contract no. 18-t4513 a-8

STATE OF CALIFORNIA · DEPARTM ENT OF GENERAL SERVI CES FULLY EXECUTED S TANDARD AGRE EMENT STD 213A (Rev. 07/201 9) AGREEMENT NUMBER AMENDMENT NUMBER Purchasing Authority Number jg] C HECK HERE IF ADDITIONAL PAGES ARE ATTACHED 78 PAGES 18-T4513 8 1. This Agreement Is entered into between the State Agency and the Contractor named bel ow: S TATE AGENCY NAME Department ofToxic S ubstan ces Control CONTRACTOR NAME National Engineering & Consulting Group, Inc. 2. The tenn of thi s Agreeme nt I s: START DATE August 31, 2018 THROUGH END DATE September 30, 2021 3. The maximum amount of this Agreement after this Amendment Is: $104,103,897.63 4. The parties mutually agree to thi s amendment as follows. All acti ons noted below are by thi s reference made a part of the Agreement and incorporated herein: · S ITE: Exide Purpose of amendment For the cl eanup of up to 450 additional properties. Thi samendment extends the term end date from June 30, 2021 to September 30, 2021 and adds $29,540,574.63 to the Agreement. The total amount of the Agreement shall not exceed $104, 103,897.63. Exhibit B • Section A 1 st paragraph and Subsection 1.2 are modified. Section A, Subtask 1.2.2 is adde d. (5 pages ) Attachment 1, List of Candidate Properties, is replaced In I ts entirety. ( 58 pages) Exhibit C • Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.5, 9, and 10 are modified. (11 pages) Attachment 3, Contract Rate Schedules Is added. (2 pages) Exhibit E• Sec tion "Contract Rat es" is modified. (1 page) Exhibit F • Section ''Work Orders" is modifie d. (1 page) Changes made in this amendment are marked as follows: For sections that are modified or added, text additions are di splayed In red, bold, and underline and text dele ti ons are displayed as strike through t ext. Atta c hments and Sections that are rep l aced In their entirety do not have the changes marked. All other termsand conditions shall remain thesame. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THIS AGREEMENTHAS BEEN EXECUTED BY THE PARTIES HERETO. C ONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR NAME (If other than an Individual, state whether a corporati on, partnership, etc.) National Engineering & Consulting Group, Inc. CONTRACTOR BUSINESS ADDRESS CITY STATE IZIP 15 Hammond, Suite 309 Irvine CA . I 926 18 PRI NTED NAME OF PER SON SIGNING TITLE Dania H. Akhal President/CEO CONTfl i~ ORAUTHOlllZE~ GNATl)E ~ DATES IGNED ~\)__ ;A ~' \ 2 \ b \ 2 ~ 20 Page 1 of 2

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Page 1: Contract No. 18-T4513 A-8



1. This Agreement Is entered into between the State Agency and the Contractor named below:


Department ofToxic Substances Control


National Engineering & Consulting Group, Inc.

2. The tenn of this Agreement Is:


August 31, 2018


September 30, 2021

3. The maximum amount of this Agreement after this Amendment Is:


4. The parties mutually agree to this amendment as follows. All actions noted below are by this reference made a part of the Agreement and incorporated herein: ·

SITE: Exide

Purpose of amendment • For the cleanup of up to 450 additional properties. Thisamendment extends the term end date from June 30, 2021 to September 30, 2021 and adds $29,540,574.63 to the Agreement. The total amount of the Agreement shall not exceed $104,103,897.63.

Exhibit B • Section A 1st paragraph and Subsection 1.2 are modified. Section A, Subtask 1.2.2 is added. (5 pages) Attachment 1, List of Candidate Properties, is replaced In Its entirety. (58 pages)

Exhibit C • Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.5, 9, and 10 are modified. (11 pages) Attachment 3, Contract Rate Schedules Is added. (2 pages)

Exhibit E • Section "Contract Rates" is modified. (1 page)

Exhibit F • Section ''Work Orders" is modified. (1 page)

Changesmade in this amendment are marked as follows: For sections that are modified or added, text additions are displayed In red, bold, and underline and text deletions are displayed as strike through text. Attachments and Sections that are replaced In their entirety do not have the changes marked.

Allother terms and conditions shall remain thesame.


CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR NAME (Ifother than an Individual, state whether a corporation, partnership, etc.)

National Engineering & Consult ing Group, Inc.



Dania H. Akhal President/CEO


~\)__ ;A ~' \ 2 \ b \ 2 ~ 20

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8 IPurchasing Authority Number I


Department ofToxic Substances Control


1001 I Street, P.O. Box





Chief Deputy Director


EXEMPTION (If Applicable)


CA 95812

Exempt from the Departn:ient ofGeneral Services R~v1ew

per H& sCode Sections 2S358.3(A) and 25358.S.

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Amendment to Exhibit B Page 1 of 63

1) Exhibit B, Scope of Work, Section A, First Paragraph is modified as follows:

This Scope of Work (SOW) is for the cleanup of lead-impacted soil of up to 1,100 1,550 properties within the Preliminary Investigation Area (PIA) which are identified in this Contract. DTSC may add or remove properties from Exhibit B, Section A, Attachment 1 via a Work Order to the Contractor identifying the properties to be added or removed. The work to be completed pursuant to the SOW is intended to accomplish the cleanup objectives described in Paragraph 5 of Exhibit A of this Contract and in the Final Removal Action Plan (Cleanup Plan) Offsite Properties within the Exide Preliminary Investigation Area dated July 17, 2017 (the Cleanup Plan). In the event there are any discrepancies between this SOW and the Cleanup Plan, including any modifications, amendments, or addenda to the Cleanup Plan subsequently approved by DTSC, the most recent DTSC-approved version of the Cleanup Plan shall govern.

2) Exhibit B, Scope of Work, Section A, Subtask 1.2 is modified as follows:

Subtask 1.2 - Pre-Excavation Activities All work to be completed pursuant to the SOW must be conducted in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. The following tasks are necessary for implementation of work to be completed pursuant to the SOW:

• DTSC and the Contractor will: i) Coordinate on a weekly basis to develop an implementation schedule for the

cleanup of properties; ii) Attend the Pre-construction meetings with property owners; and iii) Provide landscape maintenance instructions to the owner(s) as well as the

tenants, if any.; and iv) Conduct initial meetings, during which access agreements will be

obtained from property owners and the presence or absence of air ducts will be documented.

• DTSC will: i) Conduct initial meetings, during which access agreements will be obtained

from property owners and the presence or absence of air ducts will be documented;

ii) i) Provide the property access agreement to the Contractor prior to any field work beginning at that property;

iii) ii) Schedule pre-construction meetings with property owners for the properties listed in Exhibit B, Section A, Attachment 1 with the Pricing Schedule noted as Attachment 1. Assist Contractor with scheduling pre-construction meetings for the properties listed in Exhibit B, Section A, Attachment 1 with the Pricing Schedule noted as Attachment 2 and Attachment 3;

iv) iii) Prepare draft California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Abatement of Lead Hazards Evaluation Notification Form 8551 and Lead Hazard Evaluation Report Form 8552, or latest versions;

v) iv) Review/approve Property Plans that are to be developed and finalized by the Contractor.

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• Contractor will:

i) Provide all personnel, including subcontractors, with Cultural Sensitivity training prior to commencing any work pursuant to this SOW;

ii) Ensure all field personnel who conduct earth-moving activities complete Cultural Resources Sensitivity training with an archaeologist prior to engaging in any excavation activities;

iii) Develop draft Property Plans and finalize pending DTSC review/approval; iv) Finalize the following plans, subject to DTSC approval, drafts of which will

be provided by DTSC to the Contractor: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan; Jurisdiction-Specific Traffic Management Plans; Jurisdiction-specific Noise Mitigation Plans;

v) Attend pre-construction meetings with property owners; and during the pre-construction meeting, show physical examples of the type/variety of rock and mulch that is offered to the residents for replacement landscaping. Assist DTSC with scheduling initial meetings with property owners; attend confirmation sampling and pre-construction meetings with property owners; and during the pre-construction meeting, show physical examples of the type/variety of rock and mulch that is offered to the residents for replacement landscaping. Schedule pre-construction meetings with property owners for the properties listed in Exhibit B, Section A, Attachment 1 with the Pricing Schedule noted as Attachment 2 and Attachment 3;

vi) Measure pre-existing planted areas prior to soil excavation to determine the appropriate compensation for replacement landscaping;

vii) Provide residents and surrounding community with advance notice of excavation activities;

viii) Contact Underground Service Alert (or similar) for utility clearance within excavation areas so that each utility would be conspicuously marked;

ix) If necessary, mobilize a third-party geophysical contractor to the property to mark utilities in and around excavation areas on private property;

x) Obtain all required permits and submit copies of said permits to DTSC prior to commencing excavation;

xi) Finalize and sign the Completed California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Abatement of Lead Hazards Evaluation Notification Form 8551 and Lead Hazard Evaluation Report Form 8552, or latest versions;

xii) When applicable, Ccollect and evaluate pre-excavation confirmation samples to confirm proposed excavation extents. Exhibit B, Section A, Attachment 1, identifies the properties where confirmation sampling has already been done under another Contract.

xiii) Obtain written approval from DTSC for the Contractor-developed final Property Plans;

xiv) Provide all health and safety equipment and supplies, along with air monitoring and decontamination equipment and materials, for use when needed;

xv) Implement property-specific precautionary measures, as necessary, which may include temporary relocation of residents;

xvi) Identify and clearly delineate the work zones, including the Exclusion, Decontamination, and Support zones in the field and Property Plans;

xvii) Install temporary fencing around the excavation boundary within the area of

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excavation, and place erosion control measures as outlined below;

xviii) Coordinate with property owners and residents to schedule cleanup and, if requested, temporary relocation and interior cleaning;

xix) Conduct work between 7:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, unless allowed by local authority and arranged with DTSC and the owner in advance.

3) Exhibit B, Scope of Work, Section A, Subtask 1.2.2 is added as follows:

Subtask 1.2.2 – Crews in Field

1. DTSC and Contractor will work together to aim to maintain a minimum of twenty (20) crews in the field at all times, except at the “beginning” of the Contract, at the “end” of the Contract as defined in subsection 2 below, or during periods that property access is limited due to circumstances beyond the control of DTSC or Contractor, including but not limited to weather, public health orders, or fires. If DTSC builds a backlog of three (3) months of access agreements to sustain a minimum of twenty (20) crews, then Contractor agrees to maintain at least twenty (20) crews in the field.

2. The “beginning” of the Contract is defined as the first three weeks of cleanup work, when and only if there is a ramp up period. If this Contract is mobilized as a continuation of field work, there is no “beginning”. The “end” of the Contract is defined when there are less than 50 properties left to be cleaned in the Contract, when the Contract is ramping down.

3. Mobilization Fee:

a. If a property cannot be accessed the day it is scheduled for work by Contractor, DTSC’s Public Participation Unit, or designee, will: 1) notify Contractor of the property access issue and 2) identify a substitute property, if any, for Contractor to work on in place of the originally scheduled property.

b. For properties subject to the Exhibit C, Attachment 3, Contract Rate schedule: if Contractor has mobilized all necessary equipment and personnel to commence work at the originally scheduled property but is unable to begin work under this Contract within 60 minutes of the scheduled start time due to property access problems reasonably within the sole control of DTSC, and no substitute property has been identified by DTSC prior to that time, DTSC acknowledges that Contractor will have incurred costs associated with mobilizing labor and equipment. In such an event, DTSC will authorize compensation of $1,500.00 per crew, not to exceed

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Amendment to Exhibit B Page 4 of 63

$3,000.00 per week, as a negotiated, fixed amount for Contractor’s mobilization costs provided Contractor submits for approval a Mobilization Fee request to DTSC’s Contract Management Unit any time within 30 days of an occurrence.

4) Exhibit B, Scope of Work, Section A, Task 2 is modified as follows:

Task 2 - Confirmation Sampling Except where confirmation sampling has been done under a different contract (as identified in Exhibit B, Section A, Attachment 1) The Contractor must follow the soil confirmation sampling approach described in the Master Excavation, Disposal and Restoration Design Plan. To expedite the cleanup process and finalize the Property Plans, confirmation samples will be collected prior to excavation. During the pre-construction meeting, pre-excavation confirmation samples will be collected from up to eight (8) locations spatially representing areas on the subject parcel subject to excavation. Sample locations and the number of samples collected may be adjusted based on direction provided by DTSC. Samples will not be collected from drip zones or areas where the excavation may be obstructed at 12 or 18 inches bgs. The depth meeting the representative soil lead concentration of 80 ppm will be used to establish the appropriate excavation depth.

The confirmation samples submitted for laboratory analysis will be analyzed using U.S. EPA Method 601OB with laboratory Turn Around Time (TAT) of five (5) days, 72 hours or 24 hours, adjusted based on property cleanup scheduling needs. A request for a 72-hour or 24-hour laboratory TAT must first be approved by the DTSC Contract Manager, the DTSC or designee. The laboratory samples will confirm and establish the boundaries of the excavation before beginning the excavation activities. Lateral extent of excavation will be determined on a case by case basis with DTSC's approval. Excavation will not be extended beyond 18 inches bgs. Laboratory analytical results from the eight locations will be used to calculate post-remediation exposure concentrations for the property to determine if the representative soil concentration of lead is equal to or less than a 95 percent (95%) UCL of 80 ppm. If these laboratory analytical results indicate that the post-remediation representative soil concentration of lead is greater than a 95 percent (95%) UCL of 80 ppm, the Contractor must notify the DTSC Project Manager of the results before beginning the backfilling and restoration activities. If laboratory analytical results indicate that the post-remediation representative soil concentration of lead is greater than a 95 percent (95%) UCL of 400 ppm, the Contractor must obtain advance written approval from the DTSC Project Manager to proceed with the backfilling and restoration activities. Laboratory analytical results from the confirmation sampling may be supplemented with existing laboratory analytical results of soil samples collected during the characterization phase to determine post-cleanup exposure concentration for lead at each property.

All soil sampling equipment will be decontaminated before each sample is collected. Prior to sampling, any loose waste or soil will be gently brushed off the surface of the excavation, and care will be taken to collect the sample from an undisturbed area. All soil samples for analyses by a laboratory will be submitted to a State of California ELAP certified laboratory. All laboratory samples will be collected in labeled jars, and stored in an appropriate location by Contractor until Contractor transfers the samples to DTSC upon expiration or termination of this Contract or upon DTSC's request (whichever is earlier), in accordance with the

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Master Plan. Each soil sample will have a unique identification code to indicate where and at what depth a sample was collected. Nomenclature generally consistent with the sample designations previously used during the characterization of the properties will be used for confirmation samples.

