contents · much every other harsh chemical we apply to our skin can annihilate the good bacteria...


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Page 1: Contents · much every other harsh chemical we apply to our skin can annihilate the good bacteria in addition to the bad. Instead of harsh antibacterial soaps, opt for natural, pH
Page 2: Contents · much every other harsh chemical we apply to our skin can annihilate the good bacteria in addition to the bad. Instead of harsh antibacterial soaps, opt for natural, pH



Introduction ........................................................................................................... 3

What are the organs of the immune system? ........................................................ 4

What causes a weak immune system? ................................................................... 7

The importance of a healthy gut biome ............................................................... 14

Supplements that boost your immune system and fight disease ......................... 18

Antioxidants and ‘the antioxidant paradox’ ......................................................... 23

Beware of multi-vitamin pills ............................................................................... 25

Foods that boost the immune system .................................................................. 28

TCM for immunity boosting ................................................................................. 34

Beneficial acupressure protocol for the Immune System ..................................... 38

Essential oils - Natures medicine .......................................................................... 48

Aroma-Acupressure ............................................................................................. 53

Attuning your body to healthy frequencies .......................................................... 55

Meridian frequencies that heal ............................................................................ 60

Exercises that boost the immune system ............................................................. 63

What’s next? ........................................................................................................ 69

Page 3: Contents · much every other harsh chemical we apply to our skin can annihilate the good bacteria in addition to the bad. Instead of harsh antibacterial soaps, opt for natural, pH


Copyright © 2020 Natural Synergy All rights reserved.

Published by Emily J Parker & Dr Lin Xiaoxi

Notes to the reader:

No part of this publication may be reproduced, recorded, re-printed, publicly displayed or digitally shared, except

as permitted under U.S copyright law, without prior written permission from the author. This publication was

created to provide authentic and detailed information on the immune system for educational purposes. This

information should be used as a supplement to your doctor’s advice and not a replacement. The author does not

accept any responsibility for any liabilities resulting from any health decisions made by purchasers of this book.

The information in this book and related materials is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical

advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other

qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Never

disregard the advice of a medical professional, or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this

book or related materials.

Acupressure is generally safe to use and has little or no side effects. It is always best that people with severe

medical issues, such as cancer, heart disease or a chronic condition, consult their local doctor or TCM practitioner

before performing acupressure or any other complementary therapy.

Nevertheless, there are certain situations where it is best to avoid acupressure:

• If you have had surgery recently — it is advisable to wait for acute inflammation to resolve. Do not perform

acupressure over the surgery area.

• If you have recently suffered a heart attack or stroke

• If you have been diagnosed with cancer

• Burns, wounds, and skin infections — acupressure is contraindicated over wounded, or infected skin

• Varicose veins — pressure over varicose veins can cause severe pain and worsen the problem.

• Bone fractures — do not apply acupressure directly on a fracture spot. Slight pressure on the perimeter can be

useful to increase blood flow and promote healing

• If you notice an undiagnosed lump or mass — speak to a physician first to find out what the mass is

• Pregnancy — special precaution, there’s a series of points that should not be used in pregnancy for they may put

the pregnancy at risk or induce labor

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Isn’t it incredible that your body is able to heal itself from disease?

We take for granted that a wound not only self-repairs but is also protected from

invading germs.

Being aware of – and taking care of this powerhouse defense system within your

body is what ultimately makes you less susceptible to diseases. And although the

immune system is a complex subject to discuss, this e-booklet is going to teach

you (in an easy to understand manner) exactly what you need to do to keep your

immune system strong and operating optimally so that you can stay healthy and

fit, enjoying a better quality of life.

We should get used to the idea that toughening our immune defenses is not only

a seasonal thing to consider, but really a year-long and day-to-day priority. It

seems like a tough job to do at first but really, we just need to understand how to

incorporate little things to our daily habits and we will be well on our way

towards a more resilient immune system.

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What are the organs of the immune system?

The body’s defense system is made up of several organs that work together to

make sure you stay healthy.

Bone Marrow - Is a spongy-tissue found inside the bones. This is where the

majority of defense cells are produced. They then travel into the bloodstream and

to the organs where they are needed.

Lymph nodes - Lymph nodes are your immune system's first line of defense,

shielding your body from things like bacteria or viruses that could make you sick.

You have hundreds of these bean-shaped nodes all over your body. Found in

areas such as your neck, under your arm, and in your chest, belly, and groin.

Lymph nodes are connected to each other with veins called ‘lymph vessels’. They

carry lymph fluid throughout the body. When the fluid passes through each node,

germs and toxins are filtered-out and eliminated.

Your lymph nodes will swell when you have an illness or an infection. It’s a sign

that your body is at full alert – fighting germs.

Spleen – One of your spleen's main functions is to act as a filter for your blood. It

removes old, or damaged red blood cells.

Your spleen also fights infection. Just as it filters blood, it filters bacteria and


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When germs are detected in your bloodstream, your spleen, along with your

lymph nodes, jumps to action and creates an army of antibodies that kill bacteria,

viruses, and other organisms that can make you ill.

Tonsils – The tonsils are located at the back of the nose and throat so they can

filter germs that have been breathed in. They contain white blood cells and

antibodies that fight infection.

Your Gut – 80% of your immune system is in your gut, large intestines and

bowels. Since the gut is constantly exposed to a wide range of bacteria (from the

food we eat), the largest part of the immune system is located there.

The more diverse your gut bacteria is, the better your immune system functions.

Skin - Skin is a barrier that serves as one of the body’s first lines of defense

against harmful microbes.

Specialized immune cells within skin tissue help to fight invading organisms. Yet

the skin hosts diverse communities of beneficial bacteria, collectively known as

the skin microbiota.


Unfortunately, most modern hygiene practices absolutely wreck our skin

microbiome. Antibacterial soaps, preservatives in topical products, and pretty

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much every other harsh chemical we apply to our skin can annihilate the ‘good’

bacteria in addition to the ‘bad’.

