contribution - application form for c -  · web viewplease review the project proposal...

1 Contribution - Application Form for Cybersecurity and Critical CYBERSECURITY AND CRITICAL ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM Project Proposal CONFIDENTIAL WHEN COMPLETED 1 Notes 1. Please review the “Cybersecurity and Critical Energy Infrastructure Program Applicant Guide” (also referred to as the Applicant’s Guide) before completing the Project Proposal template. 2. Please review the Project Proposal template before filling out each section. All relevant information must be included in each of the Microsoft Word tables. 3. Please fill out the Project Proposal template by entering the requested information into the allocated fields. Word limit maximums must be respected. 4. Incomplete Project Proposals will not be accepted. Proposals that do not follow the template will also not be accepted. 5. Proposals must be submitted by 23:59 EDT, May 15, 2019. Late submissions will not be accepted. It is the applicant’s responsibility to retain proof of the time the complete proposal package was sent to Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). This may be required in the event that NRCan does not receive the complete proposal package by the deadline for reasons that are beyond the control of the sender. Applications may be submitted by email or by mail. Email: [email protected] Mail: Cyber Security and Critical Energy Infrastructure Program Natural Resources Canada c/o International Energy Branch 580 Booth Street, 16th Floor Ottawa, ON K1A 0E4 1 Except for Sections 1 and 2.

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Page 1: Contribution - Application Form for C -  · Web viewPlease review the Project Proposal template before filling out each section. All relevant information must be included

1 Contribution - Application Form for Cybersecurity and Critical Energy Infrastructure Program


Project Proposal



1. Please review the “Cybersecurity and Critical Energy Infrastructure Program Applicant Guide” (also referred to as the Applicant’s Guide) before completing the Project Proposal template.

2. Please review the Project Proposal template before filling out each section. All relevant information must be included in each of the Microsoft Word tables.

3. Please fill out the Project Proposal template by entering the requested information into the allocated fields. Word limit maximums must be respected.

4. Incomplete Project Proposals will not be accepted. Proposals that do not follow the template will also not be accepted.

5. Proposals must be submitted by 23:59 EDT, May 15, 2019. Late submissions will not be accepted. It is the applicant’s responsibility to retain proof of the time the complete proposal package was sent to Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). This may be required in the event that NRCan does not receive the complete proposal package by the deadline for reasons that are beyond the control of the sender.

Applications may be submitted by email or by mail.

Email: [email protected]

Mail: Cyber Security and Critical Energy Infrastructure ProgramNatural Resources Canadac/o International Energy Branch580 Booth Street, 16th FloorOttawa, ON K1A 0E4

1 Except for Sections 1 and 2.

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2 Contribution - Application Form for Cybersecurity and Critical Energy Infrastructure Program

Section 1: Summary

Legal Name of your OrganizationClick here to enter text.

Name of Signatory 1: Click here to enter text.Title: Click here to enter text.Full Address: Click here to enter text.Telephone: Click here to enter text.E-Mail Address: Click here to enter text.

If there is to be a second signatory, please complete below

Name of Signatory 2: Click here to enter text.Title: Click here to enter text.Full Address: Click here to enter text.Telephone: Click here to enter text.E-Mail Address: Click here to enter text.

Project Proposal ID # (to be filled in by Program)

Funding Request Identify the total amount of funding requested from Natural Resources Canada’s Cybersecurity and Critical Energy Infrastructure Program for the project.Click here to enter text. Choose an item.

Choose an item.Project StreamSelect the appropriate project stream.Choose an item.

Choose an item.Section 2: Applicant Information and Project Summary

2.1 Applicant InformationOrganization:Organization Type:Contact Name:Project Manager:Mailing Address:Email Address:Phone Number:

2.2 Project Information SummaryProject Title:Project Location(s):

(Address, City, Province/Territory)

Project Start Date:

(No earlier then April 1, 2019)

Project End Date: (No later than March 31, 2023)

Total Project Cost

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3 Contribution - Application Form for Cybersecurity and Critical Energy Infrastructure Program

($):Funding Requested from Program ($):

2.3 Project Description SummaryPlease note: this information could be used on NRCan’s public facing website. Keep the information brief, non-technical, and non-confidential.

