convention on the prohibition of the use, …httpassets... · convention on the prohibition of the...

1 CONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF THE USE, STOCKPILING, PRODUCTION AND TRANSFER OF ANTI-PERSONNEL MINES AND ON THEIR DESTRUCTION Report for Article 7 The Republic of South Sudan Transparency Report on Article 7 1 January 2015 — 31 December 2015 Contact person: Mr Jurkuch Barach Jurkuch South Sudan National Mine Action Authority Form A National implementation measures

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Report for Article 7

The Republic of South Sudan Transparency Report on Article 7 1 January 2015 — 31 December 2015

Contact person: Mr Jurkuch Barach Jurkuch

South Sudan National Mine Action Authority

Form A National implementation measures


No additional legal, administrative and other measures were taken during the previous calendar year to

prevent and suppress any activity prohibited under the Convention.

Form B Stockpiled anti-personnel mines

Not applicable.

Form C Location of mined areas as of 31 December 2015

As of 31 December 2015, a total of 303 areas are suspected to contain anti-personnel (AP) mines and a

reported 98,403,022 square metres throughout South Sudan require clearance, as shown in Table 1,


The slow progress in the national clearance plan for South Sudan is most likely due ot the lack of access

and continued insecurity in some parts of South Sudan, as well as the emerging need to clear explosive

ordnance disposal (EOD) spot tasks to support humanitarian work in conflict affected areas since the

conflict which began in 2013. Further focus on clearance is needed for South Sudan to meet the

obligations of the Ottawa Treaty.

Table 1. Summary of areas known, or suspected to contain anti-personnel mines, as of 31 December 2015


State County

Number of areas known to contain anti-personnel mines

Number of areas suspected to contain anti-personnel mines1

Total number of areas known or suspected to contain anti-personnel mines

Amount of area known to contain anti-personnel mines (square metres)

Amount of area suspected to contain anti-personnel mines (square metres)

Total amount of area known or suspected to contain anti-personnel mines (square metres)

Central Equatoria

Juba 107 107 4,380,798 4,380,798 Kajo Keji 3 3 4,400 4,400 Lainya 11 11 94,725 94,725 Morobo 13 13 100,806 100,806 Terekeka 21 21 635,884 635,884 Yei 21 21 313,482 313,482 All counties 176 176 5,530,095 5,530,095

Eastern Equatoria

Budi 4 4 533,599 533,599 Kapoeta East 5 5 47,586 47,586

Kapoeta South 1 1 55,000 55,000

Lafon 5 5 930,048 930,048 Magwi 28 28 3,718,030 3,718,030 Torit 18 18 853,806 853,806 All counties 61 61 6,138,069 6,138,069


Akobo 3 3 5,366,256 5,366,256 Ayod 1 1 Bor South 4 4 199,000 199,000 Duk 2 2 20,000 20,000 Fangak 5 5 5,087,362 5,087,362 Khorflus 10 10 1,889,159 1,889,159 Nyirol 3 3 5,929,366 5,929,366 Pibor 2 2 Pochalla 1 1 7,942,260 7,942,260 Twic East 1 1 1 1 Wuror 1 1 4,238,267 4,238,267

1 All the open Hazardous Areas in South Sudan are Suspected Hazardous Areas as no technical survey has been performed on them; the columns for the number of known Hazardous Areas and the total area are therefore empty.


All counties 33 33 30,671,671 30,671,671


Cueibet 1 1 21,000 21,000 Rumbek East 1 1 12,037 12,037

Wulu 1 1 2,500 2,500 All counties 3 3 35,537 35,537

Northern Bahr El Ghazal

Aweil South 1 1

Aweil West 1 1 80,100 80,100

All counties 2 2 80,100 80,100


Abiemnom 1 1 13,252,144 13,252,144 Rubkona 3 3 16 16 All counties 4 4 13,252,160 13,252,160

Upper Nile

Fashoda 1 1 16,385 16,385 Longochuk 1 1 4 4 Maiwut 2 2 39,155,231 39,155,231 Malakal 1 1 Melut 1 1 253 252 Panyikang 2 2 1,540 1,540 All counties 8 8 39,173,413 39,173,412

Western Bahr El Ghazal

Jur River 1 1 Wau 2 2 2,827,433 2,827,433 All counties 3 3 2,827,433 2,827,433

Western Equatoria

Maridi 2 2 38,600 38,600 Mundri East 10 10 505,945 505,945

Mvolo 1 1 150,000 150,000 All counties 13 13 694,545 694,545

All States 303 303 98,403,022 98,403,022


Map 1: Locations of Known, or Suspected Anti-Personnel Mines, as of 31 December 2015


Map 2: Locations of Known and Suspected Hazards, as of 31 December 2015

NOTE: There are 903 suspected hazards including AP mines in South Sudan.