Instead of harsh antibacterial soaps, opt for natural, pH balancing soaps.

Thymus Gland - The thymus gland is most active in babies, but after infancy, it

grows and reaches its maximum size during puberty. Following puberty, the gland

shrinks and becomes largely replaced with fat. Although the thymus shrinks with

age, it plays an important role in immunity and autoimmunity for a person’s

entire lifetime.

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What causes a weak immune system?

Simply put, a weak immune system means being prone to frequent sickness and


Some people are born with a weak immune system. Others develop a low

immune system.

Well-meaning parents are rearing sickly children due to overzealous hygiene

standards – according to ‘the hygiene hypothesis’.

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‘The hygiene hypothesis’ was first coined by David P. Strachan, a professor of

epidemiology, in 1980. Strachan discovered that children who lived in households

with strict cleanliness, were more likely to develop allergies and were more

vulnerable to disease (compared to kids with regular hygiene standards).

The simple conclusion to the hypothesis is that for the immune system to develop

properly, children must be exposed to germs so that their antibodies have a

chance to strengthen, according to the FDA.

Unhealthy lifestyle choices will lower the immune system – It’s no secret that

prolonged excessive drinking, a poor diet, recreational drugs and smoking will

lower your immune system.

Stress and Anxiety – Stressed out? Don't be surprised if you fall sick.

Countless studies have shown that your state of mind affects your state of health.

Anxiety causes the release of adrenaline. Prolonged adrenaline spikes weaken the

immune system.

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Cortisol is another stress hormone. In small doses, it is good for fighting

inflammation… but while fighting inflammation, the immune system is

suppressed. Prolonged cortisol spikes suppress the immune system and opens the

gates to infections.

Coping with stress may cause ‘comfort eating’, excessive drinking and smoking…

which only makes matters worse for your health.

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Aging – As we grow older the body doesn’t work as well as it used to… which


- Older people produce less white blood cells (which fight infection)

- Less antibodies to fight bad bacteria and viruses

- T cell function decreases (a key component in the immune system)

- The thymus gland shrinks away to nothing in our golden years

- We develop auto-immune disorders (immune cells attacking ‘friendly’ cells)

Malnutrition – Living on junk food for prolonged periods can cause a deficiency in

certain minerals and vitamins. Vitamins A, C and E, along with magnesium, zinc,

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copper, iron and selenium, have long been proven to be essential for a healthy

immune system (see below why multivitamins are useless).

Blood sugar spikes - Studies have shown that blood-sugar spikes will suppress

your immune system (see ‘olive leaf extract’ below).

A diet high in sugar or processed carbohydrates will not only lower your immune

system, but can cause insulin resistance. Prolonged insulin resistance causes

diabetes – which also lowers your ability to fight bacteria, viruses and infection.

Overuse of antibiotics - While investigating the side effects of antibiotics and how

bacteria can develop a resistance to them, researchers from MIT and Harvard

have found that the drugs can actually work against the body, weakening the

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immune system's ability to fight off the bugs by killing off the good bacteria in

your gut along with the bad bacteria.

Long term use of some medications – An example of this are proton pump

inhibitors (PPI’s) for acid reflux. Over time, this drug suppresses the absorption of

vitamins and minerals. This lack of nutrition causes a weak immune system.

Lack of sleep – Our sleep pattern is a strong regulator of the immune processes. A

regular sleep pattern strengthens communication between the whole immune

system. It has been proved that a chronic lack of sleep (long-term insomnia, for

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example) is equivalent to a state of constant stress, which affects the immune

functions and increases the susceptibility to infections.

Lack of exercise - Regular physical activity keeps the body strong and healthy,

plus it improves blood circulation and breath capacity. For these reasons, exercise

decreases the chance of developing chronic diseases and suffering from

bacterial/viral infections.

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The importance of a healthy gut biome

Most people think that bacteria is bad for your health… but did you know that

that there are billions of beneficial bacteria living in all of us that are responsible

for good health?

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This ecosystem of bacteria is called our microbiome (meaning: a community

of microbes). And only recently has the scientific community begun to realize that

a thriving microbiome is essential for boosting immunity, regulating our

digestion, keeping our hormone levels in-check and our brain healthy.

Many researchers conclude that up to 90% of all diseases (in some way) can be

traced back to the gut and health of the microbiome.

The importance of our gut microbiome cannot be overstated. Poor gut health can

contribute to leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune diseases and disorders like

arthritis, dementia, heart disease, and cancer.

Throughout our lives, we help shape our own microbiomes — plus they adapt to

changes in our environment. For example, the foods you eat, how you sleep, the

amount of bacteria you’re exposed to and the level of stress you live with all help

establish the state of your microbiota.

Modern living takes its toll on our gut microbiome.

When our gut health is out of whack, it’s known as dysbiosis. This means toxins

are influencing your intestinal flora negatively.

Antibiotics not only kill the bad bacteria, but also kill off good bacteria in your

stomach – which lowers your immune system….

Glyphosate: Monsanto’s ‘Roundup’ Proven to Disrupt Gut Microbiome –

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Roundup is a herbicide that kills weeds. It kills plants is by inhibiting an enzyme

called EPSPS. Although roundup is considered ‘non-toxic’ to humans, the trace

residue left on your fruit and veggies can kill the microbiome in your gut.


After a lifetime of processed foods, toxic cosmetics, non-organic food, antibiotics

and stress, our gut health becomes compromised. Eventually, these foreign

substances create an overly acidic environment.

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When the pH balance goes past 7, your microbiome becomes harder for probiotic

bacteria to survive. As a result, inflammations flare up.

Inflammation plays a role in every type of disease, condition, or illness. Whether

it’s an autoimmune disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, or eczema, there is an

inflammation at the root of the problem.

