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  • 8/13/2019 Contrato Unab Laureate


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    Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): Ma* &0, 200&

    S*+an -.a/ning S*st.s, In1(Ea!t "ame of Re#istrant as $pe!ified in %harter)

    Ma/*+an( 0"22!44 52"%492293($tate or &ther 'risdi!tion of

    n!orporation)(%ommission *ile "m+er) (R$ Emplo,er dentifi!ation "o.)

    %00% +..t St/..t, a+tio/., Ma/*+an( 2%202(ddress of rin!ipal Ee!tive &ffi!es) (/ %ode)

    Re#istrant0s telephone nm+er in!ldin# area !ode: '4%0) !4&"!000%000 -an1ast./ St/..t, a+tio/., Ma/*+an( 2%202(*ormer "ame or *ormer ddress if %han#ed $in!e 2ast Report)

  • 8/13/2019 Contrato Unab Laureate


    It. 2 A16isition o/ Dis7osition o8 Ass.ts&n 'ne 3 3445 a s+sidiar, of $,lvan 2earnin# $,stems n!. (the 6%ompan,) annon!ed the a!isition of an 849interest in the entit, hi!h !ontrols the operations of ;niversidad "a!ional ndres

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    SIGNATURErsant to the reirements of the $e!rities E!han#e !t of 15A the Re#istrant has dl, !ased this report

    to +e si#ned on its +ehalf +, the ndersi#ned herento dl, athoried.$G2L" 2ER""M $G$>E$ "%.

    =s= $ean R. %reamer"ame: $ean R. %reamer

    >itle: $enior Li!e resident and%hief *inan!ial &ffi!er

    Date: 'ne A 3445

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  • 8/13/2019 Contrato Unab Laureate


    2a %aleta Gste %opra and Hepil !olle!tivel, hereinafter the 6Chilean SellersO2a %aleta Gste %opra Hepil and Edin !olle!tivel, hereinafter the 6SellersOII THE EXC-UDED COM$ANIES

    INMOI-IARIA ANDR?S E--O SA(6Inmobiliaria) a sto!k !orporation in!orporated a!!ordin# to thelas of the Rep+li! of %hile represented +, r. #na!io *ernPnde Doren and ar!elo Ri Qre all domi!iled forthis prpose in venida Kenned, CACA &ffi!e 1741 !omna de 2as %ondes $antia#o %hileO

    AASTECIMIENTOS GENERA-ES SA(6Abasa) a sto!k !orporation in!orporated a!!ordin# to thelas of the Rep+li! of %hile represented +, r. ar!elo Ri Qre and r. #na!io *ernPnde Doren all domi!iledfor this prpose in venida Kenned, CACA &ffi!e 1741 !omna de 2as %ondes $antia#o %hileOthe folloin# a!isition a#reement (the 6Areement) has +een a#reed.ARTIC-E %DEINITIONS

    S.1tion %0%Defined Terms. s sed in this #reement the folloin# terms shall have the meanin# set forth+elo (s!h definitions to +e eall, appli!a+le to +oth the sin#lar and plral forms of the terms defined):6+asa has the meanin# set forth in $e!tion 3.4C.6!tive em+ers has the meanin# set forth in $e!tion 3.45.6ffiliate means (i) an, erson that dire!tl, or indire!tl, thro#h one or more intermediaries !ontrols another erson(a 6Controllin !erson) or (ii) an, erson (other than the E and E Re#ional.6ssets has the meanin# set forth in $e!tion 3.41.6ffe!ted %ompan, has the meanin# set forth in $e!tion .43.6E Re#ional has the meanin# set forth in $e!tion 3.4A.

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    6he %losin# Norkin# %apitalshall +e !al!lated jointl, +, the

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    62a of Ed!ation has the meanin# set forth in $e!tion 3.45.62eases means the lease a#reements entered into +eteen nmo+iliaria and varios entities ith respe!t to part of theReal Estate.62e#al !tion has the meanin# set forth in $e!tion .43.62ien means ith respe!t to an, asset an, mort#a#e lien pled#e !har#e se!rit, interest en!m+ran!e or other

    adverse !laim of an, kind in respe!t of s!h asset in!ldin# ithot limitation an, 2iens relatin# to >aes. *or theprposes of this #reement a erson shall +e deemed to on s+je!t to a 2ien an, asset hi!h it has a!ired or holdss+je!t to the interest of a vendor or lessor nder an, !onditional sale a#reement !apital lease or other title retentiona#reement relatin# to s!h asset.6aterial dverse Effe!t means a material adverse effe!t on (i) the +siness assets operations or finan!ial !onditionof the Relevant %ompanies or the ;niversit, or (ii) the a+ilit, of $ellers to perform its &+li#ations nder this#reement as the !ontet reires.6"de $hares has the meanin# set forth in $e!tion 11.41.6&+li#ation means an, o+li#ation of a erson hether dire!t or indire!t a+solte or !ontin#ent de or to +e!omede or no eistin# or hereafter in!rred finan!ial or otheriseO6&ption #reement has the meanin# set forth in $e!tion [email protected]&ption %ontra!t has the meanin# set forth in $e!tion 11.41.

    6erson in!ldes an, natral or jridi!al person sole proprietorship partnership joint ventre trst in!orporatedor#aniation asso!iation !orporation instittion part, entit, #overnmental athorit, or other entit,.6ost-%losin# djstment has the meanin# set forth in $e!tion 5.43.6ost-%losin# Restr!trin# means the restr!trin# that

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    6Related Do!mentation has the meanin# set forth in $e!tion 15.41.6Relevant %ompan, and 6Relevant %ompanies have the meanin#s set forth in $e!tion 3.4A.6$ellers has the meanin# set forth in the introd!tion to this #reement.6$ellers ditors means Delloite >o!he.6$ellers0 ain# 6>aation and 6>aa+le) shall mean (i) an, net in!omealternative or add- on minimm ta #ross in!ome #ross re!eipts sales se ad valorem vale added transferfran!hise profits li!ense ithholdin# pa,roll emplo,ment e!ise severan!e stamp o!!pation premim propert,environmental or indfall profit ta !stom dt, or other ta #overnmental fee or other like assessment or !har#e ofan, kind hatsoever to#ether ith an, interest or an, penalt, addition to ta or additional amont imposed +, an,#overnmental athorit, responsi+le for the imposition of an, s!h ta (domesti! or forei#n) (ii) lia+ilit, of either%ompan, for the pa,ment of an, amonts of the t,pe des!ri+ed in !lase (i) as a reslt of the %ompan, +ein# a mem+erof an affiliated !onsolidated !om+ined or nitar, #rop or +ein# a part, to an, a#reement or arran#ement here+,lia+ilit, of either %ompan, for pa,ments of s!h amonts as determined or taken into a!!ont ith referen!e to thelia+ilit, of