Form D Anti-Personnel Mines retained or transferred

The Republic of South Sudan does not retain or transfer anti-personnel mines for permitted purposes.

Form E Status of programmes for conversion or de-commissioning of AP mine production


Not applicable.

Form F Status of programmes for destruction of AP mines

All identified and discovered stockpiles of anti-personnel mines are destroyed utilizing the relevant

procedures outlined in the South Sudan National Technical Standards and Guidelines (NTSGs), by the

implementing partners on the ground. This activity is recorded for future information within the

Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) database, including details of the types,

location, etc.

2. Status of programmes for destruction of AP mines in mined areas (Article 5)

From 1 January to 31 December 2015, a total of of 1,715 anti-personnel mines were destroyed; 27,395

unexploded ordnance (UXO) destroyed (including anti-tank mines); 13,991,096 square metres released;

1,130,074 square metres cancelled; 1,962 areas released; and 9,462,153 square metres cleared

throughout South Sudan, as reported in Table 2, below.

The 13,991,096 square metres released includes all explosive ordnance disposal, battle area clearance

(sub-surface and surface), battle areas released, cancelled, manual mine clearance, mechanical clearance,

explosive detection dogs, and mined areas released and canelled by Non-Technical Survey.


Application of Land Release Standards:

All land release endeavours are implemented in line with the NTSGs, which are based on the most

current mine action standards.

Table 2: Summary of Area and Areas Released and Devices Destroyed, 1 January – 31 December


State County

Cancelled area

(square meters)

Reduced area

(square metres)

Cleared area

(square metres)

Total area released (square metres)

Number of anti-

personnel mines


Number of AT


Number of areas

unexploded ordnance excluding

AT and AP

Number of areas


(Including UXO


Central Equatoria

Juba 1,297,092 80,813 2,461,963 3,839,868 761 231 5,832 207

Kajo Keji 1,170 0 40,115 41,285 0 5 1,054 11

Lainya 103,029 0 5,653 108,682 0 0 30 19

Morobo 229,030 0 72,463 301,493 1 1 86 16

Terekeka 61,535 0 56,852 118,387 0 0 16 9

Yei 340,338 0 530,922 871,260 13 0 545 211

All Counties 2,032,194 80,813 3,167,968 5,280,975 775 237 7,563 473

Eastern Equatoria

Budi 0 0 113,241 113,241 2 0 75

Kapoeta East 0 0 39,119 39,119 0 1 0 2

Kapoeta South 918,777 0 591,101 1,509,878 4 83 170 6

Magwi 148,968 5,119 1,866,344 2,020,431 571 100 859 128

Torit 90,208 26,528 278,363 395,099 204 13 1,926 54

All Counties 1,157,953 31,647 2,888,168 4,077,768 781 197 3,030 190


Bor South 153,996 0 271,788 425,784 35 4 5,091 446

Duk 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 1

Pibor 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,300 198


Pochalla 1 0 3,914 3,915 0 0 3,079 14

Twic East 612,260 0 0 612,260 0 0 36 19

All Counties 766,260 0 275,702 1,041,962 35 4 11,506 678


Rumbek Centre 0 0 113,813 113,813 0 0 2 0

Rumbek East 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 0

Awerial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Yiro West 0 0 2,116 2,116 0 0 0 1

All Counties 0 0 115,929 115,929 0 0 46 2

Northern Bahr El Ghazal

Aweil East 0 0 371,379 371,379 0 0 155 6

Aweil West 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

Aweil Centre 1

All Counties 0 0 371,379 371,379 0 0 156 8


Abinmnom 250,000 0 9 250,009 0 0 6 3

Guit 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

Koch 0 0 25,034 25,034 1 3 4 1

Leer 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 2

Mayendit 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Mayom 0 0 264,453 264,453 105 11 540 15