Your microbiome loves probiotics – fermented/pickled foods like:

- Yogurt: Greek is best

- Kefir: Similar to yogurt, it contains anywhere from 10 to 34 strains of


- Kombucha: Fermented black tea

- Apple cider vinegar (must have a probiotic called ‘the mother’)

- Kimchi: Spicy Korean fermented cabbage

- Sauerkraut: German fermented cabbage

- Natto: Japanese fermented soybeans

- Brined olives: Look for organic

- Tempeh: Indonesian fermented soybean

- Miso: A Japanese spice created by fermenting soybean, barley or brown

rice with koji.

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- Raw milk: Regular milk bought at the store is pasteurized, and devoid of any


Supplements that boost your immune system and fight disease

Unlike prescription medicines, whose list of side effects are often longer than

their list of benefits, antiviral herbs often have little to no side effects.

These herbs can be traced back to as early as Ancient Egypt and China, where

they were also used as natural remedies.

Licorice root - Licorice root has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese

Medicine for its antiviral effects. Modern studies have caught up, and now

conclude that compounds in the root called triterpenoids are extremely effective

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when it comes to viral immunity.

Olive leaf extract – Olive leaf either kills or resists the multiplication of a broad

range of viruses, bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and other parasites in your system. Olive

leaf has also been proven to reduce blood-sugar spikes, which suppress the

immune system.

Cats claw - Cat’s claw, hailing from a woody vine in the Amazon rainforest, is

another herb with spectacular antiviral properties. Specifically, cat’s claw works to

supercharge your immune system, while simultaneously repairing damaged DNA

and boosting your virus-fighting white blood cells.

Elderberry is known to have anti-viral properties, so it fights against

viruses while boosting your immune system.

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Elderberry has had a following for being a powerful weapon against colds and

the flu for many years. There’s even some evidence to show that prehistoric man

used elderberry, most likely as a medicinal plant. Elderberry can also trace its use

back to ancient Egypt, and Hippocrates is known to have used elderberry for a

variety of health treatments.

Elderberry has also been shown to have a significant effect on cold duration and

cold associated symptoms.

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Elderberry is best known for its powerful immune boosting properties, especially

when it comes to viruses like colds and the flu. The anthocyanidins in the

elderberry are the most active when it comes to fighting colds and flu. Not only

does it tend to shorten the duration of a cold or the flu, but it also helps to reduce

some of the miserable symptoms. This 2009 study of patients with the flu showed

significant improvement in their flu symptoms with four doses of 175mg

elderberry extract a day.

Another study published in the Journal of International Medical Research shows

elderberry extract being highly effective when used within the first 48 hours of

the onset of flu. It can actually shorten the duration of flu symptoms by an

average of four days.

Elderberry can interact with some medications, so check with your doctor if you

are already taking prescription medications including diabetes medications,

diuretics, chemotherapy, immunosuppressants, laxatives or theophylline.

Curcumin – Traditionally known for its an anti-inflammatory effects, curcumin has

been shown in the last two decades to be a potent immunomodulatory agent that

can modulate the activation of T cells, B cells, macrophages, neutrophils, natural

killer cells, and dendritic cells.

This suggests that curcumin's reported beneficial effects in arthritis, allergy,

asthma, atherosclerosis, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, and cancer

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might be due to its ability to modulate the immune system.

Echinacea - This antiviral and antibacterial herb contains polysaccharides that

increase the body's production of white blood cells, which fight

infection. Echinacea is available in an extract or tablet form, making it easier to

get your daily supply of this immunity-boosting flower.

Astragalus - Adaptogenic astragalus is thought to combat stress, and it

contains anaemia which can improve blood counts. Add this herb to soups to fight

fatigue and boost your immune system during cold and flu season.

Yin Chiao (Honeysuckle Forsythia) - Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners

often prescribe this nine-herb formula, which contains soothing licorice, nasal-

clearing peppermint, perspiration-stimulating Jing Jie, and Lu Gen, which soothes

the lungs and stomach.

Andrographis - Andrographis is a plant commonly used in Asian countries to

prevent influenza and soothe digestive issues, liver conditions, fever, and sore

throats. This herb's detoxifying properties cleanses the blood and strengthens the

immune system to fight infection.


While it may be tempting to down as many antiviral herbs as you can to get rid of

your virus, keep in mind that while most have little to no negative side effects to

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date, that doesn’t mean that you should take an unreasonable amount. Use them

but avoid going overboard. And as always, consult with your doctor first,

especially if you are pregnant or taking other medications.

Antioxidants and ‘the antioxidant paradox’

Antioxidants are hailed as the ‘holy grail’ for good health – they fight the evil ‘free


We have all heard that popular buzzword – free radicals… and how they wreck

your body.

It’s true. Free radicals cause oxidation… and oxidation can lead to low immunity.

But some free radicals are formed as natural by-products of your body’s

processes, including eating, breathing and immune system responses.

So how do these free radicals cause oxidation?

Without overwhelming you with complicated science jargon, free radicals are

molecules that are highly reactive with other cellular structures.

These free radicals are missing an electron – so they steal the electron they need

from your cell membranes, proteins and DNA. This electron stealing is called


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How do antioxidants fight free radicals?

Antioxidants have an extra electron – free radicals need an electron.

So, the antioxidant gives its extra electron to the free radical – which means free

radicals don’t need to steal electrons from your healthy cells.

OK then, so it’s only logical that I take as many antioxidants as I can to fight all

these free radicals, right? (Especially if I lead an unhealthy lifestyle)

As much as the vitamin supplement industry would like you to think this – this

assumption is very wrong. In fact, taking lab made antioxidants may increase

your chances of cancer.

Sounds crazy right? If antioxidants cancel-out the negative effects of free radicals,

how can antioxidant supplements be harmful?

Scientists conclude that free radicals aren’t quite as nasty as the marketing

department of the health industry portrays them to be.

