continuity on poster, magazine and trailer

How can you ensuring continuality of fonts, colours and image between your magazine, poster and trailer?

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Post on 10-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Continuity on poster, magazine and trailer

How can you ensuring continuality of fonts, colours and image between your magazine, poster and trailer?

Page 2: Continuity on poster, magazine and trailer


When it comes to continuity for the images in my production, I can’t ensure it as my image on my magazine is the main teenage character who is trying to escape from what is lurking in the dark, unfortunately the girl on my magazine isn’t actually in my trailer due to certain complications. However the main image on my poster of the little ghost girl is in my trailer. This is where I can ensure continuity with my trailer with both productions as they all feature in the trailer: the little girl on my poster is featured briefly, but my audience has enough time to notice her. This adds to the ambiguity of the poster as she is not the main character, but within herself she has her own different role.

Page 3: Continuity on poster, magazine and trailer


I have made sure that my main title of Body Sitter is in the same font throughout all of my productions. Whereas my other font follows the same pattern for the side-lines or anchorage text, but it’s not the same as my title as I really wanted it to stand out and make a name for itself.

Trailer Poster Magazine

As my poster and magazine each have there own patterned font, I had to ensure that my trailer tried to do the same, so within the text parts where they explain what’s happening, for example: It was suppose to be simple… didn’t follow the same patterned text as my magazine, but the trailers font remained and didn’t change on each text part. For example instead of having one sentence in Cambria and the others in Text Roman, I ensured that it was all in Cambria.

Page 4: Continuity on poster, magazine and trailer


Due to my feedback and the genre of my production being horror I knew that I had to include dark and ambiguous colours such as black, red, white and the occasional brightness to juxtapose the horror genre, but still keeping an eerie feeling. The darkness I used in my magazine is carried out in my poster and my trailer as one of my scenes is almost in pure darkness, which allows my audience to interpret what ever they would like. The black and white scenes in my trailer can also be continued on by the black and white hands in my magazine.