Pariang 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 1

Rubkona 11,788 0 182,542 194,330 0 3 1,049 64

All Counties 261,788 0 472,038 733,826 106 17 1,618 87

Upper Nile

Maban 0 0 3,832 3,832 0 0 3

Malakal 0 0 384,281 384,281 0 9 1,329 33

Manyo 0 0 0 0 0 0 5

Melut 0 0 53,605 53,605 0 0 25 22

Panyikang 0 0 0 0 0 0 79

Renk 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1

All Counties 0 0 441,718 441,718 0 9 1,443 56



Gogrial East 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1

Gogrial West 8,000 0 0 8,000 0 0 556 174

Tonj South 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 1

Twic 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 17

All Counties 8,000 0 0 8,000 1 0 724 193

Western Bahr El Ghazal

Jur River 0 0 793,909 793,909 8 7 374 79

Raja 2

Wau 0 0 191,685 191,685 0 1 248 23

All Counties 0 0 985,594 985,594 8 8 622 104

Western Equatoria

Mundri East 111,808 7,636 590,145 709,589 9 0 615 153

Mundri West 46,035 24,809 153,512 224,356 0 1 67 12

Tombura 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1

Maridi 5

All Counties 157,843 32,445 743,657 933,945 9 1 687 171

Total 4,384,038 144,905 9,462,153 13,991,096 1,715 473 27,395 1,962

Summary of projections for the the amount of area (square metres) known, or suspected to

contain anti-personnel mines, to be released between 2015-2019.

The South Sudan National Mine Action Strategic Plan 2012-2016, will need to be revised and updated

in 2017 to take into account the known hazardous areas, current and projected resources available to the

mine action sector, and the realistic operational and security environment within the different regions of

the country.

All progress will be recorded in alignment with the annual South Sudan Article 7 Report, including the

number of anti-personnel mines destroyed, cleared, and the number remaining. Detail on clearance

projections will be estimated with yearly targets.


Form G Anti-personnel mines destroyed after entry into force

Article 4

Not applicable.

Form H Technical characteristics of each type produced/ owned, or possessed

Already reported.

Form I Measures to provide warning to the population

All suspected hazards are surveyed and marked by mine risk education (MRE) teams or clearance teams

with international signs and are located in the map and recorded in IMSMA. While a Landmine Impact

Survey was completed in 2008, as well as other surveys covering smaller areas within South Sudan

since then, the current extent of contamination is unknown, particularly in the Greater Upper Nile region

(inclusive of Jonglei, Upper Nile and Unity), which was most affected by the conflict that commenced in

December 2013. Even with the signing of the Agreement on Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan

(ARCSS) in August 2015, residual fighting in that region, as well as sporadically in the rest of the

country, has meant insecurity and lack of access for mine action teams to implement survey and

clearance. It is expected that when the security conditions improve and permit, survey of the Greater

Upper Nile region, and other areas affected by the conflict, will need to be conducted.

However, through non-technical and technical survey, land has been either cancelled or prioritized for

clearance. All cleared minefields are marked “cleared” in the map to promote activities such as

livelihoods (land cultivation, markets, etc.), infrastructural development, road construction, etc.

Throughout South Sudan, MRE targets civilians at the community level by age and gender; specifically,

locations of internally displaced persons (IDPs)and returnees, as well as schools are prioritized. The


National Mine Action Authority (NMAA), in conjunction with the United Nations Mine Action Service

(UNMAS), train and accredit all MRE staff according to the NTSGs. During deployment of the MRE

teams, the NMAA and UNMAS conduct joint field visitions for Quality Assurance. The data on the

number of beneficiaries receiving MRE is gathered and disaggregated for gender and age, as shown in

Table 3, below.

MRE is provided to communities and at-risk populations throughout South Sudan by international and

national non-governmental organizations, contracted companies, and community-based organizations.

The organizations that delivered MRE in 2015 are: Christian Missionaries Initiative, Community in

Need Aid, Danish Church Aid, Danish Demining Group, Dynasafe Mine Tech International, G4S,

Malakal Media Theatre Team, MECHEM, Mine Advisory Group, The Development Initiative, Sudan

Integrated Mine Action System, and UNMAS.

In 2015, MRE was included in the national primary school curriculum. The Ministry of Education,

Science, and Technology, in collaboration with UNICEF, developed and launched teacher’s guidebooks

to be utilized in all public and private primary schools, as well as teacher training colleges to inform

children on the hazards of landmines and ERW, as well as mitigating behaviour to protect themselves.