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5) Exhibit B, Section A, Attachment 1 – List of Candidate Properties is replaced in its entirety

with the following:


Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

1 D0385 6318024035 6248 BEAR AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1

2 D0546 6313013018 4433 60TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

3 D0569 6317015025 4414 61ST ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

4 E0022 6317025017 6255 FLORA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 5 E0028 6317027003 6311 FISHBURN AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 6 E0044 6317032010 6251 RIVERSIDE AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 7 E0054 6318019028 6316 MAYWOOD AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 8 E0061 6318021017 6335 ORCHARD AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 9 E0062 6318021024 6334 LOMA VISTA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1

10 E0076 6318024019 6335 CORONA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 11 E0082 6318029007 6107 CORONA AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1

12 E0094 6312026021 4107 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

13 E0097 6312028022 4011 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 14 E0108 6313030016 5931 PINE AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 G Attach 1 15 E0128 6317005012 6060 OTIS AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 16 E0131 6317005027 4214 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 17 E0146 6317007003 4060 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 18 E0157 6317008025 4018 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1

19 E0174 6317010013 6150 RIVERSIDE AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

20 E0175 6317010015 6157 GIFFORD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 21 E0186 6317011026 6151 OTIS AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 22 E0196 6317012023 4228 61ST ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 23 E0215 6317025015 6250 FISHBURN AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 24 E0216 6317025016 6301 FLORA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 25 E0225 6317029004 6311 OTIS AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 26 E0238 6317031001 6255 GIFFORD AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 27 E0245 6317031024 6300 RIVERSIDE AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 28 E0249 6317033005 6317 RIVERSIDE AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

29 E0253 6318011011 3531 59TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

30 E0254 6318011031 3533 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 31 E0265 6318015004 3633 61ST ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 32 E0267 6318015013 3624 60TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1

33 E0272 6318015022 3607 61ST ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

34 E0279 6318016012 3614 61ST ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 35 E0288 6318016030 3538 61ST ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 36 E0294 6318017014 3634 61ST PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 37 E0299 6318017038 6156 MAYWOOD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 38 E0301 6318022008 6233 CARMELITA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 39 E0305 6318022026 6318 ORCHARD AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 40 E0306 6318022032 6234 ORCHARD AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 41 E0308 6318023011 6239 BEAR AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 42 E0326 6318024015 6315 CORONA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 43 E0336 6318027007 3759 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 44 E0342 6318028006 6151 BEAR AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 45 E0344 6318028008 6162 CARMELITA AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 46 E0346 6318028010 6161 BEAR AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 47 E0355 6318029025 3921 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 48 E0359 6318030004 3910 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 49 E0362 6318031003 3814 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 50 E0364 6318031005 3822 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 51 E0377 6317005008 6069 FISHBURN AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 52 E0397 6317025009 6305 FLORA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 53 E0407 6318028016 3821 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 54 E0417 6318015034 3538 60TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 55 E04445 5243024013 4561 LEONIS ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 56 E04451 5243025008 2323 BEDESSEN AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 57 E04454 5243024009 2301 AYERS AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1

58 E04458 5243024035 4601 LEONIS ST, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

59 E04476 5243027015 2302 BEDESSEN AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 60 E04479 5243027018 2314 BEDESSEN AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 61 E04480 5243027019 2316 BEDESSEN AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 62 E04497 5243027004 2339 CONNOR AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

63 E04501 5243027020 2320 BEDESSEN AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 64 E04518 5243027021 2326 BEDESSEN AVE, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 65 E0461 6318020010 6245 LOMA VISTA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1

66 E04636 5244009010 2217 RANSOM ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

67 E04652 5244009031 4723 LEONIS ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

68 E04669 5244009011 2213 RANSOM ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

68 E04669 5244009013 2213 RANSOM ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

69 E04692 5244010011 4827 ASTOR AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

70 E0472 6318017016 3618 61ST PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

71 E0473 6318014035 3540 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 72 E0479 6318019020 6339 CALIFORNIA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 73 E0483 6318017015 3628 61ST PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 74 E0496 6318026021 6170 LOMA VISTA AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1

75 E05031 5244027006 4930 JILLSON ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

76 E05038 5244028032 4709 NOBEL ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 77 E0505 6318019011 6301 CALIFORNIA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 78 E05098 5244028014 2331 RANSOM ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 79 E0514 6318013002 3610 59TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 80 E05153 5244032004 4818 NOBEL ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1

81 E0522 6318020038 3556 RANDOLPH PL, BELL, CA 90201 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

82 E0549 6318029005 3918 61ST ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 83 E0550 6317011011 4126 61ST ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 84 E0555 6318026012 6127 ORCHARD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 85 E0556 6318026008 6117 ORCHARD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1

86 E0562 6318014029 3539 60TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

87 E0565 6318031009 6019 BEAR AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1

88 E0567 6317005024 4224 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

89 E0568 6312026020 4105 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

90 E0575 6318017021 3627 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 91 E0586 6318015023 3605 61ST ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 92 E0587 6318011018 5963 EVERETT AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 93 E0590 6318014036 3536 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 94 E0607 6317023007 6307 PINE AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1

95 E0625 6317015021 4422 61ST ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

96 E0634 6318023050 6315 BEAR AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

97 E0639 6318023039 6228 CARMELITA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 98 E0648 6317031018 6330 RIVERSIDE AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 99 E0680 6312028008 4023 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1

100 E0686 6318033025 5920 LOMA VISTA AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

101 E0687 6318013026 3628 59TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 102 E0691 6318012025 3607 59TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 103 E0692 6318013001 5958 EVERETT AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1

104 E0716 6318014051 3553 60TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

105 E0721 6318020001 6207 LOMA VISTA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 106 E0730 6318027023 6103 CARMELITA AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 107 E0732 6318026005 6115 ORCHARD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 108 E0739 6318014052 3545 60TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 109 E0752 6313031023 4309 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2

110 E0757 6317006024 6078 GIFFORD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

111 E0759 6313030018 5927 PINE AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 G Attach 1 112 E0777 6317002014 6040 PINE AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 G Attach 1 113 E0778 6317005023 4228 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

114 E0788 6317026022 4210 RANDOLPH ST, BELL, CA 90201 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

115 E0797 6317007019 6060 RIVERSIDE AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2

116 E0806 6317009003 4011 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

117 E0827 6317005006 4225 61ST ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 118 E0831 6317012024 4224 61ST ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 119 E0842 6318030013 6023 CORONA AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 120 E0863 6318009027 6013 MAYWOOD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 121 E0890 6318024027 6330 BEAR AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 122 E0894 6318027002 6170 ORCHARD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1

123 E0899 6318017002 3647 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

124 E0904 6317005015 6028 OTIS AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1

125 E0931 6318011027 3519 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

126 E0949 6318013011 3654 59TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 127 E0954 6310022020 2937 61ST ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1

128 E0977 6318016043 6128 MAYWOOD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

129 E0987 6310025049 3041 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

130 E0989 6312026018 5965 OTIS AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1

131 E0992 6313030021 5906 FLORA AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

132 E1003 6317028004 4116 RANDOLPH ST, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2

133 E1015 6318020007 6229 LOMA VISTA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

134 E1017 6318021034 6228 LOMA VISTA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 135 E1018 6318021037 3610 RANDOLPH PL, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1

136 E1025 6318028014 3815 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

137 E1027 6318033011 5957 CARMELITA AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 138 E1029 6318034006 5917 CORONA AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

139 E1041 6317030023 4050 RANDOLPH ST, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 140 E1044 6319021033 6248 BISSELL ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 141 E1049 6317010023 6169 GIFFORD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 142 ESA-21 6318014037 3530 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 143 ESA-23 6318017035 3524 61ST PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 144 PIA-00320 6317027017 6320 OTIS AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2

145 PIA-00367 6317028002 4122 RANDOLPH ST, BELL, CA 90201 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

146 PIA-00382 6317032005 6223 RIVERSIDE AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 147 PIA-00384 6317030018 6228 RIVERSIDE AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 148 PIA-00412 5244026014 4832 ASTOR AVE, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1

149 PIA-00513 5244026019 4921 JILLSON ST, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

150 PIA-00514 5244026024 4941 JILLSON ST, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

151 PIA-00549 5244032002 4808 NOBEL ST, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2

152 PIA-00582 5244010009 4837 ASTOR AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

153 PIA-00595 5244011022 4913 ASTOR AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 154 PIA-00603 5244011012 4951 ASTOR AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 155 PIA-00608 5244021001 4964 ASTOR AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 156 PIA-00621 5244012012 5039 ASTOR AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 157 PIA-00656 5243025020 2330 AYERS AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1

158 PIA-00712 5244026002 2307 COUTS AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

159 PIA-00784 5244019016 2272 COWLIN AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 160 PIA-00847 5244015008 5117 EVERINGTON ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 161 PIA-00870 5244016017 5029 GAFFORD ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1

162 PIA-00940 5244026016 4909 JILLSON ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

163 PIA-00945 5244026020 4925 JILLSON ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 164 PIA-01126 5244028034 4715 NOBEL ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 165 PIA-01143 5244030022 5017 NOBEL ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 166 PIA-01175 5244018023 5035 QUIGLEY ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

167 PIA-01181 5244018026 5049 QUIGLEY ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

168 PIA-01197 5244028018 2317 RANSOM ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

169 PIA-01277 6335009010 2362 WILMA AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

170 PIA-01318 6318013004 3618 59TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

171 PIA-01328 6318013009 3646 59TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

172 PIA-01405 6318015031 3550 60TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 173 PIA-01472 6318034017 3905 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 174 PIA-01483 6317008026 4014 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1

175 PIA-01598 6318015024 3547 61ST ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

176 PIA-02036 6312027021 5977 GIFFORD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

177 PIA-02060 6317010006 6115 GIFFORD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 178 PIA-02062 6317010007 6121 GIFFORD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 179 PIA-02096 6318017003 6173 LOMA VISTA AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 180 PIA-02131 6318017037 6152 MAYWOOD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2

181 PIA-09705 5243027023 2332 BEDESSEN AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

182 PIA-09709 5243025018 2320 AYERS AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 183 PIA-09710 5243024008 2305 AYERS AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 184 RP0259 5243027011 2309 CONNOR AVE, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 185 RP0283 5244013030 2108 COWLIN AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 186 RP0299 5244017029 2213 COWLIN AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 187 RP0430 5243027009 2317 CONNOR AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 188 RP0464B 5244020007 5030 QUIGLEY ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 189 RP0807B 5244010001 4877 ASTOR AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 190 RP1312 6310025023 3054 60TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 191 RP1313 6310025024 3056 60TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 192 RP1335B 6318021014 6319 ORCHARD AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

193 RP1338 6318021028 6314 LOMA VISTA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1

194 RP1347B 6318022028 6308 ORCHARD AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

195 RP1646 5244030013 2360 COUTS AVE, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

196 RP2618 5244026004 4938 KINSIE ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 197 RP2904 5243025017 2318 AYERS AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1 198 RP2969 5244020020 5023 JARDINE ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 199 D0051 6313003016 4554 52nd Drive Maywood CA 90270 F Attach 1 200 E0034 6317028011 6314 CARMELITA AVE BELL CA 90201 G Attach 1 201 E0531 6318030012 1009 S GAGE AVE LOS ANGELES CA 90023 G Attach 1

202 E0643 6318024028 4727 E 52ND PL MAYWOOD CA 90270 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

203 RP1028C 5239019025 1040 Record Ave Los Angeles CA 90023 D

Additional Metals present Attach 1

204 C0029 5244027002 2333 COUTS AVE COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 2 205 C0050 5243027022 2328 BEDESSEN AVE COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 2 206 D0518 6317009023 4008 E 61ST ST HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G Attach 2 207 E0015 6317009016 6129 RIVERSIDE AVE HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G Attach 1 208 E0046 6317033003 6307 RIVERSIDE AVE BELL CA 90201 G Attach 1 209 E0055 6318019029 6312 MAYWOOD AVE BELL CA 90201 G Attach 2 210 E0060 6318021010 6245 ORCHARD AVE BELL CA 90201 G Attach 1 211 E0077 6318024033 6300 BEAR AVE BELL CA 90201 G Attach 2 212 E0120 6317004017 4321 E 61ST ST HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G Attach 2 213 E0130 6317005026 4218 E 60TH ST HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G Attach 1 214 E0164 6317009015 6133 RIVERSIDE AVE HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G Attach 2 215 E0183 6317011019 6114 GIFFORD AVE HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G Attach 1 216 E0188 6317011028 6120 GIFFORD AVE HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G Attach 1 217 E0210 6317024022 6240 FISHBURN AVE BELL CA 90201 G Attach 2 218 E0228 6317029013 6310 GIFFORD AVE BELL CA 90201 G Attach 2 219 E0230 6317029016 6254 GIFFORD AVE BELL CA 90201 G Attach 2 220 E0247 6317032009 6243 RIVERSIDE AVE BELL CA 90201 G Attach 1 221 E0271 6318015021 3611 E 61ST ST HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G Attach 1 222 E0348 6318028012 3803 RANDOLPH ST HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G Attach 1 223 E0395 6318022033 6228 ORCHARD AVE BELL CA 90201 G Attach 1 224 E04473 5243025010 2313 BEDESSEN AVE COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 1

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

225 E04487 5243025004 2337 BEDESSEN AVE COMMERCE CA 90040 G

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 1

225 E04487 5243025005 2337 BEDESSEN AVE COMMERCE CA 90040 G

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

226 E04667 5244009004 2241 RANSOM ST COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 2 227 E0593 6318021007 6229 ORCHARD AVE BELL CA 90201 G Attach 2

228 E0600 6317008008 6059 RIVERSIDE AVE HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

229 E0708 6317026024 6210 OTIS AVE BELL CA 90201 G Attach 1

230 E0711 6317028019 4112 RANDOLPH ST BELL CA 90201 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

231 E0753 6310025043 3073 RANDOLPH ST HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G Attach 2

232 E0808 6317015007 6141 CLARKSON AVE MAYWOOD CA 90270 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

233 E0809 6317006023 6072 GIFFORD AVE HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G Attach 2 234 E0898 6318013013 5967 LOMA VISTA AVE HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G Attach 1

235 E0915 6318023005 3816 RANDOLPH PL BELL CA 90201 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

236 E0964 6317001012 6030 CLARKSON AVE MAYWOOD CA 90270 G Attach 2 237 E0999 6317027005 6321 FISHBURN AVE BELL CA 90201 G Attach 2 238 E1004 6317028017 6224 GIFFORD AVE BELL CA 90201 G Attach 2 239 E1016 6318021004 3614 RANDOLPH PL BELL CA 90201 G Attach 1 240 E1019 6318023019 6319 BEAR AVE BELL CA 90201 G Attach 1 241 E1047 6318017022 3625 RANDOLPH ST HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G Attach 1 242 PIA-00386 6317032007 6235 RIVERSIDE AVE BELL CA 90201 G Attach 2 243 PIA-00428 5243025007 2327 BEDESSEN AVE CITY OF COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 1 244 PIA-00572 6335005027 2393 WILMA AVE CITY OF COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 1

245 PIA-00648 5243024007 2311 AYERS AVE COMMERCE CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

246 PIA-00659 5243027017 2308 BEDESSEN AVE COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 1 247 PIA-00660 5243025011 2311 BEDESSEN AVE COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 1 248 PIA-00664 5243025009 2319 BEDESSEN AVE COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 2 249 PIA-00722 5244030016 2372 COUTS AVE COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

250 PIA-00861 5244015027 5063 FAIR ST COMMERCE CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

251 PIA-00873 5244016019 5037 GAFFORD ST COMMERCE CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

252 PIA-00903 5244028003 2310 HEPWORTH AVE COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 1 253 PIA-01008 5244009025 4701 LEONIS ST COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 2

254 PIA-01156 5244031005 5046 NOBEL ST COMMERCE CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 1

255 PIA-01187 5244027012 2228 RANSOM ST COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 2 256 PIA-01202 5244029008 2330 RANSOM ST COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 1

257 PIA-01324 6318013007 3638 E 59TH PL HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

258 PIA-01596 6318015025 3541 E 61ST ST HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G Attach 1 259 PIA-01597 6318016028 3544 E 61ST ST HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G Attach 1 260 PIA-01880 6319021020 6304 BISSELL ST HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G Attach 1 261 PIA-02027 6312026008 5928 GIFFORD AVE HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G Attach 2 262 PIA-02085 6318016007 6111 LOMA VISTA AVE HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G Attach 2 263 PIA-02367 6317008017 6029 RIVERSIDE AVE HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G Attach 2 264 PIA-09712 5243025014 2300 AYERS AVE COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 1 265 RP0258 5243024025 4619 LEONIS ST COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 1 266 RP0285 5244014011 5154 E FARRAR ST CITY OF COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 2

267 RP0310 5244023002 2307 COWLIN AVE COMMERCE CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

268 RP0477 5244025008 2343 COWLIN AVE COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 2

269 RP1309 6310024015 6022 ARBUTUS AVE HUNTINGTON PARK CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

270 RP1640 5244023027 5043 KINSIE ST COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 1 271 RP2293 5244029004 2314 RANSOM ST COMMERCE CA 90040 G Attach 1 272 C0040 5244009024 4801 LEONIS ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 1

273 E0014 6317008007 6065 RIVERSIDE AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

274 E0067 6318022014 6319 CARMELITA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 275 E0068 6318022030 6244 ORCHARD AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 276 E0103 6313030007 5944 FLORA AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 G Attach 2 277 E0129 6317005021 6020 OTIS AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

