control of tunable, monoenergetic laser-plasma-accelerated

Control of tunable, monoenergetic laser-plasma-accelerated electron beams using a shock-induced density downramp injector K. K. Swanson, 1,2 H.-E. Tsai, 1 S. K. Barber, 1 R. Lehe, 1 H.-S. Mao, 1 S. Steinke, 1 J. van Tilborg, 1 K. Nakamura, 1 C. G. R. Geddes, 1 C. B. Schroeder, 1 E. Esarey, 1 and W.P. Leemans 1,2 1 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Rd, Berkeley California 94720, USA 2 University of California - Berkeley, Berkeley California 94720, USA (Received 1 November 2016; published 30 May 2017) Control of the properties of laser-plasma-accelerated electron beams that were injected along a shock- induced density downramp through precision tailoring of the density profile was demonstrated using a 1.8 J, 45 fs laser interacting with a mm-scale gas jet. The effects on the beam spatial profile, steering, and absolute energy spread of the density region before the shock and tilt of the shock were investigated experimentally and with particle-in-cell simulations. By adjusting these density parameters, the electron beam quality was controlled and improved while the energy (30180 MeV) and energy spread (211 MeV) were independently tuned. Simple models that are in good agreement with the experimental results are proposed to explain these relationships, advancing the understanding of downramp injection. This technique allows for high-quality electron beams with percent-level energy spread to be tailored based on the application. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.20.051301 I. INTRODUCTION Laser plasma accelerators (LPAs) can produce ultrashort electron bunches at relativistic energies in a short distance [15]. This compact source can provide electrons for various applications such as the production of x-ray pulses from coherent undulator radiation or Thomson backscatter- ing [69] which can be used for imaging the structural dynamics of chemical and biological systems, high- resolution lithography or characterization of nuclear mate- rials [1012]. However, these applications necessitate stable, high-quality, and tunable electron beams. The electron beam quality depends on the method used to inject electrons into the plasmas accelerating field and the acceleration dynamics. Large energy spread beams are produced when electrons are injected over an extended distance [1316]. Energy spread can be reduced by operating near injection threshold or terminating the acceleration when electrons start to outrun the laser, but these methods limit the tunability and repeatability of the LPA [17,18]. Using multiple laser pulses allows for more control over the injection process but increases the align- ment complexity [19,20]. A tailored plasma density profile can decrease energy spread by reducing the injection length and controlling the injection dynamics [2125]. In this scheme, an intense laser pulse propagates through a density downramp from a peak plasma electron density n 1 to a plateau plasma electron density n 2 . Along the downramp, the plasma wavelength λ p ðμmÞ¼ 3.3 × 10 10 = ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi nðcm 3 Þ p increases with propaga- tion distance. This increase in λ p causes the local wake phase velocity to decrease, reducing the threshold for trapping relative to a uniform plasma. This injection process is controlled and localized by the downramp, producing small energy spread beams. While this scheme has been studied experimentally and quasimonoenergetic beams were produced [21,22,2426], little investigation has been done to tune the electron beam spatial quality and absolute energy spread by tailoring the density profile. In this contribution, we advance the under- standing of injection along a density downramp and demonstrate novel techniques for controlling the electron beam quality. Using a shock-induced downramp [2426], we determine the relationships between the density profileincluding the shock front angle and density up- ramp region, which to our knowledge have not been examinedwith beam parameters such as energy, charge, steering, ellipticity, and energy spread. By adjusting the density profile and tilt of the shock front, stable beams with tunable energy, improved spatial quality and reduced energy spread were produced, demonstrating that this injection mechanism is reliable and versatile enough to be used for many applications. II. EXPERIMENT The experiments were performed with the BELLA Centers TREX Ti:Sapphire laser, providing pulses with Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published articles title, journal citation, and DOI. PHYSICAL REVIEW ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS 20, 051301 (2017) 2469-9888=17=20(5)=051301(6) 051301-1 Published by the American Physical Society

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Page 1: Control of tunable, monoenergetic laser-plasma-accelerated