Table 3: Civilians (disaggregated by gender and age) receiving MRE from 1 January - 31 December 2015

State Boys Girls Men Women Total Western Bahr El Ghazal 9,102 6,445 2202 1956 19,705 Western Equatoria 1176 1147 800 939 4,062 Upper Nile 17,142 16,159 7,742 12,883 53,926 Lakes 7,618 5,508 1369 924 15,419 Northern Bahr El Ghazal 1,293 1006 533 923 3,755 Warrap 3,975 2,680 2,031 2,140 10,826 Eastern Equatoria 18,094 14,484 10,393 8,402 51,373 Unity 21,855 18,299 14,814 16,582 71,550 Jonglei 66,904 60,493 38,810 43,486 209,693 Central Equatoria 23,603 19,342 19,312 14,205 76,462 Total 170,762 145,563 98,006 102,440 516,771



A total of 516,771 people in South Sudan received MRE in 2015, an increase of 200 per cent on the

previous reporting year. Primarily, this was due to the embedding of Community Liaison Teams with

clearance teams in order to directly engage with the local community and deliver MRE. Special focus

was also made to target girls for MRE. Furthermore, UNICEF integrated MRE into child protection

activities throughout South Sudan.

Form J Other relevant matters

From 1 January to 31 December 2015, there were 75 recorded new victims of anti-personnel mines and

ERW in eight areas. Fifty-eight people were injured and 18 were killed, as shown in the table below.

This increase in accidents from 2014 was most likely due to population movement; MRE was increased


The NMAA, the Ministry of Gender, Child, and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health, civil society

organizations, the ICRC, UNMAS, Handicap International, and the Victim Assistance Disability

Organization work together to deliver medical, physical rehabilitation, psychological support, and socio-

economic services to mine victims and other persons with disabilities. A coordination forum is chaired

by the Director General for Victim Assistance, Ministry of Gender and co-chaired by the Director of

Victim Assistance, NMAA. Despite these interventions, there has been no nationwide needs assessment

conducted for victims in South Sudan.


A primary challenge has been the lack of funding to support projects targeting, specifically, landmine/

ERW victims and people with disabilities, in general, as it is not a priority of donors. Victim Assistance

is also outside the mandate for UNMAS in South Sudan. Furthermore, during the reporting period, the


Parliament did not sign the draft national disability policy to protect the rights of all persons with

disability. South Sudan has challenges that hinders the implementation of the Maputo Action Plan.

Table 4: Number of Victims from 1 January - 31 December 2015

State Accident Injured Killed Victims West Bahr El Ghazal 1 3 0 3 West Equatoria 1 6 0 6 Upper Nile 2 5 0 5 Warrap 3 4 4 8 East Equatoria 2 1 1 2 Unity 10 27 9 36 Jonglei 1 1 0 1 Central Equatoria 6 10 4 14 Total 26 57 18 75

NOTE Annex I. The table, below, shows the areas known and suspected to contain anti-personnel mines in

South Sudan.

In addition, the clearance work is always directed towards the humanitarian areas of need and this may

hinder AP mine clearance in other non-humanitarian areas.

The funding channelled to the South Sudan Mine Action Programme is directed through UNMAS and

other NGOs. This makes projection on a clearance completion date a challenge. The NMAA can not,

therefore, make a projection on when the clearance will be completed in South Sudan.

Annex II. The maps, below, show the hazards cleared and/or closed, both for the reporting period and

culmination to end of reporting period.


Annex I: Areas suspected to contain anti-personnel mines as of 31 December 2015, and the estimated date of completion

Record Number State County Longitude Latitude

Area (square metres) know to contain



Area (square metres)

suspected to

contain anti-

personnel mines

Estimated date of

completion (year-end)