278 E0153 6317007026 6001 GIFFORD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1

279 E0156 6317008023 4026 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

280 E0176 6317010020 4059 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 281 E0261 6318014019 3623 60TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 282 E0295 6318017017 3610 61ST PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1

283 E0334 6318026007 6118 LOMA VISTA AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

284 E0349 6318028013 3807 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 285 E0366 6318034018 3901 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 286 E0413 6318015036 3528 60TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1 287 E0458 6318022031 6238 ORCHARD AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 288 E05073 5244028016 2325 RANSOM ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 289 E05081 5244028029 4718 LEONIS ST, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 290 E0544 6317007016 6059 GIFFORD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 291 E0688 6318011017 3542 59TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 292 E0740 6318015033 3542 60TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1

293 E0822 6318011032 5977 EVERETT AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

294 E0947 6317031017 6336 RIVERSIDE AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 295 E0975 6318016040 6118 MAYWOOD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 1

296 E1046 6318017006 3639 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

297 PIA-00601 5244021005 4944 ASTOR AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 298 RP0461 5244019017 2266 COWLIN AVE, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 299 RP1307B 6310024011 3053 60TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 300 RP1350 6318023047 3810 RANDOLPH PL, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 1 301 RP2628 6335009005 2382 WILMA AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 302 D0017 6312020012 4039 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 303 D0026 6311020024 3519 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 304 D0029 6312018026 4217 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 305 D0057 6313027019 5624 FISHBURN AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 306 D0086 6312015017 3827 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 307 D0097 6313011022 4537 59TH PL, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 308 D0176 6316001026 4761 61ST ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 309 D0228 6316007034 6129 WOODWARD AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

310 D0245 6316009002 6104 KING AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 311 D0252 6316009013 6132 KING AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 312 D0290 6312013023 4119 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 313 D0292 6312013034 4227 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 314 D0305 6314011010 4614 59TH PL, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 315 D0314 6316001004 6014 VINEVALE AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 316 D0315 6316001009 6042 VINEVALE AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

317 D0363+ 6313027010 4320 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

318 D0379 6312004001 3800 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 319 D0381 6311014021 3639 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 320 D0395 6313009003 4515 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 321 D0411 6312018017 4101 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 322 D0418 6312013019 4101 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 323 D0436 6312018007 4124 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 324 D0446 6312016017 3815 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 325 D0465 6313008026 5621 KING AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 326 D0474 6313008005 4520 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

327 D0534* 6316006012 6019 WOODWARD AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

328 D0557 6314015015 4715 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 329 D0587 6311013011 3612 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 330 D0607 6311006022 3708 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 331 D0612 6316005033 6003 KING AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 332 D0648 6313021038 5247 CUDAHY AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 333 D0677 6312016027 3959 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 334 D0695 6312006020 4125 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 335 D0754 6312011005 4014 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 336 D0757 6311020004 5413 EVERETT AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 337 D0783 6311020027 3537 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 338 D0797 6313028026 5717 PINE AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 339 D0833 6311022025 3560 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 340 D0838 6312006028 5215 FISHBURN AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 341 D0839 6311005030 3719 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

342 D0847 6311007006 3719 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

343 D0854 6314007021 4615 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

344 D0881 6314026024 4808 59TH PL, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 345 D0906 6314004015 5201 MAYFLOWER AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 346 D0968 6313018017 4411 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 347 D1002 6312018027 4251 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 348 D1042 6313022002 4307 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 349 D1078 6314028015 4913 59TH PL, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

350 D1099 6313007003 4526 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

351 D1138 6313027033 4357 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

352 D1165 6313018008 4414 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

353 D1178 6312012020 4201 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

354 D1193 6313021024 4421 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

355 D1225 6313003022 4520 52ND DR, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 356 E0008 6310025044 3067 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 357 E0025 6317026011 6255 FISHBURN AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 358 E0049 6318016038 6108 MAYWOOD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 359 E0109 6313030017 5929 PINE AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 G Attach 2 360 E0229 6317029015 6258 GIFFORD AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 361 E0240 6317031004 6309 GIFFORD AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 362 E0311 6318023021 6331 BEAR AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 363 E04674 5244009032 4725 LEONIS ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 364 E0493 6318013021 3615 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 365 E05001 5244027009 4920 JILLSON ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 366 E05145 5244032009 4914 NOBEL ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 367 E05354 6311004014 3748 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 368 E05364 6311002016 5215 CARMELITA AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 369 E05401 6311004019 3759 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 370 E05402 6311004021 3749 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 371 E05603 6311013006 3638 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 372 E05625 6311013012 3608 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 373 E05634 6311014018 3627 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 374 E05646 6311016022 3651 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 375 E05808 6311020043 3501 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 376 E05955 6312001003 4117 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 377 E05975 6312001008 4207 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

378 E05979 6312003008 3815 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 379 E06036 6312004017 3916 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 380 E06039 6312004033 3927 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 381 E06062 6312004029 3915 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 382 E06108 6312008012 4014 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 383 E06123 6312008009 4026 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 384 E06144 6312007011 4118 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 385 E0633 6318024036 6244 BEAR AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 386 E0695 6312027013 5960 RIVERSIDE AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2

387 E0856 6318009028 6017 MAYWOOD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

388 ESA-12 6311022041 3541 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 389 ESA-33 6311024027 3500 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 390 PIA-00587 5244022010 4862 ASTOR AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 391 PIA-00963 6335008002 5248 JILLSON ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2

392 PIA-01562 6318017009 3648 61ST PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

392 PIA-01562 6318017011 3648 61ST PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

393 PIA-01710 6310024014 6026 ARBUTUS AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

394 PIA-07202 6313003014 4545 52ND PL, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

395 PIA-07215 6314005010 4618 52ND PL, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 396 PIA-07282 6311015011 3604 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 397 PIA-07295 6311016029 3633 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

398 PIA-07381 6312001004 4119 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

399 PIA-07407 6313022005 4321 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 400 PIA-07408 6313023009 4322 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 401 PIA-07596 6312006019 4119 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

402 PIA-07792 6311003019 3747 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

403 PIA-07891 6313024023 4331 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 404 PIA-07905 6313019013 4400 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

405 PIA-07932 6311020022 3513 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 406 PIA-07933 6311021015 3514 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

407 PIA-07937 6311021013 3524 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

408 PIA-07955 6311021005 3568 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 409 PIA-07974 6311012010 3620 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 410 PIA-08202 6311006020 3718 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

411 PIA-08208 6311006017 3730 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

412 PIA-08228 6312016009 3826 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 413 PIA-08231 6312015018 3901 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 414 PIA-08232 6312016007 3904 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 415 PIA-08239 6312016004 3916 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 416 PIA-08248 6312017028 4010 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 417 PIA-08250 6312014019 4015 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 418 PIA-08258 6312014023 4031 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 419 PIA-08261 6312014024 4039 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

420 PIA-08317 6313027002 4354 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

421 PIA-08336 6313018022 4439 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 422 PIA-08337 6313018023 4443 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 423 PIA-08338 6313017003 4444 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 424 PIA-08340 6313017002 4448 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 425 PIA-08351 6313007027 4535 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 426 PIA-08354 6313007026 4543 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 427 PIA-08403 6311023034 3504 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 428 PIA-08411 6311023027 3524 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 429 PIA-08427 6311022015 3563 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

430 PIA-08444 6311011013 3655 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

431 PIA-08484 6312016022 3907 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

432 PIA-08541 6313027028 4339 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

433 PIA-08566 6313017020 4445 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 434 PIA-08581 6313008025 4553 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 435 PIA-08594 6314007024 4631 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

436 PIA-08675 6311007005 3715 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 437 PIA-08679 6311007008 3725 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

438 PIA-08680 6311008013 3726 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

439 PIA-08681 6311007009 3729 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 440 PIA-08683 6311007010 3733 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 441 PIA-08690 6311007014 3749 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 442 PIA-08694 6312021020 3805 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 443 PIA-08727 6312020009 4027 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 444 PIA-08747 6312024012 4118 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 445 PIA-08758 6313028016 4307 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 446 PIA-08772 6313029022 4344 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 447 PIA-08776 6313029002 4354 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 448 PIA-08887 6314011008 4622 59TH PL, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 449 PIA-08960 6313013024 4401 60TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 G Attach 2 450 PIA-08984 6316005029 4560 60TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 451 PIA-09179 6311012015 5512 EVERETT AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 452 PIA-09234 6312013003 5506 GIFFORD AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

453 PIA-09236 6312013017 5516 GIFFORD AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

453 PIA-09236 6312013018 5516 GIFFORD AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

454 PIA-09363 6311005002 5508 LOMA VISTA AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

455 PIA-09365 6311005035 5514 LOMA VISTA AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

456 PIA-09460 6311022001 5616 MAYWOOD AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 457 PIA-09652 6316005025 6002 WOODWARD AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 458 PIA-09680 6316007004 6105 WOODWARD AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

459 PIA-09730 6311013034 3645 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

460 PIA-09736 6314005011 4616 52ND DR, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 461 RP0276 5244012018 5007 ASTOR AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2

462 RP0296 5244017004 5048 GAFFORD ST, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

463 RP0303 5244018021 5027 QUIGLEY ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

464 RP0307 5244020002 2261 COWLIN AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 465 RP0311 5244023014 2286 COUTS AVE, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 466 RP1211B 6312009024 3901 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

467 RP1263 6314017003 4722 52ND PL, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

468 A0021 5190019017 3476 HUNTER ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 469 A0024 5188019016 3465 7TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 470 A0025 5190022025 3311 HUNTER ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 471 A0045 5191017010 3543 HUNTER ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

472 A0049 5190002011 3306 BESWICK ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 2

473 A0052 5188023006 931 BERNAL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 474 A0053 5188016015 926 SPENCE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 475 A0054 5190011002 3110 GARNET ST, LOS ANGELES, CA, 90023 A Attach 2 476 A0056 5188016020 3535 SISKIYOU ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 477 A0060 5188017013 3417 SISKIYOU ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 478 A0063 5188018027 3412 SISKIYOU ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 479 A0065 5190018006 3414 ESTRADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 480 A0066 5191017008 3528 8TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 481 B0020 5236004015 4167 HUBBARD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 482 B0052 5238002007 3621 LANFRANCO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 483 B0084 5238013023 3756 PRINCETON ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 484 B0100 5238016003 3918 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 485 B0106 5238016039 3965 PRINCETON ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 486 B0111 5239001036 719 DITMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 487 B0119 5239007058 4015 VERONA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2

488 B0123 5239008058 826 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Additional Metals present Attach 2

489 B0125 5239009002 722 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 490 B0130 5239012006 1036 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 491 B0142 5239016013 730 HERBERT AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 492 B0156 5241004029 1243 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 493 B0166 5241016020 4358 UNION PACIFIC AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 494 B0172 5241025010 4399 LOVETT ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2

495 B0178 5242012011 1242 DITMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

496 B0213 5238004018 3788 EAGLE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 497 B0216 5238004025 467 NASSAU AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 498 B0230 5238005016 3905 5TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 499 B0241 5238006014 3930 LANGFORD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 500 B0249 5238006033 437 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 501 B0268 5238007011 3934 5TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 502 B0431 5239007015 949 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 503 B0435 5236005005 824 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 504 B0437 5238015019 4035 HUBBARD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 505 B0438 5238008037 564 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 506 B0468 5239015026 720 GAGE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2

507 B0546 5238011044 3725 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Additional Metals present Attach 2

508 B0554 5238014007 666 DITMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 509 B0563 5238006037 3934 EAGLE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 510 B0587 5239008039 815 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2

511 B0588 5238003035 3719 LANFRANCO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D

Additional Metals present Attach 2

512 B0614 5238003054 505 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 513 B0635 5241020025 1333 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 514 B0665 5242001005 1154 GAGE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 515 B0674 5242001013 1147 HERBERT AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 516 B0677 5239012010 1058 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 517 B0679 5242014013 1254 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 518 B0681 5239005001 1008 DITMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 519 B0682 5238003005 453 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 520 C0019 5246002002 1009 FORD BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 521 C0048 5241027012 4485 LOVETT ST, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 522 C0054 5243027006 2329 CONNOR AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2

523 D0781 6312002001 5118 CORONA AVE MAYWOOD CA 90270 F

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

523 D0781 6312002002 5118 CORONA AVE MAYWOOD CA 90270 F

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

524 D1265 6312013022 4115 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 525 E03601 5241004007 1230 HERBERT AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 526 E03615 5241004026 1255 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

527 E03616 5241004028 1247 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

528 E03805 5241012004 4471 TUTTLE ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 529 E03816 5241015006 4431 TUTTLE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90040 C Attach 2 530 E03855 5241017005 4429 TRIGGS ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90040 C Attach 2 531 E03858 5241018001 1344 SUNOL DR, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 532 E03861 5241018004 1354 SUNOL DR, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 533 E03863 5241018019 4394 TUTTLE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 534 E03866 5241015008 4441 TUTTLE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90040 C Attach 2 535 E03943 5241020028 1319 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 536 E04020 5241026012 4437 DUNHAM ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2

537 E04072 5241024023 1461 SUNOL DR, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

538 E04089 5241027008 4480 TRIGGS ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 539 E04267 5242011010 1240 HICKS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 540 E04282 5242013014 1262 TOWNSEND AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 541 E04366 5242014031 1235 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2

542 E04367 5242014033 1227 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

543 E09614 5241005030 1251 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2

544 E09673 5241027015 4475 LOVETT ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

545 ENA-26 5238017011 653 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 546 ENA-31 5239006023 1039 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 547 ENA-41 5188019006 3438 LEE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 548 ENA-67 5239011010 930 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 549 ENA-84 5242013030 1251 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 550 PIA-00462 5244002018 1418 DUNCAN AVE, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 551 PIA-01072 5244002010 1421 MCBRIDE AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 552 PIA-01097 5244004018 1527 MCBRIDE AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 553 PIA-01111 5244003020 1421 MCDONNELL AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 554 PIA-02416 5188001005 3551 5TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 B Attach 2 555 PIA-02441 5238002027 3664 5TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 556 PIA-02443 5238002029 3668 5TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 557 PIA-02553 5188002038 3557 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 558 PIA-02600 5238011040 3773 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

559 PIA-02604 5238010034 3818 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 560 PIA-02680 5188019021 3439 7TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 561 PIA-02706 5188015029 3533 7TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 562 PIA-02718 5188014003 3566 7TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 563 PIA-02738 5188010031 3759 7TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 564 PIA-02776 5190023014 3326 8TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 565 PIA-02838 5239002036 810 ALMA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2

566 PIA-02880 5242007001 1142 ALMA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

567 PIA-02883 5242008009 1151 ALMA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

568 PIA-02887 5242007005 1162 ALMA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

569 PIA-02888 5242008012 1163 ALMA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

570 PIA-02969 5188020021 3415 ATLANTIC ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 571 PIA-02977 5188020029 3455 ATLANTIC ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 572 PIA-02984 5188014021 3521 ATLANTIC ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 573 PIA-02988 5188014025 3539 ATLANTIC ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 574 PIA-03026 5188022014 932 BERNAL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2

575 PIA-03046 5190002012 3300 BESWICK ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 2

576 PIA-03050 5190002009 3316 BESWICK ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 577 PIA-03051 5190002008 3322 BESWICK ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 578 PIA-03071 5190001014 3442 BESWICK ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 579 PIA-03106 5236002008 410 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 580 PIA-03165 5236004019 660 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2

581 PIA-03207 5239020011 957 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E

Additional Metals present Attach 2

582 PIA-03218 5239019020 1021 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 583 PIA-03404 5188011021 1056 CALZONA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 584 PIA-03430 5191004023 1150 CALZONA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 585 PIA-03500 5188023005 928 CONCORD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 586 PIA-03544 5190014013 1140 CONCORD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

587 PIA-03565 5188025010 1041 DACOTAH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Additional Metals present Attach 2

588 PIA-03640 5238003031 522 DITMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D

Additional Metals present Attach 2

589 PIA-03699 5239005002 1012 DITMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2

590 PIA-03703 5239004059 1027 DITMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E

Additional Metals present Attach 2

591 PIA-03720 5242012005 1218 DITMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 592 PIA-03811 5236007002 1017 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 593 PIA-03813 5236007004 1027 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 594 PIA-03818 5236007025 1059 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 595 PIA-03855 5241019008 1338 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2