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    an, other erson for an, period and (iii) lia+ilit, of either %ompan, ith respe!t to the pa,ment of an, amonts of thet,pe des!ri+ed in (i) or (ii) as a reslt of an, epress or implied &+li#ation to indemnif, an, other erson.6;"< his !rren!, nit represents the inde of adjstment of %hileaninflation annon!ed from time to time +, theBanco Central de Chilein theDiario $ficial& %hile.6;ni#rop has the meanin# set forth in the introd!tion to this #reement.6;ni#rop $hares has the meanin# set forth in $e!tion 3.41.6;niversit, has the meanin# set forth in $e!tion 3.45.6;$ Dollar or 6? means ;nited $tates dollars the le#al !rren!, of the ;nited $tates of meri!a.6;$M means #enerall, a!!epted a!!ontin# prin!iples in the ;nited $tates of meri!a.6;sfr!t ri!e has the meanin# set forth in $e!tion %apital means %rrent ssets mins the %rrent 2ia+ilities +ased on the +alan!e sheet of ;"

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    S.1tion 20%The Assets. $ellers on dire!tl, or indire!tl, the folloin# assets hereinafter referred to!olle!tivel, as the 6Assets hi!h are !rrentl, oned +, them in the manner spe!ified in Ehi+it 3.41 hereto: shares issed +, nstitto ndrQs erritor, of theQ!ni!a E Re#ionalO hereinafter referred to as the 6Business.

    S.1tion 20&The University. ;"< is a %hilean private post-se!ondar, ed!ation instittion fll,atonomos hi!h is in!orporated as a non- for-profit private !orporation and is s+je!t to the 2a of Ed!ation. >hefolloin# ersons are the a!tive mem+ers (the 6Active *embers) of ;"

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    ;"< is mana#ed +, a +oard (the 6Directive Board) hi!h mem+ers are essrs. i#el n#el odje $apiainMillermo Elton lamos 'osQ ntonio MmPn olinari 'or#e $elme /aror 2is %ordero he $ellers thro#h ;"he shares of E are oned +, the $ellers in the manner spe!ified in Ehi+it 3.41hereto.

    3.4A.5.%entro de *orma!iFn >Q!ni!a nstitto E $..(6C#, AIE!) a !orporation in!orporateda!!ordin# to the las of the Rep+li! of %hile re#istered nder pa#e CC8@ nm+er 51C of the %ommer!eRe#istr, of $antia#o !orrespondin# to ,ear 177. %*> E !rrentl, has a paid in !apital divided into@8@@@4@17 re#istered shares ithot par vale. >he shares of %*> E are oned +, the $ellers in themanner spe!ified in Ehi+it 3.41 hereto.

    3.4A.A.%entro de *orma!iF n >Q!ni!a E Re#ional $..(6AIE! +eional) a !orporation in!orporateda!!ordin# to the las of the Rep+li! of %hile re#istered nder pa#e 131A nm+er 73 of the %ommer!eRe#istr, of $antia#o !orrespondin# to ,ear 1. E Re#ional !rrentl, has a paid in !apital divided into7CC4 re#istered shares ithot par vale. >he shares of E Re#ional are oned +, the $ellers in the mannerspe!ified in Ehi+it 3.41 hereto.

    3.4A.C.nstitto reniversitario ndrQs he shares of nstitto 1 are oned +, the $ellers in the manner spe!ified in Ehi+it

    3.41 hereto.

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    S.1tion 205The Excluded Companies. >he $ellers on the folloin# !ompanies (the 6E.cludedCompanies and ea!h of them an 6E.cluded Company) and hi!h shares are e!lded from this a!isition:

    3.4C.1.nmo+iliaria ndrQs he shares of nmo+iliaria are oned +, the $ellers in the manner spe!ified in Ehi+it 3.41

    hereto.3.4C.3.+aste!imientos Menerales $..(6Abasa) a !orporation in!orporated a!!ordin# to the las of the

    Rep+li! of %hile re#istered nder pa#e 54@A8 nm+er 1@C58 of the %ommer!e Re#istr, of $antia#o!orrespondin# to ,ear 18. +asa !rrentl, has a paid in !apital of divided into 3444 re#istered sharesithot par vale. >he shares of +asa are oned +, the $ellers in the manner spe!ified in Ehi+it 3.41 hereto.S.1tion 203The Option Agreement.

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    5.43.1.!isition of

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    85.C9 of the ;"< he total pr!hase pri!e for the sfr!t of nstitto 3 $hares shall +e (a) %h?C4C7C44444 that!orresponds to %[email protected] per share if the *inan!in# %ondition has +een satisfied and (+)%h?3435444444 that !orresponds to %[email protected] per share if the *inan!in# %ondition has not

    +een satisfied (the 6(sufruct !rice)/ >he ;sfr!t ri!e shall +e paid in fll on the %losin# Date.

    (vi)>he ;sfr!t ri!e ma, +e s+je!t to a post-!losin# adjstment prsant to the folloin# provisions:(a)Nithin 4 da,s folloin# the %losin# Date %hilean $ellers ma, s+mit

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    for+iddan!e of an, t,pe or kind that limits or !onstrains in an, manner their onership possession holdin#transfera+ilit, or ri#ht of seO ithot an, re!o#nition of priorit, or preferential ri#hts of third parties to its respe!tOaffe!ted +, no prior !oeisten!e a#reement to its respe!t nor s+je!t of an, li!enses aivers athoriations of se norrestri!tion of an, kind.ARTIC-E 4C-OSING

    S.1tion 40%Closing Date. >he !losin# of the pr!hase of the ssets (the 6Closin)shall take pla!e at theoffi!es of

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    A.4A.8.Representations and Narranties. Ea!h of the representations and arranties of $ellers and theE!lded %ompanies !ontained in this #reement shall +e tre and !orre!t as of the date made and e!ept asspe!ifi!all, !ontemplated +, this #reement at and as of the %losin# Date ith the same for!e and effe!t as ifmade as of the %losin# Date and

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    (i) enterin# into an, !ontra!t !ommitment or lease otside of the ordinar, !orse of +sinessO(ii)takin# an, a!tion that old reslt in the failre or non- flfillment of an, !ondition set forth in this

    #reementO(iii)de!larin# settin# aside or pa,in# an, dividend or other distri+tion (hether in !ash sto!k or

    propert,) in respe!t of pr!hasin# redeemin# or otherise a!irin# its !apital sto!kO(iv)mer#in# or !onsolidatin# ith an, other erson.(v)make an, amendments otside the ordinar, !orse of +siness ith respe!t to titions dis!onts

    s!holarships stdent finan!in#O(vi)in!r in epenses in e!ess of those !ontemplated in the +d#et atta!hed hereto as Ehi+it A.4C O(vii)start an, ne advertisin# !ampai#n ith respe!t to servi!es provided +, the Relevant %ompanies or


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    S.1tion 40!Best Efforts.$+je!t to the terms and !onditions of this #reement ea!h part, ill se its +estefforts to !ase the %losin# to o!!r.

