blow to this area has the potential to damage the nerve that tells your

diaphragm to contract, which can lead to death by asphyxiation. You may also damage the spinal cord,

which will result in a rapid drop in blood pressure and instant death. The lower section, where the

back of your neck connects to your torso will also result in unconsciousness when struck, and a hard

enough blow may even result in permanent paralysis. Again, only target this area when your life is in

peril, it can have lethal or permanent results.

Other areas of weakness

In a street fight you often don't get to pick and choose where you land each strike, and it's not

worthwhile to wait for the perfect opportunity should you have an opening to target another area

that is also vulnerable. The following are all areas I teach my students to focus on, and while they may

not have the same knockout ability, attacking these areas can do a devastating amount of damage to

your opponent and give you the chance to escape.

The nose is one of the most easily broken parts of the body, making it ideal to target with either a

stabbing or a slashing motion from your Strikepen. Plus it sticks out which makes it easier to hit.

Connect here and your attackers eyes will water, blood will flow, and they'll start wondering if


continuing this fight is even worth it. A blow to the nose is extremely painful, and will make it hard to

breath, and can even result in permanent disfigurement if broken.

The eyes are particularly delicate. Temporarily blinding your attacker is a winning strategy, so using

your reverse grip of the Strikepen, poke, gouge, scratch and attack at your opponents eyes. In addition

to the pain you cause, the loss of vision can give you a chance to escape, or deliver a second (more

powerful) attack to knock your opponent out properly, so you can run without concern of being

chased. I need to mention that there's a very high chance you'll cause a permanent injury when

attacking the eyes with your Strikepen, so be sure you only ever use this method if your life is at stake

and there are no other options.

Carrying your Strikepen in your EDC

I've had my Strikepen as part of my every day carry for a couple of years now, as it's no longer an easy

thing to carry a proper weapon with you at all times. There's more and more places I am not allowed

to bring my firearm, and that makes me increasingly nervous.

Because let's be honest. There are bad people out there in the world, and leaving my gun locked in a

drawer in my home frightens me. It's not there, ready to use if I actually need it. But you don't have a

whole lot of options either, and it's why I was quite happy to discover tactical pens.

It's like a backup defense tool you can carry with you at all times. My Strikepen is part of my everyday

carry (EDC) now, and I've never got a second glance. International trips, travelling through airports,

and turning my pockets out again and again for security staff, none have ever wanted me to leave my

Strikepen behind. Because to them, it looks just like an ordinary pen.


It becomes dangerous only once you know how to use it, especially once you're striking for the most

vulnerable areas on your opponent.

But I do want to leave a warning. There is always the chance you're going to come across a security

agent who knows his salt, and you risk getting your Strikepen confiscated. So don't get too attached

to it, any device that's been designed as an incognito weapon could be taken from you. Because it is

a weapon after all, and there are some places where it's downright unacceptable to be armed.

Oh and if you're caught trying to sneak a Strikepen somewhere you're not supposed to, there could

be severe consequences. Personally I've carried mine through countless airports all over the world,

without even getting a second glance, but it's only fair I warn you of the risk of this. Probably the worst

that could happen is you're arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit a crime. If you're

particularly worried about this, toss it in your checked luggage instead and arm yourself once you

collect your bags at your destination. Simple.

All I advise, is making sure that when you're landed you get your Strikepen out and keep it somewhere

accessible. It won't do you any good if you've got to rummage through your backpack to find it, or if

you've forgotten it sitting at home on your desk. I wear mine tucked into the buttons of my work polo

shirt, so I can draw it and defend myself in a split-second. And everyone I come across thinks it's just

a pen.


Learn to never be vulnerable again

We mention it a number of times in this guide and others, but it's a sad truth that our neighborhoods

are no longer safe. You never know when you may find yourself facing a dangerous situation, or

perhaps even fighting for your life. Walking home from a night class can leave you vulnerable, just the

same as going for an early morning run or heading to your car in a dimly-lit parking garage.

Unfortunately many of these situations we can't avoid, but instead of leaving yourself a victim, today

we're going to cover a range of self defense moves you can use to fight back, or to get yourself to

safety. These are all easy techniques that don't require you to be Jason Bourne to use, however we

should also note that some of these target highly sensitive areas and should never be used unless you

find yourself fighting for your life. Use your common sense people.