Control of tunable, monoenergetic laser-plasma-accelerated electron beamsusing a shock-induced density downramp injector

K. K. Swanson,1,2 H.-E. Tsai,1 S. K. Barber,1 R. Lehe,1 H.-S. Mao,1 S. Steinke,1 J. van Tilborg,1

K. Nakamura,1 C. G. R. Geddes,1 C. B. Schroeder,1 E. Esarey,1 and W. P. Leemans1,21Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Rd, Berkeley California 94720, USA

2University of California - Berkeley, Berkeley California 94720, USA(Received 1 November 2016; published 30 May 2017)

Control of the properties of laser-plasma-accelerated electron beams that were injected along a shock-induced density downramp through precision tailoring of the density profile was demonstrated using a1.8 J, 45 fs laser interacting with a mm-scale gas jet. The effects on the beam spatial profile, steering, andabsolute energy spread of the density region before the shock and tilt of the shock were investigatedexperimentally and with particle-in-cell simulations. By adjusting these density parameters, the electronbeam quality was controlled and improved while the energy (30–180 MeV) and energy spread (2–11 MeV)were independently tuned. Simple models that are in good agreement with the experimental results areproposed to explain these relationships, advancing the understanding of downramp injection. Thistechnique allows for high-quality electron beams with percent-level energy spread to be tailored based onthe application.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.20.051301


Laser plasma accelerators (LPAs) can produce ultrashortelectron bunches at relativistic energies in a short distance[1–5]. This compact source can provide electrons forvarious applications such as the production of x-ray pulsesfrom coherent undulator radiation or Thomson backscatter-ing [6–9] which can be used for imaging the structuraldynamics of chemical and biological systems, high-resolution lithography or characterization of nuclear mate-rials [10–12]. However, these applications necessitatestable, high-quality, and tunable electron beams.The electron beam quality depends on the method used

to inject electrons into the plasma’s accelerating field andthe acceleration dynamics. Large energy spread beams areproduced when electrons are injected over an extendeddistance [13–16]. Energy spread can be reduced byoperating near injection threshold or terminating theacceleration when electrons start to outrun the laser, butthese methods limit the tunability and repeatability of theLPA [17,18]. Using multiple laser pulses allows for morecontrol over the injection process but increases the align-ment complexity [19,20].A tailored plasma density profile can decrease energy

spread by reducing the injection length and controlling theinjection dynamics [21–25]. In this scheme, an intense laser

pulse propagates through a density downramp from a peakplasma electron density n1 to a plateau plasma electrondensity n2. Along the downramp, the plasma wavelengthλpðμmÞ ¼ 3.3 × 1010=


pincreases with propaga-

tion distance. This increase in λp causes the local wakephase velocity to decrease, reducing the threshold fortrapping relative to a uniform plasma. This injectionprocess is controlled and localized by the downramp,producing small energy spread beams.While this scheme has been studied experimentally and

quasimonoenergetic beams were produced [21,22,24–26],little investigation has been done to tune the electron beamspatial quality and absolute energy spread by tailoring thedensity profile. In this contribution, we advance the under-standing of injection along a density downramp anddemonstrate novel techniques for controlling the electronbeam quality. Using a shock-induced downramp [24–26],we determine the relationships between the densityprofile—including the shock front angle and density up-ramp region, which to our knowledge have not beenexamined—with beam parameters such as energy, charge,steering, ellipticity, and energy spread. By adjusting thedensity profile and tilt of the shock front, stable beams withtunable energy, improved spatial quality and reducedenergy spread were produced, demonstrating that thisinjection mechanism is reliable and versatile enough tobe used for many applications.


The experiments were performed with the BELLACenter’s TREX Ti:Sapphire laser, providing pulses with

Published by the American Physical Society under the terms ofthe Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution tothe author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation,and DOI.


