
Adaptive Monotone Multigrid Methods for Nonlinear Variational Problems R. Kornhuber

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Page 1: · Contents Introduction 9 1 Nonlinear Variational Problems 12 1.1 Free and Moving

Adaptive Monotone Multigrid Methods


Nonlinear Variational Problems

R. Kornhuber

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Page 3: · Contents Introduction 9 1 Nonlinear Variational Problems 12 1.1 Free and Moving


This work is dedicated to the memory of Heinrich and Marie Barnstorf

A wide range of problems occurring in engineering and industry is charac-terized by the presence of a free (i.e. a priori unknown) boundary where theunderlying physical situation is changing in a discontinuous way. Mathemat-ically, such phenomena can be often reformulated as variational inequalitiesor related non–smooth minimization problems.

In these research notes, we will describe a new and promising way ofconstructing fast solvers for the corresponding discretized problems pro-viding globally convergent iterative schemes with (asymptotic) multigridconvergence speed. The presentation covers physical modelling, existenceand uniqueness results, finite element approximation and adaptive mesh–refinement based on a posteriori error estimation. The numerical propertiesof the resulting adaptive multilevel algorithm are illustrated by typical ap-plications, such as semiconductor device simulation or continuous casting.

Essential parts of these notes were completed during the last of 7 yearswhich I spent as a researcher at the Konrad–Zuse–Center in Berlin (ZIB).It is a pleasure for me to express my deep gratitude to P. Deuflhard, pres-ident of ZIB, for continuous encouragement and support. He directed myinterest to the field of adaptive multilevel methods, taught me the mutu-al benefits of theoretical research and practical applications, and created astimulating, productive atmosphere in the whole institute. Many ideas to bepresented here are heavily influenced by the discussions and collaborationswith my former colleagues at the ZIB, in particular with F. Bornemannand R. Roitzsch. Special thanks to R. Beck and B. Erdmann for invaluablecomputational assistance.

The preparation of a final version of these notes was supported by various im-portant remarks and suggestions of my former colleagues at the Weierstraß–Institute Berlin and by the careful proofreading of Mrs. P. Lawday from theICA Stuttgart.

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I am obliged to R.H.W. Hoppe for friendly collaboration over more than adecade, to H. Yserentant and G. Wittum for their continuous encourage-ment, and to R.D. Grigorieff, who laid the foundations of my mathematicalthinking.

Finally, I want to thank Martina, Kai and Marja for patiently overlookingmy mental absence for quiet a while.

Stuttgart, June 1996 Ralf Kornhuber

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Introduction 9

1 Nonlinear Variational Problems 12

1.1 Free and Moving Boundary Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1.1.1 Deformation of a Membrane with a Rigid Obstacle . . . . . . 13

1.1.2 A Semi–Discrete Stefan Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

1.1.3 The Semi–Discrete Porous Medium Equation . . . . . . . . . . 19

1.2 Convex Minimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

1.2.1 The Continuous Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

1.2.2 Variational Inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

1.2.3 Subdifferentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

1.3 Finite Element Discretization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

1.3.1 The Discrete Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

1.3.2 Convergence Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

2 Relaxation Methods 44

2.1 Basic Convergence Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

2.1.1 Gauß–Seidel Relaxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

2.1.2 Extended Relaxation Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

2.2 Monotone Approximations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

2.3 Asymptotic Properties: The Linear Reduced Problem . . . . . 59

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6 Contents

3 Monotone Multigrid Methods 65

3.1 Standard Monotone Multigrid Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

3.1.1 The Multilevel Nodal Basis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

3.1.2 Quasioptimal Approximations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

3.1.3 Quasioptimal Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

3.1.4 A Standard Multigrid V–Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

3.2 Truncated Monotone Multigrid Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

3.2.1 Truncation of the Multilevel Nodal Basis . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

3.2.2 Quasioptimal Approximations and Restrictions . . . . . . . . 81

3.2.3 A Truncated Multigrid V–Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

3.3 Asymptotic Convergence Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

3.3.1 A Modified Hierarchical Splitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

3.3.2 Final Convergence Results for the Standard Version . . . . . . 87

3.3.3 Final Convergence Results for the Truncated Version . . . . . 91

4 A Posteriori Error Estimates and Adaptive Refinement 93

4.1 A Posteriori Estimates of the Approximation Error . . . . . . 94

4.1.1 A Discrete Defect Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

4.1.2 An Error Estimate Based on Preconditioning . . . . . . . . . . 98

4.1.3 An Error Estimate Based on Nonlinear Iteration . . . . . . . . 103

4.2 A Stopping Criterion for the Adaptive Algorithm . . . . . . . 108

4.3 Error Indicators and Local Refinement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

4.4 A Stopping Criterion for the Iterative Solver . . . . . . . . . . 110

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Contents 7

5 Numerical Results 113

5.1 Deformation of a Membrane with a Rigid Obstacle . . . . . . 113

5.1.1 The Adaptive Multilevel Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

5.1.2 The Monotone Multigrid Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

5.1.3 The A Posteriori Error Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

5.2 A Strongly Reverse Biased p-n Junction . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

5.2.1 The Adaptive Multilevel Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

5.2.2 The Monotone Multigrid Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

5.2.3 The A Posteriori Error Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

5.3 Continuous Casting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

5.3.1 The Adaptive Multilevel Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

5.3.2 The Monotone Multigrid Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

5.3.3 The A Posteriori Error Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

5.4 The Porous Medium Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

5.4.1 The Adaptive Multilevel Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

5.4.2 The Monotone Multigrid Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

5.4.3 The A Posteriori Error Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

Notation 156

Index 158

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8 Contents

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Since the pioneering papers of Fichera [55] and Stampacchia [113] in theearly sixties, variational inequalities have proved extremely useful for theformulation of a wide range of problems from mechanics, physical and bi-ological science, metallurgy, soil mechanics, etc. A characteristic feature ofmost of these applications is the presence of a free or moving boundary divid-ing the computational domain into different phases with different physicalproperties.

An important subclass of such problems can be rewritten in the form

J (u) + φ(u) = min.

Obstacle problems or time–discretized two–phase Stefan problems are typi-cal examples. While the usual quadratic energy functional J has all the niceproperties of a parabola, the additional convex functional φ defined by

φ(v) =

ΩΦ(v(x)) dx

has only some of them. In particular, φ does not need to be differentiable.A free boundary separates the regions in which Φ(u) is smooth.

In these notes, we will try to work out some of the consequences originatingfrom this additional functional φ. Our reasoning will be guided by the ques-tions whether there is a solution, how we can compute it, and what it is goodfor. This pragmatic approach will lead us from a bit of physical modellingto the roots of functional analysis, from the convergence of finite elementapproximations to the convergence rates of multigrid methods, and, finally,to some practical computations which will leave us with more questions thananswers.

In the beginning, the reader should be familiar with elementary facts onHilbert spaces. Some basic notions of convex analysis will be introduced inthe first chapter, where we summarize well–known existence and uniqueness

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10 Introduction

results and outline the convergence analysis of a finite element discretiza-tion. In doing so, we never strive for generality, but for a clear presentationof basic concepts. However, this introductory chapter could be used as astarting point for a more advanced course in nonlinear functional analysisor optimization.

The unified view on multigrid methods and domain (or space) decomposi-tion has caused a breakthrough in the understanding of adaptive multilevelmethods for selfadjoint elliptic problems. We recommend the fundamentalmonograph of Hackbusch [65] and refer to Bramble [31], Dryja and Wid-lund [47], Xu [122] or Yserentant [126] for recent developments. With thisbackground, the main part of these notes is devoted to the construction offast solvers for the finite element analogue of our continuous minimizationproblem.

Standard relaxation methods (cf. e.g. Glowinski [61]) are globally conver-gent, but usually suffer from rapidly deteriorating convergence rates withincreasing refinement. We first explain how to incorporate a certain redun-dancy in these methods which is intended to increase the convergence speed.It turns out that monotonically decreasing energy J + φ is crucial for theglobal convergence of the resulting extended relaxation schemes. This prop-erty is preserved by suitable perturbations and will be the essential featureof monotone multigrid methods.

Constructing a multigrid method for a (discrete) free boundary problem,one always has to answer the question how to represent the free boundaryon the coarse grids. Our answer is that there is no such representation. As aconsequence, the coarse grid correction must not change the actual guess ofthe free boundary (resulting from fine grid smoothing). This condition ap-plies locally to each correction from each coarse grid node and, for theoreticalpurposes, can be regarded as a local damping of the coarse grid correction.However, the invariance of the actual free boundary may exclude a largenumber of coarse grid nodes from contributing to the correction and thismay again deteriorate the speed of convergence. A possible remedy is toadapt the underlying space decomposition to the actual free boundary. Inthis way, we obtain so–called truncated monotone multigrid methods in con-trast to the standard version introduced above. For both methods, we willderive upper bounds for the asymptotic convergence rates depending on-ly logarithmically on the minimal stepsize. The existence of related globalbounds is still an open question.

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Introduction 11

In the special case of obstacle problems, our standard monotone multigridmethod reduces to the algorithm of Mandel [92, 93] and the truncated vari-ant can be regarded as a further development of well–known heuristic ap-proaches (cf. Brandt and Cryer [33], Hackbusch and Mittelmann [66]), seeKornhuber [82] for details. Other multigrid methods have been derived forother special cases, such as semi-discrete Stefan problems (see e.g. Hoppe [72]or Hoppe and Kornhuber [73]). For a comparison, we refer to Kornhuber [83].

There should be no confusion with the monotone multigrid methods intro-duced by Zou [129] and improved by other authors (cf. Basler and Tornig [16]and Voller [120]). These methods are designed for nonlinear systems involv-ing (generalized) M-functions and provide converging sequences of sub– andsupersolutions.

In order to provide a hierarchy of grids together with an efficient finite ele-ment approximation, the underlying triangulation should be selected adap-tively on the basis of efficient and reliable a posteriori error estimates. As weare dealing with a minimization problem, it is natural to control the errorin the corresponding energy norm. Then, hierarchical error estimates pro-vide a unifying framework for the construction of a posteriori estimates forlinear selfadjoint problems (cf. Deuflhard, Leinen and Yserentant [45], Bankand Smith [10], Bornemann, Erdmann, and Kornhuber [28]). Chapter 4 con-tains some steps towards the extension of this concept to the non–smoothminimization problem under consideration.

In the final chapter, finite element discretization, iterative solution and aposteriori error estimation are assembled to an adaptive multilevel method.Using this algorithm as some sort of black box method, we consider fourexamples of different nature, ranging from pure model problems to quiterealistic situations. In all our experiments, we observed a similar efficiencyand reliability of our adaptive multilevel algorithm as for related ellipticselfadjoint problems. Nevertheless, the results of the numerical computationsare in turn a source of challenging theoretical and algorithmical questionswhich we hope will stimulate future research.

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1 Nonlinear Variational Problems

In this introductory chapter, we briefly address the mathematical modelling,the mathematical analysis and the discretization of certain free boundaryproblems. Though all material to be presented is well–known from sever-al monographs, we mostly include the proofs. One reason is to make thepresentation as self–contained as possible and the other is to illustrate theintimate relation of mathematical physics, functional analysis and, last butnot least, numerics.

1.1 Free and Moving Boundary Problems

Non–smooth minimization problems, elliptic variational inequalities andvariational inclusions have proved to be essential in a wide range of problemsfrom physics and engineering, particularly those with a free boundary. Foran overview, we refer to the monographs of Crank [41], Duvaut and Lions[48], Elliott and Ockendon [51], Friedman [57], Friedman and Spruck [58],Glowinski [61], Glowinski, Lions and Tremolieres [62], Hlavacek, Haslinger,Necas and Lovısek [68], Rodrigues [105] and the literature cited therein.

In order to motivate the abstract setting of our subsequent considerations,we will now take a closer look at three typical examples: an obstacle problem,a time–discretized Stefan problem and a time–discretized porous mediumequation.

The latter two examples originate from the application of Rothe’s method(cf. Rothe [108]) to degenerate parabolic problems. Basic existence, unique-ness, and regularity results for the Stefan problem are presented in themonographs of Rubinstein [109], Jerome [78] and Meirmanov [96], see al-so the earlier work of Oleinik [101], Kamenomostskaya [79] and Friedman[56]. Important contributions to the porous medium equation were madeby Oleinik et al. [102], Caffarelli and Friedman [37], Alt and Luckhaus [2]and others. We refer to the surveys of Aronson [3] and Vazquez [116] forfurther information. Optimal error estimates for the semi–discretization in

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1.1 Free and Moving Boundary Problems 13

time were given very recently by Rulla and Walkington [110], improvingprevious results of Jerome [78].

Rothe’s method is not only a well–established way of showing existenceand uniqueness [78] but also provides a powerful numerical approach. Inthe light of the fundamental work of Bornemann [23, 24, 25] on the linearparabolic case, the efficient numerical treatment of the spatial problemsis a crucial step towards a fast adaptive algorithm for the original time–dependent problem.

1.1.1 Deformation of a Membrane with a Rigid Obstacle

In classical elasticity theory, a membrane is a thin plate offering no resistanceto bending. Let us consider a membrane with uniform tension attached to theboundary ∂Ω of a domain Ω ⊂ R

2. The membrane is subjected to the actionof a vertical force with density f and, in addition, must lie below a givenrigid obstacle with height ϕ. We are interested in the vertical displacementu corresponding to the equilibrium position. A one–dimensional analogue isshown in Figure 1.1.



Figure 1.1 Membrane with upper obstacle ϕ

It is clear that the above conditions can be written as

u ≤ ϕ in Ω, u = 0 on ∂Ω. (1.1)

Among all admissible states of the membrane, the equilibrium is attainedat the state with minimal total energy. For a given displacement v, the total

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14 1 Nonlinear Variational Problems

energy J (v) consists of two contributions reflecting the tension and thedisplacement of the membrane respectively.

The contribution J1(v) associated with the tension is proportional to theincrease of area resulting from the deformation,

J1(v) = α


1 + v2x1

+ v2x2

− 1) dx, α > 0. (1.2)

Limiting our considerations to small strains, we neglect the higher–orderterms in (1.2) to obtain

J1(v).= 1


Ωα|∇v|2 dx. (1.3)

The second contribution J2(v) associated with the displacement (subject tothe force density f) is given by

J2(v) = −∫

Ωfv dx. (1.4)

In the light of (1.3) and (1.4), the total energy J (v) turns out to be

J (v) = 12a(v, v) − `(v), (1.5)

where the bilinear form a(·, ·) and the linear functional ` are defined by

a(v,w) =

Ωα∇v · ∇w dx, `(v) =

Ωfv dx. (1.6)

The set K of admissible displacements

K = v ∈ H1(Ω) | v ≤ ϕ a.e. in Ω, v = 0 on ∂Ω (1.7)

consists of all v with finite energy satisfying the conditions (1.1). Assumingthat ϕ is smooth enough (i.e. ϕ ∈ H1(Ω)) and non–negative on ∂Ω, we willsee later on that K is a non-empty, closed, convex subset of H1

0 (Ω).

Finally, the displacement u representing the equilibrium position of themembrane must be a solution of the following minimization problem

u ∈ K : J (u) ≤ J (v), ∀v ∈ K. (1.8)

Note that (1.8) can be regarded as an extension of the classical Dirichletprinciple. Indeed, if no obstacle is present, we clearly have K = H1

0 (Ω) andu satisfies Euler’s equation associated with (1.8) which turns out to be theweak form of Poisson’s equation ∆u = f/α with homogeneous Dirichletboundary conditions.

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1.1 Free and Moving Boundary Problems 15

1.1.2 A Semi–Discrete Stefan Problem

We consider the melting and solidification of some stationary substanceoccupying the domain Ω ⊂ R

2 during the time interval [0, T ]. We assumethat the phase change takes place at the fixed temperature θ∗. Then thetemperature θ satisfies θ > θ∗ in the liquid fraction Ω+(t) and θ < θ∗ inthe solid fraction Ω−(t), t ∈ [0, T ], respectively. Both phases are separatedby a free boundary Γ(t), t ∈ [0, T ]. We assume for the moment that Γ is asmooth manifold with normal nΓ pointing in the outward direction of Ω+

(see Figure 1.2).

nΓ Γ

θ < θ∗

θ > θ∗

Figure 1.2 Heat flow with phase transition

Let E denote the specific internal energy or heat content, ~v describes theheat flux and F stands for a body heating term. Then the conservation ofenergy implies that




E(x, t) dx+


~v(x, t) · n′ dσ =


F dx (1.9)

holds for each fixed subset Ω′ ⊂ Ω with outward normal n′. For simplicity,we only consider constant density ρ. Selecting subsets Ω′ ⊂ Ω+ or Ω′ ⊂ Ω−

and assuming sufficient regularity, we can apply the divergence theorem toderive the pointwise equation


∂tE + ∇ · ~v = F in Ω+ ∪ Ω−. (1.10)

If Ω′ intersects the free boundary Γ(t), then the derivation in time no longercommutes with the integration and the divergence theorem has to be applied

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16 1 Nonlinear Variational Problems

separately in the two phases. The resulting boundary terms give rise to thewell–known Stefan condition (cf. Stefan [114])

ρ[E ]+−VΓ = [~v]+−nΓ on Γ. (1.11)

The Stefan condition relates the velocity VΓ of the free boundary in normaldirection nΓ with the jumps of E and ~v at the interface. The jumps aredefined by

[w]+− = limx→Γ,x∈Ω+

w(x) − limx→Γ,x∈Ω−

w(x). (1.12)

In order to express the heat content E in terms of the temperature θ, weassume the thermodynamic relation

E(θ) =

∫ θ

θ∗c(ϑ) dϑ+ s(θ), s(θ) =

0 if θ < θ∗[0, L] if θ = θ∗L if θ > θ∗

, (1.13)

introducing the heat capacity c(θ) and the latent heat L > 0. Note that theenthalpy function E(θ) is set–valued at the phase change temperature θ∗.

The heat flux ~v is given by Fourier’s law

~v = −κ(θ)∇θ, (1.14)

where κ(θ) denotes the thermal conductivity.

We assume that the heat capacity c(θ) and the thermal conductivity κ(θ)have positive constant values c+, c− and κ+, κ− over the two phases Ω+,Ω−, respectively.

Inserting (1.13) and (1.14) in (1.10) and (1.11), we obtain the classical for-mulation of the two–phase Stefan problem

ρc(θ)θt −∇(κ(θ)∇(θ)) = F in Ω+ ∪ Ω−

θ = θ∗, ρLVΓ = [κ(θ)∇θ]+−nΓ on Γ(1.15)

which has to be completed by suitable initial and boundary conditions. Asa rule, either the temperature or the heat flux is prescribed at the boundaryof Ω and the temperature is assumed to be given at the initial time instant.

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1.1 Free and Moving Boundary Problems 17

The classical formulation (1.15) is extended to distributions in D′(Q), Q =Ω × (0, T ) by using generalized derivatives in space and time. Additionally,we drop the assumption that the free boundary must be a smooth manifold.Recall that E(θ) is set–valued on the transition zone Γ which now may havenon–zero measure in R

2. By definition, θ is a generalized solution of thetwo–phase Stefan problem, if


∂tW −∇(κ(θ)∇θ) = F, W ∈ E(θ), (1.16)

holds in the sense of distributions in D′(Q).

The generalized formulation (1.16) of the two–phase Stefan problem contains(1.15) as a special case. In particular, a solution θ of (1.16) which is sufficient-ly regular and admits a classical smooth free boundary satisfies the Stefancondition (1.11). This follows from Green’s formula and the representationof the normal velocity VΓ = Nt/||NΓ|| by the normal vector NΣ = (NΓ, Nt)on the 2-dimensional manifold Σ = (x, t) | θ(x, t) = θ∗ ⊂ Q oriented inthe direction of the solid phase.

Introducing a normalized temperature U = K(θ) and a normalized enthalpyH(U) = ρE(K−1(U)) via the standard Kirchhoff transformation

U = K(θ) =

∫ θ

θ∗κ(ϑ) dϑ =

κ−(θ − θ∗) if θ ≤ θ∗κ+(θ − θ∗) if θ ≥ θ∗


we transform the doubly nonlinear problem (1.16) into a differential inclu-sion of the form

∂tW − ∆U = F, W ∈ H(U), (1.17)

where the normalized enthalpy H becomes

H(U) =

ρ c−κ−U if U < 0

[0, ρL] if U = 0ρ c+

κ+U + L if U > 0

. (1.18)

Observe that we have to prescribe boundary conditions and an initial en-thalpy H|t=0 rather than an initial temperature to ensure uniqueness.

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18 1 Nonlinear Variational Problems



Figure 1.3 The normalized enthalpy H

We now discretize (1.17) in time, using the backward Euler scheme withrespect to a given grid

0 = t0 < t1 < . . . < tI = T (1.19)

with step size τi = ti − ti−1. Then we have to solve an elliptic differentialinclusion

τiF (·, ti) +Wi−1 + τi∆Ui ∈ H(Ui) (1.20)

in each time step. The unknown Ui is an approximation of U(·, ti) andWi−1 ∈ H(Ui−1) is a selection of the enthalpy from the preceding time step.

For simplicity, we only consider homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions.Using the bilinear form a(·, ·) and the linear functional ` defined by

a(v,w) =

Ωτi∇v · ∇wdx, `(v) =

Ωfv dx, (1.21)

with f = τiF (·, ti)+Wi−1, a weak form of the spatial problem (1.20) is givenby the elliptic variational inclusion

u ∈ H : `(v) − a(u, v) ∈ (H(u), v)L2(Ω), ∀v ∈ H, (1.22)

where we have set u = Ui, H = H10 (Ω), and

(H(u), v)L2(Ω) = (w, v)L2(Ω) | w ∈ H(u) a.e. in Ω. (1.23)

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1.1 Free and Moving Boundary Problems 19

1.1.3 The Semi–Discrete Porous Medium Equation

We consider a homogeneous gas flowing through a homogeneous porousmedium occupying a domain Ω ⊂ R

2 during the time interval [0, T ]. Weassume that Ω+(t) ⊂ Ω is saturated with gas at the time t, while no gasis present in the remaining part of Ω. The (free) boundary Γ(t) of Ω+(t),t ∈ [0, T ], is supposed to be smooth and has the outward normal nΓ (cf.Figure 1.4).


ρ > 0ρ ≡ 0

Figure 1.4 Gas flow through a porous medium

The conservation of mass implies that



ϑρ(x, t) dx+


ρ(x, t)~v(x, t) · n′dσ = 0 (1.24)

holds for each subset Ω′ ⊂ Ω with outward normal n′. The porosity ϑ repre-sents the portion of the area of Ω′ which is available for the flow and ρ is thedensity of the gas. Assuming sufficient regularity, (1.24) can be interpretedas the differential equation (cf. (1.10))

∂t(ϑρ) + ∇(ρ~v) = 0 in Ω+. (1.25)

Observe that the mass flux ρ~v is continuous across Γ.

We suppose that the flow is governed by Darcy’s law (cf. Darcy [42])

~v = − kµ ∇p, (1.26)

where k is the capillarity of the porous medium, µ is the viscosity and p isthe pressure of the gas.

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As both the porous medium and the gas are homogeneous, ϑ, k, and µ arepositive constants. In order to relate the density to the pressure, we supposethat the equation of state

ρ = (p0 p)1/(m−1), p ≥ 0, (1.27)

holds with real constants p0 > 0, m ≥ 2. If the flow is isothermic, thenm = 2, while m > 2 holds for an adiabatic process.

Inserting (1.26) and (1.27) in (1.25), we obtain the classical formulation ofthe porous medium equation

∂tρ = ∆(βρm) in Ω+

ρ = 0, [β∇ρm]+−nΓ = 0 on Γ


denoting β = k(m− 1)/µρ0m > 0. The jump [β∇ρm]+− of the (scaled) massflux across Γ is defined according to (1.12). For m = 2, (1.28) is knownas the Boussinesq equation modelling for example the unsteady flow in aphreatic aquifer (see e.g. Bear [18]).

In addition, we have to prescribe the initial density and suitable bound-ary conditions for t > 0. The resulting initial boundary value problem isparabolic for ρ > 0 but degenerates when ρ = 0. The most striking mani-festation of the degeneracy of this equation is that the free boundary Γ ispropagating with finite speed.

Before we derive a weak formulation of (1.28), we formally extend (1.28) tonegative densities by substituting ρm by ρm

+ ,

ρ+ = max0, ρ.

Other extensions are possible (cf. [2, 78]). The resulting differential equation

∂tρ = ∆(βρm

+ ) (1.29)

has to be understood in the sense of distributions on D′(Q), Q = Ω ×(0, T ). In this way, the interface conditions appearing in (1.28) are implicitlyincorporated in (1.29).

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In analogy to the preceding section, we introduce the Kirchhoff–type trans-formation

U = K(ρ) = βρm+ K−1(U) =

m√U if U > 0

[0,−∞) if U = 0.

Denoting P(U) = K−1(U), we can rewrite the differential equation (1.29)as the differential inclusion

∂tW = ∆U, W ∈ P(U). (1.30)

We emphasize that the degeneracy of the problem is now represented by thefact that P is not Lipschitz.



Figure 1.5 The inverse Kirchhoff transformation P

The implicit time discretization by the backward Euler scheme with respectto a given grid (1.19) with step size τi = ti−ti−1 leads to the spatial problems

Wi−1 + τi∆Ui ∈ P(Ui), (1.31)

where Wi−1 ∈ P(Ui−1) is an appropriate selection and Ui approximatesU(·, ti), i = 1, . . . , I. Observe that discretizing (1.29) directly in time wouldlead to quasilinear spatial problems instead of the semilinear elliptic differ-ential inclusions (1.31).

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A weak form of (1.31) is given by the elliptic variational inclusion

u ∈ H : `(v) − a(u, v) ∈ (P(u), v)L2(Ω), ∀v ∈ H, (1.32)

where we have set u = Ui andH = H10 (Ω) incorporates homogeneous Dirich-

let boundary conditions. The bilinear form a(·, ·) and the linear functional` are taken from (1.21) and the set (P(u), v)L2(Ω) is defined in analogy to(1.23).

Observe that the semi–discrete porous medium equation (1.32) and thesemi–discrete two–phase Stefan problem (1.22) formally coincide. Howev-er, in (1.32), the set–valued function P is no longer piecewise linear butpiecewise smooth.

1.2 Convex Minimization

In this section, we introduce a non–smooth minimization problem whichwill turn out to contain the three examples given above as special cases.After a precise definition of the problem and a discussion of the basic as-sumptions, we consider the existence and uniqueness of solutions. For thisreason, we give a brief introduction to convex analysis, presenting only thevery basic results which are needed here. For further reading, we refer to themonographs of Aubin [4], Clarke [40], Deimling [43] or Ekeland and Temam[49]. Applications to elliptic variational inclusions can be found in the workof Barbu [15], Brezis [34, 35] or Jerome [78]. We do not address the ques-tion of regularity of solutions, but recommend the monographs of Baiocchiand Capelo [7], Kinderlehrer and Stampacchia [81], Rodriguez [105] and theliterature cited therein.

1.2.1 The Continuous Problem

Let Ω be a bounded, polygonal domain in the Euclidean space R2. If a

result cannot be generalized to three dimensions, this will be pointed outexplicitely. We consider the minimization problem

u ∈ H : J (u) + φ(u) ≤ J (v) + φ(v), ∀v ∈ H, (2.33)

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on a closed subspace H ⊂ H1(Ω). The quadratic functional J ,

J (v) = 12a(v, v) − `(v), (2.34)

is induced by a continuous, symmetric and H–elliptic bilinear form a(·, ·)and a bounded, linear functional ` on H. Recall that a(·, ·) is H–elliptic if

α||v||2H1(Ω) ≤ a(v, v), ∀v ∈ H, (2.35)

holds with a generic constant α > 0. By virtue of the assumptions on thebilinear form a(·, ·), the energy norm

||v|| = a(v, v)1/2 (2.36)

is equivalent to the usual Sobolev norm on the solution spaceH. For simplic-ity, we select H = H1

0 (Ω) corresponding to homogeneous Dirichlet boundaryconditions. Other boundary conditions of Neumann or mixed type can betreated in the usual way.

The functional φ has the form

φ(v) =

ΩΦ(v(x)) dx. (2.37)

We impose the following conditions on the scalar function Φ.

(V1) Φ : R → R ∪ +∞ is convex, i.e.

Φ(ωz + (1 − ω)z′) ≤ ωΦ(z) + (1 − ω)Φ(z′), ∀ω ∈ [0, 1], ∀z, z′ ∈ R.

(V2) K = z ∈ R | Φ(z) < +∞ is a closed interval with 0 ∈ K.

The subset K = dom Φ is the domain of Φ. It follows from the convexitythat Φ is locally Lipschitz on the interior of K (see e.g. Aubin [4]). Werequire the stronger condition that

(V3) |Φ(z) − Φ(z′)| ≤ G(|z| + |z′|)|z − z′|, z, z′ ∈ K,

holds with a scalar, affine function G. In particular, the condition (V3)implies that Φ : K → R is continuous.