With each strike, you want to aim for the most delicate parts of your opponents body, using the

toughest parts of your own. Be as aggressive as possible, because your opponent will not have any

sympathy for you. Go in hard and fast, do as much damage as possible, and once they've been

neutralized, it's time to escape the situation.

Now let's get to it.

Run for the hills

When it comes to self defense, you can choose flight or fight. Run, or stand up for yourself. The right

choice depends on the situation, but I'd recommend leaning towards flight. Backing down or giving in

may feel bad, but it's the less risky of the two choices. Of course, if you've got no other choice then

it's time to stand your ground and put up the best fight you can.

Scream like a banshee

Screaming is one of my go-to pieces of advice, as you can unsettle an attacker and bring extra attention

to what's about to go down. Unleash your best battle cry as you get ready to fight. Criminals don't like

witnesses, and it may alert someone nearby that you're in trouble so they'll come help, or give you a

momentary distraction so you can escape. Worst case, it'll give you a little courage before its time to

start swinging, so take a breath and let out a roar.


Facing an unarmed attacker

Going toe-to-toe with an attacker who doesn't have a

weapon will depend on a few things. How strong you

are, along with your stamina. Technique will come into

it, along with your aggressiveness and always a bit of

luck. Your goal is a knockout, so don't start swinging

wildly. Use quick, targeted movements, that aim for

the weak points in your attacker. Just remember that

you've got to defend too. Once you're injured, the

chances of you actually winning the fight fall


Facing an attacker armed with a knife

When you're facing an attacker who is armed with a

knife, it's a very risky situation. Focus on the weapon

and be wary of getting too close. Your goal is to let your

attacker slash the air, waiting for an opportunity to

duck in quickly and immobilize the arm with the knife,

and start hitting them with all you've got. But never let

go of the knife hand. Keep punching until you feel their strength weaken, then twist their arm with as

much force as you have. You want to break bones or do enough damage they drop the knife, so be as

brutal as you can.

Because this is one of the most common scenarios you're going to face, we go into detail in the

following section and cover exactly what you need to know in order to defend against a knife attack.


Facing an attacker armed with a firearm

I'm not going to lie, this is a very difficult situation. The range and deadliness of a gun make it very

risky to attempt, but I understand you may not have a choice. My advice is to gradually close the

distance between yourself and the attacker, waiting for a moment of distraction before grabbing the

gun by the barrel and forcing it away from you. Forget the fancy moves in the movies, just push the

barrel away from you and start punching with your free hand as hard and as powerfully as you can.

Improvising a weapon

Once you know what to look for, you quickly realize there are weapons all around you. Just take a

quick glance and see what's nearby.

In an alley maybe you've got the lid of a trash can or a broken brick that can give you an edge in the

fight. Anything with a bit of reach can be used to stab at your opponent, like a broom or a long

umbrella, even a chair can be picked up and used to keep your attacker at bay. Heck, you could even

use a stiletto as a stabbing object.

Of course, we've got a couple of items that would be perfect in this situation, the Strike Light is a

combination flashlight and extendable baton, allowing you to effectively fight back without even

needing to improvise a weapon. The Strikepen we covered earlier, and is one of the best incognito

weapons I've ever come across. Oh and don't forget the power of a can of pepper spray. Able to take

down your attacker even from a distance, it's a self-defense item I recommend every survivalist carry

with them, at all times.

Now in this next section, we discuss where you need to target once you decide to fight back.

Target the knees

If your opponent can't stand they can't chase you, which gives you the perfect chance to escape. One

of the easiest ways to take down a bigger attacker is to target their knees. Done quickly it's almost

impossible to block, all you need to do is stomp or kick their knee from the front or the side, before

booking it the hell out of whatever situation you're in. The only downside, is you can do some pretty

serious permanent damage with this move, so ensure you're really in danger.


Target the eyes

It seems like a move your parent's warned you about as a kid, "don't do that or you'll put someone's

eye out," but in a fight targeting the eyes is extremely effective. Extend your index and middle finger

while pressing them tightly together to perform a rudimentary "stabbing" technique, or press into

their eyes with your thumbs as your fingers wrap around the back of their head for even more

pressure. Done right, you'll be able to take down even a large attacker.


Target the neck

On the side of your opponents neck, just below the ear, sits the vagus nerve. It controls a variety of

functions within the body, most notably the heart rate as it connects the brain to many of your vital

organs. A solid strike here, from a fist, elbow or palm can knock out your opponent, cause muscle

spasms and intense pain, and with enough force has even been known to cause a sudden and instant

death. Or you could use a choke hold and squeeze tight until they lose consciousness. Again, neither

of these are attacks to be used unless you're fighting for your life.

Target the nose

If you've got the chance to strike your attackers face, instead of using your fist (which can result in

significant damage to your knuckles as you hit strong facial bones), use an upward palm strike to their

nose. It won't drive their "nose bone" into their brain as many websites claim, but it does give you a

good chance to break it, a painful result that will buy you time and give you a chance to escape.

Target the solar plexus

If you're shorter than your opponent it opens up a significant vulnerability in their chest, the solar

plexus. It's the bone that sits underneath the pecs, right above the abdominal muscles. Even in a large


opponent it won't be covered in muscles or much fat, and a hard punch here can knock the wind out

of your attacker, giving you the chance to flee.

Use a head butt

Grab the front of your attackers shirt, pushing them away slightly before jerking yourself forward to

strike with a headbutt. This swinging movement opens their defense, making your opponent more

vulnerable to your attack. Just make sure you're looking at the ground as you strike, so the front and

top of your head connects directly to their face.

Use your elbows

These strikes are banned in boxing for good reason, because the bone at the point of your elbow can

deliver massive damage in a fight. Elbow strikes are a technique best used in close range, swinging

your elbow down from above or across from the side into the face of your attacker. An elbow strike

to the temple can knock out an opponent, while hits to the face usually split the skin and result in

large cuts and bleeding.


Breaking a grab

If your attacker has hold of your wrist or another part of you, it's unlikely you're going to be able to

pull free, especially if they're bigger or stronger than you. Instead, you've got to try wriggling free. I'd

recommend rotating your wrist until your thumb is aligned with the spot where your attackers thumb

meets their fingers, push forward slightly then jerk back hard, bending your arm at the elbow. This

should break their grip, allowing you to get free and either run, or free you up to start hitting back.

Breaking a zip-tie

If you've already been overpowered and your hands tied with a plastic zip-tie, you've still got a chance

to escape. Grab the end of the zip tie with your teeth and pull it tight, positioning the lock between

your palms. Raise your arms above your head, and then quickly bring them down as you swing your

elbows wide, slapping your stomach with your wrists. The force of the blow will break the zip-tie,

though it may take a couple of tries to get the technique right if you've not practiced before.

Drop everything and run

It may not be cool, sexy or leave you with a great story to recount with your friends over a beer, but

often the best self-defense move is to run. Standing your ground to fight is risky as you never know

what the outcome will be, while getting yourself free from danger by booking it out of a dangerous

situation is really your safest option.


A real fight is nothing like the movies. Being hit hurts, and every one of these techniques will help you

to fight back or keep yourself safe, no matter what situation you find yourself in. Use these tactics

with care, as done right some are so effective they can cause permanent damage or even kill your

attacker. But when you're fighting for your life, this may just be the edge you need.

Defending against a knife attack

Now this next section is very important, because most of the thugs you come across in real life aren't

going to be heavily armed, but even still, with a knife in their hands it's a very, very dangerous

situation. I want to make this clear. Fighting with a knife is nothing like you see in the movies.

In the hands of a determined opponent a knife is a very scary weapon. You can expect them to launch

a rapid flurry of strikes, starting at whatever part of your body they can reach. Slashing, stabbing, and

cutting until they reach something vital and you go down. Perhaps even for good.

And it happens in seconds. A breath or two later and you'll be covered in a number of wounds, facing

severed tendons in the arm you tried to defend with, and trying to stop your blood from spilling out

everywhere. Not good, right?

So how do you defend against such a vicious attack?