    S.1tion 409$nsurance.$ellers shall keep or !ase to +e kept all insran!e poli!ies listed on Ehi+it A.4 orsita+le repla!ements therefore in fll for!e and effe!t thro#h the !lose of +siness on the %losin# Date.

    S.1tion 4%0#urther Action.Ea!h of $ellers and

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    S.1tion 50(o contravention. >he ee!tion and performan!e of this #reement and its related a#reementsand do!ments (i) does not !ontravene an, provision !ontained in the +,-las stattes or other analo#os provisions of$ellers the respe!tive E!lded %ompanies or the respe!tive Relevant %ompanies nor an, shareholder a#reement orother !ontra!t or !ovenant ith respe!t to $ellers the E!lded %ompanies the respe!tive Relevant %ompanies or thessetsO (ii) as of the %losin# Date ill not #rant the ri#ht to terminate or resolve an, !ontra!t or a#reement to hi!han, Relevant %ompan, is a part,O nor ill it mean dire!tl, or indire!tl, an, +rea!h of an, !ontra!t in hi!h an,

    Relevant %ompan, is a part,O (iii) does not !ase nor does it +rin# an, loss of +enefit for neither an, Relevant%ompan, nor those !ompanies that are to +e!ome shareholders of the Relevant %ompaniesO (iv) does not reire theathoriation or !onsent of an, individal or entit, nder an, kind of material !ontra!t in!ldin# an, material !redit!on!ession li!ensin# and fran!hise !ontra!tsO and (v) does not !ontravene an, le#al provision neither in %hile nor inan, other appli!a+le jrisdi!tion.

    S.1tion 50!#inancial tatements. >he folloin# representations and arranties are made in !onne!tionith the *inan!ial $tatements !op, of hi!h are atta!hed hereto as Ehi+it C.48 :

    C.48.1.>he *inan!ial $tatements as of the *inan!ial $tatements Date (i) ere prepared a!!ordin# to#enerall, a!!epted a!!ontin# prin!iples and pra!ti!es appli!a+le in %hile prin!iples and pra!ti!es that ereapplied !onsistentl, drin# all to periods prior to the *inan!ial $tatements Date ithot an, !han#e in thea!!ontin# poli!ies sedO (ii) refle!t appropriatel, as of the *inan!ial $tatements Date the finan!ial and eit,sitation of the Relevant %ompanies as ell as their assets lia+ilities the profit or loss of their operations andthe !han#es in their eit, and !ash floO (iii) !ontain either provisions adeate to !over or fll parti!lars innotes of all >aation (in!ldin# deferred >aation) and other lia+ilities (hether antified !ontin#ent orotherise) of the Relevant %ompanies as at the *inan!ial $tatements DateO (iv) are not affe!ted +, an, nsalor nonre!rrin# itemsO and (v) flfill all the reirements of form and s+stan!e reired prsant to theappli!a+le provisions and re#lations.

    C.48.3.n the *inan!ial $tatements (i) the vale attri+ted to ea!h fied asset of the Relevant %ompanies isre#istered a!!ordin# to its histori! !ost s!h fied assets have +een a!ired nder market !onditions +ased onarms - len#th transa!tions and have +een depre!iated prsant to ;$M O (ii) there are adeate provisionsfor an, losses in respe!t of on#oin# proje!ts and ork in pro#ress (if appli!a+le) to the etent that s!h lossesshall +e reasona+l, determinedO and (iii) the assets have +een depre!iated a!!ordin# to estimations of sefllife and residal vale !onsistent ith #enerall, a!!epted a!!ontin# prin!iples.

    C.48.5.ll finan!ial re!ords of the Relevant %ompanies have +een properl, maintained and !onstitte ana!!rate re!ord of all matters hi!h o#ht to appear


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    in them and here reired +, la have +een dl, filed. >he Relevant %ompanies have !omplied in all materialrespe!ts ith the stattor, a!!ontin# reirements in!ldin# the reirements ith respe!t to >aation provided thatthis representation shall appl, to the E Entities e!lsivel, sin!e !alendar ,ear 3441.

    C.48.A.s of the *inan!ial $tatements Date no Relevant %ompan, has an, &+li#ations inde+tednesslia+ilities or !ontin#en!ies that a!!ordin# to the appli!a+le a!!ontin# rles and prin!iples o#ht to +erefle!ted in the *inan!ial $tatements or their notes other than those refle!ted in the *inan!ial $tatements.

    S.1tion 509"osition since #inancial tatements Date. $in!e the *inan!ial $tatements Date(i) no event has o!!rred hi!h ma, +e !onsidered to an, Relevant %ompan, as a aterial dverse

    %han#e.(ii)ea!h Relevant %ompan, has !ond!ted the

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    (i)no event has o!!rred hi!h #ives rise to >aation to an, Relevant %ompan, on deemed (as opposedto a!tal) in!ome profits or #ains or hi!h reslts in an, Relevant %ompan, +e!omin# lia+le to

    pa, or +ear a ta lia+ilit, dire!tl, or primaril, !har#ea+le a#ainst or attri+ta+le to another ersonO()no event has o!!rred hi!h old entitle an, third part, (ith or ithot the #ivin# of noti!e) to !all

    for the repa,ment of inde+tedness of an, Relevant %ompan, prior to the normal matrit, dateO and(i)e!ept for the in!rease of the %rrent !!ont +, %h?3858A444 drin# 3445 no Relevant

    %ompan, has made an, pa,ment or in!rred an, lia+ilit, to an, mem+er of the $ellers or an,E!lded %ompan, e!ept in the ordinar, !orse of +siness on normal !ommer!ial terms.

    S.1tion 5%0$nde!tedness and loans. >he folloin# representations and arranties are made re#ardin# theinde+tedness of the Relevant %ompanies ith the e!eptions in!lded in Ehi+it C.14 hereto:

    C.14.1."o Relevant %ompan, has otstandin# an, inde+tedness or an, mone, raised other than nder an,+ank overdraft fa!ilities not e!eedin# the amont set ot in the *inan!ial $tatements.