Even though it’s clear that free radicals cause damage, we actually need free

radicals to kill bacteria and repel cancerous cells.

As mentioned earlier, free radicals are produced naturally, regardless of external


So, when people take high doses of antioxidants, they are creating an unnatural

environment where the immune system is unable to do its job properly. This

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phenomenon is called ‘the antioxidant paradox’. And research concludes that it

causes cancer.

Health experts recommend that it’s best to consume antioxidants the way nature

intended (from healthy food). This ensures you don’t overdose on them.

Beware of multivitamin pills

It’s crucial to get our vitamins directly from food… rather than taking multi-

vitamin pills.

Did you know that ascorbic acid (synthetic vitamin C) is marketed as real vitamin


If you are learning this for the first time, it can be a shocking realization as almost

all vitamin C supplements on the market use ascorbic acid which has been

extracted from GMO corn using a chemical synthesis.

The worst part is - the manufacturing process that produces synthetic vitamin C

leaves all the beneficial factors behind!

A real vitamin is:

“a working arrangement of nutrients, enzymes, coenzymes, antioxidants, and

trace minerals activators.”

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Vitamins cannot be extracted from food and still perform their specific functions

within the cells. When isolated into artificial commercial forms, like ascorbic acid

(synthetic vitamin C), they are no longer vitamins.

Think of it like this: The motor of a car is essential for transport – but the motor

won’t get you to work in the morning without the whole car. If you take out the

motor, the car ceases to be a mode of transport.

• Ascorbic acid is not vitamin C

• Alpha tocopherol is not vitamin E

• Retinoic acid is not vitamin A

Three Studies Suggest Caution with High Dose Ascorbic Acid

The journal Wise Traditions cites three studies that give pause about large doses

of vitamin C. The first, from the Jun 15, 2001 issue of Science, showed that

“synthetic vitamin C may contribute to the formation of genotoxins that can lead

to cancer”.

A second study presented to the American Heart Association showed a link

between consumption of only 500 mg of vitamin C per day and a greater

propensity toward thickening of the arteries (Los Angeles Times, March 3, 2000).

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More recently, athletes taking 1000 mg of isolated ascorbic acid per day showed

reduced endurance capacity from interference with antioxidant enzymes

(American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Jan 2008).

This information should give pause to anyone who is actively taking synthetic

vitamin C supplements such as those Emergen-C packets that are available

everywhere, from pharmacies and health food stores to even gas stations!

Instead of popping vitamin pills, opt for fresh fruit and veggies instead.

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Foods that boost the immune system

Red bell pepper - For people trying to avoid the sugar in fruit, red bell peppers

are an excellent alternative source of vitamin C. A cup of chopped red bell pepper

contains nearly three times more vitamin C than an orange—190 mg.

Stir-frying and roasting both preserve the nutrient content of red bell peppers

better than steaming or boiling, according to a study on cooking methods.

Note that the human body does not store this vitamin for future use. Therefore,

we need a regular supply of it. Add citrus fruits or red bell peppers to your regular

diet to prevent vitamin C deficiencies and to improve your immune system.

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Garlic – Garlic is a powerful antioxidant with antimicrobial, antiviral, and

antibiotic properties. It's also a natural decongestant! The sky really is the limit

with this flavorful ingredient, and you can work it into pretty much any meal.

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Fresh Ginger - Not only is ginger an excellent remedy for the nausea and stomach

upset you might feel when fighting a virus, it also wages war against the virus

itself. It does this by blocking the attachment of viruses to areas that are

commonly infected first, like your air ways.

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Turmeric – Turmeric comes from the same family as Ginger. Curcumin is a

substance found in turmeric that is hailed for strong anti-inflammatory effects,

but there are many more vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidant compounds found in

turmeric that are hailed for their immune-boosting properties.

Turmeric is poorly absorbed… make sure you consume with black pepper for

better absorption.

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Bone broth super-boosts the immune system - We all have a certain number of

cancer cells swirling around in our bloodstream at any given time. It is the job of a

healthy immune system to hunt these pathogenic cells out and destroy them

before they get out of hand. Bone broth contains particular substances that are

vital in this process. First of all, bone broth contains the amino

acids arginine (essential for immune system and liver function), glutamine (which

helps with metabolism), and glycine (which aids in glutathione production and

also quality of sleep). Bone marrow that liquefies over time as your soup simmers

is especially beneficial to the immune system. This marrow will contain lipids,

especially alkylglycerols, which are vital for the production of white blood cells.

Alkylglycerols also appear in colostrum from mother’s milk and have been found

to control cancer tumor cell growth.

Bone broth helps heal the gut - Recall that about 80% of all immune system cells

reside in the digestive system. This means that as you heal your gut, you are also

healing your immune system. Bone broth is an important component of this

healing. According to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, author of the book and

nutritional program Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS), “bone broth helps to

seal and heal the gut.” This in large part is due to the glycosaminoglycans (or

GAGS) found in it. GAGs help to restore the intestinal lining. They also play a role

in maintaining collagen and elastin content between tissue fibers.

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Green tea - This makes one of the most popular teas across the world. Most

people drink green tea because of its taste, but there are numerous health

benefits as well. During old times, folks used to attribute green tea as an agent

that helps fight certain ailments. Modern research confirms most of that.

Epigallocatechin-3-gallate is the main ingredient of green tea that imparts it most

of the health-related benefits.

The consumption of green tea has been linked to the prevention of different

types of cancers. Green tea strengthens the immune system by protecting our

body against oxidants and radicals. So, have you been looking for ways to boost

the immune system naturally? Green tea is one answer.

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Raw honey - Raw honey is best described as honey “as it exists in the beehive”. It

is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral, and is full of vitamins, minerals and


Whereas store-bought honey has been pasteurized. Pasteurization is a process of

applying high heat to extend the shelf life and make it smoother.

Unfortunately, pasteurization destroys all the beneficial properties found in


TCM for immunity boosting

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is proven to be an effective treatment for

immunity boosting.

