contents page


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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Contents page
Page 2: Contents page

The main image in this content page is the artist Usher. The artist posture is strong which connotes that he is confidant and relaxed as he’s got his hand in his pocket when the picture was taken.

The colours scheme for this content is mainly black and white. The background is has a two tone gradient effect with the colour black turning in to white. The colour black connotes elegance and power which combines with the artists success in the music industry. In addition, the colour white connotes purity and calmness as displayed from the layout of this content page.

The audience can visualise that this page is a contents page due to the page numbers presented within the layout. Furthermore, the word ‘FEATURES’ is common among content pages and its typed in this contents page

There is not much heavy text present within this content page because a contents page gives a small brief on what is presented in the magazine. Also the titles of each page is in bold as this makes the heading to stand out from the small brief presented below each of the titles.

The clothes worn by Usher is very appealing especially the fur collar leather jacket, the fur jacket represent wealth of the artist and this is commonly associated with the culture of Hip-Hop.

Page 3: Contents page

This contents page has a mast heading ‘Contents’ positioned in a very unique layout making it look like a conceptual art within the page. Also the audience can visualise that this page is a contents page due to the page numbers presented within the layout. Furthermore, the word ‘FEATURES’ is common among content pages and its typed in this contents page in a magazine.

The colours mainly used within this page is different shades of grey, black and slight hint of red. The colour grey dominates the entire page and connotes formality and sadness. Also the colour red connotes danger and sexuality.

The main image used in this magazine is an image of Kanye west wearing a shirt and blazer assuming that he is professional in the music sector. Also from the image the audience can see that a woman's hand grasping a red heart from Kanye west’s chest. This is significant as it can relate to the audience that an anonymous woman is trying to win over Kanye’s heart, this will draws more audience as they would want to find out who this woman would be.

The word ‘Features’ and ‘Fashion’ has been typed in a more elegant and italic font which can be associated with the way Kanye west has been dressed in a fashionable manor. Moreover, this contents page contains a section where fashion is presented. This represents the Hip-Hop audience that are likely to purchase this magazine because of the fashion displayed within this magazine instead of the content. This will allow the audience to see what their favourite artist is wearing which builds a greater fan base between the artist and their fans.

Page 4: Contents page

The colours scheme for this content is mainly black as this dominates he entire page for the background and white for the text. The colour black connotes power which combines with the artists success in the music industry. In addition, the colour white connotes purity and calmness as displayed from the layout of this content page also the white stands out from the black as they are contrast colours.

The audience can visualise that this page is a contents page due to the page numbers presented within the layout. Furthermore, the word ‘DEPARTMENTS’ another word for ‘Features’ is used to categorises the pages within the magazine.

There is not much heavy text present within this content page because a contents page gives a small brief on what is presented in the magazine. Also the titles of each page is in bold as this makes the heading to stand out from the small brief presented below each of the titles. An image is used in this content page to represent each ‘DEPARTMENTS’ (titles) as it implies that images would draw the audience with little text present.

The main images used in the contents page is Soulja boy as he is stroking his chin while exposing his diamond encrusted jewellery. This connotes that soulja boy has been successful in his music career and him stroking his chin portrays that he is a boss and no one can interfere with him.