In the following chapters, we will mainly concentrate on the case where Φis piecewise quadratic,

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(V3)’ Φ(z) = 12biz

2 − fiz + ci, θi ≤ z ≤ θi+1, i = 0, . . . , N,

on a partition

infK = θ0 < θ1 < . . . < θN < θN+1 = supK

of the interval K. It is easily seen that (V3)’ implies (V3), but, for example,

Φ(z) = z1+ 1m , m ≥ 1, satisfies (V3) on K = [0,+∞) and is not quadratic.

Observe that the obstacle problem (1.8) is a (very simple) special case ofour minimization problem (2.33). Indeed, after a suitable transformation ofu, (1.8) can be rewritten in the form (2.33) with Φ ≡ 0 on K = (−∞, 0].The bilinear form a(·, ·) defined in (1.6) is clearly elliptic on H = H1

0 (Ω)and the corresponding linear functional ` is bounded for sufficiently regularf (e.g. f ∈ L2(Ω)).

We will now state some properties of the functional φ as resulting from theproperties (V1)–(V3) of Φ. First, let us recollect some standard notationfrom convex analysis. The functional φ defined on H is convex if

φ(ωv + (1 − ω)v′) ≤ ωφ(v) + (1 − ω)φ(v′), ∀ω ∈ [0, 1], ∀v, v′ ∈ H.

A subset K ⊂ H is convex if the indicator functional χK, given by χK(v) = 0,∀v ∈ K, and χK(v) = ∞, ∀v /∈ K, is convex. φ is called lower semicontinuousif the convergence vk → v, k → ∞, in H implies lim infk→∞ φ(vk) ≥ φ(v).We say that φ is proper if φ(v) > −∞, ∀v ∈ H, and φ 6≡ ∞. Finally, thesubset domφ = v ∈ H | φ(v) < +∞ ⊂ H is the domain of φ. As usual, asequence (vk)k≥0 is said to converge weakly to v ∈ H, i.e. vk v, k → ∞,if a(vk, w) → a(v,w), k → ∞, holds for all w ∈ H.

Proposition 1.1 The functional φ : H → R∪+∞ is convex, lower semi-continuous and proper.

The domain of φ is given by the non–empty, closed, and convex set

K = v ∈ H | v(x) ∈ K a.e. in Ω (2.38)

and φ : K → R is continuous. Moreover, we have

vk v, k → ∞ ⇒ lim infk→∞

φ(vk) ≥ φ(v) (2.39)

for all (vk)k≥0 ⊂ H and v ∈ H.

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Proof. Let us first investigate the set K. K is non–empty, because 0 ∈ K (see(V2)) provides 0 ∈ K . K is convex, because K is an interval and thereforeconvex. We now show that K is weakly closed and thus closed. Without lossof generality, let K = (−∞, 0] and consider a sequence (vk)k≥0 ⊂ K suchthat vk v, k → ∞. Using the compact embedding of H in L2(Ω), weobtain vk → v, k → ∞, in L2(Ω). We assume that v 6∈ K. Then we canfind a subset Ω′ with positive measure such that v(x) > 0, x ∈ Ω′, giving||v||L2(Ω′) > 0. Using vk ∈ K, we get v(x) − vk(x) ≥ v(x), a. e. in Ω′. Thisleads to

||v − vk||L2(Ω) ≥ ||v − vk||L2(Ω′) ≥ ||v||L2(Ω′) > 0, ∀k ≥ 0,

in contradiction to vk → v in L2(Ω).

In the next step, we show K = domφ. Let us first state that

||G(v)||L2(Ω) ≤ c||v||L2(Ω) + C, ∀v ∈ L2(Ω), (2.40)

holds with G(v)(x) = G(v(x)), x ∈ Ω, where G is the affine function from(V3). The constants c, C depend only on G and the (finite) measure of Ω.Now let v ∈ K. Then φ(v) ∈ R follows from

|φ(v)| ≤ ∫

Ω |Φ(v(x))|dx ≤ ∫

Ω(|Φ(0)| +G(|v(x)|)|v(x)|)dx

≤ |Ω||Φ(0)| + ||G(|v|)||L2(Ω)||v||L2(Ω) <∞,

where (V3), the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality and (2.40) have been applied.It is clear that φ(v) = ∞ if v 6∈ K so that K = domφ.

In order to demonstrate that φ is continuous on K, we establish the strongerresult

(vk)k≥0 ⊂ K, vk v, k → ∞ ⇒ φ(vk) → φ(v), k → ∞. (2.41)

Let (vk)k≥0 ⊂ K and vk v, k → ∞. We already know that K is weaklyclosed so that v ∈ K. Again, we get the convergence vk → v, k → ∞, in

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L2(Ω) from the compact embedding of H. Now (V3), the Cauchy–Schwarzinequality and (2.40) yield

|φ(vk) − φ(v)| ≤ ∫

Ω |Φ(vk(x)) − Φ(v(x))| dx

≤ ∫

ΩG(|vk(x)| + |v(x)|)|vk(x) − v(x)| dx

≤ ||G(|vk| + |v|)||L2(Ω)||vk − v||L2(Ω) → 0,

since the norms ||vk||L2(Ω), k ≥ 0, are uniformly bounded.

We now prove (2.39). Let vk v, k → ∞. Assume that for each k0 ∈ N,there is an index k ≥ k0 such that vk ∈ K. Then we can find a subsequence(vki

)i≥0 ⊂ K still converging weakly to v. Hence, v ∈ K and (2.41) yieldsφ(vk) → φ(v), k → ∞. In the remaining case, vk 6∈ K, ∀k ≥ k0, holds withsome fixed k0 ≥ 0. Then we clearly have lim infk→∞ φ(vk) = ∞ ≥ φ(v).

Finally, it follows from (V1), (2.39) and φ(v) ∈ R∪+∞, ∀v ∈ H, togetherwith K = domφ 6= ∅ that φ is convex, lower semicontinuous and proper.This concludes the proof.

We will only need φ be convex, lower semicontinuous and proper in order toensure existence and uniqueness of the solution of our minimization problem(2.33). The additional results stated in Proposition 1.1 will be useful for theanalysis of the finite element discretization later on.

1.2.2 Variational Inequalities

Throughout this section, we only assume that H is a Hilbert space withscalar product a(·, ·) and that the functional φ : H → R ∪ ∞ is convex,lower semicontinuous, and proper. In particular, all results to be derived inthe sequel can be directly applied to the finite element discretization of theminimization problem (2.33).

The epigraph epiφ of φ is defined by

epiφ = (v, s) ∈ H × R | φ(v) ≤ s ⊂ H × R . (2.42)

On the product space H × R, we introduce the canonical scalar product

(v,w ) = a(v,w) + st, v = (v, s), w = (w, t) ∈ H × R,

and the corresponding norm ||v || = (v,v )1/2.

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Figure 1.6 The epigraph epi φ

Lemma 1.2 The epigraph epiφ is convex and closed in H × R.

Proof. To see that epiφ is convex, choose ω ∈ [0, 1] and (v, s), (w, t) ∈ epiφ.Then

ω(v, s) + (1 − ω)(w, t) = (ωv + (1 − ω)w,ωs+ (1 − ω)t) ∈ epiφ,

because φ(ωv + (1 − ω)w) ≤ ωs+ (1 − ω)t follows from the convexity of φ.

Consider a sequence vk = (vk, sk) ∈ epiφ, k ≥ 0, converging to v = (v, s) inH × R. Then, we have vk → v and sk → s, k → ∞, so that we obtain

s = limk→∞

sk ≥ lim infk→∞

φ(vk) ≥ φ(v),

because φ is lower semicontinuous.

Vice versa, φ is convex and lower semicontinuous if epiφ is convex and closedin H × R (see e.g. Aubin [4]).

Let us recall a well–known result on best approximation in Hilbert spaces.

Lemma 1.3 Let v0 ∈ H × R. Then the minimization problem

w ∈ epiφ : ||w−v0 || ≤ ||v−v0 ||, ∀v ∈ epiφ, (2.43)

has a unique solution w. Moreover, w satisfies the variational inequality

(w−v0,w−v ) ≤ 0, ∀v ∈ epiφ. (2.44)

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Proof. In the first step, we show that (2.43) has a unique solution. Observethat epiφ 6= ∅, because φ is proper. Let (wk)k≥0 ⊂ epiφ be a minimizingsequence, i.e.

||wk −v0 || → infv∈epi φ

||v−v0 || = γ ≥ 0, k → ∞.

Inserting v = v0 −wi and w = v0 −wk in the so–called median formula

||v + w ||2 + ||v−w ||2 = 2 ||v ||2 +2 ||w ||2,

and using the convexity of epiφ, we get

||wi −wk ||2 ≤ 2 ||wi −v0 ||2 +2 ||wk −v0 ||2 −4γ2.

As the right–hand side tends to zero, (wk)k≥0 is a Cauchy sequence andtherefore convergent in H × R. The limit w

∗ ∈ H × R is contained in epiφ,because epiφ is closed. Hence, we have

γ ≤ ||w∗−v0 || ≤ ||w∗ −wk ||+ ||wk −v0 || → γ, k → ∞,

so that w = w∗ is a solution of (2.43). It is straightforward to see that this

solution is unique.

Let ω ∈ (0, 1] and v ∈ epiφ. Then w +ω(v−w) ∈ epiφ and (2.43) yields

||w−v0 ||2 ≤ ||w +ω(v−w) − v0 ||2

= ||w−v0 ||2 +2ω (w−v0,v −w )+ω2 ||v−w ||2

so that we get

(w−v0,w−v )−ω2 ||w−v ||2 ≤ 0.

Inserting ω = 0, we obtain (2.44). This completes the proof.

Note that the variational inequality (2.44) is even equivalent to the mini-mization problem (2.43). We will present a more general result later on.

The following proposition is a key result of this section.

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Proposition 1.4 For each v0 ∈ H × R, with v0 6∈ epiφ, there is an elementw0 ∈ H × R and ε > 0, such that

(w0,v ) ≤ (w0,v0 )−ε, ∀v ∈ epiφ. (2.45)

Proof. Let v0 ∈ H × R, with v0 6∈ epiφ. According to Lemma 1.3, wecan find w ∈ epiφ satisfying the variational inequality (2.44). Denotingw0 = v0 −w, we can rewrite (2.44) as

(w0,v ) ≤ (w0,w ) = (w0,v0 )− ||w−v0 ||2, ∀v ∈ epiφ.

Hence, the assertion follows with ε = ||w−v0 ||2 > 0.

There is also a nice geometrical interpretation of Proposition 1.4. For eachpoint v0 in the complement of epiφ, we can find a hyperplane

G = v ∈ H × R | (w0,v ) = c

which separates v0 from epiφ as illustrated in Figure 1.7.






Figure 1.7 Separation of epi φ and v0

The first separation theorems are due to Minkowski. The generalizationof these theorems to Banach spaces gave rise to the problem of extendingcontinuous linear forms which was finally settled by the celebrated Hahn–Banach theorem.

We now state an important consequence of Proposition 1.4, namely thatthe functional φ has an affine minorant. As we will see later, this providesa uniform lower bound for J + φ.

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Proposition 1.5 There are constants α0, β0 such that

φ(v) ≥ α0 − β0||v||, ∀v ∈ H. (2.46)

Proof. Let v0 ∈ domφ and s0 < φ(v0) so that v0 = (v0, s0) 6∈ epiφ. Accord-ing to Proposition 1.4, we can find w0 = (w0, t0) ∈ H × R and ε > 0 suchthat

(w0,v ) ≤ (w0,v0 )−ε, ∀v ∈ epiφ. (2.47)

In the first step, we show that t0 < 0. Inserting v = (v0, φ(v) + s) ∈ epiφ,s ≥ 0, in (2.47), we obtain

st0 ≤ (φ(v0) + s0)t0 − ε <∞.

If t0 > 0, we can let s→ ∞ to get a contradiction, and t0 = 0 would implyε ≤ 0. Hence, we have shown t0 < 0.

Of course, (2.46) is trivial for v 6∈ domφ. For arbitrary v ∈ domφ, we insertv = (v, φ(v)) ∈ epiφ in (2.47) and divide by t0 to obtain

φ(v) ≥ t−10 (a(w0, v0) + s0t0 − ε) − t−1

0 a(w0, v).

Now the assertion follows from the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality.

We are ready to state the main result of this section

Theorem 1.6 The minimization problem (2.33) has a unique solution uand is equivalent to the variational inequality

u ∈ H : a(u, v − u) + φ(v) − φ(u) ≥ `(v − u), ∀v ∈ H. (2.48)

Proof. First, we show the equivalence of (2.33) and the variational inequality(2.48). Let u ∈ H be a solution of the minimization problem (2.33). Then,for arbitrary v ∈ H, we insert u+ ω(v− u) with ω ∈ (0, 1] in (2.33) and usethe convexity of φ to obtain

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0 ≤ ω−1(J (u+ ω(v − u)) + φ(u+ ω(v − u)) − J (u) − φ(u))

≤ ω−1( 12 ||u+ ω(v − u)||2 − 1

2 ||u||2) + φ(v) − φ(u) − `(v − u)

= a(u, v − u) + φ(v) − φ(u) − `(v − u) + 12ω||v − u||2.

Now (2.48) follows as ω → 0.

Let u ∈ H be a solution of the variational inequality (2.48). Using theestimate

0 ≤ 12a(v − u, v − u) = 1

2a(v, v) − a(u, v) + 12a(u, u),

the inequality (2.48) then leads to

J (v) + φ(v) − (J (u) + φ(u))

= 12a(v, v) − 1

2a(u, u) + φ(v) − φ(u) − `(v − u)

≥ a(u, v − u) + φ(v) − φ(u) − `(v − u) ≥ 0, ∀v ∈ H.

Hence, u is a solution of (2.33).

In order to prove existence and uniqueness, we start by showing that J + φhas a uniform lower bound. This follows immediately from the estimate(2.46) in Proposition 1.5, giving

J (v) + φ(v) ≥ 12 ||v||2 − ||`||||v|| + α0 − β0||v||, ∀v ∈ H.

As in the proof of Lemma 1.3, we now show that a minimizing sequence(vk)k≥0 of J + φ, i.e. a sequence with the property

J (vk) + φ(vk) → infv∈H

(J (v) + φ(v)) = γ >∞, k → ∞,

converges to a solution of (2.33). Using the median formula

||vi − vk||2 = 2||vi||2 + 2||vk||2 − 4||vi + vk


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it follows from straightforward computation that

14 ||vi − vk||2 = J (vi) + φ(vi) − γ + J (vk) + φ(vk) − γ


γ − J (vi+vk

2 ) + φ(vi+vk

2 ))



2 ) − 12(φ(vi) + φ(vk))


≤ J (vi) + φ(vi) − γ + J (vk) + φ(vk) − γ,

because γ is the infimum of J+φ and φ is convex. By construction, the right–hand side tends to zero as i,k → ∞. Hence, (vk)k≥0 is a Cauchy sequenceand therefore convergent to some u∗ ∈ H. To show that u = u∗ ∈ H is asolution of (2.33), observe that the lower semicontinuity of φ yields

γ ≤ J (u∗) + φ(u∗) ≤ lim infk→∞

(J (vk) + φ(vk)) = γ.

Assume that there is another solution u′. Then u and u′ must satisfy thevariational inequality (2.48). Inserting v = u′ in the inequality for u andvice versa, we can sum up the resulting two estimates to obtain

0 ≤ a(u, u′ − u) + a(u′, u− u′) = −||u− u′||2.

This completes the proof.

The variational inequality (2.48) is a generalization of the linear variationalproblem a(u, v) = `(v), ∀v ∈ H. The inequality is the price we have topay for circumventing the differentiation of the non–smooth functional φ.A different way of obtaining a variational formulation of the minimizationproblem (2.33) will be presented in the following section.

1.2.3 Subdifferentials

A bounded linear functional g on H with the property

φ(v) − φ(v0) ≥ 〈g, v − v0〉, ∀v ∈ H, (2.49)

is called a subgradient of φ at v0 ∈ H. The subdifferential ∂φ(v0) at v0 isthe set of all subgradients of φ at v0. As a consequence, ∂φ can be regarded

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as a multivalued function, or briefly a multifunction, which is defined ondom ∂φ = v ∈ H | ∂φ(v) 6= ∅ ⊂ H and takes values in the set of subsetsof the dual space H∗. It is easy to see that dom ∂φ ⊂ domφ.





Figure 1.8 Supporting hyperplanes of epi φ at v0

Observe that each subgradient g ∈ ∂φ(v0) defines a supporting hyperplane

G = (v, t) ∈ H × R | − 〈g, v〉 + t = −〈g, v0〉 + φ(v0)

to the epigraph of φ at v0 = (v0, φ(v0)) (see Figure 1.8). If φ is differentiableat v0, then the only supporting hyperplane at v0 is spanned by (φ′(v0), 1).Hence, we have ∂φ(v0) = φ′(v0) in this case, illustrating that the subdif-ferential is an extension of the usual derivative.

It follows immediately from the definition (2.49) that the multifunction ∂φis monotone in the sense that

〈g − g′, v − v′〉 ≥ 0, ∀g ∈ ∂φ(v), ∀g′ ∈ ∂φ(v′),

holds for all v0, v′0 ∈ dom ∂φ. As φ is lower semicontinuous, there is no

monotone extension of ∂φ, i.e.

〈g − g′, v − v′〉 ≥ 0, ∀g ∈ ∂φ(v), ∀v ∈ dom ∂φ,

implies v′ ∈ dom ∂φ and g′ ∈ ∂φ(v′) (see e.g. Deimling [43]). Such multi-functions are called maximal monotone.

An immediate consequence of the above considerations is the following

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Proposition 1.7 The minimization problem (2.33) is equivalent to thevariational inclusion

u ∈ H : 0 ∈ a(u, v) − `(v) + ∂φ(u)(v), ∀v ∈ H, (2.50)

which has a unique solution u ∈ H.

Proof. As J is differentiable on H, it is easily checked that

∂(J + φ)(v0)(v) = a(v0, v) − `(v) + ∂φ(v0)(v), ∀v ∈ H, (2.51)

holds for all v0 ∈ dom∂φ. If u ∈ H solves the minimization problem (2.33),then we clearly have

J (v) + φ(v) − (J (u) + φ(u)) ≥ 0, ∀v ∈ H,

so that 0 ∈ ∂(J +φ)(u) by definition. The other direction follows in a similarway. Finally, we know from Theorem 1.6 that (2.33) is uniquely solvable sothat the same holds true for the variational inclusion (2.50).

Observe that (2.50) contains the linear variational problem a(u, v) = `(v),∀v ∈ H, as a special case.

Proposition 1.7 motivates a further investigation of the subdifferential ∂φ.For this reason, let us define the subdifferential ∂Φ of the scalar function Φin the same way as above. Then it is straightforward to see that

(∂Φ(v0), ·)L2(Ω) ⊂ ∂φ(v0), (2.52)

where the notation ∂Φ(v0) = w ∈ L2(Ω) | w(x) ∈ ∂Φ(v0(x)) a.e. on Ωshould not lead to confusion with the scalar multifunction ∂Φ. As a conse-quence of (2.52), each solution of

u ∈ H : 0 ∈ a(u, v) − `(v) + (∂Φ(u), v)L2(Ω), ∀v ∈ H, (2.53)

is a solution of the minimization problem (2.33), while the converse is notimmediately clear. The following existence result was stated by Jerome [78],Proposition 3.2.1, p. 93, in a much more general form (see also Barbu [15]or Brezis [34, 35]).

Proposition 1.8 The variational inclusion (2.53) has a solution.

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1.2 Convex Minimization 35

As a consequence of Propositions 1.7 and 1.8, the semi–discrete Stefan prob-lem (1.22) has a unique solution which can be equivalently computed fromthe minimization problem (2.33) or from the variational inequality (2.48). Inthis case, the scalar function Φ is a primitive of the enthalpy H, i.e. ∂Φ = H,having the properties (V1), (V2), and (V3)’. The same holds true for thesemi–discrete porous medium equation (1.28), because Φ can be chosen suchthat ∂Φ = P and (V1), (V2), and (V3) are valid.

Let us collect some further properties of scalar subdifferentials. Due to theconditions (V1)–(V3), we have

dom ∂Φ = dom Φ = K.

In fact, functions like Φ(z) = z1/2, z ≥ 0, are excluded by (V3). Recall thatthe subdifferential ∂F of a convex, lower semicontinuous, and proper scalarfunction F : R → R ∪ +∞ is maximal monotone. Conversely, each scalarmaximal monotone multifunction is a subdifferential (see e.g. Barbu [15],p. 60). In general, the subdifferential of a sum of functions is not the sumof subdifferentials (see e.g. Deimling [43], p. 282). But assuming that F1,F2 : R → R ∪ +∞ are convex, lower semicontinuous, and proper functions,which are continuous on their domain, we get

∂F1 + ∂F2 = ∂(F1 + F2). (2.54)

The following location principle will be useful later on.

Lemma 1.9 Assume that F : R → R ∪ +∞ is convex, lower semicontinu-ous, and proper. Let z0, z1 ∈ R such that

z0 + inf ∂F (z0) ≤ 0 if z0 ∈ dom ∂F, z0 ≤ inf dom ∂F else,

0 ≤ z1 + sup∂F (z1) if z1 ∈ dom ∂F, z1 ≥ supdom ∂F else.

Then there is a unique ξ ∈ dom ∂F , such that z0 ≤ ξ ≤ z1 and 0 ∈ ξ+∂F (ξ).

Proof. Using scalar versions of Theorem 1.6 and Proposition 1.7, the exis-tence of a solution ξ ∈ dom∂F with 0 ∈ ξ + ∂F (ξ) is immediately clear.

If z0, z1 ∈ dom ∂F , then z0 ≤ ξ ≤ z1 follows from the monotonicity of ∂F .

If dom ∂F is bounded from above, i.e. if we have supdom ∂F = z <∞, thenlimz→z sup∂F (z) = ∞. Otherwise, there would be a monotone extension of∂F . Similarly, we get limz→z inf ∂F (z) = −∞, if inf dom ∂F = z > −∞.Using these observations, the remaining cases can be treated as above.

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36 1 Nonlinear Variational Problems

1.3 Finite Element Discretization

We present a finite element discretization of the continuous minimizationproblem (2.33) introduced in Section 1.2.1. The solution space H is replacedby the discrete space of piecewise linear finite elements and the functional φis approximated by a quadrature formula in order to separate the unknowns.The existence and uniqueness of discrete solutions follows from the gener-al results in Section 1.2.2. Adapting the techniques presented by Glowinski[61] to the actual situation, we prove convergence in H. Error estimates areavailable for various special cases. For an extensive overview of the obstacleproblem, we refer to Ciarlet [39], Section 23. Finite elements of higher or-der are also considered there. Error estimates for the semi–discrete Stefanproblem are given by Elliott [50].

1.3.1 The Discrete Problem

Let Tj be a given partition of Ω in triangles t ∈ Tj with minimal diameterof order O(2−j). The sets of interior vertices and edges of Tj are called Nj

and Ej, respectively. We assume that each triangulation Tj is regular in thesense that the intersection of two triangles t, t′ ∈ Tj consists of a commonedge, a common vertex or is empty. A forbidden situation is illustrated inFigure 1.9

Figure 1.9 Forbidden irregular vertex

The finite element space Sj ⊂ H consists of all continuous functions v ∈ Hwhich are linear on each triangle t ∈ Tj. Sj is spanned by the nodal basis

Λj = λ(j)p | p ∈ Nj.

whose elements λ(j)p ∈ Sj are characterized by λ

(j)p (q) = δp,q, ∀p, q ∈ Nj,

(Kronecker delta).

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1.3 Finite Element Discretization 37

We approximate the integral occurring in the definition of the functional φin (2.37) by the quadrature formula resulting from the Sj–interpolation ofthe integrand Φ(v) to obtain the discrete functional φj : Sj → R ∪ +∞,

φj(v) =∑


Φ(v(p)) hp, (3.55)

with weights hp defined by

hp =


p (x) dx.

Observe that the domain of φj is given by the non–empty, closed and convexset Kj ⊂ Sj,

Kj = v ∈ Sj | v(p) ∈ K, ∀p ∈ Nj, (3.56)

and that φj is continuous on Kj .

Replacing the infinite–dimensional space H by Sj and the functional φ byφj , we end up with the discrete minimization problem

uj ∈ Sj : J (uj) + φj(uj) ≤ J (v) + φj(v), ∀v ∈ Sj. (3.57)

Let us consider the existence and uniqueness of a discrete solution uj of(3.57). It is easily seen that the discrete functional φj is still convex, lowersemicontinuous and proper. In the light of Section 1.2.2, we get the followingdiscrete analogue of Theorem 1.6.

Theorem 1.10 The discrete minimization problem (3.57) is equivalent tothe discrete variational inequality

uj ∈ Sj : a(uj , v − uj) + φj(v) − φj(uj) ≥ `(v − uj), ∀v ∈ Sj (3.58)

and has a unique solution uj ∈ Sj .

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38 1 Nonlinear Variational Problems

As in the continuous case, we can rewrite (3.58) as a discrete variationalinclusion

uj ∈ Sj : 0 ∈ a(uj , v) − `(v) + ∂φj(uj)(v), ∀v ∈ Sj. (3.59)

However, we now have dom ∂φj = domφj together with the representationformula

∂φj(v0)(v) =∑


∂Φ(v0(p))v(p) hp, ∀v ∈ Sj, (3.60)

which holds for all v0 ∈ dom ∂φj .

1.3.2 Convergence Results

Let T0,T1, . . . ,Tj be a sequence of triangulations with decreasing mesh size

hj = maxt∈Tj

diam t → 0, j → ∞.

In addition, we assume that the sequence (Tj)j≥0 is shape regular in thesense that the minimal interior angle of all occurring triangles is uniformlybounded from below.

The consistency of the discrete functionals φj, j ≥ 0, is the subject of thenext lemma. A variant of the density result is given by Glowinski [61], p. 36.

Lemma 1.11 The subset C∞0 (Ω) ∩ K is dense in K.

Let v ∈ C∞0 (Ω) and define vj = ISj

v ∈ Sj by piecewise linear interpolation.Then

vj → v and φj(vj) → φ(v), j → ∞. (3.61)

Proof. We first show that C∞0 (Ω) ∩ K is dense in K. Let v ∈ K ⊂ H. By

definition ofH = H10 (Ω), v is the limit of a sequence (vk)k≥0 ⊂ C∞

0 (Ω), but itis not self–evident that we can also ensure vk ∈ K, ∀k ≥ 0. The constructionof such a sequence can be carried out as follows. Let ϕ ∈ C∞

0 (R2) be a

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1.3 Finite Element Discretization 39

mollifier, i.e. ϕ(x) ≥ 0,∫

R2 ϕ(x)dx = 1, and supp ϕ ⊂ x ∈ R2 | |x| < 1.

Then we extend v by zero to v ∈ H1(R2), choose ε > 0, and define

wε(x) = ε−2∫


x− ξ

ε) dξ, ∀x ∈ R


It is well–known (cf. e.g. Adams [1], p. 29) that wε ∈ C∞0 (R2) and wε → v

as ε→ 0. Moreover, it is straightforward to see that

infK ≤ infξ∈Ω

v(ξ) ≤ wε(x) ≤ supξ∈Ω

v(ξ) ≤ supK, ∀x ∈ R2,

and supp wε ⊂ Ωε = x ∈ R2 | dist(x,Ω) < ε.

In the next step, we introduce vε ∈ C∞0 (Ω) ∩ K by

vε(x) = wε(Tε(x)), ∀x ∈ Ω,

using an infinitely derivable transformation Tε : Ω → R2 with Ωε ⊂ Tε(Ω),

Tε(x) = x if dist(x, ∂Ω) ≥ ε, and

0 < c ≤ |T ′ε(x)| ≤ C <∞, ∀x ∈ Ω, ε > 0.

Such a transformation can be easily constructed in the one–dimensional caseand is then extended to Ω ⊂ R

2, taking into account that Ω has a polygonalboundary. It follows from the properties of Tε that wε − vε → 0 as ε → 0,giving C∞

0 (Ω) ∩ K = K.

From now on, let v ∈ C∞0 (Ω) and vj = ISj

v, j ≥ 0. It is well–known thatvj → v, j → ∞ (see e.g. Ciarlet [39]). Note that the shape regularity of(Tj)j≥0 comes in here.

We show that φj(vj) → φ(v), j → ∞. Assume first that φ(v) = ∞. Thenwe can find an open subset Ω′ ⊂ Ω with v(x) 6∈ K, x ∈ Ω′. As hj → 0, itis clear that Nj ∩ Ω′ 6= ∅ holds for all j ≥ j0 with a suitable j0 ≥ 0. Hence,φj(vj) → ∞, j → ∞.

In the remaining case, we have φ(v) < ∞ or, equivalently, v ∈ K. As vhas compact support in Ω with values in K and Φ is continuous on K, the

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40 1 Nonlinear Variational Problems

composition Φ(v(·)) is uniformly continuous on Ω. Let p1, p2, p3 ∈ Nj denotethe vertices of t ∈ Tj. Then

|φ(v) − φj(vj)| ≤∑







(x)|Φ(v(x)) − Φ(v(pi))|)


≤ |Ω| maxx,ξ∈Ω, |x−ξ|≤hj

|Φ(v(x)) − Φ(v(ξ))| → 0, j → ∞.