For example, acupressure has an anti-stress and anti-inflammation function that

enhances your body’s defence system to make it more resistant to illness and


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Many people choose to apply acupressure therapy to keep their bodies healthy

and balanced. Also, because they can apply it themselves – without having to visit

an acupuncturist.

Acupressure pre-dates acupuncture. Thousands of years ago, before the ancient

Chinese had the technology to make needles, they used finger pressure.

TCM states that the root of all health problems (physical, mental & emotional)

can be traced back to energy blockages in our meridian system.

The meridian system is best described as a network of energy lines. Each meridian

line is dotted with energy-points called ‘acupoints’.

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When you stimulate specific acupoints, you restore a healthy circulation of energy

which the Chinese call Qi (pronounced ‘chi’).

A healthy circulation of Qi sustains health and accelerates healing.

Acupoints are like ‘natural reset buttons’ for blocked energy and can be

stimulated in a number of ways.

- Acupuncture uses needles

- Acupressure uses finger pressure

- Electro-Acupuncture uses electricity

- Acu-Acoustic treatment uses bio-frequencies

Many Scientific Studies Have Proven the Meridian System

French Physicians Jean Claude Darras MD and Professor Pierre de Vernejoul,

injected the isotope tracer Te99 into the acupoints of volunteer patients and then

monitored the tracers movements using a gamma imaging camera. The tracers

travelled along the exact meridian lines within minutes after injection.

To challenge their findings, they injected non-meridian points - finding that the

tracers simply pooled up and remained in the same spot. Interestingly, tracers

flowing through diseased parts of the body slowed down dramatically or stopped

- compared to a fast flow around healthy parts of the meridian system.

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Some skeptics dismiss acupressure

citing the "placebo effect" - where 30%

of people will be shown to heal in

experiments when given a sugar pill

instead of the "real medicine".

However, the placebo effect has been

debunked because animals who can’t

comprehend suggestion also respond

well to the healing properties of

acupoint therapy.

As they say, when it comes to our

health, prevention is better than a


Acupressure is a great, easy, and

healing technique to prevent disease. It is based on the principle of activation of

the body’s energetic meridians by applying pressure to acupuncture points with

the fingers.

When people do acupressure frequently, it is almost impossible to get sick.

In normal conditions, when you are feeling healthy, it is advisable to have an

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acupressure treatment once every 4 to 6 weeks just to ensure your body is


Before winter, when people are more prone to get sick, it is recommended to do

a treatment once a week to once every 2 weeks.

But, if you are going through a particularly stressful period, like a pandemic virus

outbreak, for example, acupressure should be done more often to keep up your

defensive shields.

Acupressure for the Immune System

We have prepared a simple, yet effective acupressure routine to enhance your

immune system and stay safe against any micro-organism.

The following routine should be done every day, even twice a day, if:

• You are more than 50 years old

• You feel like you might have a weak immune system (you often get sick)

• You suffer from autoimmune diseases or chronic diseases like diabetes,

arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, among others

However, if you are a healthy young adult, we advise you to do it 3 to 5 times a


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Firstly, find a comfortable seated or reclined position in a nice chair, sofa or

couch. Acupressure is mainly done using the thumb, the index finger, or knuckles

to apply firm pressure on a point.

Pressure should be gradually increased for the first 30 seconds, then held for 1-2

minutes and slowly released in 30 seconds.

Either side of the body is fine.

• LI 4 (Large Intestine 4): Classic point to regulate the defensive qi, expel

pathogens and alleviate pain.

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Location: Between the 1st and 2nd metacarpals, on the radial aspect of the

middle of the 2nd metacarpal bone, at the highest spot of the muscle when the

thumb and index fingers are brought close together.

• LI 11 (Large Intestine 11): This point clears fever, regulates qi and blood,

alleviates pain.

Location: With the elbow bent at 90 degrees, the point is at the end of the elbow


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• ST 36 (Stomach 36): Traditionally used to benefit the digestive system,

support qi, clear fever and alleviate pain.

Location: 3 thumb widths below the lower border of the kneecap and one middle

finger breadth outwards from the bony ridge of the shin, where the bone begins

to flare.

• SP 6 (Spleen 6): This special point harmonizes the spleen, stomach, kidneys,

and liver, alleviates pain, and resolves cough.

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Location: On the inner side of the leg, 3 thumb widths directly above the highest

prominence of the ankle bone.

For best results, besides practicing regularly this immune-boosting acupressure

routine, you may follow these tips:

• Get enough sleep - It is advisable to go to bed every night at the same hour

and sleep from 6 to 8 hours.

• Balance your life between work and play – Work over-strain is very

common, strive for time off, try to keep your stress levels healthy.

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• Exercise regularly and lose weight – A healthy, active and strong body

corresponds to a healthy, active, strong immune system.

• Drink plenty of pure water – Staying hydrated is vital for optimal cell

function, including immune cells.

• Eat a balanced diet – Consuming clean vegetables (ideally organic), fruits,

nuts, seeds, will load the body with enough nutrients to boost the immune


• Remove toxins like tobacco smoke, recreational drugs, alcohol and sugar

from your life.

• Practice relaxation techniques, like yoga or meditation as well as breathing


• Take a probiotic.

Proof that TCM boosts the immune system

Researchers at Hubei University of Chinese Medicine conclude that acupuncture

benefits the immune system.

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In a controlled laboratory experiment, studies show regular acupuncture

treatments can actually increase the number of T cells the body produces. T cells

destroy harmful bacteria and viruses in the body.

Acupuncture needles stimulate the brain into thinking an invader (virus or

bacteria) has entered the body. The brain signals the increased release of T cells

and white blood cells to fight off the intruder. The amazing part is the increased

cellular response lasts for several days after the acupuncture treatment. Thus,

receiving regular acupuncture treatments can actually prevent the body from

getting sick.