596 PIA-03873 5241023005 1416 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

597 PIA-04014 5238004040 3852 EAGLE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 598 PIA-04057 5238015005 650 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 599 PIA-04065 5238014044 667 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 600 PIA-04072 5239009014 723 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 601 PIA-04235 5190018016 3456 ESTRADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

602 PIA-04274 5190009023 1142 EUCLID AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 2

603 PIA-04450 5190011011 1126 FRESNO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 604 PIA-04507 5239014015 1004 GAGE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 605 PIA-04545 5242016003 1218 GAGE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 606 PIA-04546 5242016004 1220 GAGE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2

607 PIA-04552 5242016011 1248 GAGE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

608 PIA-04620 5190001027 3453 GARNET ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 609 PIA-04642 5191012011 3549 GARNET ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 610 PIA-04674 5188024009 1036 GRANDE VISTA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 611 PIA-04683 5190003003 1110 GRANDE VISTA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 612 PIA-04694 5190011016 1137 GRANDE VISTA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 613 PIA-04776 5239018008 1052 HERBERT AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 614 PIA-04777 5239013025 1055 HERBERT AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 615 PIA-04785 5239013029 1069 HERBERT AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

616 PIA-04805 5241004008 1232 HERBERT AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 617 PIA-04864 5242006004 1154 HICKS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 618 PIA-04866 5242007009 1157 HICKS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 619 PIA-04937 5238014033 3917 HUBBARD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 620 PIA-04979 5190022026 3313 HUNTER ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

621 PIA-05021 5191019006 3526 HUNTER ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

621 PIA-05021 5191019005 3526 HUNTER ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

622 PIA-05022 5191017012 3527 HUNTER ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 623 PIA-05216 5188001034 3515 LANFRANCO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 B Attach 2 624 PIA-05239 5188001022 3567 LANFRANCO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 B Attach 2 625 PIA-05244 5188002005 3582 LANFRANCO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 B Attach 2

626 PIA-05386 5190002031 1103 LORENA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 2

627 PIA-05437 5191003018 1132 LOS PALOS ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

628 PIA-05509 5241015016 1323 MARIANNA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90040 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

629 PIA-05524 5170002029 1128 MARIETTA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 630 PIA-05720 5191009002 1115 MIRASOL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

631 PIA-05743 5191010002 1161 MIRASOL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 2

632 PIA-05745 5191010003 1165 MIRASOL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 2

633 PIA-05852 5190014021 3335 OPAL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 634 PIA-05866 5190016011 3434 OPAL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 635 PIA-05941 5188004022 3406 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 636 PIA-05946 5188004029 3436 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 637 PIA-05961 5188005004 3518 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 638 PIA-06015 5239009028 3927 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 639 PIA-06043 5191003005 1119 PRADO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 640 PIA-06045 5191003003 1129 PRADO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 641 PIA-06049 5191027003 1209 PRADO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 642 PIA-06059 5191027008 1229 PRADO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

643 PIA-06070 5191028033 1250 PRADO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 2

644 PIA-06071 5191028034 1300 PRADO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

645 PIA-06072 5191027014 1301 PRADO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 2

646 PIA-06084 5238012012 3727 PRINCETON ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 647 PIA-06217 5239020026 920 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 648 PIA-06248 5239019002 1048 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2

649 PIA-06287 5241004023 1267 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

650 PIA-06386 5239008040 816 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Additional Metals present Attach 2

651 PIA-06394 5239007023 922 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2

652 PIA-06434 5242013021 1213 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

653 PIA-06485 5188006008 3532 SABINA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2

654 PIA-06531 5188015014 3522 SISKIYOU ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Additional Metals present Attach 2

655 PIA-06563 5188009013 3723 SISKIYOU ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 656 PIA-06593 5188015018 946 SPENCE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 657 PIA-06604 5188020034 1025 SPENCE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 658 PIA-06624 5190015022 1147 SPENCE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 659 PIA-06672 5236016046 961 SUNOL DR, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 660 PIA-06674 5241007015 1219 SUNOL DR, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 661 PIA-06699 5241016004 1316 SUNOL DR, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 662 PIA-06821 5242013008 1238 TOWNSEND AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 663 PIA-06849 5241018008 4381 TRIGGS ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 664 PIA-06866 5241017003 4421 TRIGGS ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90040 C Attach 2 665 PIA-06904 5241017012 4438 TUTTLE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90040 C Attach 2 666 PIA-09763 5188005009 3546 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 667 RP0007 5170001026 1147 ROSALIND AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 668 RP0014 5170002018 1170 MARIETTA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 669 RP0021 5170003003 1121 MARIETTA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 670 RP0024 5170003028 1128 ORME AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 671 RP0030 5188002026 3627 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

672 RP0043 5188003025 3528 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2

673 RP0044 5188003026 3534 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Additional Metals present Attach 2

674 RP0046 5188003040 3552 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 675 RP0054 5188009012 3719 SISKIYOU ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 676 RP0072 5188017026 3475 SISKIYOU ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 677 RP0076 5188018018 3453 LEE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 678 RP0079 5188019014 3475 7TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 679 RP0089 5188022018 938 BERNAL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2

680 RP0103 5188023047 936 GRANDE VISTA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

680 RP0103 5188023048 936 GRANDE VISTA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

681 RP0110 5188025001 1044 EUCLID AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

681 RP0110 5188025002 1044 EUCLID AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

682 RP0120 5190003006 3209 GARNET ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 683 RP0168 5190013008 3320 OPAL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 684 RP0186 5190022008 3342 ESTRADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 685 RP0191 5190023032 3341 ESTRADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 686 RP0196 5191003019 1136 LOS PALOS ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 687 RP0202A 5191005011 1150 CALADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 688 RP0206 5191005018 1122 CALADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 689 RP0214 5191007009 1143 CALADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

690 RP0224 5191009009 1143 MIRASOL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 2

691 RP0233 5191011008 1124 SPENCE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 692 RP0246 5191016008 3548 OPAL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 693 RP0262 5244002017 1414 DUNCAN AVE, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 694 RP0266 5244004002 1506 DUNCAN AVE, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 695 RP0268 5244004024 1501 MCBRIDE AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2

696 RP0320 5245026031 1416 WOODS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Additional Metals present Attach 2

697 RP0348 5170004005 1133 ORME AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

698 RP0350B 5170004004 1129 ORME AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 2

699 RP0359 5170004026 1132 MOTT ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 700 RP0362 5188002043 3533 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 701 RP0370 5188011020 1052 CALZONA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 702 RP0374 5188014024 3535 ATLANTIC ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 703 RP0378 5188023011 940 CONCORD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2

704 RP0390 5190015014 3442 GARNET ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 2

705 RP0394 5190016008 3420 OPAL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 706 RP0398 5191007006 1131 CALADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 707 RP0415 5191016001 3576 OPAL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 708 RP0418B 5241014019 4471 TRIGGS ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 709 RP0424 5241029008 1431 SYDNEY DR, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2

710 RP0429 5241030010 1546 EASTERN AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

711 RP0436C 5244002006 1439 MCBRIDE AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 712 RP0442 5244003023 1407 MCDONNELL AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 713 RP0484 5245019005 1320 FERRIS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 714 RP0491 5245019021 1345 LA VERNE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2

715 RP0508 5245021011 1342 FRASER AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Additional Metals present Attach 2

716 RP0526 5245022011 1402 CLELA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 717 RP0529 5245022031 1433 VANCOUVER AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 718 RP0538 5245023022 1421 WOODS PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 719 RP0567 5246002045 1126 BURGER AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 720 RP0590 5246006025 940 DUNCAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 721 RP0611 5246008014 1261 MCBRIDE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 722 RP0635 5246010011 1247 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 723 RP0640 5246010020 1222 MCBRIDE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 724 RP0643 5246011005 1021 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 725 RP0658A 5246012007 927 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 726 RP0669B 5246013025 948 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 727 RP0679 5246014030 1130 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 728 RP0699 5246016041 1301 ARIZONA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 729 RP0715 5246018008 1254 ARIZONA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

730 RP0722 5246023014 1242 KERN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 731 RP0737 5246023038 1273 FETTERLY AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 732 RP0755 5246014021 1110 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 733 RP0764A 5188003051 3565 SABINA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 734 RP0781 5188023033 949 CONCORD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 735 RP0782 5188024004 1015 CONCORD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 736 RP0791 5190014003 3342 GARNET ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 737 RP0800 5191015005 1184 SPENCE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 738 RP0822 5246010017 1234 MCBRIDE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 739 RP0824 5246008033 1252 DUNCAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2

740 RP0859B 5238010023 553 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D

Additional Metals present Attach 2

741 RP0860 5238010029 620 DITMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 742 RP0870B 5238010047 621 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 743 RP0874A 5238012026 3751 PRINCETON ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 744 RP0884 5238014018 643 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 745 RP0885 5238014023 3843 HUBBARD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2

746 RP0889 5238015003 3952 PRINCETON ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Additional Metals present Attach 2

747 RP0900 5238016038 3969 PRINCETON ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 748 RP0903 5238016048 633 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 749 RP0921 5239001023 3853 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 750 RP0949 5239005022 1025 TOWNSEND AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2

751 RP0980 5239008061 803 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Additional Metals present Attach 2

752 RP0988 5239009036 717 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 753 RP0996 5239011009 926 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 754 RP0998 5239011015 1000 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 755 RP1005 5239012002 1020 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2

756 RP1010 5239012021 1041 GAGE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E

Additional Metals present Attach 2

757 RP1015 5239015030 806 GAGE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 758 RP1034 5241010014 1251 AUGUSTA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 759 RP1037 5241025009 4393 LOVETT ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 760 RP1046 5242019008 1327 GAGE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 761 RP1049 5190010007 1121 FRESNO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

762 RP1051 5190018027 3435 HUNTER ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 763 RP1072 5190007014 1123 EVERGREEN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 764 RP1076 5190014029 1139 LORENA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 765 RP1079 5188009025 3710 SISKIYOU ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2

766 RP1103 5238001028 3678 EAGLE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D

Additional Metals present Attach 2

767 RP1122 5245022029 1415 VANCOUVER AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 768 RP1126 5188022028 962 BERNAL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2

769 RP1136 5190008006 1121 EUCLID AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 2

770 RP1145B 5190019019 3484 HUNTER ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

771 RP1147 5191007018 1134 MIRASOL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 2

772 RP1156 5236002005 3974 STRANG ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 773 RP1168 5236005018 4160 HUBBARD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 774 RP1183 5238010049 633 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 775 RP1189 5241019006 1330 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 776 RP1226 6312020004 4003 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

777 RP1352 5188010026 3739 7TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Additional Metals present Attach 2

778 RP1361 5239014014 1000 GAGE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 779 RP1367 5239017012 1004 HERBERT AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 780 RP1373 5239018013 1074 HERBERT AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 781 RP1376 5241007004 1216 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 782 RP1394 5241019012 1354 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 783 RP1404 5190017027 3451 ESTRADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

784 RP1426 5170002008 1137 CAMULOS ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 2

785 RP1435 5188025015 1026 DACOTAH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 786 RP1444 5191027032 1250 LOS PALOS ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 787 RP1446 5191027037 1316 LOS PALOS ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 788 RP1447 5191028021 1204 PRADO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 789 RP1453 5188010027 3743 7TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 790 RP1467 5188003014 3500 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 791 RP1484 5188024014 1010 GRANDE VISTA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 792 RP1485 5188025003 1045 DACOTAH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

793 RP1488 5190006005 1111 EUCLID AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 794 RP1491 5190008002 1117 EUCLID AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

795 RP1514 5241005037 1221 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

796 RP1528 5246001015 959 FORD BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 797 RP1544B 5246009007 1305 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 798 RP1553B 5246012020 946 MCBRIDE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 799 RP1568A 5246023011 1230 KERN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 800 RP1592 5241009004 1258 SUNOL DR, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 801 RP1607 5241011010 1271 MARIANNA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 802 RP1632 5242014014 1258 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 803 RP1654 5241010002 1272 BRANNICK AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 804 RP1659 5238002035 521 DITMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2

805 RP1695 5190014010 3308 GARNET ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 2

806 RP1701 5245022022 1315 VANCOUVER AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Additional Metals present Attach 2

807 RP1705A 5245023023 1323 WOODS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 808 RP1717B 5190012026 3233 8TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 809 RP1721 5191011010 3516 BESWICK ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 810 RP1729 5170005022 2691 8TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 811 RP1737B 5239017013 1008 HERBERT AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 812 RP1752A 5241028005 4474 LOVETT ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 813 RP1829 5246017004 1312 ARIZONA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 814 RP1832 5246018002 1280 ARIZONA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 815 RP1845 5188010002 3758 LEE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2

816 RP1850B 5190001018 3462 BESWICK ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 2

817 RP1865A 5190016031 3429 8TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 818 RP1875 5191007002 1115 CALADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 819 RP1897B 5238015002 646 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 820 RP1918B 5241005009 1228 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 821 RP1957 5188018024 3423 LEE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 822 RP1993 5190002003 3342 BESWICK ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

823 RP2004B 5239005016 1053 TOWNSEND AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E

Additional Metals present Attach 2

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

824 RP2011B 5239018021 1037 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 825 RP2055A 5188022025 957 LORENA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 826 RP2068 5190015004 1140 LORENA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 827 RP2102B 5236009019 1142 AUGUSTA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2

828 RP2106B 5238004033 3824 EAGLE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D

Additional Metals present Attach 2

829 RP2136 5238014026 648 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 830 RP2149 5239001011 3726 HUBBARD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 831 RP2155 5239003006 943 ALMA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 832 RP2157B 5239004030 1044 ALMA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 833 RP2162 5239016026 727 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 834 RP2187A 5188003029 3525 SABINA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2

835 RP2189 5188006010 3540 SABINA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Additional Metals present Attach 2

836 RP2207B 5238015006 658 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Additional Metals present Attach 2

837 RP2220 5241004018 1278 HERBERT AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2

838 RP2237 5241024007 1516 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

839 RP2274 5239009035 713 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 840 RP2296 5170003026 1136 ORME AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 841 RP2315 5188019001 3402 LEE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 842 RP2317A 5188019027 3412 LEE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 843 RP2334B 5190022013 3322 ESTRADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 844 RP2350 5238002003 524 INDIANA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 845 RP2357C 5238012024 3750 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 846 RP2359 5238014028 652 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 847 RP2363A 5238017015 4133 HUBBARD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 848 RP2365C 5238017017 642 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 849 RP2371 5239007027 932 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 850 RP2403 5190018011 3436 ESTRADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

851 RP2426 5236015032 4322 VERONA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E

Additional Metals present Attach 2

852 RP2469 5241027004 4464 TRIGGS ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 853 RP2485B 5190006006 2911 GARNET ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 854 RP2487 5190008018 1135 EUCLID AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

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855 RP2502 5236009015 1158 AUGUSTA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 856 RP2522B 5242014028 1247 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 857 RP2546A 5238010016 3732 LANFRANCO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 858 RP2547A 5238010018 3736 LANFRANCO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 859 RP2553 5238012039 627 DITMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 860 RP2557A 5239001014 3829 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 861 RP2562 5239007049 943 TOWNSEND AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 862 RP2584 5238015001 640 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 863 RP2653 5188020026 3439 ATLANTIC ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 864 RP2668B 5238006044 428 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 865 RP2672 5190006007 1115 EUCLID AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 866 RP2693B 5238006005 3933 LANGFORD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 867 RP2743 5238011004 3614 LANFRANCO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 868 RP2750 5191002004 3791 OLYMPIC BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 869 RP2761 5238005006 459 HERBERT AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 870 RP2787A 5241006007 1230 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 871 RP2800 5246009009 1313 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 872 RP2808 5239004071 1048 INDIANA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 873 RP2816 5241014020 4465 TRIGGS ST, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 874 RP2824 5241025014 4411 LOVETT ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90040 C Attach 2 875 RP2877 5188016023 3549 SISKIYOU ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 876 RP2879 5238002009 3625 LANFRANCO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 877 RP2880B 5238002021 3655 LANFRANCO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 878 RP2884B 5238012016 3734 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 879 RP2915B 5188016024 3555 SISKIYOU ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 880 RP2936 5239002052 820 INDIANA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 881 RP2950 5241020021 1351 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 882 RP2992 5236006020 934 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 883 RP2995 5238004052 483 NASSAU CT, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 884 RP3002 5239005005 1028 DITMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 885 RP3048B 5191006010 1170 CALADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 886 RP3059 5190008013 1128 EVERGREEN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