In addition to Lemma 1.11, we will need the following stability results.

Lemma 1.12 There are constants α0, β0 such that

φj(vj) ≥ α0 − β0||vj ||, ∀vj ∈ Sj, ∀j ≥ 0. (3.62)

Let vj ∈ Sj , ∀j ≥ 0, and v ∈ H. Then

vj v, j → ∞ ⇒ lim infj→∞

φj(vj) ≥ φ(v). (3.63)

Proof. The convexity of the scalar function Φ implies

φj(vj) ≥ φ(vj), ∀vj ∈ Sj, ∀j ≥ 0. (3.64)

Now the assertions are an immediate consequence of Propositions 1.1and 1.5.

We are ready to state the main result of this section.

Theorem 1.13 The solutions uj of the discrete minimization problem(3.57) converge to the solution u of (2.33) in the sense that

uj → u and φj(uj) → φ(u), j → ∞. (3.65)

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Proof. The proof is carried out in three steps.

First, we will show that (uj)j≥0 is bounded. Let v ∈ C∞0 (Ω) ∩K and define

vj = ISjv ∈ Sj , j ≥ 0, by interpolation. Since uj satisfies the variational

inequality (3.58), we have

||uj ||2 = a(uj , uj) ≤ a(uj , vj) + φj(vj) − φj(uj) − `(vj − uj).

We get uniform upper bounds for ||vj || and |φj(vj)| from Lemma 1.11 andhave the uniform lower estimate (3.62) for φj(uj). This leads to

||uj ||2 ≤ a(uj , vj) + φj(vj) − φj(uj) − `(vj − uj)

≤ ||uj ||||vj || + |φj(vj)| + |α0| + |β0|||uj || + ||`||(||vj || + ||uj ||)

≤ c||uj || +C.

As a consequence, (uj)j≥0 must be bounded.

In the next step, we show the weak convergence uj u, j → ∞, in H.As (uj)j≥0 is bounded, there is a subsequence (ujk

)k≥0 and u∗ ∈ H, suchthat ujk

u∗, k → ∞, in H. In order to prove u∗ = u, we show thatu∗ is a solution of the variational inequality (2.48). Let v ∈ C∞

0 (Ω) andvj = ISj

v ∈ Sj , ∀j ≥ 0. Inserting vj in the discrete variational inequality(3.58), we obtain

a(ujk, ujk

) + φjk(ujk

) ≤ a(ujk, vjk

) + φjk(vjk

) − `(vjk− ujk


The consistency (3.61) of φj and the weak convergence of ujkimply

lim infk→∞

(a(ujk, ujk

) + φjk(ujk

)) ≤ a(u∗, v) + φ(v) − `(v − u∗). (3.66)


0 ≤ a(ujk− u∗, ujk

− u∗) = a(u∗, u∗) − 2a(ujk, u∗) + a(ujk

, ujk)

and the weak convergence of ujk, we deduce

a(u∗, u∗) ≤ lim infk→∞

a(ujk, ujk


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42 1 Nonlinear Variational Problems

In connection with Lemma 1.12, this leads to

a(u∗, u∗) + φ(u∗) ≤ lim infk→∞

(a(ujk, ujk

) + φjk(ujk

)) . (3.67)

Combining the estimates (3.66) and (3.67), we have shown

a(u∗, v − u∗) + φ(v) − φ(u∗) ≥ `(v − u∗), ∀v ∈ C∞0 (Ω). (3.68)

We will use a density argument to extend (3.68) to all v ∈ H. Assume thatwe can find a v ∈ H such that (3.68) is wrong. Then we get φ(v) < ∞,because φ(u∗) <∞ is clear from (3.68). Hence, v ∈ K. According to Lemma1.11, there is a sequence (vk)k≥0 ⊂ C∞

0 (Ω) ∩ K converging to v. As φ iscontinuous on K (cf. Proposition 1.1), we also have φ(vk) → φ(v), k → ∞.Now the contradiction follows in the usual way. Hence, u∗ = u is the uniquesolution of the variational inequality (2.48) and we obtain uj u, j → ∞.

Finally, we will prove the strong convergence of (uj)j≥0. Again, considersome fixed v ∈ C∞

0 (Ω) and let vj = ISjv ∈ Sj , ∀j ≥ 0. Using the discrete

variational inequality (3.58), we compute

||u− uj ||2 + φj(uj) ≤ a(u, u) − 2a(u, uj) + a(uj , uj) + φj(uj)

≤ a(u, u) − 2a(u, uj) + a(uj , vj) + φj(vj) − `(vj − uj).


The right–hand side of (3.69) converges to a(u, v − u) + φ(v) − `(v − u) asj → ∞. Hence, we obtain

lim infj→∞

φj(uj) ≤ lim infj→∞


||u− uj||2 + φj(uj))

≤ lim supj→∞


||u− uj ||2 + φj(uj))

≤ a(u, v − u) + φ(v) − `(v − u), ∀v ∈ C∞0 (Ω).


We apply the same density argument as above to extend (3.70) to all v ∈ H.Inserting v = u in (3.70) and using (3.63), we get

φ(u) ≤ lim infj→∞

φj(uj) ≤ lim supj→∞


||u− uj ||2 + φj(uj))

≤ φ(u).

This provides the convergence results (3.65).

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1.3 Finite Element Discretization 43

Error estimates are known for various special cases. For obstacle problems,we get ||u−uj|| = O(hj), if the data are sufficiently regular. Even for smoothdata, the regularity of the solution is limited by u ∈ W s,p(Ω), s < 2 + 1/p,

1 < p <∞, so that piecewise quadratic finite elements only give O(h3/2−εj ),

ε > 0, (cf. Brezzi, Hager and Raviart [36]). Optimal error estimates for thespatial problems arising from a time-discretized Stefan problem were givenby Elliott [50].

The following chapters will be devoted to the fast solution of the discreteproblem (3.57) and to the construction of a suitable triangulation. It willturn out that both problems are closely related.

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2 Relaxation Methods

In the previous chapter, we analyzed the convex minimization problem(1.2.33) and derived a convergent finite element approximation. Basic as-sumptions and notations are stated in Sections 1.2.1 and 1.3.1. Now we willfocus on the iterative solution of the resulting discrete minimization prob-lem (1.3.57). Throughout the remainder of this work, we assume that thescalar function Φ generating the functional φj is piecewise quadratic, i.e.we require the sharper condition (V3)’ in Section 1.2.1, p. 23, instead of(V3). This is not essential for the basic convergence results to be presentedin this chapter, but it will simplify the construction of monotone multigridmethods later on.

Relaxation methods of nonlinear Gauß–Seidel type have been well under-stood since the early eighties (see e.g. Glowinski [61]). In particular, it iswell–known that such single grid relaxations are globally convergent for theclass of problems under consideration.

In the framework of successive subspace correction methods (cf. Xu [122]),Gauß–Seidel relaxations are generated by the direct splitting of the un-derlying finite element space Sj in the one–dimensional subspaces spanned

by the high–frequency nodal basis functions λ(j)p ∈ Λj . This explains their

unsatisfactory convergence rates caused by a bad representation of the low–frequency contributions of the error. Fast solvers, such as multigrid methods,can be derived by extending the splitting induced by Λj by additional sub-spaces spanned by suitable functions with large support.

In the case of linear selfadjoint elliptic problems, this point of view led to anew type of convergence proofs for multigrid methods. For an introductionto this field, we refer to the basic surveys of Bramble [31], Xu [122] andYserentant [126]. See also the monographs of Griebel [63] and Oswald [104]in this series.

Here, the above reasoning motivates the introduction of extended relaxationmethods (cf. Kornhuber [82, 83]) for the iterative solution of (1.3.57). Ex-tended relaxation methods can be regarded as special variants of nonlinear

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2.1 Basic Convergence Results 45

successive subspace correction methods or multilevel projection schemes (cf.McCormick [95]).

It will turn out that only approximate versions can be implemented with op-timal numerical complexity. The global convergence of extended relaxationsis preserved by local monotone approximations, as introduced in Section2.2. In the final section of this chapter, we will give sufficient criteria for theasymptotic invariance of the discrete phases and we will show that quasiopti-mal monotone approximations asymptotically provide the same convergencerates as the original scheme.

2.1 Basic Convergence Results

The basic idea of relaxation methods is to decompose the global minimiza-tion problem (1.3.57) in a number of local subproblems. The convergencespeed of the resulting iterative scheme depends heavily on the choice of theunderlying decomposition of Sj . After a brief introduction to well–knownconvergence results on single grid relaxations of Gauß–Seidel type, we willintroduce extended relaxation methods. Such schemes preserve the globalconvergence and on the other hand give much more flexibility in the choiceof the decomposition of Sj.

2.1.1 Gauß–Seidel Relaxation

The (nonlinear) Gauß–Seidel relaxation method results from the successive

optimization of the energy functional J + φj in the direction of λ(j)p ∈ Λj.

Recall that

Λj = (λ(j)p1, . . . , λ(j)


is the nodal basis of the finite element space Sj . Observe that the nodal

basis functions λ(j)p , p ∈ Nj, are high–frequency functions.

To give a precise formulation, we introduce the splitting

Sj =



Vl, Vl = spanλ(j)pl

, (1.1)

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46 2 Relaxation Methods



Figure 2.1 High–frequency nodal basis function λ(j)P ∈ Λj

of Sj in the one–dimensional subspaces Vl ⊂ Sj . Then, starting with a giveniterate wν

0 = uνj ∈ Sj, ν ≥ 0, we compute a sequence of intermediate iterates

wνl from the nj local subproblems

vνl ∈ Vl : J (wν

l−1 + vνl ) + φj(w

νl−1 + vν

l )

≤ J (wνl−1 + v) + φj(w

νl−1 + v), ∀v ∈ Vl,


setting wνl = wν

l−1 + vνl , l = 1, . . . , nj . Finally, the next iterate uν+1

j is givenby

uν+1j = Mj(u

νj ) = wν

nj= uν

j +



vνl . (1.3)

Note that the possible acceleration of the convergence speed by multiplyingthe corrections with additional relaxation factors is not considered here. Fornotational convenience, the index ν will frequently be skipped in the sequel.

In the light of Theorem 1.6, each of the local subproblems (1.2) is uniquelysolvable and can be equivalently rewritten as the variational inequality

vl ∈ Vl : a(vl, v − vl) + φj(wl−1 + v) − φj(wl−1 + vl)

≥ `(v − vl) − a(wl−1, v − vl), ∀v ∈ Vl.(1.4)

By construction, we have monotonically decreasing energy,

J (wl) + φj(wl) ≤ J (wl−1) + φj(wl−1), l = 1, . . . , nj , (1.5)

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2.1 Basic Convergence Results 47

and the uniqueness of the correction vl implies that equality holds if andonly if wl = wl−1. This leads to

J (Mj(w)) + φj(Mj(w)) = J (w) + φj(w) ⇔ Mj(w) = w. (1.6)

Observe that for arbitrary initial iterate u0j ∈ Sj the first iterate u1

j has finiteenergy or, equivalently,

Mj(w) ∈ Kj = domφj , ∀w ∈ Sj . (1.7)

We will see later on that the iteration operator Mj is continuous, i.e.

wk → w ⇒ Mj(wk) → Mj(w), k → ∞, (1.8)

holds for every convergent sequence (wk)k≥0 ⊂ Sj .

Now we are ready to prove the global convergence of the Gauß–Seidel relax-ation.

Theorem 2.1 For any initial iterate u0j ∈ Sj , the sequence of iterates

(uνj )ν≥0 provided by the Gauß–Seidel relaxation method (1.3) converges to

the solution uj of the discrete problem (1.3.57).

Proof. The proof is divided into three steps. In the beginning, we show thesequence of iterates (uν

j )ν≥0 is bounded. As φj has an affine minorant (cf.Lemma 1.12), we have

J (v) + φj(v) ≥ 12 ||v||2 − c||v|| −C, ∀v ∈ Sj , (1.9)

so that v → ∞ implies J (v)+φj(v) → ∞. Hence, (uνj )ν≥0 must be bounded,


J (uνj ) + φj(u

νj ) ≤ J (u1

j ) + φj(u1j ) <∞, ∀ν ≥ 1.

Let (uνk

j )k≥0 be an arbitrary, convergent subsequence of (uνj )ν≥0,


j → u∗ ∈ Sj , k → ∞.

Such a subsequence exists, because (uνj )ν≥0 is bounded and Sj has finite

dimension. Moreover, we have u∗ ∈ Kj, because uνk

j ∈ Kj , ∀k ≥ 1, and Kj

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48 2 Relaxation Methods

is a closed subset of Sj . We now prove that u∗ must be a fixed point ofMj . For notational convenience, we use the abbreviation J = J + φj . Themonotonicity (1.5) implies

J (uνk+1j ) = J (Mj(u


j )) ≤ J (uνk

j ), ∀k ≥ 0.

From (1.5), we also have

J (uνk+1

j ) ≤ J (uνk+1j ), ∀k ≥ 0.

By virtue of the continuity of Mj and the continuity of J on Kj, this leadsto

J (Mj(u∗)) = J (u∗), (1.10)

and we conclude from (1.6) that Mj(u∗) = u∗.

In the final step, we show that uj is the only fixed point of Mj . Let Mj(u∗) =

u∗. Then it is sufficient to prove

a(u∗, vj − u∗) + φj(vj) − φj(u∗) ≥ `(vj − u∗), ∀vj ∈ Sj, (1.11)

because we know from Theorem 1.10 that uj is the unique solution of thisvariational inequality. Exploiting the special structure of the functional φj ,

φj(v) =



Φ(v(pl)) hpl, ∀v ∈ Sj ,

each of the local variational inequalities (1.4) takes the form

a(vl, v − vl) + Φ(wl−1(pl) + v(pl))hpl− Φ(wl−1(pl) + vl(pl))hpl

≥ `(v − vl) − a(wl−1, v − vl), ∀v ∈ Vl.

As u∗ is a fixed point of Mj , all local corrections vl of u∗ must be zero sothat

a(u∗, v) + Φ(u∗(pl) + v(pl))hpl− Φ(u∗(pl))hpl

≥ `(v) (1.12)

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2.1 Basic Convergence Results 49

holds for all v ∈ Vl and l = 1, . . . , nj. Now consider some arbitrary but fixedvj ∈ Sj. Inserting the interpolation

v = IVl(vj − u∗) = (vj(pl) − u∗(pl))λ


∈ Vl

in (1.12), we obtain

a(u∗, IVl(vj − u∗)) + Φ(vj(pl))hpl

− Φ(u∗(pl))hpl≥ `(IVl

(vj − u∗))

for l = 1, . . . , nj. Adding up all these local inequalities we get (1.11). Thisproves u∗ = uj.

We have shown that each convergent subsequence of (uνj )ν≥0 converges to uj.

Hence, the whole sequence must converge to uj . This completes the proof.

Observe that the proof makes strong use of the fact that the unknowns aredecoupled with respect to φj . In fact, there are simple counterexamples (seee.g. Glowinski [61]) showing that this decoupling is necessary for the globalconvergence of relaxation methods of Gauß–Seidel type.

Up till now, we have not made use of condition (V3)’ from Section 1.2.1,p. 23, stating that the functional φj is piecewise quadratic. Now we willexploit this property in order to derive an explicit formula for the correctionsvl. In the light of Proposition 1.7, each of the local minimization problems(1.2) is equivalent to the variational inclusion

vl ∈ Vl : 0 ∈ a(vl, v) − (`(v) − a(wl−1, v))

+∂φj(wl−1 + vl)(v), ∀v ∈ Vl.(1.13)

It is clear that vl ∈ Vl = spanλ(j)pl can be written as

vl = zlλ(j)pl

introducing the unknown correction factor zl ∈ R. Hence, (1.13) can bereformulated as the scalar inclusion

zl ∈ R : 0 ∈ allzl − rl + ∂Φl(zl), (1.14)

where we have used the definitions

all = a(λ(j)pl, λ(j)

pl), rl = `(λ(j)

pl) − a(wl−1, λ


) (1.15)

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and the multifunction ∂Φl is the subdifferential of the scalar convex function

Φl(z) = φj(wl−1 + zλ(j)pl

), ∀z ∈ R. (1.16)

Observe that the subdifferential ∂Φl is given by

∂Φl(z) = ∂Φ(wl−1(pl) + z) hpl, ∀z ∈ dom ∂Φl. (1.17)

As Φ is piecewise quadratic according to condition (V3)’, p. 23, we have

Φ(z) =1


2 − fiz + ci, θi ≤ z ≤ θi+1, i = 0, . . . , N,

on a partition

infK = θ0 < θ1 < . . . < θN < θN+1 = supK

of the interval K (cf. condition (V2), p. 23). Hence, the subdifferential ∂Φtakes the form

∂Φ(z) =

biz − fi if θi < z < θi+1, i = 0, . . . , N[s−i , s

+i ] if z = θi, i = 1, . . . , N

, (1.18)

where we used the abbreviations

s−i = bi−1θi − fi−1 ≤ biθi − fi = s+i , i = 1, . . . , N.

Note that the interval [s−i , s+i ] represents the jump of the derivative Φ′ at

the transition point θi. We introduce the partition

ϑ−0 ≤ ϑ+0 ≤ . . . ≤ ϑ−i ≤ ϑ+

i ≤ . . . ≤ ϑ−N+1 ≤ ϑ+N+1 (1.19)

of the real axis R. With the exception of ϑ−0 = −∞ and ϑ+N+1 = +∞, the

grid points ϑ−i , ϑ+i are given by

ϑ−i = aplθi + s−i , ϑ+

i = aplθi + s+i , i = 0, . . . , N + 1,

where we have set apl= all/hpl

. Once we have determined an interval of thepartition (1.19) containing the modified residual rpl

= (rl +allwl−1(pl))/hpl,

the solution zl of (1.14) is obtained from

zl = −wl−1(pl) +

θi, ϑ−i ≤ rpl≤ ϑ+


(rpl+ fi)/(apl

+ bi), ϑ+i ≤ rpl

≤ ϑ−i+1. (1.20)

Observe that the right–hand side of (1.20) is a continuous function of wl−1.This proves the continuity (1.8) of Mj .

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2.1 Basic Convergence Results 51

2.1.2 Extended Relaxation Methods

Though the Gauß–Seidel relaxation method is globally convergent, it usu-ally provides unsatisfactory convergence rates for decreasing meshsize. Toimprove the speed of convergence, we now extend the set Λj by additionalsearch directions.

Let (Mν)ν≥0 be a given sequence of ordered subsets Mν = (µν1 , . . . , µ

νmν ) of

Sj, ∀ν ≥ 0. We assume that the leading elements of Mν are the nodal basisfunctions,

(M1) Mν = (λ(j)p1 , . . . , λ

(j)pnj, µν

nj+1, . . . , µνmν ), ∀ν ≥ 0.

The elements of the extension Mνc = (µν

nj+1, . . . , µνmν ) are intended to play

the role of coarse grid functions with large support, in contrast to the finegrid functions contained in Λj . Note that the case µν

l = µνl′ , l 6= l′, is not

excluded so that the same function may appear several times in each subsetMν .


Figure 2.2 Low–frequency function µνl ∈ Mν

The extended relaxation method induced by (Mν)ν≥0 results from the suc-cessive minimization of the energy J + φj in the direction of µν

l ∈ Mν forν = 0, 1, . . ..

In order to describe one iteration step in detail, we assume that uνj is given

for some fixed ν ≥ 0. Then Mν gives rise to the splitting

Sj =mν∑


V νl , V ν

l = spanµνl , (1.21)

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52 2 Relaxation Methods

of Sj in one–dimensional subspaces V νl ⊂ Sj. Starting with wν

0 = uνj , we

compute a sequence of intermediate iterates wνl from the mν local subprob-


vνl ∈ V ν

l : J (wνl−1 + vν

l ) + φj(wνl−1 + vν

l )

≤ J (wνl−1 + v) + φj(w

νl−1 + v), ∀v ∈ V ν

l ,(1.22)

setting wνl = wν

l−1 + vνl , l = 1, . . . ,mν . Then the next iterate is given by

uν+1j = wν

mν = uνj +



vνl . (1.23)

To simplify the notation, the index ν will frequently be suppressed.

Extended relaxation methods can be equivalently characterized as a specialtype of nonlinear successive subspace correction method generated by one–dimensional splittings of the form (1.21). Observe that Mν

c may change ineach iteration step, so that (1.21) can be iteratively adapted to the discretephases of the finite element approximation uj .

The local corrections vl in direction of λ(j)pl ∈ Λj and µl ∈Mc are called fine

grid corrections and coarse grid corrections, respectively. Observe that theleading fine grid corrections correspond to a Gauß–Seidel relaxation step.The resulting intermediate iterate is called smoothed iterate uν

j = wνnj

. We

have seen above that J (u0j ) + φj(u

0j ) <∞, ∀u0

j ∈ Sj. This leads to

0 ∈ domφj(wνl−1 + · ), ∀l > nj, ∀ν ≥ 0, (1.24)

so that the translated functional φj(wνl−1 + ·) : Vl → R ∪ +∞ is convex,

lower semicontinuous, and proper for all l = 1, . . . ,mν and all ν ≥ 0. Now itfollows in the usual way that each of the local subproblems (1.22) is uniquelysolvable.

By construction, the extended relaxation is locally monotone in the sensethat

J (wl) + φj(wl) ≤ J (wl−1) + φj(wl−1), l = 1, . . . ,mν . (1.25)

We now introduce a damped version of (1.23). For a given iterate wν0 = uν

j ,ν ≥ 0, the intermediate iterates wν

l = wνl−1 + vν

l , l = 1, . . . ,mν , of an

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2.1 Basic Convergence Results 53

extended underrelaxation induced by (Mν)ν≥0 result from the exact fine gridcorrections

vνl = vν

l , l = 1, . . . , nj , (1.26)

and from the damped coarse grid corrections

vνl = ων

l vνl , ων

l ∈ [0, 1], l = nj + 1, . . . ,mν . (1.27)

Each of the optimal corrections vνl is computed from (1.22). The next iterate

uν+1j of the extended underrelaxation is given by

uν+1j = wν

mν = uνj +



vνl . (1.28)

Again, we will mostly skip the index ν.

The leading fine grid corrections are evaluated exactly. In particular, we stillhave domφj(wl−1 + ·) 6= ∅ so that the local corrections vl are well–defined.

Due to the convexity of J +φj , the monotonicity (1.25) is preserved by thedamping (1.27). As a consequence, the global convergence is inherited fromthe nonlinear Gauß–Seidel scheme.

Theorem 2.2 For any initial iterate u0j ∈ Sj and any sequence of damping

parameters (ωνl )ν≥0 occurring in (1.27), the sequence of iterates (uν

j )ν≥0

produced by the extended underrelaxation (1.28) converges to the solutionuj ∈ Sj of the finite element discretization (1.3.57).

Proof. We proceed in the same way as in the convergence proof for the Gauß–Seidel relaxation. Again, we use the abbreviation J = J + φj . Exploiting

J (uνj ) ≤ J (u0

j ) <∞, ∀ν ≥ 1,

together with (1.9), we conclude that (uνj )ν≥0 is bounded.

Hence, we can find a convergent subsequence (uνk

j )k≥0


j → u∗ ∈ Kj , k → ∞.

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54 2 Relaxation Methods

Here, we used that (uνk

j )k≥1 ⊂ Kj and that Kj is closed. In the next step, weshow that u∗ is a fixed point of Mj . In fact, each step of an extended under-relaxation starts with a single grid relaxation, so that the local monotonicity(1.25) implies

J (uνk+1

j ) ≤ J (uνk+1j ) ≤ J (Mj(u


j )) ≤ J (uνk

j ), ∀k ≥ 0,

and the continuity of Mj together with the continuity of J on Kj yield

J (Mj(u∗)) = J (u∗). (1.29)

Using (1.6), we deduce Mj(u∗) = u∗.

We already know that uj is the only fixed point of Mj (cf. Theorem 2.1)so that u∗ = uj. As (uνk

j )k≥0 was an arbitrary convergent subsequence, thewhole sequence of iterates must converge to uj. This completes the proof.

Later on, we will also need the convergence of the intermediate iterates wνl .

Corollary 2.3 For any initial iterate u0j ∈ Sj and any sequence of damping

parameters (ωνl )ν≥0 occurring in (1.27), the sequence of intermediate iterates

(wνl )ν≥0 produced by the extended underrelaxation (1.28) converges to the

solution uj ∈ Sj of the finite element discretization (1.3.57).

Proof. Assume that there is a subsequence wk = wνk

lk, ∀k ≥ 0, which is not

converging to uj. Then we first conclude as above that (wk)k≥0 is bounded.Therefore, we can find a further subsequence, still denoted by (wk)k≥0, whichis converging to some w∗ ∈ Sj. We can additionally assume that

J (uνk+1

j ) ≤ J (wk) ≤ J (uνk

j ), ∀k ≥ 0, (1.30)

because the wk are intermediate iterates. We clearly have uνk

j , wk ∈ Kj, ∀k ≥1, and J is continuous on Kj . Hence, (1.30) implies that J (w∗) = J (uj).As uj is the unique solution of the minimization problem (1.3.57), we getw∗ = uj . This completes the proof.

Extended underrelaxations provide a general framework for the accelerationof convergent single grid relaxations by additional (coarse grid) corrections.The essential point is that the additional corrections must not increase theenergy. As the convergence of nonlinear Gauß–Seidel relaxations is not re-stricted to the special situation considered here, Theorem 2.2 is open to

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2.2 Monotone Approximations 55

various generalizations. For example, only the explicit formula (1.20) forthe fine grid correction factors requires that the scalar function Φ (generat-ing φj by (1.3.64)) is piecewise quadratic. Moreover, Φ can be replaced bya family of different functions Φp, ∀p ∈ Nj. Piecewise linear finite elementsare also not essential. We will consider piecewise quadratic approximationsin connection with a posteriori error estimates later on.

2.2 Monotone Approximations

While the leading fine grid corrections are given explicitly, the exact evalu-ation of the coarse grid corrections turns out to be too expensive in prac-tical calculations. On the other hand, a suitable approximation of the localsubproblems (1.22) should preserve the global convergence of the originalextended relaxation method. In this section, we will introduce monotoneapproximations which have this property. The key observation is that mono-tone approximations provide an (implicit) damping of the exact coarse gridcorrections.

Let wl−1 ∈ Sj , l > nj, be an intermediate iterate. Using the same argumentsas in Section 2.1.1, we can compute the next coarse grid correction

vl = zlµl ∈ Vl

from the scalar inclusion

zl ∈ R : 0 ∈ allzl − rl + ∂Φl(zl). (2.31)

Here, we have generalized the definition (1.15) of all and rl according to

all = a(µl, µl), rl = `(µl) − a(wl−1, µl), (2.32)

and Φl is now defined by

Φl(z) = φj(wl−1 + zµl), ∀z ∈ R. (2.33)

Recall that wl−1 has finite energy or, equivalently, 0 ∈ domφj(wl−1 + ·) (see(1.7)). Hence, Φl is convex, lower semicontinuous, and proper so that the

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56 2 Relaxation Methods

subdifferential ∂Φl is maximal monotone. Using the representation (1.3.55)of φj , we obtain

Φl(z) =∑


Φ(wl−1(p) + zµl(p)) hp, ∀z ∈ R. (2.34)

As Φ is continuous on dom Φ = K, the subdifferential of the sum can betaken elementwise (see (1.2.54)). Hence, we can write ∂Φl in the form

∂Φl(z) =∑


µl(p) ∂Φ(wl−1(p) + zµl(p)) hp, ∀z ∈ dom ∂Φl. (2.35)

In principle, we can evaluate the solution of the scalar inclusion (2.31) ina similar way as in Section 2.1.1. However, the situation now is more com-plicated. The main reason is that the number of transition points of ∂Φl isno longer fixed, but grows with the number of nodes which are contained inthe support of µl. Recall that suppµl is assumed to be large for µl ∈Mc.

This motivates the approximation of the subdifferential ∂Φνl occurring in

(2.31) by a suitable maximal monotone multifunction ∂Ψνl . Recall that a

maximal monotone multifunction ∂Ψνl is always the subdifferential of a con-

vex, lower semicontinuous, and proper functional Ψνl : R → R ∪ +∞. As

usual, we will mostly skip the index ν.

Definition 2.4 A scalar maximal monotone multifunction ∂Ψl is called amonotone approximation of ∂Φl, if

0 ∈ dom ∂Ψl ⊂ dom ∂Φl (2.36)

and if the following estimates hold for all z ∈ dom ∂Ψl,

sup ∂Ψl(z) ≥ sup ∂Φl(z), z ≥ 0,

inf ∂Ψl(z) ≤ inf ∂Φl(z), z ≤ 0.