TCM immune boosting for people with HIV

HIV kills because the virus destroys essential immune cells called CD4 T cells. With

a dangerously low immune system, a sufferer dies of an infection that a healthy

person would otherwise be immune from.

In China, where the use of TCM is widespread, a National Free TCM program for

HIV infected people began in 5 provinces, and quickly scaled up to 19 provinces.

People with HIV seek TCM for four main reasons: to enhance immune function, to

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treat symptoms, to improve quality of life, and to reduce side effects related to


White blood cell boost

TCM has a longstanding history of enhancing the immune system that is now

being supported by modern bio-medical research.

A large number of studies on both acupuncture and the use of moxibustion

(burning of a specific herb over an acupoint) have been shown to have a positive

impact on immune function and aid in treating infections by increasing white

blood cell, red blood cell and platelet count.

In fact, acupoint Stomach 36 can increase white blood cell numbers up to 60 %

within 2-3 hours of an extended treatment, followed by a return to normal

within 24 hours. Furthermore, acupuncture raises antibody formation that is

beneficial in the treatment of acute infections, especially in the early stages.


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Effect of acupuncture treatment on the immune function impairment found in

anxious women

Anxiety causes the release of stress hormones: cortisol and adrenaline. In small

doses, these hormone spikes are healthy. But if prolonged, will compromise the

immune system.

An acupuncture study was performed on 34 female 30-60 year old patients,

suffering from anxiety.

19 acupoints were stimulated, with each session lasting 30 min.

Before and 72 hours after receiving the first acupuncture session, blood samples

were drawn.

In 12 patients, samples were also collected immediately after the first single

acupuncture session and one month after the end of the whole acupuncture

treatment, which consisted of 10 sessions during a year, until the complete

remission of anxiety.

Twenty healthy non-anxious women in the same age range were used as controls.

The results showed that the most favorable effects of acupuncture on the

immune functions appear 72 hours after the single session and persist one month

after the end of the complete treatment.

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Impaired immune functions in anxious women were significantly improved by

acupuncture – compared to the control group.

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Essential oils - Natures medicine

Far superior to any dried medicinal herb, essential oils contain the lifeblood of the

plant and preserve all its medicinal qualities.

You can either use them topically (rub into the skin), inhale them from the bottle

or use in a diffuser.

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Drug companies know they work – Big Pharma copies the chemical compounds

of many essential oils to make medicine. Unfortunately, the cheap, copied

versions that drug companies use don’t work as effectively and come with a host

of side effects.

Factors That Increase Skin Absorption

Different factors can affect the absorption of essential oils through the skin. If you

massage the area first, it will increase circulation to that area, thereby causing an

increase in absorption of essential oils.

Another way that essential oils enter the body is inhalation through the nose or

mouth. One of the most common ways that essential oils are inhaled is through a


It is important to use therapeutic grade… as not all essential oils are created

equal. Cheaper oils have been cut and diluted with toxic chemicals that increase

the volume of the oil but decrease its therapeutic value.

Be sure to only use organic. Non-organic oils are sprayed with pesticides, which

leech into the oil.

There are four therapeutic dimensions of essential oils:

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Oxygen – essential oils have been documented to possess the highest level of

oxygenating molecules of any substance known to man.

In the body, it is oxygen that delivers nutrients to the cells and takes toxins away

from the cells. Essential oils are the lifeblood of plants… their job is to oxygenate

the cells of the plants and remove toxins. So, when you use these therapeutic oils,

they begin doing their job and assist the body with oxygenating and detoxifying.

Small molecular size – the molecules of essential oils are smaller than the

molecules in our skin cells which means they can be absorbed into our skin and


High frequency – essential oils vibrate at a very high frequency. By using essential

oils, you are able to raise the frequency of your body. When we raise our

vibration, we heal faster.

Homeostatic Intelligence – essential oils carry the life force of the plant.

The body knows how to heal itself… this is divine intelligence. Essential oils are

the lifeblood of plants. The purpose of this ‘lifeblood’ is to keep the plant alive

and healthy. This divine intelligence also empowers the body to heal better and


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Essential oils for immunity boosting

Thieves blend is a combination of cinnamon, rosemary, clove, eucalyptus, and


Thieves blend is a powerful anti-viral, anti-fungal, antibacterial

substance. Webber State University did a study where they diffused thieves oil in

a room that had been contaminated with pathogens: viruses, bacteria and fungi –

and within 15 minutes, 96% of the bacteria, viruses and fungi had been killed.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil is often used to support the respiratory system.

Ginger Essential Oil contains a high concentration of gingerol to support the

immune system and promote a healthy response to inflammation.

Lemon Essential Oil helps to support the body in regular detoxification processes.

Lemon oil also helps maintain a healthy lymphatic system which in turn supports

the immune system.

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Improve the draining effects of the lymph system using five drops of lemon oil

with a carrier-oil prior to a lymphatic massage. Lemon essential oil helps boost

blood flow and improves lymph filtration.

Turmeric oil is also really good for inflammation. So many modern diseases are

caused by inflammation. This oil contains turmerone which supports stem cell

growth and promotes healthy nerve tissue.

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Frankincense Essential Oil is an immune booster and can even help your body

produce more white blood cells to strengthen the immune system.

Tea Tree Essential Oil helps maintain healthy microbial balance, supports the

immune system and promotes healthy skin.

Peppermint Essential Oil is not only a great oil to support the immune system and

respiratory system, but it is also one of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs

for digestion.


A practice handed down over thousands of years, acupressure combined with

herbs was first mentioned in writing in The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of

Medicine, the oldest medical book in the world.

It involves warming an acupoint on the leg with the herb mugwort to stimulate

the immune system. In this procedure, the practitioner rolls leaves of mugwort

into a cigar shape, lights the roll, and holds the smoldering end near the acupoint.