2469-9888=17=20(5)=051301(6) 051301-1 Published by the American Physical Society

Page 2: Control of tunable, monoenergetic laser-plasma-accelerated

805 nm central wavelength, 47 fs FWHM pulse duration,and 1.8 J on target energy. The pulses were focused with a2 m off-axis parabolic mirror to an 18 um FWHM beamwaist, corresponding to a peak intensity of 4 × 1018 W=cm2

(normalized vector potential a0 ¼ 1.4).The setup is shown in Fig. 1(a). The target was a

supersonic conical hydrogen gas jet with an 840 μm exitdiameter and Mach number M ¼ 2. A razor blade wasplaced in the gas flow to produce a shock front that servedas a density transition. The blade could be independentlypositioned through the gas flow. The jet-blade assemblycould be rotated to change the shock front angle α withrespect to the laser propagation axis and was set to have a28° tilt to produce a shock front with α ¼ 0 when the bladetip was slightly past the center of the jet.The electron beam energy spectrum was measured using

a magnetic spectrometer. A removable scintillating screenimaged to a CCD camera was used to measure the electronbeam profile and pointing. The plasma density profile wascharacterized in situ using a second laser pulse transverse tothe main pulse such that the shock front was imaged onto awavefront sensor with a 3 mm field of view and a 30 μmimaging resolution [27]. A representative wavefront imageis displayed in the inset of Fig. 1(c).

Two-dimensional simulations were performed using acompressible fluid dynamics solver in OpenFOAM toprovide an understanding of the shock formation anddensity downramp [28]. These simulations showed thatafter the gas reaches the blade, it expands and recompressesinto an intercepting shock as shown in Fig. 1(b). Thedirection of the expanding flow depends on the fraction ofthe gas jet covered by the blade, or blade coverage, whichleads to a blade position-dependent shock front angle [29].This trend was experimentally confirmed as shown inFig. 1(c). The shock front angle, α, changed linearly withthe blade coverage from α ¼ −10° to 30°.Lineouts taken along the laser propagation axis of Abel-

inverted wavefront images provided density distributionsfor the plasma regions outside of the shock for each bladelocation. Because Abel inversions require rotational sym-metry, which a titled shock front violates, two subregions ofthe wavefront images as shown in the inset of Fig. 2(a) weretaken. The plasma in each of these regions forms a halfcylinder which can be Abel inverted. Density profiles wereobtained by combining the two Abel-inverted images andtaking a lineout across the center. The shock downramplength cannot be derived from the Abel inversion and wastherefore measured from the wavefront images. Displayedin Fig. 2(a) is an example measured plasma density lineoutindicating the peak density n1, plateau density n2, highdensity length Lhigh which controls the injection perfor-mance, and plateau density length Lacc over which theelectrons are accelerated. Stacked density lineouts forvarious blade coverages are shown in Fig. 2(b). It canbe seen that the location of the shock moves with the blade:as the blade moves further into the gas, the shock frontmoves with it, reducing Lacc. The plateau density lengthLacc can be tuned up to 2 mm. The density downrampwidth, defined as the distance between the peak density andthe plateau density, was constant at 100 μm over the bladecoverage range.It can also be seen in Fig. 2(b) that the densities n1 and n2

are both functions of the blade position. The plateau densityn2 varies from 0.8 to 3.5 × 1018 cm−3 while the peakdensity n1 varies from 2.7 to 8.7 × 1018 cm−3 as the bladecoverage changes from 0.25 to 1.0. Measured Lacc, n1 andn2 values in the range of blade coverages used to produceelectron beams are shown in Fig. 2(c).For each blade position the shock front location was

different and therefore, when producing electrons, the laserfocal location was adjusted to keep the laser focused ontothe shock region. This optimization resulted in the smallestdivergence, most stable electron beams for each bladeposition. Electron beams were produced every shot withdown to 0.3 mrad RMS pointing fluctuation, an average of2 pC charge fluctuation and 6% energy fluctuation.Figure 3(a) shows the energy spectra for 50 consecutiveshots for a blade coverage of 0.8 to demonstrate thestability of this technique.