1 Central Equatoria Juba 31.55871 4.97822

2 Central Equatoria Juba 31.55871 4.97822

3 Central Equatoria Juba 31.63028 4.2893

4 Central Equatoria Juba 31.19053 4.888028 8,526

5 Central Equatoria Juba 31.15058 4.97872

6 Central Equatoria Juba 31.99948 4.32961 11,000

7 Central Equatoria Juba 32.01259 4.32709 200,396

8 Central Equatoria Juba 0 0

9 Central Equatoria Juba 31.86576 4.47798 11,643

10 Central Equatoria Juba 31.85698 4.44527 25,013

11 Central Equatoria Juba 31.86148 4.48842 9,414

12 Central Equatoria Juba 31.86106 4.48158

13 Central Equatoria Juba 31.85444 4.497056 183,615

14 Central Equatoria Juba 31.83122 4.539567

15 Central Equatoria Juba 31.7845 4.524528 521

16 Central Equatoria Juba 31.86206 4.479167 177,240

17 Central Equatoria Juba 31.86133 4.488222 67,874


18 Central Equatoria Juba 31.76768 4.69534 3,873

19 Central Equatoria Juba 31.77701 4.69954

20 Central Equatoria Juba 31.70478 4.69188

21 Central Equatoria Juba 31.85394 4.69122 10,000

22 Central Equatoria Juba 31.85859 4.68995 11,700

23 Central Equatoria Juba 31.77751 4.70275

24 Central Equatoria Juba 31.39469 4.66725 33,555

25 Central Equatoria Juba 31.65208 4.232556 1,257

26 Central Equatoria Juba 31.61184 4.71102 18,387

27 Central Equatoria Juba 31.61184 4.71102 440

28 Central Equatoria Juba 31.61165 4.771163

29 Central Equatoria Juba 31.60214 4.73822 9,695

30 Central Equatoria Juba 32.003 4.181555 45,600

31 Central Equatoria Juba 32.00064 4.20052 7,350

32 Central Equatoria Juba 31.70097 4.120861 2,500

33 Central Equatoria Juba 31.63427 4.19797

34 Central Equatoria Juba 31.64559 4.21792 32,554

35 Central Equatoria Juba 31.73178 4.08441 756,630

36 Central Equatoria Juba 31.73178 4.08441 264,972

37 Central Equatoria Juba 31.72398 4.081604 236,098

38 Central Equatoria Juba 31.73179 4.0844 85,024

39 Central Equatoria Juba 31.7021 4.12316 24,000

40 Central Equatoria Juba 31.70244 4.12184 94,200

41 Central Equatoria Juba 31.70249 4.12272 78,000

42 Central Equatoria Juba 31.62297 4.29482 17,900


43 Central Equatoria Juba 31.95412 4.074 2,596

44 Central Equatoria Juba 31.9562 4.673511 72,720

45 Central Equatoria Juba 31.98269 4.688949

46 Central Equatoria Juba 31.98269 4.688949

47 Central Equatoria Juba 31.98269 4.688949

48 Central Equatoria Juba 31.98269 4.688949

49 Central Equatoria Juba 31.96034 4.69371

50 Central Equatoria Juba 32.98256 4.68901 8,250

51 Central Equatoria Juba 32.04061 4.67224 2,928

52 Central Equatoria Juba 32.04061 4.67224 22,291

53 Central Equatoria Juba 32.08868 4.654881

54 Central Equatoria Juba 32.08868 4.654881

55 Central Equatoria Juba 32.07762 4.64264

56 Central Equatoria Juba 31.96296 4.693

57 Central Equatoria Juba 32.08799 4.653939 3,441

58 Central Equatoria Juba 32.08056 4.645278 62,832

59 Central Equatoria Juba 31.91749 4.70509 19,000

60 Central Equatoria Juba 31.92192 4.70411 10,305

61 Central Equatoria Juba 31.94484 4.71228 158,000

62 Central Equatoria Juba 30.11964 5.461389 107,917

63 Central Equatoria Juba 31.02402 5.292083 400

64 Central Equatoria Juba 31.55786 4.8302

65 Central Equatoria Juba 31.55786 4.8302

66 Central Equatoria Juba 31.55786 4.8302

67 Central Equatoria Juba 31.08545 5.016991 2,244

68 Central Equatoria Juba 31.82584 4.540639 100,000

69 Central Equatoria Juba 31.85394 4.498472 36,782

70 Central Equatoria Juba 31.70464 4.69114 7,024

71 Central Equatoria Juba 31.99792 4.209679 46,800

72 Central Equatoria Juba 31.99594 4.213221 70,400

73 Central Equatoria Juba 31.63543 4.201282 100,000


74 Central Equatoria Juba 31.64572 4.217853 45,000

75 Central Equatoria Juba 31.70259 4.119715 10,505

76 Central Equatoria Juba 31.42145 4.07171 13,000

77 Central Equatoria Juba 31.62489 4.29358 55,100

78 Central Equatoria Juba 31.62463 4.29385 11,999

79 Central Equatoria Juba 31.96371 4.96034 51,528

80 Central Equatoria Juba 31.98269 4.688949 100,000