In particular, we have ∂Φl(0) ⊂ ∂Ψl(0). Note that the above conditions aretrivially satisfied for ∂Ψl = ∂Ψ∞, given by ∂Ψ∞(0) = R on dom ∂Ψ∞ = 0.The approximation ∂Ψl of ∂Φl gives rise to the approximate subproblem

zl ∈ R : 0 ∈ allzl − rl + ∂Ψl(zl). (2.38)

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2.2 Monotone Approximations 57


∂Ψl(z) ∂Φl(z)

Figure 2.3 Monotone approximation ∂Ψl

It is clear from the assumptions on ∂Ψl that (2.38) admits a unique solutionzl ∈ dom ∂Ψl. The resulting approximate coarse grid correction is given by

vl = zlµl ∈ Vl.

We are now going to clarify how the monotone approximation of ∂Φl affectsthe exact local corrections vl.

Proposition 2.5 Assume that ∂Ψl is a monotone approximation of ∂Φl.Then the corrections vl and vl, computed from (2.31) and (2.38) respectivelyare related by

vl = ωlvl, ωl ∈ [0, 1]. (2.39)

Proof. Assume that the solution zl of (2.31) is non–negative. Then we setz0 = 0, z1 = zl, and F (z) = (Ψl−rl)/all in order to apply Lemma 1.9. Usingthese definitions together with (2.36) and (2.37), we obtain 0 ≤ zl = ξ ≤ zl.The remaining case can be treated in a symmetrical way.

Proposition 2.5 gives rise to the following definition.

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58 2 Relaxation Methods


∂Ψl(z) ∂Φl(z)

rl − allz


Figure 2.4 Implicit local damping

Definition 2.6 Let (∂Ψνl )ν≥0 be a sequence of monotone approximations,

where we have formally set

∂Ψνl = ∂Φν

l , l = 1, . . . , nj, ∀ν ≥ 0.

Then, for given u0j ∈ Sj , the extended underrelaxation induced by (Mν)ν≥0

and the monotone approximations (∂Ψνl )ν≥0 provides the iterates

uν+1j = uν

j +mν∑


vνl , ∀ν ≥ 0,

where the local corrections vνl are computed from the (approximate) local

problems (2.38).

As a consequence of Proposition 2.5, we can apply Theorem 2.2 to show thatthe approximate iterative scheme introduced in Definition 2.6 is globallyconvergent. Corollary 2.3 implies that the sequence of intermediate iteratesalso converges to uj . Note that the (local) relaxation parameters ωl are onlyused in the analysis and do not appear in actual computations.

Though the original extended relaxation method and the approximate ver-sion are both globally convergent, the convergence rates of the approximate

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2.3 Asymptotic Properties: The Linear Reduced Problem 59

version may be considerably worse. In particular, we have to exclude thetrivial monotone approximation ∂Ψ∞, which brings back the simple Gauß–Seidel relaxation. In the next section, we will give sufficient criteria providingthe same asymptotic convergence behavior of the monotone approximationand of the original scheme.

2.3 Asymptotic Properties: The Linear Reduced


The discrete phases N ij (v) ⊂ Nj of some fixed v ∈ Sj are given by

N ij (v) = p ∈ Nj | v(p) ∈ (θi, θi+1), i = 0, . . . , N, (3.40)

and we define N j (v) =

⋃Ni=1 N i

j (v). In the remaining critical nodes N •j (v),

N •j (v) = Nj \ N

j (v), (3.41)

the values of v are taken from the set θ0, θ1, . . . , θN , θN+1 of transitionpoints.

v(p)θi θi+1



Figure 2.5 Discrete phases: p ∈ Nij (v)

In the case of a discrete obstacle problem, N •j (v) is equal to the discrete

coincidence set v. For discrete versions of the semi–discrete Stefan problem(1.1.22), we have a discrete ice and a discrete water phase. The critical setN •

j (v) then consists of all nodes p where v(p) = 0.

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60 2 Relaxation Methods

In this section, we will first prove the convergence of the discrete phasesof the (intermediate) iterates produced by extended underrelaxations. Thiswill allow us to clarify further the asymptotic behavior of extended under-relaxations induced by monotone approximations (cf. Definitions 2.4, 2.6).

In advance, let us state some further conditions on the sequence (Mν)ν≥0

of search directions. We will require that (Mν)ν≥0 is positive and boundedin the sense that there are constants c, C, not depending on ν, such that

(M2) 0 < c ≤ µνl (p) ≤ C, ∀p ∈ int supp µν

l ∩ Nj, ∀µνl ∈Mν , ∀ν ≥ 0.

Note that (M2) may be regarded as a stability condition on (Mν)ν≥0. Somesort of consistency is expressed by the condition that there is a sequenceM∗ = (µ∗1, . . . , µ

∗m∗), not depending on ν, such that

(M3) N •j (uν

j ) = N •j (uj) ⇒ Mν = M∗

holds for all ν ≥ 0. Recall that the smoothed iterate uνj results from the

leading Gauß–Seidel relaxation step applied to uνj .

The discrete problem (1.3.57) is called non–degenerate, if

p ∈ N •j (uj) ⇒ `(λ(j)

p ) − a(uj , λ(j)p ) ∈ int ∂φj(uj)(λ

(j)p ). (3.42)

This condition describes the stability of the critical nodes N •j (uj) with re-

spect to small perturbations of uj . In the continuous case, related conditionsare frequently used in the analysis of the regularity of the free boundary.

Proposition 2.7 Assume that the discrete problem (1.3.57) is non–dege-nerate and that (Mν)ν≥0 satisfies the conditions (M1), cf. p. 51, and (M2).Then the phases of the intermediate iterates (wν

l )ν≥0 resulting from the ex-tended underrelaxation (1.28) induced by (Mν)ν≥0 converge to the phases ofuj ∈ Sj in the sense that

N ij (w

νl ) = N i

j (uj), ∀i = 0, . . . , N,

wνl (p) = uj(p), ∀p ∈ N •

j (uj),


holds for all l = 1, . . . ,mν and all ν ≥ ν0 with a suitable ν0 ≥ 0.

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2.3 Asymptotic Properties: The Linear Reduced Problem 61

Proof. The convergence of the intermediate iterates (wνl )ν≥0 follows from

Corollary 2.3. This implies that there is a ν1 ≥ 0 with the property

N ij (uj) ⊂ N i

j (wνl ), ∀i = 0, . . . , N, ∀ν ≥ ν1. (3.44)

Using again the convergence of (wνl )ν≥0 and (3.44), it is sufficient to show

that N •j (uj) ⊂ N •

j (wνl ) holds for large ν.

In the first step, we derive the extended non–degeneracy condition

`(µνl ) − a(uj , µ

νl ) ∈ Il ⊂ int ∂φj(uj)(µ

νl ), ∀ν ≥ 0, (3.45)

for all µνl ∈ Mν with the property int supp µν

l ∩ N •j (uj) 6= ∅. The closed

intervals Il ⊂ R are defined by

Il = z ∈ R| |z − (`(µνl ) − a(uj , µ

νl ))| ≤ ε

and ε > 0 is independent of l or ν. Indeed, as a consequence of the non–degeneracy condition (3.42), we can find an εj > 0 such that (3.45) holds

for all µνl = λ


∈ Λj . Taking the constant c from (M2), we can easily checkthat (3.45) is valid for all µν

l ∈Mν , if ε satisfies 0 < ε ≤ c εj .

Let us consider the fine grid correction in some fixed node pl ∈ N •j (uj) with

uj(pl) = θi. Utilizing (3.45) and the convergence of (wνl )ν≥0, we can find a

threshold ν2 ≥ ν1 such that


) − a(wνl , λ


) ∈ int ∂φj(uj)(λ(j)pl

), ∀ν ≥ ν2, (3.46)

holds for all pl ∈ N •j (uj). Recall that wν

l results from the fine grid correction

associated with λ(j)pl

. This property can be rewritten as


) − a(wνl , λ


) ∈ ∂φj(wνl )(λ(j)

pl). (3.47)

Using the representation (1.2.49) of ∂φj ,



) = ∂Φ(wνl−1(pl)) hpl


together with the monotonicity of ∂Φ, we deduce from (3.46) and (3.47)that wν

l (pl) = uj(pl) = θi.

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62 2 Relaxation Methods

Hence, the fine grid correction makes sure that, for large ν, each criticalpoint of uj is a critical point of the smoothed iterate uν

j . We still have toshow that these critical points are not affected by the subsequent coarse gridcorrection, i.e. that

int supp µνl ∩ N •

j (uj) 6= ∅ ⇒ vl = 0, ∀µνl ∈Mν

c , ∀ν ≥ ν3, (3.48)

holds with a suitable ν3 ≥ ν2. Let µνl ∈Mν

c and int supp µνl ∩N •

j (uj) 6= ∅.By virtue of (M1), we can assume inductively that the values of wν

l−1 inp ∈ int supp µν

l ∩ N •j (uj) have been fixed by the leading fine grid correc-

tions and have not been changed by subsequent coarse grid corrections. Theconvergence of (wν

l )ν≥0 together with the upper bound in (M2) implies that

a(wνl , µ

νl ) − a(uj , µ

νl ) → 0, ν → ∞.

Hence, we can use (3.45), the representation (1.2.49) of ∂φj ,


νl ) =



νl (p) hp,

the upper bound in (M2), and the continuity of the derivative ∂Φ(z) = Φ′(z)in z ∈ int K \ θ1, . . . , θN to find a ν3 ≥ ν2 such that

`(µνl ) − a(wν

l−1, µνl ) ∈ ∂φj(w


νl ), ∀ν ≥ ν3. (3.49)

Using the “scalar” notation introduced in (2.32) and (2.33), the inclusion(3.49) can be rewritten as rl ∈ ∂Φl(0), giving zl = 0.

Once the phases N ij (uj) of the exact solution uj are known, we can define

the bilinear form buj(v,w),

buj(v,w) =



p∈N ij(uj)

biv(p)w(p) hp, (3.50)

and the functional fuj(v),

fuj(v) =



p∈N ij(uj)

fiv(p) hp (3.51)

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2.3 Asymptotic Properties: The Linear Reduced Problem 63

on the finite element space Sj. Denoting

auj(v,w) = a(v,w) + buj

(v,w), `uj(v) = `(v) + fuj

(v), (3.52)

we can easily check that uj = uj is the solution of the reduced linear problem

uj ∈ Sj : auj

(uj , v) = `uj(v), ∀v ∈ S

j , (3.53)

where Sj = v ∈ Sj | v(p) = uj(p), ∀p ∈ N •

j (uj) and the reduced subspaceS

j ⊂ Sj is defined by

Sj = v ∈ Sj | v(p) = 0, ∀p ∈ N •

j (uj). (3.54)

Consider M∗ = (µ∗1, . . . , µ∗m∗) from (M3). Then the reduced set

M = M∗ ∩ Sj ,

induces a linear extended relaxation method

uν+1j = uν

j +m∗∑


vl (3.55)

for the iterative solution of (3.53). The corrections vl ∈ Vl in the directionof µ∗l ∈M are computed from the linear local subproblems

vl ∈ Vl : auj(vl, v) = `uj

(v) − a(wl−1, v), ∀v ∈ Vl. (3.56)

Assuming that the original discrete problem (1.3.57) is non–degenerate,one can show that an extended relaxation induced by a sequence (Mν)ν≥0

with the properties (M1)–(M3) reduces asymptotically to the linear scheme(3.55). In order to obtain a related result for extended underrelaxationsinduced by a sequence of monotone approximations (∂Ψν

l )ν≥0, we have toimpose further restrictions on the multifunctions ∂Ψν

l .

Definition 2.8 The monotone approximations (∂Ψνl )ν≥0 of (∂Φν

l )ν≥0 arecalled quasioptimal if the convergence of the intermediate iterates (wν

l )ν≥0

and of their phases implies that there is an index ν0 ≥ 0 and an open intervalI ⊂ R, independent of ν and l, such that 0 ∈ I and

∂Ψνl (z) = ∂Φν

l (z), ∀z ∈ I, ∀ν ≥ ν0, (3.57)

holds if µνl (p) = 0 for all p ∈ N •

j (uj), l = 1, . . . ,mν.

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Now we are ready to state the main result of this chapter.

Theorem 2.9 Assume that the discrete problem (1.3.57) is non–degenerate(cf. (3.42)) and that the sequence of search directions (Mν)ν≥0 satisfiesthe conditions (M1)–(M3). Then the extended underrelaxation induced by(Mν)ν≥0 and quasioptimal approximations (∂Ψν

l )ν≥0 is globally convergentand is reducing to the linear extended relaxation (3.55) for ν ≥ ν0 withsuitable ν0 ≥ 0.

Proof. The global convergence is clear from Theorem 2.2. It follows fromProposition 2.7 together with (M3) that N •

j (wνl ) = N •

j (uj) and Mν = M∗

hold for all ν ≥ ν1 with some suitable ν1 ≥ 0. Hence, the local correctionsvνl corresponding to µ∗l 6∈ S

j satisfy vνl = vν

l = 0, ∀ν ≥ ν1. In the remainingcase µ∗l ∈ S

j , the exact local corrections vνl = zν

l µνl tend to zero. Hence, we

can find a ν0 ≥ ν1 such that zνl ∈ I, ∀ν ≥ ν0. Then it follows from (3.57)

that zνl = zν

l , ∀ν ≥ ν0. This completes the proof.

Assuming that (1.3.57) is non–degenerate, Theorem 2.9 states that thechoice of different quasioptimal approximations does not change the asymp-totic convergence properties of the resulting different iterative schemes. Inparticular, we obtain the same asymptotic convergence rates as for the ex-tended relaxation method itself. For reasonable initial iterates, the asymp-totic behavior may dominate the whole iteration process (cf. Kornhuber[82, 83]).

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3 Monotone Multigrid Methods

In the preceding chapter, we introduced extended relaxation methods for theiterative solution of the discrete minimization problem (1.3.57). An extend-ed relaxation method is characterized by the selection of a certain sequenceof search directions for the successive minimization of the energy function-al J + φj . Theorem 2.9 states that the global convergence together withthe asymptotic convergence rates are preserved by quasioptimal monotoneapproximations of the local subproblems.

Extended relaxation methods were motivated by well–known multigridmethods for elliptic selfadjoint problems. In particular, the classical multi-grid method with a Gauß–Seidel smoother can be regarded as an extendedrelaxation method induced by the multilevel nodal basis ΛS .

Monotone multigrid methods, based on the successive local minimization ofenergy, are intended to be a permanent extension of this classical approachto non–smooth minimization problems of the form (1.3.57). A monotonemultigrid method should be globally convergent with asymptotic multigridconvergence rates and should allow an implementation as a usual V–cycle,requiring O(nj) operations for each iteration step.

From the above considerations, the extended relaxation method induced bythe multilevel nodal basis ΛS is a natural candidate for a monotone multigridmethod. However, for the nonlinear problem (1.3.57), this method can nolonger be implemented with optimal numerical complexity.

As a consequence, we will derive a suitable linearization of the local sub-problems. The basic idea of monotone multigrid methods is first to findout a neighborhood of the actual iterate in which the actual linearization isvalid and then to constrain the coarse grid correction to this neighborhood.In this way, we end up with a sequence of local obstacle problems for theapproximate corrections.

The resulting standard monotone multigrid method can be regarded as anextended underrelaxation induced by ΛS and certain quasioptimal mono-tone approximations. Hence, it is globally convergent (cf. Theorem 2.9).

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However, the underlying search directions taken from the multilevel nodalbasis may be not well–suited to the phases of uj. The resulting poor coarsegrid transport usually causes unsatisfactory asymptotic convergence rates.By adapting the elements of ΛS to the actual guess of the discrete phas-es in each iteration step, we obtain so–called truncated monotone multigridmethods with improved convergence properties. Note that similar ideas canbe applied to selfadjoint elliptic problems with rapidly varying coefficientsor complicated geometries. First steps in this direction were made by Korn-huber and Yserentant [88]. Truncations of the hierarchical basis were intro-duced by Hoppe and Kornhuber [75] in connection with obstacle problems.Related techniques were derived by Bank and Xu [12] and Hackbusch andSauter [67] for the appropriate coarsening of a given mesh.

In the light of Theorem 2.9, both variants of the monotone multigrid methodreduce asymptotically to a linear iteration on a reduced space. Hence, we canderive asymptotic estimates of the convergence rates by a suitable extensionof the well–known linear theory.

Both the standard and the truncated monotone multigrid method can beimplemented as a slight modification of the usual V–cycle. Some algorithmicremarks are made in the Sections 3.1.4 and 3.2.3 (see also Kornhuber [85]).

3.1 Standard Monotone Multigrid Methods

3.1.1 The Multilevel Nodal Basis

Let T0 be a triangulation of the polygonal domain Ω. The triangulation T0

is refined several times providing a sequence of triangulations T0,T1, . . . ,Tj.A triangle t ∈ Tk is refined either by subdividing it into four congruentsubtriangles or by connecting one of its vertices with the midpoint of theopposite side. The first case is called regular (red) refinement and the result-ing triangles are regular as well as the triangles of the initial triangulationT0. The second case is called irregular (green) refinement and results in twoirregular triangles.

We say that the triangulations T0, . . . ,Tj are nested, if the global refinementprocess satisfies the following conditions (T1)–(T3).

Because new points should be generated only by regular refinement, weintroduce the rule

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Figure 3.1 Regular refinement and irregular closure

(T1) Each vertex of Tk+1 that does not belong to Tk is a vertex of a regulartriangle.

Note that irregular refinement is potentially dangerous, because the interiorangles are reduced. Hence we add the rule

(T2) Irregular triangles must not be further refined.

We say that a refined triangle is the father of the resulting triangles, whichin turn are called sons. We define the depth of a given triangle t ∈ ⋃j

k=0 Tk

as the number of ancestors of t. Of course, the depth of all triangles t ∈ Tk

is bounded by k. We have the final rule

(T3) Only triangles t ∈ Tk of depth k may be refined for the constructionof Tk+1, 0 ≤ k ≤ j.

As a consequence of (T3), the whole sequence T0,T1, . . . ,Tj can be uniquelyreconstructed from the initial triangulation T0 and the final triangulation Tj

alone. Note that the shape regularity of Tj is inherited from the shape regu-larity of T0. The conditions (T1)–(T3) are meanwhile standard in the field ofmultilevel methods (see e.g. Bank, Dupont and Yserentant [9], Bornemann,Erdmann and Kornhuber [27], Deuflhard, Leinen and Yserentant [45]).

The construction of the triangulations should be based on some adaptivestrategy. Note that the sequence T0, . . . ,Tj does not necessarily reflect theunderlying dynamic refinement process. We will come back to this point inChapter 4.

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68 3 Monotone Multigrid Methods

A sequence T0, . . . ,Tj of nested triangulations gives rise to a sequence ofnested finite element spaces

S0 ⊂ S1 ⊂ . . . ⊂ Sj .

Let Λk = λ(k)p | p ∈ Nk denote the set of nodal basis functions in Sk,

k = 0, . . . , j. Collecting the m0 = n0 elements of Λ0 and the mk new basisfunctions on each level, we define the multilevel nodal basis ΛS with mS =m0 + . . . +mj elements by

ΛS = Λ0 ∪j⋃


Λk \ Λk−1.



Figure 3.2 Low frequency multilevel nodal basis function λ(0)p ∈ ΛS

We use the canonical ordering of ΛS , which follows the refinement levels,

ΛS = (λ(j)p1, λ(j)

p2, . . . , λ(j)

pmj, . . . , λ(0)

p1, . . . , λ(0)

pm0). (1.1)

In the case of elliptic selfadjoint problems, the classical multigrid V–cyclewith Gauß–Seidel smoother and canonical restrictions and prolongationscan be regarded as a linear extended relaxation method induced by theconstant sequence ΛS of search directions (cf. e.g. Xu [122]). Hence, thenonlinear extended relaxation method induced by ΛS is a natural extensionto nonlinear problems of the form (1.3.57).

However, in the case of non–uniform refinement, as considered here, thecanonical ordering (1.1) of ΛS contradicts the condition (M1) that each se-

quence of search directions should start with the elements λ(j)p of the fine grid

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nodal basis Λj (see Section 2.1.2, p. 51). Hence, we consider the extendedrelaxation method induced by

Mν = Λ = (Λj ,ΛS) = (λ(j)p1, . . . , λ(j)

pnj, λnj+1 . . . , λm), ∀ν ≥ 0. (1.2)

The enumeration of the constant extension

Mνc = ΛS = (λnj+1 . . . , λm), ∀ν ≥ 0,

with m = nj +mS , follows the canonical ordering (1.1). It is clear that Λalso satisfies the conditions (M2) and (M3) stated in Section 2.3, p. 60.

Recall that the leading fine grid corrections in direction of λp1, . . . , λpnj

can be evaluated exactly by (2.1.20). Let λl ∈ ΛS ∩ Sk with k < j. Thenthe corresponding coarse grid correction vl cannot be computed withoutevaluating the intermediate iterate wl−1 at all nodes p ∈ int supp λl, becausethe subdifferential ∂φj(wl−1+v) is nonlinear with respect to wl−1. This leadsto (at least) one additional prolongation for each local coarse grid correction.As a consequence, the number of operations for a global iteration step is nolonger bounded by O(nj). To preserve the optimal numerical complexity ofthe classical V–cycle, we will derive suitable approximations of the coarsegrid problems. For simplicity, the fine grid corrections corresponding to λl ∈Λj ∩ ΛS will not be treated separately.

3.1.2 Quasioptimal Approximations

Linear functions on subspaces Sk ⊂ Sj can be represented by their values

on the coarse grid basis functions λ(k)p ∈ Λk. This property gives rise to the

canonical restrictions of the residual and of the stiffness matrix occurringin the implementation of linear subspace correction methods as a classicalV–cycle.

Assume that the smoothed iterate uνj has been computed from a given iterate

uνj by the leading Gauß–Seidel relaxation. To take advantage of the simple

representation of linear functions on the coarse grid spaces, we want torestrict the subsequent intermediate iterates wl, l = nj + 1, . . . ,m, to aneighborhood of uj, on which the subdifferential ∂φj(w) is an affine functionof w. In doing so, we will exploit that φj is generated by a piecewise quadraticfunction Φ (see condition (V3)’ stated in Section 1.2.1).

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70 3 Monotone Multigrid Methods

We define the closed, convex subset Kuνj⊂ Sj,


= v ∈ Sj | ϕνj(p) ≤ v(p) ≤ ϕν

j (p), ∀p ∈ Nj,

where the obstacles ϕνj, ϕν

j ∈ Sj are given by

ϕνj(p) = θi, ϕν

j (p) = θi+1, if uνj (p) ∈ (θi, θi+1)

ϕνj(p) = ϕν

j (p) = θi, if uνj (p) = θi,


for i = 0, . . . , N + 1 and all p ∈ Nj. As usual, the index ν will frequently beskipped in the sequel.

uj(p)ϕj(p) ϕj(p)



Figure 3.3 Local linearization

By construction of the obstacles ϕj

and ϕj, the functional φj on Kujcan be

rewritten in the form

φj(w) = 12buj

(w,w) − fuj(w) + const., ∀w ∈ Kuj

, (1.4)


∂φj(w)(v) = buj(w, v) − fuj

(v), ∀w ∈ Kuj, ∀v ∈ Sj. (1.5)

The bilinear form buj(·, ·) and the functional fuj

on Sj are defined by (2.3.50)and (2.3.51), respectively, replacing uj by uj. Observe that the underlyingapproximation of the discrete phases

Nj = N •j (uj) ∪



N ij (uj) (1.6)

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is fixed by the fine grid relaxation. For the definition of discrete phases, werefer to (2.3.40) and (2.3.41).

It is trivial that uj ∈ Kuj. As the local linearization (1.5) is only valid in

the neighborhood Kujof uj , we impose the condition

v∗l ∈ D∗l ⊂ Vl, ∀l = nj + 1, . . . ,m, (1.7)

on the subsequent corrections v∗l . The subsets D∗l ,

D∗l = v ∈ Vl | ϕj

(p) − wl−1(p) ≤ v(p) ≤ ϕj(p) − wl−1(p), ∀p ∈ Nj,

are chosen in such a way that wl ∈ Kuj, l = nj + 1, . . . ,m. Equivalently, the

coarse grid corrections must not cause a change of phase. In particular, thevalues at the critical points p ∈ N •

j (uj) remain invariant.

To satisfy the condition (1.7), we approximate the local subproblems (2.1.22)by the constrained minimization problems

v∗l ∈ D∗l : J (wl−1 + v∗l ) + φj(wl−1 + v∗l )

≤ J (wl−1 + v) + φj(wl−1 + v), ∀v ∈ D∗l .


By virtue of the representation (1.5), the local obstacle problems (1.8) canbe reformulated as the variational inequalities

v∗l ∈ D∗l : auj

(v∗l , v − v∗l )

≥ `uj(v − v∗l ) − auj

(wl−1, v − v∗l ), ∀v ∈ D∗l ,


where the bilinear form auj(·, ·) and the functional `uj

are defined in analogyto (2.3.52).

It will follow from a later result that the approximate subproblems (1.9)correspond to certain quasioptimal approximations. However, the solutionof (1.9) still cannot be obtained in an efficient way, because the definitionof the constraints D∗

l makes use of the values wl−1(p), p ∈ Nj. Recall thatthe evaluation of wl(p) for all p ∈ Nj and all l = nj + 1, . . . ,m spoils theoptimal numerical complexity.

Hence, the subproblems (1.9) are replaced by further approximations

vl ∈ Dl : auj(vl, v − vl)

≥ `uj(v − vl) − auj

(wl−1, v − vl), ∀v ∈ Dl,(1.10)

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72 3 Monotone Multigrid Methods

where the closed, convex subsets Dl ⊂ Vl,

Dl = v ∈ Vl | ψl(p) ≤ v(p) ≤ ψl(p), ∀p ∈ Nj,

are intended to approximate the constraints D∗l . Consequently, the local

obstacles ψl, ψl ∈ Vl should approximate the defect obstacles ϕ

j−wl−1 and

ϕ − wl−1, respectively. Observe that the condition ψl, ψl ∈ Vl allows us to

check the constraints without visiting the fine grid.

To give a reinterpretation of the approximate subproblems (1.10) in terms ofquasioptimal approximations (cf. Definition 2.8), we will reformulate (1.10)as variational inclusions of the form (2.2.38). For this reason, we define thescalar, convex functions Ψl for all l = nj + 1, . . . ,m by

Ψl(z) = φj(wl−1 + zλl) + χl(z), ∀z ∈ R, (1.11)

where χl denotes the characteristic function of Il = z ∈ R | zλl ∈ Dl ⊂ R.Then it is easily checked that (1.10) can be rewritten as

zl ∈ Il : 0 ∈ allzl − rl + ∂Ψl(zl) (1.12)

and vl = zlλl. Recall the notation all = a(λl, λl) and rl = `(λl)−a(wl−1, λl).

The local obstacles (ψνl)ν≥0, (ψ

νl )ν≥0, are called quasioptimal, if (∂Ψν

l )ν≥0

is a quasioptimal approximation of (∂Φνl )ν≥0. The following lemma gives

sufficient criteria for the quasioptimality.

Lemma 3.1 Assume that for all l = nj + 1, . . . ,m and all ν ≥ 0 the localobstacles ψν

land ψ

νl are continuous functions of wν

nj, . . . , wν



= ψl(wν

nj, . . . , wν

l−1), ψνl = ψl(w

νnj, . . . , wν


which are monotone in the sense that wνnj, . . . , wν

l−1 ∈ Kuνj


ϕνj(p) − wν

l−1(p) ≤ ψνl(p) ≤ 0 ≤ ψ

νl (p) ≤ ϕν

j (p) − wνl−1(p) (1.13)

for all p ∈ int supp λl.

Assume further that for l = nj + 1, . . . ,m the functions ψ∗l

= ψl(uj , . . . , uj)

and ψ∗l = ψl(uj , . . . , uj) satisfy

ψ∗l(p) < 0 < ψ

∗l (p), ∀p ∈ int supp λl, (1.14)

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if λl(p) = 0 holds for all p ∈ N •j (uj).

Then the local obstacles (ψνl)ν≥0, (ψ

νl )ν≥0 are quasioptimal.

Proof. Consider some fixed l = nj +1, . . . ,m. It is clear from uj = wnj∈ Kuj

and (1.13) that 0 ∈ Il. Now the monotonicity (2.1.25) follows from

Ψl(z) = Φl(z) + χl(z), ∀z ∈ R, (1.15)

and simple arguments from convex analysis.

