control operation

1. CONTROL OPERATION 1.1 Scoreboard Power a. Plug the scoreboard to an A.C outlet. Check if the outlet has a voltage rating of 220 A.C. b. Turn on the branch circuit through the switch. The scoreboard will blank all figures. 1.2 Display a. The following information will be displayed during normal operation: Remaining Time of the Period, the Period of the game, Home and Guest score/s and the shot clock. 1.3 Bluetooth Connection a. Pair the Bluetooth of the laptop which will act as the transmitter to the Bluetooth receiver installed at the scoreboard, Bluetooth device name “SCOREBOARD”. Make sure that it was connected properly. b. When the two devices were successfully connected with each other. Open the application for the scoreboard, “SCOREBOARD 2015-2016”.

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Page 1: Control Operation


1.1 Scoreboard Power a. Plug the scoreboard to an A.C outlet. Check if the outlet has a voltage rating of 220 A.C.b. Turn on the branch circuit through the switch. The scoreboard will blank all figures.

1.2 Display a. The following information will be displayed during normal operation: Remaining Time of

the Period, the Period of the game, Home and Guest score/s and the shot clock.1.3 Bluetooth Connection

a. Pair the Bluetooth of the laptop which will act as the transmitter to the Bluetooth receiver installed at the scoreboard, Bluetooth device name “SCOREBOARD”. Make sure that it was connected properly.

b. When the two devices were successfully connected with each other. Open the application for the scoreboard, “SCOREBOARD 2015-2016”.


c. Select which computer is to be connected, . After which click com 8.

d. Press . e. A display will appear indicating that it was connected.

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1.4 Set Up and Operation Mechanism

a. Click the “SET” button, a dialogue box will appear indicating to fill up the necessary requirements for the time of the period and the shot clock.

b. Click the “START/PAUSE” button to test if it is working or not.c. Click the “RESET” button to reset the ongoing display of the timer.d. Click “SHOT CLOCK RESET” button to reset the ongoing display of the shot clocke. Run a test for entering the home/guest score.

1. Click / and a dialogue box appear enter the desired 1 to 3 digit number and check if the scoreboard displays it properly.

2. Try adding a score by using this buttons or , make sure all the buttons work and the scoreboard properly displays the desired output.

Team Scores ( GUEST/HOME)The Home and Guest Scores can be changed in six different ways.

(A) To add 1 to the existing score: Click

(B) To add 2 to the existing score: Click

(C) To add 3 to the existing score: Click

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(D) To directly enter or correct a score: Push Home or Guest SCORE followed by the desired number, then ENTER.

Example: Present Home Score is 15. Change the score from 15 to 23.Push: Home SCORE 23 ENTER .

(E) To deduct a score because of penalty. Click

(F) To clear the score: Click: SCORE” BACKSPACE.

c. Click try to increase or decrease it using the + and – .button respectively if it works properly.


1. Test Equipment A simple analog or digital voltmeter will be sufficient for all user repairable problems.

2. Troubleshooting Guides

(2.1) Scoreboard doesn't light.

(a) Check that the main power switch is turned on.

(b) Replace any defective or blown fuses.

(c) Check the power connections and voltages at the scoreboard.

(d) Check to see on the power supply.

(e) Check for 12 VDC at the power supply terminal.

120 VAC wires are exposed whenever the cover over the power supply assembly is removed from the scoreboard. Use extreme caution during troubleshooting or repair. To avoid

possible damage to equipment or personal injury, always turn off the main power before removing the cover or replacing assemblies.


Page 4: Control Operation

(2.2) Some of the 7 segment, segments are not lighting.

(a) Check for continuity between the 7 segment pins to that of the decoder circuit and the connection of the Arduino mega, Guizduino v5 and Bluetooth shield with each other.

(b) If an open circuit is found, the problem is either the cable or a cable connection.

(c) If the continuity is good check if a component fails.

(2.3) The scoreboard digits light but the program doesn't work

(a) Check if the transmitter and receiver has a connection.

(b)Check the codes that are being used, see to it that there is no appearing debug warning.







(A). Display

Imports System.IOImports System.IO.PortsImports System.ThreadingPublic Class Display Public Shared _continue As Boolean Public Shared _serialPort As SerialPort Public Shared SerialPort1 As New SerialPort Public Shared snum, sfir, ssec, sthi As Integer Public Shared dnum As Integer = 0 Public Shared hnum As Integer = 0 Public Shared anum As Integer = 0 Public Shared pnum As Integer = 0 Public Shared fnum As Integer = 0 Public Shared inum As Integer = 0 Public Shared tnum As Integer = 0 Public Shared dp As Boolean

Public Shared Sub Connection() SerialPort1.Close() SerialPort1.PortName = Form1.ComboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString SerialPort1.BaudRate = 115200 SerialPort1.DataBits = 8 SerialPort1.Parity = Parity.Even SerialPort1.StopBits = StopBits.One SerialPort1.Handshake = Handshake.None SerialPort1.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.Default SerialPort1.WriteTimeout = 1000 SerialPort1.Open() End Sub

Public Shared Sub ShotDisp(num As Integer) If dnum <> num Then snum = num dnum = num

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SerialPort1.WriteLine("S" & snum) SerialPort1.DiscardOutBuffer() End If End Sub

Public Shared Sub HomeDisp(num As Integer) If hnum <> num Then snum = num hnum = num SerialPort1.WriteLine("H" & snum) SerialPort1.DiscardOutBuffer() End If End Sub

Public Shared Sub AwayDisp(num As Integer) If anum <> num Then snum = num anum = num SerialPort1.WriteLine("A" & snum) SerialPort1.DiscardOutBuffer() End If End Sub

Public Shared Sub PeroidDisp(num As Integer) If pnum <> num Then pnum = num SerialPort1.WriteLine("P" & num) SerialPort1.DiscardOutBuffer() End If End Sub

Public Shared Sub TimeDisp(fir As Integer, sec As Integer, thi As Integer) If fnum <> fir Then sfir = fir fnum = fir SerialPort1.WriteLine("F" & sfir) SerialPort1.DiscardOutBuffer() End If If inum <> sec Then ssec = sec inum = sec SerialPort1.WriteLine("E" & ssec) SerialPort1.DiscardOutBuffer() End If If tnum <> thi Then sthi = thi tnum = thi SerialPort1.WriteLine("T" & sthi) SerialPort1.DiscardOutBuffer() End If End SubEnd Class

(B). Time Set

Imports System.IOImports System.IO.PortsImports System.ThreadingPublic Class TimeSet Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Form1.settime = (TextBox1.Text * 60000) + (TextBox2.Text * 1000) + TextBox3.Text * 10 Form1.Label8.Text = TextBox1.Text & ":" & TextBox2.Text & "." & TextBox3.Text Form1.setshot = (TextBox4.Text * 1000) + 1000 Form1.Label3.Text = TextBox4.Text

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If Display.SerialPort1.IsOpen = True Then Display.SerialPort1.WriteLine("S" & TextBox4.Text.ToString) Display.SerialPort1.WriteLine("H" & 0) Display.SerialPort1.WriteLine("A" & 0) Display.SerialPort1.WriteLine("P" & 1) Display.SerialPort1.WriteLine("F" & TextBox1.Text.ToString) Display.SerialPort1.WriteLine("E" & TextBox2.Text.ToString) Display.SerialPort1.WriteLine("T" & TextBox3.Text.ToString) Display.SerialPort1.DiscardOutBuffer() End if MyBase.Close() End SubEnd Class

(C). Decoder