81 Central Equatoria Juba 32.08868 4.654881

82 Central Equatoria Juba 32.08106 4.643972 17,684

83 Central Equatoria Juba 31.43816 4.22902 25,379

84 Central Equatoria Juba 0 0

85 Central Equatoria Juba 31.55786 4.8302

86 Central Equatoria Juba 31.55786 4.8302

87 Central Equatoria Juba 30.94229 4.841495 19,500

88 Central Equatoria Juba 31.86642 4.408087 80,000

89 Central Equatoria Juba 32.00689 4.296572 240,000

90 Central Equatoria Juba 31.84009 4.534447 80,000

91 Central Equatoria Juba 31.84169 4.532774 120,000

92 Central Equatoria Juba 31.86202 4.479275 104,000

93 Central Equatoria Juba 31.74578 4.62704 21,420

94 Central Equatoria Juba 31.65098 4.2307 60,000

95 Central Equatoria Juba 31.70068 4.11932 25,079

96 Central Equatoria Juba 31.71148 4.08181

97 Central Equatoria Juba 31.70074 4.12529

98 Central Equatoria Juba 31.59855 4.320878 9,750

99 Central Equatoria Juba 31.96231 4.693539 6,000

100 Central Equatoria Juba 32.07644 4.632778

101 Central Equatoria Juba 32.00819 4.683917 15,000

102 Central Equatoria Juba 0 0

103 Central Equatoria Juba 31.70228 4.122389 4,500

104 Central Equatoria Juba 31.6997 4.2594

105 Central Equatoria Juba 31.98269 4.688949

106 Central Equatoria Juba 31.92543 4.70045 1

107 Central Equatoria Juba 31.43816 4.22902 2,446

108 Central Equatoria Kajo Keji 31.69089 3.853917 3,500

109 Central Equatoria Kajo Keji 31.50532 4.006952 900

110 Central Equatoria Kajo Keji 31.51226 4.09255

111 Central Equatoria Lainya 30.98364 4.243944 6,153

112 Central Equatoria Lainya 30.96801 4.23283 14,148

113 Central Equatoria Lainya 30.96004 4.223892

114 Central Equatoria Lainya 30.96186 4.226583 7,056


115 Central Equatoria Lainya 30.97189 4.236333 11,719

116 Central Equatoria Lainya 30.95367 4.132833 10,350

117 Central Equatoria Lainya 30.94263 4.142493 25,000

118 Central Equatoria Lainya 31.08333 4.333333

119 Central Equatoria Lainya 30.81161 4.134361

120 Central Equatoria Lainya 30.82067 4.14289 4,908

121 Central Equatoria Lainya 30.97921 4.23675 15,391

122 Central Equatoria Morobo 30.88164 3.652583 83,741

123 Central Equatoria Morobo 30.86428 3.50354 8,464

124 Central Equatoria Morobo 30.86361 3.743528 758

125 Central Equatoria Morobo 30.79104 3.688883

126 Central Equatoria Morobo 30.79109 3.692508

127 Central Equatoria Morobo 30.80442 3.735583

128 Central Equatoria Morobo 30.8617 3.74504

129 Central Equatoria Morobo 30.78284 3.66976 7,840

130 Central Equatoria Morobo 30.77507 3.687197

131 Central Equatoria Morobo 30.72494 3.65942

132 Central Equatoria Morobo 30.79363 3.692778

133 Central Equatoria Morobo 30.78878 3.68675

134 Central Equatoria Morobo 0 0 3

135 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.72452 5.193986 60,000

136 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.07597 5.65175 2,400

137 Central Equatoria Terekeka 30.48472 5.810926 82,500

138 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.01937 5.285738 35,000

139 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.04656 5.31767 8,781

140 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.02372 5.632389 1,885

141 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.06364 5.659806

142 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.07784 5.691998 12,760

143 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.21189 5.633111 8,100

144 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.05469 5.703528 5,655

145 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.15058 5.633389 3,142

146 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.15058 5.633389

147 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.15058 5.633389

148 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.15058 5.633389 14,294

149 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.15058 5.633389 12,723

150 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.04447 5.38685