Modern research in China confirms the efficacy of this treatment for improving

immune function and preventing colds, flu, and infections.

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But instead of burning herbs (moxibustion), we are using the ‘life blood’ of

medicinal herbs – in a concentrated form.

Essential oils are the life force of the plant. The aim of acupressure (and

acupuncture) is to promote a healthy circulation of our own life force or Qi

(pronounced ‘chi’).

Acu-points are dotted along different meridian lines – all over the body.

Every meridian line has its own organ. An example of this is the Spleen meridian.

The Spleen meridian has 21 acupoints. SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4, SP 5… and so on.

There are different essential oils that support different organs in the body.

For Aroma-Acupressure, you match an essential oil to the acupoint you’re using.

So, for Spleen 5 (SP5) you would rub an acupressure point using a Spleen-

supporting essential oil such as:

Fennel Oil: Referred to by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as a ‘splenic’,

fennel oil is known for its antiseptic properties too. Fennel essential oil’s blood

purifying applications are likely what make it one of the best essential oils for

spleen health.

Essential oils that support Organ meridians:

Spleen: Fennel, Grapefruit, Lemon, Myrrh, Frankincense

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Stomach: Ginger, Carraway, Tarragon, Peppermint, Ginger, Geranium,

Chamomile, Cumin, Turmeric, Coriander

Large Intestine: Peppermint, Cypress, Lemongrass, Juniper berry

Attuning your body to healthy frequencies

The Schumann resonance – the Earth’s ‘heartbeat’

This Earth emits a low frequency – as a result of 100 bursts of lightning flashing

around the world at any given moment. It’s called the Schumann resonance…

named after the scientist who discovered it: Winfried Schumann.

Because this low pulsating frequency (7.83 Hz) has been present since day

one, every creature on Earth has evolved with a dependence to it.

Scientific research has proven our need for the Earth’s heartbeat.

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Professor R. Wever from the Max Planck Institute built an underground

bunker which completely screened out the Schumann resonance. Student

volunteers lived there for four weeks in this hermetically sealed environment.

Professor Wever noted that the student’s circadian rhythms diverged and that

they suffered emotional distress and migraine headaches. As they were young

and healthy, no serious health conditions arose… which wouldn’t have been the

case with older people or people with a weaker immune system.

After only a brief exposure to 7.8 Hz (the very frequency which had been

screened out), the volunteer’s health stabilized again.

It was this study that lead to the cure of “space sickness” – a feeling of nausea

and headaches that early astronauts had been complaining about. To fix this,

artificial Schumann resonators were installed into every spacecraft, and still, are

to this day.

It is no coincidence that the frequency of the Schumann resonance (7.83Hz) is the

same frequency of our brainwaves when it’s in the Alpha state. The Alpha

brainwave state has many benefits such as:

▪ Improved ability to learn

▪ Significantly reduced anxiety and stress levels

▪ A high state of peak performance and mental processing

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▪ Strengthened immune system

▪ Enhanced problem solving

▪ Free-flowing creativity

▪ A positive state of mind

▪ Better emotional stability

▪ Relaxed body and mind

How has our most optimum brainwave state evolved to synchronize with the

same frequency as the Schumann resonance?

Through a phenomenon called entrainment (not entertainment).

A basic definition of entrainment is when a stronger rhythm, causes another

rhythm to vibrate in harmony with it.

It’s a law of Physics. When two objects are entrained with each other, they

expend less energy.

On an atomic level, everything vibrates at different frequencies – including our

body and biological rhythms.

Unfortunately, our body can also be entrained to foreign frequencies. Because

the modern-day living is saturated with electromagnetic frequency (EMF)

radiation, our ability to connect with the Schumann resonance is drowned out.

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This is where a long list of common and serious diseases can manifest – with low

immunity being very common.

So how do you re-connect with the Schumann resonance?

One way is to spend time in nature – as far away from cell phone towers, power

lines, and your cell phone… anything electronic.

We all know of that refreshing feeling when we’re out in nature. Our bodies tend

to naturally relax. We experience greater peace and balance. We feel renewed.

That’s because, in nature, our bodies become entrained with the Schumann


To get the full experience… especially if you are short on time; you need to

experience it barefoot.

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It’s called ‘grounding‘.

The reason you need to be barefoot is because the soles of your shoes are made

from rubber – they block the Schumann resonance because rubber doesn’t

conduct electricity.

Ideally, its best to walk bare foot in wet grass or wet sand because water has a

high electrical conductivity.

Alternatively, you can listen to the Schumann resonance with headphones (not

bluetooth headphones because of their high EMF radiation).

Listening to the Schumann resonance using headphones is highly effective

because the ear is connected to the beginning of the Vagus nerve (your most

expansive nerve) which is directly connected to all your major organs. The word

‘Vagus’ means ‘wander’ because it wanders all over the body.

So, if you’re ever feeling burnt-out and run down, having trouble sleeping or can’t

think straight – take some time to meditate while you connect with the “Earth’s


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Meridian frequencies that heal

As mentioned earlier, every meridian line has its own organ. And every organ has

its own resonant frequency.

Everything in existence has a resonant frequency.

Our body is a cluster of atoms vibrating at different frequencies. It is this

understanding of energy, frequency, and vibration that has opened the doors to

modern scientific frequency healing modalities such as ultrasound, x-rays and

MRI’s to name a few.

For people who prefer a natural alternative, sound therapy has become accepted

as mainstream medicine, especially in Europe.

Of course, meridian frequencies hum well below the capabilities of human

hearing. However, you can get an audible sound by multiplying this resonance by

multiples of two, and you will get a higher harmonic of the same frequency.

For example: on a piano, you can have a low B note or a high B note. If you play

them simultaneously, they are in harmony even though one note is a higher

octave than the other.

Meridian tuning forks are tuned to the 14 different meridians. Each fork, when

struck, emits a frequency that matches an organ of the body.