Problem Statement (150 words maximum)What issue or problem is the project trying to address? In what context is the project being introduced?

Project Summary (150 words maximum)Provide a brief, high-level summary of the project.

Benefit to Canadians and Stakeholders (150 words maximum)Describe how the project benefits Canada / Canadians and stakeholders.

Note: Information beyond this point is considered confidential and will not be released without your permission.

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4 Contribution - Application Form for Cybersecurity and Critical Energy Infrastructure Program

Section 3: Project Overview

3.1 Project Objectives and Outcomes (300 words maximum)State the project’s objective(s) and outcome(s). Add or delete objectives and outcomes as necessary.

The objectives are as follows: Objective 1: (Please describe briefly) Objective 2: (Please describe briefly)

The outcomes are as follows: Outcome 1: (Please describe briefly) Outcome 2: (Please describe briefly)

3.2 Project Description (800 words maximum)Describe what the project is, how the work will be carried out and how it will be implemented and operationalized.

3.3 Project Tasks (800 words maximum)Describe the major tasks that will be conducted as part of the project.

(Add or delete lines as required)Task Numb


Task Description Outputs

1. Task title Describe briefly Describe briefly




3.4 Project Relevance to Program (300 words maximum)

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5 Contribution - Application Form for Cybersecurity and Critical Energy Infrastructure Program

Explain how the project aligns with the Program’s objective to enhance the cyber security and resilience of domestic and cross-border energy infrastructure by strengthening the capability of the energy sector to prevent, prepare, respond to and recover from cyber threats.

3.5 Project History (300 words maximum)Describe past work that the proposed project builds upon. Provide references to the results and conclusions of past work that has been used in developing this project proposal. If any previous work was government-funded, please identify the funding programs. If this proposal is for a specific component of a larger, multi-component project, please explain the role of the proposed work and its relationship to the non-Program funded components.

3.6 Core Team MembersList all key members of the project core team and describe the individual’s contribution to the proposed project and the experience and expertise they would bring to it. Refer to similar projects in which each person has been involved. Please identify the Project Manager and provide sufficient information on all key team members for reviewers to be able to assess whether the team provides the necessary management, engineering, research and technical capacity, capability and expertise to do the proposed work.

(Add or delete rows for team members as required)Project Manager:Organization:

Role in Project:

Expertise and Experience:

Team Member 1:Organization:

Role in Project:

Expertise and Experience:

Team Member 2:Organization:

Role in Project:

Expertise and Experience:

3.7 Knowledge Translation (300 words maximum)

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6 Contribution - Application Form for Cybersecurity and Critical Energy Infrastructure Program

Provide a plan for disseminating research results and enabling their uptake and application by relevant end-users (e.g., targeted stakeholders, organizations, industry associations, individuals, consumers, communities, educators, journalists, and/or general public).

3.8 Implementation Plan (500 words maximum)Identify the length of time to complete the project and, where possible, a brief outline of the expected deliverables, targeted stakeholders, expected outputs, and methodology.

3.9 Performance Measurement (800 words maximum)

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7 Contribution - Application Form for Cybersecurity and Critical Energy Infrastructure Program

The following outcomes will be used as a basis to measure the level of success of the project:

1. Increased research and development activities that contribute to more secure and resilient domestic and cross-border energy infrastructure.

2. Improved collective knowledge on cyber threats to domestic and cross-border energy infrastructure, including mitigation strategies.

Describe how the project will contribute to these outcomes. The outcomes need to be quantified, justified, and supported by indicators. Indicators are specific measures of project outputs, or results, which contribute to a given metric. Examples of indicators may include studies, research and technical papers; training sessions and workshops; and standards, best practices and guidelines.

(Add additional outcomes as required)

3.10 Risk Identification (500 words maximum)Are there any risks associated with the project that Canada should be made aware of and if so please explain the mitigations that will be taken?

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8 Contribution - Application Form for Cybersecurity and Critical Energy Infrastructure Program

Section 4: Budget Overview

4.1 Project Financing and Business Case for Funding Assistance (300 words maximum)Provide a business case for the level of government funding requested. Consider questions such as: What is the financial ability of the applicant to fund the project? Is the co-funding to be provided by partners and other orders of government in place? Proponents are advised that NRCan will carry out financial due diligence on the applicant and the project business plan prior to commencing the negotiation of a contribution agreement.