887 RP3061 5239005036 1046 TOWNSEND AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E

Additional Metals present Attach 2

888 RP3093 5241009003 1254 SUNOL DR, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

889 RP3158 5236015026 4348 VERONA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2

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890 B0199 5238003003 463 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 891 D0144 6314026008 4828 59TH PL, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 892 D0146 6314026010 4820 59TH PL, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 893 D0541 6311004006 3716 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 894 E0083 6318029027 3927 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 895 E0462 6317033023 6300 CORONA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 896 E0592 6318023029 6332 CARMELITA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 897 ESA-17 6312012017 4213 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 898 ESA-58 6318027026 3742 61ST ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 899 PIA-04138 5242014027 1251 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 900 PIA-05985 5188008009 3642 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 901 PIA-08769 6313028021 4339 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

902 PIA-09588 6314014021 4741 SLAUSON AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

902 PIA-09588 6314014022 4741 SLAUSON AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

903 PIA-09696 6316008010 6144 WOODWARD AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 904 RP0022 5170003021 1156 ORME AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 905 RP0023 5170003023 1148 ORME AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 906 RP0360 5170004027 1128 MOTT ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 907 RP0751 5238008022 3850 5TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 908 RP1112 5238013038 3700 PRINCETON ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 909 RP1121 5244024013 2328 COWLIN AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 910 RP1691 5246014023 1120 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 911 RP3004C 5239006034 1063 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 912 S0003 6319021006 3355 GAGE AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2

913 S0012 6312028002 4020 SLAUSON AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 G

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

913 S0012 6312028004 4020 SLAUSON AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 G

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

914 A0002 5188001010 3566 5TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 B Attach 2

915 A0023 5188017019 3449 SISKIYOU ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Additional Metals present Attach 2

916 B0061 5238004028 476 NASSAU AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 917 B0093 5238014019 649 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 918 B0139 5239015032 816 GAGE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2

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919 B0167 5241017017 4420 TUTTLE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90040 C Attach 2 920 B0222 5238004061 3859 5TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 921 B0246 5238006020 3959 5TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 922 B0247 5238006022 3967 5TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 923 B0503 5239005028 1010 TOWNSEND AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 924 B0585 5236004007 633 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2

925 B0669 5239010032 822 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Additional Metals present Attach 2

926 C0008 5241028014 1455 EASTERN AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 927 C0011 5244011014 4945 ASTOR AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 928 D0004 6311006019 3722 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 929 D0063 6311007024 3740 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 930 D0087 6312016008 3900 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 931 D0119 6314004009 4627 52ND PL, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 932 D0139 6314013011 4735 59TH PL, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 933 D0145 6314026009 4824 59TH PL, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 934 D0337 6316011010 6152 MAYFLOWER AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 935 D0383 6312004019 3908 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 936 D0412 6312014025 4045 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 937 D0450 6314004001 5202 KING AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 938 D0452 6314005008 4624 52ND PL, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 939 D0552 6314014008 4730 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 940 D0588 6311022026 3558 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 941 D0621 6313024013 4308 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 942 D0658 6313016019 4421 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 943 D0672 6311006003 3719 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 944 D0722 6313019002 4446 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

945 D0851 6312024005 4216 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

946 D0916 6313004026 4543 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

947 D0972 6314024030 4829 SLAUSON AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 948 D1016 6313019022 4439 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 949 D1093 6312023016 4030 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 950 D1097 6313028015 4301 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 951 D1101 6314027018 4911 60TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 952 D1120 6311009010 3656 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

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953 D1176 6312011021 4039 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 954 D1230 6314016028 4753 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 955 E0059 6318021008 6233 ORCHARD AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 956 E0073 6318023046 6200 CARMELITA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2

957 E0080 6318026024 3717 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

957 E0080 6318026019 3717 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

958 E0100 6313013022 4419 60TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 G Attach 2 959 E0134 6317005030 4200 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 960 E0285 6318016021 3539 61ST PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2

961 E0335 6318027006 3755 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

962 E03603 5241004021 1273 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2

963 E0382 6317012009 6169 FISHBURN AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

964 E03893 5241015020 4390 UNION PACIFIC AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

965 E03959 5241020020 1355 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 966 E0433 6318021011 6305 ORCHARD AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2

967 E0441 6318012019 3635 59TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

968 E04422 5242017032 1333 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 969 E04434 5242017018 1322 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 970 E0481 6318016018 3611 61ST PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 971 E0490 6318014034 3600 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 972 E05327 6311002027 3719 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

973 E05355 6311004015 3752 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

974 E05425 6311004027 3721 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 975 E0558 6318031001 3800 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2

976 E05665 6311016019 3641 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

977 E0573 6318017046 3519 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2

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978 E0621 6318034010 5961 CORONA AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 979 E06242 6312012018 4209 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

980 E0665 6317025007 6313 FLORA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

981 E0700 6317030012 6245 GIFFORD AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2

982 E0707 6317028010 6243 OTIS AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

983 E0717 6318020032 6238 CALIFORNIA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 984 E0735 6317027004 6317 FISHBURN AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 985 E0763 6318016039 6112 MAYWOOD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 986 E0864 6318027004 3745 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 987 E0895 6318012023 3611 59TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 2 988 E0916 6318020008 6235 LOMA VISTA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 989 E0957 6318021006 6225 ORCHARD AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Attach 2 990 E0978 6317002010 6033 CLARKSON AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 G Attach 2 991 ENA-35 5236006021 928 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 992 ESA-14 6311003020 3743 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 993 ESA-43 6311008014 3722 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

994 PIA-00747 5244014014 2158 COWLIN AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 2

995 PIA-01031 5244029022 4924 LEONIS ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 996 PIA-02588 5238012023 3744 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 997 PIA-02689 5188020005 3464 7TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 998 PIA-03139 5238007044 513 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 999 PIA-03187 5239021033 817 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2

1000 PIA-03842 5241006024 1267 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 1001 PIA-04186 5191010018 1172 ESPERANZA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 1002 PIA-04436 5190005014 1107 FRESNO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 1003 PIA-04570 5190003009 3225 GARNET ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 1004 PIA-04673 5188024010 1030 GRANDE VISTA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 1005 PIA-04765 5239013018 1025 HERBERT AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 1006 PIA-05785 5170004025 1136 MOTT ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

1007 PIA-05854 5190014023 3343 OPAL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 2

1008 PIA-05964 5188005006 3528 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 1009 PIA-05970 5188006023 3543 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2

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1010 PIA-06299 5242017019 1328 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 1011 PIA-06300 5242017020 1332 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 1012 PIA-06360 5238010044 601 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 1013 PIA-06362 5238010046 617 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 1014 PIA-06487 5188006009 3538 SABINA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 1015 PIA-06976 5245022030 1421 VANCOUVER AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 1016 PIA-07198 6313004008 4538 52ND PL, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 1017 PIA-07648 6313021023 4417 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 1018 PIA-07683 6313004029 4555 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

1019 PIA-07788 6311004011 3738 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

1019 PIA-07788 6311004012 3738 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Multiple APN per Prop ID Attach 2

1020 PIA-07897 6313024026 4345 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 1021 PIA-08029 6312015009 3906 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 1022 PIA-08119 6313018007 4420 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 1023 PIA-08146 6311021022 3511 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 1024 PIA-08162 6311021030 3551 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

1025 PIA-08173 6311021036 3579 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

1026 PIA-08188 6311012024 3643 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 1027 PIA-08237 6312015021 3913 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 1028 PIA-08275 6312018010 4114 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 1029 PIA-08282 6312018030 4128 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 1030 PIA-08570 6313009022 4520 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 1031 PIA-08649 6311023012 3553 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2

1032 PIA-08689 6311008009 3746 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 2

1033 PIA-08770 6313029025 4342 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 1034 PIA-09096 6311007018 5719 CARMELITA AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 1035 PIA-09706 5242016008 1236 GAGE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2

1036 RP0032 5188002028 3619 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Additional Metals present Attach 2

1037 RP0064 5188015001 3576 SISKIYOU ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 1038 RP0070 5188017015 3427 SISKIYOU ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 1039 RP0124 5190005012 1110 DACOTAH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

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1040 RP0167 5190012033 1157 CONCORD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 1041 RP0187 5190022009 3338 ESTRADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 1042 RP0305A 5244019015 2226 COWLIN AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 1043 RP0325 5246024007 1330 FETTERLY AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 1044 RP0439 5244002027 1460 DUNCAN AVE, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 1045 RP0541 5245024014 1437 WOODS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 1046 RP0545 5245025027 1310 WOODS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 1047 RP0568 5246003001 1215 DUNCAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 1048 RP0612 5246008015 1263 MCBRIDE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 1049 RP0830 5236004008 635 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 1050 RP0838 5238007025 3978 5TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 1051 RP0867 5238010041 3833 PRINCETON ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 1052 RP0873 5238011039 559 DITMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 1053 RP0893 5238015041 3966 PRINCETON ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 1054 RP0943 5239004049 1050 HICKS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 1055 RP0981 5239009006 3918 HUBBARD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2

1056 RP1004 5239011029 1013 GAGE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E

Additional Metals present Attach 2

1057 RP1008 5239012017 1025 GAGE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2

1058 RP1054 5245022025 1331 VANCOUVER AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Additional Metals present Attach 2

1059 RP1062 5170001023 1157 ROSALIND AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 1060 RP1162 5236003030 454 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2

1061 RP1173 5238004064 3845 5TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D

Additional Metals present Attach 2

1062 RP1221B 6312015001 3804 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 1063 RP1237 6312021014 3812 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 1064 RP1244B 6312023017 4024 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 2 1065 RP1387 5241009005 1262 SUNOL DR, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 1066 RP1389 5241006025 1261 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 1067 RP1460 5188012011 1015 CALZONA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 1068 RP1532 5246002015 1008 BURGER AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 1069 RP1566A 5246023009 1222 KERN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 1070 RP1658B 5238002033 513 DITMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2 1071 RP1754 5241029013 4514 TRIGGS ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 1072 RP1778 5188016027 3577 SISKIYOU ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 1073 RP1789 5245022024 1323 VANCOUVER AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2

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1074 RP1910 5239010022 712 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 1075 RP1953 5246011003 1015 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 1076 RP1961B 5241028004 4470 LOVETT ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 1077 RP1985 5188001031 3529 LANFRANCO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 B Attach 2 1078 RP2056C 5188022033 973 LORENA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 1079 RP2057 5188023040 968 GRANDE VISTA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 1080 RP2135 5238014021 659 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 1081 RP2153 5239002037 806 ALMA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 1082 RP2163 5239017025 961 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 1083 RP2243 5242009016 1270 INDIANA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 1084 RP2286 5241029004 1449 SYDNEY DR, COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 2 1085 RP2491 5190012010 3206 GARNET ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2

1086 RP2519A 5242003002 1140 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C

Additional Metals present Attach 2

1087 RP2600 5244019006 2200 COWLIN AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 1088 RP2624 5246001013 951 FORD BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 2 1089 RP2654 5188022020 948 BERNAL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 2 1090 RP2675A 5238012019 3737 PRINCETON ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 1091 RP2695 5238008039 554 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 2

1092 RP2840 5245024005 1442 VANCOUVER AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Additional Metals present Attach 2

1093 RP2886 5238012033 3771 PRINCETON ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2 1094 RP2946C 5239020009 943 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 2 1095 RP3000 5238007024 3947 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 2

1096 RP3030 5245024007 1426 WOODS PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Additional Metals present Attach 2

1097 RP3053 5244015011 2155 COWLIN AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 2 1098 RP3103 5190004015 1115 GRANDE VISTA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 2 1099 RP3144 5241024024 1457 SUNOL DR, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2 1100 RP3178 5242016029 1237 HERBERT AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 2

1101 RP2646 5188004046 3343 WHITTIER BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

1102 D0638 6313019011 4410 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1103 A0042 5191017002 3504 8TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1104 RP1445 5191027034 1304 LOS PALOS ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1105 RP2291B 5239008009 833 TOWNSEND AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1106 PIA-05992 5188008016 3674 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Property already sampled Attach 3

1107 B0592 5239011001 4000 WHITTIER BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3

1108 B0122 5239008031 4012 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1109 PIA-06583 5188004010 721 SPENCE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Property already sampled Attach 3

1110 RP1913B 5239015027 726 GAGE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

1111 RP2497A 5191012006 3556 BESWICK ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1112 RP2608C 5246017021 1312 KERN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1113 RP1554B 5246012021 942 MCBRIDE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1114 RP1441 5191027023 1214 LOS PALOS ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1115 A0016 5190009015 1131 DACOTAH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1116 RP2900B 5239016034 4089 WHITTIER BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3

1117 D0950 6311009008 3649 SLAUSON AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

1118 A0030 5188003010 3469 SABINA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Property already sampled Attach 3

1119 RP1583 5239007007 929 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3

1120 RP2167B 5239021035 827 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Property already sampled Attach 3

1121 PIA-04762 5239013016 1017 HERBERT AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

1122 PIA-02572 5188002022 3645 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1123 RP2984B 5191007003 1119 CALADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1124 RP2048 5188018025 3409 LEE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 3

1125 PIA-06576 5188003019 624 SPENCE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Property already sampled Attach 3

1126 RP0655 5246011028 1123 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1127 RP2390 5188011024 1068 CALZONA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 3 1128 C0020 5246007036 4611 OLYMPIC BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1129 D1095 6312022030 5804 CARMELITA AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1130 D1167 6311022042 3574 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1131 RP2368 5239002022 817 HICKS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3

1132 RP1552E 5246012014 955 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

1133 PIA-04652 5191012016 3569 GARNET ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1134 B0040 5236008023 4333 TELEGRAPH RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

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Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

1135 RP2321 5190001034 3423 GARNET ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1136 B0597 5239017020 935 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1137 RP2072 5190020023 1251 VELASCO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1138 RP1873 5191005019 1118 CALADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1139 RP2425B 5236015031 4328 VERONA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1140 PIA-06388 5239008025 821 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3

1141 RP0733C 5246023034 1257 FETTERLY AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1142 RP1573A 5246023026 1221 FETTERLY AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

1143 RP1539B 5246007011 1030 DUNCAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1144 PIA-03075 5190001017 3454 BESWICK ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1145 RP0792 5190014009 3314 GARNET ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1146 RP0178 5190017029 3443 ESTRADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1147 E0875 6317003011 6041 PINE AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 G

Property already sampled Attach 3

1148 RP3115 5236007003 1019 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1149 D0852 6312023011 4054 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1150 PIA-07964 6311020040 3585 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1151 D0394 6312006010 4118 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1152 PIA-05054 5239001006 720 INDIANA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1153 RP2759B 5236007005 1031 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1154 PIA-05160 5191002003 1129 LA PUERTA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1155 RP2414 5236011023 1145 WILKINS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1156 RP2585 5239016033 831 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3 1157 RP1545B 5246009020 1268 MCBRIDE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1158 ENA-27 5191015011 3528 OPAL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1159 RP0135A 5190007032 1145 EVERGREEN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

1160 RP2307 5188004034 3460 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

1161 PIA-05891 5191015013 3540 OPAL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1162 B0472 5239021028 725 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3

1163 PIA-02800 5190017014 3452 8TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1164 PIA-07809 6312010009 3900 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1165 RP3046 5191003015 1120 LOS PALOS ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1166 RP0067B 5188015011 3538 SISKIYOU ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

1167 RP3143 5239019003 4237 DENNISON ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3

1168 H0301 6310023125 2920 BELGRAVE AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Property already sampled Attach 3

1169 RP2186F 5188003011 3465 SABINA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Property already sampled Attach 3

1170 PIA-07111 5236011014 1152 WILKINS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1171 RP1372 5239018011 1064 HERBERT AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1172 RP2097B 5236005035 816 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3 1173 B0562 5238016011 3924 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3 1174 RP0221 5191008016 1182 MIRASOL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1175 D0683 6312016006 3908 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1176 PIA-05948 5188004030 3442 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1177 PIA-02687 5188020006 3458 7TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Property already sampled Attach 3

1178 PIA-03060 5190002002 3348 BESWICK ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 3

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

1179 PIA-04647 5191014006 3560 GARNET ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1180 RP2986A 5191015019 3517 8TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1181 RP1114 5239004031 1052 ALMA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3

1182 RP1565B 5246018039 1269 KERN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1183 PIA-03063 5190001008 3416 BESWICK ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1184 RP2531 5236005010 806 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1185 PIA-08428 6311023019 3564 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

1186 RP2305A 5188004031 3448 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 3 1187 PIA-07420 6313023003 4350 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1188 PIA-05831 5191029002 3816 OLYMPIC BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1189 RP1981A 5246014019 1004 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3

1190 RP2040B 5188004007 3462 SABINA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Property already sampled Attach 3

1191 B0021 5236004029 608 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3 1192 PIA-03193 5236006025 920 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1193 RP1974A 5246005014 951 DUNCAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1194 RP2196 5191001002 1101 INDIANA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1195 PIA-08170 6311021033 3571 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1196 RP2421A 5236015022 4362 VERONA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1197 RP2019B 5239020007 935 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1198 RP0555B 5246001027 930 BURGER AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3

1199 RP0364A 5188004047 3339 WHITTIER BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Property already sampled Attach 3

1200 RP0876 5238013031 3771 HUBBARD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3 1201 RP1252 6314014007 4736 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

1202 RP0656 5246011029 1119 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1203 B0211 5238004014 3770 EAGLE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 3 1204 RP2369A 5239002061 800 INDIANA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3 1205 RP1889 5191012007 3552 BESWICK ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1206 D0227 6316007031 6117 WOODWARD AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already sampled Attach 3

1207 PIA-05256 5238011045 3628 LANFRANCO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 3

1208 PIA-07424 6313022014 4359 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1209 PIA-05491 5236011039 1138 MARIANNA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3

1210 E0909 6317030006 6215 GIFFORD AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G

Property already sampled Attach 3

1211 PIA-05993 5188008017 3684 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 3

1212 E06218 6312011027 5416 CORONA AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1213 RP1584A 5239007029 934 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1214 RP1207 6312008028 4011 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1215 RP0672 5246013029 932 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1216 D0490 6313029006 4334 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1217 PIA-03183 5239021031 809 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1218 PIA-08647 6311023011 3549 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1219 D0823 6312003009 5114 CARMELITA AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1220 RP0623 5246009006 1301 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1221 PIA-08459 6311006006 3733 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

1222 RP0823A 5246016003 1266 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1223 RP0404B 5191008006 1179 CALADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1224 PIA-04946 5238015011 3969 HUBBARD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3 1225 RP2895A 5239008001 3901 WHITTIER BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3

1226 PIA-04576 5190003012 3239 GARNET ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1227 PIA-09354 6311002004 5212 LOMA VISTA AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1228 PIA-02830 5191016015 3567 8TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1229 PIA-03178 5239021029 731 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1230 RP2533B 5236011033 1162 MARIANNA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3

1231 RP0954 5239005035 1042 TOWNSEND AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1232 RP0183 5190018032 3411 HUNTER ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1233 RP2477A 5188014012 3518 7TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

1234 E05827 6311020035 3569 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1235 D0205 6316003026 6003 MAYFLOWER AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1236 RP2872 5190023009 3306 8TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1237 RP2328B 5190016010 3428 OPAL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1238 RP1558A 5246014016 1016 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1239 D1012 6313020012 4439 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1240 B0618 5238005020 3923 5TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 3 1241 RP0711 5246017037 1325 FETTERLY AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3

1242 RP0976B 5239008022 814 TOWNSEND AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1243 RP0504 5245021004 1312 FRASER AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3

1244 PIA-05980 5188008003 3612 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Property already sampled Attach 3

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

1245 PIA-03415 5191005021 1119 CALZONA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1246 RP0252 5191027002 1205 PRADO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1247 PIA-05404 5190017039 1218 LORENA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1248 D0028 6312018022 4127 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already sampled Attach 3

1249 RP2435C 5238010009 3811 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1250 PIA-04697 5190012013 1146 GRANDE VISTA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1251 B0043 5236010013 1224 WILKINS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1252 RP0185 5190019016 3472 HUNTER ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1253 PIA-05382 5188020017 1004 LORENA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Property already sampled Attach 3

1254 PIA-09483 6313016014 5718 PINE AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1255 RP0412 5191011011 3520 BESWICK ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1256 RP1230A 6312020014 4047 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1257 RP1538A 5246005007 923 DUNCAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Property already sampled Attach 3

1258 RP2086C 5236003036 451 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 3 1259 RP2266 5246017006 1304 ARIZONA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3

1260 D0297 6313012022 4542 59TH PL, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already sampled Attach 3

1261 D0698 6312007006 4206 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1262 PIA-09186 6311022019 5621 EVERETT AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1263 PIA-03514 5188023035 959 CONCORD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1264 PIA-08640 6311024022 3532 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already

sampled; Additional Attach 3

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

Metals present

1265 RP0691B 5246016001 1258 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1266 PIA-06483 5188006007 3526 SABINA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Property already sampled Attach 3

1267 PIA-07502 6311015025 3649 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1268 ENA-60 5239002054 810 INDIANA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3 1269 D0484 6313027012 4314 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1270 PIA-08661 6311009017 3626 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1271 RP1518 5245020010 1342 LA VERNE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1272 RP2104B 5238002026 3667 LANFRANCO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 3 1273 D1174 6312008006 4042 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1274 B0595 5239010026 734 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Property already sampled Attach 3

1275 D0030 6312020005 4007 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1276 RP1452 5188010018 3707 7TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 3 1277 RP0405 5191008019 1172 MIRASOL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1278 PIA-06079 5191028038 1316 PRADO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Property already sampled Attach 3

1279 B0432 5239005007 1038 DITMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1280 RP2545 5238010012 3720 LANFRANCO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 3 1281 RP2404B 5190018012 3440 ESTRADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1282 D0556 6314024012 4815 SLAUSON AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1283 RP1023 5239018025 1059 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3

1284 RP1939A 5241027006 4472 TRIGGS ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 C

Property already sampled Attach 3

1285 E0418 6318011035 3523 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

1286 RP0086 5188020025 3435 ATLANTIC ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 3 1287 PIA-06336 5238004007 444 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 3 1288 RP0069B 5188015027 3523 7TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 3

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

1289 D0291 6312013029 4211 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1290 D1160 6313026019 4319 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1291 D0400 6313010022 4534 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1292 RP1715 5190012020 3207 8TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1293 PIA-05978 5188008001 3600 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 3 1294 B0218 5238004031 452 NASSAU AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 3 1295 RP1836 5246018043 4717 UNION PACIFIC AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1296 D0070 6312006017 4111 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1297 RP2555 5239001012 3819 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3 1298 RP1786B 5239005047 1047 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1299 RP2500 5236008001 1135 AUGUSTA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1300 D1130 6312023010 4058 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1301 D0947 6312024001 4228 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1302 RP0695 5246016007 1310 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1303 B0662 5238012030 3760 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3 1304 B0628 5239018023 1047 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3

1305 RP0198 5191004008 1133 LOS PALOS ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1306 B0045 5236011015 1150 WILKINS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1307 PIA-04699 5190012014 1152 GRANDE VISTA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Property already sampled Attach 3

1308 RP2382B 5236016012 941 BRANNICK AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1309 D0099 6313012003 4516 59TH PL, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1310 D1169 6312005023 4031 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1311 RP1225 6312017002 5618 CORONA AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

1312 RP0799 5191014010 3544 GARNET ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1313 D0081 6312012009 4204 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1314 RP3024 5239019038 4252 DENNISON ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3

1315 E0630 6317032008 6239 RIVERSIDE AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G Property already Attach 3

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

sampled; Additional

Metals present

1316 D0054 6313006026 4543 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1317 RP2356C 5238012008 620 INDIANA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3 1318 A0055 5191017013 3525 HUNTER ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1319 D0335 6316011008 6142 MAYFLOWER AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already sampled Attach 3

1320 D1113 6314018012 4738 52ND DR, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1321 RP0500 5245020024 1353 FRASER AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1322 E05661 6311015027 5217 LOMA VISTA AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1323 D0468 6313009021 4522 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

1324 PIA-04701 5190012015 1156 GRANDE VISTA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Property already sampled Attach 3

1325 RP0222 5191009004 1123 MIRASOL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1326 PIA-06119 5238014034 3922 PRINCETON ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3

1327 PIA-06083 5238013012 3726 PRINCETON ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Property already sampled Attach 3

1328 PIA-08760 6313028017 4315 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

1329 PIA-02700 5188014013 3512 7TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 3 1330 PIA-08409 6311023028 3520 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1331 RP2689 5236003035 445 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 3 1332 PIA-04574 5190003011 3235 GARNET ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1333 D0661 6311027023 5301 MAYWOOD AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already sampled Attach 3

1334 D0697 6312007013 4110 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

1335 D0969 6313017010 4404 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already sampled Attach 3

1336 PIA-05378 5188022027 959 LORENA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 3 1337 PIA-06722 5241025002 1412 SUNOL DR, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 3 1338 PIA-04234 5190017026 3453 ESTRADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1339 RP0995 5239010030 816 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

1340 RP1862A 5190014028 1143 LORENA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1341 PIA-02994 5188014031 3571 ATLANTIC ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Property already sampled Attach 3

1342 PIA-03797 5236006006 937 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1343 D0746 6314007017 5613 MAYFLOWER AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1344 RP0999 5239011018 1012 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1345 E07047 6313024029 4361 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1346 D0750 6313017019 4441 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

1347 PIA-08003 6311005009 3732 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1348 RP1794B 5239020008 939 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1349 RP1165B 5236004012 657 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3 1350 PIA-07585 6312008002 4054 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1351 RP1095 5238001006 3613 5TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1352 RP0083A 5188020007 3454 7TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Property already Attach 3

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

sampled; Additional

Metals present

1353 PIA-08637 6311023006 3521 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1354 RP0809 5246017012 1315 KERN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1355 PIA-09184 6311011001 5618 EVERETT AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1356 D1189 6313006013 4508 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1357 D0485 6313007020 4529 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1358 RP0622 5246009004 1269 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1359 PIA-07914 6313019009 4418 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1360 RP0726 5246023019 1260 KERN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1361 PIA-08638 6311024033 3528 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1362 E0724 6318020017 6335 LOMA VISTA AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

1363 D0555 6314024017 4837 SLAUSON AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1364 RP0550 5246001009 937 FORD BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3

1365 E0233 6317030002 4072 RANDOLPH ST, BELL, CA 90201 G

Property already sampled Attach 3

1366 PIA-08572 6313008019 4525 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1367 RP0334 5170001020 1169 ROSALIND AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1368 E0749 6317004010 6026 FISHBURN AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Property already sampled Attach 3

1369 RP1548A 5246011015 1016 MCBRIDE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1370 RP1014B 5239014017 1012 GAGE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1371 PIA-04494 5239015034 826 GAGE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3

1372 PIA-08666 6311009023 3654 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already

sampled; Attach 3

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

Additional Metals present

1373 PIA-08193 6311012027 3657 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1374 E0701 6317029014 6306 GIFFORD AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G

Property already sampled Attach 3

1375 E07022 6313025002 4308 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

1376 E05826 6311020033 3561 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1377 D0749 6314007027 4645 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1378 RP0406 5191008020 1166 MIRASOL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1379 RP2160B 5239009048 3914 HUBBARD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3 1380 PIA-04195 5190023023 3307 ESTRADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1381 D1086 6313009023 4512 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1382 E06974 6313022010 4343 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1383 RP2415 5236011024 1151 WILKINS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1384 RP1443 5191027031 1246 LOS PALOS ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1385 RP0693 5246016004 1270 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1386 RP0818 5191014005 3564 GARNET ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1387 PIA-06401 5239007031 942 ROWAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1388 RP2355 5238012007 616 INDIANA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3 1389 RP0352 5170004008 1145 ORME AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1390 RP1793B 5239019015 4240 DENNISON ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1391 D0461 6313009012 4545 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1392 PIA-02447 5238002031 3680 5TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 3

1393 E0396 6318034007 5923 CORONA AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Property already sampled Attach 3

1394 PIA-04016 5238005001 3860 EAGLE ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D

Property already sampled Attach 3

1395 D0277 6316011023 6117 VINEVALE AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already sampled Attach 3

1396 PIA-04748 5239017008 938 HERBERT AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

1397 RP1073 5190007026 1139 EVERGREEN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1398 RP1439 5191027017 1313 PRADO ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1399 D0753 6312007028 4105 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1400 B0070 5238007037 4027 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3 1401 B0641 5236004011 653 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3 1402 RP2862A 5236011036 1148 MARIANNA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3

1403 RP1895A 5238014041 655 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

1404 E05306 6311002003 3710 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1405 RP2322A 5190002028 1115 LORENA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1406 PIA-03817 5236007017 1049 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E

Property already sampled Attach 3

1407 D1232 6312009019 3921 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1408 RP0713 5246018003 1274 ARIZONA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1409 RP1233B 6312021007 3910 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1410 PIA-04975 5190022022 3303 HUNTER ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1411 B0484 5236005031 827 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3

1412 E05631 6311014006 3630 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1413 RP2684 5188006034 729 ESPERANZA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 3 1414 RP2440B 5238016023 3984 6TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3 1415 RP1856 5190010022 1148 DACOTAH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1416 RP1811 5246003002 1219 DUNCAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1417 RP0667 5246013021 964 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1418 RP0627B 5246009017 1284 MCBRIDE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1419 RP0142 5190008023 1146 EVERGREEN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

1420 PIA-08648 6311024018 3550 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1421 PIA-08190 6311012026 3651 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1422 RP2714 5239021018 4122 HUBBARD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3 1423 PIA-07506 6311002030 3701 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1424 RP1892B 5238014035 651 EASTMAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Property already sampled Attach 3

1425 PIA-09732 6311023004 3811 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1426 B0433 5236005015 716 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3

1427 D1133 6312018004 4208 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1428 PIA-08528 6313027020 4307 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1429 RP0932A 5239002018 810 HICKS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1430 D0475 6313008006 4524 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1431 RP1134 5190007024 1137 EVERGREEN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1432 D1140 6312009016 5317 CORONA AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1433 B0615 5238004010 3827 5TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1434 RP1860 5190014015 3309 OPAL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1435 RP0589 5246006024 942 DUNCAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3

1436 PIA-09618 6316002016 6045 VINEVALE AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already sampled Attach 3

1437 PIA-08845 6314015021 4745 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1438 PIA-05452 5191027030 1242 LOS PALOS ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1439 RP1454 5188010030 3755 7TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 3 1440 RP1090 5191001010 1130 LA PUERTA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1441 RP0552 5246001019 962 BURGER AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1442 D0743 6313022009 4337 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1443 D0022 6312023012 4050 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1444 PIA-06314 5190007015 1130 ROSALIND AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1445 RP1542 5246008032 1254 DUNCAN AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

1446 PIA-08711 6312022004 3914 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1447 E05608 6311013022 3621 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1448 E05825 6311020028 3541 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1449 RP0492 5245020006 1326 LA VERNE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1450 PIA-03166 5236004018 666 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3 1451 D1186 6312022007 3904 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1452 PIA-04681 5190004008 1105 GRANDE VISTA AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1453 E06262 6312011022 4033 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1454 RP0551 5246001016 967 FORD BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1455 PIA-05979 5188008002 3606 PERCY ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 3

1456 RP1416B 5239013032 1042 GAGE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E

Property already sampled Attach 3

1457 D0321 6316002011 6052 MAYFLOWER AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already sampled Attach 3

1458 RP1461 5188012013 1007 CALZONA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1459 RP1535 5246002028 1111 FORD BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1460 E06063 6312004031 3923 53RD ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1461 RP2973B 5246008017 1273 MCBRIDE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1462 RP3052 5246016040 4711 TELEGRAPH RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1463 B0511 5236007010 1030 BONNIE BEACH PL, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1464 RP0661 5246012015 4583 VERONA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3

1465 PIA-00937 5244026015 4901 JILLSON ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Property already

sampled; Additional

Metals present Attach 3

1466 RP0905A 5238016052 4029 PRINCETON ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Property already sampled Attach 3

1467 PIA-07187 6313003028 4513 52ND PL, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already sampled Attach 3

1468 E0165 6317009018 6115 RIVERSIDE AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Property already sampled Attach 3

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

1469 RP0597 5246007009 1037 MCBRIDE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1470 PIA-07042 5188004048 3337 WHITTIER BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B

Property already sampled Attach 3

1471 E0513 6318013016 3639 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Property already sampled Attach 3

1472 E0232 6317030001 6201 GIFFORD AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G

Property already sampled Attach 3

1473 PIA-00640 5244013002 5205 ASTOR AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Property already sampled Attach 3

1474 D0680 6311007026 3732 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1475 D0067 6311021024 3519 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already sampled Attach 3

1476 RP0132B 5190007019 1136 ROSALIND AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1477 RP0638B 5246010016 1240 MCBRIDE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1478 RP0009 5170001028 1139 ROSALIND AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1479 PIA-07312 6311002006 3714 52ND ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already sampled Attach 3

1480 B0033 5236005030 823 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3

1481 D0354 6311011006 3627 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already sampled Attach 3

1482 PIA-01520 6313031022 4301 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Property already sampled Attach 3

1483 PIA-06477 5188006004 3512 SABINA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 3

1484 RP1306 6310024010 3061 60TH PL, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Property already sampled Attach 3

1485 D0212 6316004016 6035 PROSPECT AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1486 E0469 6318034031 5964 CARMELITA AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Property already sampled Attach 3

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

1487 RP1228B 6312020011 4035 58TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1488 D1080 6311027007 5219 MAYWOOD AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already sampled Attach 3

1489 E0227 6317029011 6320 GIFFORD AVE, BELL, CA 90201 G

Property already sampled Attach 3

1490 D0503 6313027009 4324 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1491 RP0218 5191007025 1111 CALADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1492 RP0902 5238016045 617 RECORD AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D Attach 3

1493 PIA-01619 6318015001 3649 61ST ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Property already sampled Attach 3

1494 PIA-08157 6311022030 3538 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Property already sampled Attach 3

1495 D0539 6313016008 4418 57TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1496 RP2408 5190023024 3311 ESTRADA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1497 E0187 6317011027 6128 GIFFORD AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G

Property already sampled Attach 3

1498 PIA-08332 6313018020 4429 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1499 ENA-25 5239013024 1049 HERBERT AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3

1500 RP1465 5170004007 1141 ORME AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Property already sampled Attach 3

1501 RP0074 5188018007 3444 SISKIYOU ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 3 1502 E0503 6318026026 3723 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 3 1503 E0372 6312028026 4007 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 3 1504 PIA-09085 6311004017 5405 CARMELITA AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1505 D0912 6314018010 4730 52ND DR, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1506 RP0410 5191010006 1179 MIRASOL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1507 D0416 6312017029 4006 56TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1508 PIA-09052 6316006025 4517 61ST ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1509 E03990 5241021024 1401 DOWNEY RD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 3 1510 PIA-03426 5191004021 1140 CALZONA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

1511 PIA-06719 5241019034 1367 SUNOL DR, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1512 ENA-07 5191010021 1162 ESPERANZA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1513 RP0580 5246005020 966 FORD BLVD, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1514 RP2380 5244016010 5036 FAIR ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 3 1515 D1214 6316004010 6017 PROSPECT AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1516 RP0192 5191001012 1122 LA PUERTA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1517 D0665 6311019042 5315 EVERETT AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1518 PIA-01198 5244029005 2318 RANSOM ST, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 3 1519 RP1148 5191007019 1130 MIRASOL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3

1520 PIA-00779 5244019020 2258 COWLIN AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1521 RP1087 5188012022 951 CALZONA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 B Attach 3 1522 RP2260A 5246011008 1033 MCDONNELL AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1523 RP2843 5246002037 1148 BURGER AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1524 RP1805 5245019009 1336 FERRIS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1525 PIA-06308 5170001033 1119 ROSALIND AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1526 PIA-07858 6312012004 4114 54TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1527 A0007 5170003014 1165 MARIETTA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1528 PIA-07940 6311021011 3532 55TH ST, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1529 PIA-03567 5190005007 1102 DACOTAH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1530 RP1763A 5244002026 1454 DUNCAN AVE, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 C Attach 3 1531 PIA-09240 6312017015 5609 GIFFORD AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1532 E0140 6317006019 6073 OTIS AVE, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 3 1533 RP1492 5190008004 1119 EUCLID AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1534 D0510 6314004011 4637 52ND PL, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3

1535 RP2159 5239009034 3844 HUBBARD ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 D

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1536 E07055 6313025030 5418 FISHBURN AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F

Additional Metals present Attach 3

1537 RP1576A 5246024012 1319 FERRIS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1538 E0297 6318017025 3607 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 3 1539 E05588 6311013029 5443 LOMA VISTA AVE, MAYWOOD, CA 90270 F Attach 3 1540 PIA-04637 5191013014 3536 GARNET ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1541 RP1966 5245021012 1346 FRASER AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90022 E Attach 3 1542 PIA-00433 5244018015 2246 COUTS AVE, CITY OF COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 3

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Total # Site ID

Site ID APN Address Zone Notes Pricing Schedule

1543 PIA-05718 5191009001 1111 MIRASOL ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1544 PIA-03416 5191004016 1120 CALZONA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 A Attach 3 1545 RP1678 5241023022 1425 SUNOL DR, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 C Attach 3 1546 RP2507A 5238002030 3676 5TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 D Attach 3 1547 PIA-00804 5244025013 2361 COWLIN AVE, COMMERCE, CA 90040 G Attach 3 1548 B0498 5239011025 945 GAGE AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90023 E Attach 3 1549 E0825 6312025003 4211 60TH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 3 1550 E1013 6318017026 3603 RANDOLPH ST, HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 G Attach 3

“blank cell” = Normal Residential Property

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1) Exhibit C, Budget Detail and Payment Provisions, Section 4, Contract Rate Schedules is modified as follows:

4. Contract Rate Schedules

A. Exhibit C, Attachment 1, Contract Rate Schedule

Fixed Price Line Items

The seven line items (lines 3-9) listed under the Fixed Rates Per Property heading are fixed, flat rates paid per task per property regardless of whether the Contractor’s actual costs are higher or lower than the fixed rate. No overtime, premium or holiday time will be paid to the Contractor for work performed on these tasks.

Fixed Rate Uncapped Line Items

The four line items (lines 14-17) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for the Transportation RCRA & CA Non-RCRA Waste (RCRA/CA Non-RCRA Permitted Landfill), Transportation Unrestricted Local, Disposal to RCRA & CA Non-RCRA Permitted Landfills and Disposal Unrestricted Local are fixed rates per unit, but the total quantities and costs for these items are not capped and the Contractor will be reimbursed for the actual quantities and costs incurred in performance of the work under this Contract. In the event there is any RCRA Waste, such waste will be paid at the line item 14 rate listed for Non-RCRA Waste.

The six line items (lines 29-34) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for the Replacement Landscaping Compensation, Temporary Relocation, and Interior Cleaning line items will be compensated for actual expenditures and are not capped and the Contractor will be reimbursed for the actual costs incurred in performance of the work under this Contract. The Contractor will be reimbursed for Interior Cleaning at cost plus a 7% fee. Landscape Compensation and Temporary Relocation costs paid by the Contractor will be reimbursed at actual cost plus a 0.5% fee.

Not-to-Exceed Amount Line Items

The two line items (lines 12 and 13) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for the Operator and Laborer are fixed hourly rates to be billed based on actual hours worked up to the Not-to-Exceed Amount of the combined Total amounts of lines 12 and 13. Contractor shall not bill DTSC for, and DTSC shall not be obligated to pay for, any hours over the Not-to-Exceed Amount, but Contractor is obligated to provide these personnel services as needed to perform the work under this Contract.

The work to be performed by these labor classifications is as follows:

Operator: A Certified Lead Worker for excavation and restoration tasks including using a Backhoe, Mini Excavator, Skid Loader and Forklift among other construction equipment. Unless otherwise as restricted by property specific

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physical conditions, the Operator is responsible for removal of soil from the ground, loading removed soil into bins or trucks, addition of backfill material into excavated areas, rough grading of excavated areas, and placing landscape material where applicable.

Laborer: A Certified Lead Worker for excavation and restoration tasks including responsibility to provide support and assistance to the Operator working on the property. The Laborer: excavates soil using shovels and small machinery (other than equipment operated by the Operator); performs all physical labor tasks for the project; may operate hand and power tools of all types such as air hammers, earth tampers, small mechanical hoists, surveying and measuring equipment, compaction equipment, and a variety of other equipment and instruments; lifts and places materials of various manageable weights, pushes and pulls objects such as a wheel barrow; performs landscape related work; performs general setup/cleanup and supply duties on the property; and, helps maintain equipment and vehicles by keeping it clean and in proper working order.

The nine line items (lines 18-26) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for the Backfill and Restoration items are average rates and may vary from property to property. However, the total cost for these line items is subject to the Not-to-Exceed Amount of the combined Total amounts of lines 18-26.

The line item (line 27) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for Laboratory Analysis will be billed based on actual expenditures subject to the Not-to-Exceed Amount of the Total amount identified on line 27.

The line item (line 28) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for Additional 6 Metal Analysis will be billed at actual expenditures subject to the Not-to-Exceed Amount of the Total amount identified on line 28.

The two line items (lines 35 and 36) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for Sample Transfer will be billed at a flat rate of $1,000, plus the Contractor Fee per occurrence. Contractor may bill after all samples have been transferred for each occurrence.

DTSC shall pay Contractor for line items 12 and 13, 18-28, and 35 and 36, subject to a Not-to- Exceed Amount. The Not-to-Exceed Amount shall be firm and fixed. Any costs incurred by Contractor in excess of the Not-to-Exceed Amount shall be borne by Contractor without any additional compensation from DTSC. If the total cost amount incurred by Contractor in performance of Contractor's obligations is less than such Not-to-Exceed Amount, Contractor shall not be entitled to receive the difference in these amounts, or any portion thereof, and DTSC will not be obligated to make any additional payments to Contractor for such obligations.

Services and items, including equipment, materials and supplies, outside the scope of this Contract may be added by mutual written agreement of the parties via an amendment to this Contract to increase the Not-to-Exceed Amount to cover the costs

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of those services and items. Quantity variations for unit rates in Exhibit C, Attachments 1, 2 and 23 Cost Rate Schedule are not considered to be outside the scope of this Contract.

B. Exhibit C, Attachment 2, Contract Rate Schedule

Fixed Price Line Items

The seven line items (lines 3-9) listed under the Fixed Rates Per Property heading are fixed, flat rates paid per task per property regardless of whether the Contractor’s actual costs are higher or lower than the fixed rate. No overtime, premium or holiday time will be paid to the Contractor for work performed on these tasks.

Fixed Rate Uncapped Line Items

The four line items (lines 14-17) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for the Transportation RCRA & CA Non-RCRA Waste (RCRA/CA Non-RCRA Permitted Landfill), Transportation Unrestricted Local, Disposal to RCRA & CA Non-RCRA Permitted Landfills and Disposal Unrestricted Local are fixed rates per unit, but the total quantities and costs for these items are not capped and the Contractor will be reimbursed for the actual quantities and costs incurred in performance of the work under this Contract. In the event there is any RCRA Waste, such waste will be paid at the line item 14 rate listed for Non-RCRA Waste.

The six line items (lines 29-34) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for the Replacement Landscaping Compensation, Temporary Relocation, and Interior Cleaning line items will be compensated for actual expenditures and are not capped and the Contractor will be reimbursed for the actual costs incurred in performance of the work under this Contract. The Contractor will be reimbursed for Interior Cleaning at cost plus a 7% fee. Landscape Compensation and Temporary Relocation costs paid by the Contractor will be reimbursed at actual cost plus a 0.5% fee.

Not-to-Exceed Amount Line Items

The two line items (lines 12 and 13) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for the Operator and Laborer are fixed hourly rates to be billed based on actual hours worked up to the Not-to-Exceed Amount of the combined Total amounts of lines 12 and 13. Contractor shall not bill DTSC for, and DTSC shall not be obligated to pay for, any hours over the Not-to-Exceed Amount, but Contractor is obligated to provide these personnel services as needed to perform the work under this Contract.

The work to be performed by these labor classifications is as follows:

Operator: A Certified Lead Worker for excavation and restoration tasks including using a Backhoe, Mini Excavator, Skid Loader and Forklift among other construction equipment. Unless otherwise as restricted by property specific physical conditions, the Operator is responsible for removal of soil from the

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ground, loading removed soil into bins or trucks, addition of backfill material into excavated areas, rough grading of excavated areas, and placing landscape material where applicable.

Laborer: A Certified Lead Worker for excavation and restoration tasks including responsibility to provide support and assistance to the Operator working on the property. The Laborer: excavates soil using shovels and small machinery (other than equipment operated by the Operator); performs all physical labor tasks for the project; may operate hand and power tools of all types such as air hammers, earth tampers, small mechanical hoists, surveying and measuring equipment, compaction equipment, and a variety of other equipment and instruments; lifts and places materials of various manageable weights, pushes and pulls objects such as a wheel barrow; performs landscape related work; performs general setup/cleanup and supply duties on the property; and, helps maintain equipment and vehicles by keeping it clean and in proper working order.

The nine line items (lines 18-26) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for the Backfill and Restoration items are average rates and may vary from property to property. However, the total cost for these line items is subject to the Not-to-Exceed Amount of the combined Total amounts of lines 18-26.

The line item (line 27) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for Laboratory Analysis will be billed based on actual expenditures subject to the Not-to-Exceed Amount of the Total amount identified on line 27.

The line item (line 28) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for Additional 6 Metal Analysis will be billed at actual expenditures subject to the Not-to-Exceed Amount of the Total amount identified on line 28.

The two line items (lines 35 and 36) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for Sample Transfer will be billed at a flat rate of $1,000, plus the Contractor Fee per occurrence. Contractor may bill after all samples have been transferred for each occurrence.

DTSC shall pay Contractor for line items 12 and 13, 18-28, and 35 and 36, subject to a Not-to- Exceed Amount. The Not-to-Exceed Amount shall be firm and fixed. Any costs incurred by Contractor in excess of the Not-to-Exceed Amount shall be borne by Contractor without any additional compensation from DTSC. If the total cost amount incurred by Contractor in performance of Contractor's obligations is less than such Not-to-Exceed Amount, Contractor shall not be entitled to receive the difference in these amounts, or any portion thereof, and DTSC will not be obligated to make any additional payments to Contractor for such obligations.

Services and items, including equipment, materials and supplies, outside the scope of this Contract may be added by mutual written agreement of the parties via an amendment to this Contract to increase the Not-to-Exceed Amount to cover the costs of those services and items. Quantity variations for unit rates in Exhibit C,

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Attachments 1, 2 and 23 Cost Rate Schedule are not considered to be outside the scope of this Contract.

C. Exhibit C, Attachment 3, Contract Rate Schedule

Fixed Price Line Items

Line items 3 and 5 under the heading Fixed Rates Per Property only apply to properties where the Contractor will perform confirmation sampling under this Contract. Line items 4 and 6 under the heading Fixed Rates Per Property only apply to properties where confirmation sampling was done under another Contract. Exhibit B, Section A, Attachment 1 (as amended by DTSC via the Work Order process) identifies the properties where confirmation sampling was done under a different contract. Line items 4 and 6 will be paid at 80% ($2,864.00) and 20% ($340.00) of the full rates, respectively.

The nine line items (lines 3-11) listed under the Fixed Rates Per Property heading are fixed, flat rates paid per task per property regardless of whether the Contractor’s actual costs are higher or lower than the fixed rate. No overtime, premium or holiday time will be paid to the Contractor for work performed on these tasks.

Fixed Rate Uncapped Line Items

The four line items (lines 16-19) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for the Transportation Non-RCRA Waste (Non-RCRA Permitted Landfill), Transportation Unrestricted Local, Disposal to Non-RCRA Permitted Landfills and Disposal Unrestricted Local are fixed rates per unit, but the total quantities and costs for these items are not capped and the Contractor will be reimbursed for the actual quantities and costs incurred in performance of the work under this Contract. In the event there is any RCRA Waste, such waste will be paid at the line item 16 rate listed for Non-RCRA Waste.

The six line items (lines 31-36) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for the Replacement Landscaping Compensation, Temporary Relocation, and Interior Cleaning line items will be compensated for actual expenditures and are not capped and the Contractor will be reimbursed for the actual costs incurred in performance of the work under this Contract. The Contractor will be reimbursed for Interior Cleaning at cost plus a 7% fee. Landscape Compensation and Temporary Relocation costs paid by the Contractor will be reimbursed at actual cost plus a 0.5% fee.

Not-to-Exceed Amount Line Items

The two line items (lines 14 and 15) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for the Operator and Laborer are fixed hourly rates to be billed based on actual

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hours worked up to the Not-to-Exceed Amount of the combined Total amounts of lines 14 and 15. Contractor shall not bill DTSC for, and DTSC shall not be obligated to pay for, any hours over the Not-to-Exceed Amount, but Contractor is obligated to provide these personnel services as needed to perform the work under this Contract.

The work to be performed by these labor classifications is as follows:

Operator: A Certified Lead Worker for excavation and restoration tasks including using a Backhoe, Mini Excavator, Skid Loader and Forklift among other construction equipment. Unless otherwise as restricted by property specific physical conditions, the Operator is responsible for removal of soil from the ground, loading removed soil into bins or trucks, addition of backfill material into excavated areas, rough grading of excavated areas, and placing landscape material where applicable.

Laborer: A Certified Lead Worker for excavation and restoration tasks including responsibility to provide support and assistance to the Operator working on the property. The Laborer: excavates soil using shovels and small machinery (other than equipment operated by the Operator); performs all physical labor tasks for the project; may operate hand and power tools of all types such as air hammers, earth tampers, small mechanical hoists, surveying and measuring equipment, compaction equipment, and a variety of other equipment and instruments; lifts and places materials of various manageable weights, pushes and pulls objects such as a wheel barrow; performs landscape related work; performs general setup/cleanup and supply duties on the property; and, helps maintain equipment and vehicles by keeping it clean and in proper working order.

The nine line items (lines 20-28) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for the Backfill and Restoration items are average rates and may vary from property to property. However, the total cost for these line items is subject to the Not-to-Exceed Amount of the combined Total amounts of lines 20-28.

The line item (line 29) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for Laboratory Analysis will be billed based on actual expenditures subject to the Not-to-Exceed Amount of the Total amount identified on line 29.

The line item (line 30) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for Additional 6 Metal Analysis will be billed at actual expenditures subject to the Not-to-Exceed Amount of the Total amount identified on line 30.

The two line items (lines 37 and 38) under the heading Unit Rates NTE Average for Sample Transfer will be billed at a flat rate of $1,000, plus the Contractor Fee per occurrence. Contractor may bill after all samples have been transferred for each occurrence.

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DTSC shall pay Contractor for line items 14 and 15, 20-30, and 37 and 38, subject to a Not-to- Exceed Amount. The Not-to-Exceed Amount shall be firm and fixed. Any costs incurred by Contractor in excess of the Not-to-Exceed Amount shall be borne by Contractor without any additional compensation from DTSC. If the total cost amount incurred by Contractor in performance of Contractor's obligations is less than such Not-to-Exceed Amount, Contractor shall not be entitled to receive the difference in these amounts, or any portion thereof, and DTSC will not be obligated to make any additional payments to Contractor for such obligations.

Services and items, including equipment, materials and supplies, outside the scope of this Contract may be added by mutual written agreement of the parties via an amendment to this Contract to increase the Not-to-Exceed Amount to cover the costs of those services and items. Quantity variations for unit rates in Exhibit C, Attachments 1, 2, and 3 Cost Rate Schedule are not considered to be outside the scope of this Contract.

2) Exhibit C, Budget Detail and Payment Provisions, Section 5, Contract Rate Payments and Invoicing, is modified as follows:

5. Contract Rate Payments and Invoicing

The Contractor shall be paid for ordered work at the Contract Rates. All rates listed in Attachments 1, 2 and 23 to this Exhibit are valid for the life of the contract and shall not be changed. All Personnel Services listed in Attachments 1, 2 and 23 are "fully loaded" without any additional Fee. Charges for Personnel Services, Other Direct Costs, or any other labor, equipment, or materials not covered by Attachments 1, 2 and 23 shall not be paid unless prior written approval for the charges is received from the DTSC Contract Manager. All Contract Rates include all applicable taxes.

The Contractor shall invoice DTSC on a per-property basis and may submit no more than three (3) invoices per property. The Contractor may submit an Initial Invoice upon completion of Confirmation Sampling. The Contractor may submit an Interim Invoice to DTSC for 75 percent (75%) of the total expenditures incurred for work performed on a property upon completion of all work on that property, excluding the costs for any work done on the Letter of Completion, minus the total amount of the Initial Invoice including the five percent (5%) retention. For example, if the Initial Invoice is for $5,000 (including the five percent (5%) retention), and the total expenditures excluding the Letter of Completion are $60,000, the Interim Invoice would be for $40,000 [$45,000 (75% of $60,000) minus $5,000 (Initial Invoice including the five percent (5%) retention)]. The Interim Invoice may be submitted only after obtaining written approval of said work as specified in Exhibit E. The Contractor shall submit a Final Invoice to DTSC for the remaining amount due for work performed on a property, if any, as described below.

DTSC does not agree to compensate the Contractor for the following:

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a. Standby Time (definition provided in Exhibit F);

b. Time loss due to equipment breakdown or malfunction or not having the required equipment, materials, or personnel on-site; or

c. Other loss time due to Contractor negligence in securing subcontracts needed to conduct specified work.

3) Exhibit C, Budget Detail and Payment Provisions, Section 6, Unanticipated Costs and Allowable Fee, is modified as follows:

6. Unanticipated Costs and Allowable Fee

If Personnel Services are required for a classification for which there is a Contract Rate onin Attachments 1, 2 and 23, such services will be provided at those rates with no Fee. If Personnel Services are required for which no Contract Rate exists in Attachments 1, 2 and 23, the DTSC Contract Manager and the Contractor will negotiate a fully loaded payment rate for such service. The negotiated payment rate shall be based on rates that are no greater than the Contractor's usual and customary rates for most-favored customers and do not exceed rates for items listed in the Caltrans Labor Surcharge and Equipment Rental Rates schedule. (See website: No Fee shall be charged for Personnel Services. If items are required for which no Contract Rate exists in Attachments 1, 2 and 23, the Contractor will be reimbursed for the actual, reasonable costs of authorized subcontractor and vendor services including equipment rental, permits, disposal of hazardous materials (including applicable taxes and fees), miscellaneous materials, analytical services associated with remediation activities, and any other specialized services required, along with a 7% Fee.

The DTSC Contract Manager will direct the Contractor on the competitive process required to obtain best value for these items. Whenever possible, the rates billed shall be based on rates that are no greater than the Contractor's usual and customary rates for most-favored customers and shall not exceed rates for items listed in the Caltrans Labor Surcharge and Equipment Rental Rates schedule which is updated annually. (See website: Compensation for waste disposal shall be for preferred disposal methods that are most cost-effective, utilizing the most appropriate and geographically nearest disposal Site available to accept the waste or disposal in the manner most cost- effective to DTSC.

4) Exhibit C, Budget Detail and Payment Provisions, Section 7, Other Provisions, is modified as follows:

7. Other Provisions

No other costs already allocated to the Contract Rates in Attachments 1, 2 and 23 or

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specifically excluded by this Contract (see, e.g., Exhibit F - Excluded Costs) shall be allowed.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Contract imposes any obligation on DTSC to reimburse the Contractor for any charges until the Contractor has complied with all conditions precedent to payment provided in the Contract, including invoicing and documentation requirements for those charges.

DTSC must notify the Contractor of any change in any property Landscape Plan and/or Landscape Material at least five (5) business days prior to scheduled field activities. Failure to notify the Contractor within five business days shall entitle the Contractor to charge a fee of $150 plus landscape material restocking fees (which shall not exceed $150 plus ten percent (10%) of the cost of the purchased landscape material). Plants and Sod are not returnable and therefore DTSC will be responsible for paying for those landscape materials pursuant to the terms of this Contract.

5) Exhibit C, Budget Detail and Payment Provisions, Section 8.5, Initial Invoice is modified as follows:

8.5 Initial Invoice

For any property for which where Contractor conducts Confirmation Sampling under this Contract begins on or after March 3, 2020, this Contract amendment is executed, the Contractor may submit an Initial Invoice upon completion of Confirmation Sampling. ForIn the Initial Invoice for such properties subject to the Contract Rates in Exhibit C, Attachment 2, the Contractor can bill up to the allowable percentage of the Unit Rate for the identified line items on Exhibit C, Attachment 2 as follows: up to 35% of line item 3, up to 100% of line item 4, up to 30% for line item 5, and up to 50% of line item 7. In the Initial Invoice for such properties subject to the Contract Rates in Exhibit C, Attachment 3, the Contractor can bill up to the allowable percentage of the Unit Rate for the identified line items as follows: up to 35% of line item 3, up to 100% of line item 5, up to 30% for line item 7, and up to 50% of line item 9. This payment is to compensate the Contractor for actual expenditures incurred.

Each Initial Invoice shall clearly specify that it is an Initial Invoice, reference the Contract Number, Project Number, Work Order Number, property address, APN, Property ID, period of performance for the services covered in the invoice, all the information and documentation identified in Section 10 below, and the written Approval of Work received from DTSC.

Initial Invoices shall be submitted in duplicate; one original hard copy on Contractor's letterhead and one copy in PDF format on a compact disk (CD) to:

Department of Toxic Substances Control Attn: Contracts Unit Chief, Contracts and Business Management 21st Floor, MS 21-B P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, California 95812-0806

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6) Exhibit C, Budget Detail and Payment Provisions, Section 9, Interim Invoice is modified as follows:

9. Interim Invoices

Interim Invoices may be submitted for each Property identified in the contract after all work, except the Letter of Completion, for that Property is completed and approved. Each Interim Invoice shall clearly specify that it is an Interim Invoice, reference the Contract Number, Project Number, Work Order Number, property address, APN, Property ID, period of performance for the services covered in the invoice, all the information and documentation identified in Section 10 below, and the written Approval of Work received from DTSC. Interim Invoices shall be submitted in duplicate; one original hard copy on Contractor's letterhead and one copy in PDF format on a compact disk (CD) to:

Department of Toxic Substances Control Attn: Contracts Unit Chief, Contracts and Business Management 21st Floor, MS 21-B P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, California 95812-0806

7) Exhibit C, Budget Detail and Payment Provisions, Section 10, Final Invoices, is modified as follows:

10. Final Invoices

Separate Final Invoices shall be submitted for each Property identified in the contract. Each invoice shall clearly specify that it is a Final Invoice, reference the Contract Number, Project Number, Work Order Number, property address, APN, Property ID, period of performance for the services covered in the invoice, and all information and documentation identified in this Section. Invoices shall be submitted in duplicate; one original hard copy on Contractor's letterhead and one copy in PDF format on a compact disk (CD) to:

Department of Toxic Substances Control Attn: Contracts Unit Chief, Contracts and Business Management 21st Floor, MS 21-B P.O. Box 806 Sacramento, California 95812-0806

Each Final Invoice must include the following supporting documentation:

1. Submittal of required DTSC-approved Letters of Completion as described in Exhibit B, Section A, Task 4 of this Contract for each property for which charges are included in the invoice).

2. An itemized listing of the applicable labor costs. The list must specify the name and classification of each employee, the applicable rate, the date(s) and hours worked, and each applicable task or subtask. If more than one task or subtask applies, the

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invoice must specify the number of hours worked for each task or subtask. Labor classifications and hourly rates listed must be consistent with those stated in Attachments 1, 2 and 23 to this Exhibit.

3. A separate itemized listing of those employees and hours authorized for overtime and premium rates, if applicable.

4. Timesheets signed by the appropriate supervisor of payrolls, as requested by the DTSC Contract Manager.

5. Copies of manifests signed by the Disposal Facility and including a breakdown of what wastes are included in each disposal incident, as requested by the DTSC Contract Manager.

6. Separate travel expense claims for each employee authorized to travel when billing for travel and per diem (meals and lodging).

7. Copies of the invoices, sales receipts, disposal receipts, payroll records, etc., showing all actual costs and if requested, evidence of payment, for non-Contract Rate items. Each line item must indicate the corresponding task or subtask.

8. Documentation supporting the costs approved by the DTSC Contract Manager, in writing, for unanticipated items.

9. The name and telephone number of the person who should be contacted regarding questions on the invoice.

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8) Exhibit C, Attachment 3 – Contract Rate Schedule is added as follows:

EXHIBIT C- Attachment 3

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Conditions: EXIDE RESIDENTIAL CLEANUP – NEC GROUP ZONE G PROPERTIES CONTRACT RATE SCHEDULE Fixed Rate Costs are charged on every property regardless of time, equipment used, or excavation volume Unit Rates listed in Unit Rates NTE Average portion of table (lower 1/2) are average Per Remediated Property and may vary from property to property The Contractor will consolidate similar to the Master Profile issued by the Waste accepting Landfill Material not specified in the table above shall be charged on Cost + 7% Personnel Rates for any tasks added to the Contract and not specified in the Contract SOW shall be charged on T&M Basis as listed in the table below Basis of Rates and Markup table is included below

45 Fee/Personnel/ODC Markup Rates UNIT 46 DTSC Mobilization Fee for lack of Properties for NEC Crews Weekly 47 Project Manager Hour 48 Project Engineer PE/Geologist PG Hour 49 Unregistered Engineer/Geologist/Scientist Hour 50 Clerk Technician Hour 51 CIH Hour 52 Drafter Hour 53 Technician Field Supervision/Certified Lead Supervisor Hour 54 Forman Hour 55 CDPH Certified Lead Assessor Hour 56 CDPH Certified Lead Sampling Technician (Unloaded Rate) Hour 57 CDPH Lead Abatement Certified Worker (Operator) (Unloaded Rate) Hour 58 CDPH Certified Lead Abatement Laborer (Unloaded Rate) Hour 59 ODC Markup Hour

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1) Exhibit E, Special Terms and Conditions, Contract Rates Section, is modified as follows:

Contract Rates

Contract rates to be paid to the Contractor shall not exceed the rates listed in Attachments 1, 2, and Attachment 23 of Exhibit C to the Contract. Such rates shall be in effect for the Contract term. When applicable, DTSC reserves the right to pay labor rates commensurate with the type/level of work performed regardless of the labor classification performing the work. DTSC and the Contractor mutually agree and acknowledge that all unit rates are for billing purposes and do not necessarily reflect actual amount(s) to be paid by the Contractor to subcontractors or employees.

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1) Exhibit F, Definitions, Work Order Section, is modified as follows:

Work Order

The written mechanism used by the DTSC Contract Manager for implementing the terms and conditions of the Contract, as authorized by this Contract. Work Orders and Work Order amendments inclusive of Field Work Order modifications become part of this Contract upon approval by the DTSC Contract Manager.

Work Orders are issued by the DTSC Contract Manager or designee and require the Contractor to perform Property-specific service for a specified dollar amount.

Work Orders do not encumber funds. Work Orders are based on the cost and rates included in Exhibit C of this Contract. Work Orders may include unanticipated items with the Fee listed in Exhibit C, Attachments 1, 2, and 3 for specified categories of service (e.g., disposal, subcontractors, etc.). Work Orders should include a line-item definition of the cost of work to be done and will be used to evaluate and approve the Contractor's invoices for payment purposes.