FIG. 1. (a) Schematic of the experimental setup. A razor bladewas inserted into the flow of a supersonic gas jet, forming ashock. The main laser beam was focused into the shock region,producing electrons. A probe beam perpendicular to the shockfront was imaged onto a wavefront sensor for density measure-ments. (b) OpenFOAM simulation of the razor blade in the gasflow showing an intercepting shock front. The color scale hasbeen saturated to better see the intercepting shock. (c) Shock frontangle versus blade coverage. The inset shows an example phaseimage from the wavefront sensor where the shock front angle αhas been defined. The blue region is neutral density gas and thered/green is laser-ionized plasma. In both the neutral gas andplasma, the shock front can be seen.

K. K. SWANSON et al. PHYS. REV. ACCEL. BEAMS 20, 051301 (2017)


Page 3: Control of tunable, monoenergetic laser-plasma-accelerated

By changing the blade location, the electron energy wastuned from 32 to 180 MeV, as shown in Fig. 3(b). Theexperimental energy gain, W, can be compared with thegain calculated from the simple model W ≈ eEzLacc ∝R Lacc0


pdz where Ez ∝ 1=λp [2], Lacc is defined as

the distance it takes n2 to decrease to 14n2, and both Lacc and

n2 are functions of the blade coverage. At the densities usedin this experiment, the accelerator is not limited by laser

depletion, and the electrons can be accelerated over thewhole Lacc [2]. Using this scaling law, we fit the calculatedelectron beams’ energies based off measured n2 and Lacc tothe experimental values, and these fitted energies are shownin the blue area where the width corresponds to measureddensity fluctuations. The fluctuations in energy, as well asother acceleration parameters, can be attributed to variabil-ity in the properties of the target, i.e., gas jet current, or thelaser, i.e., energy. Earlier experiments have proven corre-lations between these parameters and the injected energy;therefore, energy fluctuation can be improved with bettergas jet and laser stability. The experimental electronenergies are in good agreement with this trend, demon-strating the tunability of this injection technique.The total injected charge is proportional to the plasma

density n1 and the injection volume w20ðΔλpÞ where Δλp ¼

λp;2 − λp;1 and w0 is the laser beam waist at the shock.Simulations, discussed below, showed that w0 weaklydepends on blade position and was therefore assumedconstant. The fit of n1Δλp, using measured n1 and n2values, to the experimental data is shown in the gray area inFig. 3(b) and corresponds well with the experimental data.The wake is not strongly suppressed due to beam loading as

FIG. 2. (a) Plasma electron density profile measured alongthe laser propagation axis for blade coverage 0.575. The densitiesn1 and n2, the acceleration length Lacc, and high density lengthLhigh have been labeled. The dashed line shows the region thatcannot be Abel inverted. Pre-Abel inverted wavefront imageswere used to measure the length of the downramp. The imagingresolution of the wavefront sensor is 35um. Inset shows the tworegions for which the Abel inversion was performed. (b) Densitylineouts as the blade was translated through the gas jet. Eachhorizontal line corresponds to a density lineout at a particularblade coverage. Blade coverage of 1 corresponds to the bladecompletely covering the jet exit. (c) Peak density n1 (red), plateaudensity n2 (blue), and plateau density length Lacc (black) for theblade coverages used to produce electron beams.

FIG. 3. (a) Energy spectra for 50 consecutive shots when bladecoverage is 0.8. (b) Mean energy (blue squares) and charge (graytriangles) of the electron beams versus blade coverage. Exper-imental results are displayed as points and values calculated frommeasured density profiles are displayed as shaded regions.(c) Divergence (black) and absolute energy spread (blue) versusenergy. The experimental values are displayed as points and theγ−3=4 fit as solid line. Note the stable absolute energy spreadthroughout the range of energies. All error bars represent onestandard deviation of uncertainty.