Don't lose your cool

Now I agree, staying fearless in the face of a knife-wielding psychopath isn't always possible, but you

need to do your best to stay calm. Suppress any feelings of panic you have, because breaking down in

tears or curling into a ball gives your attacker all the advantage, right from the start. Take a deep

breath, and try to figure out what it is they want. A mugger really only wants your wallet, and has

probably only done this a handful of times, if at all. There's no need to lose yourself to fear. Take a

breath, be calm and confident, and you'll make it through.

Decide if you'll surrender

Now, I recommend paying particular attention to how confident your attacker is. Look at the way they

hold themselves, how calm and calculated their voice is, and how comfortable they are holding the

knife. If they seem nervous or inexperienced, you may be able to talk yourself out of it. If you get a

feeling they're a professional and have done this before, I'd actually recommend giving in.

Your wallet and your phone isn't worth your life, which is what you'd probably lose fighting off an

attacker who knows how to use a knife. But if you're facing off against someone who intends you

harm, you're not going to be able to reason with them. In this case (and if running isn't an option), I'd

recommend taking the fight to them and attacking with as much fury and violence as you can muster.


Only fight if necessary

In most confrontations you should be able to determine if you'll be able to overpower your attacker.

If they're nervous and come close to check your pockets after you tell them you've got nothing of

value, you may get an opening to knock the knife from their hand or land a hard punch into their face.

If you're not quite sure, you can gain an advantage using the element of surprise. Feign surrender.

Raise your hands with your palms facing out, and play along with their demands until you spot an

opening you can use to fight back. When you do attack, make it quick, and put all your strength into

it, you may only get one chance.

Disable the knife

The trick to making it through a knife fight unhurt is to avoid getting cut or stabbed. To do so, you

need to focus your attention on the knife so you can disarm your attacker. As long as they've got the

knife, you're in lethal danger. Be smart, and find a way to remove the knife altogether. If they're

stronger than you aim for surprise and target their head while holding their knife bay at hand. You

could also use a tool like the Strikepen to attack their hand that's holding the knife, one solid hit and

they may even drop the knife out of shock.

Stay light on your feet

Remaining in continued motion is a good defense in any fight, as it gives you the ability to dodge and

weave to avoid your opponents strikes. If they swing for your head, jump back and bend your head

away from the blow. Make it as difficult as possible for your attacker to land a blow, and if you see an

opening to launch a counter-attack, do it. Stay on your feet and never stop moving.

Remember to defend

Your face, neck and your

vital organs are the areas

you want to protect, as a

stab to one of these is

normally going to be a

lethal blow. If you've got

nothing to defend with (like

an umbrella, your purse or

even a backpack), use your

forearms. You'll get cut and

it will hurt, but the cuts are

most likely going to be


superficial compared to getting stabbed in your chest or in your belly.

But if you've got to defend like this, make sure you're also delivering damage with each strike. If you

block a knife thrust with your left hand, step in with your right and deliver a quick jab to their jaw, or

attack their neck or temple with the Strikepen. If you're going to take an injury, you want it to create

an opening for a fight winning move.

Run when you can

Your ultimate goal is escape. Once you've overwhelmed your attacker and eliminated their ability to

chase you, flee the scene immediately. Don't continue beating them to a pulp. Their friends may arrive

at any moment, you could injure them permanently, and they may even die from the beating. None

of these are what you want, and I'd never recommend risking your chance to escape just to deliver a

little "revenge." Plus, I'd feel horrible if I took the fight too far and did something I'd always regret.

If you find yourself confronted by an attacker with a knife, only ever fight back if you've got no other

choice. You will probably get cut, injured or worse, so it's got to be done as a last resort only. Defend

yourself and wait for an opportunity to either disable the knife or take out your opponent altogether,

before getting yourself the hell out of the situation you're in.

Staying safe out there

The world isn't a safe place anymore, and despite rules, regulations and establishments increasingly

stopping you from arming yourself appropriately, you can still take precautions.

The Strikepen is one of my favorite covert self defense tools, as it's just so damn effective once you've

learnt how to use it. Follow the steps in this guide to master the techniques, and ensure you've got

the means to defend yourself, no matter what comes your way.

Because no one ever deserves to feel unsafe.


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in any way without permission from Ape Survival.

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