151 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.08303 5.571748 131,052

152 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.05015 5.34195 100

153 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.02346 5.29272 14,472

154 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.11992 5.461861 243,000

155 Central Equatoria Terekeka 31.08924 5.37819 20


156 Central Equatoria Yei 30.60259 4.126565 12,895

157 Central Equatoria Yei 30.64288 4.11597 43,511

158 Central Equatoria Yei 30.74962 4.12633 4,539

159 Central Equatoria Yei 30.69349 4.08098 2,401

160 Central Equatoria Yei 30.74541 4.12777 4,539

161 Central Equatoria Yei 30.72468 4.10277 58,000

162 Central Equatoria Yei 30.61654 4.12444 80,417

163 Central Equatoria Yei 30.61252 4.0518 26,792

164 Central Equatoria Yei 31.99074 3.77709 2,474

165 Central Equatoria Yei 30.6537 4.10815 7,862

166 Central Equatoria Yei 30.74855 4.02305 1,225

167 Central Equatoria Yei 30.69751 4.07795 20,699

168 Central Equatoria Yei 30.73123 4.0264 4,464

169 Central Equatoria Yei 30.74607 3.954492 2,683

170 Central Equatoria Yei 30.79992 3.82239 2,542

171 Central Equatoria Yei 30.64471 5.44871 10,120

172 Central Equatoria Yei 30.78453 3.78502 4,475

173 Central Equatoria Yei 30.94167 4.142417 9,000

174 Central Equatoria Yei 30.75294 3.95201 8,800

175 Central Equatoria Yei 30.70967 4.10295 4,919

176 Central Equatoria Yei 30.74184 3.88545 1,125

177 East Equatoria Budi 33.48596 4.2279 500,000

178 East Equatoria Budi 33.49786 4.253344

179 East Equatoria Budi 33.49786 4.253344

180 East Equatoria Budi 33.3486 4.38268 33,599

181 East Equatoria Kapoeta East 33.50293 4.2599 11,250

182 East Equatoria Kapoeta East 33.51088 4.248981 11,197

183 East Equatoria Kapoeta East 33.50293 4.2599 5,000

184 East Equatoria Kapoeta East 33.51097 4.240981 17,312

185 East Equatoria Kapoeta East 33.89842 4.624861 2,827

186 East Equatoria Kapoeta South 33.6614 4.75334 55,000

187 East Equatoria Lafon 32.93016 4.53479 83,835

188 East Equatoria Lafon 32.4722 5.02845 458,431

189 East Equatoria Lafon 32.47051 5.025317 175,304

190 East Equatoria Lafon 32.47051 5.025317 101,555

191 East Equatoria Lafon 32.47051 5.025317 110,923

192 East Equatoria Magwi 31.86681 4.407833 45,765

193 East Equatoria Magwi 31.91563 3.93382 44,846

194 East Equatoria Magwi 31.99273 3.74441 100,589


195 East Equatoria Magwi 31.99273 3.74441 32,693

196 East Equatoria Magwi 31.99273 3.74441 67,812

197 East Equatoria Magwi 31.99273 3.74441 53,993

198 East Equatoria Magwi 31.99838 3.7243 7,200

199 East Equatoria Magwi 32.1902 4.28147 400

200 East Equatoria Magwi 31.99611 4.21156 10,074

201 East Equatoria Magwi 31.99173 4.12959

202 East Equatoria Magwi 31.99815 4.14038 2,130

203 East Equatoria Magwi 31.9768 4.10307 5,093

204 East Equatoria Magwi 32.07415 4.05236 15,548

205 East Equatoria Magwi 32.00497 4.162472

206 East Equatoria Magwi 0 0

207 East Equatoria Magwi 32.03715 3.59897 69,350

208 East Equatoria Magwi 31.99273 3.74441 40,318

209 East Equatoria Magwi 31.99128 4.12742

210 East Equatoria Magwi 32.50731 3.81254 144,302

211 East Equatoria Magwi 32.00605 4.17571

212 East Equatoria Magwi 32.2644 3.8386

213 East Equatoria Magwi 32.51156 3.76733

214 East Equatoria Magwi 32.53778 3.95302

215 East Equatoria Magwi 32.22208 4.21923

216 East Equatoria Magwi 31.9814 4.023008 2,860,000

217 East Equatoria Magwi 32.51308 3.76831 217,904

218 East Equatoria Magwi 32.00908 4.276722 13

219 East Equatoria Magwi 32.51967 3.768389

220 East Equatoria Torit 32.48197 4.403662 0

221 East Equatoria Torit 32.64698 4.31989 29,515

222 East Equatoria Torit 32.37709 4.22503 47,970

223 East Equatoria Torit 32.3775 4.22465 21,653

224 East Equatoria Torit 32.49123 4.38643 7,448

225 East Equatoria Torit 0 0

226 East Equatoria Torit 32.47997 4.65453

227 East Equatoria Torit 32.48049 4.6532 2,500