Page 4: Control of tunable, monoenergetic laser-plasma-accelerated

the amount of charge required to beam load is 2 nC [2],which is well above the measured charges.The beam divergence depends on beam energy with

higher energy beams having lower divergence. For eachblade position shown in Fig. 3(b), the beam divergence wasmeasured and related to the beam energy. Figure 3(c) showsthe FWHM divergence averaged in the vertical andhorizontal directions as a function of the energy. In asimplified model of the electron motion in an acceleratingfield with a linear focusing force and constant normalizedemittance, the beam divergence scales as γ−3=4 where γ isthe electron Lorentz factor [30]. This scaling agrees wellwith the data as shown by the fit in Fig. 3(c). If the electronbeam size is mismatched to the plasma wave, the diver-gence will oscillate about this γ−3=4 trend. Therefore, withinthe errors, the injected electrons appear to undergo matchedpropagation.For any given blade position, the shock front angle, α,

may not be perpendicular to the laser. As the laserpropagates through the gas, it is refracted due to the overallshape of the gas profile and the shock front. According tothe Snell-Descartes law, larger refraction will occur atlarger shock front angles. The electron beam centroid thenfollows the direction of the laser, leading to a vertical off-axis deflection when α is nonzero. This trend can be seen inFig. 4(a). Using measured density profiles and shock front

angles, the expected total refraction of the laser as itpropagates through the gas was calculated and is displayedin the gray area. The laser refraction agrees well withthe experimentally measured electron beam deviation.Therefore, off-axis propagation can be mitigated by reduc-ing the shock front angle.Laser refraction also influences the beam ellipticity,

defined as the difference between vertical and horizontaldivergence, as shown in Fig. 4(b). Due to laser steering, theelectron beam position becomes displaced from the laseraxis, inducing betatron oscillations. The larger the laserrefraction, the more the electrons are displaced and thelarger the betatron amplitude. As this effect occurs onlyalong the shock axis, it results in elliptical beams in thevertical direction.In the experiments, the laser polarizationwas vertical, and

elliptical electron beams can also result through interactionof the electrons with the laser. The degree of ellipticityincreases with the ratio cτ=λp;2 ∝


p, where τ is the

duration of the laser pulse [31]. When n2 ¼ 5.0×1018 cm−3, λp is comparable to the laser duration, sug-gesting that at higher plateau densities, electron beamellipticity might be attributed to laser effects. However, atlower densities, λp is much longer than the laser duration,and the laser electric field has a reduced influence. In thisregime, the primary cause of ellipticity is the tilted shockfront, and we find that ellipticity was minimized when theshock front was nearly perpendicular to the laser propaga-tion direction.The absolute energy spread ΔE was reduced by chang-

ing the high density region length Lhigh where Lhigh isdefined as the distance from where the density first exceeds1018 cm−3 to the density peak [see Fig. 2(a)]. Decreasingthe backing pressure or the vertical distance between the jetassembly and the laser caused Lhigh to decrease. It wasobserved that a decrease in Lhigh reduced ΔE as shown inFig. 5. The backing pressure and jet-laser height alsoaffected n1, but a comparison of multiple scans showedthatΔEwas dominated byLhigh rather than n1 as detailed in



FIG. 4. (a) Steering versus shock front angle. Experimental dataon electron beam steering is shown as the blue points while thegray area displays laser refraction calculated from measureddensity profiles. (b) Ellipticity (black points) and n2 (dashed line)versus shock front angle. Insets show electron beam spatialprofiles for different α.

FIG. 5. Energy spread of electron beams against the width ofthe high density region. Black circles represent experimental data,and red squares represent simulation results.

K. K. SWANSON et al. PHYS. REV. ACCEL. BEAMS 20, 051301 (2017)


Page 5: Control of tunable, monoenergetic laser-plasma-accelerated

[32]. By reducing Lhigh, the absolute energy spread wasminimized to ΔE ¼ 2 MeV RMS for energies on the orderof 100 MeV, allowing percent-level energy spreads to beattained. In principle, downramp injection can produceelectron beams with smaller energy spreads than we attainhere via precise control of the plasma density profile [21],but limitations imposed by the implemented jet and bladeconfiguration prevented us from reaching this limit.At constant backing pressure and jet-laser height, when

the blade coverage was changed, ΔE remained fairlyconstant as shown in Fig. 3c. This can be explained fromthe density profile measurements which showed that Lhighwas only weakly dependent on blade coverage. Therefore,ΔE, which is correlated to Lhigh, is not coupled to the finalenergy W, which is correlated to Lacc, suggesting that ΔEwas conserved during the acceleration process. This obser-vation demonstrates that the electron beam energy andenergy spread can be independently tuned.