Assume that the intermediate iterates (wνl )ν≥0 and their phases are conver-

gent in the sense of (2.3.43). Choose ν0 ≥ 0 such that N •j (wν

l ) = N •j (uj)

holds for all l = 1, . . . ,m and all ν ≥ ν0. As ψνl, ψ

νl depend continuously on

wnj, . . . , wm the convergence of (wν

l )ν≥0 implies

ψνl(p) → ψ∗

l(p), ψ

νl (p) → ψ

∗l (p), ν → ∞. (1.16)

The convergence is uniform with respect to l = nj +1, . . . ,m and p ∈ Nj. Itis easily seen that the inequalities in (1.14) also hold uniformly with respectto l and p. Hence, we can find a positive number ε > 0 and an index ν1 ≥ ν0

such that

ψνl(p) ≤ −ε < 0 < ε ≤ ψ

νl (p), ∀p ∈ Nj ∩ int supp λl, (1.17)

is valid for all ν ≥ ν1, if λl is vanishing on N •j (uj). Setting I = (−ε, ε), we

clearly have 0 ∈ I ⊂ Il and

∂Ψνl (z) = ∂Φν

l (z), ∀z ∈ I, ∀ν ≥ ν1, (1.18)

if λl(p) = 0 holds for all p ∈ N •j (uj). This completes the proof.

We emphasize that no particular properties of the multilevel nodal basisentered our preceding considerations. In fact, the construction of quasiopti-mal approximations by suitable obstacle problems of the form (1.10) can begeneralized to any regular sequence (Mν)ν≥0 of search directions.

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3.1.3 Quasioptimal Restrictions

To complete the construction of a monotone multigrid method, we nowderive quasioptimal local obstacles ψ

land ψl for l = nj + 1, . . . ,m. For

symmetry reasons, it is sufficient to consider only the upper obstacles ψl.The construction relies on suitable successive restrictions of the upper defectobstacles ϕj − wν

l .

We say that λl ∈ Λ is on level k, if λl ∈ Λk. To identify the supportingpoints and the levels of λl ∈ ΛS , we will use the notation

λlik = λ(k)pi, i = 1, . . . ,mk, k = 0, . . . , j.

Then the correction

v(k) = v(k)p1

+ . . . + v(k)pmk


is the sum of all local corrections vlik = v(k)pi in direction of the basis functions

λlik = λ(k)pi on level k. Recall that the local corrections vl are obtained from

the local obstacle problems (1.10).

Lemma 3.2 Assume that the mappings Rkk+1 : Sk+1 → Sk, k = j−1, . . . , 0,

are continuous and that the conditions

Rkk+1v(p) ≤ v(p), ∀p ∈ Nk+1, (1.20)


minv(q) | q ∈ Nk+1 ∩ int supp λ(k)p ≤ Rk

k+1v(p), ∀p ∈ Nk, (1.21)

hold for all non–negative v ∈ Sk+1. Then, for a given iterate uνj and the

initial defect obstacle ψ(j)

= ϕj − uνj , the recursive restriction


= Rkk+1(ψ

(k+1) − v(k+1)), k = j − 1, . . . , 0, (1.22)

inductively provides quasioptimal local obstacles ψl ∈ Vl by the definition

ψlik = ψ(k)

(pi)λ(k)pi, i = 1, . . . ,mk, k = j − 1, . . . , 0. (1.23)

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Proof. Observe that we have

ψ(j) − v(j) = ϕj − (uνj + v(j)) ≥ 0,

because ϕj − uνj ≥ 0 holds by construction of ϕj , and this property is

preserved by the subsequent local fine grid corrections computed from thelocal obstacle problems (1.8).

Now we can inductively apply the condition (1.20) to show the monotonicity(1.13) of the local upper obstacles ψl defined in (1.23). The property (1.14)follows in a similar way from the condition (1.21), and the definition of ϕj

together with the continuity of the restrictions Rkk+1 implies that the local

obstacles are continuous functions of the preceding intermediate iterates.

We are left with the problem of constructing quasioptimal restriction oper-ators Rk

k+1 : Sk+1 → Sk satisfying the assumptions of Lemma 3.2.

It is easily seen that the restrictions rkk+1 : Sk+1 → Sk, k = 0, . . . , j − 1,

rkk+1v(p) = minv(q) | q ∈ Nk+1 ∩ int supp λ(k)

p , ∀p ∈ Nk, (1.24)

proposed by Mandel [93, 92], are quasioptimal in this sense. Though thedefinition (1.24) looks quite natural in the light of condition (1.21), it doesnot take advantage of the fact that the arguments v ∈ Sk+1 of rk

k+1 arepiecewise linear on Tk. As a consequence, the resulting local constraints aretoo pessimistic as compared to the quasioptimal restrictions Rk

k+1 which wewill derive now.

For some fixed k, 0 ≤ k ≤ j − 1, let E ′k ⊂ Ek denote the subset of bisected

edges, and pe ∈ Nk+1 is the midpoint of e ∈ E ′k. Selecting a certain order

E ′k = (e1, . . . , es), we define the restriction operator Rk

k+1 : Sk+1 → Sk

according to

Rkk+1v = ISk

Res . . . Re1v. (1.25)

Here ISkdenotes the Sk–interpolation, and for each e ∈ E ′

k the operatorRe : Sk+1 → Sk+1 is of the form

Rev = v + v1λ(k+1)p1

+ v2λ(k+1)p2

, (1.26)

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76 3 Monotone Multigrid Methods

p1 pe p2




Figure 3.4 Local monotone restriction

with p1, p2 ∈ Nk denoting the vertices of e = (p1, p2) ∈ E ′k. The scalars

v1, v2 ∈ R in (1.26) are chosen such that

Rev(p) ≤ v(p), p = p1, pe, p2.

In particular, we set v1 = 0, if v(p1) ≤ v(pe) or if 12 (v(p1) + v(p2)) ≤ v(pe).

In the remaining case, v1 is determined by

v1 =

2v(pe) − v(p1) − v(p2), if v(p2) ≤ v(pe) ≤ v(p1)v(pe) − v(p1), if v(pe) ≤ minv(p1), v(p2)


The value of v2 is obtained in a symmetrical way.

It can be checked by elementary considerations that, for any enumeration ofE ′

k, the definition (1.25) provides a quasioptimal restriction operator Rkk+1.

Moreover, decomposing rkk+1 in local restriction operators re, e ∈ E ′

k, inanalogy to (1.25), it can be shown that

rkk+1v ≤ Rk

k+1v (1.27)

holds for all non–negative v ∈ Sk+1. This is illustrated in Figure 3.4. Hence,using Rk

k+1 instead of rkk+1, we can expect less damping of the coarse–grid

corrections, providing faster convergence of the corresponding algorithm. Onthe other hand, if the underlying problem is non–degenerate, then we knowfrom the preceding chapter that the asymptotic behavior of both methodsmust be the same. This partly heuristic reasoning is strengthened by nu-merical experiments (cf. Kornhuber [82, 83]).

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3.1.4 A Standard Multigrid V–Cycle

The extended underrelaxation provided by the local subproblems (1.10) withupper local obstacles (ψ

νl )ν≥0 generated according to Lemma 3.2 by the

quasioptimal upper restrictions Rkk+1 = Rk

k+1 and with lower local obsta-

cles (ψνl)ν≥0 generated in a similar way by the lower counterparts Rk

k+1 iscalled the standard monotone multigrid method induced by Λ. Other stan-dard monotone multigrid methods are characterized by other constant se-quences of search directions which contain the multilevel nodal basis ΛS andstart with the nodal basis Λj (cf. condition (M1), p. 51).

The standard monotone multigrid method induced by Λ can be implementedas a classical V–cycle.

Algorithm 3.1 (Standard Monotone Multigrid Method)

given iterate: uνj

fine grid smoothing: uνj := Mj(u

νj )

local linearization: auνj

:= a+ buνj, `uν

j:= `+ fuν


coarse grid correction:


bilinear form and residual: a(j) := auνj, r(j) := `uν

j− auν


j , ·)

defect obstacles: ψ(j) := ϕνj− uν

j , ψ(j)

:= ϕνj − uν


global correction: vνj := 0

for k = j − 1 step −1 until 0 do

canonical restrictions: a(k) := a(k+1)|Sk×Sk, r(k) := r(k+1)|Sk

quasioptimal restrictions: ψ(k) := Rkk+1ψ

(k+1), ψ(k)

:= Rkk+1ψ


coarse grid smoothing: v(k) := Mk(a(k), r(k), ψ(k), ψ



residual: r(k) := r(k) − a(k)(v(k), ·)defect obstacles: ψ(k) := ψ(k) − v(k), ψ

(k):= ψ

(k) − v(k)

for k = 0 step 1 until j − 1 do

canonical interpolation: vνj := vν

j + v(k)

new iterate: uν+1j := uν

j + vνj

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Recall that Mj stands for one step of the nonlinear Gauß–Seidel relax-ation (2.1.3). The resulting smoothed iterate uν

j determines the actual finegrid obstacles ϕν

jand ϕν

j according to (1.3). These constraints define the

neighborhood Kuνj

of uνj in which the local linearization (1.5) is valid. The

bilinear form a(k)(·, ·) and the actual residual r(k) can be applied directly tothe elements of the subspaces Sk which gives the canonical restriction. In

(1.25), we have just defined the (quasioptimal) restriction Rkk+1 of the upper

defect obstacle ψ(k)

. The restriction Rkk+1 of the lower counterpart ψ(k) is

performed in a symmetrical way.

The evaluation of the correction v(k) (see 1.19) from the approximate localcoarse grid problems (1.10) can be rewritten as a projected Gauß–Seidel it-eration on level k. For given bilinear form a, right–hand side r, and obstaclesψ, ψ, the corresponding iteration operator is denoted by Mk(a, r, ψ, ψ).

The implementation of Algorithm 3.1 requires its reformulation in terms of

vectors and matrices. To this end, each of the nodal basis functions λ(k)p

is identified with a unit vector of the corresponding Euclidean space. Inthe linear selfadjoint case, the resulting transformation of the algorithmis described for example by Hackbusch [65] or Braess [30]. A correspondinglinear multigrid code can be extended to an implementation of Algorithm 3.1simply by using nonlinear or projected Gauß–Seidel smoothers and addingthe quasioptimal restrictions.

As a consequence of Theorem 2.9, we have the following

Proposition 3.3 The standard monotone multigrid method induced by Λis globally convergent. If the discrete problem (1.3.57) is non–degenerate inthe sense of (2.3.42), then the standard monotone multigrid method reducesasymptotically to the linear extended relaxation method induced by Λ,

Λ = Λ ∩ Sj , (1.28)

for the corresponding linear reduced problem (2.3.53). The ordering of thesubset Λ ⊂ Λ is inherited from Λ.

Observe that all elements λl ∈ Λ with λl 6∈ Λ, i.e. with the propertyint supp λl ∩ N •

j (uj) 6= ∅, asymptotically do not contribute to the coarsegrid correction. This leads to deteriorated asymptotic convergence rates ascompared to classical linear multigrid methods.

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3.2 Truncated Monotone Multigrid Methods 79

3.2 Truncated Monotone Multigrid Methods

In the special case of obstacle problems, the standard monotone multigridmethod presented above reduces to a variant of the multigrid method ofMandel [93, 92]. It turned out in numerical experiments that this methodusually converges not as fast as the algorithm of Brandt and Cryer [33].However, for the latter method there is no convergence proof. It was shownin a recent paper by Kornhuber [82] that the combination of satisfying theo-retical and numerical properties can be achieved by adapting the multilevelnodal basis to the discrete phases by suitable truncation.

3.2.1 Truncation of the Multilevel Nodal Basis

The overall convergence of a monotone multigrid method is frequently dom-inated by the asymptotic convergence rates (cf. Kornhuber [82, 83]). Toimprove the asymptotic convergence by improved coarse–grid transport, wewill now extend the set Λ by suitable truncation of the multilevel nodalbasis functions λl ∈ ΛS .

Assume that a smoothed iterate uνj has been computed by the fine grid

relaxation, providing the set of critical nodes N •j (uν

j ). We define

λ(k)p = T ν

j,kλ(k)p , ∀p ∈ Nk, (2.29)

using the truncation operators T νj,k, k = 0, . . . , j,

T νj,k = ISν

j . . . ISν

k. (2.30)

Here ISνk

: Sj → Sνk denotes the Sν

k –interpolation and the spaces Sνk ⊂ Sk,

Sνk = v ∈ Sk | v(p) = 0, ∀p ∈ N ν

k ⊂ Sk, (2.31)

are the reduced subspaces with respect to N νk = Nk ∩N •

j (uνj ), k = 0, . . . , j.

A truncated nodal basis functions may have a rather strange shape. In par-ticular, their support does not need to be connected. For a one–dimensionalanalogue this is illustrated in Figure 3.5 where the two critical nodes aremarked by dots.

Note that we have

λ(k)p = 0, ∀p ∈ N ν

k .

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80 3 Monotone Multigrid Methods

λ(0)p λ



Figure 3.5 Truncated nodal basis function λ(0)p ∈ Λν


The ordering of the remaining functions λνlik

:= λ(k)pi , pi ∈ Nk \ N ν

k , isinherited from ΛS providing the variable extension

Mνc = Λν

S = (λνnj+1, . . . , λ

νmν ), ∀ν ≥ 0. (2.32)

ΛνS is called truncated multilevel nodal basis. The extension (2.32) leads to

Mν = Λν = (Λj , ΛνS), ∀ν ≥ 0. (2.33)

Because there is only a finite number of possible truncations on a fixed gridTj, the sequence (Λν)ν≥0 satisfies condition (M2) stated in Section 2.3, p.60. Obviously, Λν depends only on the actual set of critical nodes N •

j (uνj ) so

that condition (M3) is also fulfilled. In particular, the reduced set Λ ⊂ Sj

is determined by N •j (uj). It is easily checked that

λ(k)p = λ(k)

p , ∀λ(k)p ∈ Λ,

so that Λ ⊂ Λ. Hence, we can hope for improved asymptotic convergencerates of the extended relaxation method induced by (Λν)ν≥0 as comparedto the standard case.

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3.2 Truncated Monotone Multigrid Methods 81

3.2.2 Quasioptimal Approximations and Restrictions

It follows by the same reasoning as above that the extended relaxationmethod induced by (Λν)ν≥0 cannot be implemented with optimal numericalcomplexity.

Hence, we replace the exact local subproblems (2.1.22) for the intermediateiterates wl by obstacle problems of the form

vl ∈ Dl : auj(vl, v − vl)

≥ `uj(v − vl) − auj

(wl−1, v − vl), ∀v ∈ Dl,(2.34)

with closed, convex subsets Dl ⊂ Vl = span λl,

Dl = v ∈ Vl | ψl(p) ≤ v(p) ≤ ψl(p), ∀p ∈ Nj,

based on the local obstacles ψl, ψl ∈ Vl, l = nj + 1, . . . , m.

Again, the subproblems (2.34) correspond to quasioptimal approximations ifthe local obstacles ψ

land ψl are properly chosen. In particular, Lemma 3.1

can be literally extended to the actual case of truncated search directions.

Utilizing a corresponding variant of Lemma 3.2, we can derive quasioptimalupper obstacles ψl by recursive restriction,

ψl = Rkk+1(ψ

(k+1) − v(k+1)), k = j − 1, . . . , 0, (2.35)

of the initial upper defect obstacle ψ(j) = ϕj − uνj and the definition

ψlik= ψ


(k)pi, i = 1, . . . ,mk, k = j − 1, . . . , 0. (2.36)

Appropriate restriction operators Rkk+1 : Sk+1 → Sk, k = j − 1, . . . , 0, are

obtained by a slight modification of the restrictions Rkk+1. More precisely,

we set

Rkk+1v = ISk

Res . . . Re1v. (2.37)

To obtain the local restriction operator Re for each e ∈ E ′k, we formally

set v(pe) = ∞ if pe ∈ N νk+1 and then compute the coefficients v1 and v2

appearing in (1.26) in the same way as before.

Quasioptimal lower obstacles ψl, l = nj + 1, . . . , m, can be derived by sym-

metry arguments.

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3.2.3 A Truncated Multigrid V–Cycle

The extended underrelaxation provided by the local subproblems (2.34) withupper local obstacles (ψ

νl )ν≥0 generated according to (2.36) by the qua-

sioptimal restriction operators Rkk+1 defined in (2.37) and with lower local

obstacles (ψνl)ν≥0 generated in a symmetrical way is called the truncated

monotone multigrid method induced by (Λν)ν≥0. Other truncated monotonemultigrid methods result from the truncation of other constant sequencesof search directions which contain the multilevel nodal basis ΛS and startwith the nodal basis Λj (cf. condition (M1), p. 51).

Truncated monotone multigrid methods can be implemented as a slight mod-ification of the related standard version. In fact, we only have to modify therestriction of the stiffness matrix, of the residual and of the defect obstaclesin such a way that there is no contribution from values at the actual criticalnodes p ∈ N •

j (uνj ). Recall the definition of N •

j (uνj ) in (2.3.41).

Modifications of Algorithm 3.1 (Truncated Monotone Multigrid Method)

modified restrictions of the stiffness matrix and of the residual:

set all entries from the actual critical nodes N •j (uν

j ) to zero

modified quasioptimal restrictions of the upper (lower) defect obstacle:

set all entries from the actual critical nodes N •j (uν

j ) to ∞ (−∞)

modified prolongations of the corrections:

set all prolongations to the actual critical nodes N •j (uν

j ) to zero

For the residual (but not for the stiffness matrix) such modified restric-tions have been used for quite a while in connection with obstacle problems(cf. Brandt and Cryer [33], Hackbusch and Mittelmann [66]).

The following convergence result is a special case of Theorem 2.9.

Proposition 3.4 The truncated monotone multigrid method induced by thesequence (Λν)ν≥0 is globally convergent. If the discrete problem (1.3.57) isnon–degenerate in the sense of (2.3.42), then the truncated monotone multi-grid method reduces asymptotically to the linear extended relaxation methodinduced by Λ for the corresponding linear reduced problem (2.3.53).

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3.3 Asymptotic Convergence Rates 83

3.3 Asymptotic Convergence Rates

In this section, we will derive asymptotic estimates of the convergence ratesof some standard and truncated monotone multigrid methods. By virtueof the asymptotic properties stated in Proposition 3.3 and Proposition 3.4,we only have to consider related successive subspace correction methods forlinear reduced problems of the form (2.3.53). Observe that we cannot expectthat the reduced computational domain Ω ⊂ Ω,

Ω =⋃

p∈N j(uj)

int supp λ(j)p , (3.38)

is resolved by the initial grid T0. This causes some difficulties concerning theconstruction of stable splittings of the solution space S

j . In particular, wehave to modify the usual interpolation operator to obtain a counterpart ofthe well–known hierarchical splitting due to Yserentant [123, 125].

Using the stability of a modified interpolation operator (cf. Hoppe and Korn-huber [75], Kornhuber and Yserentant [88]) and basic results on successivesubspace correction methods (cf. Griebel and Oswald [64], Xu [122], andYserentant [126]), we are able to show that the asymptotic convergence ratesof monotone multigrid methods deteriorate at most logarithmically for de-creasing meshsize. We emphasize that no additional regularity assumptionson the (free) boundary of the reduced domain Ω enter our considerations.On the other hand, the results are restricted to two space dimensions.

Stable decompositions in arbitrary space dimensions can be obtained by L2–like projections (cf. Xu [122], Yserentant [126]). However, the stability thenrelies on certain regularity properties of Ω. For example, it is sufficient toassume that the “critical region” Ω \ Ω is large enough in a certain sense.We will not discuss this subject here, but refer to Kornhuber and Yserentant[88] and Oswald [103] for further information.

3.3.1 A Modified Hierarchical Splitting

For a given subset N •j (uj) ⊂ Nj, a nested sequence of reduced subspaces

S0 ⊂ . . . ⊂ S


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84 3 Monotone Multigrid Methods

is given by

Sk = v ∈ Sk | v(p) = 0, ∀p ∈ N •

j (uj), k = 0, . . . , j.

To derive a hierarchical splitting of the solution space Sj in subspaces Vk ⊂

Sk , k = 0, . . . , j, we will make use of the family of modified interpolation

operators Ik : Sj → Sk , defined by

(Ikv)(p) =

v(p), if λ(k)p ∈ S


0, otherwise, p ∈ Nk. (3.39)

For all v ∈ Sj we have the decomposition

v = I0v +j∑


(Ikv − Ik−1v) (3.40)

so that the space Sj is the direct sum of V0 = S

0 and of the subspaces Vk,

Vk = Ikv − Ik−1v | v ∈ Sj ⊂ S

k . (3.41)

We will make use of the H1–norm ||v||1 = ||v||H1(Ω), given by

||v||1 =(

|v|21 + ||v||20)1/2

where | · |1 and || · ||0 denote the H1–seminorm and the L2–norm on Ω,respectively, and we frequently write

||v||1,t = ||v||H1(t), |v|1,t = |v|H1(t)

for the (semi)norms on a triangle t. If not otherwise stated, the variousconstants c, c1, . . ., depend only on the initial triangulation T0 and may havedifferent values at different occurrences.

The following lemma is a variant of the famous discrete L∞–embedding ofYserentant [123].

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Lemma 3.5 There exists a constant C depending only on the shape regu-larity of the triangles t ∈ Tk such that

|v(x) − v(y)| ≤ C√

j − k + 1 |v|1,t (3.42)

holds for all functions v ∈ Sj and all points x, y ∈ t.

Proof. We consider the situation as transformed to the usual reference tri-angle T . From Lemma 2.1 of Yserentant [123], we have

|v(x)| ≤ c√

j − k + 1 ||v||1,T , ∀x ∈ T,

and Poincare’s inequality takes the form

||v||21,T ≤ 12π2 |v|21,T + 2 |

Tv(x) dx|.

Using the above estimates, we obtain

|v(x) − v(y)| = |w(x) − w(y)| ≤ c√

j − k + 1 |v|1,T , ∀x, y ∈ T,

where w = v− α has vanishing mean value on T . Now the assertion followsfrom the shape regularity and the scaling properties of the H1–seminorm intwo dimensions.

We emphasize that the estimate (3.42) and following stability estimates arerestricted to two space dimensions.

Lemma 3.6 There exists a constant C depending only on the shape regu-larity of the triangles in T0 such that

|Ikv|1 ≤ C√

j − k + 1 |v|1 (3.43)

holds for all functions v ∈ Sj .

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Proof. We estimate |Ikv|21,t for a fixed v ∈ Sk and all triangles t ∈ Tk. Two

cases have to be distinguished.

In the first case, we assume that t is an “interior” triangle of Ω, i.e. that

the basis functions λ(k)p associated with all three vertices p of t belong to S

k .Then the restriction of Ikv to t is simply the linear interpolant of v at thevertices of t. Therefore, the estimate

|Ikv|1,t ≤ c1√

j − k + 1 |v|1,t (3.44)

follows from Lemma 3.6 by a simple scaling argument.

If there is a vertex p of t such that λ(k)p 6∈ S

k , then the situation is slightlymore complicated. In this case, there exists at least one triangle t with vertexp that contains a point x /∈ Ω. Using v(x) = 0, we get

|v(x)| ≤ |v(x) − v(p)| + |v(p) − v(x)|≤ c

j − k + 1( |v|1,t + |v|1,t


for all x ∈ t. In a similar way as above, this yields the estimate

|Ikv|1,t ≤ c2√

j − k + 1( |v|1,t + |v|1,t


. (3.45)

As each triangle in Tk intersects only a finite number of other triangles inTk, the assertion follows from (3.44) and (3.45).

The functions vk in the space Vk satisfy the estimate

4k||vk||20 ≤ c |vk|21 (3.46)

with a constant c depending again only on the shape regularity of the trian-gles under consideration. This estimate relies on the observation that everynode p ∈ Nk has a neighbor q ∈ Nk of first or second degree at which thefunctions in Vk vanish.

The following stability result is an immediate consequence of Lemma 3.6and of (3.46) (cf. Yserentant [123, 124]).

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3.3 Asymptotic Convergence Rates 87

Proposition 3.7 There exists a constant C depending only on the initialtriangulation T0 such that

|I0v|21 +j∑


4k||Ikv − Ik−1v||20 ≤ C(j + 1)2|v|21 (3.47)

holds for all functions v ∈ Sj .

We emphasize that the constant C appearing in (3.47) does not depend onthe reduced domain Ω. Observe that in our application the boundary of Ω

reflects the discrete free boundary separating the different phases and thecritical nodes.

3.3.2 Final Convergence Results for the Standard Version

The estimate of the asymptotic convergence rates of the standard monotonemultigrid method induced by Λ relies on the decomposition

Sj =


Vλ, Vλ = span λ, (3.48)

of the solution space in the one–dimensional subspaces Vλ. The followinglemma is a corollary of Proposition 3.7.

Lemma 3.8 For every v ∈ Sj there is a decomposition

v =∑


vλ, vλ ∈ Vλ, (3.49)

with the property


auj(vλ, vλ) ≤ c(j + 1)2auj

(v, v). (3.50)

The constant c depends only on the ellipticity of a(·, ·), on the maximalcoefficient bi, i = 0, . . . , N , of Φ (cf. condition (V3)’ in Section 1.2.1, p. 23)and on the initial triangulation T0.

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Proof. Consider some fixed v ∈ Sj and let v =

∑jk=0 vk be the hierarchical

splitting (3.40) with Vk defined in (3.41). Let ΛVk⊂ Λk ∩ Λ be the nodal

basis of Vk, k = 0, . . . , j. Using the interpolation IVλ: Sk → Vλ = spanλ,

we define

vλ = IVλvk, λ ∈ ΛVk

, k = 0, . . . , j,

and vλ = 0 for all remaining λ ∈ Λ. This leads to the decomposition

v =j∑


vk =j∑



vλ =∑


vλ. (3.51)

We will show that the splitting (3.51) satisfies (3.50). To this end, we useProposition 3.7, the estimate





|vk(p)|2 ≤ 2 ||vk||20,

the well–known inverse inequality

|vλ|21 ≤ c4k||vλ||20,

and the equivalence of norms on S0, to obtain


|vλ|21 ≤ c(j + 1)2|v|21. (3.52)

Now the assertion follows from the equivalence

c auj(v, v) ≤ |v|21 ≤ Cauj

(v, v), (3.53)

with constants c, C depending only on the ellipticity of a(·, ·) and on themaximal coefficient bi, i = 0, . . . , N , of Φ.

The following lemma is an immediate consequence of a strengthened Cauchy-Schwarz inequality (see e.g. Bornemann [24] or Zhang [127]).

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3.3 Asymptotic Convergence Rates 89

Lemma 3.9 Assume that v ∈ Sj is decomposed according to

v =j∑


vk, vk ∈ span Λ(k),

denoting Λ(0) = Λ0 and Λ(k) = Λk \ Λk−1, k = 1, . . . , j. Then the estimate

|v|21 ≤ Cj∑


|vk|21 (3.54)

holds with a constant C depending only on the initial triangulation T0.

Recall that the discrete phases of some v ∈ Sj are defined in Section 2.3where also the non–degeneracy condition (2.3.42) is stated. The piecewisequadratic function Φ generates the functional φj (cf. (1.3.55)), and we as-sume that Φ satisfies the conditions (V1), (V2), and (V3)’ from Section1.2.1), p. 23. Now we are ready to state the final convergence theorem forour standard multigrid method.

Theorem 3.10 The standard monotone multigrid method induced by Λ isglobally convergent.

Assume that the discrete problem (1.3.57) is non–degenerate. Then the dis-crete phases of the iterates (uν

j )ν≥0 converge to the discrete phases of uj ,and there is a ν0 = ν0(j) ≥ 0 such that we have the error estimate

|||uj − uν+1j ||| ≤ (1 − c(j + 1)−4)|||uj − uν

j |||, ∀ν ≥ ν0, (3.55)

with respect to the asymptotic energy norm ||| · ||| = auj(·, ·)1/2. The positive

constant c < 1 depends only on the ellipticity of a(·, ·), on the maximalcoefficient bi, i = 0, . . . , N , from (V3)’ and on the initial triangulation T0.

Proof. The global convergence follows from Proposition 3.3 and, in the non–degenerate case, the iteration reduces asymptotically to the successive sub-space correction method characterized by the splitting (3.48).

Note that the number J = #Λ of one–dimensional subspaces Vλ satisfies

J ≤ c 4j . (3.56)

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Following Griebel and Oswald [64], we introduce the norm || · ||,

|| v ||2 = inf vλ∈Vλ: v=∑

λ∈Λ vλ


auj(vλ, vλ).

As a consequence of Lemma 3.8, we have the lower estimate

|| v ||2 ≤ c(j + 1)2auj(v, v), ∀v ∈ S

j , (3.57)

with a suitable constant c. Using Lemma 3.9, the equivalence (3.53) anda simple coloring argument (cf. e.g. Bornemann [24] or Zhang [127]), weobtain the converse upper estimate

auj(v, v) ≤ C || v ||2, ∀v ∈ S

j . (3.58)

By virtue of (3.56), (3.57) and (3.58), the assertion follows from Theorem 4by Griebel and Oswald [64].

We emphasize that the estimate (3.55) describes the worst case. Absolutelyno regularity assumptions on the continuous or discrete free boundary enterthe constant c. In addition, we have considered the most simple variant ofstandard monotone multigrid methods.

By repeating the successive (approximate) minimization in the direction of

the basis functions λ(k)p on each level k = j, · · · , 0 in reversed order, we obtain

a standard monotone multigrid method with symmetric smoother. For thisvariant, we get a O(j2(log j)2) estimate.