228 East Equatoria Torit 32.6516 4.64782

229 East Equatoria Torit 32.29993 4.49854

230 East Equatoria Torit 0 0

231 East Equatoria Torit 32.74146 4.48599 233,600

232 East Equatoria Torit 32.7434 4.48653

233 East Equatoria Torit 32.65389 4.654167

234 East Equatoria Torit 32.50532 4.41609

235 East Equatoria Torit 32.50375 4.415917


236 East Equatoria Torit 32.19234 4.56889 500,000

237 East Equatoria Torit 32.56687 4.42214 11,120

238 Jonglei Akobo 32.99999 7.932986 1,978,079

239 Jonglei Akobo 32.28006 8.178219 3,388,152

240 Jonglei Akobo 33.00464 7.785028 25

241 Jonglei Ayod 31.43333 8.116667

242 Jonglei Bor South 31.5725 6.257139 39,000

243 Jonglei Bor South 31.58641 6.387674 125,000

244 Jonglei Bor South 31.71373 6.20173 35,000

245 Jonglei Bor South 31.73194 5.892222

246 Jonglei Duk 31.41506 7.459764 20,000

247 Jonglei Duk 31.41667 7.461111

248 Jonglei Fangak 31.15858 9.408694 812,181

249 Jonglei Fangak 31.1561 9.40905 20,000

250 Jonglei Fangak 30.88446 9.069444 3,526,564

251 Jonglei Fangak 31.15089 9.411361 18,382

252 Jonglei Fangak 31.15542 9.407306 710,235

253 Jonglei Khorflus 31.15139 9.410556

254 Jonglei Khorflus 31.2121 9.171833 850,000

255 Jonglei Khorflus 31.76603 8.99329 220,000

256 Jonglei Khorflus 31.49831 9.143 139,650

257 Jonglei Khorflus 31.73892 9.0959 274,000

258 Jonglei Khorflus 31.77379 8.96962 135,000

259 Jonglei Khorflus 31.40944 9.290278

260 Jonglei Khorflus 31.58606 9.313556 20,509

261 Jonglei Khorflus 31.55278 9.361111 250,000

262 Jonglei Khorflus 31.15556 9.410556

263 Jonglei Nyirol 32.14975 8.179611

264 Jonglei Nyirol 32.12079 8.179653 5,866,366

265 Jonglei Nyirol 32.15514 8.17889 63,000

266 Jonglei Pibor 34.46388 6.168067

267 Jonglei Pibor 33.11066 6.77836

268 Jonglei Pochalla 34.08452 7.167261 7,942,260

269 Jonglei Twic East 31.40503 7.164167 1

270 Jonglei Wuror 31.87719 7.903636 4,238,267

271 Lakes Cueibet 29.18198 7.03163 21,000

272 Lakes Rumbek East 29.74584 6.72286 12,037

273 Lakes Wulu 29.52572 6.058222 2,500

274 North Bahr El Ghazal

Aweil South 30.48384 6.544528


275 North Bahr El Ghazal Aweil West 27.36764 8.77434 80,100

276 Unity Abiemnom 28.91592 9.332589 13,252,144

277 Unity Rubkona 29.78476 9.23557 4

278 Unity Rubkona 29.76582 9.234682 12

279 Unity Rubkona 28.95172 9.122639

280 Upper Nile Fashoda 31.88864 9.86742 16,385

281 Upper Nile Longochuk 33.97303 9.209897 4

282 Upper Nile Maiwut 33.57133 8.500686 4,683,615

283 Upper Nile Maiwut 33.78335 8.383342 34,471,616

284 Upper Nile Malakal 31.66926 9.490263

285 Upper Nile Melut 32.26661 10.31228 253

286 Upper Nile Panyikang 31.54353 9.36647 1,427

287 Upper Nile Panyikang 31.3891 9.33 113

288 West Bahr El Ghazal Jur River 28.00983 7.50428

289 West Bahr El Ghazal Wau 27.94263 6.8033 2,827,433

290 West Bahr El Ghazal Wau 27.94278 6.803318

291 West Equatoria Maridi 29.47838 4.923359 38,600

292 West Equatoria Maridi 29.495 4.924722

293 West Equatoria Mundri East 30.44625 5.33996 2

294 West Equatoria Mundri East 30.72247 5.51356 5,006

295 West Equatoria Mundri East 30.507 5.222795 63,000

296 West Equatoria Mundri East 30.72247 5.51356 2,000

297 West Equatoria Mundri East 30.75377 5.51666 100,400

298 West Equatoria Mundri East 30.72528 5.513056 95,450

299 West Equatoria Mundri East 30.44849 5.34607 8,986

300 West Equatoria Mundri East 30.86269 5.53425 108,707

301 West Equatoria Mundri East 30.72542 5.512944 61,197

302 West Equatoria Mundri East 30.72542 5.512944 61,197

303 West Equatoria Mvolo 30.03547 6.085929 150,000

Total 98,403,022


Annex II: Maps of Hazards Cleared/Closed in South Sudan Map 3: Suspected AP Hazards Cleared/Closed from January to December 2015


Map 4: AP Suspected Hazards Cleared/Closed as of December 2015


Map 5: Suspected Hazards Cleared/Closed from January to December 2015


Map 6: Suspected Hazards Cleared/Closed as of December 2015