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Once the fork is struck, a therapist presses the base of the vibrating fork onto

specific acupoints – related to the meridian.

Through the science of entrainment, the blocked meridian is synchronized back to

its healthy frequency.

Natural Synergy uses digital recordings (to be listened-to with earphones), so you

don’t need to buy an expensive set of meridian forks. Also, with traditional forks,

the resonance only lasts for 20-30 seconds.

With digital recordings, the tone can last as long as you like. Just set it on loop.

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The ear is an instrument of sound. It’s connected to the beginning of the Vagus

nerve, the most expansive nerve in the body, which is directly connected to all

your major organs.

Sound travels through bone twice as fast as water - that’s 10x faster than sound

moving through the air. This is why sound therapy works so well - bone and liquid

are such wonderful sound conductors.

Natural Synergy uses a combination of two acu-therapies: acupressure and sound

therapy to extinguish strong pain while accelerating the healing process – much

like Electro-Acupuncture but without the pain and discomfort of electric needles.

It’s a process called Acu-FrequencyTM

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Exercises that boost the immune system

Mindfulness meditation boosts the immune system

Mindfulness meditation consists of simply focusing on the sensations of the

present moment – for example, by bringing the attention constantly back to the

feeling of the breath as it passes in and out of the nostrils and the chest. This

enables us to stop thinking about the past (which is over, forever) and the future

(which is, in any case, unknowable) and to anchor ourselves in the sensation of

life itself, as it is manifest in the precise moment.

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In 2004, the University of Wisconsin-Madison studied as a group of 25 healthy

employees practiced mindfulness meditation for 8 weeks.

Researchers discovered significant increases in antibodies (antibodies fight

influenza) among subjects in the meditation compared with the control group

who didn’t meditate.

A new study at UCLA shows that HIV positive patients who meditate slow down

the drop in their immune cells.

For eight weeks, fifty HIV-positive men followed a weekly course of introduction

to mindfulness meditation, which they then practiced daily for between thirty and

forty-five minutes. A comparable group was given a one-day class in the method

but did not practice it daily.

Eight weeks later, the non-practicing group had a sharp reduction in CD-4 cells

(the immune cells that are reduced when the virus has spread). In contrast, men

who did practice meditation maintained their initial level of CD-4 cells. In

addition, the more training sessions they attended, the higher their CD-4 cell

count was at the end of the study.

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Tai Chi proven to boost immunity

Tai chi isn't just about working your muscles. Its slow, graceful movements also

have a meditative aspect.

March 29, 2007 – Research concludes that Tai chi, a traditional Chinese martial

art, gives older adults’ immune system a boost.

Experts at UCLA and the University of California, San Diego, studied 112 healthy

adults aged 59-86 (average age: 70) for about six months.

First, the researchers split participants into two groups.

One group took tai chi classes three times a week for 16 weeks. Each class lasted

40 minutes and included a set of 20 tai chi exercises.

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The other group took a health education class -- with no tai chi lessons -- for the

same amount of time.

Immune System Test - After the 16-week program ended, the researchers gave all

participants a single shot of Varivax, a vaccine that targets the varicella zoster

virus that causes chickenpox and shingles.

Participants had already had chickenpox earlier in life, so the vaccine just served

as a way to test their immune systems.

Over the next nine weeks, participants periodically had their blood tested to

check for antibodies against the virus.

Those who had taken the tai chi classes mounted a stronger immune system

response to the vaccine than those in the health education class.

By the end of the 25-week study, the tai chi students' immune system response

was nearly twice that of the health education students.

Support the immune system with yoga

As many longtime yogis can attest, asana practice provides a gentle, natural

means of supporting the immune system on a day-to-day basis, no matter how

hectic your schedule might be.

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Yoga helps lower stress hormones that compromise the immune system, while

also conditioning the lungs and respiratory tract, stimulating the lymphatic

system to oust toxins from the body, and bringing oxygenated blood to the

various organs to ensure their optimal function.

"Yoga is unlike other forms of exercise that focus only on certain parts of the

body," says Kathleen Fry, M.D., president of the American Holistic Medicine


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New research published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine suggests that yoga

is a great way to boost your immune system and decrease inflammation in the



Stress killer – Stress lowers the immune system. Studies reveal that yoga greatly

reduces stress if practiced regularly.

With so many different types of yoga… which is best for immunity boosting?

Hatha Yoga – In the western world, Hatha is a generic style that uses postures

from a range of other yoga practices. Hatha is a great place to start if you’re a

learner or if you’re elderly.

Prana Yoga – Prana translates to life force energy which is the same as what the

Chinese call Qi (chi).

Prana Yoga concentrates on breathing exercises with gentle stretching which

helps the circulation of Prana throughout the body – giving the same benefits as

the Chinese practice of Qigong (Qigong circulates Qi throughout the body).

Warning: Should you come down with the flu, however, it's best not to practice

yoga at all, since the condition requires absolute rest.

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What’s next?

There you have it. As far as immune boosting goes, this is the A to Z of boosting


Most people think that popping some fake vitamin C pills will keep them from

falling ill. But as you have read, there are many more factors at play.

If you find the acupressure in this eBook useful, you can get more in-depth

instruction for boosting your immunity using ‘Acu-Frequency’ – with Natural


The World Health Organization (WHO) has cited over 100 different diseases for

which this ancient healing art is proven to be highly effective.

Relief ranging from:

- Chronic pain

- High blood pressure

- The release of emotions and trauma

- Fibromyalgia

- Arthritis

- Nasty skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema

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- Depression and anxiety

- Allergies

- Chronic fatigue syndrome

- Insomnia

… to name just a few.

Acu-Frequency™ applies the same principles as Electro-Acupuncture, but since its

completely pain-free and non-invasive, you can easily and safely treat yourself at


And it only takes a few minutes a day!

Click here to check out a new non-invasive electro-acupuncture alternative

that kills strong pain & accelerates healing