    C.14.3."o Relevant %ompan, has lent an, mone, hi!h has not +een repaid to it nor does it on the+enefit of an, de+t (hether present or ftre) other than de+ts a!!red to it in the ordinar, !orse of its+siness.

    C.14.5."o Relevant %ompan, has re!eived or is s+je!t to an, arran#ement for the repa,ment of an,#rant s+sid, or finan!ial assistan!e from an, #overnment department or other similar entit,. >he ee!tionand !omplian!e ith the terms of this #reement does not and ill not reslt in an, #rant s+sid, or finan!ial

    assistan!e from an, #overnment department or other similar entit, +e!omin# repa,a+le.S.1tion 5%%Assets. (a) Ea!h Relevant %ompan, is the !rrent oner of all #oods and assets that are!onsidered in the *inan!ial $tatements and inventories as of the *inan!ial $tatements Date (e!ept those that have +eentransferred in the normal and ordinar, !orse of +siness of the respe!tive Relevant %ompan, !onsistent ith past

    pra!ti!es). (+) ll s!h #oods and assets are (i) free of all en!m+ran!es 2iens for+iddan!es or limitations that restri!ttheir onership or se ith e!eption to those en!m+ran!es 2iens for+iddan!es or limitations in!lded in Ehi+itC.11 hereofO (ii) in a #ood !ondition for the prposes for hi!h the, are reired e!ept for the deterioration related totheir normal ear and tearO and (iii) not o+solete. (!) "o Relevant %ompan, is the oner of an, real estate propert, norhas it entered into an, a#reement option or pre-


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    emption to a!ire an, of s!h e!ept for the maritime !on!essions and real estate thereof in!lded in Ehi+it C.11.S.1tion 5%2Contracts and agreements. Ehi+it C.13 hereof fll, dis!loses all of the a#reements !ontra!ts

    arran#ements and &+li#ations of an, kind (other than a#reements and !ontra!ts listed or in!lded in other Ehi+itshereto) in hi!h an, Relevant %ompan, is a part, or has entered intoO atta!hed to it are !opies of ever, s!h a#reementshi!h pa,ments or vale or lia+ilities e!eed for the respe!tive Relevant %ompan, an annal amont e!eedin#;$?C4444. Ea!h Relevant %ompan, has !omplied ith all its &+li#ations nder ea!h s!h !ontra!t as ell as ith an,

    of it nder an, other !ontra!t or a#reement !ontained in or referred to in an, other provision herein. Ea!h s!h !ontra!tarran#ement or &+li#ation is in fll for!e and effe!t and +indin# on the parties in a!!ordan!e ith its terms.dditionall, $ellers represent and arrant to the he Relevant %ompanies are not parties nor has the, entered into an, a#reement !ontra!t orarran#ement that (i) is not in the respe!tive Relevant %ompan, ordinar, !orse of its +sinessO or (ii) isepe!ted to reslt in a loss to that Relevant %ompan, on !ompletion of performan!eO or (iii) is of an onerosnatre or !annot +e flfilled or performed +, that Relevant %ompan, on time and ithot nde or nsalependitre of mone, and effort.

    C.13.3.s of the %losin# Date no Relevant %ompan, ill have an, &+li#ation or lia+ilit, (a!tal or!ontin#ent) (i) nder an, #arantee or indemnit, or letter of !redit or !omfort letter (hether or not refle!ted inthe *inan!ial $tatements)O (ii) (other than an, &+li#ation of a t,pe and to an etent re#larl, in!rred +, it inthe ordinar, !orse of +siness) hi!h !annot readil, +e flfilled or performed +, it on time and ithotnde or nsal ependitre of mone, or effortO or (iii) nder an, sale and pr!hase a#reement in respe!t of aformer part of the

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    C.13.C."o Relevant %ompan, has #iven an, #arantee or arrant, or made an, representations in respe!tof a sale of shares or an ndertakin# or part of an ndertakin#.

    C.13.@.>he $ellers are not aare of the invalidit, of an, a#reement to hi!h an, Relevant %ompan, is apart, and no Relevant %ompan, has re!eived noti!e of termination res!ission invalidation or !laim prsantto an, a!tal or alle#ed +rea!h or defalt of an, a#reement to hi!h a Relevant %ompan, is a part, or hasentered into.

    C.13.7.E!ept for the e!eptions !ontained in Ehi+it C.13.7 hereto no Relevant %ompan, is in +rea!hneither of the lease and rental a#reements nor of a#reements that affe!t an, of their #oods and assets. "eitherare the !onterparts of the a+ove mentioned lease and rental a#reements in +rea!h of said a#reements. ll therent pa,ments and lease installments as ell as the !osts asso!iated ith said !ontra!ts have +een dl, paidand are !rrent. >he latter does not in!lde rental or lease a#reements entered into e!lsivel, amon# theRelevant %ompanies and hi!h therefore do not involve third parties.

    C.13.8.ll the !onsltin# advisor, professional servi!es !ontra!ts and others of similar natre to hi!hea!h of the Relevant %ompanies are parties either as a lender or re!eiver of the servi!es are valid le#al andthere are no +rea!hes of them.

    C.13..ll the promise to pr!hase a#reements options and #eneral promise for pr!hase sale rentlease a!isition and transfer of an, assets to hi!h ea!h of the Relevant %ompanies are parties to are validle#al and there are no +rea!hes of them.

    S.1tion 5%&)itigation. E!ept for the e!eptions !ontained in Ehi+it C.15 hereof the $ellers represent andarrant the folloin# re#ardin# liti#ation !laims and disptes.C.15.1.>here are no sits !laims petitions or an, other t,pe of le#al a!tion administrative pro!eedin#s

    or la+or disptes or etra-jdi!ial !laims pendin# in pro!ess or that ma, +e assmed ill +e initiated for an,motive a#ainst one or more of the Relevant %ompanies.

    C.15.3."o Relevant %ompan, is en#a#ed in an, liti#ation or ar+itration pro!eedin#s and there are no s!hpro!eedin#s pendin# or threatened +, or a#ainst an, Relevant %ompan,.

    C.15.5.>he $ellers are not aare of an,thin# hi!h is likel, to #ive rise to an, liti#ation or ar+itrationpro!eedin#s +, or a#ainst an, Relevant %ompan,.

