continuing medical education precision medicine: concepts ... · continuing medical education...

PERSONA BioMED MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICES PREDICTIVE MOLECULAR PROFILES FOR HEALTH ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Continuing Medical Education Precision Medicine: Concepts, Methods and Clinical Implementation Features: Lectures in English and Spanish; 15 hour-Course in 3 and 5-day formats, 1-2-day Clinical Case Study. Disclaimer The information provided in this Course is for medical education and informational purposes only. It should not be construed as personal medical advice, and is not meant to substitute for the independent medical judgment of a physician regarding diagnosis and treatment of a specific patient’s medical condition. The opinions expressed in this educational course are those of the faculty and do not necessarily represent the views of organizers of the Course. For any question or concern about a medical matter, participants at the course should consult healthcare provider and refer to the official prescribing information for each product for discussion of approved indications, contraindications, and warnings. Contact Information: Persona Biomed, Inc.; 625 N. Washington St., Suite 425 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: 703-299-0246 Email: [email protected] Precision Medicine comprises customized diagnos3c and therapeu3c strategies targe3ng pa3ents with suscep3bility to a dis3nct disease condi3on based on individualized and family genomic background, environmental effects, lifestyle habits and co-morbidi3es. It is an emerging clinical field that integrates broadly validated results from inves3ga3ons of molecular and gene3c basis of diseases with preven3on, diagnosis and treatment of the individual pa3ent. It is also a necessary aspira3on if we are to achieve a health care delivery system that can provide accessible, high-quality, and efficient clinical care. While it has tremendous poten3al to contribute to improving outcomes and decreasing cost of treatments, there remain important challenges to its clinical implementa3on that need aEen3on, including educa3on of physicians for successfully transi3on to using Precision Medicine at their medical prac3ce; integra3ng molecular and gene3c guidance into rou3ne healthcare delivery; securing pa3ent engagement and trust; regula3ng Laboratory diagnos3c tests (LDTs) and targeted therapies; genera3ng the eviden3ary support for Precision Medicine; data-sharing and infrastructure needs; economics of Precision Medicine and the new business models that simultaneously reduce the cost but improve the quality of care. On this basis, this course has been mainly designed to meet the educa3onal needs of physicians and other health care providers who see pa3ents and have the desire of understanding newest concepts, methods and procedures of Precision Medicine, its cost- effec3veness and its dis3nct business model, commercializa3on channels and reimbursement. Course Director Fernando Vidal-Vanaclocha, MD, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Molecular Medicine, George Washington Univ School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC Session 1) Concepts and Methods of Precision Medicine: ShiCing the Healthcare Paradigm. Concepts, challenges and implementaFon of Precision Medicine in healthcare Laboratory technologies for Precision Medicine How to integrate Precision Medicine into healthcare and clinical pracFce. How to prepare for the Precision Medicine model of care and key disease indicaFons. Session 2) Basic DirecFons Towards Precision Medicine AdopFon, RegulaFon and Outcome’s Monitoring. IntegraFng molecular/geneFc guidance into rouFne healthcare delivery. Digital health and Precision Medicine. Developing evidences of Precision Medicine’s effects on outcomes Session 3) Business Models of Precision Medicine Services. Today’s global landscape in Precision Medicine. The economics of Precision Medicine FacilitaFng clinical innovaFon-oriented reimbursement. MarkeFng Precision Medicine services. Session 4) Clinical Case Studies in Precision Internal Medicine Session 5) Clinical Case Studies in Precision Cancer Medicine

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Post on 20-May-2020




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Continuing Medical Education

Precision Medicine: Concepts, Methods and Clinical Implementation

Features: Lectures in English and Spanish; 15 hour-Course in 3 and 5-day formats, 1-2-day Clinical Case Study. Disclaimer The information provided in this Course is for medical education and informational purposes only. It should not be construed as personal medical advice, and is not meant to substitute for the independent medical judgment of a physician regarding diagnosis and treatment of a specific patient’s medical condition. The opinions expressed in this educational course are those of the faculty and do not necessarily represent the views of organizers of the Course. For any question or concern about a medical matter, participants at the course should consult healthcare provider and refer to the official prescribing information for each product for discussion of approved indications, contraindications, and warnings. Contact Information: Persona Biomed, Inc. ; 625 N. Washington St., Suite 425 Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: 703-299-0246 Email: [email protected]





Session1)• ConceptsandMethodsofPrecisionMedicine:ShiCingtheHealthcareParadigm.• Concepts,challengesandimplementaFonofPrecisionMedicineinhealthcare• LaboratorytechnologiesforPrecisionMedicine• HowtointegratePrecisionMedicineintohealthcareandclinicalpracFce.• HowtoprepareforthePrecisionMedicinemodelofcareandkeydiseaseindicaFons.

Session2)•  BasicDirecFonsTowardsPrecisionMedicineAdopFon,RegulaFonandOutcome’sMonitoring.•  IntegraFngmolecular/geneFcguidanceintorouFnehealthcaredelivery.

•  DigitalhealthandPrecisionMedicine.•  DevelopingevidencesofPrecisionMedicine’seffectsonoutcomesSession3)• BusinessModelsofPrecisionMedicineServices.• Today’sgloballandscapeinPrecisionMedicine.• TheeconomicsofPrecisionMedicine• FacilitaFngclinicalinnovaFon-orientedreimbursement.• MarkeFngPrecisionMedicineservices.Session4)• ClinicalCaseStudiesinPrecisionInternalMedicineSession5)• ClinicalCaseStudiesinPrecisionCancerMedicine