Together with the stability (3.43) of the modified interpolation operatorsIk, all these results are restricted to two space dimensions. In the higherdimensional case, we have to work with modified L2-projections. In contrastto the interpolation technique, this requires a certain regularity of the (free)boundary of the reduced computational domain Ω. For example, exclud-ing “poor” critical regions Ω \ Ω, such as lines or points, Kornhuber andYserentant [88] proved an O(j) estimate. Mesh–independent convergencerates in arbitrary space dimensions were stated by Oswald [103] under verysimilar conditions.

Upper bounds for the global convergence rates which deteriorate exponen-tially with the number of refinement levels j can be obtained from the workof Tai [115]. However, these results are much too pessimistic as compared toour numerical experiments where we usually found uniform upper boundsfor the global convergence rates. A theoretical justification of these obser-vations is still an open problem.

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3.3 Asymptotic Convergence Rates 91

3.3.3 Final Convergence Results for the Truncated Version

We state an analogue of Theorem 3.10 for the corresponding truncatedmultigrid method.

Theorem 3.11 The truncated monotone multigrid method induced by (Λν)ν≥0

is globally convergent.

Assume that the discrete problem (1.3.57) is non–degenerate. Then the dis-crete phases of the iterates (uν

j )ν≥0 converge to the discrete phases of uj ,and there is a ν0 = ν0(j) ≥ 0 such that we have the error estimate

|||uj − uν+1j ||| ≤ (1 − c(j + 1)−6)|||uj − uν

j |||, ∀ν ≥ ν0, (3.59)

with respect to the asymptotic energy norm ||| · ||| = auj(·, ·)1/2. The positive

constant c < 1 depends only on the ellipticity of a(·, ·), on the maximalcoefficient bi, i = 0, . . . , N , from (V3)’ and on the initial triangulation T0.

Proof. We only have to show the asymptotic error estimate (3.59). By virtueof Proposition 3.4, the iteration reduces asymptotically to the successivesubspace correction method characterized by the splitting

Sj =


Vλ, vλ = span λ. (3.60)

In analogy to the standard case, this splitting gives rise to the norm

|| v ||2 = inf vλ∈Vλ: v=∑

λ∈Λ vλ


auj(vλ, vλ).

In order to apply the results of Griebel and Oswald [64], we again haveto provide a lower and an upper estimate of the form (3.57) and (3.58),respectively. As a consequence of Λ ⊂ Λ, the lower estimate is trivial.

For the upper estimate, we cannot apply Lemma 3.9, because truncations of

the basis functions λ(k)p ∈ Λk are in general not contained in Sk. Using the

triangle inequality and the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, we can show that

|v|21 ≤ c (j + 1)j∑


|vk|21 (3.61)

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holds for all decompositions v = v0 + . . .+ vj of v ∈ Sj in fine grid functionsvk ∈ Sj , k = 0, . . . , j. Replacing (3.54) by this more pessimistic estimate,we get the upper estimate

auj(v, v) ≤ c(j + 1) || v ||2, ∀v ∈ Sj . (3.62)

Now the assertion (3.59) follows again from Theorem 4 in [64].

Again the pessimistic bound (3.59) can be improved for more sophisticatedvariants. In analogy to the standard case, we can define a truncated mono-tone multigrid method with symmetric smoother. For this method, we canprove an O(j3) estimate in a similar way as above (see e.g. Theorem 4.5).

Nevertheless, these asymptotic estimates seem to contradict our intention toimprove the convergence rates by suitable truncation. The reason is that thepresent theory is not elaborated enough to work out the possible benefits ofsuch unconventional extensions for the lower estimate. On the other hand,the resulting problems for the upper estimate are felt immediately.

In several numerical experiments, we found a very similar asymptotic be-havior with respect to j both of standard and truncated methods. This wasusually better than predicted by (3.55) and (3.59), respectively. However,the convergence of truncated methods was always much faster than theconvergence of the corresponding standard variant. For uniformly refinedtriangulations, we refer to the recent papers of Kornhuber [82, 83] and Ko-rnhuber and Yserentant [88]. Non–uniform refinements will be consideredin Chapter 5.

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4 A Posteriori Error Estimates and

Adaptive Refinement

In many practical computations, we want to approximate the solution u ofthe continuous minimization problem (1.2.33) up to a prescribed toleranceTOL. In this case, the discretization (1.3.57) has to be chosen in such a waythat we can compute an approximation uJ ∈ SJ of the exact finite elementsolution uJ ∈ SJ with the property

||u− uJ || ≤ TOL.

Adaptive methods are intended to produce a triangulation TJ which pro-vides the desired accuracy with a minimal number of nodes. This involves the(approximate) solution of a nonlinear approximation problem (cf. Oswald[104]). Adaptive multilevel methods, to be considered in this chapter, pro-vide a well–established framework for such algorithms which can be brieflydescribed as follows.

Assume that an intentionally coarse initial triangulation T0 is available.Though the actual construction of such a T0 may be a non–trivial task, wewill not discuss this problem here (see for example Kornhuber and Roitzsch[87, 106]).

Starting with T0, a sequence of successively refined triangulations is pro-duced in the following way. We discretize the continuous problem with re-spect to the actual triangulation Tj and solve the resulting discrete problemup to a certain accuracy, to obtain the actual approximation uj . If the globalaccuracy condition ||u− uj|| ≤ TOL is satisfied, then the approximation uj

is accepted and the computation is stopped. Otherwise we adapt Tj by localrefinement of suitably selected triangles and repeat the same cycle on thenext refinement level.

In this way, we simultaneously get an increasing sequence of nested trian-gulations T0, . . . ,Tj, j ≤ J , which can be directly used for the fast solutionof the corresponding discrete problems by monotone multigrid methods (cf.Chapter 3). This is not the case for related strategies based on a complete

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remeshing of the computational domain (see for example Nochetto, Paolini,and Verdi [98, 99]). Moreover, successive local refinement extends withoutdifficulties to three (or more) space dimensions (cf. e.g. Bansch [13], Bey[22], Bornemann, Erdmann, and Kornhuber [27]). In this case, remeshingbecomes considerably more time–consuming.

Using the general approach described above, we will derive a posteriori esti-mates for the approximation error ||u− uj||, a refinement strategy based onlocal error indicators and stopping criteria for the complete adaptive algo-rithm. As a discrete counterpart, we will provide a posteriori estimates forthe algebraic error ||uj − uj|| together with stopping criteria for the iterativesolution on each refinement level.

4.1 A Posteriori Estimates of the Approximation


Let u ∈ H = H10 (Ω) denote the exact solution of the continuous minimiza-

tion problem (1.2.33), uj ∈ Sj the exact solution of the approximate discreteproblem (1.3.57) and uj ∈ Sj an approximate solution of (1.3.57). Usually,uj results from a certain number of steps of some iterative solver. As onlyuj is available in actual computations, we will concentrate on reliable andefficient a posteriori estimates providing upper and lower bounds of the ap-proximation error ||u−uj||. Related estimates of the algebraic error ||uj−uj||will be derived in the final section of this chapter.

The construction of error estimates will be carried out in two steps.

• Discretize the defect problem with respect to an enlarged space.

• Localize the resulting discrete defect problem.

In the case of elliptic selfadjoint problems, the resulting hierarchic error es-timates were introduced by Zienkiewicz, Gago and Kelly [128]. The intimaterelation of error estimation and preconditioning first appeared explicitly ina paper of Deuflhard, Leinen and Yserentant [45]. Replacing the piecewisequadratic functions by other extensions of the original space Sj, the hier-archical approach allows a unified view on a variety of apparently differentconcepts (cf. Bornemann, Erdmann and Kornhuber [28] and Verfurth [118]).A slightly modified extension is of particular interest in the case of three

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space dimensions [28]. For a comprehensive overview on other approachesto a posteriori error estimation, we refer to the monograph of Verfurth [119]in this series.

Using Newton type linearization, Bank and Smith [10] have extended hi-erarchical error estimates from the elliptic selfadjoint case to differentiablenonlinear problems. As we cannot use Newton’s method for our non–smoothminimization problem, we will apply the hierarchical concept directly. Thisrequires some care in the localization of the discrete defect problem. Astraightforward approach was applied successfully to a special obstacleproblem arising from semiconductor device simulation (cf. Kornhuber andRoitzsch [86, 87]). However, it turned out in the subsequent analysis thatthe resulting error estimator is not robust (cf. Hoppe and Kornhuber [75]).In particular, the localization step may produce a vanishing error estimateeven though the solution of the original discrete defect problem is not zero.

It will turn out that this problem can be remedied by a diagonal scalingof the discrete defect problem. In this way, the original global problem isdecomposed in a number of one–dimensional subproblems. The constantsdescribing the quality of the error estimates are independent of the refine-ment level j, if the discrete error is a high–frequency function. Recall similarproperties of cascadic iterations (cf. Deuflhard [44], Shaidurov [112] andBornemann and Deuflhard [26]). This heuristic assumption can be justifiedunder severe restrictions on the discrete defect problem. There is numericalevidence indicating that these conditions may be relaxed. We refer to Ko-rnhuber [84, 85] and to the numerical results presented in the final chapter.

A more robust (and unfortunately more expensive) a posteriori error esti-mate is based on nonlinear iteration. In this case we get uniform constantsunder (slightly) less restrictive conditions. An extension of these results tomore realistic situations is very closely related to optimal global bounds forthe convergence rates of monotone multigrid methods. Recall that this is anopen problem.

4.1.1 A Discrete Defect Problem

For a given uj ∈ Sj the desired correction e = u− uj ∈ H is the solution ofthe defect problem

e ∈ H : 12a(e, e) − r(e) + ψ(e)

≤ 12a(v, v) − r(v) + ψ(v), ∀v ∈ H,


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where we have used the translated functional ψ : H → R ∪ +∞,

ψ(v) = φ(uj + v) =

ΩΦ(uj + v) dx,

and the bounded linear functional r : H → R,

r(v) = `(v) − a(uj , v).

In order to discretize the continuous defect problem (1.1), we introduce thespace Qj ⊂ H of continuous, piecewise quadratic functions, spanned by thenodal basis

ΛQj = λQp | p ∈ NQ,

where NQ = Nj ∪NE and NE consists of the midpoints of the interior edgese ∈ Ej . Interpolating Φ(uj + v) by piecewise quadratic finite elements, weobtain the approximation ψQ : Qj → R ∪ +∞,

ψQ(v) =∑


Φ(uj(p) + v(p))

ΩλQp (x)dx,

of the functional ψ. Then eQ is the unique solution of the discrete defectproblem

eQ ∈ Qj : 12a(eQ, eQ) − r(eQ) + ψQ(eQ)

≤ 12a(v, v) − r(v) + ψQ(v), ∀v ∈ Qj .


In the light of Theorem 1.6 and Proposition 1.7, the minimization problem(1.2) can be reformulated as the variational inequality

eQ ∈ Qj : a(eQ, v − eQ) + ψQ(v) − ψQ(eQ)

≥ r(v − eQ), ∀v ∈ Qj ,(1.3)

or as the variational inclusion

eQ ∈ Qj : 0 ∈ a(eQ, v) − r(v) + ∂ψQ(eQ)(v), ∀v ∈ Qj. (1.4)

Using Green’s formula, the local residuals r(λQp ), p ∈ NQ, can be reformu-lated in terms of local consistency errors and jumps of the normal fluxes

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of uj. This representation is frequently used in other residual based errorestimates (cf. e.g. Verfurth [119]).

Correcting uj by eQ, we obtain the piecewise quadratic approximation

uQ = uj + eQ ∈ Qj

which is the unique solution of the minimization problem

uQ ∈ Qj : J (uQ) + φQ(uQ) ≤ J (v) + φQ(v), ∀v ∈ Qj , (1.5)

where the approximation φQ : Qj → R ∪ ∞ of φ is defined by

φQ(uj + v) = ψQ(v).

The condition

(S) ||u− uQ|| ≤ β||u− uj ||, β < 1,

states that (1.5) provides a better approximation uQ ∈ Qj of u than thegiven function uj ∈ Sj .

Proposition 4.1 Assume that the condition (S) is satisfied and let eQ bethe solution of the discrete defect problem (1.2). Then we have the estimates

(1 + β)−1||eQ|| ≤ ||u− uj || ≤ (1 − β)−1||eQ||. (1.6)

Proof. We only show the lower bound for ||u− uj || which immediately followsfrom (S) and the triangle inequality

||u− uj|| ≥ ||uQ − uj|| − ||u− uQ||.

The crucial condition (S) with β = βs/(1 − βa) < 1 is a consequence of thesaturation assumption

||u− uQ|| ≤ βs||u− uj ||, βs < 1, (1.7)

and of the algebraic accuracy assumption

||uj − uj || ≤ βa||u− uj||, βa < 1 − βs. (1.8)

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The saturation assumption (1.7) states that the larger finite element spaceQj provides a better approximation than the original space Sj . For suf-ficiently regular problems, the piecewise quadratic solution uQ is even anapproximation of higher order (cf. e.g. Brezzi, Hager, and Raviart [36]). Inthis case, (1.7) clearly holds for sufficiently fine triangulations. On the oth-er hand, there are simple examples showing that (1.7) may be violated, ifthe mesh is not properly chosen. In this sense, reliable a posteriori errorestimates still involve a certain amount of a priori information.

The algorithmic realization of the algebraic accuracy assumption (1.8) willbe discussed in the final chapter.

In the case of elliptic selfadjoint problems, (1.8) is not needed and the sat-uration assumption (1.7) is even equivalent to the upper estimate in (1.6)with β = βs. We refer to Bornemann, Erdmann and Kornhuber [28] fordetails.

4.1.2 An Error Estimate Based on Preconditioning

In general, the solution of the discrete defect problem (1.2) is not available atreasonable computational cost. Hence, we consider further approximationsof (1.2) which should preserve lower and upper bounds of the form (1.6).

Extending well–known results from the elliptic selfadjoint case (cf. Deufl-hard, Leinen and Yserentant [45], Bornemann, Erdmann and Kornhuber[28], and Bank and Smith [10]), we will now investigate the effect of pre-conditioning on the solution eQ of (1.3). For this reason, we consider thevariational inequality

eQ ∈ Qj : a(eQ, v − eQ) + ψQ(v) − ψQ(eQ)

≥ r(v − eQ), ∀v ∈ Qj ,(1.9)

with some symmetric and positive definite bilinear form a(·, ·) on Qj . Ob-serve that the preconditioned defect problem (1.9) is uniquely solvable andthat the preconditioner a(·, ·) induces the norm | · | = a(·, ·)1/2 on Qj .

Proposition 4.2 Assume that the norm equivalence

γ0a(v, v) ≤ a(v, v) ≤ γ1a(v, v), ∀v ∈ spaneQ, eQ, (1.10)

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holds with positive constants γ0, γ1. Then we have the estimates

c0|eQ|2 ≤ ||eQ||2 ≤ c1|eQ|2 (1.11)

with c0 = (γ−10 + 2γ1(1 + γ−1

0 ))−1 and c1 = γ1 + 2γ−10 (1 + γ1).

Proof. By symmetry arguments it is sufficient to establish only the rightinequality in (1.11). Inserting v = eQ in the original discrete defect problem(1.3), we obtain

||eQ||2 ≤ a(eQ, eQ) + ψQ(eQ) − ψQ(eQ) + r(eQ − eQ).

Now the inequality 2a(eQ, eQ) ≤ ||eQ||2 + ||eQ||2 and (1.10) yield

||eQ||2 ≤ γ1|eQ|2 + 2(ψQ(eQ) − ψQ(eQ) + r(eQ − eQ)). (1.12)

It remains to show that

ψQ(eQ) − ψQ(eQ) + r(eQ − eQ) ≤ γ−10 (γ1 + 1)|eQ|2. (1.13)

Inserting v = eQ in (1.9) and using the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, we get

ψQ(eQ) − ψQ(eQ) + r(eQ − eQ) ≤ |eQ||eQ − eQ|

so that (1.13) follows from

|eQ − eQ| ≤ γ−10 (1 + γ1)|eQ|. (1.14)

In order to prove (1.14), we again insert v = eQ in (1.3) and v = eQ inthe preconditioned problem (1.9). Adding the two resulting inequalities, weobtain

a(eQ, eQ − eQ) + a(eQ, eQ − eQ) ≥ 0

which can be reformulated as

||eQ − eQ||2 ≤ a(eQ, eQ − eQ) − a(eQ, eQ − eQ).

The assertion now follows from the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality and (1.10).

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In the light of Proposition 4.2, we are left with the problem of selectinga preconditioner a(·, ·) which combines reasonable constants γ0, γ1 with acheap evaluation of eQ. In analogy to the linear selfadjoint case, one mightbe tempted to construct a preconditioner based on the hierarchical splitting

Q = S ⊕ V (1.15)

where the difference space V = spanλQp | p ∈ NE consists of the quadrat-ic bubble functions associated with the edges E (cf. e.g. Deuflhard, Leinenand Yserentant [45], Bornemann, Erdmann and Kornhuber [27], Bank andSmith [10]). However, in contrast to the linear case, the unknowns now be-come coupled with respect to the functional ψQ as soon as the hierarchicalrepresentation is used (cf. Hoppe and Kornhuber[75], Erdmann, Frei, Hoppe,Kornhuber and Wiest [52], and Erdmann, Hoppe and Kornhuber [53]). Evenin simple cases, this coupling cannot be ignored without losing the reliabil-ity of the resulting error estimate (cf. Hoppe and Kornhuber [75]). On theother hand, the coupled preconditioned problem is still not solvable withreasonable computational cost.

To find a way out of this dilemma, observe that the constants γ0, γ1 ap-pearing in the crucial estimate (1.11) depend only on the local quality ofthe preconditioner a(·, ·) on the subspace span eQ, eQ ⊂ Qj . As a conse-quence, we can expect good results even from very simple preconditionerslike the diagonal scaling

a(v,w) =∑


v(p)w(p)a(λQp , λQp ), (1.16)

if eQ and eQ are high frequency functions.

In addition, the preconditioned defect equation (1.9) resulting from the di-agonal scaling (1.16) consists of the independent local subproblems

ep ∈ span λQp : 0 ∈ a(ep, λQp ) − r(λQp ) + ∂ψQ(ep)(λ

Qp ), (1.17)

for p ∈ NQ. Exploiting that Φ is piecewise quadratic in the sense of condition(V3)’ (cf. Section 1.2.1, p. 23), we can solve all these sub–problems explic-itly. We refer to similar results in Section 2.1.1. Finally, the approximatecorrection

eQ =∑


ep (1.18)

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provides the local error estimate |eQ|.From the Propositions 4.1 and 4.2, we immediately get a (quite pessimistic)upper bound for the effectivity index κ = |eQ|/||e|| of the resulting errorestimate which increases exponentially with the refinement level. However,the localization at least preserves a non–vanishing error estimate |eQ| 6= 0,if eQ is not zero. Recall that related previous error estimates do not havethis property (cf. Hoppe and Kornhuber [75]).

The heuristic assumption that spaneQ, eQ consists of high–frequency func-tions can be justified theoretically, if the following conditions are fulfilled.

(P1) uj = uj

(P2) The discrete phases of uj, uj + eQ and uQ coincide.

(P3) The subdifferentials ∂φj(uj), ∂φQ(uj) coincide on Sj ⊂ Sj .

(P4) The reduced subspace Sj is contained in the reduced subspace Q

j .

Recall the definition of discrete phases in Section 2.3. Here, the discretephases of v ∈ Qj are given by

N iQ(v) = p ∈ NQ | v(p) ∈ (θi, θi+1), i = 0, . . . , N,

and the reduced space Qj ⊂ Qj,

Qj = v ∈ Qj | v(p) = 0,∀p ∈ N •

Q, N •Q = NQ \



N iQ(uQ),

is defined in analogy to Sj ⊂ Sj (cf. (2.3.54) in Section 2.3).

Theorem 4.3 Assume that the conditions (P1)–(P4) are satisfied. Thenwe have the equivalence

c|eQ| ≤ ||eQ|| ≤ C|eQ|. (1.19)

The constants c, C depend only on the ellipticity of a(·, ·), on the maxi-mal coefficient bi, i = 0, . . . , N , from (V3)’ on p. 23, and on the initialtriangulation T0.

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Proof. As a consequence of (P1) and (P2), the correction eQ is the uniquesolution of the variational equality

eQ ∈ Qj : a(eQ, v) + buQ

(eQ, v)

= r(v) + fuQ(v) − buQ

(uj, v), ∀v ∈ Qj ,


where the bilinear form buQ(·, ·) and the functional fuQ

are defined in analogyto (2.3.50) and (2.3.51). In particular, we have

∂φQ(uQ)(v) = buQ(uQ, v) − fuQ

(v), ∀v ∈ Qj .

Using (P2) and (P3), we also obtain

∂φj(uj)(v) = buQ(uj , v) − fuQ

(v), ∀v ∈ Sj . (1.21)

Hence, being the exact solution of the discrete problem (1.3.57), uj satisfiesthe variational equality

a(uj , v) + buQ(uj , v) = `(v) + fuQ

(v), ∀v ∈ Sj . (1.22)

Exploiting (P2), we can show in a similar way as (1.20) that eQ is the uniquesolution of the variational equality

eQ ∈ Qj : a(eQ, v) + buQ

(eQ, v)

= r(v) + fuQ(v) − buQ

(uj, v), ∀v ∈ Qj .


Introducing the bilinear forms

auQ(v,w) = a(v,w) + buQ

(v,w), auQ(v,w) = a(v,w) + buQ


and the residual

ruQ(v) = r(v) + fuQ

(v) − buQ(uj , v)

on Qj , we can rewrite the linear variational problems (1.20) and (1.23) as

eQ ∈ Qj : auQ

(eQ, v) = ruQ(v), ∀v ∈ Q

j , (1.24)

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eQ ∈ Qj : auQ

(eQ, v) = ruQ(v), ∀v ∈ Q

j . (1.25)

Observe that (1.22) can be rewritten as ruQ(v) = 0, ∀v ∈ S

j .

Using (P1)–(P3), we have traced back our original nonlinear defect prob-lems to the corresponding linear case. Following Deuflhard, Leinen andYserentant [45] p. 16, we now introduce the hierarchical splitting

Qj = S

j ⊕ VQ

with VQ ⊂ VE = span λQp | p ∈ NE. Here, we made use of condition(P4). The hierarchical splitting gives rise to a corresponding decompositionof both global problems (1.24) and (1.25) on Q

j in subproblems on Sj and

VQ, respectively. Now the assertion follows from a slight modification of thearguments in [45]. We refer to Kornhuber [84] for details.

Of course, the conditions (P1)–(P4) are fulfilled if φ ≡ 0, but can be hardlyexpected to hold for reasonable nonlinear problems. Nevertheless, we foundvery satisfying effectivity rates in our numerical calculations reported below(see also Kornhuber [84, 85]). A theoretical explanation of these observationswill be the subject of future research.

4.1.3 An Error Estimate Based on Nonlinear Iteration

In order to increase the robustness of the error estimate, we will now incor-porate additional low–frequency contributions in the localization step. Forthis reason, we consider a general nonlinear iterative scheme

eν+1 = eν + B(eν), ν = 0, 1, . . . , (1.26)

which is intended to play the role of a (nonlinear) preconditioner. Of course,the evaluation of B should have optimal numerical complexity.

One step of the iteration (1.26) applied to the initial iterate 0 provides theapproximation

eQ = B(0). (1.27)

The following proposition is an immediate consequence of the triangle in-equality.

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Proposition 4.4 Assume that the iteration (1.26) is convergent with con-vergence rates bounded by ρ, 0 ≤ ρ < 1. Then we have the estimates

(1 + ρ)−1||eQ|| ≤ ||eQ|| ≤ (1 − ρ)−1||eQ||. (1.28)

As a consequence of Propositions 4.1 and 4.4, a convergent iterative solverfor the discrete defect equation (1.2) provides lower and upper bounds ofthe approximation error. The quality of the error estimate relies heavily onthe convergence rates. This motivates the extension of monotone multigridmethods to the piecewise quadratic case.

Let us briefly consider extended underrelaxations for the discrete minimiza-tion problem (1.2) based on piecewise quadratic finite elements. Assume thateach sequence of search directions (Mν)ν≥0 ⊂ Qj starts with the quadrat-ic nodal basis ΛQ

j (cf. condition (M1), p. 51). Then extended relaxationsand underrelaxations induced by (Mν)ν≥0 are defined in analogy to (2.1.23)and (2.1.28), respectively. Convergence results can be derived by the samearguments as used in the proofs of Theorems 2.1 and 2.2.

Extending the quadratic nodal basis ΛQj by the multilevel nodal basis ΛS

for all ν ≥ 0, we obtain the constant sequence Mν = ΛQ,

ΛQ = (ΛQj ,ΛS),

of search directions. Replacing Λ by ΛQ, we can derive globally convergentstandard and truncated monotone multigrid methods almost literally in thesame way as in the previous chapter. In particular, the definition of quasiop-timal monotone restrictions can be left unchanged. Note that this approachleads to nonlinear versions of well–known defect–correction schemes (cf. e.g.Aunzinger and Stetter [5] and Hackbusch [65]).

Assume that an implementation of monotone multigrid methods is availablefor piecewise linear finite elements. Then we only have to add a fine gridsmoother on Qj in order to get related solvers for the piecewise quadraticcase. The evaluation of the stiffness matrix and the right–hand side can bepartly performed by interpolation of the related piecewise linear data whichhave been already computed.

We apply one step of a truncated monotone multigrid method with symmetricsmoother to (1.2) with the initial iterate w0 = 0 in order to compute theintermediate iterates wl, l = 1, . . . , mQ, and the final approximate correction

eQ = B(0) = wmQ.

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In order to apply our results on upper bounds for the asymptotic convergencerates (cf. Theorems 3.10, 3.11), we require the invariance of the discretephases.

(I) The discrete phases of all intermediate iterates uj + wl, l = 0, . . . , mQ,coincide with the discrete phases of uQ.

Compare the similar condition (P2) stated in the previous section.

Theorem 4.5 Assume that the condition (I) is satisfied. Then we have theestimates

12 ||eQ|| ≤ ||eQ|| ≤ C(j + 2)3||eQ||. (1.29)

The constant C depends only on the ellipticity of a(·, ·), on the maximal coef-ficient bi, i = 0, . . . , N , from (V3)’ on p. 23, and on the initial triangulationT0.

Proof. As a consequence of condition (I), the nonlinear multigrid method re-duces to a linear iteration for the variational equality (1.24) with uj replacedby uj . Hence, we can apply the general convergence theory for successivesubspace corrections as condensed by Yserentant [126] to derive an upperbound for the asymptotic convergence rate of this scheme.

Symmetric point Gauß–Seidel smoothing is successively applied on the sub-spaces WQ = Q

j and

Wk = span TQ,kλ(k)p | p ∈ Nk, k = 0, . . . , j.

Here, the truncation operators TQ,k : Qj → Qj are defined by

TQ,k = IQjIS

Q,k. . . IS


where IQj

: Qj → Qj and IS

Q,k: Qj → S

Q,k denote the interpolation to Qj

and SQ,k, respectively. The reduced spaces S

Q,k are defined by

SQ,k = v ∈ Sk | v(p) = 0, ∀p ∈ Nk ∩ N •


with N •Q introduced on p. 101. Observe the analogy to the definition (3.2.30)

of the truncation operators T νj,k.

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The symmetric Gauß–Seidel smoothing on WQ and Wk, k = 0, . . . , j, is rep-resented by the scalar products bQ(·, ·) and bk(·, ·), k = 0, . . . , j, respectively.The modified interpolation operator IQ : Qj → Sj ,

(IQv)(p) =

v(p), if λ(j)p ∈ Q

j ,

0, otherwise,p ∈ Nj,

generates the direct splitting

Qj = VS ⊕ VQ (1.30)

into the subspaces VS = IQQj ⊂ Sj and VQ = (id− IQ)Q

j ⊂ WQ. It can beshown by suitable scaling arguments (cf. Xu [122], Yserentant [126]) thatthe two–level splitting v = vS + vQ with vS ∈ VS and vQ ∈ VQ is stable inthe sense that


||vS ||2 + bQ(vQ, vQ))

≤ ||v||2 ≤ C(

||vS ||2 + bQ(vQ, vQ))


holds for all v ∈ Qj . The hierarchical splitting

VS =j⊕


Vk, Vk ⊂ Wk, k = 0, . . . , j,

of VS ⊂ Sj is generated by modified interpolation operators as defined in(3.3.39).

Using Proposition 3.7, we get the estimate



4k||vk||20 ≤ c(j + 1)2||j∑


vk||2, ∀vk ∈ Vk, k = 0, . . . , j. (1.32)

Here, the L2–norm || · ||0 on the reduced domain is defined in analogy toSection 3.3.1, p. 84. It is well–known (cf. e.g. Yserentant [126], p. 298) thatwe have

c1bk(vk, vk) ≤ 4k||vk||20 ≤ C1bk(vk, vk), ∀vk ∈ Vk, k = 0, . . . , j, (1.33)

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4.1 A Posteriori Estimates of the Approximation Error 107

for the bilinear forms induced by symmetric point Gauß–Seidel smoothing.The combination with (1.32) and (1.31) yields



bk(vk, vk) + bQ(vQ, vQ) ≤ c(j + 2)2||j∑


vk + vQ||, (1.34)

for all vk ∈ Vk, k = 0, . . . , j, and all vQ ∈ VQ.