4.2 Budget by Year and Types of Eligible ExpendituresProvide a detailed budget for the proposed project. The budget must be broken down by fiscal year* and by eligible expenditure category. The template provided below must be used.

Remove non-applicable rows as necessary but DO NOT add any other type of expenditures.

(See Applicant’s Guide for detailed eligible expenditures)

Approved Budget (Identify Currency) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total


ShareEligible ExpendituresTravel expenses (transportation, accommodation, meals, allowances)


Salaries and benefits 0Professional and technical services 0Informatics software and hardware2 0Publication, printing and other media services 0Materials, field equipment and supplies 0Data collection services, including processing, analysis and management


Overhead expenditures directly related to project; maximum of 15% of total


2 Subject to additional review to determine if these expenses are eligible for reimbursement and if so, to determine the maximum percentage for reimbursement allowed.

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9 Contribution - Application Form for Cybersecurity and Critical Energy Infrastructure Program

costsGST, PST or HST (unrebated portion)         0Total by Year 0 0 0 0 0

*: the Fiscal Year, for the Government of Canada, is from April 1st to March 31st of the next year.

4.4 Budget by ContributorsProvide a list of all other contributors for this project, including the financial contributions and in-kind contributions.

Note: The name of the contributors must be spelled out and all of them must be listed. If you require more space add rows.

(Double click on the table below to enter information)

Source of Contributions (Currency) Cash In-KindCanada


Add lines as appropriate to reflect all contributorsTotal 0.00 0.00

Other Governments 1(Provide actual name) Other Governments 2 (Provide actual name)

Other Contributor (Provide actual name)

Section 5: Disclosure

5. DisclosurePlease indicate whether or not there may be a potential for a conflict of interest and, if so, with whom.

Section 6: Applicant’s Attestations

6. DeclarationsBy submitting this project proposal, the Applicant:

1. Attests that it is legally registered or incorporated in Canada or abroad.

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10 Contribution - Application Form for Cybersecurity and Critical Energy Infrastructure Program

2. Attests that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge.

3. Attests that it has the management, financial and technical resources to fulfill the undertaking.

4. Attests that no former Canadian public servants to whom the Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders or the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service apply, are involved in the Project.

5. Understands that any costs incurred for the submission of the project proposals are at the Applicant’s own risk.

6. NRCan reserves the right to alter the currently envisaged process, and deadlines, or to cancel the request for proposals at its sole discretion.

7. Understands that project funding decisions will only be made following receipt, review, selection of project proposals, and the successful completion of due diligence.

8. Understands and acknowledges that no liability and no commitment or obligation exists on the part of NRCan to make a financial contribution to the project until a written contribution agreement is signed by both parties.

9. Attests that it is the owner of all information - proprietary, confidential or otherwise - provided as part of the proposal submission, or, if the information belongs to another party, that it has obtained written consent to disclose the information to NRCan.

10.Understands that federal reviewers are bound by the requirements of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act regarding the treatment of confidential information.

11.NRCan may share this proposal and any other information provided as supplemental material as part of this response with other funding entities in effort to better support projects in Canada.

12.Please indicate which of the following you consent to having your proposal shared with:

a) Other Departments across the Government of Canada ☐ Yes____☐ No b) Provincial, and Territorial governments; ☐ Yes____☐ No c) Municipal Governments; ☐ Yes____☐ No

Please sign below to confirm having read and understood the statements above

Duly Authorized Officer (Print Name) Title

Duly Authorized Officer (Signature) Date

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11 Contribution - Application Form for Cybersecurity and Critical Energy Infrastructure Program

Section 7: Applicant Checklist and Program Mandatory CriteriaCriteria Applican



Eligible Applicant: ☐

Eligible Activities: ☐

Project Timing: ☐

Funding Criteria: ☐

Fits Program Scope: ☐

All sections of the Proposal Word document completed and attached:

Signed Attestation: ☐

Overall Assessment:


Checklist Completed by:
