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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Muqadimah. In The Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent and The Most Merciful. Praise is to Allah, The Lord of the world. And the sequel is for those who keep their duty unto him. Further, there will be no hostility except against wrong doers. Blessing and Salutation upon the most honorable prophet and messenger, Muhammad (Peace be upon Him), his families, all his disciples, and those who follow them in goodness till the any of judgement. In this good chance, I would like to deliver my speech by title; “The Influence of Science and Technology to the Development of Madrasah” Decades ago, a phenomenal scientist, Albert Einstein, once gave a message. That he was born of his concern over the fate of science and technology produced by human. A concern if science and technology should make human life happy, it created the distructions for human civilization. “Science without religion is blind, and Religion without science is lame” Happy Brothers and Sisters! The development of human history always marked by the development of science and technology that surrounded. It is of course proportional to the human efforts in getting his daily needs. And its clear that technology is a tool used by human to get his need. From the explanation above, science is knowledge that help people in achieving the life goal. So it understandable to say that the human civilization is based on science and technology. Because of the advance on this field, the fulfillment of human needs can be done more quickly and more easily. Specifically, Eugene Staley asserts that technology is a systemathic method for achieving any human purpose. At a later stage, along with the development in science and technology, the aplication of science and knowledge in the form technology, it extends not only to get human needs narrowly. But it extends to the elimination of poverty, the elimination of excessive working hours, creating oppurtunities to live longer by improving the quality of human health, assisting the efforts to reduce crime, improving the quality of education and so on. Madrasah as one of the educational institutions in Indonesia has been born, grown and developed along with the birth of the State of Indonesia. One of the important roles in improving the quality of madrasah education in Indonesia is to produce the generation that has quality in science and faith harmony. Along with the rapid development in science and technology today, Madrasah should be able to bear the student to not only can act as the “Agent of Change” can change and bring the change nowadays. But also can be an “Agent of Control” it means they are able to control themselves in the use of technology. So the technology becomes one direction and be effective. The Prophet said: Educate your children for their era now, not for your days” The hadith above suggests that the role of education and science can help us find our way of life. Therefore, life is dynamic, it usually change as the time. So today, we are as madrasah student in this modern era we should be competitive globally but we still have the local knowledge that is not eroded by the rapid flow of the era. Happy Brothers and Sisters!

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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.Muqadimah.In The Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent and The Most Merciful. Praise is to Allah, The Lord of the world. And the sequel is for those who keep their duty unto him. Further, there will be no hostility except against wrong doers. Blessing and Salutation upon the most honorable prophet and messenger, Muhammad (Peace be upon Him), his families, all his disciples, and those who follow them in goodness till the any of judgement. In this good chance, I would like to deliver my speech by title;

“The Influence of Science and Technology to the Development of Madrasah”Decades ago, a phenomenal scientist, Albert Einstein, once gave a message. That he was born of his concern over the fate of science and technology produced by human. A concern if science and technology should make human life happy, it created the distructions for human civilization.

“Science without religion is blind, and Religion without science is lame”Happy Brothers and Sisters!The development of  human history always marked by the development of science and technology that surrounded. It is of course proportional to the human efforts in getting his daily needs. And its clear that technology is a tool used by human to get his need. From the explanation above, science is knowledge that help people in achieving the life goal. So it understandable to say that the human civilization is based on science and technology. Because of the advance on this field, the fulfillment of human needs can be done more quickly and more easily. Specifically, Eugene Staley asserts that technology is a systemathic method for achieving any human purpose. At a later stage, along with the development in science and technology, the aplication of science and knowledge in the form technology, it extends not only to get human needs narrowly. But it extends to the elimination of poverty, the elimination of excessive working hours, creating oppurtunities to live longer by improving the quality of human health, assisting the efforts to reduce crime, improving the quality of education and so on.Madrasah as one of the educational institutions in Indonesia has been born, grown and developed along with the birth of the State of Indonesia. One of the important roles in improving the quality of madrasah education in Indonesia is to produce the generation that has quality in science and faith harmony. Along with the rapid development in science and technology today, Madrasah should be able to bear the student to not only can act as the “Agent of Change” can change and bring the change nowadays. But also can be an “Agent of Control” it means they are able to control themselves in the use of technology. So the technology becomes one direction and be effective.The Prophet said:

“Educate your children for their era now, not for your days”The hadith above suggests that the role of education and science can help us find our way of life. Therefore, life is dynamic, it usually change as the time. So today, we are as madrasah student in this modern era we should be competitive globally but we still have the local knowledge that is not eroded by the rapid flow of the era. Happy Brothers and Sisters!Developments in science and technology are like two sides of a coin. On the one hand, it has the positive impact, which can improve the quality of human life. Various means of modern industry, communication, transportation and education proved to be very useful in the life. For example the positive impact of technology in education, among others;  far learning using internet services, the appearance of the mass media, especially the electronic media as a sources of knowledge and education center makes the teacher is not the only one source of knowledge, and it allows the student and teacher to obtain valuable information accurately and quickly in the learning process. But on the other hand, it often has a negative impact as the detrimental and dangerous to life and human dignity. For example, the abusing on technology knowledge is commiting a crime, reducing for learning motivation and academic achievement, declining their moral among community members, especially among teenagers and students, that pornography can be accessed easily and opened in the internet has become addictive for teens and society. Based on the reason above, Madrasah should be able to utilize the science and technology wisely in the education process to the student based on noble values, that’s in order to reinstate the role of science and technology in human life. So the role of science and technology is no longer as the goal of human life and exploits the human life but only as a means to achieve the happiness of human life. Therefore, the rules of science and technology are as follows:First, the development of science and technology must in order to conform to the values upheld by the wisdom of our ansestors during this time.Second, the development of science and technology, the role of religion should be included that supports the values of morality.

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Third, the concept of ‘Tauhid’ should be included in guarding the development of science and technology. In any sense that we did in developing science and technology, should be subjected to Allah SWT. So in developing science and technology, our aim is not to exploits the riches of the earth and satisfy the appetite, but in order to worship Him.Fourth, science and technology is no longer serve as the purpose of life. Because it is just culture and the way to achieve the real goal of life, that is to create the civilized man. Well, I think thats all my speech. I hope it can be useful for all of us. I’m sorry if I made any mistakes and for your attention I say thank you. Assalamualaikum Wr.