On the other hand, a strengthened Cauchy–Schwarz inequality and an in-verse inequality lead to



vk||2 ≤ Cj∑


4k||vk||20, ∀vk ∈ Vk, k = 0, . . . , j.

Similar arguments are used for example by Bornemann and Yserentant [29]or Yserentant [126]. Together with (1.33) and (1.31), this implies the upperestimate



vk + vQ||2 ≤ Cj∑


bk(vk, vk) + bQ(vQ, vQ),

for all vk ∈ Vk, k = 0, . . . , j, and all vQ ∈ VQ.

Now the upper bound

ρ = 1 − c(j + 2)−3 < 1

for the asymptotic convergence rate follows from Theorem 5.4 in the overviewof Yserentant [126], and the assertion then is an immediate consequence ofProposition 4.4.

Again, the exponent of j can be improved in more regular situations. Thecondition (I) is less restrictive than (P1)–(P4), indicating that error esti-mates based on monotone multigrid methods are more robust than the errorestimate based on diagonal scaling. However, in comparison with the evalu-ation of (1.18), one step of a multigrid method is about twice as expensive.

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108 4 A Posteriori Error Estimates and Adaptive Refinement

4.2 A Stopping Criterion for the Adaptive


Assume that we have computed an a posteriori error estimate || eQ ||, where|| · || either stands for the diagonal scaling | · | (cf. Theorem 4.3) or for theenergy norm || · || (cf. Theorem 4.5). We will now use this estimate to pro-vide a stopping criterion for the complete adaptive algorithm. In order tocompensate a possible underestimation of the true approximation error, weintroduce a safety factor σapp with 0 < σapp ≤ 1. The adaptive algorithm isstopped if the condition

|| eQ || ≤ σappTOL (2.35)

is satisfied. If a relative tolerance, say TOL = ε||u||, is prescribed, then theunknown norm ||u|| is replaced by the actual approximation ||uj ||.The efficiency and reliability of the whole adaptive algorithm may dependheavily on the choice of the safety factor σapp. While a lot of computationalwork is wasted, if σapp is chosen too small, the desired accuracy may bemissed in the opposite case. Up till now, there is no sound mathematicalinsight how this parameter should be determined. We will select σapp = our numerical experiments which will turn out to be a reasonable choicefor well–behaved problems but might be dangerous in other situations. Asa consequence, the quality of the numerical solution of real–life problems isusually checked by additional heuristic criteria based on the special physicalsituation. This is beyond the scope of our general discussion.

4.3 Error Indicators and Local Refinement

We want to refine the triangulation in such a way that the discretizationerror ||u − uj || is efficiently reduced. This strategy simultaneously providesan approximation of the phases of the solution u, provided that the accu-racy deteriorates in the neighborhood of the free boundary. Due to a lossof regularity, this is frequently the case. However, the adaptive strategyto be presented should be modified if a highly accurate approximation ofthe different phases is the main issue of the computation. In this case, wemay additionally refine all triangles neighboring the free boundary in eachrefinement step.

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4.3 Error Indicators and Local Refinement 109

We assume that the algebraic error is small enough. Based on the globalestimate || eQ || of the approximation error, local error indicators to controlthe adaptive refinement process are selected as follows.

Consider the hierarchical splitting Qj = Sj ⊕ VE with

VE = span λQp | p ∈ NE.

Note that VE consists of the quadratic bubble functions associated with themidpoints of the interior edges Ej. We decompose eQ according to

eQ = eS + eE

with eS ∈ Sj and eE ∈ VE . Here, eS and eE represent the low– and high–frequency parts of eQ, respectively. It is easily checked that we have


|| eS ||2 +|eE |2)

≤ || eQ ||2 ≤ C(

|| eS ||2 +|eE |2)

, (3.36)


|eE |2 =∑


ηp, ηp = eE(p)2a(λQp , λQp ), p ∈ NE . (3.37)

We want to refine the given triangulation in such regions where the high–frequency contributions deteriorate the overall accuracy. Assuming that thehigh frequency part of the discretization error ||u − uj ||2 is represented by|eE |2, the local contributions ηp, p ∈ NE , are used as local error indicators.

A triangle t ∈ Tj is marked for refinement, if at least one of the indicatorsηp associated with the edges of t exceeds a certain threshold σref η. Hereη is a guess of the maximal local error arising on the next level in caseof uniform refinement and σref < 1 is a safety factor. In the numericalexamples reported below, η is computed by local extrapolation (cf. Babuskaand Rheinboldt [6]) and we chose σref = 0.5. In the case of linear selfadjointproblems, a theoretical justification of a similar approach was recently givenby Dorfler [46].

Now assume that a subset Tj ⊂ Tj of triangles has been marked for refine-ment. To preserve the shape regularity of the initial triangulation, irregu-lar triangles must not be refined further. Hence, all green refinements areskipped replacing the irregular triangles contained in Tj by their fathers. Af-ter the regular refinement of all t ∈ Tj there may exist triangles with edges

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110 4 A Posteriori Error Estimates and Adaptive Refinement

which are refined twice or with two or more bisected edges. Regular refine-ment is continued until no such triangles are left. The remaining irregularvertices are remedied by green closure.

In general, this dynamic refinement process will not produce a nested se-quence of triangulations in the sense of the conditions (T1)–(T3) stated inSection 3.1.1. However, a nested sequence T0, . . . ,Tj can be uniquely recon-structed from the initial triangulation T0 and the actual triangulation Tj

(with refinement depth j) alone. We emphasize that this is possible withoutadditional computational effort, if the underlying data structures are prop-erly chosen. We refer to Bank [8], Leinen [90], Beck, Erdmann and Roitzsch[19], Bastian [17], and others. Note that the (non–negative) difference ofrefinement level and refinement depth can be used to judge the quality ofthe underlying refinement strategy.

4.4 A Stopping Criterion for the Iterative Solver

The iterative solution of the discrete problem (1.3.57) should be stopped assoon as the algebraic error ||uj −uν

j || is small enough. Recall for example theaccuracy condition (1.8).

We start with the observation that the corrections resulting from a gooditerative method provide good a posteriori estimates for the algebraic error.Similarly, preconditioned residuals are frequently used in the linear self-adjoint case (cf. eg. Deuflhard, Leinen and Yserentant [45], Bornemann,Erdmann and Kornhuber [27] or Becker, Johnson and Rannacher [20]).

Theorem 4.6 Assume that the discrete problem (1.3.57) is non–degeneratein the sense of (2.3.42) and that the iterates (uν

j )ν≥0, are computed by amonotone multigrid method. Then the a posteriori estimate

12 ||uν+1

j − uνj || ≤ ||uj − uν

j || ≤ C(j + 1)s||uν+1j − uν

j ||, ∀ν ≥ ν0, (4.38)

holds for sufficiently large ν0 ≥ 0. We have s = 4 for the standard monotonemultigrid method induced by Λ and s = 6 for the corresponding truncatedversion. The constant C depends only on the ellipticity of a(·, ·), on themaximal coefficient bi, i = 0, . . . , N , from (V3)’ on p. 23, and on the initialtriangulation T0.

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4.4 A Stopping Criterion for the Iterative Solver 111

Proof. Using Theorem 3.10 or Theorem 3.11, we can find a ν0 ≥ 0 and asuitable positive constant c such that the error estimate

||uj − uν+1j || ≤ (1 − c(j + 1)−s)||uj − uν

j ||, ∀ν ≥ ν0, (4.39)

holds with s = 4 or s = 6, respectively. Now the assertion follows by thetriangle inequality in the same way as Proposition 4.4.

In the light of Theorem 4.6, the corrections ||uν+1j − uν

j || provided by mono-tone multigrid methods will be used as a posteriori estimates for the alge-braic error. Good initial iterates, as required in the proof of the asymptoticestimate (4.38), are usually obtained by interpolating the final iterate fromthe preceding level. Other values of s in (4.38) can be obtained by othervariants of the asymptotic error estimate (4.39) (cf. Section 3.3).

Based on the above considerations, we now give a stopping criterion for theiterative solver. Recall that we want to solve the given continuous problemup to a prescribed tolerance TOL. With some safety factor σ < 1, therequirement

||uj − uj || ≤ σTOL, ∀j = 0, . . . , J, (4.40)

guarantees that the overall accuracy on the final triangulation TJ is notdeteriorated by the algebraic error. On the preceding coarser levels j =0, . . . , J − 1 the criterion (4.40) is intended to provide a sufficient dampingof the low frequencies of the initial iterates u0

j+1 = uj .

Such cascadic iterations have been introduced by Deuflhard [44], who dis-covered that stopping criteria of the form (4.40) lead to a considerable sta-bilization of the iterative solver. For the linear selfadjoint case, a theoreticalanalysis was given by Shaidurov [112] and Bornemann and Deuflhard [26].In particular, it was shown in [26] that, under suitable assumptions, thestopping criterion (4.40) gives usual single grid smoothers a multigrid speedof convergence.

Recall that our adaptive refinement strategy relies on the fact that thehigh–frequency contributions of the approximate correction eQ reflect thebehavior of the discretization error and are not caused by insufficient al-gebraic approximation. This is an additional motivation for the restrictiveaccuracy assumptions (4.40).

Ignoring constants, let us assume for the moment that our estimates are rep-resenting the algebraic and the approximation error exactly. Then the above

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112 4 A Posteriori Error Estimates and Adaptive Refinement

stopping criterion for the algebraic solver implies that the algebraic accuracycondition (1.8) holds with βa = σ/(1−σ), provided that the approximationerror is greater than TOL, i.e. that the final level is not yet reached. On thefinal level, (1.8) still holds with βa = σ/(1

2 − σ), if the approximation errorhas not been reduced by more than a factor of 2 in the final refinement step.This is a reasonable assumption, because asymptotically the discretizationerror is well–known to decrease at most linearly with the maximal stepsizewhich in turn can be only halved in each refinement step.

In practical computations, we have to approximate the algebraic error ap-pearing in (4.40) by an a posteriori estimate: The iterate uj = uν0+1

j isaccepted as soon as the stopping criterion

||uj − uν0j || ≤ σalgσappTOL. (4.41)

is fulfilled. The new safety factor σalg < 1 is intended to compensate theapproximation of the true algebraic error. We chose σalg = 0.1 for our nu-merical computations.

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5 Numerical Results

In the preceding two chapters, we have constructed the building blocks ofan adaptive multilevel method for our non–smooth minimization problem(1.2.33): iterative solvers, stopping criteria based on a posteriori error esti-mates and an adaptive refinement strategy. Apart from the accuracy TOL,the whole algorithm contains only three parameters: the safety factors σapp

and σalg for the approximation error and for the algebraic solution, respec-tively, and a safety factor σref involved in the refinement strategy.

In the following numerical examples, we will always prescribe a relativetolerance of 5%. Hence, the algorithm stops as soon as || eQ || ≤ 0.05σapp||uj ||is satisfied (cf. Section 4.2). Recall that || eQ || is an a posteriori error estimatefor the actual approximation uj of the solution u (see Section 4.1). On eachrefinement level j, the iterative solution of the discrete problems is continueduntil ||uν+1

j − uνj || ≤ 0.05σalgσapp||uν

j || is fulfilled (cf. Section 4.4). We willuse the same default values σapp = 1., σalg = 0.1, and σref = 0.5 in all thenumerical examples to be reported in this chapter.

The implementation was carried out at the Konrad–Zuse–Center in Berlinin the framework of a recent C++ version of the finite element toolboxKASKADE developed by Beck, Erdmann and Roitzsch [19].

For further numerical results including comparisons with previous multigridapproaches, we refer to Kornhuber [82, 83, 85].

5.1 Deformation of a Membrane with a Rigid


In our first example, we compute the vertical displacement u of a planarmembrane Ω which is exposed to a force density f and constrained by arigid upper obstacle ϕ. We know from Section 1.1.1 that u is the solution ofthe convex minimization problem (1.1.8).

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114 5 Numerical Results

Multigrid methods for such obstacle problems have been derived by Brandtand Cryer [33], Hackbusch and Mittelmann [66], Hoppe [69, 70, 71], Man-del [92, 93], and others. Roughly speaking, truncated monotone multigridmethods combine the global convergence of Mandel’s method with the fastconvergence speed of Brandt and Cryer’s scheme. We refer to Kornhuber [82]for details. A complete adaptive multilevel method for obstacle problems wasrecently proposed by Hoppe and Kornhuber [75]. In contrast to the algo-rithm presented here, their iterative solver is based on active set strategiesand the a posteriori error estimator is slightly different.

Recall that the obstacle problem (1.1.8) is a special case of our referenceproblem (1.2.33), or (for variable obstacle) can be transformed to such aproblem (with constant obstacle) by a simple translation. We will apply ouralgorithm directly to (1.1.8), using the data

ϕ(x) = (4r)3 − 1, r = ((0.5 − x1)2 + (0.5 − x2)


α ≡ 1, and f ≡ 0 on the unit square Ω = (0, 1) × (0, 1).

5.1.1 The Adaptive Multilevel Method

We now employ our adaptive multilevel algorithm, using the truncated mono-tone multigrid method (cf. Theorem 3.11) and the local a posteriori errorestimator (cf. Theorem 4.3). The initial triangulation is shown in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1 Initial triangulation T0

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5.1 Deformation of a Membrane with a Rigid Obstacle 115

Figure 5.2 Final triangulation T8 and final approximation u8

Starting with T0, the algorithm generates a sequence of adaptively refinedtriangulations T1, . . . ,T8 and of corresponding approximations u0, . . . , u8.Disregarding our preceding notation, the subscripts from now on denote thenumber of refinement steps. The final triangulation T8 is depicted in theleft picture of Figure 5.2. The right picture shows the level curves of thecorresponding final approximation u8. The (free) boundary of the coinci-dence set is represented by a bold line. Observe that the refinement mainlyconcentrates on the resolution of the contact region with special emphasison the free boundary.

Level Depth Nodes Iterations Error %

0 0 1 2 57.71 1 5 2 37.72 2 25 3 78.73 3 41 3 37.14 4 169 4 18.05 5 533 3 10.16 6 1273 3 6.67 6 1665 2 5.68 7 3869 2 3.9

Table 5.1 Approximation history

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116 5 Numerical Results

The complete approximation history is reported in Table 5.1. On the firstlevels, the triangulation might be too coarse to guarantee the saturationassumption (4.1.7). Hence, the resulting error estimates should be handledwith care. Nevertheless, the corresponding refinement indicators seem towork well. The a posteriori error estimates on the subsequent levels suggest

that the error behaves like O(n−1/2j ). This is in agreement with well–known

O(h) error estimates (see e.g. Ciarlet [39]) and illustrates that the sequenceof triangulations can be regarded as quasioptimal in the sense that it repro-duces the optimal order of approximation.

The number of iterations stays moderate throughout the approximation.Note that we always need one additional iteration to control the algebraicerror. More information on the behavior of the monotone multigrid methodswill be given in the next section.

5.1.2 The Monotone Multigrid Methods

Let us apply our multigrid methods to the discrete obstacle problem onT8, using the hierarchy of triangulations T0, . . . ,T8. The standard monotonemultigrid method (cf. Theorem 3.10) and the truncated version (cf. Theorem3.11) will be denoted by STDKH and TRCKH, respectively.

In our first experiment, we investigate the convergence behavior on the fixedrefinement level j = 8, starting with the initial iterate u0

j = 0. Figure 5.3shows the decrease of the algebraic errors in course of the iteration. Theoverall convergence behavior can be divided into a transient phase, dom-inated by the search for the (discrete) free boundary, and an asymptoticphase, corresponding to the iterative solution of the reduced linear problem.This observation supports the analysis contained in Section 2.3.

As compared to STDKH, the truncated version TRCKH exhibits a tremen-dous improvement of the asymptotic convergence rates giving a numericaljustification for using truncated nodal basis functions. It is interesting thatthe transient convergence properties remain almost the same.

To provide a more realistic situation, the artificial initial iterate zero is nowreplaced by the interpolated solution from the previous level. In this way,the transient phase is completely eliminated from the convergence historyas can be seen in Figure 5.4. In the beginning, STDKH and TRCKH arecomparable in eliminating the high–frequency contributions of the error, butonly TRCKH keeps this convergence speed throughout the whole iteration.

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5.1 Deformation of a Membrane with a Rigid Obstacle 117

Figure 5.3 Iteration history: Initial iterate u0j = 0

Figure 5.4 Iteration history: Interpolated initial iterate

To study the convergence properties for increasing j, we introduce theasymptotic efficiency rates ρj,

ρj = ν0

δν0j /δ

0j , j = 0, . . . , 21, (1.1)

where δνj denotes the algebraic error after ν iteration steps and the triangu-

lations T9, . . . ,T21 are obtained by further adaptive refinement. We chooseν0 such that δν0

j < 10.−12. The results are shown in Figure 5.5. Observethe fast increase of the asymptotic efficiency rates of STDKH on level 4,reflecting the poor representation of the low–frequency contributions of theerror.

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Figure 5.5 Asymptotic efficiency rates

However, the asymptotic efficiency rates of both multigrid methods seemto saturate with increasing j. It is not astonishing that our asymptotic es-timates contained in the Theorems 3.10 and 3.11 are too pessimistic ascompared with these calculations, because the regularity of the actual prob-lem did not enter our theoretical considerations. Starting with u0

j = 0, thenumber of transient iteration steps becomes larger with increasing j. How-ever, the transient convergence rates also seem to be uniformly bounded,suggesting the existence of global bounds for the convergence rates. A theo-retical verification of these experimental results will be the subject of futureresearch.

5.1.3 The A Posteriori Error Estimates

We now give a comparison of the local error estimate (cf. Theorem 4.3),as used above, and of an error estimate based on nonlinear iteration (cf.Theorem 4.5). As a nonlinear iteration, we chose the truncated monotonemultigrid method with symmetric smoother (cf. Section 4.1.3).

The quality of the a posteriori error estimates || eQ || of the approximationerror ||u− uj || on refinement level j is measured by the effectivity indices

κj = || eQ || /||u− uj ||, j = 1, . . . , 8. (1.2)

We will replace the exact solution u appearing in (1.2) by the approximationu resulting from two uniform refinements of the final triangulation T8.

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5.1 Deformation of a Membrane with a Rigid Obstacle 119

Figure 5.6 Effectivity indices of the approximation error estimates

Figure 5.6 shows the effectivity indices for the local and the iterative er-ror estimate, denoted by LOCAL and ITERATIVE, respectively. Both aposteriori error estimators work satisfactory throughout the approximation.Hence, in this example, the additional computational effort for the itera-tive error estimate does not pay off. Note that the local error indicatorsderived from the iterative estimate also provide almost the same sequenceof triangulations as obtained above.

We finally check the stopping criterion for the iterative solution based onthe estimate ||uj − uν0

j ||, uj = uν0+1j , of the algebraic error ||uj − uν0

j ||. Theperformance of this error estimate relies heavily on the quality of the appliediterative solver (cf. Theorem 4.6). In the light of the fast convergence ofthe truncated monotone multigrid method, the resulting algebraic effectivityindices

κj = ||uj − uν0j ||/||uj − uν0

j ||, j = 0, . . . , 8, (1.3)

can be expected to be close to 1. In fact, we found κj ranging from 0.91 to1.0. Using the standard version, we sometimes observed a slight underesti-mation of the true error with κj taking values from 0.39 to 1.0. Note that anunderestimation of ||uj − uν0

j || can still be compensated by the final correc-tion. In this example, we found that, for both monotone multigrid methods,the algebraic error of the resulting final iterate uj = uν0+1

j was always lessthan the desired tolerance 0.05σalgσapp||uj ||.

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120 5 Numerical Results

5.2 A Strongly Reverse Biased p-n Junction

Though the membrane problem is very popular as an introductory example,it scarcely occurs in real–life applications. In order to illustrate the impor-tance of obstacle problems from a more practical point of view, we now turnto a problem from semiconductor device simulation.

We consider a device occupying the domain Ω ⊂ R2 whose stationary be-

havior can be described by the well–known drift–diffusion equations (see e.g.van Roosbroeck [107])

−∇ · (ε∇u) = q(N − n+ p),

∇ · Jn = qR, Jn = q(Dn∇n− µnn∇u),∇ · Jp = −qR, Jp = −q(Dp∇p− µpp∇u),


where usually the electric potential u and the carrier concentrations n andp for electrons and holes are unknown, while the permittivity ε, the dopingprofile N , the elementary charge q, the electron and hole diffusivities Dn

and Dp, the electron and hole mobilities µn and µp, and the generation–recombination rate R are given parameters of the problem. The boundary∂Ω consists of (ohmic) contacts ∂ΩD = ∂Ωa ∪ ∂Ωc and insulating segments∂ΩN . This is reflected by Dirichlet boundary conditions for u, n, and p on∂ΩD and vanishing electric field −∇u and current densities Jn, Jp on ∂ΩN .There is a vast literature on the merits and limits of this model. We refer forexample to Selberherr [111] or Markowich, Ringhofer and Schmeiser [94]. Itwill turn out that the nonlinear system (2.4) can be considerably simplifiedunder strongly reverse bias conditions.

Let us consider a p-n junction separating a p–region (where N < 0) froma n–region (where N > 0) as shown for example in Figure 5.7. For themoment, we ignore the insulating oxide region on the top of the device.Assume that the reverse voltage −ua is applied at the anode, while thevoltage at the cathode is kept zero. Then the carriers are driven away fromthe neighborhood of the p-n junction leaving a depletion area Ωd, whereideally no carriers are present. In Ωd the potential u is bounded by theapplied voltage so that we have

n = p = 0, − ua < u < 0 in Ωd. (2.5)

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5.2 A Strongly Reverse Biased p-n Junction 121




cathode ∂Ωc

anode ∂Ωa with field–plate



Figure 5.7 A reverse biased p-n junction

The depletion area separates the remaining parts Ωa and Ωc of the siliconwhere u is equal to −ua and 0, respectively. For large ua the total depletionassumption

n = 0, p = −N, ∇u = 0 in Ωa,

n = N, p = 0, ∇u = 0 in Ωc,(2.6)

holds. Inserting (2.5) and (2.6) in the drift–diffusion equations (2.4), weobtain

u = −ua in Ωa,

−∇ · (ε∇u) = qN in Ωd,

u = 0 in Ωc.


It is reasonable to assume that the potential u and the electric displacement−ε∇u are continuous across the interior (free) boundaries Γa = Ωa∩ Ωd andΓc = Ωc ∩ Ωd, giving

u = −ua, ∇u · nΓa = 0 on Γa,

u = 0, ∇u · nΓc = 0 on Γc,(2.8)

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with nΓa and nΓc denoting normals on Ωa and Ωc, respectively. Because thereare no carriers in the oxide anyway, we only have to require the continuity ofu and −ε∇u across the interface in order to extend this model to the wholedevice. Finally, u must satisfy the boundary conditions mentioned above.

We have derived the classical formulation of a double obstacle problem forthe linear elliptic operator −∇ · (ε∇·) with the constant obstacles −ua and0 (see e.g. Rodrigues [105]). The corresponding weak formulation is givenby our reference problem (1.2.33) setting

a(v,w) =

Ωε∇v · ∇w dx, `(v) = q

ΩNv dx,

and Φ = χ[−ua,0] is the characteristic function of the interval [−ua, 0]. Thesolution space is given by H = v ∈ H1(Ω) | v|∂Ωa

= ua, v|∂Ωc= 0.

This simplified model was proposed by Hunt and Nassif [76]. Using an ap-propriate scaling, the drift–diffusion equations (2.4) become singularly per-turbed as ua → ∞. Then the simplified model is recovered as the correspond-ing reduced problem. We refer to Markowich, Ringhofer and Schmeiser [94]for further information.

Large peaks of the electric field may cause impact ionization which in turnleads to an avalanche breakdown in the device. In order to improve the block-ing capability, high voltage p-n junctions are often equipped with multistepfield–plates (see e.g. Feiler and Gerlach [54]). The most time–consumingpart in the optimal geometrical design of such field–plates is the numeri-cal solution of the obstacle problem. This motivates the application of fastsolvers. As the electric field −∇u and not u itself is of primary interest inthis application, mixed methods might be an interesting subject of futureresearch (see e.g. Wohlmut [121] for the linear selfadjoint case).

In the following numerical example, we will concentrate on the geometrydepicted in Figure 5.7. The height of the device is 160µm and we applya reverse voltage of −ua = −800V at ∂Ωa. The doping concentration hasthe values N = −1017cm−3 in the p–region and N = 8 · 1013cm−3 in then–region, respectively. q = 1.602 · 10−19As is the elementary charge. Thepermittivity is given by ε = ε0εr with ε0 = 8.854 · 10−14As/V cm and wehave εr = 11.7 in the silicon and εr = 3.9 in the oxide, respectively. Notethat in most real–life applications the p–region is about ten times thinnerand the steps of the field plate are much lower. We will come back to thispoint later on.

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5.2 A Strongly Reverse Biased p-n Junction 123

5.2.1 The Adaptive Multilevel Method

We employ the same adaptive algorithm as in the previous example, usingthe truncated monotone multigrid method and the local a posteriori errorestimate. The initial triangulation is depicted in Figure 5.8.

After 9 adaptive refinement steps, the algorithm has produced the final trian-gulation T9 which is shown in the left picture of Figure 5.9. The right pictureillustrates the final solution u9. Again the free boundaries are marked by

Figure 5.8 Initial triangulation T0

Figure 5.9 Final triangulation T9 and final approximation u9

bold lines. Observe that the level curves of u9 reflect the jump of the electricfield resulting from the jumping permittivity across the silicon/oxide inter-face. The refinement concentrates on the peak of the electric field at the end

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of the p-region while the free boundaries are only roughly approximated.This is in accordance with the construction of the error indicators whichare intended to provide an efficient reduction of the energy error. In this ex-ample, such behavior is desired from the physical point of view. While thepeaks of the electric field give some information on the breakdown voltageand thus have to be resolved properly, the actual free boundary is of minorinterest. This may be different in other examples and we will come back tothis point later on.

Level Depth Nodes Iterations Error %

0 0 21 8 32.31 1 74 4 21.32 2 178 4 16.03 3 311 3 13.34 4 424 3 10.75 5 870 3 7.96 6 1193 2 6.77 7 1538 2 5.88 7 2193 2 5.19 7 2796 2 3.2

Table 5.2 Approximation history

The complete approximation history is reported in Table 5.2. On the firstrefinement levels, we need some more iterations because the nonlinear Gauß–Seidel method is no longer an exact solver on the initial grid. Later on(where each step is 100 times more expensive), the number of iterations isas moderate as in our first example. Again the estimated approximation

error seems to behave like O(n−1/2j ). Only in the beginning and on the final

level do we get a slightly faster reduction than expected.

5.2.2 The Monotone Multigrid Methods

As in our previous example, we first apply the truncated monotone multi-grid method (TRCKH) and the standard version (STDKH) to the discreteproblem arising on the final level j = 9.

The iteration history corresponding to the initial iterate u0j = 0 is shown in

Figure 5.10. For both methods, the asymptotic convergence speed is almost

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5.2 A Strongly Reverse Biased p-n Junction 125

Figure 5.10 Iteration history: Initial iterate u0j = 0

Figure 5.11 Iteration history: Interpolated initial iterate

4 times slower than above (cf. Figure 5.3). Starting with the interpolatedinitial iterate from the previous refinement level, we obtain the iterationhistory depicted in Figure 5.11. After a fast reduction of the high–frequencycontributions, the iterations enter the asymptotic phase directly.

In order to illustrate the convergence behavior for increasing refinement, weconsider the asymptotic efficiency rates ρj , j = 0, . . . , 24, defined accord-ing to (1.1). The results are shown in Figure 5.12. This time, the effect oftruncating the search directions is not as drastic as in our first example(cf. Figure 5.5). Again the asymptotic efficiency rates seem to saturate withincreasing j.

All together, the constraints seem to be of minor importance for the whole

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Figure 5.12 Asymptotic efficiency rates

iterative solution process. In fact, neglecting the obstacles and using a stan-dard linear multigrid method with an exact solver on the coarse grid, weobserved similar unsatisfying convergence rates. The reason is the geometryof Ω. To resolve the flat p–region, we either have to accept a large numberof triangles in T0 or bad aspect ratios. Both properties are well–known todeteriorate the convergence speed of multigrid methods even in the linearselfadjoint case. We cannot expect monotone multigrid methods to do bet-ter. It should be mentioned that the p–region is usually much thinner andthe resulting geometric difficulties are more severe. A possible remedy isblue refinement (cf. Kornhuber and Roitzsch [86, 87]) in connection with aspecial type of grid generator (cf. Roitzsch and Kornhuber [106]).