The axisymmetric processes were modeled using thespectral, quasi-3D particle-in-cell code FBPIC [33], provid-ing more insight into the injection process. A key feature ofthe density profile is the up-ramp, which governs the laserpropagation and therefore wake properties at the shockwhen electrons are injected. The effect of the up-ramp wasexamined by simulating two density profiles. The uprampregions matched two experimental profiles while thedownramp regions were made identical to decouple uprampand downramp effects on the electron beam. The twoprofiles are shown in Fig. 6(a) where the wide profile has a1.5 mm up-ramp length and the narrow has a 1.0 mm up-ramp length.Simulations show that the laser self-focuses until it

reaches the density downramp, increasing the peak longi-tudinal accelerating field Ez as seen in Fig. 6(a). The wide

and narrow up-ramp profiles induced differing amounts ofself-focusing. Most noticeably, at the start of the downrampwhen the electrons are first being injected, the wideup-ramp profile produced a larger amplitude Ez field whilethe Ez fields were similar along the rest of the profile.Figure 6(c) shows the final energy spectra of the electronsinjected in the two different profiles. The wide up-rampprofile produced electron beams with an energy spread of16 MeV while the narrow up-ramp profile beams had aspread of 9 MeV which is consistent with the experimentaldata shown in Fig. 5. The wide up-ramp profile injectedmore electrons with energies greater than 50 MeV. Theseelectrons were injected from z ¼ 2.0 to z ¼ 2.1 mm wherethe wide up-ramp had a larger Ez amplitude. Therefore, thelarger range in Ez values for the wide up-ramp induced alarger energy spread by accelerating the initially injectedelectrons to higher energies. These results explain thecorrelation between energy spread and up-ramp width.


In conclusion, stable and controllable high-quality elec-tron beams have been experimentally produced in a shock-induced density downramp LPA through density and shockfront angle tailoring while maintaining the laser focallocation. Using simple models, the relationships betweenthe plasma profile and the resulting electron beams wereexplained. The highest quality beams, specifically con-cerning ellipticity and on-axis steering, were produced witha shock front perpendicular to the laser propagationdirection. In addition, the up-ramp length allowed energyspread control, with the shortest length resulting in anabsolute energy spread of 2 MeV, while maintainingindependently-tunable energies in the 30–180 MeV range.The quality and stability of these beams are suitable forLPA applications. Particularly, the achieved 3.5 pC=MeVspectral charge density at 62 MeV make the beamsattractive for free-electron lasing [34]. Achieving suchcharge densities at few-percent energy spread reducesemittance degradation from collective effects such ascoherent synchrotron radiation and space charge [34].Similarly, stable few-percent energy spread beams areappropriate to enable Thomson scattering sources ofMeV photons [12]. In addition, the achieved percent-levelenergy spread allows for efficient coupling in a multistageaccelerator since the electron bunch duration,as determined by its energy spread, must fit within theaccelerating phase of the wake.


This work is supported by the U.S. DOE under ContractNo. DE-AC02-05CH11231, by the U.S. DOE NationalNuclear Security Administration, Defense NuclearNonproliferation R&D (NA22), and by the NationalScience Foundation under Grant No. PHY-1415596.

(a) (b)

FIG. 6. (a) Particle-in-cell simulations showing the plasmadensity profile and the peak longitudinal Ez field at the backof the plasma bubble as a function of propagation distance for awide up-ramp (dashed) and narrow up-ramp (solid) densityprofile. (b) Electron energy spectra at the end of the downrampfor the wide up-ramp (dashed) and narrow up-ramp (solid)density profile.



Page 6: Control of tunable, monoenergetic laser-plasma-accelerated

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