    C.15.A."o Relevant %ompan, is the s+je!t of an, investi#ation inir, or enfor!ement pro!eedin#s orpro!ess +, an, #overnmental administrative or


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    re#lator, +od, nor are the $ellers aare of an,thin# hi!h is likel, to #ive rise to an, s!h investi#ation inir, orpro!eedin# or pro!ess.

    C.15.C.>here are no eistin# or pendin# jd#ments aards or de!isions affe!tin# an, Relevant %ompan,.C.15.@.>here are no past or !rrent threatened or pendin# !riminal a!tions pro!eedin#s or

    investi#ations !on!ernin# dire!tors or mana#ers or emplo,ees of an, Relevant %ompan, hi!h relate to theirrespe!tive +sinesses.

    S.1tion 5%4Taxation. >he $ellers represent and arrant to the aation of the Relevant%ompanies as follos.

    C.1A.1.,a.ation liabilities. (a) ll >aation of an, natre hatsoever for hi!h an, Relevant %ompan, islia+le and hi!h has fallen de for pa,ment has +een dl, paid. (+) Ea!h of the Relevant %ompanies hasflfilled fll, and opportnel, all other &+li#ations and !har#es imposed +, the respe!tive and appli!a+lele#islation and ta re#lations. (!) Ea!h of the Relevant %ompanies has paid fll, and opportnel, all ta feesinterests ri#hts !ontri+tions and mni!ipal patents of an, kind and has ithheld fll, and opportnel, allthose taes hi!h it is o+li#ated to ithhold provided that this representation shall appl, to the E Entitiese!lsivel, sin!e !alendar ,ear 3444 (fis!al ,ear 3441).

    C.1A.3.,a.ation filins. Ea!h of the Relevant %ompanies has presented timel, and in #ood faith all thede!larations and reports reired +, the las rles and re#lations of atonomos entities and instr!tions and!ir!lars of administrative entities related to taes !stoms forei#n e!han#e and so!ial se!rit, in #eneral.

    "o Relevant %ompan, has asked for an, etensions of time for the filin# of an, ta retrns or other do!mentsrelatin# to >aation provided that this representation shall appl, to the E Entities e!lsivel, sin!e!alendar ,ear 3444 (fis!al ,ear 3441).

    C.1A.5.,a.ation returns. ll noti!es !omptations sorn affidavits and retrns hi!h o#ht to have +een#iven or made have +een properl, and dl, s+mitted +, ea!h Relevant %ompan, to the relevant >aationathorities and all information noti!es !omptations and retrns s+mitted to s!h athorities are trea!!rate and !omplete and are not the s+je!t of an, material dispte nor are likel, to +e!ome the s+je!t ofan, material dispte ith s!h athorities provided that this representation shall appl, to the E Entitiese!lsivel, sin!e !alendar ,ear 3444 (fis!al ,ear 3441).

    C.1A.A.+ecords. ll re!ords hi!h an, Relevant %ompan, is reired to keep for >aation prposes orhi!h old +e needed to s+stantiate an, !laim made or position taken in relation to >aation +, theRelevant %ompan, have +een kept and are availa+le for inspe!tion at the premises of the Relevant %ompan,


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    C.1A.11.Capital ains. "o Relevant %ompan, has disposed of or a!ired an, assets sin!e the *inan!ial$tatements Date in !ir!mstan!es s!h that the disposal pri!e or a!isition !ost of the asset old +e treatedfor >aation prposes as +ein# different from the !onsideration #iven or re!eived.

    C.1A.13.Disposal of debts. "o taa+le profit or #ain old a!!re on the disposal or settlement of an,de+t oed to an, Relevant %ompan, at the vale of that de+t adopted for the prposes of the *inan!ial$tatements.

    C.1A.15.Employees 0 compensation for loss of office. "o Relevant %ompan, is nder an, &+li#ation topa, nor has it sin!e the *inan!ial $tatements Date paid or a#reed to pa, an, !ompensation for loss of offi!e orfor an, #ratitos pa,ment not ded!ti+le in !omptin# its in!ome for the prposes of >aation.

    C.1A.1A.Closin. "o !har#e to >aation ill arise on an, Relevant %ompan, +, virte (hether alone orin !onjn!tion ith an, other falt or !ir!mstan!e) of the enterin# into and=or %losin# of this #reemente!ept for the !apital #ains ta appli!a+le to nstitto 3 pon the sale of the aation !har#ea+leprimaril, on an, other erson +od, of ersons entit, or !ompan, in!ldin# ithot limitation so!ial

    se!rit, pa,ments for s+!ontra!tors.C.1A.17.,ransfer pricin. "o transactionsor arran#ements involvin# a Relevant %ompan, have takenpla!e or are in eisten!e hi!h are s!h that an, provision relatin# to transfer pri!in# mi#ht +e invoked +, a>aation or e!ise athorit,.

    C.1A.18.Deemed income and ains. E!ept as provided in the *inan!ial $tatements no Relevant%ompan, has a lia+ilit, to >aation on in!ome or#ains e!ept in respe!t of and to the etent of in!ome and

    profits a!tall, re!eived nor do an, arran#ements eist hi!h mi#ht #ive rise to s!h a lia+ilit,.C.1A.1.3alue added ta.. (a) Ea!h Relevant %ompan, is dl, re#istered for the prposes of L> in its

    !ontr, of in!orporation hen appli!a+le. (+) Ea!h Relevant %ompan, has !omplied ith all stattor,provisions rles re#lations orders and dire!tions !on!ernin# L> in!ldin# the makin# on time of a!!rateretrns and pa,ments and the maintenan!e of re!ords hen appli!a+le.


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    C.1A.34.Stamp ta. . ll stamp ta and similar taes or dties have +een dl, paid in respe!t of alltransa!tions !arried ot +, ea!h Relevant %ompan,.

    C.1A.31.+eorani4ations and merers. "o Relevant %ompan, has !laimed or +een #ranted eemptionsfrom >aation in !onne!tion ith reor#aniations or mer#ers drin# the !rrent finan!ial ,ear or the previossi finan!ial ,ears. Reor#aniations or mer#ers hi!h take effe!t on or +efore %losin# ill not #ive rise to theassessment or pa,ment of >aation after %losin#.

    S.1tion 5%5Employees and employee !enefits. Nith the e!eptions !ontained in Ehi+it C.1C hereto the$ellers represent and arrant the folloin# re#ardin# emplo,ees and emplo,ee +enefits.

    C.1C.1.Ea!h of the Relevant %ompanies has retained and paid fll, and in time all so!ial se!rit,pa,ments reired +, the las rles and other appli!a+le so!ial se!rit, re#lations.

    C.1C.3.Ehi+it C.1C hereto !ontains !opies of the emplo,ment !ontra!ts of the 3C emplo,ees ith thehi#hest salaries for the Relevant %ompanies hi!h states the terms and !onditions of emplo,ment of ea!hemplo,ee and spe!iall, the hirin# date va!ation ri#hts ork da,s salar, a#e !ommission #ratifi!ations#aranteed severan!e pa,ments and other additional +enefits.

    C.1C.5.ll the salaries a#es !ommissions remnerations #ratifi!ations !ompensations severan!epa,ments and so!ial se!rit, pa,ments of the emplo,ees of the Relevant %ompanies are !rrent in pa,mentand as of the *inan!ial $tatements Date the, have not in!rred an, amonts for an, of these !on!epts otherthan the normal and ordinar, !orse of +siness of the respe!tive Relevant %ompan, !onsistent ith past

    pra!ti!es.C.1C.A.>here are no !olle!tive emplo,ment a#reements or !olle!tive emplo,ment !ontra!ts to hi!h an,of the Relevant %ompanies are parties.

    C.1C.C."one of the Relevant %ompanies are !rrentl, in the pro!ess or a+ot to initiate the pro!ess of!olle!tive ne#otiation ith its orkers and as of the Effe!tive Date there are no a!tivities on pro!ess +, theorkers0 or#aniation that have as their o+je!tive the !onstittion of a nion or the initiation of !olle!tivene#otiations.

    C.1C.@."one of the Relevant %ompanies is s+je!t to a la+or !omplaint a!tion or dispte for hi!h the,have re!eived ritten noti!e other than the ones in!lded in Ehi+it C.1C hereto.

    C.1C.7.&ther than their respe!tive emplo,ment !ontra!ts there are no !ontra!ts pled#es and a#reementsof an, natre re#ardin# the hirin# remneration (in!ldin# +onses) termination renderin# of servi!eadvisor,


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    reim+rsement of epenses insran!e plans se of assets +enefits or others of similar natre that reire a totalannal pa,ment of ;$?34444 or more entered into +, an, Relevant %ompan, and their respe!tive dire!tors mana#ersa#ents ee!tives !ommissioners and representatives or affiliated to these individals e!ept for those in!lded inEhi+it C.1C hereto.

    C.1C.8.Drin# the period of time +eteen the *inan!ial $tatements Date and the %losin# Date noRelevant %ompan, shall have entered into an, a#reement ith an, emplo,ee in order to modif, the terms or

    !onditions of emplo,ment other than the a#reements in!lded in Ehi+it C.1C hereto.S.1tion 5%3Environmental. Ea!h of the Relevant %ompanies have flfilled in the past and presentl, !ompl,

    ith all Environmental 2as. "one of the Relevant %ompanies have re!eived notifi!ation or noti!e re#ardin# a sit!omplaint or le#al pro!eedin# of an, kind that has +een initiated or is a+ot to +e initiated a#ainst them for an infra!tionto the Environmental 2as. Ea!h of the Relevant %ompanies have applied for and re!eived all the permits andathoriations reired for the !onstr!tion installation and operation of its fa!ilities.

    S.1tion 5%$ntellectual property. Ehi+it C.17 of this #reement identifies all the re#istered !ommer!ialtrademarks names patents !ompter = softare pro#rams data+ases indstrial desi#ns and other indstrial andintelle!tal propert, hi!h are oned +, the Relevant %ompanies. >he trademarks and names indi!ated do not have an,material restri!tions that make said trademarks and names inadeate for the !rrent a!tivities of the Relevant%ompanies. Ea!h of the Relevant %ompanies have sffi!ient ri#hts to se all the other names patents!ompter=softare pro#rams data+ases indstrial desi#ns and intelle!tal and indstrial propert, in #eneral !rrentl,tilied in the a!tivities proper to their operations. >he ee!tion of this #reement does not affe!t said ri#hts. n thedevelopment of their operations none of the Relevant %ompanies has infrin#ed or is !rrentl, infrin#in# in a materialmanner li!ensin# !ontra!ts or las re#ardin# intelle!tal or indstrial propert,.

    S.1tion 5%!(o !ro*ers fees. >he Relevant %ompanies have not hired paid pled#ed or offered feesremneration or !ompensation of an, kind to +rokers +anks (!ommer!ial or investment) !onsltants advisorsla,ers a!!ontants aditors or other professionals for servi!es related to the ne#otiation or !ele+ration of this#reement or the &ption #reement and has not permitted their intervention s!h that old ori#in a !har#e to an, ofthe Relevant %ompanies for said !on!ept. >he Relevant %ompanies have not paid or offered to pa, an, !ompensation toits dependents mana#ers ee!tives or dire!tors for servi!es related to the !ele+ration of this #reement or the &ption#reement in addition to their normal and ordinar, !ompensation previosl, a#reed to ith said dependentsmana#ers ee!tives and dire!tors.

    S.1tion 5%9Compliance. >he Relevant %ompanies are not !rrentl, in non!omplian!e or in defalt or simpledela, to !ompl, ith an &+li#ation hatever its ori#in


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    S.1tion 30%%iscellaneous. (a) Ea!h of the representations and arranties set ot in the several se!tions ofthis rti!le is separate and independent and e!ept as epressl, provided to the !ontrar, in this #reement is not limited

    +, referen!e to an, other para#raph of this rti!le. (+) n, referen!e made in this rti!le to an 6E.cluded Company orto 6E.cluded Companies shall +e deemed to +e made to an, and all hen appli!a+le of the !ompanies referred to in

    $e!tion 3.4C. a+ove jointl, ith the $ellers.S.1tion 302Representations and &arranties. >he E!lded %ompanies represent and arrant to the

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    #ood title to it hi!h is in perfe!t order prsant to the appli!a+le la. (+) nmo+iliaria is fll, and solel, entitled to the2eases listed nder its name in the Ehi+it @.4@ is in e!lsive o!!pation of the land the s+je!t of the 2eases and hasa #ood title to s!h 2eases hi!h is in perfe!t order prsant to the appli!a+le la. (!) "o Real Estate or 2ease iss+je!t to an, en!m+ran!e or 2ien other than those set ot in the Ehi+it @.47.

    S.1tion 30!)eases. (a) Ea!h 2ease !omplies ith all appli!a+le las and re#lations and henever !apa+leof re#istration has +een re#istered is in fll for!e and effe!t and nmo+iliaria has fll, !omplied ith its &+li#ations

    nder it. (+) &n termination of an, 2ease nmo+iliaria ill +e nder no o+li#ation to restore the land held nder that2ease to the state of the land at the start of the 2ease.

    S.1tion 309Roads and services. nmo+iliaria has a permanent le#al ri#ht free from oneros and nsal!onditions to se all roads and !ond!tin# media servin# ea!h Real Estate in the manner in hi!h the, are presentl,sed and nmo+iliaria does not have an, knoled#e of an, imminent or likel, interrption of its ri#ht to se these roadsor !ond!tin# media.

    S.1tion 3%0Covenants. (a) >here is no !ovenant restri!tion +rden or stiplation affe!tin# an, Real Estatehi!h is of an oneros or nsal natre or hi!h !onfli!ts ith its present se or materiall, affe!ts its vale. (+) "omaterial +rea!h of an, !ovenant affe!tin# the title to an, Real Estate is otstandin# and the rent pa,a+le nder ea!h2ease has +een paid p to date.

    S.1tion 3%%"lanning and ,oning. &ther than those e!eptions !ontained in Ehi+it @.11 hereto (a) >hepresent se of ea!h Real Estate is ed!ational that se is athoried nder appli!a+le plannin# and onin# las and

    re#lations and the permits athoriin# that se are n!onditional and permanent. (+) "o +rea!h of appli!a+le plannin#and onin# las and re#lations or +ildin# re#lations or other le#islation or an, permit issed nder an, s!h la orre#lation has +een !ommitted in relation to an, Real Estate.

    S.1tion 3%2(otices and orders. "either the $ellers nor nmo+iliaria have re!eived an, noti!e or orderaffe!tin# an, Real Estate from an, #overnment department an, athorit, or an, third part,.

    S.1tion 3%&Repair. nmo+iliaria is nder no &+li#ation to !arr, ot improvements or repairs to the hole oran, part of an, Real Estate nor has re!eived an, order or instr!tion ith respe!t to an, s!h improvements or repairs.ARTIC-E Uhe

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    S.1tion 02>he ee!tion of this #reement as knon and approved +, all relevant !orporate +od,. >heindividals ho ee!te this #reement on +ehalf of the he ee!tion of this #reement does not (i) !ontravene or infrin#e an, provision set forth in the+,- las or other analo#os provisions of the

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    failre to #ive s!h noti!e shall not affe!t the indemnifi!ation provided herender e!ept to the etent $ellers shall have+een a!tall, and materiall, prejdi!ed as a reslt of s!h failre. >he $ellers shall assme the defense of the 2e#al!tion and notif, the

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    +e likel, to have an adverse effe!t on the #oodill +siness or affairs of the ffe!ted %ompan,O or (iii) if the eer!iseof an, !ond!t ri#hts old render an, poli!, of insran!e maintained +, the ffe!ted %ompan, or availa+le to it voidor voida+le or entitle the relevant insrer to repdiate or res!ind an, s!h poli!,O or (iv) hi!h is a !riminal a!tion or

    pro!eedin#..43.@.>he he

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    14.41.3.>ermination +, an, part, in a!!ordan!e ith this $e!tion shall +e effe!tive immediatel, pon the#ivin# of ritten noti!e thereof. "othin# in this $e!tion shall impair the ri#ht of either part, to !ompel spe!ifi!

    performan!e +, the other part, of its &+li#ations herender.ARTIC-E %%CA-- O$TION $UT O$TION

    S.1tion %%0%Call and "ut Option Agreement. &n the %losin# Date Desp and %hilean $ellers shall enterinto a %all and t &ption #reement (the 6$ption Contract)prsant to hi!h %hilean $ellers shall #rant Desp a!all option (the 6Call $ption) and Desp shall #rant %hilean $ellers a pt option (the 6!ut $ption) ith respe!t tothe nde onership (6nuda propiedad) of 5C7 nstitto 3 $hares (the 6"ude Shares).

    S.1tion %%02Exercise of Option.>o eer!ise the t &ption $ellers shall deliver ritten noti!e thereof toDesp at an, time drin# the si (@) month period !ommen!in# on the date hi!h is ei#hteen months (18) months afterthe %losin# Date. >o eer!ise the %all &ption Desp shall deliver ritten noti!e thereof to $ellers at an, time after the%losin# Date.

    S.1tion %%0&Closing of Transactions.$hold $ellers eer!ise the t &ption or shold Desp eer!ise the%all &ption the !losin# of the sale and pr!hase of the "de $hares shall take pla!e on the date(s) set forth in the&ption %ontra!t.

    S.1tion %%04"urchase "rice. $hold Desp eer!ise the %all &ption or shold %hilean $ellers eer!ise thet &ption the pr!hase pri!e of all the "de $hares (the 6$ption !rice)ill +e an amont eivalent in ;nidades de

    *omento as of the %losin# Date to (i) %h?1C173C44444 if the *inan!in# %ondition has +een satisfied and (ii)%h?18347444444 if the *inan!in# %ondition has not +een satisfied.S.1tion %%05"ayment of Option "rice.

    11.4C.1.$hold (i) Desp eer!ise the %all &ption or shold %hilean $ellers eer!ise the t &ption and(ii) the *inan!ial %ondition has +een satisfied the &ption ri!e shall +e paid in the folloin# threeinstallments:

    (i)349 (tent, per!ent) of the &ption ri!e shall +e pa,a+le on the date set forth in the &ption %ontra!thi!h is not later than the se!ond anniversar, of the %losin# DateO

    (ii)549 (thirt, per!ent) of the &ption ri!e shall +e pa,a+le on the third anniversar, of the %losin# DateOand

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    (iii)C49 (fift, per!ent) of the &ption ri!e shall +e pa,a+le on the forth anniversar, of the %losin# Date.11.4C.3.$hold (i) Desp eer!ise the %all &ption or shold %hilean $ellers eer!ise the t &ption and

    (ii) the *inan!in# %ondition has not +een satisfied the &ption ri!e shall +e paid in the folloin# forinstallments:

    (i)349 (tent, per!ent) of the &ption ri!e shall +e pa,a+le on the date set forth in the &ption %ontra!thi!h is not later than the se!ond anniversar, of the %losin# DateO

    (ii)349 (tent, per!ent) of the &ption ri!e shall +e pa,a+le on the third anniversar, of the %losin#DateO

    (iii)549 (thirt, per!ent) of the &ption ri!e shall +e pa,a+le on the forth anniversar, of the %losin#DateO and

    (iv)549 (thirt, per!ent) of the &ption ri!e shall +e pa,a+le on the fifth anniversar, of the %losin# Date.11.4C.5.Desp shall +e entitled to prepa, at an, time an, otstandin# amont on the &ption ri!e.

    S.1tion %%03$nterest.>he otstandin# amont of the &ption ri!e shall a!!re interest at a rate of @.C9 perannm !al!lated over the prin!ipal amont in ;*s. >he pa,ment of interest on the &ption ri!e shall +e madearterl, on the last

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    s+stantiall, identi!al to those in!lded in the form atta!hed as Ehi+it 11.4 and it shall rank se!ond in priorit, to thepled#e to +e #ranted as se!rit, for the $enior De+t.

    S.1tion %%%0Desup-s "rohi!ition. endin# fll pa,ment of the &ption ri!e Desp shall +e prohi+ited fromtransferrin# (or !asin# the transfer) (i) the he parties frther a#ree that (i) shold an event of defalt of the $enior De+t o!!r and +e!ontinin# or (ii) shold Desp fail to pr!hase the "de $hares and=or fail to deliver to $ellers the &ption ri!e as it

    +e!omes de

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    S.1tion %20%Term."ot later than De!em+er 51 3445

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    (i)intes of an Etraordinar, ssem+l, of !tive em+ers 7Asamblea E.traordinaria de SociosActivos)that takes pla!e on or +efore the %losin# Date in hi!h (a) Desp and nstitto 3 areappointed as !tive mem+ers 7socios activos) of ;"akeover. intes of E s+stantiall, identi!al

    to the draft atta!hed hereto as Ehi+it Re#ional >akeolver. intes of ERA- -IAI-IT

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    S.1tion %502>he he $ellers and the his #reement ma, not +e amended or modified e!ept +, an instrment inritin# si#ned +, the part, affe!ted +, s!h amendment and epressl, statin# that it is intended to amend this#reement.

    S.1tion %05&aiver.t an, time prior to the %losin# either part, hereto ma, (i) etend the time for theperforman!e of an, of the &+li#ations or other a!ts of the other part, hereto (ii) aive an, ina!!ra!ies in therepresentations and arranties made +, the other part, and !ontained herein or in an, do!ment delivered +, the other

    part, prsant hereto or (iii) aive !omplian!e +, the other part, hereto ith an, of the a#reements orA3
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    !onditions !ontained hereinO provided hoever an, s!h etension or aiver shall +e valid onl, if set forth in aninstrment in ritin# si#ned +, the part, to +e +ond there+,.

    S.1tion %03$nterpretation. >he headin#s !ontained in this #reement are for referen!e prposes onl, andshall not affe!t in an, a, the meanin# or interpretation of this #reement.

    S.1tion %0evera!ility.f an, term or other provision of this #reement is invalid ille#al or in!apa+le of+ein# enfor!ed +, an, rle of la or p+li! poli!, all other !onditions and provisions of this #reement shall

    nevertheless remain in fll for!e and effe!t so lon# as the e!onomi! or le#al s+stan!e of the transa!tions !ontemplatedhere+, is not affe!ted in an, manner materiall, adverse to an, part,. ;pon s!h determination that an, term or other

    provision is invalid ille#al or in!apa+le of +ein# enfor!ed the parties hereto shall ne#otiate in #ood faith to modif, this#reement so as to effe!t the ori#inal intent of the parties as !losel, as possi+le in an a!!epta+le manner to the end thattransa!tions !ontemplated here+, are flfilled to the #reatest etent possi+le.

    S.1tion %0!Entire Agreement.>his #reement and related do!mentation !onstitte the entire a#reement+eteen $ellers and his #reement is for the sole +enefit of theparties hereto and their permitted assi#ns and nothin# herein epressed or implied shall #ive or +e !onstred to #ive toan, erson other than the parties hereto and s!h assi#ns an, le#al or eita+le ri#hts herender.ARTIC-E %!A$$-ICA-E -AW>his #reement is #overned +, and !onstred in a!!ordan!e ith the las of %hile.ARTIC-E %9ARITRATIONll disa#reements !onfli!ts estions or diffi!lties that arise +eteen the parties related to the validit, nllit,interpretation etension appli!ation !omplian!e or non-

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    !omplian!e ith this #reement or to an, other matter dire!tl, or indire!tl, related ith this #reement and ithrespe!t to hi!h other s+je!t matter that the parties ma, esta+lish in this re#ard shall +e attempted to +e resolved +,mtal a#reement. $hold the parties not rea!h a mtal a#reement the s+je!t in estion ill +e s+mitted to anar+itrator in a!!ordan!e ith the Re#lations of the r+itration %enter of the $antia#o %ham+er of %ommer!e .M.(Re#lamento del %entro de r+itrajes de la %Pmara de %omer!io de $antia#o .M.) hi!h appear in the p+li! re!orddated De!em+er 14 13 #ranted in the $antia#o "otar,0s &ffi!e of r. $er#io RodrU#e Mar!Qs and hi!h the

    parties a!knoled#e and a!!ept. >he ar+itrator ma, a!t as often as ma, +e ne!essar, ithot formal trial makin# adefinitive de!ision that !annot +e !hallen#ed and the parties epressl, a#ree to seek no other remed, e!ept forreinstatement !larifi!ation or interpretation re!tifi!ation or amendment of the !omplaint. >he ar+itrator shall +e flentin En#lish and it shall +e appointed +, mtal a#reement of the parties and a+sent that a#reement +, the r+itration%enter of the $antia#o %ham+er of %ommer!e from the mem+ers of the ar+itration +od, of said instittion for hi!h

    prpose the parties #rant an irrevo!a+le poer of attorne,.ARTIC-E 20NOTICES

    S.1tion 200%ll !ommni!ations noti!es reests or reirements prsant to this #reement shall +emade in ritin# and +e!ome effe!tive onl, if the, have +een delivered personall, or via fa!simile (ith !onfirmation)!orier servi!e (ith !onfirmation of deliver,) to:

    34.41.1.n the !ase of the $ellers and the E!lded %ompanies:'or#e $elme /arorvenida Kenned, CACA &ffi!e 17412as %ondes$antia#o %hileith a !op, to:i#el n#el odje $apiainHQrfanos 774 &fi!ina 3545$antia#o %hile

    34.41.3.n the !ase of the

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  • 8/13/2019 Contrato Unab Laureate


    DE$RR&22& DE 2 ED;%%V" $;ER&R $..

    =s= Ro+ert N. /entRo+ert N. /ent

    "LER$&"E$ 2 %2E> $.. "LER$&"E$ G;$>E $..

    =s= 'an ntonio MmPnolinari =s= ndrQs "avarro Haessler

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