Similar situations frequently occur in other practical applications, motivat-ing the adaptive resolution of the computational domain (cf. e.g. Kornhuberand Yserentant [88]) or the coarsening of a given fine mesh (cf. e.g. Bankand Xu [11], Chan and Smith [38], or Hackbusch and Sauter [67]). In thiscontext, algebraic approaches also have become very popular. All these ad-vanced multigrid techniques for selfadjoint linear problems can be combinedwith the nonlinear techniques developed above.

5.2.3 The A Posteriori Error Estimates

As in the previous example, we compare the local error estimate with theiterative error estimate generated by the truncated monotone multigrid

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5.3 Continuous Casting 127

method with symmetric smoother. Again, the quality is measured by (ap-proximations of) the efficiency indices κj (see p. 118). The results depicted inFigure 5.13 are better than one might have expected. Neither the (moderate)jump in the coefficients nor the aspect ratios have affected the performanceof the error estimators. Moreover, the initial grid is fine enough to provideexcellent estimates throughout the approximation. Again, we did not takeadvantage of the robustness of the iterative error estimate.

Figure 5.13 Effectivity indices of the approximation error estimates

In order to check the reliability of the stopping criterion for the iterativesolution, we again consider the algebraic effectivity indices introduced in(1.3). As compared to the previous example, the slower convergence of thetruncated monotone multigrid method leads to less accurate estimates ofthe algebraic error. The algebraic effectivity indices range from 0.37 to 0.55.However, on the last three levels, this underestimation is still compensatedby the final correction step. We got similar results for the standard version.

5.3 Continuous Casting

Continuous casting is used in the steel industry for the rapid production ofingots. The essential features of the process are illustrated in Figure 5.14.The molten steel runs from a ladle into a water–cooled mold. After sufficientsolidification at the surface, the product enters a secondary cooling region

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where it is further cooled down by water sprays. After complete solidifica-tion, the ingot is cut off at a certain distance.




spray cooling

Figure 5.14 Schematic representation of continuous casting

Proper control of the cooling conditions in the mold and in the spray regionis crucial for the whole process. Insufficient cooling may leave a liquid kernelat the cut–off point and cause a lot of damage. On the other hand, too muchcooling may lead to cracks in the material and this may be even worse. Testsof suitable configurations on a production machine are extremely costly,motivating the numerical simulation of the whole process.

For given cooling conditions, we are interested in the stationary temper-ature distribution θ(x1, x2, x3). The coordinates x1, x2 describe the crosssection Ω of the bar and x3 measures the distance from the beginning ofthe mold. Assuming constant casting speed vcast, we introduce the Lagrangecoordinates

x(t) = (x1, x2, x3(t)), x3(t) = vcastt.

Neglecting the heat conduction in the withdrawel direction x3, the temper-ature θ = θ(x(t), t) then satisfies the heat equation


∂tE(θ) + ∇ · (κ(θ)∇(θ)) = 0 in Ω (3.9)

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for all x3. With reference to Section 1.1.2, ρ denotes the density, E is thespecific internal energy, and κ is the thermal conductivity of the steel. Recallthat E may be set–valued. In this formulation, the time t = v−1

castx3 is nothingbut a scaled space. Hence, the solution θ(x1, x2, t) of (3.9) can be interpret-ed as the desired stationary temperature distribution θ(x1, x2, v

−1castx3) with

respect to fixed spatial coordinates.

In the mold and in the spray region, heat is extracted by convection andconduction, giving rise to the Cauchy boundary conditions

−κ(θ) ∂∂nθ = qcool(θ − θcool) on ∂Ω, (3.10)

where n denotes the outward normal on ∂Ω. The heat transfer coefficientqcool can be directly related to the rate of cooling water in the mold andin the sprays, respectively (cf. Laitinen and Neitaanmaki [89]) and θcool

is the outward temperature. For the optimal control of qcool, we refer toNeitaanmaki and Tiba [97] and literature cited therein. After the spray re-gion, cooling takes place by radiation according to the Stefan–Boltzmannlaw. This leads to an additional piecewise smooth nonlinearity in the prob-lem. We will not discuss this additional difficulty here, but refer to a relatedsituation occurring in the final example.

Following Section 1.1.2, we now apply a standard Kirchhoff transformationU = K(θ) and a time discretization by the implicit Euler method to theparabolic problem (3.9). A weak formulation of the resulting spatial prob-lems is given by

Ui ∈ H1(Ω) : (Wi−1, v)L2(Ω) − τi(∇Ui,∇v)L2(Ω) ∈(H(Ui), v)L2(Ω) + τi(qcool(K

−1(Ui) − θcool), v)L2(∂Ω), ∀v ∈ H1(Ω),

where H = ρE(K−1(·)) is the normalized enthalpy, Ui ≈ U(ti) approximatesthe solution at time ti, τi denotes the actual step size, and Wi−1 ∈ H(Ui−1)is a selection from the preceding time level.

As an outcome of the Cauchy boundary conditions, the spatial problemscontain the additional nonlinearityK−1(Ui). Assuming that κ(θ) is piecewiseconstant, the inverse Kirchhoff transformation K−1 is a piecewise linearfunction. As the thermal conductivity is known to vary only moderatelywith θ, it is reasonable to use the explicit linearization

c(Ui−1) + b(Ui−1)Ui ≈ K−1(Ui) = c(Ui) + b(Ui)Ui.

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This leads to spatial problems of the form

u ∈ H : `(v) − a(u, v) ∈ (H(u), v)L2(Ω), ∀v ∈ H, (3.11)

where we have set u = Ui, H = H1(Ω), and

a(v,w) = τi(∇v,∇w)L2(Ω) + τi(qcoolb(Ui−1)v,w)L2(∂Ω),

`(v) = (Wi−1, v)L2(Ω) − τi(qcool(c(Ui−1) − θcool), v)L2(∂Ω).

Multigrid methods for the efficient solution of discrete analogues of (3.11)have been proposed by Hoppe and Kornhuber [73, 74] and Hoppe [72]. Intheir algorithms, the coarse grid correction is performed separately in eachphase, leading to a poor coarse grid transport in comparison with truncatedmonotone multigrid methods (see Kornhuber [83]). Adaptive techniques forthe two–phase Stefan problem have been developed by Nochetto, Paolini,and Verdi [98, 99]. Their local error indicators concentrate exclusively onthe efficient resolution of the moving boundary. The resulting refinementstrategy contains a considerable number of parameters.

Recall that (3.11) can be regarded as a special case of the reference prob-lem (1.2.33). We emphasize that the completely implicit treatment of thenonlinearity K−1(Ui) leads to a straightforward extension of our approachto convex functionals of the form φ(v) =

Ω Φ1(v)dx +∫

∂Ω Φ2(v)dσ. Thiswould also include problems of Signorini type.

In our numerical simulation, we consider a production machine with a moldof length 0.60 m, spray cooling takes place for further 6.00 m, and the crosssection Ω of the ingot is shown in the left picture of Figure 5.15. The length ofthe horizontal edges of Ω is 0.1 m and the casting speed is vcast = 0.05 m/s.

We consider the production of steel with carbon content 0.12%. Following[117], the density is given by ρ = 7.3 ·103kg/m3 and the volumetric enthalpyρE(θ) is shown in the right picture of Figure 5.15. Observe that ρE exhibitsa large jump at the melting temperature θ∗ = 1500 oC, but there are alsosmall jumps occurring at 1470 oC and 1480 oC, respectively. This leads to amultiphase Stefan problem. For simplicity, we use the constant thermal con-ductivity κ = 0.175 kW/m oC in the liquidus θ > θ∗ and κ = 0.05 kW/m oCin the solidus θ < θ∗.

The cooling conditions are described by qcool = 1.5 kW/m2 oC, θcool =80 oC in the mold region and qcool = 1.0 kW/m2 oC, θcool = 27 oC in the

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5.3 Continuous Casting 131





1200 1300 1400 15005





Figure 5.15 Cross section Ω and enthalpy ρE

spray region. Of course, one could also use more sophisticated functions qcool

(cf. e.g. Laitinen and Neitaanmaki [89]).

We start our computation at t = 0, i.e. at the beginning of the mold, as-suming the constant initial temperature θ(x, 0) = 1501 oC. Our simulationends at T = 132s, corresponding to the end of the spray region. We choosethe step size τi = 1s in the mold and τi = 3s in the spray region, respec-tively. Of course, τi should be selected automatically based on a posteriorierror estimates (see e.g. Bornemann [23, 24, 25]). This is a subject of currentresearch.

5.3.1 The Adaptive Multilevel Method

The solution of the spatial problems (3.11) is carried out by the same adap-tive algorithm as in the preceding examples, using the truncated monotonemultigrid method (cf. Theorem 3.11) and the local a posteriori error es-timate (cf. Theorem 4.3). Starting with the initial triangulation depictedin Figure 5.1, we successively approximate the curved boundary of Ω bymoving the midpoints of all refined edges that lie on the approximatingpolygonal boundary to the exact boundary arc ∂Ω. It is known for the lin-ear self–adjoint case that such a modification does not affect the quality ofthe multigrid convergence rates (cf. Bramble and Pasciak [32]).

Collecting the results from all spatial problems, we can compose the three–dimensional stationary temperature distribution in the ingot. The profilealong a diagonal is shown in Figure 5.16. The initial temperature of 1501 oCis cooled down to 1203 oC in the interior and to 512 oC at the vertices.

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Observe that complete solidification takes place just before the end of oursimulation. Particularly in the spray region, a more accurate resolution ofthe solid/liquid interface can be obtained by smaller time steps.

Figure 5.16 Stationary temperature distribution in the ingot

In order to illustrate the behavior of our adaptive algorithm, we considerthe time level t12 = 12s (at the end of the mold) and the last time levelt52 = 132s (at the end of the spray region) in more detail. The resulting finaltriangulations T16 and T8 together with the level curves of the correspondingfinal approximations u16 and u8 are depicted in Figure 5.17 and Figure 5.18,respectively. Recall that, in this chapter, the subscripts denote the numberof refinement steps.

At the end of the mold, the width of the solid region is almost 1cm. Therefinement concentrates on the three interfaces, reflecting the jumps of ρE ,and on the boundary ∂Ω, where the cooling takes place. These are the twoessential features of the whole process. In the liquid region, the approximatesolution is almost constant. Hence, there is as little refinement as possible.

At the end of the spray region, the solid region covers the whole cross sectionΩ so that the last spatial problem reduces to a linear variational equality.The adaptive algorithm produces an almost uniformly refined final triangu-lation T9.

We now compare the approximation histories shown in Table 5.3 and Ta-ble 5.4, respectively. At first sight, we observe a much larger number ofrefinement steps in the nonlinear case. One could easily reduce this addi-tional computational effort for the adaptive location of the interfaces bysimple heuristics. We will come back to this point in the final example.

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Figure 5.17 Final triangulation T16 and final approximation u16 at the end of the mold

Figure 5.18 Final triangulation T8 and final approximation u8 at the end of the sprays

The spatial problems (3.11) are singularly perturbed with respect to thetime step size τi so that it may be dangerous to measure the spatial errorin the energy norm. This explains the severe overestimation of the trueapproximation error on the first refinement levels. Following Bornemann[23, 24, 25] it is more appropriate to measure the error in a scaled norm

of the form || v || = ( 11+τ (v, v)L2(Ω) + τ

1+τ a(v, v))1/2 which makes sense for

τ → 0 and τ → ∞. A posteriori error estimates in such norms follow directlyfrom the results in Chapter 4.

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134 5 Numerical Results

Level Depth Nodes Iterations Error %

0 0 5 2 16577.71 1 13 2 6455.02 2 37 2 1374.13 3 121 2 349.14 4 305 2 117.15 5 373 2 81.46 6 468 3 62.87 6 879 3 42.08 6 1077 3 30.79 7 1416 3 22.210 7 1798 3 17.011 7 2493 3 13.312 8 3149 2 10.013 8 4141 2 8.314 8 5857 2 6.715 9 8313 2 5.516 9 10185 2 4.7

Table 5.3 Approximation History at the end of the mold

Level Depth Nodes Iterations Error %

0 0 5 2 1503.31 1 13 2 412.32 2 37 2 102.53 3 125 2 29.54 4 337 2 13.45 5 709 2 8.26 6 873 2 6.67 7 1311 2 5.48 7 1689 2 4.6

Table 5.4 Approximation History at the end of the sprays

As in the previous example, we observe an asymptotic error reduction of at

least O(n−1/2j ) for both spatial problems. There is also not much difference

concerning the number of iterations, which can hardly be reduced.

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5.3.2 The Monotone Multigrid Methods

In order to compare the standard and the truncated version of our monotonemultigrid methods, we consider the discrete spatial problem arising on timelevel t12 = 12s (at the end of the mold) in more detail.

Figure 5.19 Iteration history: Initial iterate u0j = 0

Figure 5.20 Iteration history: Interpolated initial iterate

As in the preceding examples, we first apply both methods to the discreteproblem on the final refinement level j = 16, choosing the initial iterateu0

j = 0. The resulting iteration history, depicted in Figure 5.19, reminds us

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of the related experiment for the membrane problem (cf. Figure 5.3). Asusual, we observe a leading transient phase reflecting the nonlinearity ofthe problem, followed by an asymptotic phase corresponding to the reducedlinear case. Again, the asymptotic convergence rate of the standard version(STDKH) suffers from poor coarse grid transport as compared with thetruncated monotone multigrid method (TRCKH).

Starting with the interpolated solution from the previous level, we obtainthe iteration history illustrated in Figure 5.20. In this case, the transientphase is completely skipped.

Figure 5.21 Asymptotic efficiency rates

To illustrate the convergence behavior for increasing refinement, we considerthe asymptotic efficiency rates ρj, j = 1, . . . , 16, defined according to (1.1).

t1 = 1s t6 = 6s t12 = 12s t32 = 72s t52 = 132s

TRCKH 0.19 0.20 0.19 0.11 0.08

STDKH 0.45 0.53 0.51 0.32 0.08

Table 5.5 Asymptotic Efficiency rates on various time levels

The results are shown in Figure 5.21. The efficiency rates of STDKH andTRCKH are the same for j = 0, 1, 2, 3, because on these grids the solidregion is not yet resolved. Then, STDKH exhibits a slow but steady increaseof ρj while for TRCKH the efficiency rates seem to saturate at about 0.3.Table 5.5 displays the asymptotic efficiency rates for various time levels tk

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and the corresponding final triangulations. The number of nodes decreasesfrom almost 3 · 104 for t1 = 1s to about 4 · 103 on the last time level. Forthe remaining spatial problems, we obtained similar results.

5.3.3 The A Posteriori Error Estimates

Again, we consider the spatial problem arising at t12 = 12s. This time,we compare the local error estimate (cf. Theorem 4.3) with the iterativeerror estimate generated by the truncated monotone multigrid method withsymmetric smoother (cf. Theorem 4.5).

Figure 5.22 Effectivity indices of the approximation error estimates

The corresponding (approximate) effectivity indices are computed in thesame way as before (see p. 118) and the results are shown in Figure 5.22.As already mentioned above, the local error estimator considerably overesti-mates the true error on the leading coarse triangulations. However, we obtainmuch better results on higher levels. The second error estimator based onnonlinear iteration is much more robust. This approach benefits from themore careful decoupling of the discrete defect problems using also the off–diagonal elements of the stiffness matrix. We observed very similar resultson the other time levels, particularly for the linear problem at t52 = 132s.

As a consequence of the very fast convergence of the monotone multigridmethods, we found very satisfying algebraic effectivity rates, ranging from0.79 to 1.0 for the truncated monotone multigrid method and from 0.67 to1.0 for the standard variant.

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5.4 The Porous Medium Equation

In our final example, we consider the degenerate parabolic differential equa-tion

∂tρ = ∆(βρm

+ ) in Ω, (4.12)

describing the adiabatic flow of a homogeneous gas with density ρ througha porous medium (cf. Section 1.1.3). Elliptic–parabolic problems arising forexample in nonstationary filtration can be treated in a similar way.

As outlined in Section 1.1.3, we first use the Kirchhoff-type transformationρ = P(U) to reformulate (4.12) as the differential inclusion (1.1.30) which isthen discretized by an implicit Euler scheme providing the spatial problems

u ∈ H : `(v) − a(u, v) ∈ (P(u), v)L2(Ω), ∀v ∈ H, (4.13)

where u = Ui approximates the solution on the time level ti, the solutionspace H incorporates the essential boundary conditions, and we have set

a(v,w) = τi

Ω∇v · ∇w dx, `(v) =

ΩWi−1v dx

with τi denoting the time step size and Wi−1 being a selection of the nor-malized enthalpy from the preceding time level.

Choosing Φ in such a way that ∂Φ = P, we have to solve a minimizationproblem of the form (1.2.33) in each time step. However, in contrast to thepreceding examples, such a function Φ is not piecewise quadratic so that wecannot apply our monotone multigrid methods directly. One possible remedyis the piecewise linear approximation PM of P which should be performedin such a way that the finite speed of the free boundary is preserved.

To derive such an approximation PM , we introduce the grid points θi =((i − 1)/M)m, i = 1, . . . ,M . For z ≥ θ2 the values PM (z) are obtained bypiecewise linear interpolation of P(θi), i = 2, . . . ,M . In the initial interval(θ1, θ2), we use the linear extrapolation from (θ2, θ3), giving a positive valueH1 > 0 at θ1 = 0 as illustrated in Figure 5.23. This leads to the approxima-tion PM (0) = [H1,−∞) ⊃ P(0) = [0,∞) at the singularity z = 0, which iscrucial for the finite speed of the discrete free boundary.

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5.4 The Porous Medium Equation 139

Uθ1 θ2 θ3 θ4θ0

PM (U)

Figure 5.23 Approximation PM of P

The accuracy of this approximation was checked numerically for a two–dimensional analogue of the Barenblatt solution (cf. e.g. Jager and Kacur[77]). Moreover, in most situations of practical interest, the crucial functionP itself can be determined only approximately, for example by the fittingof experimental data. Hence, using PM instead of P can be justified froma practical point of view. Nevertheless, a tempting alternative to this apriori linearization is to extend monotone multigrid methods to functionalsφ which are not piecewise quadratic but piecewise smooth. This will be thesubject of a forthcoming paper.

Other discretizations of (4.12) were studied by Berger, Brezis and Rogers [21],Magenes, Nochetto and Verdi [91], and Nochetto and Verdi [100]. Such linearschemes do not preserve the finite speed of propagation of perturbations. Asa consequence, sharp layers occurring in the exact solution may be smearedout in course of the approximation. This problem was remedied by Jagerand Kacur [77] at the expense of an additional fixed point iteration for eachnodal point. We refer to Bansch [14] for numerical experiments. DampedNewton–like linearizations in connection with regularization techniques anda multigrid solution of the linear sub–problems have been proposed byFuhrmann [59, 60].

In our numerical experiment, we choose m = 2, β = 1, and the initialcondition

ρ0(x1, x2) =[

0.4 − r2(1 + 0.5sin(14ϕ))]1/2


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Figure 5.24 Initial density distribution ρ0

with r = (x21 +x2

2)1/2 and ϕ = atan(x2/x1). The level curves of ρ0 are shown

in Figure 5.24. We consider the spatial domain Ω = (0, 1) × (0, 1) and thetime interval (0, T ) = (0, 0.05), using the uniform time step size τ = 1/800.Homogeneous Dirichlet conditions are prescribed at x1 = 1, x2 = 1 andwe impose homogeneous Neumann conditions at x1 = 0, x2 = 0. For theapproximation PM of P, we choose M = 100.

5.4.1 The Adaptive Multilevel Method

The spatial problems (4.13), with P replaced by PM , are now solved ap-proximately by our adaptive algorithm. Due to the a priori linearization,these problems involve a very large number of phases.

As the optimal resolution of the free boundary is of prominent importancefor the proper approximation of the density ρ, we additionally refine alltriangles satisfying 0 < uj(p) < 10−5 for at least one vertex p. As ourdiscretization provides discrete solutions with compact support, there will beno refinement in the unsaturated phase. In order to limit the computationalcosts, we prescribe the maximal refinement depth dmax = 8.

Apart from these modifications, we use the same adaptive multilevel algo-rithm as in the preceding examples incorporating the truncated monotonemultigrid method and the local a posteriori error estimate. The initial tri-angulation T0 is taken from our first example (see Figure 5.1).

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Figure 5.25 Final triangulation T8 and final approximation u8 for the first time step

Figure 5.26 Final triangulation T8 and final approximation u8 for the last time step

In order to illustrate the behavior of the adaptive algorithm, we consider thefirst lime level t1 and the last time level t40 in some detail. The final trian-gulations and the corresponding final approximations are shown in Figures5.25 and 5.26, respectively. As intended, the nodal points are concentratedin the neighborhood of the approximate free boundary. The triangulationsreflect the smoothness of the solution in the saturated phase. Both grids areas coarse as possible where the density is zero. Observe that the discretiza-tion preserves steep gradients at the interface while the interface itself issmoothed.

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The corresponding approximation histories are shown in Table 5.6 and Ta-ble 5.7, respectively. Recall from the previous example that the semi–discreteproblems (4.13) may become singularly perturbed for small time steps.Hence, it is not astonishing that the approximation error is again heavi-ly overestimated on the first levels. This motivates error estimates in othernorms such as the L2-norm or the scaled norm introduced above (cf. p. 133).As adaptive refinement is now based on local error indicators and additionalheuristic criteria, we can no longer expect an O(nj) behavior of the approxi-mation error. In fact, the error is reduced very slowly with increasing refine-

Level Depth Nodes Iterations Error %

0 0 2 1 11225.01 1 8 2 8660.32 2 29 3 1542.73 3 104 3 206.44 4 349 3 77.85 5 850 4 36.16 6 1976 4 27.17 7 3996 3 25.78 8 8143 3 22.9

Table 5.6 Approximation history for the first time step

Level Depth Nodes Iterations Error %

0 0 2 2 14071.21 1 8 2 2687.02 2 32 2 371.43 3 116 2 66.84 4 298 2 66.25 5 660 2 48.46 6 1325 2 32.27 7 2555 2 24.08 8 5113 2 19.8

Table 5.7 Approximation history for the last time step

ment so that the prescribed accuracy of 5.% is not reached within the max-imal number of dmax = 8 steps. In spite of the strong nonlinearity of theproblem, the number of iterations still remains very moderate. This illus-trates the robustness of our multigrid approach.

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5.4.2 The Monotone Multigrid Methods

We perform the same experiments as above (with very similar results). Let

Figure 5.27 Iteration history: Initial iterate u0j = 0

Figure 5.28 Iteration history: Interpolated initial iterate

us consider the discrete spatial problem arising in the first time step onthe final refinement level j = 8. Starting with the initial iterate u0

j = 0,we obtain the iteration history depicted in Figure 5.27. As compared to theStefan problem, the much larger number of phases causes a larger number ofleading transient steps but does not affect the rapid asymptotic convergenceof the truncated version. Figure 5.28 shows the performance of the multigrid

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144 5 Numerical Results

algorithms in case of the interpolated initial iterate. In contrast to the pre-ceding examples, the transient phase does not vanish completely. However,even the transient convergence is considerably faster taking advantage ofthe fast reduction of the high frequencies and of the small time step. Forlarger time steps, we observed similar asymptotic convergence rates as inthe previous example.

To illustrate the convergence behavior for increasing j, we computed theasymptotic efficiency rates ρj according to (1.2). The results are shown inFigure 5.29. The increasing efficiency rates of the truncated version reflectthe increasing number of transient iteration steps. Again, this can be ex-plained by the large number of phases. Table 5.8 displays the asymptotic

Figure 5.29 Asymptotic efficiency rates

efficiency rates for other times tk and the final refinement level j = 8. Similarresults were obtained for the remaining time steps.

t8 = 0.01 t16 = 0.02 t24 = 0.03 t32 = 0.04 t40 = 0.05

TRCKH 0.10 0.14 0.11 0.08 0.09

STDKH 0.43 0.37 0.35 0.34 0.35

Table 5.8 Asymptotic efficiency rates for various time steps

5.4.3 The A Posteriori Error Estimates

We briefly discuss the behavior of the error estimates for the first time stepwhich again is typical for the remaining spatial problems. The (approxi-

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5.4 The Porous Medium Equation 145

mate) effectivity indices (cf. p. 118) of our local and iterative estimates ofthe approximation error are shown in Figure 5.30. As already mentioned

Figure 5.30 Approximation error estimates

above, the local error estimate should be used carefully on coarse trian-gulations, but has very satisfying asymptotic properties. Again, the (moreexpensive) iterative error estimate provides much better results throughoutthe approximation.

For the truncated monotone multigrid method, the algebraic effectivity in-dices are varying from 0.68 to 1.1 and we observed similar results for thestandard version.

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c, C, c1, C1, . . . generic positive constants, usually not the same at differentoccurences

R real numbers

x = (x1, x2) elements of R2

Ω, ∂Ω polygonal domain Ω ∈ R2 with boundary ∂Ω

L2(Ω) Hilbert space of measurable, square integrable functions onthe domain Ω

|| · ||L2(Ω) norm on L2(Ω): ||v||L2(Ω) =∫

Ω v2 dx

∂i, ∇ generalized partial derivative ∂i with respect to xi and gra-dient ∇v = (∂1v, ∂2v)

H1(Ω) Hilbert space of functions in v ∈ L2(Ω) with first orderderivatives ∂iv ∈ L2(Ω), i = 1, 2.

|| · ||H1(Ω) norm inH1(Ω): ||v||H1(Ω)= (||v||2L2(Ω)+∑

i=1,2 ||∂iv||2L2(Ω))1/2

vk → v, k → ∞ convergence in H if not otherwise stated

C∞0 (Ω) space of infinitely differentiable functions with compact

support in Ω

H10 (Ω) closure of C∞

0 (Ω) in H1(Ω)

u, H solution u and solution space H of the minimization prob-lem (1.2.33), p. 22

a(·, ·), || · || elliptic bilinear form a(v, v) and energy norm ||v||, p. 22

J quadratic energy functional, p. 22

Φ scalar convex function with properties (V1), (V2) and (V3)or (V3)’, p. 23

φ non–smooth convex functional generated by Φ, p. 22

Page 157: · Contents Introduction 9 1 Nonlinear Variational Problems 12 1.1 Free and Moving

Notation 157

∂φ, ∂Φ subdifferentials, p. 32

Tj, Nj , Ej triangulation Tj with interior nodes Nj and edges Ej, p. 37

Sj space of piecewise linear finite elements with respect to thetriangulation Tj, p. 37

φj approximation of φ with respect to Sj , p. 37

Λj , λ(j)p nodal basis Λj of Sj with elements λ

(j)p , p. 37

uj solution of the discrete minimization problem (1.3.57),p. 37

uj smoothed iterate, p. 52

(Mν)ν≥0, µνl sequence of search directions (Mν)ν≥0 with elements µν

l ,see conditions (M1), p. 51, and (M2), (M3), p. 60

∂Φl subdifferential of φj in direction of µνl , p. 50, 55

∂Ψl monotone approximation of ∂Φl, p. 56

N ij (v), N •

j (v) discrete phase N ij (v) and critical nodes N •

j (v) of v ∈ Sj ,

p. 59

Sj reduced subspace of Sj , p. 63

ΛS , Λ multilevel nodal basis ΛS in Sj and corresponding searchdirections Λ = (Λj ,ΛS), p. 69

buj(w, ·) − fuj

local linearization of φj at uj, p. 62, 70

ϕj, ϕj bounds for the neighborhood of uj in which the local lin-

earization is valid, p. 70

ψl, ψl lower and upper bounds for the local corrections, p. 72

Rkk+1 monotone restrictions, p. 74

ΛS , λ(j)p truncated nodal basis ΛS of Sj with elements λ

(j)p , p. 79

Qj space of piecewise quadratic finite elements with respect tothe triangulation Tj, p. 96

ΛQ, λQp nodal basis ΛQ of Qj with elements λQp , p. 96

eQ solution of the discrete defect problem (4.1.2), p. 96

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accuracy assumption 97

algebraic effectivity index 119


convergence rates 89, 91

reduced problem 63

cascadic iterations 111

coarse grid correction 52

convex 23, 24

critical nodes 59

depth 67

discrete phases 59

effectivity index 118

efficiency rates 117

energy 13

conservation of 15

functional 45

norm 23

total 13

epigraph 26


algebraic 94

approximation 94

discretization 108

extended underrelaxations 53, 58

finite elements 36

indicator functional 24

Kirchhoff transformation 17, 21


correction 46, 50, 52, 53

damping 53, 58

error indicator 109

obstacle 72

subproblem 46, 52

lower semicontinuous 24maximal monotone 33monotone

approximations 56multigrid methods 77, 82

multifunction 32nodal basis 36non–degeneracy 60preconditioner 98proper 24quasioptimal

local obstacles 72monotone approximation 63restrictions 75, 81

refinement 66, 108saturation assumption 97separation theorem 29smoothed iterate 52subgradient 32variational

inclusion 18, 21, 34inequality 30

triangulationnested 110regular 36shape regular 38