conventions from real text


Upload: rachelcj

Post on 21-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Conventions from real text
Page 2: Conventions from real text

Upon making our final product ‘Disconnected’, we used, developed and challenged forms and conventions of real

media products. We met the conventions of a typical crime/ psychological thriller genre, but we also challenged some

of these in order to give the audience a sense of familiarity and repetition, as well as variation.

In my opinion we successfully used a range of conventions such as using styled titles and our flashback sequence.

This was because they were all used effectively and allowed us to portray meaning which according to the audience

feedback we received, the audience liked.

We challenged some conventions such as using an atypical Indian, female protagonist due to the fact that this would

add variation to our piece which would keep the audience interested. In addition, we subverted the conventions of

camera in some ways by using less close up shots and more mid shots. This was able to successfully portray both

facial expressions and body language giving the audience a better understanding of our protagonist.